Dom (2021) s01e05 Episode Script


This program includes mature scenes of
violence and drug abuse involving minors.
If you need help with substance abuse,
reach out to a trusted person or contact
a substance abuse assistance organization,
This is a series inspired by real events.
Some elements were created
for storytelling purposes.
Similarities between fictitious characters
and real persons are coincidental.
Yo, buddy!
You're my brother. I love you, man!
-You're really gonna do this?
-Get out of here.
What is it, Pedro?
Get out, everyone.
It wasn't your fault.
-Get the hell out!
-Calm down, Pedro.
-Get the fuck out of here!
-Shit happens.
It happens, my ass!
Get the fuck out of here! Out!
Please. I'll do whatever you say.
Dom, please! Let me talk to you.
Is this what you want? Go for it!
That's okay. Later.
Fuck it. We're in this together.
We're in this for good.
-Don't be a baby!
-It's getting worse.
It's raining harder.
You've got some nerve coming back here.
Who's a criminal here, playboy?
I'm sorry.
I was fucking high.
No way!
My diver's back!
Are you here to have a beer with me?
What the fuck was that, diver?
It was my first time.
And it hit me really bad.
It happens. It's like alcohol.
Didn't you puke the first time
you got drunk?
Later on we come to like it, a lot.
Nerinho! Bring a plate.
Just a little line to wake you up.
Now you're gonna feel the vibe.
Go on.
That's my boy.
That's it.
It's really fucking good!
Water is good for washing things away.
Holy shit!
-What the fuck was that?
People are in trouble.
Let's go, diver! Are you stuck?
Let's go.
Nerinho, you go there. Let's go! Go!
On the right, here.
Come on!
-Be careful.
-Let's go!
Be careful. Come with me!
-My son!
-Hurry up!
-My foot hurts!
-Calm down.
-Give her a towel.
-Calm down! You'll be fine.
Drugs have always existed in nature.
Indigenous peoples, elephants, monkeys
They've all gotten high.
Some people like alcohol.
Others prefer cocaine.
To each their drug of choice.
If there's demand, there's a market.
That's a basic economic principle. Right?
I'm not a thug.
I'm a businessman.
I like you, diver.
Here we go!
I have a job for you.
Same address.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon. Is Márcio in?
What do you want with my son?
I'm supposed to take him diving.
Yeah. Is he home?
Do you do drugs?
What? No, of course not.
I'm a diver. Sorry, I'd better go.
Sorry. I apologize.
Please, come in.
Isn't this a nice place to live?
Yes, it's very nice.
I think so too.
But this place
It's become a living hell.
Everything is disappearing.
The silverware is gone
the paintings
The living room TV vanished the other day.
Was it a burglar?
It was my son.
He's addicted to drugs.
He steals anything of value
to trade for cocaine.
I don't know what else to do.
My husband says it's my fault.
My son
I'm sorry.
I don't know why you're telling me this.
I don't know how I can help.
There's no one I can talk to about it.
Where is he now?
He's been out for four days.
Have you seen the newspaper?
Márcio, Evandro's son.
Drugs, apparently cocaine.
Evandro is devastated.
What about his mother?
She couldn't take it.
She was admitted to the hospital.
I just don't get it.
He had such a good upbringing.
Is my order ready?
I read the report.
You're right.
We need evidence.
We need to make sure the weapons
are still at the General's place.
I'm on it.
We need to find out
who the Russian supplier is.
He's been exchanging weapons for cocaine.
Paloma is already on it.
Sorry, Dad. I didn't know you were busy.
No, that's okay.
-Don't forget my order.
-I'll deliver it today.
What is it, honey?
It's Lico.
What about him?
Lico is dead.
He overdosed.
What about Pedro? How is he?
Probably crushed.
I know you're sad
But take it easy.
Stop controlling me.
I'm not leaving you here by yourself
doing stupid shit.
Leave me alone.
I already told you to get lost.
Are you fucking crazy?
Listen to me,
don't you ever touch my stuff again.
Do you hear me?
Do you fucking hear me?
You fucking whore.
You just want my money.
Come on! Get out!
Enjoy your day off.
There's no heist today.
Get out.
Get out of my place.
Kill yourself, alone.
Pedro needs help.
We thought we could handle it as parents.
But we can't.
I had never hit Pedro before.
He's not the only one who needs help.
The whole family does.
This kind of situation
changes the family dynamics.
It's hard for parents
to deal with it by themselves,
because you're immersed in the problem.
Don't worry, we'll find a solution.
It's just a phase. It will pass.
There's no cure for addiction,
but it's manageable.
You need to monitor every step he takes.
You need to give him more freedom.
Drugs are a huge problem.
Your son is a normal teenager.
-Your son has bipolar disorder.
-You're a very special kid.
It's just a phase, Victor.
He's just a kid.
You were a teenager once too.
Admit that Pedro is an addict.
-We must face the problem.
-You know I'm trying.
No, you're in denial. He manipulates us.
He lives where it's convenient.
You play into his game.
Do I? You never disciplined him.
And you did?
Mothers never wanna see it.
Enough! You are going!
I can quit whenever I want.
It's not up to you anymore.
It's a chemical addiction.
You need medical help.
Mom, are you gonna let him do this to me?
This isn't just
your father's decision, son.
This is Pedro, and Marisa, his mother.
-How are you, Marisa?
-I'm okay.
How are you, Pedro?
You're gonna be fine, okay?
People here are cool.
You're gonna like them.
Dr. Aloísio, this is Pedro.
I'd like you to follow him, please.
Ready, Pedro?
It's all right, son.
I'll be right there
after I talk to his parents.
See you in a bit, Pedro.
Go get him, then.
You can do whatever you want.
My name is Pedro.
I don't know why I'm here.
I use drugs, but who doesn't?
My father smokes
and my mother takes sleeping pills.
They decided to bring me here.
The problem isn't me.
It's them.
After they got divorced,
they started using me.
Everything I do is wrong.
Pedro, are you okay?
Calm down, Pedro.
-Breathe, calm down.
-Get off me!
-Fuck you! Get lost!
Stop it! Let's talk.
Open your mouth.
Okay, go ahead.
Remember the day
he freaked out because of the rain?
-No, it wasn't like that.
-It was.
I'm feeling better.
I think I'm ready to leave now.
Hey, son.
The craziest thing you've done?
The craziest thing? I don't know.
I've smoked pot in my mother's bathroom.
-I'm serious.
-I doubt it.
-Who was it then?
-Who was it then?
-Get out, Pedro.
-Get out.
-I won't.
-You have to. Let's go!
-I don't want to!
Let's go, Pedro. Come with me. Relax.
I don't wanna go. Let me go.
-It's all right.
-You're hurting him.
I don't wanna go. Get off me!
-Pedro, don't do that.
-Let go of me!
Dad, I don't wanna go.
Don't let them take me.
-You don't have to do it.
I don't wanna go. Get off me.
-It's for your own good.
-Let go of me.
Dad! I don't wanna go.
Don't let them take me. Dad!
Let go of me! Let go!
Dad! Don't leave me here.
Is it okay like this?
Let go of me.
Let go. I'm not going!
-Dad, I don't want to go!
-You're going!
-Calm down, son!
Mom, help me. Let go of me.
Let me fucking go!
Let go of me. Fuck!
Let me go! Fuck! Let me be!
It's just gonna calm you down.
Get out of my bedroom.
It's gonna dope me up!
-It's your treatment.
-It'll make me sleep.
You want to drug me to take me back there!
I won't go back!
I won't go back there!
-Get out of my room!
-Don't do this, Pedro.
I'm not sick!
Calm down, Pedro.
Pedro, we're here to help you.
-What's this guy doing here?
-This is Mr. Jair.
-Calm down, Pedro.
-I'm here to help you.
-He's here to help.
-Stay away from me!
-Get him out of here now!
Get out now!
-It's Mr. Jair.
-I just want to help.
Get out now! I don't care!
I'm not going back!
-I won't take you anywhere. Listen, Pedro.
-He won't hurt you.
-What is that, Pedro? Put that down!
-Don't do that!
Leave me alone with him.
-No, Laura.
-Leave him with me. He listens to me, Mom.
No, Laura!
-Get out of here.
-Pedro, it's me.
Get out.
Look at me. I'm your sister!
Are you gonna hurt me?
I'm not going back there!
Look at me, Pedro, please!
Give me the knife.
I'm your sister. Stop pointing that at me!
-I love you. Give me the knife.
-It's gonna be fine.
Calm down.
Please, I love you.
Look at me. Give it to me.
I'm here for you, okay?
Do you hear me? Look at me.
I'll always be by your side. You hear me?
-Don't let them lock me up.
-I won't.
I don't wanna go back to that place.
I'm sorry, Laura.
Hey, Dom!
-Yes, sir!
-Keep your voice down!
-Yes, sir!
-Yes, sir, what? Are you high?
Fuck, Dom!
Hey, man, put that back.
-Put that shit back.
-I'm gonna do it I will!
-Are you nuts?
-I'm dying
Let's go.
You bums! Put the gun down. On the table!
Chill, man.
Hands on your head.
We're just playing around, sir.
Playing? You fools!
It's a difficult age.
That's no excuse.
What he did is wrong.
He can't get away with it.
-You're right.
-If he were my son,
I'd be ashamed.
You can be sure
I'll do something about it.
The right thing to do would be
to make him pay for this savagery.
If he were someone else's son,
he'd be in jail.
I hope you know how to raise your son.
Victor, you used to be a cop.
Get him out of here.
Do something.
I'm tired of letting Pedro off the hook.
He needs to stop fucking up.
I've made a decision, Marisa.
What decision?
-He's going to FEBEM.
-Victor, that's jail.
It's juvenile detention.
-Pedro isn't a criminal!
-But he committed a crime!
What are we teaching him
if we don't do anything?
Are you really gonna send
your son to FEBEM?
-With criminals?
-He won't stay there forever.
You're gonna put your own son in jail?
He could die in there.
Victor, you're crazy.
He needs to learn to take responsibility
for what he does.
-While there's still time.
-This is crazy.
What you did is very serious.
You broke into someone's house to steal.
Pedro, look at me. Look at me, son.
I'm doing this for your own good, son.
Hello? Pedro?
-I killed Lico.
I killed Lico.
Pedro, don't do this.
Tell me where you are.
You're not listening to me.
Are you gonna send someone to arrest me?
Of course not. I'll just stay with you.
Tell me where you are, please.
You're just like everyone else.
You don't listen to me.
You just wanna send me to jail.
Don't say that, Pedro.
Talk to me, Pedro!
Wait for my signal.
-Just take pictures?
-Yes, that's it. It's all in the office.
It's a bunch of big boxes
with the army symbol.
-Got it.
-Be careful.
If this works out, I want a reward.
I'll take you out to celebrate.
You bring me luck.
-I double it.
-I'm out.
I'm in.
I'll be right back.
-Mr. Luiz Victor Dantas?
-Yes, speaking.
I'm calling from the hospital.
Excuse me.
I'm on my way.
There's an emergency, I have to go.
Let the lady stay with me.
I'll take good care of her,
you can be sure.
Someone called me.
My son, Pedro Dantas. Where is he?
He's in the ER.
Let me check. Just a second.
Let me go!
-Let me go!
Let me go!
-Get me off of this.
-Calm down, Pedro.
It's me. It's your father. Look at me.
-Calm down.
It's me. It's all right.
Dad, let me go.
Calm down. It's all right.
Get me out of here, Dad.
-What is that?
-I'm here. Calm down.
-They wanna kill me.
-Nobody wants to kill you.
It's okay, I got this.
Calm down, I'm here.
He arrived under the influence
of psychoactive drugs.
He was delirious.
We tried to medicate him, but he reacted.
It took four men to hold him down.
He could have hurt himself
or someone else.
Then he started crying
and called out for you.
I'll get you out of here.
We're leaving now. Untie him, please.
His tests haven't come back yet.
-Untie him!
-Calm down!
-Untie him!
-Calm down. I can't!
-Calm down. Please, don't!
-Let go of me!
I'm getting the doctor in charge.
-I'll untie you.
-You can't do that, sir.
Release my son.
I'm not releasing him like this.
This type of addict doesn't stop.
They stuff their noses
then come here asking for help.
Desperate like animals. He stays tied up.
I'm taking my son out of here now.
Untie him!
What you do at home is your business.
But I'm the boss here.
He acted like an animal,
so he stays tied up like an animal.
Let's go home, son.
I won't leave you like this.
-Pedro Dantas.
Pedro Dantas.
Pedro, look at me.
This is for your own good.
Take him to sector B.
Pedro! Look at me!
It's gonna be all right.
Bed number seven. At the back.
You gotta use some gel.
Hands on your head.
Let me go!
Let me go!
I know, son.
It's my fault.
No, it's not.
It's mine.
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