Dee & Friends in Oz (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Dee and the Banana Gemstone

[ethereal, magical jingles playing]
One order of Grandma's banana pudding
coming right up.
-Thanks for helping me make it.
-Of course, Dee-Dee.
When we work together,
it's so much better.
-[Grandma chuckling]
-[both sniff deeply]
It smells delicious.
Because it is.
I'll share it with my friends.
We're bringing a treat we love.
Aw! Your new friends.
That's sweet, like my pudding.
Make sure you put the banana slices
on top right before you eat.
That's the magic ingredient
of Grandma's recipe.
[magical twinkling]
-Dee and her friends
-And you ♪
-Unlocked somewhere new
-Come through ♪
-Take a leap, Oz is waiting for you
-Let's go ♪
-Dee and her friends in Oz
-Say hi ♪
-Adventure isn't far behind
-Go shine ♪
Let's see friends
And make new ones too ♪
-The story's hero is you
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
-[magical whirring]
-[Dee chuckling]
What's going on?
We're making a cake our way.
With a little Eastyn wand-swinging action.
-Do the swing. Do the swing. Do the swing.
-Do the swing. Do the swing.
Well, since you asked so nicely,
-I'm doing the swing.
-[magical whooshing]
Yah! Yah yah yah!
-[magical twinkling]
-[wand cracking]
-I love when you do the swing.
Aw, thanks. Love ya, sister.
Love you.
Whatever you're doin'
I'm doin' it too ♪
'Cause everything's funner
When I'm with you ♪
Kindness and love ♪
-Are the ingredients that we mix in
-We mix in ♪
I'm stirring it up
With my very best friend ♪
Who's always by my side ♪
Where I like and love and need ya ♪
Sisterhood, there's nothing sweeter ♪
Sisters are the very best ♪
Sisters are the very best
Best, best, best ♪
Sisters are the very best ♪
Sisters are the very best
Best, best, best ♪
-You're the best, Eastyn.
[sighs deeply] Must be cool
to have a sister to do stuff with.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You don't have a sister?
Look. It's boiling.
Now we just have to add the ozberries.
Sister, do your thing.
One ozberry,
two ozberry,
three ozberry
-Come on, Westyn. Faster.
Oh! And we can add twinkles,
sprinkles, tinkles, and
[squeals] This pinkadee pink stuff.
Ew! I am not a fan of pinkadee pink.
-[mixture burbling]
-Mmm! I love pinkadee pink.
Stop. Follow the recipe,
or you'll ruin our cake.
Don't go too fast.
-Me? Go too fast? You go too slow.
-If you listen, we'd finish
-You go too fast
[sighs] This is gonna be a while.
-I told you that you have to go slow.
-That's it. I want to do things my way.
Fine. You make your cake your way.
I'll make mine my way.
-It's a sister bake-off.
-[heavy metal music playing]
Sister versus sister
Sister versus sister ♪
I'm the best baker
I've always been ♪
You won't be singing that
When my cake wins ♪
Your cake's half-baked
If you think it's me, you're beatin' ♪
Eastyn, Westyn, it's not a competition ♪
I'm the sister
Who bakes the best cake in town ♪
You got to be kidding.
You're going down ♪
Sister versus sister ♪
Sister versus sister?
We never agree
You're messing up my flow ♪
I like to work fast
And you like to work slow ♪
Eastyn, I've watched you go, go, go ♪
My way's best
Yours is no, no, no ♪
I'm the best baker around ♪
You're the worst baker
Hands down ♪
I'm the best sister in town ♪
You've got to be kidding ♪
You're going down ♪
[both gasp]
Uh, Eastyn? Westyn? Your cakes.
They're. uh, blurbling all over the place.
-This is all your fault.
-All your fault.
Uh, here's my cake.
And my cake.
-[all gasp]
-Oh! That looks, uh, scrumptious.
[giggles mockingly]
Our cakes are ruined
because you had to go fast.
Ah! You were going too slow.
So, what did you bring, Lion?
Thanks for asking, Dee.
I brought some roarberry muffins.
Roar. What did you bring?
-My grandma's delicious pudding.
-[all gasp]
-Whoa! That looks so delicious.
I know, right? Go, pudding.
[all] Go, pudding.
Go, pudding. Go, pudding.
[gasps] Oh! What is that?
-It's beautiful.
I've never seen anything like that before.
Uh, it's just a banana.
[all] Banana.
We don't have those in Oz.
Well, they're delicious.
And this one is the magic ingredient
of my grandma's recipe.
Ooh! Did you say magic?
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! I found another banana.
Hmm! This banana looks like a rock.
Aah! Wait. That's not a banana.
That's a gem. A real magical gem.
Indeed it is, Dee.
And it's just the gem we need.
To build the Gemstone Loop and save Oz.
-[Tin] Awesome.
-[Lion] Cool.
[Stuffley] Frumplebum,
then Quackery Ducklesworth, then
Magical gem alert. Magical gem alert.
-[gasps] What's happening?
-I said magical gem alert.
Ah! Magical gem?
Those kids found another one?
It appears so, Mr. Stuffley.
I have to get that gem.
I need its magic to control all of Oz.
I want it. I need it. I gotta have it.
play that track.
[distorted burbling]
Playing your favorite.
"Mary Had a Little Lamb."
Ah! Ew! Not that track. The other track.
Playing "Stuffley's Cool Villain Song."
Stuffley ♪
-Ooo-oo-oo ♪
I'm the teddy
Coming for the gemstones ♪
-It's all about me
-It's all about him ♪
Stuffley ♪
I'm the teddy
Coming for the Oz throne ♪
Y'all gonna see
It's all about me ♪
Stuffley ♪
I'm the baddest little bear in all of Oz
I deserve everything that is and was ♪
Dee and friends?
I ain't worried ♪
Gonna get my little paws
On all their gems ♪
Stuffley is the baddest teddy bear
In Oz ♪
-That sounds so good ♪
-Sing it again, sing it, child ♪
Stuffley is the baddest teddy bear
In Oz ♪
-I'm the baddest bear in Oz ♪
-Yeah, hit it ♪
Stuffley is the baddest teddy bear
In Oz ♪
Singin' in harmony, singin' for me
C'mon now ♪
-Stuffley is the baddest teddy bear
In Oz ♪
Yeah, yeah ♪
I'm the baddest bear in Oz
You know who I am ♪
Stuffley ♪
-I'm gonna go get that gem.
It'll be mine. Mine! Mine!
Shall I pack a juice box?
Yes. Always yes.
[clanging, flapping]
[Eastyn] Now that we found the gem,
we just have to put it
in the Gemstone Loop control room.
[exhales sharply] I'll do it.
I'll go slow and steady.
Ugh! Let me do it.
I'll get up there quick.
-Eastyn, give it back. [grunting]
-Westyn, give me that.
Oh no!
[shouts] It's mine.
[all gasp]
[all] Stuffley.
Stuffley is the baddest teddy bear
In Oz ♪
[Stuffley] I sure am. Sing it again.
Stuffley, Stuffley
Stuffley, Stuffley, Stuffley ♪
Stuffley's got the gem.
We'll never be able to build
the Gemstone Loop now.
You made us lose the gem.
No, you did.
Sisters, it doesn't matter
who lost the gem.
What matters is finding it.
I need you
to get the gem back from Stuffley.
I can do it, Miss Emerald.
I can do it more and better.
Hold on, now.
Sisters lift each other up.
You two gotta stop arguing
and start working together.
I need you too, Dee.
You're great at working with your friends.
It's one of the most wonderful things
about you.
-Will you help?
-Of course.
Now get going.
[Miss Emerald]
Lift each other up. [chuckles]
I believe in you.
Look out, world, we're on our way
Ain't gonna let nobody get in our way ♪
On a mission, got a vision
Seize the day ♪
Got my friends on the journey
I know the way ♪
The places we'll go
The highs, the lows ♪
My glow will lead the way ♪
Follow your heart, the tiniest spark
We'll journey to that place ♪
The gem is for Oz
Not Stuffley's paws ♪
We have to save the day ♪
-Got my girls with me
-And the pinkadee ♪
We'll journey to that place ♪
I can do anything
I can be anything ♪
No matter what this day brings
I know I'm on my way ♪
I can do anything
I can be anything ♪
No matter what this day brings
I know I'm on my way ♪
[Stuffley] My beautiful gem.
Gem, uh, gem, hey, gem, uh ♪
-Mr. Stuffley.
-Come on, Mr. Ducklesworth. Sing along.
I got the gem, ♪
-[Whoop-Dee-Doo] Mr. Stuffley. [distorted]
-[Stuffley singing]
-[shouts] Stuffley!
What? Can't you see I'm busting a move?
-The friends are on their way here.
-Oh no. No, no, no, no.
They're coming to take my baby.
I mean, my gem. We must stop them.
I got this gem because those sisters
weren't working together,
so I need a plan to make them argue
and fight and fuss and feud.
-I know just what to do.
-[adventurous music playing]
-Whoa! [grunts]
Ha! I'll make sure
one of those sisters wants to go one way,
and the other sister
wants to go the other way.
They'll argue, they'll disagree,
and they'll never find me
or take my baby.
[sinisterly] I mean, my baby gem.
Ahem! I mean, my gem.
[Whoop- Dee-Doo] But won't they see
the real path up to your cave?
Ha ha! Nope.
-Now, shush. They're coming.
-[Eastyn] This way.
Which way now?
-[Dee] Huh?
-[all gasp]
-Who are you?
I'm an Ozling, of course.
Ozling, huh? Don't Ozlings usually sing?
Yeah. Right.
The blue way's
the bluey-dewey way to go ♪
If you like to take it slow ♪
Ooh! I like the sound of that.
The pinkadee way is superfast ♪
Ride the Woohoo bird
It's a blast ♪
-Pinkadee? That's my favorite.
-[Dee] Hmm!
What about that path behind you?
It looks like it goes
right to Stuffley's cave.
Pay no attention to the path
behind the bushes. I I I mean
Doesn't that way sound the best? ♪
-[Westyn] Oh, yes.
-No way.
We have to go this way.
We can take it nice and slow
through the swamp.
No. We need to go this pinkadee way.
Look. We can ride that Woohoo bird
superfast right up to the cave.
-My way.
-Come on, Westyn.
-When are you gonna listen?
-This'll be a while.
I can get to the gem all by myself.
Uh! No, you won't,
'cause I'm gonna get the gem first. Ha!
[Dee] Westyn. Eastyn.
[Stuffley smirking]
[Dee sighs heavily]
They only care about who's the best ♪
And who messed up ♪
-[gentle piano music playing]
-[sighs sadly]
What happened to sisters?
Sisters lift each other up ♪
Gem, gem, gem ♪
-[angrily] Hmm!
-Good luck getting your gem back now.
[laughs sinisterly]
Stuffley, Stuffley
Stuffley, Stuffley, Stuffley ♪
[gasps] I knew it.
If it walks like a Stuffley,
talks like a Stuffley,
and dances like a Stuffley,
it's a Stuffley.
Eastyn, Westyn. Uh, um
Slow is the way to go.
Wait, Westyn.
This is the wrong way. We gotta go back.
Hm! If Eastyn is going fast,
I'm gonna go slow.
-It's the only way to
[electric guitar playing]
Uh-oh. [sighs]
Woohoo, woohoo!
Bet there's nothing faster
than a Woohoo bird, huh?
-[adventurous music playing]
There's Stuffley's cave. That way.
-No, that way. To Stuffley's cave.
[Eastyn screams] That way.
I'm I'm stuck. [grunts]
I'll get you out of there,
Westyn somehow.
-[Eastyn screaming]
-[gasps] Eastyn's in trouble too.
[Eastyn] Ahhh!
[Dee] Ah!
[screaming] Help!
[Eastyn grunts]
I think I got a plan.
Whatever happens,
don't let go of my hand. Okay?
Um What's gonna happen?
You'll see.
[Eastyn screaming]
[Dee] We're flying! [chuckles]
[all screaming]
-[Woohoo gasps]
-[Dee] I got it. Ah ha!
[all cheering]
I think I'm getting
the hang of this thing.
-[Westyn] Awesome.
-[Eastyn] Cool!
[all chuckling]
-Woohoo! Woohoo!
That Ozling was wrong about Woohoo birds.
And about swamps.
That wasn't an Ozling. That was Stuffley.
-[Eastyn gasps]
[Dee] He tricked us.
See? This is the right way
to Stuffley's cave.
-Yeah. That checks out.
You were both so busy
trying to win against your sister
that we lost to Stuffley.
I don't know a lot about sisters,
but I do know
that sisters are stronger together.
I mean, you told me that.
[gentle piano music playing]
You fight and argue ♪
Yeah, that's nothing new ♪
Think what you'll lose
But if you're in this together ♪
Think of what you can do ♪
Stand by my side ♪
And we'll arrive together ♪
We can't divide
We are stronger together ♪
Sisters lift each other up
Sisters lift each other up ♪
Up, up, up ♪
Sisters lift each other up
Sisters lift each other up ♪
Up, up, up ♪
Our journey begins together ♪
We're in it to win it forever ♪
Sisters lift each other up
Sisters lift each other up ♪
Sisters lift each other up
Sisters lift each other up ♪
Up, up, up ♪
[moaning tenderly] Mmm!
I'm sorry.
No, no, I am.
I'm glad you're my Westyn.
I'm glad you're my Eastyn.
You're so lucky to have a sister.
Dee, you have sisters too.
You got us.
We're glad you're our Dee.
[chuckling all together] Sisters.
Now let's get that gemstone, sisters.
Gem, gem, gem, gemmy, gemmy, gem
Gemmy, gemmy, gem, gem ♪
There's the gem. We need some way
to get down there and grab it.
Aah! Eastyn, you could drop down
with your wand.
That's a great idea.
One problem.
Won't he realize
the gem is gone and come after us?
Hmm. Aah!
I've got a plan
using Grandma's magic ingredient.
Gemmity gem, gem, gem, gem, gemmy
Gemmity gem, gem, gem, gem, gemmy ♪
Gemmity gem, gem, gem, gem, gemmy
Gemmity gem, gem, gem ♪
[rope squeaking]
Easy does it. Easy
Gemmy, gemmy, gemmy ♪
Gemmy, gemmy ♪
[suspenseful music playing]
-Oh my gosh.
-[Eastyn] Whoa!
[Dee gasps]
Gem, gem ♪
Did I hear something?
Aah! The swing.
Do the swing.
[Westyn, Dee] Do the swing.
[adventurous rock music playing]
[Stuffley] A-ha! Huh?
-A-ha! Hm?
-[gem dings]
-[Eastyn grunts]
[sighs in relief] Good little gem.
Now we just have to get
the gem back to school
before Stuffley notices it's gone.
We gotta get outta here fast. But how?
I think I know a way.
-[whistling loudly]
-[Woohoo birds] Woohoo!
[Dee chuckling]
-Thanks for coming.
Woohoo birds [shouts] let's woohoo.
[all cheering]
[Eastyn] Ha ha ha!
[Eastyn] Go, Dee.
Let's do this.
We got you.
[magical whizzing]
[machine clangs]
Thanks, sisters.
[magical whirring]
-[all chuckling]
-[Dee] Wow!
-[Ozlings gasp] Wow.
-Oh yeah. Go, Dee.
-Way to go, Dee.
And then, Dee, Westyn, and I got the gem
back from Stuffley's lair.
And then
And then Eastyn used her awesome wand.
[Eastyn] Westyn made sure
Stuffley didn't catch me.
And Dee was the one who helped us
work together and save the gem.
Sisters lift each other up.
Well, isn't that wonderful?
Now, who wants
my grandma's delicious banana pudding?
-[Miss Emerald] Yes. Yes, I do.
-I want some.
[all chuckling]
Gem, a gemmy gem ♪
A gemmy gem
Gem, gem, gem ♪
I don't think
that was the gem, Mr. Stuffley.
What? But I Ya-ha! Ugh!
Oh, rubber duckies.
[magical, ethereal jingles playing]
Let's go ♪
-Dee and her friends in Oz
-Say hi ♪
-Adventure isn't far behind
-Go shine ♪
Let's see friends
And make new ones too ♪
-The story's hero is you
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and her friends
Unlocked somewhere new ♪
Take a leap
Oz is waiting for you ♪
You're wonderful and you glow
Dee's got the key and we're heroes ♪
Oz is full of friends
Hold on, here we go ♪
I know you know the song
Everybody sing along ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
Dee and friends in Oz ♪
-Yeah, yeah
-Dee and friends in Oz ♪
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