Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Mi familia no es perfecta

Who's this beautiful girl?
Oh! Yuck! Mmm!
Someone needs her dirty diaper changed!
- Come here.
- Here's the stuff.
- While you change her, I'll go pee.
- Sure.
Let's see, is your back dirty?
No, perfect.
Who's the cutest baby?
So cute
Mariana! What are you doing?
So, half your genes come from him?
Yes. That's why I want to meet him,
but there's not much information here.
Do you need help?
Facebook is for newbies.
All right, help me.
If my mom won't tell me the truth,
we'll find it ourselves.
Right, little penguin?
Just the man I was looking for.
- Me?
- Mm-hm.
What did I do now?
Well, Mariana says
you're kind of a math genius.
I have a test coming up.
If I fail, mom will kill me.
What's your schedule,
and your tutoring rate?
I'm not sure.
Where are you going?
To the park, with the babies.
- I'll go.
- No, no, no, it's fine.
You schedule Ceci's classes.
Then work on the app,
we need to keep going.
You do know why
she told you to stay, right?
She's meeting with Elena.
It's fine, no problem.
Mariana and I are good,
working as a team for Regina.
Mmm. Mm-hm.
- Alta, are the girls taking their stroll?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Mrs. Mariana is out with them.
- Great.
I won't make it to lunch today, okay?
Or even to dinner.
I texted you today's menus.
Let me know if you need anything.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Thank you.
The security guard says
you've been here since 6:00 a.m.
You told me I needed to prove
I have both time and disposition.
This is to prove I do have both.
- Yes, but don't go overboard.
- No, don't worry.
For moms with babies,
days start quite early.
Hey, hey, hey. Enough already.
You're not the first man, or last,
who has to work with his lover.
We weren't lovers,
it was just a transaction.
- You were lovers.
- No, no
She wasn't my lover!
We were we were two close friends.
Who occasionally had sex.
Sure, but if you keep seeing her,
you'll be lovers again.
We weren't lovers.
I'm not losing Ana or my family
over some screw-up.
So, lovers or not
I think you should stop seeing her.
How? Ana asked me to please
help her with her business
because "she's family."
Her daughter and grandchild live with me!
Okay, chill out.
I'll help you with Tere, okay?
I'll help her with her business.
But do something about Mariana.
You must get her out, she's a time bomb.
And if you ask me,
you were, in fact, lovers.
I always knew your mom was nuts,
but not how much.
I have to go now,
the new girl in the band just arrived.
- You'll come to the gig, right?
- Sure.
It'll be my first night out
after giving birth.
I hope my clothes fit.
- Yes, especially with those big boobs.
- Hey.
- I'm off.
- That's mean.
Don't you dare
stand me up, you big fat cow.
No way.
AGE: 46
You're a big-time hacker.
You scored points with me today.
Well, I hope I can beat whatever
Elena scored today.
Oh, come on, Pablo
Are you still competing with her?
Oh, I'm joking.
I know you're just friends.
And that makes me happy.
I hate it when she and I fight.
Honey, would you
turn off the lights, please?
I need to sleep, I'm exhausted.
Ana, we need to talk.
Really, right now?
Oh, sorry.
Not my fault there's no other time.
What is it?
Mariana must leave.
- Why? Did something happen?
- No.
It's time for our family
to go back to normal.
Regina has a family
and we'll be there for her.
I don't know what you're waiting for.
For Valentina to drink formula.
You said two weeks tops,
and it's been close to a month.
It it's what we agreed on.
You're right, I'll talk to her.
Mariana? Sorry about the costume.
I came from a casting call,
they wanted to see me as Santa.
Your message said
you want me for a kids' party.
Well, actually
I'm Tere's daughter.
And I want to know how and when you met.
That guy came back
The one I speak of in my songs ♪
All those beautiful chats at dawn ♪
That guy came back
The one I longed to see again ♪
And I fell in love ♪
When I saw him again ♪
You see me like no one does ♪
No one ever smiled
at me like your mother did.
I need to know if
you're my biological father.
Sweetie, that's impossible.
I never slept with your mom.
She had a boyfriend.
That time we both had ♪
May time never stop ♪
Don't you look at your watch ♪
Do you know
who that boyfriend was?
I know all about him.
We became friends after he beat me up.
Ronald, I think
you went a little overboard.
Hmm. You said shocking
and realistic, that's what I did.
No, I wanted it to look like a rash,
not leprosy.
- Fuck!
- Shh!
What happened to her?
Nothing, she's fine. It's makeup.
Juan Carlos wants
Regina and you to move out.
If Valentina is allergic
to formula, that won't happen.
But why would Juan Carlos
want us out of this house?
We agreed you'd stay for two weeks
and it's been way longer than that.
Ana, come on. He won't buy this.
Of course he will.
- Yes.
- Of course he will.
- But of course.
- Yes.
I'll make sure he does.
- What's wrong with Valentina?
- She's fine.
- It's makeup, it's fake.
- I think she looks magnificent.
She does, but it's not Halloween yet.
Listen, Ceci.
You don't want Regina
and Mariana to leave, do you?
No, of course not.
Well you'll have to keep this secret.
Keep it safe.
Come with me, please.
- He's coming.
- What?
- What's wrong with Valentina?
- Formula made her ill.
It's an allergic reaction.
Fever's down, but she threw up all day.
It was horrible, Dad.
Like The Exorcist, she wouldn't stop
vomiting, her head almost spun.
- What did the doctor say?
- It's not serious.
But she should quit formula
and continue with breast milk.
Right, until she starts eating solids.
- Aw
- Not now, she's falling asleep.
- Sir
- It's fine.
You should let
the women of the house handle it.
It's okay. Out you go.
Alta! Why are you laughing?
Uh Hey, excuse me.
Traffic was so awful.
How are you doing?
Excuse me, do we know each other?
Yes. Tere, right?
- Yes.
- Tere, I'm Víctor.
Juan Carlos's brother.
- Oh
- Juanqui.
My brother's tied up at work,
so he sent me instead.
Sorry, you caught me off guard.
Nice to meet you.
- You too.
- My pleasure.
- Excuse me.
- Thank you.
- A glass of wine, please.
- Sure.
So, Juan told me you need help
setting up your business.
So, here I am. Tell me all about it.
Oh, okay, great.
Yes, my partner and I
are opening a salon
with different services.
Haircuts, dyeing, manicure, pedicure.
But we want to specialize in microblading
and luxury facials.
- Look.
- Okay.
Uh What are luxury facials?
Exotic face masks, no one else has them.
- Ah.
- That would give us an edge.
- Great.
- Mm-hm.
So, what about massages?
It's not a bad idea.
I'm very good at massages.
- Really?
- Mm-hm.
I'd become a regular.
I have a horrible sore muscle in my neck.
- Really?
- Yes.
- May I?
- Yes.
I can feel it, it's horrible.
You're stiff as a board.
Well, I don't know if you have the time,
but I could give you one.
No, not here, at my apartment.
squared minus P1.
Minus VX times one
just as with any other equation.
That's how precise math is.
Thank you, see you next week.
I never imagined
that story would lead to this.
So, would you agree to a DNA test?
It's just that
this is a lot to take in.
All of this.
Yes, I understand.
So, you like math?
I fucking hate math.
Why don't we move
to more interesting calculations?
Like, at what age
should one lose their virginity?
I'd say around 17.
I just turned 17, you know?
Ceci, that's not a calculus problem.
By my calculations, I made you nervous.
By my calculations,
you think you can do equations,
but you can barely count.
You think I'm privileged, right?
I don't think so.
I know you're privileged.
How do you feel?
I feel very
And you?
How do you feel?
What's wrong with you?
I'm just doing what any man
would do in this situation.
- No!
- What?
What situation?
You had a deal with Juan Carlos.
I thought you'd have one with me
- Out of my house.
- Tere
- Please
- You got confused.
Get out, please. Out!
What's wrong with you?
I'm so sorry.
How much do I owe you?
Really? Get out, please.
- Sorry.
- Out!
Why are you mad?
- I sent my brother to help you.
- You're cynical!
- Is this your way of helping me?
- Come on
Tell me what happened.
You had no right to talk about us
to your stupid brother!
Especially not so he'd
treat me like a prostitute!
Are you gay or not?
I don't know.
Elena is the first girl I've dated.
Mmm, I think you should become fully gay.
Leave Pablo and stay with Elena.
You'd be happier that way. Really.
You look amazing.
She's getting ready for Elena.
It's my first night out
since I gave birth.
To be honest, I want to feel good.
Do I look like a cow?
If all cows looked like that,
I'd be a cowboy by now.
Child, Olivia is here.
Thanks, Alta.
- Mmm. So, Pablo
- Hey!
I'll leave you with the happy cow.
I'm kidding, Mariana, you look great.
Oh, all right.
Thanks for taking care of Regina.
It's your night and that's what
we're here for, to support each other.
Point in my favor?
Oh, baby.
Bye, sweetie.
Thank you.
Are you still here?
Aren't you going to dinner?
Everyone's there.
What dinner?
You weren't invited.
I don't think it's
an important gathering anyway.
- Who's going?
- Uh
The board members and senior officers.
Anyway, ciao, Mamma.
Cynthia come here.
Bring me the pants and blouse
I have in case of emergency.
And find out
what restaurant Manolo's going to.
You needed to see me?
What the hell did you do
to Teresa, you cynical ass?
I didn't do anything.
You were supposed to help her,
not take advantage of her.
It was a misunderstanding.
She said she'd give me a massage.
We went to her apartment and
there you go.
Plus, if you're getting rid of her,
you shouldn't care.
Damn it, Juan Carlos, you do care.
- I told you, man.
- Shut up, asshole.
Or what?
Gonna beat me up?
You're screwed, Juanqui.
You need to do something and soon.
I don't know if George told you,
but I'm learning Portuguese.
That's interesting.
We need more executives
who can speak Portuguese.
My name is Manolo.
I really like your country.
It's impressive.
- Not bad.
- Not bad. I'm still learning.
Good evening.
Sorry I'm late, but
I didn't get the invite on time.
I'm sorry. I assumed
you'd be busy with your children.
Right. Yes, right.
Don't worry.
Good thing Manolo clued me in.
Matheus, so nice to see you.
I'd like to talk to you.
Brazil is going
through a political crisis.
We must come up with strategies.
I hope you have time
to hear some of my ideas.
I'm glad you came.
If your life was a movie ♪
Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey! ♪
What ending would you choose? ♪
Hey, hey! Hey, hey! ♪
I don't want to be invisible ♪
I could be anything you want ♪
Like a lightning bolt ♪
L'enfant terrible ♪
That was fucking cool, dude!
You're super talented too.
You all are. All of you! Amazing!
What matters up there
is feeling what you play. Right, Elena?
I'll go get a drink.
Oh, I need a drink.
It's really hard to consider
women for senior positions.
There are some exceptions here.
What do you mean?
Well, you are women,
but you're also brilliant.
That's a hard combo to find.
Well, I know a few.
Maybe, but hiring them
poses a significant risk.
For example, if they get pregnant,
we pay maternity leave
and temporary cover.
Once they come back,
their productivity takes a dive.
Need I remind you
that I closed a huge deal
the day I gave birth
to my lovely daughter?
Which proves women are not just capable,
but that we can excel
at several things at once.
Well, I've always preferred
working with women.
They have prettier legs.
- Sexist remark.
- Hah!
Yet another problem of working with women.
No sense of humor.
Ana, please, don't take this personally.
How could I not?
I'm everything he mentioned.
I'm a mom, a woman and an executive.
And you're not helping me
educate these chauvinist men?
Don't drag me into it.
I chose not to have kids.
I'm destined for something greater
than changing diapers.
Oh, oh, okay.
If you'll excuse me, gentlemen.
I am one of those lame women
who have to change diapers.
But of course
with very beautiful legs.
- Ana
- Good night.
Good night.
Why the attitude?
Because you're toxic.
You don't even know me.
Fake lesbians like you are all assholes,
mean and full of shit.
Well, real lesbians can also be assholes.
Let me explain
why I think you're full of shit.
You didn't care
about breaking Elena's heart.
You spilled your drink.
Speak the truth, Elena.
Don't you like me?
Come on, of course I like you.
You're fucking kidding me.
The fake lesbian was spying on us!
Oh, I knew I'd find you here.
What is it?
- Are you okay?
- Yes. Everything's fine.
Someone just called me
a fake lesbian tease.
But other than that, I'm great.
Well, I just had dinner
with some sexist dickheads.
As if being a mom were an insult.
You know what?
We should create a scandal
to reclaim our rights.
Yes, we should.
We really should.
I fell down, I got up
I walked down, I climbed up ♪
I went against the tide
I got lost ♪
I failed, found myself
I lived and learned ♪
You hit really hard
Deeper is the beat ♪
It's me ♪
It's me ♪
It's me ♪
I'm so worried.
Juan Carlos wants me out of his house.
Really? How do you know? Did he tell you?
No, he told Ana,
but I don't understand why.
Ana is only asking
for two months, until Valentina is weaned.
Well, yes. Beats me.
It's weird.
What's wrong?
Nothing, just some paternity test results.
You asked Pablo for a paternity test?
Actually, I asked all your ex-lovers.
Yeah, from a guy called Esteban
all the way to Mariano.
Turns out neither one is my dad.
What gives you the right
to invade my privacy and my past?
Why are you digging around in my business?
FYI, your past is my past too.
I won't leave it alone
until you tell me the truth.
You want to meet your dad?
Grab your stuff, let's put an end to this.
Come on!
Are you sure?
No. Hurry up and knock
before I chicken out and run.
What do you want?
I told you not to come here.
I'm pregnant.
Well, congratulations.
It's yours.
What? Do I look like I'm stupid?
God knows how many guys you've slept with.
But you're not foisting that baby on me.
Hey, do you have a problem?
Now, both of you,
get the fuck out of here!
Let's go, Anuar.
- Can I help you?
- Yes.
I want you to meet your daughter, Raúl.
I'll tell you the same thing
I told you 20 years ago.
This brat isn't my daughter.
God knows how many fuckers you slept with.
You won't get a cent from me.
No, no.
We want nothing from you.
I just wanted to meet you.
But, you know what? You're right.
I couldn't be the daughter
of an arrogant bastard like you.
Really? Attack! Go on!
Mariana! Wait.
The keys, get your keys.
Go on.
Here's one
for all you've done to me, motherfucker!
- Ana, here's a list of questions.
- Mm-hm.
- Tell me what you think.
- All right.
Ana um
what are your babies
and all these people doing here?
- Jorge, how are you?
- Fine.
Look, this is Lorenza.
This is Jorge Benítez, my boss.
He's the champion behind all this.
You should take
the chance to interview him.
Of course, Jorge.
- Hi, Lorenza, nice to meet you.
- Hi, nice to meet you.
But interview me? Why?
Don't be modest, Jorge.
Ana told me you've promoted
innovative gender equality policies
within the company.
And you've placed women
in important leadership positions.
- Tell us about it, Jorge.
- Uh
Please, have a seat.
- I can call you Jorge, right?
- Uh, yes, sure.
There's nothing sexier
than a man who respects women.
Thank you. Um
Tell us.
He was my high school teacher.
I was dazzled by him.
But he turned out to be a jerk.
Anuar was my best friend,
he offered to help me raise you.
The fighting drove us apart
when you were still little.
Forgive me, honey,
I know I should've told you before.
It's okay, Mom.
You were trying to protect me.
Mmm. My little girl.
Don't you want to work?
I'm overwhelmed. Too much crap lately.
It turns out my dad's a jerk.
Juan Carlos wants to kick me out,
and Elena's friends
treated me like shit, man.
For what for what it's worth
I love you.
A lot.
What? Why did you do that?
Sorry, dude.
You're the queen of mixed signals.
- Me?
- Yeah.
But I've always been clear.
Mariana, you want the world
to revolve around you.
And that's not cool.
We need to talk.
- I don't want to see you, go away.
- No, Teresa, just listen to me.
I know what my brother did.
I had no idea, he's an asshole!
- You told him about us.
- Wait, wait!
Because he showed me the app
where I met you, that's why.
- I'm not like him.
- If you didn't want to help me,
you could've given Ana an excuse.
- Simple.
- I wanted to help you.
By sending your brother in your place?
Ever since I saw you again,
I realized I can't be near you.
No! Okay, yes.
Wait, no, no.
No, stop!
This can't happen again.
Tell Ana we're done
with the business plan.
I'll find a way to pay you back,
but let's stop.
Even if you pay me,
we'll still see each other.
Your daughter lives in my house.
Teresa, please, convince Mariana
to move back with you.
Only Ana and Mariana can decide
when to leave their daughters.
You know what?
Everyone's priority should be the babies.
You're right, I'm wrong.
I came to apologize.
No, Mariana, I should apologize
for the way Natalia treated you.
I didn't know you had something with her.
It's just a fling, that's all.
But she's super jealous of you.
Tell her she shouldn't be.
I don't want to hurt you.
Or send you mixed signals.
And I don't want
to abuse what you are to me.
What am I to you?
Well we're best friends, right?
I don't want to get in the way
if you start a relationship.
Oh! Ouch!
I guess it's normal, huh?
What I feel is what it must feel like
to go from girlfriend
to friend, naturally.
Hey I'm sorry.
Can I hug you
without it being confusing?
Why don't you sit?
Juan Carlos won't like it
if he sees me here.
Come on, Mariana.
You're part of the family.
- Sit down.
- No, no.
Seriously, I don't want to be
a source of conflict.
Why? What happened?
Dad wants to kick Mariana
out of the house.
No, no, no.
Dad just thinks
it's time to go back to normal.
But I don't want to go back to normal.
- No, me neither.
- Neither do I, ma'am.
Me neither.
Mariana, you're more than welcome here.
Please, sit down.
What happened?
Why the sudden change of heart?
I realized that
these girls are our priority.
And, given the circumstances,
you two know what's best for them.
If this is the new normal,
I'm willing to accept it.
Thank you.
Come here.
Oh, look!
Look what I just got.
- What is it?
- It's cool, right?
- Amazing, Mom!
- It is.
I'll be the envy of all my enemies.
Oh, I'm so happy!
- What?
- Happy?
- Yes.
- Oh, Ceci.
It's true.
Oh, sh!
You're amazing.
- Let's eat.
- So loved.
She's so loved.
What did I miss?
Alta, pour me some wine, please.
What year?
I'm having dinner
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