Death's Game (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

It Is Impossible to Break Free and Fight against Death

Since we've hit our goal,
I'll soon proceed
with the mission as pledged.
I'll beat up Yu Gil-hak the murderer
live on this stream.
Come on, everyone.
Have I ever lied to you on a stream?
Be prepared to make donations.
I'll see you soon.
Have those idiots
been lied to all their lives?
-Hey, get a thumbnail for the video ready.
You're dead.
Who the hell are you bastards?
Did that scare you?
How scared do you think your victims were
as you sexually assaulted
and murdered them?
Let's get this stream started.
Who the hell are you?
Do you want to die?
Do I want to die?
Do you even have the guts to kill me?
Who are you?
Someone who isn't a nobody like you.
Thank you.
But may I ask
what you were doing there?
I was looking for materials
for my next piece.
So you're a painter.
I am.
By any chance,
do you know who I am?
Yes, I do.
Then why?
Why did you save me?
I don't like my materials
getting damaged.
We're here.
That's my house over there.
No, it isn't.
Why would you lie?
Who the hell are you?
What's this?
Are you up?
What's going on?
Are you trying to get back at me
for something I did?
You seem to be mistaken,
but I just kill people.
I'm killing you because that's what I do.
Who you are has nothing to do with this.
Do you get it?
Please spare me.
Please don't.
I'll kill that bastard.
But first…
You're enjoying this, aren't you?
Try it for yourself.
What's going on?
It's not working.
Is there a problem?
What happened?
Did you die and come back here?
A simpleton like you
always ruins everything
by overthinking it.
Fire does not get burned.
Water does not get wet.
It's blatantly obvious, isn't it?
Well then,
why don't you complete
this next sentence for me?
Does not die.
You planned all of this, didn't you?
-What do you mean?
-All the deaths related to Park Tae-u.
Ji-su's death.
I saw you reading her book.
Why did you have her die as well?
This is just too cruel,
even if you're a god!
Did you just laugh?
I told you this before,
but I'm not a god.
I've simply taken on this form
to communicate with humans.
I can change myself into anything I want.
Do you like what you see?
Is that your true form?
Stop it.
You were just glaring and yelling at me.
Why turn away now?
Please stop.
What's wrong?
Do you feel guilty for this woman's death?
All I did was read the writing
of a woman doomed to die soon.
I checked to see
whether she deserved to be punished,
just like you.
am I to blame for Ji-su's--
She was destined to die there
at that hour.
She just ended up getting to know
the person she was to die with.
That's all that changed.
Are you saying that Ji-su was destined
to be killed by Park Tae-u?
Why would he, though?
shall we start
the second half of our game?
That's what I wanted.
-Do you still wish for a quick death?
I can't wait to kill that son of a bitch.
Didn't I tell you
that I would intervene
if you tried to take someone's life?
Sure. I'd love to see you try.
Do you think you can break my rules
and beat me at my own game?
Humans sometimes
have to fight the losing battle.
Humans never listen,
no matter how much you warn them.
What a bunch of idiots.
I can't waste a precious bullet.
All of this is suffering
that you must experience.
What's all this blood?
Am I bleeding right now?
Who is this man supposed to be?
Is someone there?
Jeez. That startled me.
What's this guy's deal?
No way.
Is all of this blood?
That's disgusting.
My name is Jeong Gyu-cheol.
I'm 34 years old.
I was born into an ordinary family,
but I realized at an early age
that I was born with a special gift.
But the world
failed to recognize my gift.
Then one day,
I happened to come across
an electrifying sight
that filled me with inspiration.
I painted what I saw that day,
and it ended up
selling at a high price overseas
with critical acclaim,
saying that it captured human depravity.
After that,
I became serious about my art.
Severed body parts were found
in Sangwon Lake Park.
The prints taken from
the limbs that were recovered
revealed that the victim
was reported missing a week ago…
Seven dismembered bodies were found
on a hill in Pyeongjae-dong.
The police found that the mutilations…
These are Mr. Jeong Gyu-cheol's paintings.
The starting bid is 120 million…
130 million. 140 million.
This case is also presumed to be linked
to the serial killer at large.
We'll now begin the bidding
for the second painting, Scratch.
120 million. 170 million.
The fifteen people
who gave their lives to inspire me…
were born again
as the works of art I created.
You demonic sicko.
"Author Lee Ji-su"?
Her dead body…
looks like a marionette.
I'll use this demon…
to kill another demon.
Park Tae-u…
I'll make sure you die
the most painful death there is.
Your shooting skills are unparalleled.
One moment, please.
Let's go a bit more classic.
You got it, sir.
Just like the story I told you,
I've experienced seven deaths.
Now I'm living as this man
who works as a model.
The name I had before my first death
was Choi Yee-jae.
I know it's hard to believe,
but I really am Choi Yee-jae.
Father will remove me from my position
if he finds out, right?
That can't happen.
So why don't you take the fall for this?
-I'm sorry?
-You haven't been drinking.
But neither have you.
I did drugs, though.
If you do end up in prison,
I'll make it up to you
by paying you for the time you served.
I'll even make you the CEO
of one of our subsidiaries.
I'll go turn myself in.
Is this 911?
I got into an accident.
"Author Lee Ji-su"?
Her dead body
looks like a marionette.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Park is out of the office right now
on personal business.
Then, when will he be back?
I'm afraid I can't share
his personal schedule.
Which station did you say
you were a reporter for?
I'll come back another time.
There will be a seminar
for our employees today.
Make sure to be there
to get their spirits up.
Yes, sir. I'll be sure to do that.
Why don't you hop in?
It's fine. We'll take the next one.
Please, I insist.
We're all family, aren't we?
Thank you, sir.
Excuse me.
There might be one among us right now.
An analysis of roughly
1 000 successful American CEOs
revealed that 21% of them
showed psychopathic traits.
The study concludes that psychopaths
are more likely to end up successful.
If they don't have
an impulse to kill, that is.
They are able to succeed because
they push forward to fulfill their desires
without any empathy.
Stephen Lee, the CEO of Kane,
Taekang's rival company,
is said to be a psychopath as well.
We can't let them win, can we?
How about we invite
Mr. Park onto the stage for a test?
You're good-looking enough
to be a celebrity.
And since you're a man who has it all,
let's see if you also have
the traits of a psychopath.
How many smiling faces
do you see here, Mr. Park?
There are three.
You seem to have had
trouble with that one.
We'll move on to the next slide.
Which of these photos
is different from the others?
It's the third one.
I'm sorry to tell you this,
but Mr. Park doesn't seem
to be a psychopath.
That's a shame.
You have a brain tumor.
To tell you the truth,
it's too late for treatment.
Then, that blood must have been…
Mr. Jeong. I know it's hard to accept…
How much time do I have left?
I'd say a month at most.
-That's more than enough.
-I'm sorry?
Mr. Jeong.
Mr. Jeong!
I should figure out
where Park Tae-u lives first.
Mr. Jeong.
Someone contacted us saying that
they wanted to buy Red Cloud.
I told them that
the piece wasn't up for sale,
but they kept insisting
on talking to you in person.
What sort of lunatic
would want to buy crap like that?
I'm sorry?
It was CEO Park Tae-u of Taekang.
Park Tae-u?
Yes. He said that he was
on his way to the gallery right now.
I'll be right there.
I hear this piece is to your liking.
And you are?
I'm Jeong Gyu-cheol.
Right. Mr. Jeong.
It's an honor to finally meet you.
If it isn't too much trouble,
could you share
your interpretation of this work?
This piece
was created by connecting
the blood of five people.
Do you mean…
real blood?
That's right.
These lines
depict how their deaths
were all connected by the hand of a god.
The "god" you're referring to…
must be yourself.
That's right.
I knew that you'd understand my work.
Why do you think it is
that I'm so drawn to your work?
It must be because we're alike.
Like tends to attract like.
And what kind of people are we?
Lunatics who consider themselves gods.
What was that?
I kill people,
just like you.
I'm just kidding.
I didn't expect you to get so serious.
That joke was quite uncalled for,
especially from a stranger.
I apologize if I offended you.
If you ever try to kill someone,
I will intervene.
Mr. Park.
The chairman is looking for you.
I was told that you were
never going to sell this piece.
That's unfortunate.
Mr. Park.
If I were to sell you this piece,
where would you put it?
My home.
Your home…
That would give this painting value.
I'll sell it.
If you give me your address,
I'll deliver it to you myself.
If you would,
I'd be very grateful.
After that,
I would like to
invite you over to my studio.
There, I'll paint a special piece
just for you.
I'll be looking forward to it, then.
That's right.
Look forward to it.
I'll make you die a painful death.
Death said it'd intervene
if I tried to kill anyone.
Does that mean
that it's keeping an eye on me?
I pray in the name of Our Lord,
Jesus Christ.
Before we end the mass,
the father of the late Park Jin-tae John,
the former CEO of Taekang,
Mr. Park Jin-seop Peter,
the chairman of Taekang,
will offer a eulogy.
Remember how our housekeeper
would sometimes bring her baby over?
That baby had a unique name.
Bo-ri, was it?
How the hell would I remember
the name of some housekeeper's baby?
I saw it all, you know.
You're so noisy.
You covered his mouth shut.
I'm being serious.
-He survived, but he underwent surgery.
He almost lost his life.
Did you ever…
tell anyone else about this?
I told Father.
So he knew all along.
You used to take pills daily
because you kept hearing a baby crying.
-Do you still take them?
The pills in your fountain pen.
You thought I wouldn't know?
You son of a bitch!
Have you been digging up dirt on me?
Why don't you get clean?
Oh, that's right.
Maybe you can't
because you're weak-willed.
My will is much stronger
than you can ever imagine.
That's why I've kept you alive
all this time.
And another thing.
I didn't take them
because I could hear a baby crying.
It was because I kept hearing voices
telling me to kill.
was like a precious gift
to my wife and I.
Even now,
I miss him very much.
How long will he keep going on
about that dead bastard?
I'm listening.
You were right.
Today's seminar was held
under Mr. Park's orders.
Let's eat.
This is the reason we do this, isn't it?
How can you be so uncaring?
You couldn't have heated this up?
It'll get heated up
in your intestines anyway.
Why would you bring up my intestines
when I'm eating pig intestines?
You lack empathy as well.
Man, V8 engines sure are different.
Let's just leave this
to the traffic officers.
Slow down, will you?
Just let them go.
That bastard!
I've got you now.
Sir. You were speeding excessively.
Please show me your ID
and blow on this.
Why would he give out speeding tickets
when we're detectives?
You were driving like that
without even drinking?
I'm giving you a ticket.
Please be more careful next time.
Please step outside for a bit.
I'll perform a simple inspection.
Damn it.
That was rude.
Why don't you take it easy?
Please cooperate.
What did you say your name was?
Detective Woo Ji-hun
of Jungbu Police Station.
Hey, what's the matter?
Look at his pupils. I think he's high.
Just let it go.
He's Park Tae-u, the CEO of Taekang.
What's that got to do with anything?
Hello, Commissioner General Kim Nam-il.
You see, I was caught speeding a little.
All they have to do is give me a ticket,
but Detective Woo Ji-hun
of Jungbu Police Station
keeps insisting
that I accompany him to the station.
Hold on.
-Yes, sir.
-Do you want to lose your badge?
He's a busy man,
so just apologize and let him go!
Yes, sir.
I'll be seeing you around then.
I'm sorry, sir.
You may go.
Let's go.
I don't want to.
Excuse me.
Stay right there
if you want to keep your job.
That'll cover the damages.
Bootlickers like you know your place
and suck up to the powerful.
I like you.
You feed off the dead skin cells
of other people's feet.
This is my home.
What brings you by?
What else?
I came to see you, Mr. Park.
What for?
Can't you tell what brought me by
even after seeing my work?
Why don't you take your foot off?
There aren't any security cameras here.
I know.
Don't you think
I would've looked into that?
Why you little…
Get lost.
What do you think you're doing?
If you hear
what I'm about to do to you now,
you'll come off that high a little.
Have you ever been hit before?
You son of a bitch.
Why did he come all the way here
and cause such a commotion?
This will be a hassle to deal with.
What the…
Get out of my car!
Who the hell are you?
I shot you just now.
I anticipated that much.
I know a lot of things about you.
Just wait.
I've made many special plans
for you tonight.
I've killed 15 people at this studio.
Do you want to know
how I'm going to kill you?
First, I'll slowly sever off
each of your fingers and toes
one by one.
Then, I'll take a chainsaw
to make my way up
from your heels to your head.
Do you know at what point
the person loses consciousness
and dies in this process?
When is it?
See for yourself.
It happens much later than you'd expect.
What's wrong with him?
You're up.
At first, I thought you were bluffing.
It turns out you truly had a playground.
A playground?
You said you killed 15 people here, right?
You told me about your murders,
so I'll tell you about mine.
My first kill…
was by accident.
Is this 911?
Someone's been hit by a car.
I'm at the intersection outside Taekang.
Help me.
Please help me.
He looked up at me as if I were a god.
He was begging me with his eyes.
To this very day…
I remember how electrifying it was.
But no matter how many people
I ran over after that,
I couldn't experience
the sensation I had felt then.
But today,
hearing your story in the car
began to excite me.
I couldn't stop trembling.
Why didn't I think of that?
I want to give it a go too.
I want to experience it myself.
You crazy bastard.
You'll never be able to beat me.
Winning and losing
depends on whether you're alive or not.
That's why I keep winning.
I always give back as much as I receive.
Now, I can either save you or kill you.
Why don't you start begging me…
to spare you?
Kill me, you psychopath.
You fucking bastard!
Hang in there.
We're only getting started.
That was the most painful death
you've experienced until now.
You were cut, severed,
crushed, and burned.
You should still consider yourself lucky.
If you had tried to kill him,
I would have intervened
and thrown you into hell.
Did you
get yourself killed on purpose?
Are you still standing there?
Are you afraid to turn back?
The face I somberly remembered
The person I'm grateful for
The person I owe
Although there's no miracle we hoped for
Nor the strength to get back on our feet
Listen to the voice that embraces you
"I love you"
"I love you"
If you're still hesitating
I hope you find the courage
To stand up again
And overcome it
Subtitle translated by: Sonya Hong
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