Dempsey and Makepeace (1985) s01e05 Episode Script

Hors De Combat

Cor, look at this! Mr Jefferies!
- What's the matter?
- What do you make of that?
What have you found?
Open the door!
What are you doing here?
I thought
Shut up! And hold on!
How comes they give this one to you?
New set up.
Didn't they tell you?
Trouble with you, Frankie,
you've been away too long.
Where's Tommy?
- He'll be coming.
- Coming?
He ought to be
Enjoy your day out.
- Popcorn.
- Popcorn?
Yeah, "popcorn",
that's the password.
Whoever says it first, that's it,
we split.
Popcorn, right. Got it.
OK, let's keep it under 30 minutes.
So nice to see you. How do you do?
Why, Lady Harriet.
Hello, Mrs Prescott-Lowell.
May I present, Lieutenant Dempsey.
I am so happy to meet you.
Yes, same here.
I'm thrilled,
just thrilled you could come.
We wouldn't have missed it
for the world.
Come along with me, dear.
There are so many people who I know
will be just dying to meet you!
Well, don't just stand there,
Drink, sir?
Would you like a fruit juice?
The bourbon's pretty good.
I'll have the bourbon. Thank you.
You're right.
- James Dempsey.
- Angie Hughes.
- Hi, Angie.
- Hello, James.
- Are you a daughter?
- A daughter?
- Yeah, of good old George?
- Uh-uh.
I didn't think so.
Don't knock it,
they made America what she is.
Hey, who's knocking it?
You know, I support all that stuff.
What stuff?
Stuff they support.
George Washington
always told the truth.
You want the truth?
You think Martha Washington
really looks liked that?
Why not?
It's hard to imagine.
I dunno, sure would account
for the War of Independence.
Just a couple more days,
take care of some business,
and see the sights.
Then it's back to the States.
How about you?
- I work here.
- Oh?
- I'm a cop.
- Hmm sounds interesting.
It has its moments.
Thank goodness you're still
What's up?
- Popcorn.
- Pardon me?
There's some popcorn by the door.
Well, why don't you go have some?
Excuse me
- Time's up, we've had a call.
- Look, Makepeace
We're wanted - now.
- How do I reach you?
- I'm staying at the Bridgwater.
I'll call you. Don't make any plans.
- Makepeace
- Don't say a word.
High velocity rifle -
30 or 40 yards,
one bullet through the temple.
Simple, but very skilful.
Sounds like a professional job.
- Meaning?
- Contract killing?
Who was this guy?
Frank Price, one of Jack Lang's mob.
Jack runs the biggest gang
in south London.
Price went over the wall
this morning,
that's as far as he got.
They broke him out
so they could kill him?
- Why?
- You tell me?
He's obviously somebody
Price trusted,
otherwise he wouldn't have moved.
So, Price is one of Lang's boys?
Yeah. Trouble is,
it's don't feel right.
This is not the way
old Jack operates.
All the same,
that's where we'll start.
Yes, I'm praying
it's not down to somebody else.
Are you with me, Sergeant?
- Someone like, Benny Silk?
- Yeah.
Cos if it is,
this is just the bloody start of it.
Oh, and another thing,
Frank don't have anyone
with a talent for this kind of job.
So if it is a contract
They brought him in
from the outside.
What did he mean, "This could be
just the start of it?"
And who the hell is Bernie Silk?
Bernie Silk runs the West End,
plus a fair chunk of north London.
Jack Lang controls the south.
Up till now,
they've left each other alone,
respected each other territories.
But if Bernie's had
one of Jack's boys killed,
peace is over.
This could be the beginning
of a war.
Lang's one of the old breed.
He's into pubs, betting shops,
street corner protection.
Bernie came later.
He's into gambling clubs,
pornography, prostitution.
But he's never tried
to move across the river.
And you think he's moving now?
Spikings does,
and that's what counts.
Here? The guy lives here?
He's old school, like I said.
- I hope you like fruit cake?
- Fruit cake?
So, how's my old mate,
Gordon Spikings, then, hey?
He's very well, Mr Lang.
He sends you his regards.
Does he now?
You hear that, Tommy?
Well, you make sure
you give him our best regards.
He's sorry he couldn't come himself,
but he is, of course, rather busy.
Oh, yeah? What's he on, then?
Frank Price's murder.
Well that, um
that sounds reasonable.
Frank Price was one of your boys,
Mr Lang.
You must be very interested
to know how he was killed?
Unless of course
Unless of course what?
I topped him?
You, one of your boys?
Now you listen to me
And you, my girl
I had nothing to do
with Frankie's killing. Hm.
And Spiking knows it.
Just like he knows, full well,
who did.
- You think so?
- Oh, yeah.
I know so.
And I'll tell you something else,
tells Spikings to get his skates on,
and pull him in,
because if he don't
there are them that will.
- Grandad, Grandad, Grandad!
- Ha, Debbie, my little one!
- How are you, my love?
- All right.
- Did you have a nice day at school today?
- Yes.
That is lovely. Give Grandad a kiss there.
Ha-ha-ha! Caught ya, didn't I!
Here, say hello to some nice people.
Go on.
- Go on! Say hello!
- Hello!
- Would you like a nice piece of Nana's cake, hey?
- Yeah!
Yeah? Give me another kiss, then.
Ooh, Lovely!
Hold still
Oh, yeah
Tell Spikings he's got 48 hours
Two days, that's all I'm giving him.
Two days to pull that
Hah! pull that party in.
Otherwise, you'll do what, Mr Lang?
Oh Oh, he knows.
Oh, yeah, he knows.
- Yeah, mate, what you got?
- I've had a right result
Come on, don't mess about,
I ain't got all night.
So much for Lang's 48 hours
One of Bernie Silk's mob
was topped at the dog track
last night.
And nobody saw a thing.
- A revenge killing.
- What else?
- But Lang said
- We move to maximum surveillance.
I want round-the-clock
teams, phone taps - the lot!
Oh, and watch yourselves.
Looks like we've got a war
on our hands.
That is my desk.
And this is your phone,
and I'm gonna use it, do you mind?
Didn't you hear what he said?
Yeah, I'm gonna be tied up
for a couple of hours.
- This is important!
- Everything's important, Makepeace,
it depends on how you look at it.
- Well, I'm not waiting.
- Well, I didn't ask you to.
- Well, if you don't come now
- Shh!
Hotel Bridgwater? Yeah,
you got a Miss Angie Hughes there?
- There he is.
- Come on, come on, my son
Come on
Well, do we go?
Not yet.
I know I'm late.
22 minutes, but who's counting?
I decided to walk.
It's a good day for it.
I love this town, don't you?
Well, at the moment I'd say
Getting better all the time?
Hotel matches
Thanks for the lunch.
- That sounds like goodbye.
- No.
You must have
a pretty tight schedule.
I'll loosen it for you.
What are you working on
at the moment?
- You.
- No, seriously? I'd love to know.
Contract killing.
- When do you go back?
- To the hotel?
- To the States?
- Oh, tomorrow.
Or the next day, at the latest,
I can't leave it much longer.
You open to a little
friendly persuasion?
That depends on how
pressing you are.
Somebody's here.
- Here, where is he?
- He's busy. He'll be
Well, get him in here - fast!
- You like the decor?
- It's not quite my taste, sir.
Here he is, with some good faces.
Charitable work.
He's, ah just coming.
- I'll be next door.
- You stay.
Mr Spikings,
what a pleasure to see you.
Sit down, make yourself comfortable.
Colour's a nice touch, Bernie.
In mourning, are you?
For your boy, who got done
at the dog track last night?
What's your problem,
Chief Superintendent?
Not mine, Bernie boy. Yours.
Somebody's just given Jack Lang
a surprise present.
Blew up one of his betting shops
a couple of hours ago.
Did they, now?
I trust you don't think it was me?
I haven't got you down as a bomber,
Not personally.
You haven't got the guts.
I don't have to listen to this
No, but one of your firm
Well, that's different, isn't it?
You're very good at giving orders,
aren't you, Bernie?
Chief Superintendent,
I know nothing about this bombing,
I got no quarrel with Jack Lang.
But if you persist
with these allegations
You'll do what?
To hell with you,
I'm gonna phone my solicitor.
Ah, you make that call.
It'll look very good
in the newspapers.
Don't threaten me, Spikings.
I'm a respectable businessman.
Since when?
- I do a great deal for charity.
- Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I forgot.
Well, you make that call, Bernie,
and I guarantee
you can whistle for your knighthood.
Is there anything else?
Not just now.
But I'm breathing on you,
Bernie boy.
Can you feel it?
Right on your neck.
You make one wrong move
just one
and I'll nail you to the wall.
You got that?
- Grandad!
- You right, pumpkin? Ah-ha-ha-ha!
Come on. Whoa, whoa,
hold it, hold it, hold it.
Move out of it!
Get in there!
Go, go!
Listen We never started this,
but we've been hit.
And I say we hit back.
There's something going on
I don't understand.
And until I do
we do nothing.
Jack! That's twice
Bernie's clobbered us!
- Now I say we wipe him out!
- Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah
And then what, hey?
Take over his manor, do we?
Why not?
Because he's got my Debbie!
- Oh!
- Now that is why not!
He has got my little granddaughter,
Debbie. Hmph!
Now, you listen to me,
because I'm only gonna say this
Anyone who makes a move
without my saying
And I will break his bleeding back -
Now, but
Just let's talk some sense.
Shall we, hey?
'Numero sept,
rouge, impair, manque.
'Voila, madame, vous gagnez. Merci.
'Faites vos jeux,
mesdames et messieurs.
'Faites vos jeux maintenant.
'Rien ne va plus, maintenant.
Rien ne va plus.
'La balle roule.
'Numero dix. Noir, pair, manque.
'Voila, Madame.
'Vous gagnez encore.
'Beaucoup de chance ce soir.
'Faites vos jeux,
mesdames et messieurs.
'Faites vos jeux.
'Numero quatorze.
'Rouge, pair, manque.
'Je paye le deuxieme douzaine.
'Voila, madame.
'Vous gagnez encore.
Beaucoup de chance!
How we doing out there?
Happy as sandboys,
chucking the money away
like there's no tomorrow.
- And you're coining it, Bernie.
- Tee-hee.
You know, Tony, with a setup
like this, who needs crime?
- Any word from Jack Lang?
- Why should there be?
Well, he'll be pretty mad
about that bombing.
I'm sure he's mad, but it wasn't us.
He must know that.
I'm sorry, if Jack's got trouble
on his patch, that's his problem.
You know what Jack's like,
he's got a short memory
Tony, Tony, Jack and I
we've got an understanding.
All right, suit yourself.
What do you mean, "Suit yourself?"
- What do you know?
- Nothing.
Because if I hear you've been
talking to those slags
Bernard Silk.
Voila, Madame. Voila!
Faites vos jeux,
mesdames et messieurs.
Faites vos jeux maintenant.
What's wrong, James?
I don't like losing.
Is that it?
I rented the wrong suit.
I look like a waiter.
James, you look fine to me.
- Fine.
- 'Rien ne va plus.'
Could I have
your attention please, everybody?
Unfortunately, ladies and gentlemen,
I have to ask you to vacate
the premises immediately.
Now, if you follow
the staff's directions
and please leave
in an orderly manner.
Is it a fire?
- It's a bomb!
- No need to panic, everybody,
just leave as quickly as you can
at once, please.
Thank you very much. Thank you.
Go back to the hotel,
I'll call you.
Are you not coming?
I'll call you later.
I'm sorry, sir, the casino
- It's a bomb, right?
- Yeah.
- Did they say how much time?
- 15 minutes.
- Call the cops?
- I just did it.
Move it.
Charlie One, to control, over.
'Call receiving you,
Charlie One, over.'
Arrival at Bernie Silk's club
in approximately ten minutes. Out.
Take the next left
and cut up through the market.
Remind me to ring Mrs Spikings
and cancel dinner.
I got tired of waiting.
Tired of living as well?
Feel like company?
Hold it.
Is there any metal in that dress?
If there isn't, I've been robbed.
Because this thing may be magnetic.
No problem.
Was it something I said?
Nope, nothing you did, either.
But if I don't concentrate,
this will be one
hell of a way to go.
It's a good job.
You sound like an expert, are you?
You better hope so.
- Get me a chip.
- A chip?
- A chip.
- Just any old chip?
Just any old chip.
Ten grand.
I don't come any cheaper.
- Is that it?
- Uh-uh.
I'm disappointed.
I can feel it.
Oh, watch your mouth.
Now, all we have to do is
Break the contact and it's harmless.
So break it.
The trouble is,
it has to be the right wire.
And if it isn't?
Hamburger time.
How many wires are there?
Any way of knowing?
You're going to guess it?
Yeah, something like that.
Which is it, Dempsey?
I think this one.
You figure this one?
I think we have
a communication problem.
I'd say that's exactly
what we have.
And how are we going to resolve it?
Toss a coin?
Cut the cards?
OK, lover, you're the boss.
I've gotta be out of my mind.
Now he tells me!
Well, you've been calling
the plays all night.
Then again, this was my first hunch.
I don't have any choice.
Be lucky, Angie.
You, too, James.
Well, well, well.
Look who's here.
When danger calls
they're never there.
It was a hoax?
No, it was real enough.
But it's been taken care of.
Some guy called Dempsey.
Ever heard of him?
Look, no, I was asleep.
Um can it wait till morning?
Thanks. Bye.
Now, where were we?
You were about to tell me
something real important.
About explosive devices.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Well, you see, baby, the golden rule
is, always handle with extreme care.
What the hell got into you?!
For God's sake,
we had to do something.
Not while they have got Debbie!
What you want to do, then?
- Let them walk all over us?
- We wait!
Wait? What for?
Do you think Bernie's gonna wait?
Get out!
Yeah, put Bernie on,
I want to speak to him.
Bernie's not here, Jack.
He's asked me to handle it myself.
'What's happened to Debbie,
is she all right?'
- Take it easy, Jack.
- 'Is she?'
- 'If you've done'
- Shut up and listen.
And mind your language,
this is an open line,
dunno who's listening in.
Now, the party in question
is in very good nick.
Still, I expect you'd like her back.
If you've harmed her, I'll
'But, there are conditions.
Are you with me, Mr Lang?'
Yeah. What are they?
Oh, we'll be in touch
with the details.
'You tell me now.'
Just be available.
Oh, and Mr Lang
we won't be using
the phone no more.
You listen to me, Hurst!
'Oh, and Mr Lang
'we won't be using
the phone no more.'
'Now, you listen to me, Hurst,
I've just about'
Right, I want blanket coverage.
Shoot the works, OK?
I'll take Lang, you handle Bernie.
Take Dempsey with you
and stake him out, I want to
Where is Dempsey?
Dempsey? Resting, I imagine.
After his exertions of last night.
You were a bit abrupt
on the phone last night.
Yeah, I was in
the middle of a good dream.
I hope she made you breakfast!
Looks like Bernie's
on his way to the club.
Think so?
Mm, where else?
He's in no hurry,
that's for sure.
Where's his protection?
I don't see any.
Oy, in!
Get him in the car!
Come on, go!
Yeah, Jack.
What you want?
Yeah, well,
this is a little trade-off.
Now, we're both
in a position to bargain.
But first,
I'm wanna say something else.
He wants you.
Jack? What's on your mind?
'A truce.'
You guarantee it?
'Yeah, I guarantee it.'
'No violence, that's a promise.'
Now, you've got to do one for me.
You stay well out of it.
This is between me and Bernie.
'I want your word, Gordon.'
'You have my word.'
- I'll take that.
- Oh.
- Thanks.
- Oh, thank you, ma'am.
You didn't think you'd get away
that easy, did you?
What's the matter?
Nothing at all.
We'll take your car to the airport.
I'll get those.
No, I can handle it.
Turn around, James.
Nice and easy.
Be careful, I know how to use this.
I guess you do.
Now, hands on the trunk.
Load the trunk.
And be sure to leave a space
for you.
Come on!
- Walk!
- Grandad!
Shut up!
Here she is, Jack.
No hard feelings.
You wait.
Jack, for the love of God,
can't you see he set us up.
Move it.
Don't be afraid,
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Come on!
Come on! Get a bloody grip!
- Grandad!
- Argh! Debbie.
- Grandad.
- Debbie.
'Stop struggling.
There's no point in that, son.
- Push him in the van, come on!'
- 'Gerr-off!'
'Come on!'
I didn't know, either.
Not until now.
They did it deliberately.
They wanted a war.
For why?
So, you and Bernie
would take each other out
and they'd have it
all for themselves.
Carve it up between them.
You broke your word.
You call this
guarantee of no violence?
Anyway, just as well
in your case, Jack.
Don't know about Bernie.
I wonder if you can get
a posthumous knighthood?
Where the bloody hell
have you been?
That's a really good question.
She was a professional killer.
she really was.
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