Doctor Who (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Dot and Bubble

- Dot.
And, Bubble.
Hi there, Lindy.
Such a super day.
You look so good, baby!
Aw, Cooper, you're so kind.
Kindness all day long.
Good morning to you. Another day.
Don't lie in bed, Lindy girl.
Hup, hup, hup! Today is toasty.
[GROANS] This day is already too much.
I'm so tired of this, babes.
I heard from Lucien.
He said he's so sorry.
He said he made a mistake,
and it turns out that
woman was her sister!
I was laughing so hard!
Hey, where's Jimbo?
He always wakes up first.
Jimbo? Jimbo Fennell? Jim?
Come on, Jimbo. Wake up.
Have you heard from Mabel and Neve?
It's like they've disappeared.
I tried to link, but they're gone.
Lindy babes, you lie there much longer,
and your blood is going to pool.
I said get up!
[DOT] Stand up.
Turn left. Forward.
Turn left.
Turn right.
Do I need to pee?
Urine content is zero
for the third day in a row.
Well done, Lindy.
Remember, don't waste
the day with daily waste.
- Oh, my days. Have you seen?
- Can't breathe. Cannot breathe.
- Have you seen? He's made a new post.
- He is amazing!
Oh, Lindy,
Ricky September is so beautiful.
- If I ever met him, I would simply die.
- He chose me. He loves me, Lindy!
Oh, wow.
Open Ricky September.
Oh, my goodness.
Go on, girl go on,
go on, go on, girl ♪
Ah, yeah ♪
You don't know me, but
my name is the Doctor,
and your life is in danger, okay?
There are creatures out
there in the real world.
There are monsters, and
they are coming to get you.
No. No, Lindy, don't
[LINDY] Blocked.
- It was an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny ♪
Yellow polka dot bikini ♪
That she wore for
the first time today ♪
Ah, yeah ♪
An itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny
yellow polka dot bikini ♪
So, in the locker,
she wanted to stay ♪
[WEATHERMAN] Finetime News,
where everything's fine all of the time.
Leave those Homeworld blues behind.
And the weather report says
it's another glorious day in Finetime,
in theory.
Not gonna lie. We've got a little bit
of trouble with the weather satellite.
But we'll get that fixed
as soon as we can.
Have a fine time in Finetime.
[LINDY] So, my socks
are a cotton derivative,
and my shoes are retrobuffed.
- I love them so much.
- [DOT] Forward.
The T-shirt is a classic design
from the year Five-5.
- I adore it.
- [DOT] Forward.
Oh, you look so beautiful, Lindy!
And the thread is sourced from refurb,
so I'm not depleting any
of Finetime's resources.
I'm so careful about that.
Oh, I wish I could look like you.
And I have the same in teal, lilac,
and summer green. It's so soft.
I'm gonna buy that. I'm gonna buy 100.
I know I probably shouldn't
say this, but I look so cute.
- You are influencing me hard, girl!
- [DOT] Turn right. Turn right.
- Turn left.
- Forward.
- [DOT] Forward.
[LINDY] Hey, guys.
If you haven't seen my
new outfit I posted today,
I thought it was so cute.
- [FOLLOWER] That's great.
- Do you think so?
[SCOFFS] It's so unfair.
Now we have to work.
Finetime never told us
how boring it would be.
- [FRIENDS] Boring.
- I like it.
Oh, you're so well behaved, Alan.
We are helping the community
to make Finetime the number one
centre for substack processing.
Who am I kidding?
- Boring!
All this work, it chaps my hands.
Like, I get really bad hand-chapping.
Isn't chapping a funny word?
[FRIEND] Oh, crazy days. It so is!
I love that word!
- Chap, chap!
- I get chapping everywhere.
I'm serious, Lindy.
Now there's no sign of Zackary.
Like, he's disappeared.
So I went to ask Rooster,
but he's gone
[SCOFFS] You're no fun.
- Hi there, Lindy.
I'm just doing a system check
on behalf of Finetime Enterprises.
Do you mind if I ask
you a few questions?
Who are you?
My name's Ruby Sunday. Hi! [CHUCKLES]
You're not on my friends list.
I know, but please? Everyone
keeps turning me down.
Superplease, Lindy?
Oh, I love that top.
What do you want to know?
Thank you.
Can you tell me what
are you doing right now?
[SCOFFS] My life, you're stupid.
[RUBY] Yes, let's say I'm stupid.
I know nothing.
So what are you doing?
- This is work.
- And work is?
Oh, my gasp. Child.
Work is data processing.
We clean up substack information
and deliver it back to the Homeworld.
Do you approve?
That's great. And everyone
does this? The whole city?
[SCOFFS] How stupid can you
We all work two hours a day.
Two long hours.
And then we get the rest of
the day free. Isn't it obvious?
- [RUBY] And you work in an office of six?
- That is correct.
- Who are the six?
- [SCOFFS] Come on.
Okay. There's Danny and Vista Jay
they're brother and sister
plus Molly Champion, Sandy Brook
and Bertie Lester.
And where are they?
They're at work.
It's work time.
- So they're in the same room as you?
- [SCOFFS] Yes.
Danny and Vista Jay sit at the front.
Next row back, in front of them,
Molly Champion and Sandy Brook.
Bertie and I are at the back.
- [RUBY] And are they there?
- Are they where?
- [RUBY] At their desks?
- How should I know?
[RUBY] You're in the same room.
What am I supposed to do? Look?
Well, yes.
You are so ridiculous.
If you want to talk to Danny Jay,
you can talk to him on here. Danny?
Danny. Are you there?
So where is he?
Danny? Danny Jay? Hello?
[RUBY] Well, technically,
he's in the same room.
He's sitting two rows
in front of you, isn't he?
He must be.
You could always see if he's
there with your own eyes.
I mean, you could lower your Bubble.
Lower it?
You mean turn it off?
For a second.
[LINDY] That's not
what we do in Finetime.
[SCOFFS] You are so offensive.
[GOTHIC PAUL] I'm not kidding.
Olive has disappeared, and Kipper,
and no one's heard from Alannah
I slid you!
I promise I will leave you alone
if you could just look at
the four desks in front of you.
I am not lowering my Bubble.
Okay, can you stay inside and
look beyond it? Can you do that?
I can do whatever I want.
- Then could you try?
[RUBY] What can you see?
[LINDY] There's no one there.
[RUBY] Okay! That's fine. Thank you.
Where are they?
That's why I asked.
They can't not be here.
We all have to work. It's what we do.
We work, and then we play.
Okay. [SIGHS]
Now this is going to be tough,
but I am here with you, Lindy,
because according to the chart,
Bertie Lester sits next
to you, to your right.
- Bertie sits about ten feet away.
- Yes.
- Is he there?
- [GROANS] Who cares!
Lindy, I want you to be very
careful, and look to your right.
I'd like to get back to work now.
What did you see?
I need to get back to work.
- Lindy, what did you see?
I I don't know.
Okay, but I'm stuck outside
Finetime. I can't see in.
If you could just lower your Bubble,
turn off the Dot and look.
Just for a second.
Then come back inside,
and tell me what's out there.
I-I'd rather get back to work.
I know, and I'm sorry,
but we really need
to know what you're sitting next to.
- Bubble, down. Dot, off.
- Dot, Bubble.
Lindy, it's okay. I'm here.
Can you tell me what you saw?
I'm sorry, but your need
to urinate has skyrocketed.
So, here's a plan.
After work, we can all
plug into Aqua Marina?
What is that noise?
[LINDY] Play Ricky September.
Itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny
yellow polka dot bikini ♪
That she wore for
the first time today ♪
Ah, yeah ♪
An itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny ♪
Yellow polka dot bikini ♪
Lindy, I'm sorry, but if I'm right,
I think you saw some kind of thing.
But I've got a friend. He knows
how to deal with it. I promise.
Here he is. [CHUCKLES]
[GROANS] Just leave me alone, will you?
This is just getting so ridiculous.
No, I know. I know. But come on, babes.
We need to get you out of there.
Is that thing Is it
something to do with you?
No. I'm trying to find out what it is,
but first things first,
I'm here to save you.
Okay? So I want you
to stand up and walk out,
but without the Bubble.
I-I can't do that.
[DOCTOR] You need to lower the Bubble,
because there are more of them.
- More?
- I think so.
It's not just your office,
and I don't think your
Dot-system can see them.
If you walk using those arrows,
you could stroll right into one of
those things and get swallowed alive.
- Doctor.
- The truth.
- Okay, but, Lindy, trust him.
I learnt that a while back,
and it's saved my life so
many times. [CHUCKLES]
- [DOCTOR] Bubble down. Dot off. Walk out.
You can do it.
Bubble down.
[CRYING] Bubble, down.
- Dot, off.
- Oh, God. I'm so stupid! [GASPS]
- D-D-Dot and Bubble.
[RUBY] Did you do it? Are you out?
- I don't know how to walk.
- What do you mean?
I don't know how to walk
without the arrows.
- You don't know how to walk?
- Without the arrows.
You don't know how to walk
without the arrows?
[CRIES] That's what I just said.
Now shut up! I hate you!
I hate you! I hate you! [CRYING]
Exit, please.
[DOT] Forward.
Turn right.
Turn left.
Turn left.
Elevator, down to ground floor.
- You see? The arrows work.
- Yeah, okay.
That's good. You're amazing, Lindy.
I swear to the sky, you are
doing really, really well.
Oh, condescending much?
[DOT] Forward.
- [RUBY] Lindy, Lindy! Stop, stop! No.
- [DOT] Forward.
- Run, run, run, run! No, no!
- [DOT] Forward.
[DOCTOR] Not forward! Go back!
- Move! Don't follow the arrows!
- Move. Move. Get outta the way!
- It's right there.
- Do not follow the arrows.
- Just keep going back!
- [RUBY] Move back!
- Back!
- Back, Lindy! Move back!
- [RUBY] Not forward! Not forward!
- [DOT] Forward.
- [RUBY] Back! Back!
- Move back!
- The monster is in front of you.
- [RUBY] Don't move.
- No, no, no!
- [DOT] Forward.
- [DOCTOR] Do not follow the arrows!
- [RUBY] No, no, no, no, no!
[DOT] Forward.
- Forward.
- It ignored you.
- [DOT] Forward.
Why did it do that? What did you do?
There's That's two of them
now, just letting you go.
Lindy, get in the lift!
- [DOT] Forward.
- [DOCTOR] Yes. Yeah, yeah. Lift, lift.
- [DOT] Forward.
Stop and turn.
[DOCTOR] Lindy.
Lindy, just think. Is there
anything different about you?
It might be, uh, a perfume,
or your blood type,
or just something different
to Bertie Lester.
[LINDY] Police.
[OPERATOR] All lines are busy.
We regret we cannot
help you at this time.
But I really need the police.
[OPERATOR] All lines are busy.
We regret we cannot
help you at this time.
But I really need the police!
There-There-There's a murder.
There was a murder ten feet to my right.
All lines are busy. We regret
we cannot help you at this time.
Please, will someone help me?
That's why we're here, and we're
gonna get you out. I promise.
[DOT] Foyer.
[RUBY] Careful. Careful.
Careful. [CHUCKLES]
What do I do now?
[RUBY] Let's go out to the street.
Is that okay?
One step at a time.
- [DOT] Forward.
[DOT] Forward.
Turn right.
- [DOT] Turn left.
- Forward.
- Forward.
- [RUBY] And could you stop there?
[DOCTOR] Now, Lindy.
I know that you don't like lowering
the Bubble, and I get that.
I know. I understand.
But we need to find out what
it's like outside full 360
and you're the only one who can tell us.
Could you just lower the Bubble,
just for ten teeny-tiny seconds?
I'm not a child.
Uh, sorry, sorry!
But could you, please?
- Bubble, down. Dot, off.
Yeah, it's fine. [CHATTERING]
- Hey! Be careful. Watch out! [GASPS]
Help! Help me!
Help! Help me!
- Dot and Bubble.
Hiding place, please.
[DOT] Turn left. Turn left.
Turn left. Turn left.
- Hi there.
I know this is terrible.
I really know. Believe me.
I've seen some things.
But we just can't reach you, Lindy.
We're trying but we can't.
And we might not have much time.
Can you tell us, what
is it like on the street?
What did you see?
[GASPS] They're everywhere.
Those things.
But there was this one girl,
she walked right past,
and it ignored her.
But then this other girl,
she got eaten alive.
It's some of you.
Some of you get eaten,
and some of you don't.
Maybe it's your diet, or your height,
or something in your DNA.
And why can't the Dot see those things?
- They must be from the Wild Woods.
- What do you mean?
We're told, from day one,
"Never touch the Wild Woods".
The whole of Finetime is surrounded
by this woodland-forest thing.
It's, like, really natural.
But we have force fields.
We're shielded off.
How did they get inside?
Your security is crazy tight.
It's blocked me.
I'm stuck on the outside of the city.
So how would those
great big bugs sneak in?
Lindy, do you mind if I ask,
what is Finetime?
How d How does it work?
[LINDY] Jiminy, you're stupid.
We come here from the Homeworld.
No stinky old folk.
Just people ages 17 to 27.
I mean, no. Not just anyone.
If you can afford it, obviously.
Ah, so you're the rich kids?
[LINDY] Uh, I should hope so.
I thought you were, like, office drones,
but that's why you only
work two hours a day.
So the rest of the time
We party.
- It's like Love Island: The Planet.
- Mummy paid for it all.
We miss you so much, darling.
But I'd pay for the whole
moon to make you happy.
Just look up at the sky, and
wave to us on the Homeworld.
Happy Finetime, Lindy-Loo.
And don't forget, you're
only a Bubble away.
Who is that?
I told you. It's Mummy.
[RUBY] Hold on. I've seen her before.
Yeah, she's like She's the face
of the ambulance on Kastarion 3.
No, no, no. I've seen
her somewhere else.
Are you two in the same room?
- No. No.
- No.
- Uh, sorry. We'll save that for later.
You are. You're in the same
room. You're together.
[DOCTOR] Oh, what the hell. Yes.
- Mm-hmm.
- [LINDY] You You lied to me.
This is like a conspiracy. Who are you?
We're just trying to help.
You. I blocked you.
Didn't I block you? I knew it. I did.
I thought that you just
looked the same, but you're
How did you do that?
- Unblocked, babes.
You can't unblock.
There is no such thing as unblocking.
That's breaking all the rules.
Oh, my hazy days. Why am
I even talking to you two?
You're criminals.
I I actually have proper
friends. Guys? Guys.
Close Friends, Priority One.
Initiate group chat now!
- You did not just Priority One us.
- You can't Priority One.
- Not funny. Seriously.
- You're gonna be disciplined for this.
- [ALAN] We could be given extra hours.
- [GOTHIC PAUL] We need Priority One.
- I'm so glad you did that, Lindy.
- Mute!
Guys, guys! Sorry not sorry,
but this is much more important.
I have evidence.
Just look at my Close Friends.
Look how many are missing.
Jimbo and Bobbie.
Oh, my God. Where's Cooper Mercy?
She She was here five minutes ago.
Cooper? Can you hear me? Cooper Mercy?
Cooper Mercy was my best friend.
And-And Valerie? Ha-Has she gone?
Calling Valerie Nook!
Unmute Gothic Paul.
Guys, I've been trying to say,
people have been disappearing.
Stewie Bloom, when was
the last time you saw him?
Rooster Jacket? Joseph and Lucy.
And I've not seen Kirstie
Bookkeeper since last week.
This is the weird thing.
Some of us get eaten,
and some of us don't.
- I'm sorry. Some of us get what?
- Eaten.
What do you mean, eaten?
Eaten alive!
There are things out there,
in the real world,
and I swear, they are eating us alive.
[CHUCKLES] Oh, for land's sake,
Lindy. Don't be so silly.
Not even I would say
something like that.
Just because someone goes off
[LINDY] Mute!
[GASPS] Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
No, no, no, no, no.
I told you! I told you!
Why didn't you listen to me? I told you!
Lindy. Lindy, it's okay.
I think that I can get you out.
- I muted you.
- Unmuted, honey.
I was so right to hate you.
[DOCTOR] Okay, but I
need to talk to everyone.
- Let me just Let me just squeeze in.
- [LINDY] You can't do that.
- Yeah, well, I just did.
Okay, if you all could just listen
Guys, I I know this is wrong,
and when this is over,
he is gonna be so
disciplined I can't wait
but just give him a shot, okay?
I think he's not as stupid as he looks.
[DOCTOR] You don't have to like me.
The only important thing is to
get you out, and I've found it.
I've got access to
the plans of the city.
There is a river running underground,
underneath the town.
If you can get to the river,
there is help, there is safety,
there is an escape.
Okay, there are conduits
throughout the city, like
tunnels. Vertical tunnels.
The river was generating electricity
back in the old days,
and the conduits still stand.
- I'm sending you all locations.
You all live within a half a mile
of a conduit, so get there.
The conduits are locked,
so once you find them,
I can send you a code.
But you've got to be careful
because it means going out
onto the streets with those things.
I'm sorry, guys. It's true.
But we can't work out why they eat
some of you and not all of you.
You lot, is there something
you've all got in common?
Is there something you drink
that other people don't?
Or something that you don't
drink that other people do?
Or maybe something you touched
that Gothic Paul didn't? Or Cooper?
- Why were they eaten?
- [DOT] Your power is low.
- Oh, no. No, no. Not now.
- [DOT] Please charge your Dot.
- [RUBY] Lindy, what's happening?
- I'm out of power.
- You are kidding me!
- You still have battery problems?
We charge up at work, and
you stopped me from working!
You took me away from my desk!
This is your fault!
Uh, okay. Everyone, everyone.
Head to your conduits.
Follow my instructions.
Go! Now!
Lindy, listen to me.
Your conduit has an access
point on Plaza 55.
It's inside building number 7 Z.
What? Building number what?
Which way? Which way do I go?
Which plaza? What-What-What
was it? Fifty-five?
Wh-Wh-Wh-Where do I go? What?
Oh, G Oh, come on, Lindy. Okay.
Okay. Come on, Lindy. It's this way.
Yes. No. Yes.
[GRUNTS] Lindy!
[BREATHING HEAVILY] Plaza 55 is forward.
Oh. No, no, no, no!
No, no, no, no! [SHRIEKS]
[PANTING] Oh, God!
I'm so stupid! [PANTING]
[PASSER-BY] Turn left.
Take two steps forward.
[PASSER-BY] Turn left.
Take two steps forward.
[PANTS] Who's that?
[PASSER-BY] Just follow my voice.
Turn left, and then
take two steps forward.
[PASSER-BY] Stop! Turn right.
Is this for real?
I know. It's me.
Just listen to my voice.
All you have to do is walk forward.
Use me like the arrows.
I'm not on-screen. I'm over here.
But you look like Ricky September.
I am Ricky September.
Oh, my gosh.
[RICKY] But we do need to get out.
This whole city's going mad.
You just have to do what
I say, and walk forwards.
- What's your name?
- Lindy Pepper-Bean.
- You're one of my followers.
- How do you know that?
Well, okay. Everybody is.
Follow my voice.
Walk forward.
- Forward.
Forward. That's it. That's it.
- Well done, Lindy. You did it.
- Sorry.
I'm sorry.
Just That's the first time
I've ever done that.
Oh, no. Well, it's not every day
we walk past monsters.
No, I mean the hug.
- That was your first hug?
- Yeah.
- I'm so sorry. I should have asked.
- No!
No, I made you. It was
my fault. I shouldn't have.
Uh, it was nice.
It was great.
You're Ricky September.
Yep, every day. But we
do have to get moving.
I tried to warn people in my videos,
but they kept getting deleted.
'Cause it's weird, these things, they
eat some people but not everyone,
and I can't help but think
that they're saving us till last.
I know, but there's this
conduit, like, an escape.
It's like a like a tunnel
sort of thing on Plaza 55.
Building number 7Z2.
No way. How did you know that?
Come on. It's almost night cycle.
We've got about ten minutes
till the sun clicks off.
- Oh. Is that okay?
- It's fine.
You're so good at walking.
Don't tell anyone, but I open the
Bubble, drop my songs and then
I turn the Dot off for
the rest of the day.
- [GASPS] Oh, my eyes. You're wild.
- I know.
I just stay in my apartment
and read. That kind of thing.
Oh, you're crazy.
That's how I know about the conduits.
I read, like, um, history.
And during the Great Abrogation,
this whole city was sealed off,
but there's a river running underground,
underneath the city, and I think
[STAMMERS] Whoa, whoa.
Um, don't look at that.
Look at me. Look at me.
- Don't look at that. Look at me.
Lindy Pepper-Bean, I will get
you out of here. I promise.
I thought this was
the worst day of my life,
but maybe it's the best.
There's still thousands of
people being eaten alive.
Yeah, but
Oh! I can charge up. Yahoo.
[RICKY] Yes, and they've got
a planet-link. I can call the Homeworld.
- Do you think they can help us?
- Oh, it's gonna be massive.
Up there, in the sky,
is a planet full of our mums and dads,
and they're gonna be so cross.
They're gonna be righteous,
and they'll come down here with
rocket ships and flamethrowers
and weedkillers.
[LINDY] There was this man,
and he said there was a code.
He was horrible. He was so rude.
- He said the conduit has a code.
- [RICKY] Yeah?
[LINDY] Did you get through?
What are they saying?
Can I speak to Mummy?
- [RICKY] Link's busy.
They're probably getting millions
of calls, but they're coming.
They're on their way.
Just might, you know,
take a little while.
And we need to find that conduit.
We can sit and wait.
We'll be safe.
[DOT] Completed.
Okay. Charged up.
- Sixty seconds till night cycle.
- Come on.
- Let's go.
This way!
Oh, mind your head!
Down here!
Yeah, this way.
Oh, my gosh.
This is so manual.
Yeah, people used to work
like this, back in the old days.
Got paid in money.
I've read about it.
That life was tough.
My job's not easy. I get chapping.
Hey! I think this is it.
This is the conduit to the river.
- And you've got the code?
- Yes, I certainly have.
- Dot and Bubble.
- [DOCTOR] Lindy! You are still with us.
- [RUBY] You're alive! That's brilliant.
Don't be so surprised.
I found it. I'm at the conduit.
But guess what.
I'm with Ricky September.
- [GASPS] What? Ricky the singer?
- That's him.
- Oh, nice one.
- He is hot.
[BOTH] Hands off!
Yo. Hi. Hi, guys. Um, yeah, the code?
So we can get out of here.
Sorry. Yeah. Hi, Ricky. Wow.
- Hi.
So, uh, that door is mono-sealed,
'cause they closed it off
when they disinfected the city.
I can send you the pulse
numbers one at a time.
You get the numbers for five seconds.
Type it in like a combination,
but you've gotta be fast. Eh?
Don't miss a number.
They only stay live for five seconds,
and there's a hundred numbers in total.
Yeah, it's okay. You don't
I've studied pulse codes, so
I kind of know how they work.
Oh, you're clever as well.
- Okay, heart-stopper.
- Uh, sending you the numbers now.
- [AUTOMATED VOICE] Thirty-three.
- My friends, are they still alive?
- [AUTOMATED VOICE] Forty-five.
They are, but I'm sorry.
They're still at their desks.
I told them, and they all
saw Gothic Paul being eaten.
[RUBY] One of them went on the
run. The one with the trumpet?
- Hoochy Pie.
- [RUBY] Hoochy Pie!
We lost her signal,
but she's still running.
Good thing is, none of them
have been eaten so far.
- Why?
- Well, Ricky says
my friend Ricky September
he says they're saving us to eat last.
Maybe we're the most tasty.
- Well, Ricky is.
- Steady.
If only it was that simple.
That would imply
that they've got a list.
- No.
- [AUTOMATED VOICE] Zero, two.
- Wait a minute.
- What is it?
- No, can't be.
- What?
[DOCTOR] No way. No. No, no, no, no.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
- Doctor, stop it. Tell us.
- No. No.
Lindy. Lindy, your friend Gothic Paul.
Is he a Paul who's gothic,
or is Paul his surname?
It's his surname. Alexander Paul.
Gothic's just a nickname.
- Which means No, no, no, no, no, no.
- [AUTOMATED VOICE] Thirty-three.
[DOCTOR] Really?
Gothic Paul got eaten.
Before that, Valerie Nook.
Before that, Cooper Mercy.
Before that, Bertie Lester.
Don't you see? It's
It's been a week since anyone
has heard from Kirstie Bookkeeper.
[GASPS] No, it can't be!
I don't understand.
Oh, my poor friends.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But look.
Yeah, what's the difference?
Those are the names
in alphabetical order.
- So?
- They are in alphabetical order.
Yes, I can see that. So?
[AUTOMATED VOICE] Ninety-eight.
They died in alphabetical order.
I don't understand.
It was right in front of me!
Those things are eating people
in alphabetical order
right across the city.
But that's impossible.
Lindy, your surname, Pepper-Bean.
Is that P for Pepper or B for Bean?
It's P for Pepper, which comes after
Gothic Paul, but I'm still alive.
We ran past those things outside,
and they didn't even look at me.
Yeah, there's a lot of people
beginning with P.
Maybe they're still eating the
ones that came before you.
[DOCTOR] All the Pauls have gone.
- Alison Partner, dead.
- [AUTOMATED VOICE] Sixty-four.
Pattersons. There are 25 Pattersons.
All of them dead.
Pavilions, dead. Pavings, dead.
[LINDY] Oh, my God.
It's working its way towards me.
Peach, dead.
Pebble, dead. Pelican, dead.
Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait.
There's someone Suzie Pentecost.
She's still here Here she is!
Oh, hi there, Lindy. You look
like fun. Hello! Happy day!
Hi, Suzie.
I guess I need some new friends.
It's all gone so quiet out there.
Have they declared a
holiday or something?
But it's really, really
nice to meet you!
You are so pretty [SCREAMING]
But I'm next! Pepper's next!
- Hurry up with those numbers.
- I get eaten next!
Oh, my God. It's me.
They're coming for me!
- Okay, ha hang on. Listen!
- [GASPS] They're going to eat me!
- Lindy!
[RICKY] No, they're not. Listen to me.
You might be next, but
we're safe. In this room.
- [AUTOMATED VOICE] Forty-five.
Those things, they aren't down here.
And even if they do chase
after you, they're slow.
And all I've gotta do is punch in
30 more numbers into this keypad,
and then we're gone.
I've got this.
Lindy, I'm getting you out of here.
- [AUTOMATED VOICE] Sixty-five.
- Oh, Ricky, babes.
[RUBY] Oh, he's a keeper. [CHUCKLES]
Oh, my hopscotch. That's a relief.
I just I keep getting lucky, don't I?
- [DOCTOR] Except I hate to say this
- [AUTOMATED VOICE] Ninety-eight.
but if those things are
eating in alphabetical order,
they're not bugs from the outside.
They have been created.
They're grown. They are designed.
And I keep saying why
can't the Dot see them?
- And?
- [DOCTOR] Well, what if it can?
What if it wants you
to walk right into them?
Why would it do that?
Imagine. If that Dot
has achieved sentience,
and then it has to
spend all day hovering
and listening to you
lot chattering away.
I'm [CHUCKLES] I'm not being rude,
but I think it's learnt to hate you.
- [AUTOMATED VOICE] Sixty-four.
- Lindy, turn off your Dot.
- But it's just a Dot.
- [RUBY] Turn it off right now.
That is a powerful antigrav
psycho-combination device.
If it wants you dead,
it can kill you itself.
- [RUBY] Dot off! Dot off! Dot off.
- Dot off! Dot off! Dot off!
Bubble, down. Dot, off.
I said, Dot, off!
Lindy, what's it doing?
- Y-You-You will obey me! Dot, off!
- Lindy, do the numbers!
- Come here! Take my place!
- Lindy, come here and do the numbers!
- [YELPS] Help me!
- [AUTOMATED VOICE] Seventy-three.
Okay. Every five seconds, a new number.
- [AUTOMATED VOICE] Fifty-seven.
- I'll fight it off. Do the numbers.
Come on. [PANTS]
[SIGHS] Come on.
- [AUTOMATED VOICE] Twenty-one.
- Access granted.
- I've got it!
Go through! Don't worry about me!
- [GROANS] Lindy.
- Watch out.
His surname is Coombes! [PANTS]
[LINDY] He was born Richard Coombes.
'Cause I know everything about him.
He changed his name to Ricky September
when he reached 50,000 followers, but
Ch-Check your files!
He was born Coombes.
C comes before P! [PANTS]
[EVACUEE] Everyone make sure they
have their provisions for the journey
before we depart.
- Hoochy Pie! [SIGHS]
- Whoo-hoo! [CHUCKLES]
- Blazing days, sweetie! [GIGGLES]
Oh! Is that what we do now?
We do. We hug.
I was taught that by a very
wonderful man. [CHUCKLES]
Hey, uh, where's Ricky? Is he with ya?
He went back.
He said he had other people to save.
I couldn't stop him.
He was so brave.
Well, gosh.
You two. This is strange.
Suppose I should say thank you.
It's okay. [CHUCKLES]
No need.
It was, um, nice of you.
You got here just in time.
We're going, Lindy.
We're leaving. [SIGHS]
- Going where?
- [BYSTANDER] Outside.
The Great Beyond.
The world outside Finetime.
You must be Lindy Pepper-Bean.
I've heard a lot about you.
Brewster Cavendish.
We haven't got titles yet,
but if the role of leader
is up for grabs,
I guess I'd put myself forward.
- What do you mean, the Great Beyond?
- [HOOCHY PIE] The Wild Woods.
And further than that.
The river leads down to the sea.
And there's a whole world
out there. Untamed.
But I thought the Homeworld
would just come and save us.
That may take a while, hon.
They're not coming, Lindy.
There's only us.
But what about Mummy?
She's not there, darling pie.
You mean she
She's gone? To the sky?
That's right.
Well, lucky Mummy.
- That's so lucky.
- [HOOCHY PIE] That's what I said. [LAUGHS]
[BREWSTER] And we can
go out there to this planet.
And we can fight it
and tame it and own it.
- We'll be pioneers.
- Just like our ancestors.
Or you could come with us.
We could what?
Come with us.
- Yeah. We helped you escape, didn't we?
So we could get you out of here.
In the blink of an eye. [CHUCKLES]
[STAMMERS] I have a ship.
It's called the TARDIS. That blue box.
It harnesses technology that makes it
bigger on the inside than on the outside.
I could take you all.
Yeah, I could carry you to the stars.
find you a home that is safe
and clean and everything you want.
But is it We couldn't
travel with you.
What? Why not?
Because you, sir, are not one of us.
I mean, s You were kind.
Although it was your duty to save
me. Obviously. [CHUCKLES]
I mean screen-to-screen contact
is just about acceptable,
but in person?
That's impossible.
Like, you have a magic box?
- Seriously?
- Bigger on the inside?
- [HOOCHY PIE] Excuse me, sir.
[CHUCKLES] That's voodoo.
And it doesn't matter
where we end up living.
Because it is our God-given duty
to maintain the standards of Finetime.
Now, thank you.
And goodbye. [LAUGHS]
[RUBY] Ugh, I can't even
I don't care what you think.
Okay? You can say whatever you want.
You can think [CHUCKLES]
absolutely anything.
I will do anything
if you just allow me
to save your lives.
If you'll turn away, ladies.
Before you're contaminated.
Look, you will die!
Out there! And I can save your lives!
Now let me!
[RUBY] Oh, this is so Bridgerton.
[DUCHESS] Lord Barton approaches.
[RUBY] Ooh, that's a
tall glass of heartbreak.
[BOUNTY HUNTER] There's a Chuldur
at work on this planet,
and I've been paid
good money to find you.
What could be better than a wedding?
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