Divorce Attorney Shin (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

If you hire me…
I'll take this down.
June Man?
- June Man.
- Like Jun.
- So it was you?
- Yes.
You're so awesome.
I see.
You son of a bitch!
You bastard!
What are you going to do about this?
- Wait.
- Answer me!
What are you going to do?
How are you going to fix this?
Come on, you guys are scholars of law.
How could you use violence?
I didn't.
- It was abrupt, one-sided violence.
- I'll beat the shit out of you.
What about the video you uploaded
abruptly, one-sidedly, and deliberately?
- I'm here to tell you I'll take it down.
- So take it down!
So hire me!
- You lunatic.
- Sit down.
- Do something.
- That hurts!
- Come on!
- Stop him.
You little…
All right.
Let's try
to sort this out.
Take down the video.
Do it right now, you punk!
And Attorney Shin.
You should hire Attorney Choi.
You were going to hire someone anyway.
When did I say that?
You have a lot of employees.
But you're the only attorney.
I won't ask you to go beyond your limits.
But you only do the bare minimum
when you're the only attorney.
This is the busiest
we've ever been since our establishment.
- You know that, right?
- Look.
Don't you know the saying?
"All good things come to an end."
That's why you should
keep the momentum going.
- You little…
- Stop.
I ought to beat you up.
Tell me, you prick.
The video is everywhere.
- What'll you do about that?
- My settings don't let people share it.
- If I delete it, it's over.
- Really?
Then delete it right now.
You'll hire me, right?
Delete it.
Done. It's gone, right?
All right.
All right.
Let bygones be bygones.
- Shake hands.
- Okay.
Shake hands.
- That's his foot.
- This is how we do it in Germany.
He uses his feet like hands.
- I see.
- He's from Germany.
- My hand.
- Come on.
You have a client.
I wasn't prepared to start today.
Would you rather be fired today?
No, sir. Thank you.
Thank you.
Please excuse the commotion.
Come on in.
From now on,
I'll be texting you the schedule--
Lee Seo-jin.
That's her, right?
She's so pretty.
This is our new attorney
who'll be starting soon.
I'll introduce the two of you
when he starts--
Thank you.
- Please show yourself out.
- Yes, ma'am.
She's so pretty.
That was so cool.
- You get that often, don't you?
- That was a first.
"Please show yourself out."
"Please show yourself out."
"Please show yourself out."
Ms. Lee.
Ms. Lee.
We already have a paralegal,
so you can be the intake coordinator.
Sit in on consultations from now on.
Learn as you go.
And these cases
often get crazier than expected.
So try to hide your emotions--
I was one of them, so I'll be fine.
That's a great attitude.
Come and watch me do the consultation.
It'll help you learn.
Let's go. Hurry.
Attorney Shin.
Do you understand me?
So you want me to prove
that you two are having an affair…
so that…
he can get a divorce, right?
- Correct.
- Well…
Is his current spouse
aware of your affair?
Yes. I met with her a few days ago.
I begged and pleaded with her
to divorce him,
but a lawsuit is our last resort now.
When the spouse at fault
files for divorce,
it's not likely for them
to get a favorable outcome.
Look. What about her?
She's Kim Seo-jin, right?
You won her divorce suit.
That's why I'm here.
That's your name, right?
It's Lee Seo-jin.
And she's our intake coordinator.
As for that case…
That was a bit different.
It was for custody,
which a child's life depended on.
- So as her attorney--
- What about us?
Are you refusing to help
because we're having an affair?
That's enough.
Let's just go.
They're all saying the same thing.
His life is at stake.
He's going to die.
If he doesn't get a divorce right now,
he might really die.
What do you mean?
I have liver cancer.
The doctor said a liver transplant
would increase my chance of survival.
And she's willing to be my donor.
But to do that, we need to get married.
I see.
I understand.
You can't give him your liver
unless you're his spouse.
And you want to marry him
so that you can donate your liver, right?
Yes, that's exactly right.
Could you please help us?
We can't let him die, can we?
Is your wife not able to donate her liver?
- Is she ill?
- No.
She's perfectly healthy.
That's why I can't become his donor.
She'd rather be widowed than divorced.
Your shoulders are very stiff.
Did you play golf?
I wish I had time for that.
Gosh, look at this.
Everyone puts their needs first.
No wonder my body tenses up.
I'm so sick of it.
Do you have any children?
I have a 16-year-old son.
He's studying abroad right now.
Is he aware of your situation?
Not in detail.
But he knows that I'm sick.
It's his son's right to know.
But his wife won't tell him anything.
Despite his illness,
she pesters him to pay the tuition
and give her allowances.
Last year, she even made him
take his pension early.
Isn't she the one at fault here?
- Excuse me.
- Sure.
She also has a ton of insurance.
She can save his life,
but she's waiting for him to die.
That's murder, right?
Don't you agree?
You need to send more money this month.
I need to pay the deposit
for Min-su's classes during his break.
- How much more?
- Four million won.
I gave you my pension money.
- Have you spent it all?
- I got a new car.
I almost died while driving
that 15-year-old junk.
Tell me.
Why were you acting differently?
- Sorry?
- I mean,
you would've given me an earful
if I called you Kim Seo-jin.
Why did you remain quiet?
I didn't want
to interrupt the consultation.
If that's the reason,
I don't want you to hold back.
We did so much work.
I'm very exhausted.
And on that note, I'm calling it a day.
Because I've done too much work.
I'm leaving. Goodbye!
What was that?
A swallowtail
Comes flying
And it sat down
On a flowerbed
But not a single person
Seems to
Pay attention
-Swallowtail, fly away
-Fly away
Fly away into the sky
Swallowtail, fly away
-Go hide in the clouds
-In the clouds
Go hide
Will it hide?
Uncle Sung-han!
How have you been, Gi-yeong?
Let me see your teeth.
They've all grown back.
Hello, Mr. Jung.
I'll pick him up at nine.
Isn't that too early?
I like to sleep in on the weekends.
I meant 9 p.m. tonight.
Goodbye then.
Come on, Uncle Sung-han.
We don't have much time.
All right.
Hey, it's cheating if you start first.
It's cheating.
I just wanted to see.
No, let's eat first.
It's been so long!
I'm ready.
Take that!
Eat this.
- Darn it.
- Yeah!
Come on!
Don't be so smug
just because you beat me today.
I'll beat you next time.
No, I'm going to beat you every time.
Oh, man.
My Gi-yeong.
Go to bed right away
once you get home, okay?
You have to.
- Okay.
- Hop in.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Put your seatbelt on.
- Mr. Jung.
- Yes?
Why is he leaving so early?
You see,
Madam will be flying in from the US soon.
Everyone's a bit on edge.
- "Madam"?
- Yes.
His paternal grandmother.
I see.
It's quite dark at night.
Please drive safely.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Text me.
See you.
Hi, Hyeon-u.
One minute.
What is it?
Do you need something?
Come on.
- You were just calling?
- Jeez.
More coffee?
I must be nervous on my first day.
I can't stop drinking it.
The office is so quiet
that I can hear my heart beating.
We have a coffee machine
and instant coffee.
The water purifier broke.
They're supposed to come fix it today.
Hold on.
It's to celebrate your first new recruit
since your establishment.
I've never received flowers
from a stranger before.
I'm Jo Jeong-sik
from Jo Jeong-sik Real Estate downstairs.
I see.
I heard you started working here.
I'd like to welcome you
on behalf of all tenants of this building.
- Welcome.
- It's my birthday today.
Lunar birthdays don't count.
Attorney Choi is a new face too.
It's okay. I'm allergic to flowers.
Where did Attorney Shin and Mr. Jang go?
I asked them to prepare a small cake.
We're childhood friends.
Not that we're not childish.
Right. Have you had a team dinner yet?
We should.
Hey, you guys…
I can't believe you guys.
How could you…
We could go for Spanish cuisine or ribs.
But as our first team dinner,
maybe we should go for Korean…
This wasn't even my idea.
How will I explain the individualism
of this office to future generations?
You said it's your birthday.
- Should I buy you dinner?
- I don't do lunar birthdays.
I searched for a restaurant
for our dinner…
They're not under the couch.
Where on earth are they?
Is this a prank?
I'll have a drink as well.
What about you?
He stays away from wine.
- She's serving wine?
- Yes.
It's a new generation.
And she drinks wine.
I'd like some soju.
I don't have any.
How can you be drinking during work hours?
And what was your daily routine
for our first year of work?
Clock in, work, and clock out.
Clock in and drink a bottle of beer.
Drink two glasses of soju at lunch.
Clock out and drink
two whole bottles of soju.
That's amazing.
You sound like a master.
Is drinking your secret to winning cases?
- Write that down.
- What?
Her valuable words.
Or memorize them.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I've been waiting for you.
- We should've come here together.
- Right.
Mr. Jang loves to drink during the day.
I just thought I'd stop by.
Are those for me?
They're so pretty.
I got them from someone,
but I didn't know where to put them.
I see.
I'm sorry.
I'm not dumping them on you.
I just don't know what to do with them.
You can always give them to me.
They must be unsolicited flowers.
Who's the bastard?
Who could it be?
Choi Jun?
No way.
Sae-bom, it's me.
Do you know who gave Ms. Lee…
So it was him.
Got it.
It was Choi Jun, right?
He crossed the line again.
Why would he do such a thing?
It was him, right?
"Welcome to our building."
"I hope we get along."
"Feel free to tell me
if you need any help."
I wanted those flowers
to convey these messages.
So why are you guys
giving me these nasty looks?
- Who are you to welcome her?
- "Get along"?
Why would she need your help?
Did you give Sae-bom
flowers on her first day?
- That was--
- What about
- when we opened the office?
- No.
Why would I do that for you guys?
Exactly. If you wouldn't do it for us,
why would you do it for her?
Gosh, you're being so fussy.
That's my job, man!
You don't know
what could happen in the future.
Because I'm not going to say this again.
"Don't go visiting graves
with a rake in your hand."
Talk to me in emojis
if you find Korean too hard.
You pathetic bastard.
Fine, maybe I went over the top.
But what's so wrong about welcoming her?
I'm going to say this once, so listen up.
Ms. Lee doesn't want
anyone to recognize her.
But she needs to hold down a job
to maintain custody of her son.
She's still not emotionally stable.
And then you showed up.
With flowers, no less.
Just for Ms. Lee,
not Sae-bom or Attorney Choi.
Saying "welcome" like an idiot.
How would she feel?
Do you finally get it?
Gosh, I…
I can't believe how dense I've become.
Jo Jeong-sik.
Get a grip, will you?
So the biggest issue right now is that…
Sae-bom is upset, right?
You lunatic.
You damn lunatic.
For crying out loud.
Gosh. I'm such a lunatic.
He's right.
I understand. Darn it.
You damn landlord!
That proverb.
Shouldn't it be a shovel, not a rake?
I'll think of him now and then
Come in.
Ms. Kim Ji-suk called several times.
She wants to know if you'll take her case.
Let me think about it a little longer.
This is a personal question.
Is this case more difficult than mine?
I'm just curious.
She came to you
because you managed to win my case.
Does that mean my situation was worse?
All divorce suits are difficult.
But why do you want to know that?
I'm not sure.
Is it on the same line
with why you felt uncomfortable
about those flowers?
It is.
Thank you for being honest.
He really crossed the line
with those flowers.
But I also overreacted.
It's understandable for now.
- "For now"?
- Yes, for now.
I hope you'll come back
to being yourself soon.
A musician's interpretation is important,
but the composer's first inspiration
always comes first.
How grand.
I heard it on a radio show
about classical music.
Mr. Jang told me
that you listen to trot music
when you're sad.
When the weather is nice,
I listen to classical music too.
I'm so awesome.
- Mr. Jung.
- Yes?
Why is he leaving so early?
You see,
Madam will be flying in from the US soon.
If Ms. Ma returns…
Where do I… Goodness.
Please sit a little closer to your sister.
- Closer?
- Yes.
Her dress is so puffy.
That's good. Look at the camera. One, two.
You must be sad
to see your sister get married.
- Me?
- Yes.
You tend to look serious
when you're tense.
Good. Look at the camera. One, two.
A bigger smile. One, two.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
You fell in love so fast.
I thought you were against marriage.
You used to pester me,
telling me to talk to Dad about it.
He's a nice guy.
Come on. Nicer than me?
I wouldn't say you're the nice type.
That's true.
- You know what?
- What?
If you're unsure about all this,
we can leave right now.
Remember what Mom said?
You should throw away your bouquet and run
if you have second thoughts
while walking down the aisle.
I'm worried about you.
I wish you lived closer.
Sit down.
You look great.
You look amazing.
Thank you.
I'm really nervous.
Ma'am, please take good care of my sister.
You don't have to ask.
We're thankful to have her.
She's really kind and softhearted.
Don't be.
Kindness is a weakness.
"Don't be kind. "
"Kindness is a weakness."
You look good.
Yes, sir. I'm always doing well.
Both mentally and physically.
Are you prepared to get a new job?
Yes, I'm already working there.
I'm sure you'll do well.
Thank you, sir.
I got scared
when you suddenly wanted to see me.
I'm relieved that you're checking in
so I can transition smoothly
from one job to another.
Are you relieved?
- Pardon?
- Don't be.
Your resignation isn't final yet.
Then what do I need to do?
You're an employee
who knows about our secrets.
We couldn't let you go
without any safety measures, right?
But I don't know any secrets.
Apparently, my ear canals
are narrower than average.
So regular cotton swabs don't fit.
So I once tried
the ones made for children.
But those were so soft
that they got bent too easily.
You could ask a doctor to clean them.
Come on. They have better things to do.
I tend to tailor everything to my liking.
Cotton swabs…
or people.
You used to be my spy.
You mean that errand I ran for you?
You scared me for a second.
Does Sung-han know?
That you spied on him
and schemed with his client's husband?
I only did what my boss told me to.
Come on now.
What kind of attorney
gives such a basic response?
I'm disappointed, Attorney Choi.
It doesn't matter who told you to do it.
What's important is that you did it.
And it's ridiculous
that you want to work there,
pledging to be loyal to him.
Ji-eun, how is your…
How are you feeling?
Is there anything…
I'd look like a lunatic
no matter what I say.
Attorney Choi.
Why aren't you going into the office?
Is something wrong?
Do you want some water?
Would you like to get some iced americano?
What should I do?
If Attorney Shin finds out,
he'll beat me, right?
I don't know how I'm going to
defend you this time.
But if you think about it,
if I hadn't spied on him,
I wouldn't have known
that he was the Piano Man.
Then the video
would've gotten a lot more views.
This is actually a blessing in disguise.
Even then, Keumhwa Law Firm
is too much of a headache.
Do you know why Attorney Shin
feels uncomfortable around you?
Because I'm handsome?
And young?
Also, yes.
But it's because
you used to work for Keumhwa.
What's his beef with Park Yu-seok?
If I tell you, he'll give me shit…
I mean, he'll be upset.
I'll keep it a secret.
My future is at stake here.
I mean…
But you better not let him find out.
I promise.
I even sealed it, okay?
In a sense,
everything started with the piano.
From Attorney Choi's point of view,
he was put up to it by his boss.
Right, Attorney Choi?
I had no power.
I was an intern
who could be fired any second.
A powerless intern all of a sudden?
I'm putting myself in
Park Yu-seok's shoes for the first time.
Let's stay on topic.
No, think about it.
Park Yu-seok must be pissed right now.
He thought, "This kid is a competent spy."
"He's so reliable." Right?
He was about to
officially hire this kid as an attorney
when the kid said
that he'd work for the enemy
and left him.
How upsetting is that?
I'm pretty sharp-witted, you know.
Attorney Choi.
"Why is Attorney Park
so worried about Attorney Shin?"
Attorney Choi.
"What does he care
about this small business?"
"What could this be about?"
My mom used to say
nothing happens without a reason.
There must be something.
I said, let's stay on topic.
Whatever the story may be,
I wanted to do my best to help you,
the pianist and attorney.
That's the determination
I entered this battlefield with.
Is he going to pay you?
Pay me?
You shouldn't work for free.
- I'm not doing it.
- Do it.
Let's take the money from Keumhwa
and have a team dinner.
Give him all the information
you can find here.
I won't know anything about it.
Go ahead and be his spy.
You're so awesome.
I promise
to be the best spy
so that your grapes grow
into the best vineyard ever.
Anything else?
I'll give him all the information.
Thank you for trusting me.
You're such a strategist.
Wait, is there a better word?
Tell me something I don't know.
What about you?
Are you sorting things out?
She's going to have a baby.
Don't worry about it.
You're smiling?
If you must get over this love
Don't turn around and cry
Wipe those tears away
I was just about to leave.
I made them.
Try them.
Thank you.
It's nice and sweet.
It goes well with wine.
Is your stomach okay,
having ramyeon and wine every day?
It'd be healthier to have rice.
Are you really going to
turn it into a macaron shop?
I just don't think they'll sell very well.
I can always come back to selling ramyeon.
I guess you could do that.
Hey, Ji-eun.
What's wrong?
- Are you okay?
- Help me.
It hurts.
My stomach hurts.
You should call an ambulance.
I'm scared.
I'll be right there. Wait for me, okay?
All right, Ji-eun?
- You're driving?
- What?
No, I shouldn't.
- But Ji-eun…
- Give me the keys.
Why won't you let me call an ambulance?
What if something happens to the baby?
Thank you.
You really saved the day.
My house is nearby.
Get yourself a cab.
What are you doing?
I was just helping you.
I just felt bad.
Don't worry about it.
Is she your sister?
- She's my wife.
- Sorry?
She's your wife? Oh, dear.
I hope the baby is okay.
I hope so too.
Thank you so much.
Don't mention it. Goodbye.
Goodbye. Thank you.
Hold on.
Why does he have so much ramyeon and wine
when his wife just got pregnant?
Every day?
Go inside.
Both the baby and Ji-eun are okay.
I'll be going now.
Thank you.
She was in pain.
And I happened to be nearby.
That's all.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Hello, everyone.
Let me show you today's item.
It's Korea's most beloved side dish,
crabs marinated in soy sauce.
But these aren't just any crabs.
- They have sold out every time so far.
- Look at that roe.
It's the Ihwa Marinated Crabs.
- Should I buy some?
- And we have a surprise.
- The CEO is here himself.
- Come on.
Why don't they sell them
in smaller portions?
So many people live alone nowadays.
It's time society caught up.
That looks incredible.
He's mixing it with rice.
Look at that.
Why isn't he picking up?
Darn it.
The roe-filled crabs
that we're showing you today…
- Jeong-sik.
- What?
- Are you with Hyeong-geun?
- No. Why?
- No?
- No.
- Do you want to order some marinated--
- Cut it out.
Why did he hang up on me?
That little…
- What is it?
- Hey, Hyeong-geun.
They're selling marinated crabs.
Let's go halfsies.
We have three minutes left.
They're not those smaller ones, right?
I don't like those.
They're not, and they're full of roe.
The color of the roe is out of this world.
- I'm ordering them, okay?
- Okay.
Why did you cry?
Holy shit, I got goosebumps.
Why are you here?
I was worried about Hyeong-geun.
You were anxiously looking for him.
- I knew something was wrong.
- I wasn't anxious when I called.
I was talking about crabs
when you hung up on me.
That's not what's important right now.
What's important is
that I knew something was wrong.
Look at those puffy eyes.
He definitely bawled.
Can we listen to Sim Soo-bong?
Sure. You want some whiskey with that?
You should have at least
brought some beef jerky.
Your friend's a teary mess, you ass.
Did you meet Ji-eun?
I met the guy.
The guy she lives with?
He looked so nice.
What the hell, man?
Are you out of your mind?
You're the nicest guy there is.
Hold on. Why did you guys suddenly meet?
Ji-eun had an emergency.
And he was out working.
So she called you?
Why didn't she just call an ambulance?
She couldn't.
She was ashamed.
Let's listen to Sim Soo-bong.
Life sucks.
What did he say?
Why are you rubbing salt in his wound?
He said he was sorry.
He cried.
She's ashamed, and he cried.
What a mess.
Are you okay?
I don't know.
With things the way they are,
I don't know what to feel.
I just…
I just hope the baby will be healthy.
I hope the delivery goes well.
I don't know.
What the hell are you doing?
You crazy bastard.
He looks so tall.
I know.
You look good.
Jeong-sik took it.
Let me see it.
Come here.
You look good, right?
Send it to me.
Okay, I'll send it to you.
- Do you like it?
- Yes.
What do you say?
Do you want to pose for another one?
You look really tall. Look.
- Why don't you do another one?
- Yes.
You'll look taller next to the speaker.
And don't look at the camera.
I guess it doesn't look too bad.
Pose again. You looked really tall.
I need a profile photo.
- You do?
- You do?
So that's why it's been blank.
Is he auditioning or something?
- Don't sit down.
- Don't sit down.
- Look away.
- Look away.
- Don't touch that.
- Don't touch that.
- You son of a bitch.
- Just stand still.
- There you go.
- Look away.
Don't look at us.
It's better if you hide your face.
He's so awkward now.
- Come back. It's okay.
- Come here.
- The first one was better.
- It was?
You're not an actor or anything.
And don't touch my speaker, you asshole.
- It cost 50 million won.
- I'll send it to you.
I guess the first one will do.
Give me your number.
I don't play games that much anymore.
I could tell.
So let me do my homework in my room.
You want me to study here
so I don't play games.
That's not true.
I just don't want to be alone.
Why not?
It makes me think too much.
I don't like that.
But they're your thoughts.
You can think as much as you want.
School isn't that bad.
How's your work?
Good. I like it.
Welcome back, ma'am.
Hello, Mr. Jung.
To Ichon-dong, ma'am?
Let's go to Nonhyeon-dong.
I want to see Gi-yeong first.
Nonhyeon-dong it is.
Have you tried her food, Mr. Jung?
My new daughter-in-law.
Who's better?
Her or my late daughter-in-law?
At cooking.
I'm not sure, ma'am.
I'm not a picky eater.
I was just joking to wake myself up.
I must be getting old.
I'll be jet-lagged for a while.
Do you want to see Dr. Choi?
Let me rest for a few days and see.
Yes, ma'am.
About Gi-yeong.
Yes, ma'am.
If I asked him to come with me to Hawaii,
will he say yes?
I'm not sure.
Ms. Jin will probably be against it.
She doesn't even let him
visit his uncle once a month.
That's how she is.
She's hostile for no reason.
She's vicious.
She's too much.
If you're Mr. Choi's son,
aren't you supposed to be
in the US right now?
I'm visiting.
Do your parents know?
No. I came straight from the airport.
But why?
You're my dad's attorney.
It's not decided yet.
- What's not decided?
- Right.
Whether I'll take on his case or not.
By who exactly? My dad or you?
Shouldn't we call your parents first?
It's okay.
There's not a single sane person
in my family.
Think about it.
My dad needs a donor for his liver cancer,
but my mom has no plans of doing that.
I don't know if I should be,
but I'm glad his mistress
is willing to donate her liver.
But he needs a divorce first.
Am I right?
Who told you all that?
That's their business.
I have another question.
I can donate my organs if I want to
since I'm over 15, right?
I want to give him my liver.
So help me with the legal issues.
I'll shampoo your hair in ten minutes.
Okay. Did you have lunch?
I had too many customers then.
I just drank some soy milk.
Goodness, why do you work so hard
when your husband is a professor?
Wouldn't it be more convenient
to have a reservation system?
You're all regulars here.
It would be uninviting.
- Wait for a minute.
- Okay.
Have you heard anything from your son?
He deserves to know.
He'll resent you later.
Your name is Choi Min-su?
I'm a bit dumbfounded right now.
Let me talk casually.
Non-relative organ donors
are put under extreme scrutiny.
Do you think they'll be any more lenient
when you're related?
It would be more terrifying
to be on the operating table…
waiting for surgery.
Don't you agree?
I'm only 16.
- Enjoy.
- Thank you.
I quit.
Are you still undecided
on Professor Choi's case?
I wish you'd take it.
Do you know that story
about a rabbit and its liver?
The Hare's Liver?
- I'm going to make a deal.
- A deal?
In return for donating my liver,
I want them to stop sending me abroad.
If you pass up on this case,
I don't think I'll be able to stay true
to the composer's first inspiration.
I think I'll end up
interpreting the piece however I want.
"What if they recognize me?"
"They did."
"What are they thinking?"
"What did I wear today?"
"Maybe I should've worn pants
instead of a skirt."
"Is my lipstick too bold?"
"Maybe I shouldn't have worn mascara."
"Attorney Shin must have felt
just as uncomfortable
when he was defending me."
Kind of like that.
This is on me.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
These don't suit you.
I'll get you new ones.
Thank you.
Min-su visited me.
You don't look surprised.
Did you know about it?
No, I didn't.
You see,
I was really torn.
About whether I should
take your case or not.
But I shouldn't have been.
As an attorney, my job is to win cases.
Who am I to judge and interpret--
I'm sorry.
But I have
no energy to listen to you
beating around the bush.
Just call me out in my face.
No. I'm talking about
how to approach your case.
Now that it's begun,
we have to win at all costs.
There are two things
you must endure.
Your cancer insurance.
Cancel all of it.
You might end up with a criminal record.
I'm sorry to say this,
but this is literally
a do-or-die situation.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
It's different.
You wanted to protect Hyeon-u.
What the hell are you doing?
Professor Choi and his wife…
It was different from the beginning.
I was curious about you.
Kindness is a weakness.
Mark my words.
Do these numbers mean anything?
I'd like to know who she last spoke with.
Who's this?
Ripped and synced by
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