Dead Mountain (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

I hereby inform you
that on February 17, 1959
I saw that in the sky,
was a milky white blur,
consisting of a string of concentric
If you come across something like this
or, it turns out
that this is has something to do with the death
of the group, the information is three zeros.
Kostin, are you crazy?
The mystery will not be solved from the office.
I'll spend the night in a tent,
in the place where they slept.
March 8, 1959
Archive of the Prosecutor's Office
in the Sverdlovsk region.
We checked the slope several times,
all the way from the stream to the Lozva River.
We work with 1.5 m probing sticks.
Each seeker does
10,000 hits a day.
Nothing yet.
What do you say?
Well, our unanimous opinion is
that we won't find any other bodies now.
We must wait
until the snow melts.
We suggest that you postpone the search
until the end of April.
So you came here with this?
We have four undiscovered bodies.
Do you want to stop searching?
- Not to stop, but to postpone.
What do we tell their parents?
That we'll find their children later,
when the snow melts?
The volunteers are exhausted,
that's understandable,
but the search must not be stopped.
Replace people and increase
the probing depth.
The snow there is really very deep.
This is my personal opinion.
Undoubtedly, the final decision
will be taken Comrade Ivanov.
Could you come with me?
Make a list of the searchers
that should be replaced first.
Vasily, I'm going back to Moscow.
There are special instructions for you.
I hope you understand what this means.
Oleg, you insult me.
I took this photo
when I spent the night at the pass.
This was done on February 17
from a member of the search group.
while i'm gone, ask the locals.
had they ever seen anything like it?
Do you think it's possible?
that it's something alien?
I don't think anything right now,
I recommend that you take your time with the versions.
Just ask people and send
protocols to me in Moscow.
Yes, sir.
- Get busy!
May 1, 1959, Moscow
- Thank you.
Comrade, do you have a light?
What a fancy one! Is it German!?
I also had one.
I lost it in a bet with a friend.
I took it from a dead Kraut.
I don't think it was a fair exchange,
I took their lighter,
and they took my leg up to the knee.
Sevastopol is worth it.
How do you know it happened in Sevastopol?
This is the first time I've seen you.
Look how sharp his eye is!
What are you, special department?
Happy holiday, comrade.
- Hello, Oleg.
Good afternoon.
Hello, Nikolai.
- Hello, Oleg Dmitrievich.
How did you get there?
- It was boring.
We wanted to see Moscow as soon as possible.
- I see. Is this your first time here?
Of course, I am here for second time myself.
I was here once as a little girl, before the war.
What do you want to see most, Kolya?
- I don't know.
Planetarium, I guess.
We'll make it happen, Nikolai.
Oh wow! Oleg Dmitrievich, is this your car?
- This is work car, Kolya.
Comrade Lieutenant, they didn't
give you a uniform to pick up girls.
Not at all, guilty.
- Open the car!
I'm sorry.
You have a minute to write down her number.
- What?
40 seconds left. Come on!
- Yes, sir. Thank you, Comrade Major.
Come in, welcome!
Be bold! Go ahead, Kolya.
Make yourself at home.
I've got everything ready.
Katya, you'll settle in here.
Towels and clean sheets are in the closet.
Kolya, I've prepared
the sofa for you here.
Breakfast - there are groceries in
the refrigerator, use them.
What else? I think that's all.
Kolya, take the suitcase.
and take your stuff out.
Are we bothering you? Where will you be?
- We have a great officers' dormitory.
You don't bother me at all.
- Thank you.
Thank you for all of this.
And for inviting us.
It's good to see you.
To be honest, I thought I'd see you in Ivdel.
I thought I'd be called, but
Then I remembered that I had promised Kolya
that I'll show him Moscow and I called you.
I'm glad you called.
Kolya was very happy.
I'm glad, too.
Everyone, get some sleep until tomorrow.
Kolya, the stars are tomorrow.
- Hooray!
What stars?
- Planetarium, I promised.
Oleg! Sorry!
Just a second.
Here, Tempalov asked me to pass it to you
personally and not to tell anyone else.
What's it?
- Photos I took,
when I spent the night on the pass,
where the tourists died.
I gave Tempalov a job to ask
if anyone has seen anything like this?
This is an interrogation report.
Local residents.
12 people describe the
same thing in their own words.
Second Headquarters of KGB, USSR.
- Glowing circles in the sky.
Does this Tempalov know how to
treat this kind of information?
My protocol was delivered in a
sealed envelope by a trusted person.
Comrade Lieutenant-General, I understand
that I meddle in other people's affairs
I remember three zeros.
But if these circles
may have led to the death of tourists
- It did not kill them.
All the rescuers and
tourists I interviewed repeated the same thing.
To leave the tent in the middle of the night, the
only warm place into the cold
Only a death threat would make them
do something like this,
or the effect
on some kind of radiation, gas.
It's impossible.
Dmitry Andreevich, I understand everything.
But understand me, too.
If the country orders me,
I'll cover it.
But I need to know.
These are R-7 ballistic missiles.
Our new development.
- Missiles?
Why didn't you say that
there was a military range nearby?
Because there is none.
It's very far away.
More than 1,700 kilometers.
Whatever impact that might have,
their deaths are out of the question.
1,700 kilometers?
It can't be! In Germany I saw
as the German FAA fly, we were close.
Kostya, these aren't some stupid German fireworks.
These are intercontinental missiles
for transporting hydrogen bombs
on the territory
of another continent.
We thought the night would hide the launch.
It turned out quite the opposite, so
This is the start time
to the nearest second
for the period February-April. Compare it
with the testimony of witnesses.
February 17, 06:40.
That's what they saw later.
And that's what I saw.
You say no one saw
these documents?
I didn't see them either.
Forget what you heard
as soon as you leave the office.
Go and work!
- Yes, sir.
Vasily Ivanovich!
- Yes?
An urgent radiogram from Tartyukov.
Did they find the bodies?
- You'd better see for yourself.
Cotton wraps, sports pants
and remnants of a women's sweater
probably from Dubinina.
had to extend the probes
to three meters
to find them at this depth.
What are branches for?
Were they going to start a fire?
No, it's a covering.
We've made several of them ourselves.
See, there is one for four people.
And where are they?
- I don't want to get people's hopes up.
But I think they left.
- They left? By themselves?
It looks like it.
But where?
They knew they wouldn't make it
to the nearest settlement.
We didn't find them near the tent
or at supply shed.
So turns out it's like
like it's
Finish it!
Turns out they were taken.
Who took them?
Probably whoever they were running
from when they left the tent?
Vasily Ivanovich,
I think I've found something.
Kolya, let's go get some ice cream!
There's a queue, get in line.
Oleg, thank you very much.
You showed us so much.
It's awkward, we're taking up
a lot of your time.
That's the reason I invited you to the celebration.
Even the KGB must have a day off.
Then let's go to the mausoleum?
Don't you have enough corpses at work?
- Oleg!
What, I can't make a joke.
Comrade Lenin had a good sense of humor.
Really? How do you know?
I was told by old chekists.
- Looks like something happened.
I said you should bother me as a last resort.
- This is it, Comrade Major.
I keep thinking I should have taken Kolya with me.
- Are you serious?
I barely managed to get those invitations
for the air parade through a general.
If I was Kolya,
I wouldn't miss it for nothing.
It's not going to be easy for your mom.
- It'll be her pleasure.
Dad's dead, she's retired.
She'll have something to do.
She loves children.
Kolya will be like a grandson to her.
What was your son's name?
I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked.
- Andrey.
My wife's name was Vera.
Has it gotten easier?
Or is it like the first day?
You know what?
The first day I tried to hang myself.
So the difference is obvious.
But it's still difficult.
In 1945, we lived in New Arkhangelsk.
And when
the news of his death
was brought to me
I just went out into the street.
Like I've lost my mind.
My head was spinning.
And simply
fell into the snow and laid there.
Just laid there.
I wanted for
this cold
to get inside me
and freeze all this pain.
But it got inside me.
And as if
it froze the whole me.
It doesn't go away.
It it doesn't go away.
My children!
They didn't do anything wrong!
Why were they killed?!
Take the kids!
- It's not their fault!
Two 10-year-old Fritz boys,
they were shot as they retreated.
she says they wanted to take them into
"hitler youth", they refused.
I understood. Get rid of her.
28 April 1945, Berlin
Go! Go, I tell you!
Stay here!
Comrade Captain, look what I found.
Move it! Come on, come on, come on!
I'm not a member of the SS.
We were given the form a week ago.
What does he say? Isn't that his uniform?
- He says, a week ago, it was distributed to everyone
and forced them to join the SS.
- So he shouldn't have taken it.
Wait, Oleg! Wait!
Look at his glasses - without them he can't see
more than a meter, what kind of soldier is he?
Himmler is also wearing glasses.
- Come on!
You know, if he would have refused,
he was going to have the same fate as the kids.
Therefore, the Soviet authorities does
not have any business with her. Stand back!
Let's at least check
if he has a tattoo.
Okay, check it.
Take off your shirt!
Take off your shirt! Faster!
I've only had it for two days!
- There it is.
It's fresh.
No! Please! Else!
- Paul!
Oh, no! No!
Back up!
- Oh, my God!
Oleg! Comrade Captain!
North-eastern side of mountain Kholat Syakhl
The bodies were taken for autopsy.
Expert Semanova is dealing with them.
But I photographed everything -
Kolevatov, Zolotarev and Thibaut-Brignol
they were a little higher. Below,
on the bulge, was Lyuda Dubinina.
So they were right in the stream.
How did this happen?
Maybe it was iced over
and they didn't know there was a stream.
Or maybe the ice was thin.
and they fell through.
Someone went to help them, but
.. it was too late.
So you found everyone.
- Yes, every one of them,
but nothing became clearer.
Did you see the documents that I sent you?
- They had nothing to do with it.
Are you sure?
I personally interviewed people.
- What do you think, Vasily?
Am I a fool?
- No, not at all.
Am I a liar?
Would I lie to my comrade?
I'll bet my arm, that you wouldn't.
So here, I give you my word of honor
that it couldn't have killed them.
I saw proof of that and I can't tell you any more.
- And for that, I'm grateful.
Well then I don't understand anything.
What is it?
Damn it!
That's from TT?
Here you go, Tempalov.
This is bad!
- About 4 meters from the fallen shell casing.
We have to draw a radius
and look for the firing point.
I'm not sure we'll find anything,
but we have to look.
After the study of the corpse of
citizen Zolotarev, 37 years old,
I believe that his death
occurred as a result of
multiple rib fractures on the right side,
accompanied by internal hemorrhage
in the pleural cavity.
The aforementioned rib fractures, as
well as internal bleeding
in the pleural cavity, were obtained
during life and are a consequence of
use of external force
to the chest area of Zolotarev.
The cause of death of a citizen Zolotarev
was violent.
Here it is.
Emptied. Who was he shooting at?
What about who fired it?
Whose gun is this?
- I have a hunch.
S. A. Z.
- Semyon Alekseevich Zolotarev.
Where did he get such a prize?
From the war?
Doesn't matter.
What matters is who he shot at.
If the gun was here,
and the shell casing was there.
It means that's he was shooting this way.
- Shall we look for the bullet in the trees?
Search for it, yes.
There may be traces of blood.
I'll take the gun.
Don't describe it in the report,
don't attach it to the case.
I'm going to Ivdel to check something.
See you!
Is the magazine empty?
- Yes. As if they were escaping.
Zolotarev was shooting,
and then they fell into the stream.
Maybe he shot at a wild beast?
On a winter's night in February?
- Maybe a bear?
They're hibernating.
- There are waking bears, this has happened.
They could have entered the lair.
- There was nothing of the sort.
This has something to do with
them leaving the tent.
Aside from the wild animals,
who else could he have shot at?
We've already dealt with the poachers,
so that doesn't fit.
But if someone escaped from the
prison camp in Ivdel,
"Flying squad" would've
snabbed them fast.
"Flying squad"?
- There is such a unit in the camp.
If there is an escape, they send them on their heels.
A squad of ex-Marines.
Once they'll find them?
they shoot them on the spot.
Does the district attorney know about this?
This is not quite according to Soviet laws.
This is our unit, the KGB.
We don't trumpet left and right about this.
We write everyone down as if they resisted.
So what you're telling me
is that out there, in the woods,
armed groups of shooters with special
training and equipment are running around?
Comrade Major, I thought you knew this.
You're one of our own, aren't you?
I didn't guard the camps.
- They are only raised if there's an escape.
What kind of fool is going to
try to run away in this cold?
Oleg Dmitrievich, don't be angry.
You will see that this is nothing.
Why would the squad kill tourists?
- They could have been mixed up in the dark.
There are no bullet wounds on their bodies.
Not on the first five, we don't know about the rest yet.
By the way, is Katya there yet?
- Katya?
Expert Semanova.
- Oh, yes.
She has her work cut out for a few more days
with these autopsies.
When I called, I told them
to tell her that we were coming.
How did you spend your time in Moscow?
What the hell do you mean by that?
Labor and Correctional camp, Ivdel city.
Bon appetit.
Oh, no! I was hoping you wouldn't see it.
Yes, one might think
that Okunev was here.
Sorry. Eat!
It's because of the formalin.
The smell of it gives me a
ferocious appetite.
Besides, I haven't eaten all day.
Okay, I ate two soups, this is the main.
I mean, the second main, the
first one I have already cleaned out.
Don't look at me!
- I'm sorry.
I've noticed that people are
very real when they eat.
I won't ask you about desk work.
No problem, between autopsies,
I have breakfast and lunch.
We found something.
But if you didn't find anything unusual
that doesn't mean anything.
I'm afraid there's something unusual.
internal bleeding in the pleural cavity the
cavity occurred during life,
as a result of either a fall,
being pinned down or pushed.
The death of citizen
Zolotarev was violent.
Show me!
Oleg, are you sure?
They were in the water for a long time.
They are not like the first five bodies.
- Come on, I need to see this.
Whatever you say.
Who is it?
- Lyudmila Dubinina.
She has
- No eyeballs and no tongue.
What is the reason?
- Tissue started
to thaw under running water
both eyes and tongue
they were just washed away.
This is explainable.
Something else is strange.
- Kolevatov, like the others,
found in February,
died of frostbite,
and the other three - from a serious
injury by external force.
Rib fractures, traumatic brain
injuries, internal bleeding,
injuries of internal organs.
Were there any gunshot and knife wounds?
No, why do you ask?
Maybe you've missed them.
- Oleg!
I get it, thanks. Sorry.
Okay, maybe it was an animal,
like a bear, what do you think?
This can happen when it hits with a paw,
but I've had cases with victims,
that were attacked by a bear.
Does not happen without traces of claws and teeth.
What does it look like?
What can you incure
such injuries from?
To break the bones,
break the skull
It must have been a very strong blow.
It could be struck only by a big and strong man.
And he must've used
some kind of baton, a rod.
What about..
the butt on the machine-gun?
It is possible, of course.
That is
you think that
Understood. Anyway, you won't tell me.
There's nothing to tell.
Thank you.
Listen, Sasha, things are going badly.
Three students had serious injuries,
broken ribs, a broken head,
they are very similar to a hit with a rifle butt.
- Damn it!
So if it has something to do
with the "Flying squad"
This means execution for them.
- Of course.
No one will admit it.
Sasha, watch out for each reaction,
every word they say.
- Yes, sir.
I wish you good health, comrades!
- Same to you!
Comrade Colonel, did
the assistant tell you why we are here?
Yes, he did. Here are two commanders
of our flying squads.
Captains Akhromeev
- Yes.
and Buligin.
Fellow officers, I am investigating
the death of a group of tourists
in the area of the Otorten mountains.
Could your groups be there
sometime late January?
- Not at all.
Were there any escapes from the camp?
We had some in autumn.
Who's crazy enough to run in the winter?
In accordance with the authority of Major Kostin,
I was given the head count of the camp.
Your authority is indeed impressive,
I would even say they are kind of eery.
Is it that serious?
- I was ordered to, and I'm doing it.
So, at the end of January,
three prisoners died on the same day.
If it's written that way, it's true.
The conditions here are tough,
anything could happen.
For the old and the sick it is clear,
but these are young recidivists.
Do you bury prisoners?
If relatives ask for a body,
yes, we give it to them.
If not, then to the crematorium.
- And something else happened during that time.
Your employee, a member of
one of the flying squads, was killed.
In whose squad?
- Mine.
How did this happen?
Due to carelessness.
He was cleaning his gun,
there was a cartridge left in the barrel.
Was it pistol "TT"?
- Of course.
We all have these - service ones.
Did you keep the shell casing?
- No, for what?
It was an accident.
Comrade Colonel, we need
your written statement for the report.
With your permission, we will
interview the witnesses separately.
Okunev will question captain Bulygin,
I will talk with captain Akhromeev.
Please provide us with
separate rooms.
Give me the key, Gusko.
I'll give it back later.
As you were.
- Oleg!
29 April 1945. Lake Langer-See.
- Where are you going?
He'll blow your head off,
you idiot!
Who are you? How did you get here?
- Petty Officer Akhromeev,
141 rifle regiment.
The Germans are retreating in Switzerland,
our troops are being transferred.
We're scouting.
This place is being shelled.
What are you scouting? We're scouting.
Look, there are two MG-42
nests on the lighthouse.
They may have a Panzerfaust. If our infantry
reaches here, they'll cut them in half.
We have to destroy these nests.
There is no one else.
Give us bayonets, Vitya!
Three will remain here.
They'll open fire for cover.
You and I will make our way through the reed.
What? Oleg, I'll go with you!
No, you're staying here to cover for us.
- Oleg!
Your wife is pregnant.
Do it, sergeant, it's an order.
Yes, sir.
- Follow me!
Stay low, scout!
Don't stick your heads out!
Our job is to divert attention.
We clean them up downstairs,
then I go up, you cover me.
So, what?
Let's get acquainted. Vladimir.
- Oleg.
What about a blind exchange?
Come on.
An apple?
- Yes.
An apple, comrade captain?!
You usually carry a gun in this pocket.
- Usually, yes.
But today it's an apple.
And its half eaten on top of it.
- Sorry, I ate some.
Look what I've got. Remember this?
Still working!
It's crazy! The Germans
know how to make things.
It's yours, if you'll help me understand.
What's going on here, my friend?
You've got your bearings right.
The three dead prisoners you were asking
about, they did escape from the camp.
Got out from the sawmill.
We raised both squads.
There was a snowstorm, the tracks were
snowed in. It was unclear where to go.
My squad went to the side Ivdel.
Buligin went towards Otorten.
We came back empty-handed,
Buligin with a corpse.
They didn't say what happened.
They wrote it down as
a gun accident.
Was he shot by a TT?
- The doctor said yes.
The boss called the whole team together
and he ordered us to be silent,
if we don't want any trouble.
He's not to be trifled with.
What happened, Oleg?
Tell me, this other one, Buligin
do you know him well?
I wish I didn't know him.
During the war, he commanded
a criminal battalion.
He redeemed himself with blood
and remained an officer.
He's not married, he only has a mother.
Do you know why he's here?
Because he likes it.
He likes to kill.
He likes to hunt people.
He's just waiting for someone to escape.
Wait, Oleg! You have in mind
the students were killed
by Buligin's hand?
- I have to tell Okunev to
be careful with him.
Comrade Captain, should I sound the alarm?
- No, no.
Settle down, no alarm.
This is a service accident.
You're free to go.
- Then we were right.
What are you talking about?
- There was an escape. The chief covered it up.
The guard was killed
- Where is Buligin?
He was behind me.
Did you let him through?
- What were we supposed to do?
He said that there might have been an escape.
That he had to check.
Where did he go?
- To the taiga.
Was he armed?
- Yes.
So what? After him, in the middle of the night?
- Don't, Oleg Dmitrievich.
He knows taiga, he's armed.
This is not a prisoner's escape.
It's all right, my old fighting buddy and I
were not born yesterday either.
- Oh, Oleg!
If my children will be orphaned because of you,
I'll come back for you from the grave.
Raise the squad.
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