Dive Club (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

The Adelaide

[gull calls]
[gentle music]
[knocks on door]
I'm moving in today!
We talked about it… at the funeral.
[Sea Dog] Man overboard!
Arrr! My new shipmate! Arrr.
He's escaped from the galley!
A wiley wee devil.
And he's a live one! Best arm yourself.
What are… what are we fighting?
A monster from the deep
with a madness
equal to Captain Ahab himself!
Fast as lightning
with eyes like embers
from the fires of hell.
Ha! Off the starboard!
Come here!
Submit ye monster crustacean!
[shouts excitedly]
He outsmarted me by the breakfast nook,
but I ambushed him by the fridge.
And so, granddaughter of mine,
I'm going to treat you to my specialty,
the finest sugared lobster on the island.
You look like you need a fresh coconut.
That be nice?
Uh, yeah. Yes, thanks.
Ho-ho, just what the doctor ordered!
Nice and cold.
Ha-ha! Look at you, my little cuttlefish.
It's like your grandmother
has magically reappeared in our kitchen.
You know you're supposed to
go to school next week.
But there's no rush.
The hermit crab changes its shell
in its own time, no-one else's.
Just like you and me.
Now, where be those sand crabs at?
Are ye going to feed my granddaughter
and me or are ye too 'shellfish'?
Arrr, we're going to need an 'arrr'. Arrr.
-Oh! Arrrrr!
Ha-ha! [laughs]
Hurry! To higher ground! Here they come!
[Maddie] See my wife
Standing on the quay ♪
The tears do fall as she waves to me ♪
[Sea Dog] I'll tell you the truth
I'll tell you no lie ♪
[both] I'll love that girl
Till the day I die ♪
It's so sad all these forgotten stones.
Look at that big mausoleum!
It has nothing on it but a name.
Must've been important to someone,
nice big thing like that.
Well, we don't know any Avanasies,
and we know everyone.
I guess there aren't any Avanasies left.
Then who built the mausoleum for him?
[Sea Dog hums sea shanty]
[Maddie] I love that poem.
[Sea Dog] It was your grandmother's
"I must go down to the seas again
To the vagrant gypsy life
To the whale's way and the gull's way
Where the wind's like a whetted knife
And all I ask for is a merry yarn
And a laughing fellow rover
And quiet sleep and sweet dreams
until the long trick's over."
Your grandma couldn't keep her feet still
for a minute.
Didn't she get scared
doing all of those trips by herself?
Scared? [laughs]
The Pollard women are fearless.
Your grandma, your mum, you.
How come you never went with her?
Oh, I sailed my seas,
and I found my patch of dirt
a long time ago.
I used to hate when she went away.
But I did love her stories
when she came back.
[both laugh]
Sometimes it's good to miss someone
you love, just for a little while.
Helps you appreciate them more
when they're around.
[theme music]
[gentle acoustic guitar music]
[Anna] What were you up to, Lauren?
Why would someone only identify
themselves by their initials?
It might not be real.
Could be using a pseudonym.
Good people don't need fake names.
Hayden said they've gotta wait for the
generator to warm up before they can cook.
It's already warmed up.
Um, so what are we gonna
reply back with?
-Excuse me?
-To L.K.?
If we don't reply,
he's not gonna show up.
-Do we want him to show up?
-He might know where Lauren is.
He might be what happened to Lauren.
OK, we shouldn't assume it's a he.
I'm sorry. Am I being sexist
to the murderer?
Um, not all mysterious strangers
are men out to get you.
Well, according to most podcasts,
they are.
-Oh, well…
- Stevie's right.
I mean, they are our only lead.
And if he knew that Lauren was gone,
why ask to meet up with her?
[Maddie] That's true.
And Lauren obviously thought that this
L.K. knew something about Hayden's coin.
Look, Lauren was onto something, OK?
And we need to follow her trail.
"L.K. All good to meet at 7pm".
Use an emoji.
Lauren always uses emojis.
That's true.
No! Be professional! Use the whale.
Happy whale or serious whale?
-Guys, this is madness!
Serious whale for sure.
OK, now we wait.
[phone chimes]
[suspenseful music]
"Very good. See you then." Happy whale.
Great! See?
Murderers wouldn't use the happy whale.
[energetic fiddle music]
Sounds like Sea Dog's got power.
Alright, let's make this quick.
[music continues]
-Ahoy, ladies!
-Hi, Grandad.
-Ahoy, Sea Dog!
-Sea Dog!
Behold, Sea Dog's collection.
What is this stuff?
This is all history.
I have every chart, manifest,
naval log, merchant log,
log recording, log transcription…
[Maddie] It's mainly logs.
Ooh, Ghost Ships
of the Australian Coast.
[Maddie] Some are more
historically accurate than others.
Right, Grandad?
[Sea Dog] Yeah, well, Maddie laughs at me,
but in every tall tale
there's a slip of truth.
That was Lauren's favourite, that one.
Well, um, Lauren is why we're here.
I see. How may I be of service?
Have you ever seen anything like this?
I don't recognise the emblem, but I
thought if anyone knew it would be you.
[suspenseful music]
Where did you get this?
Found it on a dive.
Lauren thought it was really special.
Looks like a bit of old gift shop tat
to me.
Listen, girls,
if you don't mind me saying,
but I know what it's like
to lose a shipmate.
It can be mighty difficult to let go,
but sooner or later,
you have to allow them to rest.
Don't get lost chasing ghosts, OK?
[Maddie] Thanks, Grandad.
Don't worry about the coin. Let's go.
I'll see you later.
-See ya!
-Hoo-roo. Bye now.
-Sea Dog.
[ominous music]
Is it just me, or is something up?
-Sea Dog just seemed… off.
-Do you think it was the coin or…?
-Wasn't the fire this time of the year?
-What fire?
There was a huge fire at the marina
eight years ago.
No-one was hurt, but it destroyed
Sea Dog's fishing business.
[Izzie] That's terrible.
[Maddie] He lost everything.
I don't think it's that.
We've gotta go.
Only you could be this stressed
about a fundraiser.
[bicycle bell clangs]
I have five hours
to create a magical event
that inspires people
and raises funds for the new lighthouse,
and now we have a date
with a potential crazy person,
so you're right,
what could I possibly be stressed about?
[energetic fiddle music]
Oooh, what is this?
This is a 100-year-old sideshow machine.
-Shows you your future.
Yeah, well, when it's plugged in.
Well, even the powers of the occult
have their limits.
-Izzie, I have a request.
-Yeah, anything.
I need you to sing this evening.
Hayden's already agreed
to play the piano.
-Yeah, sure.
-Anything 1950s in your repertoire?
I mean, if he can play it, I can sing it.
Let's go through the music.
We'll try and find something
that's not about 'Pop's diner'.
You know, honey, I'd be delighted
to sing a show tune or two.
How about my lead song from last year's
school musical, Guys and Dolls?
Guys and Dolls, yes, I remember.
Sure. Why not?
Hayden! How's your "Luck Be A Lady"?
[electricity buzzes]
-Wow! That looks great!
Hey, I hate to distract from
this evening's festivities,
but, um, we should probably figure out
what we're going to do
about this L.K. scenario.
Oh, well, yeah, that.
Um, well, Izzie's singing,
I'm hosting, and… that leaves you two.
To dash off into the night
and rendezvous with a mysterious stranger?
Don't worry, we'll take precautions.
Oh, yeah.
We're going to need rope. And a net.
A net?!
[eerie music]
Anna, this looks amazing.
You've outdone yourself!
Thanks, guys.
Alright, I say we hit up Darcy Falls.
Great idea.
[Renee] The Salvation Day Festival
has to take priority.
I can't run a major event
if half the town has no power.
Look, I appreciate you need things
up and running for the festival,
but if we don't do extensive works now,
you're gonna have serious failures
down the line.
This is a tourist town, John.
We make 90% of our income in one week.
So you want me to sacrifice
long-term functionality
for short-term gain?
I want you to do what you are paid to do.
So let's continue to work together
to find a middle ground, shall we?
Carnival theme. How original.
We've rigged up
an old popcorn machine,
and also all the machines accept coin,
so it's really easy to donate.
That's quite charming.
I know this is just a small fundraiser,
but it represents
our greater responsibility to Cape Mercy.
I understand, Mother.
[gentle music]
From golden years ♪
Crowd under the sunlight ♪
You hide your wounds ♪
Jump into the water… ♪
-Where are we going?
-You'll see.
Oooh-oooh ♪
Oooh-oooh-oooh ♪
Oooh-oooh ♪
Oooh-oooh ♪
And I'll wait… ♪
-It's so pretty.
-That's nothing. Come check this out.
[giggling and chattering]
If you stay ♪
Will you wander with me? ♪
Oooh-oooh ♪
Ahhh, oooh-oooh… ♪
Must be exhausting.
One minute they're flirting
and the next they're fighting.
I'm glad we're not like that.
Don't they say
with great passion comes great pain?
Love should be easy, not hard.
Like ours.
I suppose so.
So this is the luck tree.
They say it's as old as Cape Mercy.
My mum used to take me here.
Shoes? Why?
The idea is you come here
when you're worried about something,
when you need some good luck.
You give the tree one of your shoes
and it makes sure the other one
takes you where you need to go.
Some of these must be, like,
100 years old.
I guess it's a bit weird.
No, I think it's amazing.
[gentle music]
[birds chirp]
[laughter and chattering]
How was the tree?
Sea Dog and my grandma
actually put a pair up there.
It's an old fishing boot
and a red Mary Jane.
They sound like they were really in love.
Yeah, they were.
You ever dated anyone?
No? How come?
I don't know!
Guess there's just not really anyone
right for me on this island.
Not to be picky,
it just seems awfully cliched
that every 16-year-old girl
has to get with the nearest guy.
Gotta have standards.
They're great, just not for me.
No, I know how you feel. I've never been
anywhere long enough to date, so…
It'd be nice, but just gotta wait
for the right guy, I guess.
-Like Henry.
He seems really happy around you.
Hello. Take a seat.
Aren't you the femme fatale this evening?
-Thank you!
-So I see I didn't make the cut.
Surprised you didn't ask me
to sing tonight.
Oh. Well, I just assumed you'd be too busy
for our little… fundraiser.
I'm only messing with you.
Oh, your hair. Let me fix it.
Show me.
All good?
Perfect as always.
I'll see you round.
[Anna] Everyone, 15-minute call!
This is your 15-minute call!
[Izzie] Looks like the whole town's here.
Is that your dad and my sister?
Are they on a date?
No, if they were on a date,
Lucinda would be wearing her purple top.
That's her date top.
And how do we feel about that?
Confusion. And grossed out. Bleugh.
Can someone help with this cufflink?
It's been ages
since I've worn a good cufflink.
-Have you seen Hayden?
-He's not here?
Where is Hayden? He's on in 10.
-He'll be here!
He's not going to show.
What do we do?
Look, I can play,
but Stevie can't meet L.K. by herself.
Oh, Hayden!
Izzie, I'm sorry.
Don't take it personally.
Hayden isn't the most…
consistent person.
[clears throat]
I'm coming with you.
Maddie can play.
Um… are you sure?
I promise I'll keep you safe.
From L.K. or my mother?
Um, one at a time.
Good evening, everyone.
Thank you all for coming out tonight.
We hope that you enjoy
this evening's entertainment
so that we can raise the funds
we so desperately need
to repair our beloved
Cape Mercy Lighthouse.
[cheering and applause]
Without further ado,
Madeline Pollard and Isabel Martin!
[applause continues]
Running to be seen ♪
I wish I could run away from time ♪
Tell me that it's easy ♪
To watch over from the border line ♪
I know it's a means to an end ♪
That I get something that I need ♪
So I'm living on a dream ♪
And I hold on to the feeling ♪
I don't want to say it
Make up something that I'll hate ♪
'Cause Mama taught me to be kind ♪
I don't want to say it, fake it ♪
I don't wanna fake
But I got something on my mind ♪
I'm on the edge
Out on the border line ♪
And something near has got me ♪
Running for my time
I take a breath ♪
Not over my mind ♪
And something near has got me
on the border line ♪
On the border, on the border line ♪
Something near has got me
on the border line ♪
On the border, on the border line ♪
Yeah, something near has got me
on the border line ♪
Yeah, something near has got me ♪
Yeah, something near has got me
on the border line ♪
[cheering and applause]
Are you OK?
So much for Hayden changing, right?
Well, if it makes you feel any better,
I thought he'd show up too.
[both gasp]
-Who's there?
How do you know Lauren?
[suspenseful music]
Step out of the shadows.
-You first!
-Huh. I see we're in a stalemate.
I'm a friend of Lauren.
Got him!
-[L.K.] What's going on?
-Oh, my gosh.
Are you OK?
Who are you
and what do you want with Lauren?
"Who is that"? Are you kidding?
Everyone in the world knows who that is!
[dramatic music]
[plaintive fiddle music]
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