Doctor John (2019) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

I interviewed the interns yesterday.
They gave all sorts of answers
to why they became doctors.
Do you remember your answer?
It must've been something cheesy.
Frankly speaking, such an answer
is not necessary.
Newbies don't have answers to that.
Then why do they ask?
You guys ask that for every interview.
-You ask why we chose to become doctors.
-And you all say the same.
You say that it was because
you wanted to save lives.
But it's true.
But the problem is, we can't always
save all the patients.
Save all the patients?
There's a way for a doctor to always save
the patients.
The way to save lives all the time.
-What is it?
-Are you curious?
I'll tell you once we reach the top.
We're almost there.
Come on.
Dad. Dad.
Dad. Dad.
We're in Mount Sumun. Someone fell.
Hello? Hello?
Hello? Yes, I can hear you.
Yes. We are in Mount Sumun.
Please hurry.
Dad, help is on the way,
so you have to remain conscious.
Hang in there.
Let's go.
Please stop.
-We need to go.
-Let's wait.
-We need to go.
-Let's wait.
Help is on the way.
No one's coming.
I couldn't call for help
because my phone broke.
I thought someone would come.
I thought someone would pass by.
That's why we need to move.
Let's go.
Dad. Dad.
It hurts.
It hurts so much.
This just came in.
The police are searching
Mount Sumun for a person.
Dad, I think Mom reported us missing.
However, they're facing difficulties.
Due to the ongoing gale and blizzard,
the police have decided
to stop the search.
Once the weather clears up,
they will resume the search once again.
In Paju
What time is it?
It's 6:20 p.m.
It'll take 12 hours
until morning comes.
But in this state,
I won't be able to last another hour.
Dad, please.
I'll suffer from hypothermia and shock.
You are
a doctor.
Explain my state
using Visual Analogue Scale.
Compound fractures.
Pelvic fracture.
Massive bleeding and hypothermia.
In this case, VAS is
Right. You're right.
and clinically speaking,
that's how we taught you.
you're wrong.
That's incorrect.
The moment when you feel
the most pain is
when you realize
that you won't get better and lose hope.
Let go of your hand.
No! Don't say that!
Let go.
You're not killing me.
You're helping me feel at peace.
I'll tell you how
a doctor can always save lives.
care of
patients who won't die to begin with.
That's the only way.
So let go of your hand.
Let go.
Dad. Dad!
Dad is in pain.
What are you doing? Why did you stop?
-Let me go!
One, two, three, four, five, six
Why did you tell her to stop?
Was once not enough?
-Are you trying to kill him again?
I'd like all of you to leave.
Do you think they're going to end
his life-prolonging treatment?
They should've done it a long time ago.
But they had to take his inheritance
and succession into consideration.
Really complicated.
Shouldn't the board also talk about this?
I guess.
Si-young, what are you thinking?
By any chance, are you
We know your dad's in pain.
But we can still detect brain activity.
So he can't be considered brain dead.
But the chances that he'll recover
is also pretty low.
So are you saying we should
remove the ventilator?
No, I don't want that.
I can't do that.
Why did you stop her?
His heart rate's back to normal,
so why did you stop her?
That doesn't mean he got better.
I don't care if he's not like
how he used to be.
I just want him to stay alive.
Even if he's bedridden like this,
I still want him to stay by our side.
He's still so warm.
Does this mean nothing?
I'm able to feel and touch him.
I know. Dad can feel everything as well.
He can feel your hand, your warmth,
and he also feels pain.
What if we're just
prolonging his pain rather than his life?
Do you really think that is best for him?
Do you even care what's best for him?
Are you sure it's not because
you want to feel at ease?
I know you're struggling
to see Dad like this.
And if he regains his consciousness
but is no longer able
to live a normal life,
you'll probably end up
struggling even more.
I'm never going to give up on him.
-What's going to happen now, sir?
-What do you mean?
It's the first time people started
questioning whether the chairman
should continue receiving
life-prolonging treatment.
If his family decides to stop
the treatment
Why are you getting ahead of yourself?
And they can't just end
his life-prolonging treatment
just because his family decides
to approve it.
Well, yes.
The chairman can't exactly be
considered brain dead.
It all depends on what
Chief Min decides to do.
Even if she decides to end
his life-prolonging treatment,
this could end up going to court
if any legal problems happen to arise.
Some people think I don't deserve
to be a doctor again.
But I don't care about them.
I care more about the patients
that are in front of me.
I hope you also think the same way.
Would you like to order?
Two IVLs and a piece of cake.
-Give me the sweetest one.
Iced vanilla latte.
How does she not know that?
-I should get going.
-Sit down.
Eat and drink what I ordered.
You need to calm down.
Do you think
I'm being emotional right now?
Then what is it?
You can't possibly be cool-headed
about your dad.
You look very angry.
But I know you're not.
You're not upset
because you're angry at Si-young.
It's because you're scared
that you might lose your dad.
Are you okay?
Okay, everyone!
This is a tough world to live in!
Let's recharge ourselves
with some caffeine!
One, two, three.
-Thank you, Dr. Lee.
-Thank you.
Have something sweet!
-Have something sweet!
-I already did.
The chairman's case is quite complicated.
First, the entire family needs to approve.
Then, the ethics commission
will have to discuss what to do.
If they do a brainwave test,
he won't be considered brain dead.
And if you remove
the ventilator in that state,
it won't be a legal way of ending
his life-prolonging treatment.
It'll clearly be considered
as death with dignity.
But are you really
thinking about doing that to the chairman?
A culprit was charged with
homicide and theft
after stealing jewelry from
and murdering a senior citizen.
But the prosecution demanded
life imprisonment
instead of capital punishment,
and that's causing an uproar.
When it comes to homicide by a robber,
you either get sentenced
to life imprisonment or
capital punishment.
However, Son Seok-ki,
the prosecutor in charge
from Seoul Southern District
Prosecutors' Office,
demanded life imprisonment, not
capital punishment during today's trial.
And it caused the victim's family
to strongly protest.
People say the prosecution
should've demanded
-a stronger sentence. Any comments?
-Any comments to the victim's family?
What do you think about this issue?
Amnesty International has classified Korea
as an abolitionist in practice country.
The Ministry of Justice hasn't executed
any criminals for over 20 years.
So if I demand a death penalty,
it'll only be a waste
of prosecutorial power.
People think if we abolish
capital punishment,
it'll reduce the awareness
of brutal crimes.
What do you think about that?
Capital punishment
is the same thing as murder.
Every act that takes away
someone's life is an act of murder.
There no exceptions to murder.
I will not respond to murder
by committing murder.
Every single word he said
was exactly the same
as what he said three years ago
during the final argument.
Actually, this was different.
"Euthanasia is the same thing as murder."
Let's say there's a patient
who is beyond recovery.
A meaningless life-prolonging
treatment could violate
the patient's right to dignity
and freedom to choose.
That's right. Cha Yo-han, the defendant,
ended that meaningless
life-prolonging treatment.
However, the basis of
all basic human rights
that are written in the Constitution
is the right to live.
The defendant injected
a lethal dose of anesthetics
and violated the basic human right
of Yoon Seong-kyu
which was his right to live.
A living being has dignity, value, and
rights only when he or she is alive.
What will any of that matter
once that person's dead?
Is he going to say he protected
the patient's dignity after he killed him?
A doctor's duty
is to save
their patients.
No doctor in this world can
or should be allowed to say
he did his duty after killing a patient.
Such a doctor shouldn't exist.
Even if it was
because of a disease, malpractice,
or euthanasia.
Did he visit you?
Maybe he already did.
Yesterday's protest.
Who do you think was behind it?
-Is it cold?
-Yes. You asked us to cool it.
Thank you.
You have such weird taste.
Did you hear about Chairman Kang?
His wife asked about his mercy killing.
I think it's a highly controversial issue.
It could end up in court.
If the chairman's death is ever discussed,
there's no way Son Seok-ki
won't get involved.
-You know how persistent he is.
He knew nothing about medicine at first,
but in just two weeks, he studied
enough to rival a med student
and revealed how much
of what medicine was prescribed.
What's your point?
Seoul Hanse Medical Center.
It's where you work
and the chairman is
your resident's father.
A mercy killing involving your student.
And you first met at the prison.
Even if you have nothing to do with it,
he'll stitch you two up.
Be careful. Don't get dragged into it.
-You still have to be careful.
-How can I be careful?
Pretend you don't know about
the chairman's condition.
And don't give advice.
What is it?
The day Yoon Seong-kyu died,
an insect got into my office.
-See you.
On any other day,
I'd have killed it without thought.
But that day,
I couldn't kill the insect.
I felt the weight of life on my hands.
You look nice in this.
Yoon Seong-kyu and I
are not related at all.
He was actually a heinous criminal
who killed two children.
Despite that,
as I injected him with medicine
which would kill him,
I felt so afraid and I had a heavy heart.
In her case, it was her father.
With her own hands
she stopped her father's heart.
Are you looking for a restaurant?
I know a place that closes late. Let's go.
I don't
After work, we used to eat
somewhere around here.
However hard I think,
I can't remember.
The last place where I had dinner
with my dad.
Let's look around. We'll find the place.
Come along.
Did your father drink?
Beer? Or soju?
You two must've been close
if you ate together after work.
I often ignored his calls.
To eat with a friend,
I often lied and said I'd already eaten.
He kept telling me to eat.
I refused.
I said I was full.
-Eat up. Why aren't you eating?
-I don't want to eat.
You eat this. I don't eat shrimp.
Come on.
I'll eat it then.
It's delicious. You're so silly.
I should have enjoyed it.
If I'd known that would be
our last meal together,
I'd have enjoyed it all.
Okay. One, two, three.
You look scary.
You do.
One more.
One, two.
Let's go inside.
Let's eat.
Your dad won't want you to starve.
The rain stopped.
I enjoyed the meal, sir.
So did I.
If I were you,
I might have tried to go farther away.
Somewhere farther than Madagascar.
I might have never returned.
That's a huge compliment.
It means I'm better than you.
No, I complimented myself.
I'm glad I prevented you
from running away.
-Which department are you looking for?
-Where's the ICU?
I'll show you. Come with me.
Thank you.
Going up. Sixth floor.
Wait, wait!
The door is opening.
Going up.
Third floor. The door is closing.
Get off at the third floor.
It's on your right.
Thank you.
I've been here for days
and I still get confused.
Thanks to you, I didn't get lost.
Are you a guardian?
Yes. My husband's heart
suddenly started acting up.
-Thank you.
-Going up.
Eat regularly.
You can't collapse too.
Food is energy.
Okay. Thank you.
I might be talking too much about food,
but did you feed the cat yesterday?
Doesn't the food get soggy when it rains?
Bagged food.
What food?
You put the dry food in a plastic bag.
It stays dry and the cats know how to eat.
That's a good idea. I'll feed it today.
If you don't mind.
I feel bad for asking silly questions.
See you later.
Dr. Heo?
It's huge. Really huge news.
Hurry, hurry.
Guys, guys.
Dr. Cha.
-It's huge.
-What is it?
What's huge?
What is it?
Dr. Cha's now a famed doctor.
-He's in the news.
-Our professor?
His future's bright.
-He's famous now.
-Look at that.
Joo Hyung-woo said
amazing things in the interview.
That there's a doctor of miracles
who cures cripples and heals the blind.
He got really lucky.
How did he land a famous patient
like Joo Hyung-woo
and go from Grim Reaper
to a savior in a day?
So what if he becomes famous?
Our center will be empty
and quiet again today.
Basement one.
Are the protesters here?
-Is this our floor?
-I think so.
-Is this our floor?
-Can we not go home today?
I have to go home.
What's this?
-I have to go home.
-What's this?
Heo Jun?
Are you Dr. Heo Jun?
Yes, I am.
My gosh. It must be you.
The famous doctor.
Gosh. It's you.
His name is Heo Jun.
Like the legendary doctor.
Dr. Heo.
Is he that professor?
Now, now, please be quiet!
Look over there. Go that way.
-Where are you going?
-What? What? What's the matter?
No, no, sir. What are you doing?
No, no. Leave me alone.
Ma'am. Sir. Ma'am, let go of me.
Let go.
No, no, you can't do this.
Sir, please.
What's wrong?
Please wait over there.
What was that called? Myasthenia gravis.
I think I have that.
Can you write down your name
and social security number?
I said I'm in pain.
It's killing me.
When do you start seeing patients?
I'm here with a sore leg.
Must I stand and wait forever?
You can't come in.
We're getting ready. Please wait.
Dr. Cha.
Today, all residents and fellows
will do preliminary examinations.
Many people seem to think
they have myasthenia gravis.
As you know, symptoms are sporadic
and hard to diagnose.
Check the symptoms thoroughly
and transfer to Neurology if necessary.
Sort patients by symptoms and brief me.
Dr. Lee, prepare the operating room.
-Got it.
most of our patients
would have been to many hospitals
and departments and
failed to get a diagnosis.
But remember.
There's no pain without cause.
There's only pain with an unknown cause.
My gosh.
Let's get to work.
Gather round for a group cheer.
No pain without cause.
AP cheer. Gather round.
AP cheer? What's that?
We came up with a cheer for our team,
for Anesthesiology and Pain Management.
Let's all do it.
Gather round, everyone.
One, two, three.
AP, AP, let's go!
Down, not up.
We're ready.
-When did the pain start?
-About a month ago?
When did it hurt most recently?
I think it's been about a week.
Did it ever hurt before?
This might hurt a bit.
A sore knee.
-Your knee hurts?
It has been about two years.
Here's the pain spectrum.
It goes from 0 to 10.
Where are you?
Zero means it doesn't hurt at all.
Ten means it hurts to death.
Pick a number.
This one.
This isn't the look on your face.
What? The pain's killing me.
Don't push!
I didn't push.
-You pushed me!
-This is so upsetting.
Will you please excuse me?
I only nudged you
because my legs are weak.
Do you have to yell?
I'm dying here and you keep touching me.
Forget about it.
You're dying? You look just fine.
I look fine? Are you a doctor?
Will you both calm down now?
Let's be orderly and civilized.
How can you tell me to calm down?
Do you know what I have?
What do you have, sir?
Me? I have CRPS. CRPS!
-What's CRPS?
-It's bad.
Where's Cha Yo-han? Get him right now!
Will you keep it down?
-Get him!
Who wants to see me so urgently?
-Dr. Cha.
-Which patient is it?
Dr. Cha?
Yes. But if you scream so loud,
you'll disrupt us at work.
Save me, Dr. Cha.
Or kill me.
I don't know what's wrong, but if you--
It's CRPS!
Someone help my son! Help my son!
The ER is on the first floor.
This is the Pain Management Center.
I'm okay now.
Let's go.
-Dr. Lee.
Have his bed ready.
What? You're not
going to send him to the ER?
No, he's our patient.
Can't he feel anything?
I guess not.
He's not under local anesthesia.
But But he's not
What's going on?
Why did you do this?
So you can prove your illness?
How did you know that, Dr. Cha?
His brother got beaten up by his friends.
-My gosh.
-What is that?
So he ran outside
and told them to beat him up instead
since he feels no pain.
But they didn't believe him.
-So he cut himself
He's a famous doctor.
-He might be able to treat you.
-Forget it. I'm not going to get treated.
We were told that it's incurable.
Check if he can sense temperature.
And get ready to check his symptoms.
And check for secondary symptoms
due to analgesia and anhidrosis.
Dr. Cha, that can't be.
I'm sure of it.
That's a 0,0000001 probability.
And there aren't
that many materials about it either.
No one in our country has ever
been diagnosed.
No, wait. I think there was one.
-What are you talking about?
He can get cut, get stitches
without anesthetics,
break his bones, and rupture his organs.
But he still won't feel any pain.
It's congenital insensitivity
to pain with anhidrosis.
He's a CIPA patient.
You're going to carry out the exam
in teams.
Lee Yoo-joon, Heo Jun, and Kim Won-hee.
You're in charge of Lee Gi-seok,
-the possible CIPA patient.
-Yes, doctor.
Kang Mi-rae and Kang Si-young.
You're in charge of Choi Seung-won,
the possible CRPS patient.
are completely the opposite.
When you have CRPS,
even the slightest touch
could make you feel pain.
But when you have CIPA, you don't
feel any kind of pain whatsoever.
Dr. Cha.
Does this patient really have CIPA…
-Dr. Heo, watch how you say the word.
-Gosh, come on.
Does he really have CIPA?
That legendary illness we read
in textbooks where the patient
can't sense any pain or temperature?
We'll find out
once we carry out the exams.
Let's begin.
If you're unable to feel pain,
it's most important
not to get infected.
You need to think of your body
as being made of glass. If you don't--
I heard it's like a ticking bomb.
That's what a doctor told me.
He said I'm like a ticking bomb
that could blow up at any minute.
Even if my appendix bursts,
I won't be able to feel any pain.
So he said I'll know
once my insides all rot.
Then I'll just end up dying.
So do you want to die early?
I won't be able to live for long anyway.
I heard I'll die before I turn 20.
Whether you'll live a long life
or die early all depends on you.
I don't want to live a long life.
I can't control my body temperature,
so I can't even run.
I need to check my bowel movements,
so I can't go to an internet cafe.
I can't do anything
that other people do so easily.
So what's the point of living a long life?
You can wrap it up.
Monitor the analgesia nociception index.
And check his ability
to sense temperature.
-Please don't move.
-You're going to inject that?
We need to run a test
in order to diagnose you.
I told you I feel excruciating pain
even when the wind blows.
I keep telling you that it hurts.
Why won't you believe me?
We do believe you.
We believe you, and that's why
we're trying to find the cause.
But what if you fail to find it
-even after I go through all of this?
-Then we'll have to run a few other tests
until we find the cause.
And you just want me to feel
all that pain?
We'll treat and cure you
once we find the cause.
If you need surgery,
we'll put you through one.
And if you need medicine,
we'll prescribe them.
But what if everything
just ends up being useless?
If I still don't get better,
will you help me die in peace?
That's not part of our job.
Why not?
Your job is to relieve a patient
from feeling pain.
why do you turn away
when a patient would rather die
than to feel this much pain?
Don't worry.
We're not going to turn away
from your pain.
Dr. Kang, let's talk outside.
What did you mean by what you just said?
Are you saying you're going to do
what he asks?
-No, that's not
-Stop responding to nonsense.
Just focus on running the exam.
He's scared.
He's not saying that
because he really wants to die.
He's just scared
that he might not recover.
Excessive empathy with your patients.
Do you still not understand
how harmful it can be?
Focus on his symptoms
rather than his emotions.
That's how we'll be able to cure him.
-Aren't they done with the exam?
-I don't know.
What's wrong with him?
-I don't feel pain.
-We're not done with his exam.
-Oh, sorry.
I'm sorry. We'll begin the exam.
Dr. Kang.
JUNE 11, 2018:
You kept a diary of your pain.
Can you promise me
that you'll read my diary
until the very end?
I promise.
Let's begin
the exam.
Choi Sung-hoon, 47 years old.
He broke his left arm a year ago.
And that's when he started
feeling pain in his left chest.
It felt as if his left chest
was being cut by a knife,
and he constantly felt a strong burn.
We ran an exam thinking it might be
a cardiac or lung disorder.
But everything came back normal.
He came to the hospital
saying he has CRPS.
But he didn't meet the criteria.
His symptoms are similar to those of CRPS,
but he doesn't suffer from it.
He's visited pretty much every department
to seek treatment.
Dr. Cha.
Transfer his information to Neurology
along with his diary.
Good work, everyone. You may go home now.
-Thank you, sir.
-Good work.
-Good work.
-Goodbye, Dr. Cha.
Goodness, my back,
my feet, my legs, and my neck.
Dad, what's wrong?
Call 119.
My dad is vomiting blood. Please hurry.
-What's your address?
-1003, Bangil-dong.
Help is on the way.
Could you ask him where it hurts?
Please hurry.
We're on our way,
so please ask him where it hurts.
I don't know.
What? Did you ask him?
Even if I ask, he doesn't know.
What do you mean?
We need to know that so that--
He doesn't know!
Even my dad doesn't know where it hurts!
I'm here, sir.
I've been waiting.
I'm sorry.
"Dr. Kang Si-young"?
That's me.
You're from the Pain Management Center.
Are you done receiving patients?
Yes, we are.
Oh, no.
If you schedule an appointment
Well, I'm not here to set an appointment.
I'm here to see Dr. Cha Yo-han.
If he's still here,
he's probably in his office.
It's over there.
All right. Thank you.
Does he know that you're coming?
I haven't seen him
in three years.
Prosecutor Son is here?
Yes, he's here. By the way
It's a bit of an ambiguous amount of time.
In three years,
one could completely change.
But for some, it may not be
enough time at all.
I thought Dr. Cha needed plenty of time,
so I asked for a 10-year sentence instead.
Yes, I'm the prosecutor
who was in charge of Dr. Cha's case.
Why Si-young?
I'm not sure.
He might be aware of what happened
to Chairman Kang.
He might be here for either you or her.
But in any case,
I doubt it's a coincidence
that those two are together.
Doctors are so admirable.
It's an incredible feat to save lives.
But I don't trust them completely either.
Because although they can save lives,
they can also take them.
I consider their hands
double-edged swords.
They could be the deity's hands
or the deity of death's.
Just like Dr. Cha three years ago.
Why are you telling me this?
Dr. Cha from three years ago
is someone I'm very familiar with.
I believe the present Dr. Cha is someone
you know very well
since you're his trainee.
What do you say?
Has he changed much
over the past three years?
If he hasn't,
what would you do?
What do you mean?
he attempted to repeat
what he did three years ago,
would you report it?
would you turn a blind eye?
If it's neither,
would you
agree with him?
Yes, it has been a while, Dr. Cha.
It has been, Prosecutor Son.
Are you here to see me?
I guess you could say that. By the way
What did you say?
Step away right now.
From my trainee.
I never asked for society's
forgiveness for what I did.
Time doesn't erase your criminal record.
If Dr. Cha keeps doing what he does,
he can help us when we need him.
What do you mean by that?
The daughters of these two
currently work under Dr. Cha.
-I feel
even more anxious that
you're close to someone like him.
If there were a case
identical to that one
Would I make the same choice?
I can only say that
some things are impossible.
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