Dhootha (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Page 3

Ma'am, this isn't a human corpse.
It's a dog.
-It's the dead body of a dog.
Wrap up the dog's dead body
and place it outside.
What do we do now, ma'am?
-Summon the farmhouse staff.
-Okay, ma'am.
-Whose dog is it?
-It's our dog, ma'am.
It had died in a car accident.
How could you dump it here
like it's some piece of garbage?
Don't you have space in your house?
Burying the body within our compound
would have made Anjali cry.
So, sir asked me to bury it here.
-Who's your sir?
-Sagar sir.
This farmhouse
belongs to a friend of his.
That is why we buried it here.
Okay, you may leave.
Ma'am, what do you want us
to do with the dog's dead body?
-Tell them to bury it again.
-Okay, ma'am.
I'll be right back.
We're unnecessarily
complicating this case, Ranga.
Maybe Ghosh and Sagar
have told us the truth.
They must've placed the dog's dead body
in the generator room after the accident.
It's a huge dog.
It would easily weigh
between 40 to 50 kilos.
They must've carried it
across the compound wall
and buried it in that piece of land.
And Ghosh must have
released Koti from custody.
Koti must have gone to his
friends' or someplace else.
We have no evidence left
to suspect Ghosh and Sagar.
I can't go forward.
Whatever you just said
might be true, ma'am.
you said that someone stood by the door
and watched Charles commit suicide.
We don't have any
details on that person yet.
You're right, Ranga.
We need to find out who that is.
Let's circle back to the case
with a clear head.
I want every detail.
Time graphs, photographs,
anything you can get.
Everything on my table, okay?
-Make it fast.
-Okay, ma'am.
There's a parcel for Ms. Priya Avuduri.
Sign here.
Priya ma'am!
Priya ma'am!
No, ma'am.
Don't look.
You'll get scared.
I'll throw it away.
What is it?
Listen to me, ma'am.
Go upstairs.
Don't look, ma'am.
Priya, it's okay.
When did you arrive?
There's a courier for you.
It's in the pantry.
Amrutha sent it
along with this letter.
She wrote, "Priya, get a fetus
DNA test if you don't believe me."
Now I want you to look me
straight in the eyes and answer this.
Should I get the DNA test done?
Will you tell me the truth?
What happened was an accident.
I'm sorry.
You fricking cheat!
You fricking cheat!
-Priya, I'm sorry.
-Priya, I'm sorry.
-How could you?!
Why did you do this?
-Priya Priya
-I hate you! No!
-Priya, listen to me for a minute.
-Get out!
-Just get out! I hate you!
-Please, Priya!
-Get out of my life! Get out!
Priya, I'm sorry!
Get out of my life!
Get out!
I'm sorry.
Thanks, Mom.
Mom, if you want to give me something,
place it by the door and knock.
I'll come and get it, okay?
I have loads of office work.
Don't send anybody in.
Sandeep, I need some information.
I have a bike number.
I need the registration address
and name, please. It's urgent.
Sorry, guys. I'm late.
-Is everything ready?
-Yeah, all set.
There's someone from the Page 3 website
to interview you.
He'd been pestering me incessantly.
So I asked him to come here.
-Why don't you go talk to him?
-My interview? Are you serious?
Yeah! You're a YouTube star now!
Our show Ghost Shadows is
creating a sensation all across India.
How could they not
interview a celebrity like you?
-Where is he?
-Over there.
-Hi, ma'am. Manu from Page 3.
-Hello. Yeah.
Actually, I got an idea after
seeing your camera guy.
Shall we go for a video interview?
I promise I'll keep it brief.
-Sravan, will you shoot?
-Yeah, yeah.
So, tell me, Kiran. Why did you
choose the subject of ghosts and spirits?
What if I find out
if ghosts really exist
by performing advanced
scientific research
and let people know about it?
-That's where it all started.
How do you know
that a particular place is haunted?
Towards the end of every video,
we ask our viewers
to mail any real ghost stories
that they know of.
-And you know what?
We receive thousands of calls
and emails every day.
We pick a few real, interesting stories.
And only after complete
research on the matter
and only if we feel that people
should know about this real story,
we make a video on it.
There is one such story
surrounding this school.
-That is why we're here.
Let's take this school for example.
How do you figure out if
this place is haunted or not?
Like, what is your technical procedure?
We monitor with the help
of a night vision camera.
We test using EMF readers.
Sorry, EMF readers?
I didn't get it. Sorry.
It's an electromagnetic field reader.
I'll just show you.
This is an electromagnetic field reader.
When we turn this on at a haunted place,
and if this light turns on, it indicates
the presence of a ghost.
If the light doesn't turn on,
it means there is no ghost.
Just in case the light flashes,
it's very dangerous!
We should vacate the place right away.
Have you ever experienced it?
So far, never.
It sounds terrifying.
Anyways, we're done.
Thanks for the interview.
Sure, thank you.
Sagar, why are you here?
Why did you follow me?
I should ask you that.
You know my name too.
Who are you?
I'm Kiran Reddy, YouTuber.
I perform research on ghosts
and spirits and make videos on them.
Four months back, a man named
Ravi reached out to me.
He said he has
a fully researched real ghost story.
He asked me to come
to Hyderabad to meet him.
I didn't bother.
But then I found out that
he's a very famous journalist.
Listen, Kiran
I don't have much time.
I told you I have a story.
It's a real ghost story.
I've done a lot of research on this.
Journalists have been dropping dead
over the span of many years.
The deaths are quite horrifying.
And you know what?
All of them have died
by committing suicide.
-Every suicide
-Mr. Ravi, wait.
The program that I do is
called Ghost Shadows.
And you know what?
How are these suicides
connected to paranormal activity?
Behind every suicide
there's a paranormal,
supernatural, ghost, spirit force.
Whatever you say.
Something is there.
this hasn't started recently.
Somewhere around
1963, I think. Yeah.
Journalists have been
committing suicide since 1963.
They hang themselves, slit their throats,
shoot themselves, drink poison.
Last year, my journalist friend Santosh
fell under a running train and died.
-What are these?
-One day, I parked my bike and got down.
I found a newspaper scrap
stuck to its tire.
I read it and
it was the death news of my father.
He slipped from the balcony
of the 30th floor
and broke his skull.
A few minutes later
I got a call.
My mom was bawling.
He died in the same manner
as the paper said he would.
After a few days
I found another newspaper.
It was written that my wife
had died in a car accident.
By the time I went and saw
my wife was really dead.
I went from confusion to panic.
Panic to fear.
Whenever I saw any newspaper scrap
I started collecting it.
My room is filled with newspaper scraps.
My father, mother, wife and son
I couldn't save any of them.
This is a list of all those
who committed suicide.
It's all the data that
I collected during my research.
Since 1963, 54 people have died.
God knows how many deaths I've missed!
There are lakhs of journalists out there.
Why are these men
being targeted specifically?
I've based my research on the same point.
All the dead people
must share some common factor.
I've connected all the dots.
And finally
I got the answer.
What is it?
Every person that has died
was a corrupt journalist.
I've hidden the truths.
I've published lies.
I've fabricated and manipulated stories.
I haven't given a damn about anybody.
I've thought only about the best
interests of me and my newspaper.
Just like me, every journalist
on this list is
It will haunt everyone and kill them.
It will not only target family members.
But also friends, colleagues, maids
You know what?
Anyone who meets the journalist
at least once ends up dead.
It kills everyone.
And finally, the person commits suicide
In the same pattern.
Kiran, please help me.
Take this list.
Do a program on it.
Everyone should know.
I just found 54.
If this program is broadcast
we'll come to know about more journalists
who have suffered the same fate.
We need to get to the bottom of this.
Please, Kiran.
I spent the night in Hyderabad.
I wanted to meet Ravi again the next day
and discuss the case in further detail.
But that afternoon
I received a voicemail
from Ravi all of a sudden.
Hi, Kiran.
The only thing I couldn't figure out
in my research was
why all of them were committing suicide.
But I've found the answer now.
There's something important
that I need to do.
I might never see you again.
But please don't shelve this story.
Please do what you must do.
What has he figured out?
What does he plan on doing?
I knew something was wrong.
I went to meet Ravi right away.
You shouldn't have come here, Kiran.
I've told you everything that I know.
-Get out of here immediately!
-Ravi, listen! Ravi!
Ravi, no!
Ravi, no!
Ravi, please!
Ravi, no!
The newspaper was in his hand.
It stated that I was going to die.
But nothing happened to me.
I don't know why.
Ravi met me
told me about the ghost,
and committed suicide.
When I was losing sleep over this,
I saw Charles' name in the paper.
His father's death news.
That's when I inquired about
Charles and found out that
he's involved in very controversial
stories and he's a corrupt man.
That is why his brother, father,
and son started dying one by one.
I saw you at Charles' house
for the first time.
Journalist Sagar Varma.
I saw the news of your
dog's death in the paper.
I got suspicious, inquired
about you, and found out that
you're the next target of the ghost.
Because you're a highly
corrupt journalist.
Businessmen, politicians, big shots
you've supported all their crimes.
Minister Chakravarthy
you've supported him as well.
You're the reason he has
become the Minister today!
Ninety people have died at his liquor shop
from drinking adulterated liquor.
You made sure that
the news didn't come out.
Eleven girls were brutally raped
at his brother-in-law's hostel,
and three of them were ruthlessly killed.
You didn't let that story come out either.
Alright. I agree.
I'm a corrupt journalist. I agree.
But that ghost you're talking about,
why didn't it just kill me?
Anjali was a small girl.
What was her fault?
Why is it targeting my family?
Have you ever thought about
the families of those 90 people?
Or about the sufferings
of the three families in the rape case?
No, right?
Similarly, the ghost doesn't really care.
Why didn't you warn me before?
Why did you hide from me?
Because I didn't want to get
involved in your story, Sagar.
The news of my death was in
the newspaper shortly after I met Ravi.
But I don't know why I'm still alive.
I was afraid
that I might die if I met you.
Except for following you,
getting to know your story,
and finally making a video about it,
I don't know what to do.
Here's all the research
that Ravi has done.
See if it will be of any help to you.
Look at these newspapers.
This font is pretty old.
So is the texture of the newspaper.
They all look the same.
And look at the letter "Ka."
The letter "Ka" is inverted
in all the newspapers.
looks like someone is printing these
newspapers on an old printing machine.
We need to figure out who that is.
I need your help.
They've composed every
letter manually and printed it.
These printers are
currently out of production.
This newspaper has definitely
been printed 70 to 80 years ago.
But if you notice,
the letter "Ka" is inverted
in all the newspapers.
-Yeah, I see it.
It must be their code.
During the freedom struggle,
a few newspapers were secretly printed
without the Britishers' knowledge.
People used such codes as a means
to identify their newspapers.
-Give me two minutes.
He was our guest lecturer when
I was pursuing Visual Communication.
He has written around 12 books
on screen printing.
-Just a minute.
Hello, sir.
Hello, Kiran ma'am.
It's the Location Manager speaking.
We didn't get the permission
to visit the location tomorrow.
But you said I could
check out the location tomorrow.
How can you cancel at the last minute?
There are some security issues.
Please understand.
Sir, I've planned my next episode there.
I could try and arrange it today.
Can you come right away?
Here are all the newspapers
from that time period.
-Andhra Prabha
-Sagar, I need to leave urgently.
I need to check out the location
for my next episode.
-You'll take it from here?
-Yeah, sure.
Bhaskar sir, thank you so much.
-I'll see you later.
-Okay, dear.
-Thank you.
Andhra Prabha, 1955.
Krishna Pathrika
This isn't the one.
Andhra Pathrika
This isn't the one either.
The letter "Ka" looks fine.
It looks fine on this one as well.
Sir, the letter "Ka"
is inverted on this one.
the address of this Press
-You can Google it.
Founded by Satya Murthy in 1938.
The paper had a good run till 1962.
But in the same year, Mr. Satya Murthy
went missing all of a sudden.
Later on, the paper was shut down.
He has written a book as well.
"Journalism. Values and Principles."
I've seen that before.
the book will have
the address of the Press.
Right, sir.
Sir, I'll get going.
-Can I click a picture of this?
-Go ahead.
-You said you're a journalist, right?
You've chosen a noble profession.
Thank you, sir.
Hello, ma'am.
I'm the watchman here.
-Sir told me that you'd be coming.
-I like your videos, ma'am. I'm a fan.
-Thank you.
My whole family watches along with me.
I guess this is the first time you'll be
shooting in an abandoned hospital.
Yeah, but I knew that
I'd be doing it someday.
How come?
Because compared to any other place,
a hospital witnesses
the most number of deaths.
-So, technically,
there are more ghosts
and spirits here.
Okay, ma'am.
-Shall we go inside?
-I can't come, ma'am.
I've been working here for six months.
But I've never set foot inside.
I haven't had the courage after
knowing the hospital's history.
-Okay. I'm going in.
-Careful, ma'am.
The floors are quite
slippery due to the rain.
"Journalism. Values and Principles."
I've seen it somewhere.
I've seen it somewhere.
Where have I seen this?
"Journalism. Values and Principles."
Shall I send all this stuff
to the farmhouse?
"Host of the famous YouTube channel
Ghost Shadows
Ms. Kiran Reddy found dead.
On her visit
to the Bheemili General Hospital,
which has been abandoned
for the last 15 years,
YouTuber Ms. Kiran Reddy, who
was there for research purposes,
dies in an unfortunate accident."
Move! Move!
Come on, move!
-Yeah, Sravan?
-Kiran, where are you?
I'm at the Bheemili Hospital.
We don't have permission for tomorrow.
Any indication?
Nothing, Sravan.
No indication whatsoever on the EMF meter.
-Everyone is scared for nothing.
-Oh, shit! I totally forgot, Kiran.
-There are no batteries in the EMF meter.
I told you that I had removed them
for the camera flash, remember?
I called to remind you that.
-So did you buy new batteries?
-Yes, I did.
-Okay, bye. I'll call you later.
-Was a girl named Kiran Reddy here?
-Yes, sir.
-Where did she go?
-She's inside.
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