Destiny (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

You're saying
Kaori was the one who turned the wheel?
I let go of the wheel.
It's as if I killed her.
I'm the one who told Kaori
about the corruption case.
It was me.
Both Tomo and Masaki were still living
under the weight of Kaori's death.
You killed Eisuke Tsuji, didn't you?
Mr. Nogi is a former prosecutor.
He was my father's colleague?
If he framed your father in some way,
I'll never forgive him.
I'll do the investigation.
We don't know the truth yet.
Why did she tell you
my father had been murdered?
Are you Mr. Yuki Umeda?
Do you have a minute to talk?
Try meeting this person.
He should know the most about your father.
I'm the daughter of Eisuke Tsuji.
You've become quite impressive.
Did you attend Shinano University?
Yes, I did.
Actually, I went there too.
So did my fiancée.
My fiancée's name is Kanade Nishimura.
Do you know her?
I do.
She was one of
the group of friends I had long ago.
She's my friend.
I see.
I think she's lucky to be
getting married to a doctor like you.
Well, thank you.
I hope you
take good care of Kanade.
Thank you for waiting.
Thank you for taking time
out of your busy schedule.
My pleasure.
I wanted to ask you about
the environmental energy corruption case
my father was involved in.
Shall we talk outside?
We should leave this place.
The reason why Masaki came back?
Did Masaki say anything to you?
Um Not in particular.
Uh Well, there was one thing.
There was a memorial service
for a friend from the university.
He came back for that.
For Ms. Kaori Oikawa?
Yes. Uh
Was there anything else he said?
For instance,
about Mr. Eisuke Tsuji,
who is Ms. Kanade Nishimura's father?
Pardon me for saying this, but Mr. Umeda,
I've heard that you are experiencing
some hardships at the moment.
I can help you if you would like.
No, thank you.
It wouldn't be appropriate
for me to ask anything of you, Mr. Nogi.
I reported directly to your father
on the special investigation squad
of the Tokyo District Office at the time.
there is nothing that I can tell you
about that time.
Does that mean
that there is nothing you know?
After that case,
I resigned from being a prosecutor.
I did it because I no longer knew
the meaning of the profession.
The meaning of
the profession of a prosecutor?
What had I worked so hard for?
Why did Mr. Tsuji have to die?
If a prosecutor must pursue the truth,
and commit to justice, then why
That's all I can say.
Please excuse me.
Oh. Wait a moment, please.
Um, can you think of anything
that would help me
learn more about that time?
Anything besides the court records?
You surely are the daughter of Mr. Tsuji.
He was taking notes.
He had notebooks for keeping records.
Where are they now?
When I resigned as a prosecutor,
I burned them all.
Which means
that is it.
I have just one thing I want to tell you.
I believe Mr. Tsuji did not want
to turn away from the truth.
That's why he chose death.
He died to prevent
the truth from coming out.
"He died to prevent
the truth from coming out."
That's what he said.
The truth was contained.
Which means the truth must exist
contained somewhere.
If it does exist
Ms. Nishimura.
It's time to interview the witness.
Y-Yes. Thank you.
Are you feeling tired recently?
You were lost in your thoughts completely.
Anyway, why are witness interviews
always on weekends?
I still haven't gotten that paid day off
you promised me.
I wonder why I have to work so hard.
I don't get rewarded
no matter how much I try.
All I do is listen to people
and record what they say.
He was taking notes.
He had notebooks for keeping records.
Hello? Are you listening?
In my own way, I'm trying to protest
to improve my working conditions.
Taking notes
You met my dad? Where?
At a bar association seminar.
Oh yeah, he gave me this to give to you.
His business card.
And he asked me
for your contact information.
Did you give it to him?
I'm really sorry.
I couldn't say no.
So if your father calls you,
don't be surprised.
I don't mind.
Huh? You don't?
It's not like I'm hiding.
And I have a ton of questions to ask him.
Did he say anything else?
No, I don't think he did
You know Yuki,
you're not cut out to be a lawyer.
You'd better not cheat on Tomo.
She'd find out so fast and beat you up.
I'd never do such a dangerous thing!
How's Tomo doing since that time?
Surprisingly well.
She's just being a normal mom like before.
I'm glad.
Take good care of them.
Both Tomo
and your son.
Of course, I know that.
How are you doing with Kanade?
You know there can't be anything going on.
She's engaged.
I heard.
Even so,
there's something about my dad
that has to be cleared up.
It needs to be.
Did you lose a little weight, Masaki?
Hmm? No.
-My weight hasn't changed.
Sitting here like this
reminds me of our university days.
Does it?
We had so much free time in those days.
Yeah, we did.
Sorry to text you at work.
I'm going to Nagano today.
Nagano? From now?
Yes. I might be a little late tonight.
Got it. I'm on-call tonight anyway
so it's all right.
Hang in there.
He was taking notes.
He had notebooks for keeping records.
-If you were going to come
Did you ever see Dad write a diary?
Or take notes?
Notes? Why?
Kanade. I told you.
You should stop
It can't end this way! Not like this.
What's the matter with you?
I'm sorry.
There's something
I've been wanting to ask you.
It's something I couldn't ask before
though I wanted to.
What do you think
of Dad's suicide?
Do you think that Dad actually
did something to get arrested?
Did he tell you anything?
Nothing at all?
He didn't tell me anything.
I don't believe what the public
accused him of doing either.
why did you get a divorce?
Because your father wanted it.
-To protect us
he always stayed
in the study in those days.
He looked so troubled,
absorbed in thought.
Then why
That was
I found it.
From May 22, 2003 to September 7, 2004.
The dates corresponded from the day
the corruption case was exposed
to the day my father died in the morning.
Please come in.
Take a seat here.
Sorry to make you come over.
But this needed to be private
so no one would hear us.
My father
left a recording.
Did you listen to it?
I wanted you to listen with me.
This is a record of the 2003
environmental energy corruption case.
May, 2003.
An allegation has surfaced
that Diet member Shotaro Azuma
accepted funding of 20 million yen
from Yamagami Heavy Industries,
a heavy equipment manufacturer.
It was said to be a kickback
in return for accommodating
the subsidy of 200 million yen
for energy businesses to Yamagami.
We at the special investigation squad
started the investigation immediately.
I was the prosecutor in charge.
Eisuke Tsuji.
Bribery must be verified.
The Tokyo District
Public Prosecutors Office today
The investigation proceeded smoothly.
About a month after the allegation
was exposed,
we arrested Diet member Azuma
and the vice president of Yamagami.
However, the interrogation
faced serious challenges.
No such fact exists.
Then I will ask you once again.
July 3rd.
Ten days had passed since the arrests.
We could not get a confession.
Our superiors were getting frustrated.
Since we had arrested a politician,
we couldn't allow the case
to be dismissed.
July 5th.
We suddenly obtained a piece
of conclusive evidence in the case.
Take a look at this, sir.
What is it?
An image of an e-mail that
Azuma's secretary sent to a bureaucrat.
To a bureaucrat?
The e-mail was from Azuma's secretary
instructing the bureaucrat on the subsidy.
This objective evidence
was the most important.
-This is great!
-The whole team was excited.
We were elated believing
the indictment was certain.
However, the source of the image
was not clear.
Why now?
Who was the leaker? How did it get here?
July 7th. Interrogation of the secretary.
Do you recall this e-mail?
I sent it to Mr. Mega.
He quickly admitted to sending the e-mail
as directed by Diet member Azuma.
Do you think so too, Mr. Tsuji?
It feels like it's too good
to be true, doesn't it?
E-mail evidence at this point in time.
The secretary easily admits.
The channel of acquisition
is a bit of a mystery.
It does feel like something isn't right.
It's better to be careful
at a time like this, especially when
politicians are involved.
But it's difficult when the director
already gave it the green light.
Even so, it's dangerous
to indict so easily.
July 10th.
I offered my opinion to my superior.
I was instructed to indict
since no problem existed.
It's dangerous to indict
without further inquiry.
Couldn't you let us
take more time to verify the evidence?
We have sufficient evidence now.
It should be enough.
Extract a confession
and indict him without delay.
July 14th.
I offered my opinion repeatedly,
but it was rejected.
July 15th.
Diet member Shotaro Azuma
and the vice president of Yamagami
were charged with bribery.
This was covered in the news extensively.
From here on, it's the trial.
Are you ready?
My dad is going to be in it
Isn't he?
September 9th. The first day of the trial.
The attorney for Diet member Azuma
was Koichiro Nogi.
We met for the first time in 15 years.
Mr. Tsuji.
It's been so long.
Yes, it has.
I heard you've become independent.
It's only a small law firm.
Let's both try our best for this case.
Don't be too hard on me, okay?
First of all, I have a question.
Regarding the charges in the indictment,
is there anything in it you object to?
I am innocent.
I swear to God I did not do
what I'm charged with.
Does counsel have a statement?
First of all,
I'd like to appeal to the judge
that this case is clearly fabricated.
The e-mail that the prosecution
submitted as evidence
is completely fake.
It is clear that somebody
fabricated the e-mail.
The prosecution indicted
while intentionally knowing this fact.
This was obviously done
by an out-of-control prosecution,
and is a misuse of state power.
Fabrication? By the prosecution?
Nogi's method was too aggressive.
the e-mail had been
puzzling from the start.
October 7th. The second day of the trial.
Questioning the secretary.
The counsel will ask a question.
You said the prosecutor, Mr. Tsuji,
coerced your statement.
Can you explain specifically?
I was shown the e-mail.
He said that I must have sent it.
When I answered I'd never seen it before,
he grabbed me by the collar
and said, "Don't lie."
The one who forced your statement
was Mr. Tsuji, the prosecutor in charge.
Are you sure of that?
November 13th.
The third day of the trial.
Questioning the bureaucrat.
The bureaucrat also reversed
his previous statement.
December 15th.
The fourth day of the trial.
I'm called for a witness examination.
When did the special investigation squad
obtain the e-mail as evidence?
It was on July 5th.
Hadn't the cell phone
previously been submitted as evidence?
It was voluntarily submitted.
However, the e-mails had been deleted.
Then how did you obtain
the deleted e-mail on July 5th?
An informant provided it
to the special investigation squad.
How did you determine if the information
was genuine or not?
We checked with the secretary
who had sent the email.
Can you tell me the date and time
when it was sent?
It was sent on February 10th, at 2:22 p.m.
On that day at that time,
the secretary was undergoing
a complete medical checkup
at the Aoba University Hospital
according to their records.
Since cell phones are not allowed
in the endoscopy room,
he couldn't have used his cell phone.
It is inconceivable
that the secretary sent the e-mail.
Mr. Tsuji.
Didn't the prosecution decide to indict
even while knowing that the e-mail
had been fabricated by a third party?
That's not true.
The secretary stated
that he sent the e-mail himself.
In the witness examination, he said
you showed him this image
and threatened him.
That is categorically false.
The assistant officer was there.
You intimidated him
when the assistant officer left the room.
That's what he says.
Why is this witness changing his story?
Was it entirely a setup?
Mr. Tsuji.
Wasn't the prosecution too overzealous
in their huge opportunity
of arresting a sitting Diet member?
That's why you wanted
supporting evidence by any means.
Nogi is undoubtedly
targeting the prosecution
he is targeting me.
And Mr. Tsuji,
to achieve results
as the prosecutor in charge,
you wanted to indict
Diet member Azuma at any cost!
Isn't that right?
Koichiro Nogi was
my colleague in the past.
He's a talented individual.
Did he frame me to win the case?
But is that possible?
This should not be forgiven.
The prosecution's authority
has been diminished.
They jumped the gun completely.
It is outrageous.
I expect an appropriate response
as necessary by lawyers and prosecutors.
August 17th. The judgment.
I will render my decision now.
Text of the judgment.
I find the defendant not guilty.
Next, my opinions for the judgment.
Diet member Azuma was found not guilty.
September 1st.
Surrounded by enemies.
Arrest rumors
for the prosecutor in charge.
To take responsibility, I will probably
be given a disciplinary dismissal.
The organization has forsaken me.
I don't have any supporters left now.
My colleagues became silent and distant.
Where was that organization I had trusted?
I swear I didn't fabricate the case.
But is the truth going to be buried?
Where is the justice I had believed in?
September 7th.
I can't escape being arrested and charged.
The only thing I can do now
is to reveal the truth in this way.
It doesn't matter if anyone
discovers this recording.
This is my commitment to justice.
The only ones I want to know about this
are my family.
Kana Kana, come here.
Daddy's job is to be committed
to what I believe is justice.
the time will come.
I want Kanade to know
the truth about her father.
I'm not asking you to forgive me.
It's okay if you hate me.
But your father
In order to commit
to his sense of justice,
he devoted himself
to recording the truth in this way.
So it was my dad after all.
I didn't know if I should have
let you listen to it or not.
But this
is the truth I discovered.
Once, when I was a child,
I asked my father,
"What is your job?"
he said it's to be committed to justice.
I wish he would have kept on living
no matter what happened.
I wish he'd lived
and we could laugh together
and speak with each other once more.
whatever crime he was accused of,
he is still my father.
You and I should
stop meeting each other.
I understand.
We would never see each other again.
As it should be.
It's our destiny.
-What's the matter? Are you all right?
-I'll be okay.
Hey, really?
Oh no! Maybe I should call an ambulance.
If I stay still, I'll get better.
But Uh
Well, you know.
I deserve it for being bad all the time.
Don't say things like that.
Hang on. Don't move.
Hang in there.
Mr. Nogi.
Where does it hurt?
From my right side
to my back.
-To the treatment room.
500 mL saline solution.
We need pentazocine too.
-Get them ready.
We're going now.
-When did he start feeling pain?
Right before I called.
About 40 minutes ago.
-Has he been in pain since then?
Where did it start?
At home.
Our apartment?
It's all right. The sedative is working.
Thank you.
Can we talk?
Let's talk over there.
What's going on?
I'm just asking.
What's going on between you two?
I don't exactly know where to start, but
He's a friend from university, and
I-I thought I told you about him before.
A classmate named Kaori
was in a car accident.
He's the one who was missing afterward.
there was something
having to do with my father
we had to talk about.
About your father?
That's why I invited him to the apartment.
I didn't want anybody else
to hear our conversation.
Anybody else?
Was it something
you didn't want me to hear either?
I intend to marry you.
I wanted to.
I've never betrayed you even once.
what you're doing is
I'm sorry.
I'm truly sorry.
You have to remember
that you're the one who's important to me.
Back then after Kaori's accident,
you're the one
who helped me get back on my feet.
After that, we've spent
more than ten years together.
I used to go out with him.
B-But now,
he's just a friend.
I won't meet him anymore.
I don't want to meet him.
Good morning.
You're still up?
Yeah. I couldn't sleep.
Aren't you going to work today?
I am, but
I want you to listen to this
when you have time.
What is it?
It's my father's.
He recorded his views of that case
until he committed suicide.
We were listening to this.
Masaki's father is mentioned
in the recording.
There's one thing
I need to tell you, Kanade.
He has cancer.
He's actually critically ill.
I think he should
begin treatment immediately.
How did you
Because I'm his
attending physician.
Is this Masaki?
I'm in front of the house.
We need to talk.
Come in.
Hey you. What are you doing here?
set the fire.
Kanade. It was just reported on the news
that Masaki's father's house is on fire.
What's more, they're saying it was arson.
And that Masaki was the one who did it.
Subtitle translation by: Ikuko Sachs
Do you affirm that you
set the house on fire?
I did it.
Arson? What's happening?
I wonder if he did it for you.
-Just for that
-Did you follow his instructions?
I'm remaining silent.
I want to know the truth.
I'll find out in my own way.
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