Dinosaur (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

- I'm engaged.
- To who?
- Ranesh.
- Neens.
- Nina.
- I'd hate for there to be
a chasm between us.
- Will you be my maid of honor?
- Yeah!
- You could be
digging these up
on the Isle of Wight.
You should apply.
NINA: I know that I say
I need Evie,
but I need you too.
I can see your testicles.
- [Gasps]
- Let's get fucked up!
- Could you bring me drugs
so I can make
something fun happen?
- Drugs? Yeah!
- I'm in a place called
- Rothesay?
This is my old friend Euan.
- Hello, boy.
NINA: There's this lady called
Dr. Katherine Dunne,
and she's looking
for people to go
to the Isle of Wight
and work with her,
and I applied.
[Upbeat music]
- Right.
- Do you want to be
my plus-one?
- Yeah.
- Evie!
LEE: Oh, shit.
[Upbeat rock music]
- Have you seen my ammonite?
- Mm-mm.
- Are you still feeling rough?
- Me?
Literally never better.
- Do you wanna talk
about Rothesay?
- [Chuckles]
Rothesay was amazing.
You outdid yourself.
So fun.
Just me and my girls.
- I mean about the
The Euan thing.
- What Euan thing?
You know, once the grease
gets stuck in the grout,
you're toast.
- Evie.
Have you got cold feet?
- No.
I don't have cold feet.
Nina, my feet are warm.
They're hot.
Hot, hot, hot.
Like the fiery pits of hell.
- I think it's clean.
Why don't we just tell him?
- Nothing happened,
and nobody needs to know,
so don't say anything.
- Mm.
[Whispering] But I'm bad
at keeping secrets.
I don't know what to do
with my face.
- Nothing.
Do nothing with your face.
No, don't smile.
No emotion.
Just change the subject.
- Do you remember
when you got a D in food tech,
and you said,
"Nina, don't tell anybody
that I got a D in food tech,"
and then Mum asked me outright
what your grade was
in food tech,
and then I panicked,
and I just started
talking about the history
of the spatula
in a weird old posh-man voice?
I'm scared that that's
gonna happen again, Evie.
- This isn't food tech.
It's my future.
- Yes, I know.
That's what makes it harder.
I'm getting married
in three days.
Promise me, please,
not a word to anyone.
- [Groaning]
- Was that a yes[groans]
Or a no[groans]
- I'll try my best.
Come on now, Bo.
Shoes off, please.
The girls are
a socks-only household.
What did Rothesay do to you?
- What's with all the milk?
- Deal on at the shops,
so Ranesh bought the lot.
- Evie, baby, make a sound ♪
Your boy got almond milk
for a pound ♪
One-pound milk,
smooth as silk ♪
Yeah, one-pound milk,
smooth as silk ♪
One pound ♪
EVIE: Yeah, babe!
- Oh!
[Whispering] Did you do this?
- What? No. I had one bowl.
I definitely left some.
- "Some"?
There's not a single puff
in there!
Nary a puff.
It's just dust!
Grow a pair of testicles
and move back in
with your witchy girlfriend!
- Ouch.
- So, Neen-meister,
what's crack-a-lacking
in the world of my fave sis?
- I don't know if you've heard.
The bees are back.
RANESH: Nice. Nice.
Oh, Evie said that she had
the best time in Rothesay.
Top grades to you.
- Mm. Yes.
Jolly, fantastic time
was had by all.
- Who invited Shakespeare?
- You know what they say.
What happeneth in Rothesay
stayeth in Rothesay.
- [Laughs]
- [laughing] Why?
What happened?
Here are my beans. Spill.
- Golf. Golf. Golf.
Hunners of golf.
- Amber got a hole in one.
- Amber got a hole in one.
- Amazing. Amazing.
Straight in that hole.
- Ball, hole.
[Popping sound]
- I don't get the joke.
- Well, I love to hear
about a female triumph.
- On that note,
I better go to work.
- Oh, and what is this
I hear about
your new fancy fella
turning up?
- Only there at the end.
We barely even saw him.
NINA: Mm-mm.
Like a ghost.
- Anyway, Ranesh,
you should get going.
- Right you are, right you are.
Gonna squeeze in some
transcendental meditation
before Dad arrives.
- I'll see you both at dinner.
- Can I give you
a lift to work?
- She has new shoes
that she's got to break in.
- Ranesh, I have new shoes
that I have to break in.
Because I've got fat feet,
and it rubs
against the leather,
so I have to break them in.
[Door opens, closes]
- Oi, Yoda,
what was that about?
- What?
BO: Evie was being strange.
- Evie's always strange.
Have you seen my ammonite?
Evie had it made into
a necklace for me
for my 18th birthday.
I had it around here somewhere.
It looks like a shell.
- Pretty sure I've never
seen that in my life.
- Yes, you have.
I have a job interview,
and I need it.
- Why?
- Because it is cold,
and it's smooth,
and it makes me feel safe.
- Right,
'cause that won't look strange
when you're
fiddling with a seashell
in your interview.
- Bo, if you're not gonna help,
go away!
- [Scoffs]
I'll go away if you tell me
why you two are being so weird.
Evie was like
a guinea pig on speed,
and you were a solid 9.5
on the weird-Nina scale.
- Yes, Bo, and you were
a solid ten billion
on the Bo's-a-dick scale.
- Good one.
Go on, then!
Did something happen
in Rothesay?
- Nothing occurred in Rothesay.
Everything is absolutely
compos mentis.
- So something did happen.
You go full House of Lords
when you lie.
- I emphatically do not.
Now please get out of my way,
good sir,
and I shall bid you adieu.
Why are you following me?
- Coming with you.
I have to know,
did mad Amber steal a baby?
- Well done, Sherlock!
You've solved it!
You're a genius.
[Upbeat music]
BO: No, if Amber stole a baby,
it'd have its own
Instagram by now.
Did Amber pull a stripper?
- There are no strippers
in Rothesay.
- Did you strip?
- Go home, Bo!
- No, that wouldn't explain
the weird vibe with Ranesh.
Oh, fuck.
Evie pulled some random,
didn't she?
- Please stop talking.
- Shit!
- You can't tell anyone
about this.
If you do, I'm gonna invite
Hilda to the wedding.
- Don't threaten me.
That's the sort of shit
you take to the grave.
I mean, I've had
ingrown hairs that have
been around longer than Ranesh,
but still, this is dark.
Jesus, Nina,
why'd you have to tell me?
- I didn't!
[Bell ringing]
- Your paper on the integument
of Coelurosauria
was very impressive.
- Thank you.
Um, I cited you in my work.
- I saw.
- With the Ankylosaurus
and its armor,
well, we know that the spines
[Phone buzzing]
We know that the spines
helped the dinosaurs survive,
but perhaps they served
another function.
- Well, that's what
we're hoping to find out.
[Phone buzzing]
- Yes.
Um, I read your paper.
It's not why I brought it up.
It's just that
II really like textures,
and I have been looking into
a new species
with iridescent feathers.
And they're interesting,
because[clears throat]
That's interesting,
because you live
your whole life in this
In this spectrum of color.
And then these humans
come along,
and they just simplify you down
to not more than a lizard-like
creature with scales.
And I think that's
I think that's narrow-minded.
[Phone buzzing]
II think it's rude.
[Notification chiming]
- I completely agree.
Thank you for your time,
Dr. MacArthur.
I think that's all.
We are meeting a few more
people, but we'll be in touch.
- Thank you.
And on a personal note,
can I just say
how brilliant it is
to get to talk to you?
And I really look
Forward to hearing from you.
- [Inhaling sharply]
- How was it?
- I've seen a lot worse,
to be fair.
[Phone ringing]
I've also seen a lot better.
- Shit.
- It wasit was more
awkward than anything.
But they've got myself
and Declan's recommendation,
so that's a big plus.
Oh, would you like
a strawberry lace?
I keep them in my bag
for emergencies.
- No, thank you.
- I mean, look, it wasn't
a complete car crash.
Not at all.
- Shane, which one was it?
Was it good or was it bad?
- It was groundbreaking.
- You are lying.
You said it was awkward.
- No, honestly,
I have no criticisms
Development areas.
Smashed it.
Are you sure I can't treat you
to a strawberry lace?

NINA: [quietly]
Why has he not replied?
What a weirdo.
I don't get it.
I don't get it.
- I don't think
she gets it, man.
- I hope you break another leg!
- Ooh.
- Sorry.

- Hey, how'd it go?
NINA: Bad.
It doesn't help that you
text me every two minutes!
- Why did you have
your phone out?
That's not very professional.
- Shut up!
BO: All right, here's the plan.
It's just family dinner,
no Ranesh.
Should be chill.
Burying stuff's my speciality.
Let's avoid all things
We get through this together,
and then tomorrow,
we Bill Murray it.
- Put on backpacks
and fight ghosts?
- I was thinking more
that we wake up
and pretend this day
never happened.
- That's not the plot
of Groundhog Day.
The plot of Groundhog Day
is that he lives the same day
over and over and over again,
and then uses that
- Why do you nitpick
[Phone buzzing]
[cat yowling ring tone]
Speak of it being haunted.
- The usual table,
Madame and Monsieur?
- Christ.
Fawlty Towers again, Dad?
DIANE: Oh, hi, loves.
- Hiya.
- What is this?
I didn't realize Jason's son
was allergic to gherkins.
ADE: I hope you're hungry.
- Jason?
ADE: Added a cheeky surprise
- I don't know.
- To the lasagna.
- Oh, it's bad enough
with a top hat.
Hope he doesn't wear it
to the wedding.
- Ready-salted crisps
on top for added crunch.
I saw it in
the Reader's Digest.
Did a non-crisper one
too, though,
in case I hump that one.
And a veggie one for Evie,
and a lactose-free one,
because your mother's been
getting a dicky tummy again
when she has white sauce.
- This lasagna
actually looks banging.
ADE: I just need
another 45 minutes.
- Oh, look!
Amber's just
WhatsApped pics of us
at the hen do.
Oh, it's lovely, innit?
Oh, we had such
a great time at Rothesay.
- Mum, when's Evie
getting here?
ADE: She's already here.
- She's upstairs with Ranesh.
- Ranesh is here?
I thought he had
transcendental meditation.
- No, well, his dad's
flight was delayed.
- I think he just wants
to try my crisp lasagna.
- So Evie and Ranesh are
sorting the bunting, I think.
Ed, are they
sorting the bunting?
Yes, they're
sorting the bunting.
Cross that off the list.
The bunting. Mm.
[Indistinct chatter
in distance]
Oh, here they come.
- [Choking, coughing]
Sorry, I need a slash.
Um, just suddenly desperate.
You know what it's like.
- Right, what's next?
God, I've got to sort
the drinks table
and the wedding decorations
for the garden.
- I can help with that.
I like drinks and tables.
- Anything labeled D needs
to go to the drinks table.
Anything with a W is
wedding decorations.
Let's stack these by the door,
ready for setting up.
- This?
ADE: No, that's M for macramé.
That's one of your mother's
new hobbies.
You're looking for
a W in a circle.
- Circle, got it.
- This is nice, eh?
Just like old times,
all of us mucking in together?
- Oh, you know me and boxes.
Can't get enough of them.
[Rhythmic knocking]
Hey, hey. Neens,
do you have a mo'
for a word about something?
- No, I'm busy.
- Oh.
Can I help?
NINA: No, thank you!
We've got it covered!
- Of course you can, son.
Many hands make light work.
- Oh, we should do a chain.
Bo gets a box, passes it to me,
and I pass it to Neens,
and so on.
One team, one dream.
- That's a brilliant idea.
Hey, hey, they don't call him
a strategy creator for nothing.
- [Chuckles]
Well, actually, I'm a
Never mind.
ADE: Let me know if you see my
cassette collection, will ya?
It's labeled CC.
I was sure I left it
on the safekeeping shelf,
but it seems to have gone
- Well, Dad,
that's a very important thing.
I shall go and ask Mother
if she's seen them immediately.
- No, wait! Listen.
Um, you've been
rushing around all day.
I'll go.
- Oh, no, Bo.
You stay here and stack boxes.
You're so good at it.
- Will you take that
to your mum, Nina Bean?
I don't know what
she wants to do with it.
- I'd be delighted. Ha!
- Chain me, Bobo.
Chain me!
- These are your
great-aunt's doilies.
I haven't seen these
since your grandpa's funeral.
NINA: They're interesting.
- Oh, she sent them
for the wedding,
but they're totally hideous.
I'll tell you what.
Why don't we just put them
under the table for now, eh?
Now, I've got you down
as "Nina plus one."
But you won't need that,
will you?
- I do need that.
I invited Lee.
- What? No.
He can't come to the wedding.
- Why not?
- Well, you've only known him
for about two minutes.
NINA: Oh, and how long
have you known your fiancé?
- Oh, that's
Has he confirmed?
- No, not yet.
Um, I've sent him the details,
but he's very busy
with his coffee and whatnot.
- Well, he better reply soon,
because I need to know
if he's allergic
to gherkins or not.
[Door closes]
Oh, Bo, darling.
Have you seen your daddy?
- Bonding with Ranesh.
Hey, did the girls tell you
about the, uh,
hen do shenanigans?
Don't tell your dad.
We really let our hair down.
ADE: It's the same technique
that I use for my ravioli.
Nigella taught me.
- So you roll it yourself?
ADE: Oh, Ranesh,
what do you take me for?
I don't do shop-bought
when it comes to pasta sheets.
It's all about
the wrist action.
You gotta be firm and fast.
- Firm and fast.
Oh, hey!
Neens, have you got a minute?
- No.
Um, I don't have any minutes.
I have to set the table
for Dad's four lasagnas.
- I've got many minutes, babe.
- No. No, no.
I need your sister.
It's just, I'd really like
your opinion on something.
It's important.
- OK.
- Yeah?
Follow me.
So, the thing is, Evie and I
Did she tell you about
the stuff with
Our vows?
You know,
we're writing our own.
So I was sort of hoping
that maybe I could
run my vows over with you.
I just know that
you'd be really honest.
So, uh, is that OK?
- Sure. OK.
- Great! [laughs]
- What's that?
- Caught red-handed.
My kebab wrapper.
"Here We Gyros" is
a great indulgence of mine.
But, uh, shh.
Let's keep that between us.
Shall we continue?
- That writing is tiny.
- It's more
eco-friendly this way.
- Oh.
- All right.
Here I go then.
Sorry, just
- OK.
You've got this.
Inhale your power.
[Inhales deeply]
"Evie MacArthur,
the day we met, my life began.
"After only a brief few weeks,
our souls reached out
"to one another,
and I knew our lives
"were to be entangled forever.
"Because when you know,
you know.
Whatever our souls are
made of"
Oh, no, sorry. No, cut that.
Bit codependent. Ick.
Uh, where are we?
"Most people find me
a bit intense.
"I've never been able
to trust my decisions
"when I fall in love.
"I always worry
that I'm too much
"or trying too hard.
"But with you,
I don't have to overthink.
"I can just be.
"And I can't wait to share
each messy moment
"of our lives together.
"And with you,
I know I'll never be
left in the dark again."
"I love you, Evie.
"For as long as I'm here,
"I will love everything
that you are.
Thank you for loving me."
Is it too much?
It's too much, isn't it?
I can always cut it.
It's not
- No.
No, it'sit'sit's great.
It'sit's good.
It'sit's lovely.
- Oh. Right.
Thank you.
- After you.
- [Chuckling] Oh.
You're too kind.
- Evie.
We need to talk.
About Ranesh.
I think you need to tell him
about what happened.
Evie, he's all in.
Like, I mean all in.
I know you're all in
for the wedding,
but he'she's not caring
about the party
oror the photographs.
Hehe cares about
forever and ever
andand growing old together.
Is thatis that what you
care about, Evie?
- What I want to know
is why my sister,
the person who I'm meant
to trust most in the world,
went behind my back
and blabbed.
- I didn't tell anybody.
- Then why does Bo know?
- What?
EVIE: You heard me.
Bo knows something.
He's been off with everyone,
and he's stress-eating crisps.
- No, he was just asking me
lots of questions,
and then he guessed.
- I don't believe you.
You told him on purpose,
'cause you're trying
to sabotage my wedding.
- Sabotage your wedding?
Evie, this isn't some
noughties romcom.
You kissed a man
less than 48 hours ago.
[Door shuts]
You can't just pretend
it didn't happen,
like all the other bad things
you've done.
You have to deal with it.
- There is nothing
to deal with.
- You're in denial.
That's what this is.
- You literally have no idea
what you're talking about.
What Ranesh and I have
is mature, and it's deep,
and it's complex,
and you just can't
comprehend that,
because you've never
been in a real relationship.
- Oh, poor autistic Nina.
She doesn't understand
how humans work.
What I understand is that
you kissed another man,
andand you wrote
that note in Rothesay
because you don't want
to get married
and you're too scared
to say anything!
- All my life, I have bent over
backwards to accommodate you.
We go to the zoo,
but we can't see
the penguins,
'cause Nina's having a moment.
- It's a meltdown.
EVIE: For 45 minutes!
And then when you're
finally done kicking off,
the penguin feeding
experience is done!
I didn't get to feed
the baby penguins fish, Nina,
and they don't let people
do that anymore!
Anytime you do
something annoying,
I'm not allowed
to say anything.
I can't react.
And now I get my one big moment
where it's all about me
for the first time in my life,
and you won't let me have it!
- It's not supposed
to just be about you.
It's supposed to be
about you and Ranesh.
- It is!
It's about both of us starting
a new life together
without you clinging on!
- What?
- You always have.
You get to be blunt
and interesting,
and I get to stand back,
and apologizing for you.
- I'm sorry I'm such a burden.
- I stayed here
to look after you,
and now I'm trapped,
and I'm suffocating,
because you don't
let me breathe.
I'm done.
So just don't talk to me.
Just leave me alone, OK?
- [Crying]
[somber music]
Look at it, Ranesh. Look at it.
Mmm, the aromas.
It's incredible.
That's what I'm talking about.
RANESH: It's amazing.
ADE: Oh, where are you going?
NINA: Going out.

- What about my lasagnas?
[Door slams]
[somber music]
- [Breathing heavily]
Does Lee live here?
- Yeah.
- Aye.
No one should be that naked
at that time
in front of that many people!
[Indistinct chatter]
[upbeat dance music playing]
- Nina!
What are you doing here?
- I came to see you.
- Oh, shit.
I owe
- I owe you a text!
Oh, I'm so bad at texting,
and I'm like an old man,
and I'd lose my head
if it wasn't
[Chuckles] But, ah!
You're here!
That's great.
How did you know where I lived?
- You told me that
you lived in the flat
opposite the chippy
on Clover Street.
- Wow, that's great memory.
Can I get you a drink?
- You asked me to give you
the details of the wedding,
and I did.
You didn't reply.
And Evie and I had a fight,
and Shane said "eesh,"
after my interview,
and everything feels
really bad,
and I just wanted
to talk to you, but
You're having a party.
- It's not my party.
II don't know
half the people here.
But look, look, I
I can start
to, like, overthink,
and I get quite,
um, overwhelmed.
Butbut I'm so glad
that you're here.
You're confusing me.
You're so confusing,
and everything is
so confusing all the time,
and I just needed something
to be straightforward.
I shouldn't have come.
- No, no, Nina,
Nina, wait, wait
- No. Please don't touch me.
[SHHE's "Eyes Shut"]
You should know ♪
I'm just like you ♪

Tryin' to cover up ♪
- [Crying]
[breathing heavily] OK. OK.
[Line ringing]
Pick up. Pick up.

I'm sorry that I was a shit.
I need you to please
come and get me.
I don't wanna be by myself.

BO: Oi, get in, Lurch.
[Soft music playing on radio]
- Thank you.
- Shut it.
[Singer singing indistinctly]
I found this by the TV.
[Engine starts]
So you had a good time then?
[Cloth's "Never Know"]
I could only ever be down ♪
Knowing that I love you ♪
So much that it hurts ♪
You'd never know ♪
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