Dekalog (1989) s01e05 Episode Script

Part 5

Law should not imitate nature but rather improve it Law is mankind's idea to regulate the interpersonal relations What we are and how we live is the effect of law which we either observe or infringe Man is free his freedom is restricted by another person's right to freedom And punishment punishment is a revenge particularly if it's amied at injuring the criminal and not at preventing crime But in whose name dose law take its revenge Is it really in the name of the innocent? And are the law-maker really innocent? Mr.
Piotr Balicki Will you come in, please? Throwing rage away, Mister They might still be of use Somebody threw this at me? And hit you? No Did you see anybody with a rag like this? I say, madam.
Is it a good film? No.
It's boring What it is about? Love.
But it's boring anyway Besides, there's no performance right now.
We're making a break What are you doing? Plucking the gray hairs out Do you happen to know where the nesrest taxi-rank is? In the Castle Square In the National Philharmonic in Warsaw a gala concert took place organized by the Ministry of Culture and Art Sit down, please I've taken so much time answering not because I don't know what to say But I've already been asked this question twice During my admission exams to the university the answer seemed very simple Later, four years later in this building I was not so confidnet any more Hey, Madam! We've brought supplies! Quick, Beata! Good morning Good morning Want a portrait like this one? No Is this the way to the Castle Square? Yeah.
Straight ahead I suppose that practising this profession one can correct the errors made by that huge machinery called administration of justice or at least one can try to correct them I find another thing interesting, too most of all perhaps that I will meet and understand people whom I would never meet if I practised another profession Go away! You scare my pigeons! Go away, will you? Cad! Are you fee? Don't you see I'm washing the car? Could we perhaps wait here? It's so cold We all ask ourselves whether what we're doing makes any sense I'm afraid finding the sense is a more and more difficult task it's more and more often that we doubt the sense of our actions And maybe even of our plans, too I believe it's a decline of criteria Or worse still, of values Hey, Madam! The manageress forgot to charge you for the soup vegetables How about a lift, Miss Beata? I say, Mister Good afternoon What can I do for you? I have here Are you perhaps one of the psecialists who drive pegs into the walls No I thought you might be I have here a photograph Could you enlarge it? But the bends will be visible Never mind All right Excuse me, Madam Is it true that you can tell form a picture whether the person is alive or dead? You've been listening to some nonsense Acting through the prisoner or to be more precise with the prisoner to influence others I mean, deterrence or simly frightening people It's mentioned among others in Article 50 of the Penal Code I don't think I like that irony in your voice The general prevention is a doubtful justification of severity of punishment Not in my opinion only Busides, it's often unjust Want some? The wife's prepared it for us There, have some A glass of tea, please We don't serve teas here What do you serve? Coffee and cakes I'll take coffee and a cake then Which one? A cream puff No, not this one This one here From Cain no punishment has ever improved anybody or deterred him from committing offences And now, for the news for drivers To begin with, the weather forecast Road conditions are rather bad Apart from the south-eastern regions Occasional showers possible all over the country Madzio! Madzio! It is my pleasure to inform you that you have passed the esamination Form today on after four years of study and four years of legal training please consider yourself our colleague Mister Excuse me Are you perhaps going to Mokotow district? No.
The opposite direction You see, we're in a great hurry Mokotow, please Where did that fellow want to go? THe opposite direction Could you wind the window up? It's cold Turn left here It's easier to reach Fogel street going straight ahead I prefer it this way As you wish Stop the car.
It's over there You couldn't get through any way I wouldn't even try Christ The glove compartmentthe money My wifeThe moneyGive her Please The session is closed Is it all, sir It is Yes, it's me.
I lost yes, completely I don't know, have no idea Maybe I'll go for a walk No, don't come How are you? Slept well? Well, 'bye, then Sir! Jacek! Excuse me, Your Highness I know it isn't customary You're right.
It isn't But l"d like to know once it's all over now Would it hlep any if he had an older and renowned counsel? Not at all The things I said Maybe I could have said it differently Your speech was probably the best speech against capital punishment that I've heard in years But the sentence had to be what is was You made no mistakes whether as a lawyer or as a man The circumstances of your meeting were rather unpleasant but all the same I'm glad to have met you Goodbye, sir This case, could have been tried by a better judge All that is to happen will be my fault Is that no consolation to you? No.
You know, sir It may be irrelevant but remember waht that boy said about winding a rope around his hand in that coffee-bar in Krakowskie Przedmiescie street I was there Where? In that cooffee-bar at that very time, a year ago That day I passed my lawyer's examination Perhaps there was something I could have done then? You're too sensitive to practise the legal profession It's too late now You've grown a year older today The warden will see you presently How are thing doing? Rather warm, eh? Good morning The curtain doesn't work Tidy up, will you? Come in! Everyting's ready, sir Thank you Thank you.
I expected this So did I Yes, sir You have half an hour time Half an hour? All right Come in You wanted me, sir? Take this gentleman Hello, counsellor I'm going to see him He wants to talk to me An unpleasant duty, that It isI say, sir this is my first time Let's hope it will be the last one This isn't perhaps the best moment, counsellor But we don't see each other too often, you and me I heard you have a son Congratulations Yes, he was born not long ago Thank you You wanted to see me Yes, yes Have you seen my mother? Yes Was she crying? She was Maybe she wanted you to tell me something, or No She just cried Sit down Would you could you see my mother once again? Of course I could Ateryou know, afterwards All right I'm asking because back there in the court when they were putting me into the prison van you called my name You called, Jacek yes, I called youI wanted I'm nearly twenty-one But tears rose in my eyes when you called my name I said during the trial I don't know I didn't listen too much Only when I heard you calling my name They were against me all of them it's the sme here Against what you did It doesn't make any difference You wanted me to see your mother Yes, I want her to bury me in father's grave It's a double grave Can I buried in a cemetery? Yes A priest visited me here He said it was pollible Yes Well, in that case Father's grave is a double one Mother was to be buried there it was arranged that way You see, I'd like her to let me have that place Yes.
Yes sir, Warden the Warden wants to know whether you're ready yet? Not yet You were saying I don't remember But you tole me it was a triple grave Yes, that's right Marysia's buried thereand Father and the third place is free They put Marysia there five years ago Yes.
She was run over by a tractor five years ago Back in our village She was starting the sixth form of elementary school This means she was twelve when she died Yes THis sixth form That tractor-driver he was an acquaintance We'd been drinking together he and I We'd had wine and vodka And then he drove away and ran her over on a meadow near the forest there was a meadow there, you know I've been thinking had shd been alive, everything would have been different I wouldn't have to go away I'd have stayed in the village She was my sister I had three brothers but only one sister I was her favourite And I liked her best, too Everything could have been differentperhaps Perhaps.
Perhaps it would never have happened Yes, and I wouldn't be here now The Warden and the prosecutor want to know if you're ready Tell the prosecutor I'll never say I'm ready You'll never say you're ready? Never We bought that grave Have you got the sentence? I've got all the papers Let's go Leave your briefcase in my office This way, please Take the prisoner out Yes sir The prosecutor requests that you end the conversation.
They give the personal belongings back afterwards There is among my things a receipt from a photographer's in Krakowskie Przedmiescie I wanted a photograph enlarged and didn't have the time to collect it Please collect the enlarged pictures give it back to Mother What is in that picture? It's an old picture I had Made during her first Communion I stole it from Mother when I was going away And I always had it with me It got so bent Let's go I say, sir.
I don't want to Hold him! Get him! Now, gentlemen Open the door! Your name and Christian name? Lazar, Jacek Date of birth? March 17, 1967 Parents' names? Jan andLucLucja I'll now read to you the sentence in the name of the Polish people's Rpublic of November 27, 1987.
Having examined the case of jacek Lazar accused of having performed an assault and robbery and murder of Waldemar Rykowski on March 16, 1986 in Warsaw Prvincial Court in Warsaw has found the defendant quilty of the act as charged and sentenced him on force of Articles 148 point 1 and 44 point 2 of the Penal Code to death penalty and deprivation of public right forever The Supreme court has maintained the sentence in force The Council of State has resigned its right to granpardon In this connection the penalty will be executed Want a cigarette? I'd rather have one without filter No ! Get him Hold on Execute the penalty Hold him! All right, pull it now ! Pull it ! Is it O.
Now? More! More! That enough ? No ! More ! I hate you I hate you ! I hate you ! I hate you !
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