Doctor Who: Tales of the TARDIS (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

The Time Meddler

Doctor, where are you?
Vicki, is that you? Steven!
Oh! Oh, Steven!
God, am I dreaming?
If you are, then I must be too.
Look at you, you look so regal.
When I left the Doctor,
I did become a king, you know.
A king?!
Troilus and I gave it all up
to grow olives in the hills.
I'm a farmer now.
You look great. Rubbish.
No, you do, Vicki.
The years have been good to us.
Oh, I've had
the most marvellous life.
Children. Grandchildren!
Me too.
And now look -
I've got my little sister back!
Oh, Steven!
Will you look at this place?
I can't believe
we're back in the TARDIS.
Yeah, but where's the Doctor?
I've got so much to tell him.
Troilus, my children
All the things I never thought
to have are down to him.
I need to
I need to say thank you.
Vicki, this might not be his TARDIS.
I mean, can you imagine the Doctor
wearing something like this?
Of course it's his TARDIS.
I found his pocket watch.
Oh, Doctor
Where are you?
Be careful, Vicki. We not used
to this sort of thing now.
It might be some kind of trap.
Don't be such a spoilsport.
I'm just be a little more cautious
these days. Older and wiser.
We found this on the beach that day.
Don't you remember?
I wonder how it got here.
The same way these got here. Oh!
But, yes, I do remember that helmet.
And I remember how hard you kept
on trying to prove to me
that the TARDIS was a time machine.
Oh, yes, and there we were,
in Northumberland, in 1066,
and you still refused to believe it.
Well, it had been a busy week.
I mean, what with Mechanoids
and Daleks You know.
And then there were Vikings
and Saxons,
a time-meddling monk
A typical day in the TARDIS.
Such a long time ago.
But now it just seems
like yesterday. Yes.
We'd been on Mechanus, remember?
And then the Doctor and I thought
we were all alone
I shall miss them, Doctor.
Ian and Barbara.
Yes, I shall miss them, too.
First Susan and now them.
Come over here, my dear,
I'd like to talk to you.
What about the control panel?
Oh, that's all right, my dear.
It's already set.
Their decision certainly surprised
me, although it shouldn't, I know.
But it was quite obvious
they intended
to take the first opportunity
of going back home.
Well, they weren't getting
any younger, were they?
It's lucky for you, child, they're
not here to hear you say that!
Gracious me! You think they're old?
What do you think of me?
You're different, Doctor.
Anyway, we may land in their time
one day
and be able to talk over old times.
Well, perhaps, Vicki. Perhaps.
Anyway, it's done now. Mm.
I wonder where the TARDIS
will take us next.
Yes, it's done now, although I must
admit, I'm left with a small worry.
You know, I wouldn't mind New York.
I didn't get to see a lot of it,
what with the Daleks and everything.
But what I saw from the top
of the Empire State Building,
I wouldn't mind
going back there.
My dear Vicki,
I'm trying to talk to you.
Oh, sorry.
I just wanted to ask you,
are you sure you didn't
want to go home too, hmm?
I didn't give you very much time
to consider, now, did I?
I should hate to think
that you're just staying
for the sake of an old man.
Doctor! I made my decision,
I wanted to stay.
Anyway, I wouldn't have anything
to go back to.
Yes, your father
Did you hear that? Yes, perhaps
it's something fallen down
or maybe we've changed course. Hmm?
There's someone
in the living quarters.
Doctor, be careful.
It's obviously a Dalek!
I wonder. Oh, I wonder.
Thanks. Sorry about that, Doc.
We thought you were dead.
Well, I nearly was.
I just managed to climb down
that cable before it burned out.
Then I came after you.
You should have shouted.
Should have? I never stopped!
Say, this is quite a ship
you've got here, Doc.
Never seen anything like it. Now
listen to me, young man. Sit down.
Now, there are two things
you can do.
One, sit there until you get
your breath back
and, two, don't call me "Doc".
Now, do I make myself clear?
Yes, yes,
whatever you say, Doctor.
Apart from that, young man,
I'm quite willing to accept you
at your face value.
You were lucky to find the TARDIS
in all that jungle.
Yeah, we were lucky.
You know, I don't seem to remember
much about it. There was a door.
When I went through it,
I must have flaked out.
I remember registering that, well,
it didn't look like a ship
and it was very small.
I must have been delirious.
I don't suppose you were.
It is very small outside.
It's just in here it's big.
Oh, come off it!
You don't believe me, do you?
Of course I do, Vicki!
Every word!
This isn't an ordinary ship,
you know. This is a time machine.
Time machine? Look, this ship
may have a way-out design,
but time machines?
That's ridiculous.
Doctor? Mm?
He says the TARDIS
isn't a time machine.
Oh, does he now? Tell him.
I don't see why I should, my child.
He'll learn soon enough.
Look, Doctor, I've seen some
spaceships in my time,
admittedly nothing like this, but
Well, what does this do?
That is the dematerialising control,
and that over yonder
is the horizontal hold.
Up there is the scanner,
those are the doors, that is a chair
with a panda on it
Sheer poetry, dear boy! Now, please,
stop bothering me!
Look, you gave this ship a name
just now, what was it?
It stands for Time and Relative
Dimensions In Space.
Mm. I-D-B-I. Yeah?
It means "I Don't Believe It".
You'll see, you'll see.
Vicki? Yes?
I've checked up on all the readings.
Now, I think our guest will need
a wash and brush up.
So I think the best thing
for you to do is
to go and find him some clothes and
a cloak. Bring mine as well.
We'll show him whether this is
a time machine or not, hmm?
Where are we? Judging
by the readings, my child,
I think we've landed
on the planet Earth.
Wulnoth with you? Inside.
Something's landed on the beach.
I saw it from the cliff.
What is it? A large box
washed ashore by the tide,
probably from a ship.
I didn't go down, I came for you.
What sort of box? I don't know.
It's just very big.
I've never seen
anything like it before.
The tide will be turning.
We must hurry.
You lead the way.
It's a long way to the beach
and back. What about your meal?
Where did you say
you found this, Vicki?
Just down there. I saw it as soon
as I came out of the ship.
Yes, it's a bit rusted,
but it's not as old as that.
Tenth, eleventh century?
England. Hmm.
Well, there you are, young man.
What do you think of that now, eh?
A Viking helmet. Oh, maybe.
What do you mean, maybe?
What do you think it is?
A space helmet for a cow?
Look, it could just as easily
be part of a costume.
You know, a toy left here by
a child. Oh, rubbish, rubbish!
No more so than your theory.
Though your ship is,
to say the least, a little unusual.
Oh, I see, so you've changed
your ideas now.
If it is a time machine, I'm not
saying it is, mind you,
but if it is, shouldn't you know
where we are?
You know, your control panel?
Yes, yes, yes, but unfortunately,
we have a slight technical hitch
at the moment. Excuse me.
As a matter of fact, we never know
where we're going to land next.
Oh. So assuming I believe
what you tell me,
you can't take me home.
Not by any direct route.
Let's go exploring now, hmm? Yes,
perhaps we should find a village
whereby we can convince this young
upstart of the true facts.
Oh, great, Doctor! I'm all for that.
But there is one thing
that bothers me.
Oh, yes, what is it now?
Well, how come you chose such
an unusual design for your ship?
A police telephone box?
Is that right?
The design is completely immaterial,
young man.
The TARDIS is required to land and
blend in with the surroundings.
Blend in?
Yes, quite so.
For instance, if we were to land in
the middle of the Indian mutiny,
well, I'm sure the ship could
possibly take on the appearance
of a howdah.
A how what? A howdah!
The carrier on the back
of an elephant. Oh, I see!
Oh, and if it landed
on the pebbles
On the what?
If it landed on the beach
against a cliff, it'd take on
the appearance of a large rock?
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
But you do keep on, don't you?
Do you wonder why I don't believe
you? You know that large rock over
looks exactly like
a police telephone box.
That is merely
another technical hitch,
and the Doctor will repair it
one day.
Anyway, if we're going to do
any exploring, we should do it now
cos it's going to get dark
in a minute.
Now, I suggest we take a walk along
the beach and try and find a spot
where the cliffs
run down to sea level.
Yeah, but that could be miles!
It'd be much quicker to go up here.
Yes, possibly it might,
but I'm not a mountain goat
and I prefer walking to it any day,
and I hate climbing!
We'll go with you, Doctor.
No, you won't.
You'll stay with the ship
and wait till I've got to the top,
then you can both
climb up and join me.
But, Doctor, you
I'm not going to argue, my child.
Yes, but Oh!
You might try being a bit more
tactful in future
Don't you start as well.
Come on, let's go up.
No, I think we should stay here and
wait for him, like the Doctor said.
Why? We've gotta go up there sooner
or later.
It might as well be sooner.
We can walk along the top
and meet
Say, that bit there looks climbable.
Come on.
I'm not very good on heights!
Very good on heights!
Oh, come on,
you'll be all right.
Yes, it was on the beach,
below us here.
Are you certain? Yes, positive.
I remember
the way the rocks look.
it might have been valuable.
It would have been crushed against
the rocks by now, whatever it was.
Oh, what's this? Mead.
Mead? Oh, mead! Yes, of course, yes.
Yes, how nice of you, yes.
Delightful. Thank you, thank you.
Well, here's to
your very good health.
Oh, delightful. Mm.
Mm. Oh!
Oh, yes! Delightful!
Tell me,
is the monastery near here?
No, it's not far from here. It's
just at the top of the hill.
And when the wind's
in the right direction,
you can hear the monks much clearer,
as though they're down in the
Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, it's quite
understandable, you know.
Sounds do play funny tricks
at times. I
I hope you will forgive
a woman's harsh welcome.
We do fear strangers, but we're
very happy to welcome a traveller.
Not that we see many
in this wild place.
I'm sure that when my husband
he'll insist that you stay
the night.
And then you can rejoin
your friends in the morning.
Well, that's very kind,
very kind indeed.
And I do hope they won't worry
Worry about me too much.
You know, I
I hadn't intended to walk quite
so far. You near the coast, hmm?
Yes. While there are fish
in the sea, one need never starve.
Yes, yes!
Of course,
there are bad things, too.
Oh, of course, of course, my dear.
Yes, the Vikings, for example?
Mm. Not that we've seen
much of them this year.
Except for that one raid that was
beaten off just north of here.
Yes, I had heard about that battle,
yes, yes.
The King greatly improved
the position no end
The King? Harold Godwinson?
We received no help from him.
You know,
it seems like yesterday
that the good King Edward
was laid to rest.
When was it?
It was the beginning of the year.
Oh, of course! Yes, yes, yes.
The beginning of the year.
Yes, yes, yes. How silly.
Yes, it's most refreshing. Mm.
Oh, I'll get you more.
Oh, thank you.
Yes, thank you, my dear.
Now, if Harold is king,
and Edward was laid to rest
at the beginning of the year,
then it must be 1066.
Judging by the appearance of
these leaves, late summer. Hmm.
And a balmy night,
a balmy night!
Oh, thank you, my dear.
Thank you, thank you.
You know, it's a bit stupid of me,
but we are in Northumbria, hmm?
Yes, of course we are. Why do you
ask? Oh, nothing, nothing, I
Just that I wasn't sure whether
I'd crossed the border or not.
Yes, it's a bit tedious
of me, isn't it?
But you must have patience
with an old man.
Please, sit down and rest
before the fire.
You must be tired
after your journey.
Forgive me, I have things to do
before Wulnoth returns.
I will, I will, and thank you
indeed. Thank you.
Yes, it's a great pity
that Barbara isn't here.
Now if my memory of English history
serves me right,
we're about to have a Viking
invasion and very soon.
Now let me think.
Harold came north to defeat
Hardrada, the Norwegian King.
Yes, now that was before he faced
William the Conqueror at Hastings.
It's all very interesting!
Yes, that's very, very,
very, very interesting!
It's going to put that young man
in his place.
Woman! Where are you, hmm?
What? What is it? The monastery.
Where is it did you say?
Well, at the top of the hill. Why?
What's the matter?
The monks, have they been here long?
The monastery itself has been
deserted for years and years
and then, several weeks ago,
a few monks must have moved back in.
And you haven't seen them?
No-one in the village has?
One's been seen, but never spoken
to. How does he know that?
Oh, you've been very kind
and a great help, yes!
I'm sorry, but I must take your
My leave of you.
Are you going to the monastery?
I most certainly am.
Look, are you coming?
Can't we rest a minute?
We just did! Oh! Well, I'm tired.
Oh, we'll
We'll wait a little while.
But we're lost.
We can't stay here all night.
Shh! What's the matter?
I think
somebody's coming.
Why are we hiding?
We can ask him the way.
No! Because I think
we should follow him
until we find out whether
it's safe or not.
Supposing you do
what I say for once!
He's found something. What is it?
I can't see.
Did you drop something?
Hey! You!
Hey! Come back! Steven!
Steven, I
Leave him alone!
Stop it! Stop it! Steven!
You all right? Hmm?
Yes, I think so.
I got it. What was it?
You still say
this is 10th century England?
Oh! Ah!
Breakfast! Breakfast!
Come along.
Early to bed, early to rise!
Come on, do you want the eggs
to get cold?
Go away!
I'll come out when I'm ready.
Oh, Steven! Morning! What are you
looking so jittery about?
I thought I heard somebody
moving about in the bushes.
That was me,
I was looking for some food.
Did you find anything?
That's a matter of opinion.
Want some breakfast?
Oh, yes, please.
Well, you can either have
some blackberries or
..or some blackberries.
I don't think it matters, thanks.
Oh, I'm freezing.
Mm. We'd better get moving, then.
Oh, what, back to the TARDIS? Yes.
If the Doctor's not there,
we'll have to think again.
I wonder what time it is.
20 past five.
I wonder if the Doctor
did drop that
You said he didn't have a watch.
I said I didn't think he had.
Oh, why don't you admit all
this tenth century stuff's just?
There's somebody there!
Steven! Steven!
What shall we do with them?
Take them to the village.
Good morning, Father.
Ah Ah, good morning, my children,
good morning.
Oh! So deep was I in my meditations,
I failed to see you arrive.
You must forgive me. Oh, no.
It is we who should ask forgiveness
of you, disturbing you like this.
No, please, please.
You're always welcome here.
We, erm
We thought you might need some food.
Ah, how very charitable of you,
my dear.
Oh, I'm sorry, Father.
It's poor fare for the likes of you.
Yes, but don't distress yourself,
my child.
We must all be prepared to make
sacrifices when they're asked of us.
Well, I would like to stop and talk
and pass the time of day with you,
but this morning, solitude and study
are uppermost in my mind.
We understand, Father.
Thank you again, my child.
Good morning. Morning, Father.
Open this door!
Open this door, will you?! Open it!
At last! At last!
You all right?
I've felt better.
I dare say I'll get over it.
It's pretty authentic Saxon,
isn't it?
Don't tell me you've actually
started to believe us?
They'd hardly go to all this trouble
for a fancy dress ball, would they?
We've got to get out of here.
It looks as though
they want us to stay.
Yes. We must be more popular
than we thought.
Wulnoth, we can't just let them go!
Their clothes are strange.
If they're travellers
With no provisions or belongings?!
And travelled from where?
Well, we can ask them.
Why listen to their lies?!
They've been put ashore on the coast
to spy for the Vikings.
You've got no proof of that! Nor do
we have proof of what you say!
Maybe not, but I'm the headman!
You may be headman now,
but when the people hear
how you treated their enemies
..those two will be killed!
Eldred! Eldred!
Are you looking for an old man
with long white hair?
You've seen him? Of which old man
do you speak, woman?
He came here last night,
wore clothes like these people.
Do you know where he is now?
Did you question him? A little.
He said he was a traveller. Then he
lied. Oh, for goodness' sake!
Wulnoth, I do not trust them!
Well, I'm not mad about you either.
I think these people are what they
say they are, innocent travellers.
I do not trust them.
Sooner or later, you will regret
that you didn't listen to me.
Are you going to stand here
arguing all day?
Either let us go or
do whatever you're going to do,
but make up your minds.
You can go.
Edith, take the girl inside
and get some food for their journey.
And the Doctor, the old man,
what happened to him?
Oh, he was going to stay,
and then he suddenly decided
to visit the monastery.
That's quite near here, isn't it?
I heard the singing.
It's not far. It's just at the top
of the hill behind the forest.
I can take you.
Oh, um, well's all right, thanks.
Oh. Here.
Thank you. Thank you.
God be with you!
God be with you.
God be with you.
Time we were working in the fields.
Any sign of life? No.
Tell the others to wait below.
Sven, you, with Ulf and Gunnar,
go south.
Radnor will take a similar group
to the north.
I understand. And remember, Sven,
when you rejoin the force,
we shall want to know
the lie of the land,
where there is food
and fresh water available
and the strength of the villages.
And if we're seen?
Then you'll have no choice
but to fight.
But keep in your minds,
this is no ordinary raid.
You are the eyes of the King!
We'll need provisions ourselves.
The first village we find
will provide those.
Yes, but be careful.
If your presence here
can be kept secret,
Harald Hardrada will have
surprise on his side.
Now, go.
Send Radnor and the others up.
Then we can rejoin the fleet.
It's very beautiful here, isn't it?
They could use a gardener.
Good day, my children, good day.
Good day. We're looking for
Indeed, we're all searching
for something.
Some, like myself,
seek it in the peace and solitude
repose behind these monastery
We are looking for a friend of ours.
Oh, and you think I can help?
Well, he left word in the village
that he was coming up here.
Would that we could all
realise our ambitions.
Be they a lifelong wish
or a stated intention
of journeying for self
Look, are you trying to tell us
that he didn't come here?
My son, no stranger has knocked
on this door for many a day,
welcome though they be.
Are you sure you haven't
seen anyone around the place?
I'm afraid not.
What about the others?
Others? The othermonks.
Ah, the other monks, yes.
I'm sure they would have mentioned
it to me had they seen him.
However, if you will wait here,
I shall go inside and inquire
just to make sure.
Looks as though the Doctor
didn't come up here.
Didn't he?
You know, I don't believe
a word of it.
It's just as if he expected us!
And if the Doctor didn't come here,
well, where else could he go
except back to the village?
I don't know.
Well, I'm not convinced.
I'll tell you what.
When he comes out again,
I'm going to try something,
so whatever happens,
don't say a word. Nothing! OK?
I apologise for keeping you waiting.
That's quite all right.
I'm afraid the answer is not the one
you'd wish to hear.
They haven't seen him?
I'm sorry.
Oh, well, perhaps you'd keep
a lookout for him?
Oh, I certainly will, yes.
Are you sure you'll remember
his description?
Description? Let me see
Long white hair, a black cloak
and rather strange
checked trousers
That's it, You've got it.
Fine, thanks.
Not at all. Thanks very much indeed.
You're very welcome, my son.
I'm sorry I couldn't have done more.
Good day. Good day.
We didn't give him
a description of the Doctor!
I know we didn't.
That means he must have seen him,
doesn't it?
He's keeping him prisoner in there -
I'll stake my life on that, Vicki.
Well, he was pretty stupid
to give himself away like that.
It's easily done. Too easy.
I don't think we've been
as clever as we think we have.
Oh, now, what does that mean?
Well, look, say he's the one
who's tricked us.
Say he gave himself away
deliberately like that
in order to make us think
we'd fooled him.
Vicki, there's only one way we can
find out what's going on in there.
That's to break in. That's exactly
what he wants us to do.
Well, possibly,
but we've no other choice.
We'll wait till it's dark. Come on.
I think the best idea is to go
and try around the other side. OK?
They're leaving a good trail.
We'll find them all the quicker.
Come on!
Well, Ulf, do you like the
provisions we found? Yeah, yeah.
Saxons! Here!
Leave him, Ulf. Gunnar's dead.
Come on!
How is it? It's bleeding badly.
I think
I can walk back to the village.
No, no. The monastery's much nearer.
Come on.
Put your arm round me. This way.
Follow me. Follow me.
It's the Doctor!
I think he's asleep! Oh!
Yes. What is it?
I have a wounded man here, Father.
He needs help.
Oh, I see.
By all means, bring him in.
Doctor! Doctor, wake up. We're here.
He's He's gone.
He's gone!
Make him comfortable here, my son.
I'll return soon
and tend his wounds.
Oh, thank you, Father.
Well, this is definitely his cloak.
Yes, he was in here all right,
Vicki. What's happened to him?
The door was locked, wasn't it?
Of course it was.
You saw me open it myself.
The Monk thought he was
in here, too.
What, because the clothes on the bed
hadn't been moved?
Well, it makes sense, doesn't it?
How did he get out?
There's only one possible answer.
What? A secret passage.
A secret Oh, no!
Listen, they always have them in
castles and monasteries and things
in case of siege or fire,
or something.
Well, don't just sit there.
Help me look!
Hey, Steven. Come and look at this.
Steven? A loose stone!
What did I say?
Who's a clever girl, then?
Father? Father, where are you?
Coming, my son! Coming!
How much longer
does this thing go on?
It must go on for quite
a way, Vicki,
if only to get clear
of the monastery up there.
It's so damp. Yes, well,
we'd better get out of here quickly.
You know, we could find
the Doctor at the end of this.
If I know the Doctor, it's not
going to be as simple as that.
Well, from what you've just said,
you've saved me quite a journey.
To meet your friends, you mean?
Indeed so.
I told them quite specifically
to meet me outside the Tar
The pre-arranged place.
I was going along to tell them
that I'd come to no harm
whilst I was making investigations,
as we might say.
But, well now,
now you tell me they came here
and they've gone on
to the monastery.
I can't think how you missed them.
Oh, it's all perfectly simple.
I left through the rear entrance.
That reminds me, I really think
I ought to be wending my way. Hmm.
It's a good thing I saw the smoke
rising from your fire.
I'm becoming
quite a regular visitor, I think.
You'll be my only visitor tonight.
But you don't know.
My husband and the men from the
village have gone after the Vikings.
You've seen them and their fleet?
Oh, no, no, not a fleet,
this was just a small band of men.
They must have come from one ship.
Yes, I see. Yes, I see. Hmm.
You speak of a fleet
as though you knew it existed?
What? What was that?
I've already told you, my dear,
that I've learned of varied plans
from all the places
that I've visited before.
Plans of a Viking invasion?
Yes, yes, I'm afraid so.
So that's why Harold Godwinson's
struck on forming an army.
Our men have travelled south
already to join it.
I thought it was William
of Normandy's invasion
across the Channel,
not a Viking invasion he feared.
Mm. The Monk in this situation
just can't be a coincidence.
The Monk? Did you say the Monk?
Yes, I must face him.
I realise that I've got far shorter
time than I thought I had.
I'm always leaving you in a hurry,
I'm afraid,
but the matter has some urgency.
Well, won't you stay
and have some venison?
Oh, no, thank you, thank you indeed.
It's very kind of you.
I must go. Yes, goodbye.
Oh, and don't worry, don't worry.
The Vikings will land south of here,
in the Humber.
And King Harold will defeat them.
And then in a few weeks' time,
he loses the battle of Hastings
to William the Conqueror.
Well, at least that's what
the history books said happened.
No, you were right, Vicki.
The Doctor wouldn't wait for us
He must have gone back
to the TARDIS.
Yes, probably. You know
You know, there's something
very peculiar going on.
I've got to accept something,
so, all right, I accept you've
got a time machine
Ha! Hooray! But the watch,
the gramophone, the Saxons,
it doesn't add up.
It must be something
to do with that monk.
I think we should
go back to the monastery.
Oh, no.
Because the Doctor will want to
investigate just as much as you,
probably more.
Let's find him
and all three do it together, hmm?
OK. Go on, you lead the way.
Eldred, you need to swallow these.
What are those, Father?
Oh, it's just some penicillin.
It's a it's a sort of herb.
Wulnoth, I wish you'd take that
This is a monastery. Can't you see
I'm trying to tend a sick man?
Oh, I'm sorry, Father.
Eldred? Eldred?
Eldred? Eldred?
Listen. The Vikings you met,
now if they were a scouting party,
how soon would it be
before the other ships arrived?
If they If they were part
of the main fleet
..two or three days, Father.
Thank you, thank you, my son.
Two or three days.
I'm on schedule. I'm on schedule.
He'll have to stay here for a while,
Father. He's very weak.
Yes, of course he's weak.
He's lost a lot of blood.
I'd like to give him
a blood transfusion, but
Blood trans?
My son, all we can do now for Eldred
is to wait and pray.
But, Father
Now, listen to what I have to say
now, my son.
This is what I want to say.
Take your friend home
and give thanks that
within these sacred walls
He'll have to stay for a day or two,
Father. He's very weak.
Stay here? Oh, don't worry, Father.
My wife, Edith, will call regularly
and attend to any additional work
and I will come, too,
if work permits.
Now, look here, my son, I
Yes, Father?
No, nothing.
Nothing, nothing, nothing.
Oh, goodbye and thank you, Father.
Goodbye, my son.
As soon as it's light,
every Saxon for miles around
will be looking for us.
We'll rest here a while,
then travel south.
Why go south?
If we put enough distance between
the Saxons and ourselves,
we can still complete our task.
Sven, we have failed!
Leave it to Radnor.
Let us think of our own safety.
We were landed here for a reason.
What good can the two of us do now?
If we meet up with the Saxons again,
they will kill us easily.
And what would you have us do?
We could hide.
Coward! Kill me!
Go on, kill me!
If you don't, the Saxons will.
And you'll be dead, too,
if you don't listen to what I say.
Nothing has changed.
Our army will still land.
Then think what will happen
when we come before the King.
We can meet up with him
once he is inland.
Say we were attacked and held.
Don't pretend that it is only me.
I'm saying what we both think.
Our army will still land,
even if we'd all been killed
back in the forest.
I suppose you've already thought
of a place to hide.
Yes. The monastery.
And ask for what? Sanctuary?
They can't refuse us.
And even if they do,
you'd rather do battle
with a band of monks than with
Saxons? They'll hide us.
Once inside, we can take hostages.
If you thought as much of our task
as you did of your own safety
And yours, Sven. And yours.
Sight Vikings, ah, we're
up-to-date, we're up-to-date.
Now, then, light beacon fires.
I can get the villagers
to help me with that.
Everything's going on marvellously.
According to plan!
Now to convert
this ridiculous thing into miles.
Absurd measurement, miles,
I don't know where they are.
Oh. Oh, no more visitors.
It's getting so
you can't call a monastery your own!
All right! All right! I'm coming!
I have a Winchester '73 right
in the middle of your spinal cord.
I thought I'd seen
the last of you, Doctor.
Oh, did you now?
Well, as it happens, I happen
to be a very curious fellow.
Yes, very curious. Now, then,
I have some questions for you
and I want them answered.
Continue, hmm?
It was somewhere about here.
I can't tell for certain, but I
think this is an easy way down.
The tide. Steven, the tide's come
in. Yes, well, it usually does.
Yes, but the TARDIS was down there.
Oh, no, the tide.
Nobody thought of that.
It's a bit late to think of it
now. Yes, but what shall we do?
Look, if the Doctor came back here,
he'd have moved it.
He wouldn't have left it
on the beach.
The only way the Doctor
could move the TARDIS
would be to dematerialise.
If the Doctor left
here in the TARDIS,
he couldn't get back.
Oh, it can't be that, it can't be.
Look, there's no point
in us sitting here.
I think we should go back
to the monastery.
The monastery.
What's the point of that now?
At least we'd be doing
something practical.
Whatever's happened down there,
has happened.
There's no point in moping about it.
I'm not moping!
You don't know what
the TARDIS meant.
Come on.
What's this?
Vicki, come and take a look at this.
Just come and look!
What do you make of that? It's a
It's a gun of sorts.
Trained out to sea,
hidden by the bushes.
Look, in Saxon times, they used
swords and bows and arrows,
not things like this, didn't they?
Yes, you're right.
The Monk, it must be.
You still say there's no point
in going back to the monastery?
Come on.
All right. That will do.
You know, I believe we've come
through this corridor twice already.
It's no use you playing for time,
you know. I want some answers.
Uh-uh. Now, I wouldn't do that
if I were you.
This may not be a gun,
but I can still do you
a considerable amount of harm.
Oh, a man of violence.
I'm surprised at you.
Never mind about all that.
What is it you're doing here?
What are you up to?
The door. I must go.
Just leave that, shall we? Hmm?
If I don't go, they'll get
suspicious. Then we'll both go.
I'll open the door,
then I can keep an eye on you, hmm?
You open the door? No, Doctor,
that's not a very good idea.
Oh, isn't it? Why not?
Because you're not wearing
the right sort of clothes.
Oh, yes, I see, I see.
First, you want to open the door,
then you want the chance
to reverse the position with
the help of whoever it is outside.
Secondly, you want to get me
into a monk's habit,
so that whoever that is,
would recognise me as an impostor.
Dear me, dear me, what an untrusting
nature you have, my son.
Yes, and you can drop
the Monk's act.
I'm only trying to help.
Whoever it is, it's probably
a traveller knocking for shelter.
Who else could it be?
Doctor, I must remind you
this is a monastery,
a place of refuge, sanctuary.
Yes. Very well, if you have another
cloak with the same type of cowl?
Proceed, hmm? Of course.
And remember, no more monkery.
Wait there and be quiet.
It suits you.
What is the meaning of this, sir?
Silence, you old fool. What
This is no way to treat
a man in my position.
Quiet, old man.
This cell will do. Lock him in here.
There's no key. You guard him.
I'll give our terms
to the rest of the monks.
Hide us or he dies.
It all looks so
different in daylight.
Aha! Here it is.
Oh, don't tell me we have to
crawl down that thing again.
Well, we can hardly go and knock on
the front door now, can we?
I suppose not. Come on.
Ulf? Ulf?
My dear man,
you had me quite worried.
I thought you were never coming in.
Wulnoth? Wulnoth, are you there?
Oh, it's you, Father.
I'm sorry to call so early,
my child,
but I must speak to your husband.
Is anything wrong with Eldred?
No, no. No, Eldred is splendid.
No, Wulnoth, I've come here
to ask for your help
and that of the men of the village.
Oh, we'll help if we can, Father.
Oh, you can, Wulnoth,
you most certainly can.
I'd have come here a bit later,
but it seems I'm going to be
rather busy up at the monastery.
What is it you want us to do?
Prepare beacon fires
on the cliff tops.
Beacon fires?
Oh, don't worry, don't worry,
I'm expecting
some building materials
for reconstructing the monastery.
They're coming by sea
and I promised I'd give
the ship our exact location.
Well, when are you
expecting the ship?
It'll take a little while
to prepare a beacon.
In a day or two, maybe three.
Now, Wulnoth, you will light
the fires when I ask, won't you,
and keep them burning?
If you say so, Father.
Splendid. Splendid.
Now I must go back to the monastery.
Eldred needs rather special care.
Good day, my children.
Good day, Father. Good day, Father.
What did the old man say
of the Vikings?
He spoke of a planned invasion
of many hundred ships.
Beacon fires on the cliff tops
A Viking?
Well, whoever he is,
he's lost an argument with somebody.
Anyway, we can't bother about it.
Let's go and have a look around.
What are we looking for anyway?
Oh, we'll know when we find it,
won't we?
You're still here, are you? Good.
All I've got to do now
is to take care of you,
your friend and the Doctor.
Oh, by the way,
you'll be pleased to know
I've arranged the fires
for your colleagues.
There you are, my dear fellow.
I knew you'd come back.
Now which fires?
What are they for? Hmm?
It's going to take us hours
to search this place properly.
Hey, Steven. Look at this.
I think it's a cable.
It is.
Well, that's strange.
What's it doing coming out of here?
A door! Let me have a look.
We can get inside!
It's a TARDIS!
The Monk's got a TARDIS.
I repeat my question. Which fires
and what are they for, hmm?
All right, then.
They're a signal for King Hardrada
and the Viking fleet.
I see.
They'll think it's a landing place.
They'll come in unsuspecting!
And then
Well? Out with it!
I'm going to destroy them!
Hey, Vicki.
Come and take a look at this.
He's got a sort of fantastic
private collection.
He's got something from every period
and every place.
Hey, come and take a look at this.
Looks like
some kind of neutron bomb, I think.
Pretty unpleasant-looking things,
whatever they are.
Hey, these could be fired by that
weapon we saw up on the cliff top.
I wonder what he wants to do,
sink a ship?
He could sink a whole navy
with that lot, I should think.
Yes, but the point is
why would he want to?
Why has he done a lot of things?
Listen to this.
Why? What have you got there?
A logbook, a sort of diary.
Listen, "Met Leonardo da Vinci"
Da Vinci! Listen!
"Met Leonardo da Vinci
and discussed with him
"the principles of powered flight."
Da Vinci lived in the Middle Ages.
I know he tried to build a flying
machine, a sort of aeroplane.
I know! And according to this, it
was the Monk who put him up to it.
And listen to this.
"Put £200 in a London bank in 1968.
"Nipped forward 200 years
"and collected a fortune
in compound interest."
So that's it!
You're a time meddler!
No wonder you wanted
to get rid of me.
And what are you trying
to get up to this time, hmm?
I'm sure you'll approve, Doctor.
Are you quite mad?
You know as well as I do
the golden rule about space
and time travelling.
"Never, never interfere
with the course of history."
And who says so?
Doctor, it's more fun my way.
I can make things happen
ahead of their time!
Is that so? Yes, indeed.
For instance,
do you really believe the ancient
Britons could have built Stonehenge
without the aid
of my anti-gravitational lift?
And what mischief are you up to now,
Mischief? No, no. A master plan.
A master plan to end
all master plans!
Oh, is that so?
The whole course of history changed
in one single swoop.
By wiping out the Viking fleet?
Exactly, Doctor, exactly!
Of course, obviously,
I don't have to remind you
that the main reason William the
Conqueror won the Battle of Hastings
was because King Harold
had to march
to Stamford Bridge
and defeat the Vikings first.
So you plan to save him the journey?
That's right, precisely!
A fresh army, no desertions.
King Harold will kick William back
to Normandy before he knows what
It's quite a plan, eh?
Oh, yes. It's quite a plan.
It's quite a plan, yes.
I count myself
a very fortunate person indeed
to be here in time
to prevent
this disgusting exhibition!
You haven't prevented it yet,
Haven't I? Where is this machine?
I don't allow anybody in there.
Where is it, hmm?
This way, Doctor. Hmm!
Ulf, where are you? Ulf?
Where have you been?
The Monk tricked me into a cell
then knocked me out.
Can't you even guard one old man?
You haven't done
much better yourself.
Come on.
We should get back to the forest.
No, we'll stay here.
Here? Safer than being outside,
unless you prefer
to meet the Saxons again.
They wouldn't take us so easily
this time.
Nor would we be hampered
by the mead.
Maybe not.
But I'll choose the monks
and whatever treasure may be stored
inside these walls.
Well, here we are.
That's my time ship.
Oh, so that's it, eh?
This horrible block of stone.
This horrible block of stone, as
you call it,
is a perfect Saxon sarcophagus.
A Saxon what? Sarcophagus.
Yes, quite so.
And more in keeping
with the period,
I would say,
than a modern police box.
What's the matter, Doctor?
Can't you repair
your camouflage unit?
Now, now, now,
don't try and bamboozle me.
It so happens that your machine
fits into this monastery,
but it's sheer luck.
Luck? Luck?
Oh, no, there's no luck about it.
I couldn't have picked a better
place for my headquarters than this.
A deserted monastery
right on the coast,
gullible peasants who believe
everything I say to them.
No, Doctor.
No, I planned to materialise my ship
on this very spot
disguised as a sarcophagus,
and here it is.
I see, and all this
is part of your master plan, hmm?
There's nothing hit-or-miss
about my machine.
Oh, isn't there now?
Well, let's have a look
at this great wonder, hmm?
Yes, well, tell me,
how does one exactly
get into this sarcophagus, hmm?
Hammer and chisel?
This way, Doctor.
Oh, mind your head.
"Destroy Viking fleet,
Norman landing,
"Battle of Hastings,
meet King Harold"?
Well, it seems to tell
the whole story. But why, Steven?
Why is he planning to do it?
What's his reason?
That's a very good point, my child.
Indeed, a very good point.
I must ask him that myself.
Doctor! You're safe!
Safe? Of course I am safe!
Boy, are we glad to see you,
Good gracious me.
I see you found the machine.
Keep your eye on that, young man.
I thought I'd told you
to wait outside the TARDIS.
Oh, we Yes. Well, we
You know, all this is very
surprising. That's a Mark IV!
Yes, yes, indeed.
Is that later than yours, Doctor?
Oh! I forgot all about it.
Oh? Forgot? Forgot what, child? Hmm?
Doctor Hmm?
..we haven't got a time machine
any more.
Haven't we now? Oh, I say.
Well, I wonder what
that's supposed to mean, hmm?
Well, you know
you know we left it on the beach?
Yes, I remember very well, yes.
It so happens that
I was there at the time.
My dear, I may appear a little
half-witted at times, but I
Doctor! Oh!
The tide came in.
Oh! Is that all, my child?
Well, isn't that enough?!
The water cannot affect the TARDIS.
It won't wash away. It'll still be
there when the tide goes down.
Now stop fretting, my dear.
Well, I must confess,
I do congratulate you.
It's a splendid machine, although I
do note there's been a few changes.
Oh, yes, indeed, Doctor.
In fact, this one is fitted
with the automatic drift control.
Oh, I see. Yes, of course,
and thereby you can suspend yourself
in space with absolute safety.
Precisely, Doctor.
By the way, I tried to get into your
police box, but the door was locked.
What type's yours, Doctor?
Mind your own business.
Look, I take it you both
come from the same place, Doctor.
Yes, I regret that we do,
but I would say
that I am 50 years earlier.
Now, when are you going
to answer my questions, hmm?
Which questions?
The reason for
this deliberate destruction.
I I want to improve things.
Improve things?
Huh! Improve things, yes,
that's good!
Very good.
Improve what, for instance?
Well, for instance,
Harold, King Harold,
I know he'd be a good king.
There wouldn't be
all those wars in Europe.
Those claims over France
went on for years and years.
With peace, the people'd be able
to better themselves.
With a few hints and tips from me,
they'd be able
to have jet airliners by 1320.
Shakespeare'd be able to put
Hamlet on television.
He'd do what?
The play Hamlet on television.
Oh, yes, quite so. Yes, of course,
I do know the medium.
Yeah. Were you going to kill
the Vikings?
Yes. Yes, I was. You see,
if I didn't, then King Harold
What are we going to do
with this fellow, hmm?
What can we do with this man?
He's utterly irresponsible.
He wants to destroy
the whole pattern of world history.
Steven! Doctor! Hmm?
Oh, quick, quick!
Long live King Hardrada!
Those are your enemies. There!
The old man who journeyed here spoke
of a Viking invasion
descending on us. Viking invasion?
And the Monk asked us to light
beacon fires on the cliff tops.
The old man spoke the truth!
He had no reason to lie.
Fires on the cliff tops would guide
the ships in to land. Viking ships!
We know and respect the monastery
as a place of worship.
But what of a Viking spy
who passes himself off as a monk?!
Eldred. Eldred. Oh
The monastery
What of it? What have you seen?
Vikings! Vikings?!
There are Vikings hiding there.
Is that enough?
Do you need more proof? No, no.
Arm yourselves!
We know how to treat the raiders!
Come along, come along. If we want
to send signals to your ships,
we mustn't delay like this,
you know. What are these things?
They are They're charms, my son,
to guide your ships to
sheltered waters.
Come along.
I know you don't understand,
but believe me,
your ships will know they're there.
I can't find a sharp enough stone
Those Vikings sure know
how to tie knots.
It looks as though that Monk's going
to get away with it after all.
Yes, but he can't, can he? I mean,
I don't know much about history,
but I know William the Conqueror
did win the Battle of Hastings.
Up till now he did.
If the Monk changes it, I suppose
our memories will change as well.
What about the history books?
That's all right.
They're not written yet.
They'll just write
and print the new version.
But that means
that the exact minute,
the exact second that he does it,
every history book, every
Well, the whole future of every year
and time on Earth
will change just like that,
and nobody'll know that it has?
I suppose that's what
I'm trying to say.
There's more to this
time travelling than meets the eye.
What's the matter with the Doctor?
He's not gone to sleep, has he?
Doctor, are you awake?
Wide awake, my dear.
As a matter of fact,
I was just turning over in my mind
what we're going to do
with this Monk fellow.
He won't listen.
He's determined to have his own way.
He's got to be stopped.
He must be stopped!
Come along, come along, come on.
Yes, yes, they are rather heavy,
aren't they?
But they're a sort of special charm,
you understand.
And where are we taking them?
To the cliff top.
Now come along. I won't be stopped.
Hurry, I'll open the door for you.
There. Come.
Ah, yes, thank you.
Thank you indeed.
Oh, it's a good thing for us that
you decided to make a search, hmm?
Wyour help,
we'd never have known
the Monk was a Viking spy, would we?
Ah, yes, the Monk.
Now, was he caught, hmm?
Now, Wulnoth and the others
will not let him escape,
nor the two Vikings
that are with him.
Hmm, yes, no doubt they'll catch up
with him and the rest of them.
But that Monk, you know,
still worries me.
I think he's got some tricks
left up his sleeve.
Where are you going to now? Oh, we
shall continue with our travels.
Well, you must come back to
the village with us before you go,
so we can bid you farewell.
Oh, yes, certainly, certainly,
but we have one or two things
to do here at the monastery first.
But we don't want to delay you.
We will follow on, hmm?
What a charming woman.
Mmm, charming.
Well now, you two, come along.
We've got a lot to do.
Such as what?
Shall we go back to the TARDIS?
Oh, you know we can't do that,
my child,
not until we stop this time meddler.
Have either of you got
a pencil and paper on you, hmm?
No. No, afraid not.
Well, be a good fellow and go into
the machine and try and find one.
Yes, OK, Doc. Hmm? ..tor.
Who are you going to write to?
To the Monk, of course.
Who else?
Here, this way.
Ah, yes. Behind that tree there,
there's an old well.
We can hide there. Quick!
There's no well there!
Where's he gone?
Mr Taylor! Where are you
with that string, dear boy?
Here you are, Doctor. I found some.
Gracious me, come along.
What's that thing under there,
Now keep your nose out, child.
Never mind.
Did you hear what I said?
Keep your nose away.
Do you want to get a shock?
This is a very dangerous business.
Now keep still, all of you.
Tie this in a knot.
Nowthe vibrations.
Ticklish. Get back, get back!
Now, you two, go outside.
I'll follow in a minute.
But, Doctor,
what exactly are you doing?
Don't, please, ask me questions!
Go, child! Outside!
Well, what are you trying to do?
Is he coming out yet?
Yes, yes, here he is.
Now, back. Elbow room, please.
Now keep still.
We're not out of the woods yet.
Ah! There it is!
Ha-ha! I've done it, I've done it,
I've done it!
Well, nothing's happened, Doctor.
Hasn't it? Hasn't it, my dear boy?
Aren't you going to tell us?
Yes, sometime, my dear, sometime.
Here, put that in your pocket.
Quite safe.
Ah, now. Oh, is that the letter you
wrote to the Monk? Yes.
Do keep hands off it, young lady.
I don't want you nosing
into people's personal
and private correspondence.
Gracious me!
Well, I think we've finished here.
Now let's go. Back to the TARDIS?
Yes, certainly, back to the TARDIS.
Yes, come along.
There it is, my dear.
There's the TARDIS.
Safe and sound.
Didn't I tell you so?
Oh, am I glad to see
that old police box again!
Oh, glad indeed.
Well, we must start climbing down
and get aboard as soon as we can.
There's going to be an invasion
What? You mean any minute now
the Viking fleet's going
to sail past here?
Yes, my boy,
and history will be allowed
to take its natural course!
Allowed to take its natural course!
You know, I'm beginning to like
the idea of being a crewmember
on a time machine.
A crewmember? You'll be lucky!
He's the crew,
we're just the passengers.
Yes, and both very welcome ones,
my dear.
Come along, come along.
Come on, come on!
It's a heck of a way down.
Wish we had a pair of wings!
Oh. Oh, I'm getting too old for
this sort of thing. It's ridiculous.
Yes, I was right. They've gone.
Well, I suppose I'd better be
on my way again, too.
The Doctor.
"My dear fellow,
"I'm sure you will excuse me,
but I didn't want to say goodbye,
"as you are obviously going
to be very busy for some time."
He's right there.
"Just in case you still have ideas
about your master plan,
"I've taken precautions
to stop your time meddling."
How could he stop a Mark IV?
"Possibly one day in the future,
when you've learnt your lesson,
"I shall return and release you."
Release me? Ha! Me?
Oh, the old fool! Oh
I wonder what he meant
byrelease me.
Well, I'll be going.
What's he done?
Ah, he's
he's taken my dimensional control.
He's ruined my time machine!
I'm I'm marooned.
Marooned! In 1066.
Oh, Doctor.
You now, looking at the size
of the TARDIS now,
I think the Doctor must have lost
his own dimensional control.
Oh, be careful, Vicki.
You know the Doc won't want you
looking through his stuff.
Wellwould you look at that?
This proves it's
the Doctor's TARDIS.
I bet the Monk is still
looking for it!
No, he isn't.
He escaped.
We ran into him again.
He wasn't happy how
the Doctor left him stranded.
I'm so jealous.
Jealous? Of what?
You had other adventures
with the Doctor after I left.
You were in love with Troilus,
you wanted to stay.
Oh, I don't regret
one single minute of that.
But the Doctor was sospecial.
There's no-one else like him.
Oh, you can say that again.
He rescued me.
I was an orphan,
and he became my family.
I became the granddaughter
he'd lost.
He was very fond of you.
He talked of you
for all the time I knew him.
He never came back to visit me.
He thought you'd found your life
in Troy and were happy.
Maybe he thought turning up
again in a police box
might complicate things for you.
And maybe he did stop by
and you never saw him.
He's a wily old character.
I bet he's watching us
on a monitor somewhere.
Doctor? Doctor?
Come out, come out,
wherever you are!
The Doctor has got to be here
He's as much a part of the TARDIS
as this is.
He's more than that, Steven.
He's part of us.
From the very first moment
we each met him, don't you feel it?
I did.
The day I left him,
when we said goodbye,
something in his eyes said
..this was never goodbye.
Oh, he's got to be here.
It's why we're here!
So we can all be together again.
You're right.
ifYou know,
maybe if I close my eyes
You know, I think of him every day,
I always have.
If I could have one wish
in all the universe at this moment,
it would be to see him again. Yeah.
Where else could a wish
be more powerful?
Than in the TARDIS!
Oh, Vicki!
Let's make that wish.
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