Delicious in Dungeon (2024) s01e05 Episode Script


[theme music]
[laughter, indistinct chatter]
- This is so good!
- Mm-hm.
Real good.
The worst thing about the dungeon
is not being able to eat this good
when we're in it.
Let's savor it while we can.
[approaching footsteps]
[man] Hey there, Kabru!
[both] Huh?
Haven't seen you around.
Heard you've been doing amazing lately.
Well, I don't know about amazing.
[man] Seems like yesterday,
you all were just a bunch of rookies.
- But look at you now.
- [grunts]
It's great you guys are still together.
Big parties are rare these days.
And why do you think that is?
[man] Oh, they'd go missing
or just get sick of each other.
The fighting over money is a big reason.
But your party's been together
for a while,
so maybe you'll be the ones
to kill the mad mage.
[chuckles] Yeah, right.
We're not that good yet.
[man] Don't sell yourself short.
[light music playing]
- [Rin] Why are you like that?
- Huh?
Instead of playing coy with that idiot,
you should have just come right out
and said it.
"Of course, we'll be the ones
to take out the mad mage."
"We could never settle
for being bottom-rung adventurers
such as that goon."
They'll know us all by our actions
instead of our words.
Here's the plan.
Today, we'll go deeper into the dungeon.
Let's gear up and get ready.
[light music playing]
[merchant] Welcome.
[Kabru] Hello there.
One week's food and two days' water
for six people, please.
- [loud thud]
- [merchant] Here you go.
Dealing with food is a bigger pain
than the monsters the deeper down we go.
A week's worth of food is heavy.
Some people stay in for a month.
How do they do it?
Well, Mickbell,
what they do is
[ominous music playing]
they kill the parties they meet
and feast on their flesh!
It'd be way easier to hunt monsters
for food than other parties.
You are what folks call a wet blanket.
- [party grunting]
- [weapons clanking]
For our first time going down this deep,
we're doing amazing.
At this rate,
we're gonna get further than anyone.
Well, we're doing great so far,
but stay sharp.
[Kabru] Who knows what's waiting up ahead.
I heard things
have been strange here lately.
Some say the monsters
are getting more aggressive,
others say the layout here
has been changing.
It definitely feels a lot weirder
than before.
Better to be safe than sorry.
[Mickbell] Kabru!
Look at this! I got it off the zombie.
Let's open it.
Don't waste your time with that thing.
[Kabru] What's the harm in checking?
There could be gold in it.
We have never found anything good
in those before.
There must be a good reason
why the zombie had a death grip on it.
- Literally speaking.
- [lock clicks]
- [gasps]
- It would be dumb to not take a peek.
No way!
[Kabru] Gold and jewels!
We hit the jackpot!
- Wow!
- We're rich!
I can't believe it!
Hot diggity, what a haul.
I thought by now the dungeon
would be picked clean of all the treasure.
Oh, well. Like they say,
things happen strange here.
We so needed a break like this.
And now, we can afford the supplies
we need to go deeper.
Guys, how about we all head back to town
for some dinner.
That sounds good?
[all] Yeah!
[approaching footsteps]
These guys got wiped out big time.
[Marcille] Oh, no. Looks like
they were headed back to town too.
How awful.
[Laios] I don't see any wounds on 'em.
Maybe a ghost killed 'em.
[Senshi] Or they starved to death.
It looks to me like they killed
each other over this treasure.
I, um I'm sure the corpse retrievers
will find them soon,
but I'll cast a spell
so they don't turn into zombies.
This was Falin's specialty, though.
What do you want to do
about all this treasure?
Let's pile it up and leave it for 'em.
I bet most of it's gonna end up
in the pockets of the corpse retrievers.
- [clangs]
- [gasps]
What? Are you okay back there?
[Laios] Yeah. Sure am.
[Laios] Why'd my sword twitch?
- [squelches]
- [Laios gasps]
Hey, let go of my hand.
You're gonna give yourself away!
What do you want?
"Hurry. Draw me!"
I can feel it telling me there's danger!
[coins buzzing]
Marcille! Get away from there! [grunts]
[suspenseful music playing]
[energy humming]
[Laios in shaky voice] A stun spell.
I'm glad it wasn't an explosion spell.
[Marcille] What the heck?
Treasure insects!
These killed 'em?
Never seen one up close like this before.
I can't tell the difference
from a real treasure.
- But a minute ago, you could tell.
- Huh?
Yeah, he's right.
You even drew your sword.
Oh, um
I thought I saw one of 'em move.
[Laios] Liar.
The critter in my sword sensed them.
It's calm now, so that's got to be it.
[Laios muttering]
Is it just me or is he getting weirder?
[Senshi] Hmm.
- [Senshi] Yum. Yum.
- You have got to be kidding me.
[Senshi] These, you can eat.
These, you can't.
Do they taste any good?
Well, I'll say they do.
Bugs got all the nutrients a body needs.
Cook these suckers up right,
and you've got yourself a meal.
[Marcille groaning]
[Senshi] Hell, they're a feast
for the eyes too.
Not if you're seeing it from this angle.
[Laios] How can you tell
which are or aren't edible?
Hmm, it depends.
For example, this one's easy.
[Senshi] If you look between the beads,
you can see its skinny legs.
With brooches and coins,
you check the backside.
I think it's neat how the male and female
coin bugs have different faces.
With rings, if they're flexible,
they're a bug.
[Senshi] Tiaras need to be put in water
to tell for sure.
Bugs are light, so if it floats,
you got yourself bugs.
Let's cook these suckers
before the stun spell wears off.
For the necklace, pull off all the legs,
the texture ain't great
if you leave them on.
Then, skewer and roast it.
Heat up some oil
and give the coin bugs a good fry,
stomach side down.
Drop in a pinch of salt,
and stir them
so the oil gets around evenly.
Flip them spine side up
so they look pretty.
For the tiara, pop out the eggs
and larvae from their nest,
break it up in a pot
and boil everything together.
Spoon it into a jar and
it's ready!
Looks nice, but they still
don't look much like food to me.
Then again, it's not my first time
eating these things.
I heard they're some kind
of regional cuisine.
Some say eating them brings luck.
I'll find out in a sec.
This tastes way better
than the ones I had!
Of course, it does.
The monsters you get from the dungeon
always got better flavor
than the ones on the surface.
Folks up top can try raising 'em
but they just don't taste the same.
Dear lord, it's creamy.
I'm never gonna wear necklaces again.
This kinda tastes like fish.
If we find some deeper down,
they'll taste even better.
I can't wait.
Oh, thank you.
[Laios] Wow, that's sweet.
Can't get over how real they look.
They use mimicry
to hide from their enemies,
just like you, sword critter.
Is that why you reacted to 'em?
- Can I try one?
- Hm.
[both] Hm?
It's nothing. [gulps]
[Laios] It thought it was a threat.
It was trying to warn me.
I think it thinks we're a team now.
How cute!
I have to give you a name.
Ready to get going?
What are we supposed to do
with the ones you said we can't eat?
Toss 'em if you want.
If someone were to eat one of these,
what will happen to them?
[Marcille] Are they poisonous
or do they just taste bad?
[Senshi] What are you talking about?
You'd break your teeth.
You can't eat real treasure.
[Senshi] You'd break your teeth.
You can't eat real treasure.
[echoing] Real treasure
treasure, treasure
[both] Why didn't you say that before?
[both sigh]
Got it. From now on, your name is Kensuke!
[sword clinking]
You're eating another of those things?
We got a lot of leftovers.
Honestly, this isn't a picnic.
- Huh?
- Great. The temperature dropped.
[Marcille] All those shimmery blobs
Yeah, those are ghosts gathering.
Go. Before they see us.
They're drawn to the corpses
we just left behind.
[sighs] We should just blast them
with a spell and
That's right. Falin's not here.
[Marcille] I miss her, too.
I cast a protection spell on that party.
I had to rush it a bit,
but the ghosts won't possess
[ominous music playing]
Ghost. Behind us.
[pants, gasps]
[Laios gasps]
- [growls]
- [gasps]
- [Laios screams]
- [both gasp]
Oh, that idiot!
[loud explosion]
My ears
Hurry, get up! More are coming!
[Chilchuck] They're all riled up
from that explosion.
[all panting]
Don't you know
any less flashy magic spells?
You know, something simple.
Like the kind Falin always used.
Are you kidding me?
She used high-level magic!
There was nothing simple about it.
- [Senshi] Really?
- Oh, yeah.
It's true. She's an awesome magic user.
Dealing with ghosts was no sweat for her.
Lifgant Ardinbam.
There! That's all there is to it.
Those pesky ghosts can't harm you now.
If any show up, an explosion spell
could take them all out quick.
[Chilchuck] You could do that easy, Falin.
[Falin hums]
If possible,
I'd prefer to avoid doing that.
It doesn't get rid of them.
After they're blown to bits,
they just reform again anyway.
And I don't want to make them suffer.
You're so kind.
That's nice you're given them
the benefit of the doubt.
[zombie groaning]
But if ghosts go around
possessing people's bodies
I think they deserve
to get their butts kicked.
- [zombie groans]
- [approaching footsteps]
[Chilchuck] That guy's
on the missing adventurer list all right.
Okay, I'll take care of him.
- First, I'll knock him
- [grunts]
I'll do it.
This can be handled without violence.
[Laios] No. Falin, wait!
Be at peace, and leave this body.
[somber music playing]
[Marcille] Falin!
[Senshi] She sounds like
a heck of a person.
Yeah. Falin was amazing. I mean, is.
But if the ghosts catch up to us,
I'll have to use my magic to stop them.
Oh, no, you won't!
There's no way you can blow up
every single one of them!
I'll do it just like Falin did.
I'll give them all a gentle embrace.
- A gentle embrace of explosions.
- [Chilchuck] No.
- Gentle explosions.
- [Chilchuck] No. No!
You said yourself
you can't do it like Falin,
so just leave them alone!
[Marcille] She trusts me
to do the right thing.
Okay, then what'll you do
if you run out of mana?
[Marcille] I won't. I can use my weaker
explosion spells to blow them up.
There are no weak explosion spells!
Guys, enough.
Hate to say it, folks,
but it don't look like
we're gonna outrun these creepies.
The longer we stand around arguing,
the faster they'll catch up to us.
Wait, what are you doing?
Gonna whip up a little something
to keep the ghosts off us.
What kind of thing?
A holy water thing.
Wait, you have holy water?
Nope. I'm going to make some.
You can make that?
Didn't know you were a cleric too.
[Senshi] There's all kinds of custom
in the world to get rid of evil stuff.
Fire's one of them.
It keeps the dark back
and it can create and destroy.
All through history,
folks have used it as a sacred symbol
and a holy ward to keep that evil
the hell away from ya.
Yeah, I know all that,
but candles aren't gonna keep ghosts back.
[Senshi] One candle might not help much,
but a bunch of them all lit up
and flickering away,
that's a lot of holy power.
The golden rhinoceros beetle
is another sacred thing.
To some folks, they were symbols
of the sun and the sun god,
a lot of love for those critters.
Booze is holy, too.
It's used as an offering to the gods
and to purify whatever it is
that needs purifying.
Then, there's salt.
Traditions going way back
say it protects against evil
and purifies the body.
And since sugar looks the same,
I'll add some of that.
Not sure how potent it will be
so I'll dump a bunch in to be safe.
You're making this up as you go!
[Senshi] Not a bad idea to add some herbs,
and what the heck, dried monster guts too.
Then we'll add
the power of fire to the mix.
The holy water is ready!
Here they come!
Just got to make sure
the lid's tight on the holy water.
What are you doing?
[Chilchuck] Aren't you going to use it?
[Senshi] I will, as soon as I tie
this rope to the jar.
We're gonna die here.
[Laios] Oh, no.
I'm alive because of you.
If only the dragon ate me instead,
our friends wouldn't be in this mess.
Forgive me.
[gloomy music playing]
[whimsical music playing]
Holy crap! I saw my dad on the other side!
Uh? It's it's working.
[Marcille] Every ghost he hits
gets driven away.
The holy water works, even in a jar.
It works amazingly.
Maybe I've been possessed this whole time
by Falin.
How could you say that?
Falin would never!
And she hasn't even turned
into a ghost yet!
No, that's not what I mean.
I couldn't get over the fact
that we don't have her help.
I'm thinking about
how easy things would be if we did.
But the reality is, she's not here.
[Laios] Till she's back,
we got to help ourselves.
Yeah, you're right.
- [Laios] Senshi!
- Hm?
- Let me take a crack at 'em.
- Hm.
[Laios] It's over.
[Marcille] The jar's got frost on it!
Using holy water like that
is more efficient
than spraying it all over.
That figures.
Ghosts can pass through the jars,
so the water hits them.
[Senshi] Hm?
Well, I'll be
[both gasp]
It's sorbet.
- Huh?
- Uh
Is it safe to eat something
with ghost funk all over it?
I'm more worried
about what holy water this powerful
is gonna do to our stomachs.
I'm worried about
how much sugar I've had today.
[Chilchuck groans]
- It's great!
- Huh?
- [both gasp]
- He's right. It's good!
It's so light and refreshing too!
Instead of getting cursed by ghosts,
we got blessed.
[Marcille] You said it!
You said there's monster in this.
What did you end up using?
Just some grated Slime guts.
Oh, that explains the jiggly texture.
But it's still so smooth and creamy.
Hey, guys? Get this.
We're so lucky.
If Falin didn't get eaten,
we wouldn't be having sorbet now.
You're joking, right?
It sounds like you're happy
that she got eaten.
You're like the worst brother ever!
But I was just saying
You know, some things are better
to keep to yourself.
[Laios] Oh, jeez. If only Falin were here.
There's a positive side
to every bad situation.
[Laios] She'd say something like that
and back me up!
I don't know if it's me or this sorbet,
but the vibe here got chillier.
[Laios] Come back, Falin! We need you!
[Falin giggles]
[closing theme music]
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