Dope Girls (2025) s01e05 Episode Script
Payments due every Friday.
I don't accept excuses.
- All my stock was destroyed.
- Well, that's not my problem, is it?
It is if you want to make money.
You like her, right?
You should go for it.
I think she might be
exactly what you deserve.
Where's my uniform?
I want to get back to my normal duties.
You have to earn it.
Sometimes we have to be bad to be good.
So get yourself in there.
Whatever you find out, just bring it
straight to me, understood?
The movie "Cleopatra"
auditions in Los Angeles and London.
It's a proper dancing role,
and it's money.
Silvio is my first priority.
You have my word.
And yet how quickly you move
when it's your own child at risk.
- Please, she's innocent.
- I'm sure we'll see her again soon.
Upstairs need to know the
whereabouts of the Salucci boy,
and they need to know now.
Give me something good.
That's your ticket back in.
My sessions are limited in capacity.
- I can wait.
- And expensive.
I'll pay.
I don't know you, do I?
You look familiar,
but I can't place you.
I don't think so.
I should be out there looking for my son.
Not stuck here with my rabid brother.
He's sick.
If you kick a sick dog,
do not be surprised when he turns on you.
Violet, stop.
It's a Salucci gun. Put it down.
Where have you been?
I've got something you want.
Go on then. Tell me.
How much do you want it?
- Stop pissing around.
- Tell me.
How much?
I mean it.
Suit yourself.
Said, how much?
- Very much.
- Say it then.
I want it very much.
Where are your manners?
I want it very much.
I found the gun.
Silvio Salucci's gun.
It has a round missing.
And I know who shot it.
It had a powder burn.
Right here.
If I tell you, I'm back in uniform?
Kate Galloway.
Clever girl.
Family pet.
You know, I always wanted a dog.
But my father always said
my mother was too cruel
to ever be trusted with an animal.
Is she here? Or your brother?
When will they be back?
You can talk to me.
- Drink?
- Bit early.
I think I'll wait for them.
You know something about my nephew.
It has to be here.
When did you last have it?
If I knew that,
I'd know where it was.
- What's going on?
- Have you seen my purse?
- No.
- How much was in there?
It has everything I've saved in there.
You kept it all in your purse?
How are we supposed
to pay the Saluccis?
- Who are the Saluccis?
- No one you need to worry about.
I must have dropped it coming
back from the club last night.
When are you meant to pay them?
- This afternoon.
- Jesus, Kate.
What do you have there?
Show me.
They're not mine.
I found them at Alice's house.
They're her mother's.
Now, I'm gonna give you a little bonus.
And in return,
you don't tell anyone about this.
Not my mother
and definitely not my brother.
They're threatening my daughter.
I'll make sure nothing happens
to you or your daughter.
And you leave Kate Galloway to me.
Now sit.
You don't get your treat unless you sit.
Where you are.
Come on.
Well, good boy.
Good boy.
Good boy.
Now get the fuck out of here.
What a surprise to see you, Kate,
and your talented daughter.
Where did Emma learn to play?
- Evie, darling.
- St. Anne's.
Every girl picks an instrument.
As usual, my daughter wanted
to be a little different.
Darling, how's she adjusting?
Alice found returning
to London quite a shock.
She's finding her feet.
We both are.
Well, I wouldn't let little Henry loose
in this filthy town, would I?
- It just doesn't feel safe anymore.
- I know.
Perfect strangers fornicating in public.
It's these damn clubs,
emptying out on the streets
every night like sewage pumps.
Sounds so innocent, doesn't it?
Like Girl Scouts,
toasting chestnuts.
They're depraved, flea-ridden
pits full of drunken plebs.
It's an insult, if you ask me.
Drinking and dancing
on 20 million graves.
Is it really such a terrible thing
to want to celebrate the end of the war?
I think it's perfectly fine to celebrate.
I just think it needs to be done
in the right manner.
My sister is on the committee
for the ball.
She says it's going to be
an entirely tasteful affair.
- The ball?
- The Victory Ball.
At the Royal Albert Hall.
Oh, darling, it's going to be
the party of the century.
Everyone who's anyone
is going to be there.
And it's going to be fancy dress.
Apparently, the entire Greek royal family
are coming dressed as donkeys.
- Isn't that wonderful?
- Wonderful.
So, plebs having a drink and
a dance is an insult to the dead,
but movie stars sinking cocktails
and dressing up like donkeys is tasteful?
It's the Greeks who were dressing up
as donkeys, wasn't it?
I think the point is, Katherine,
that we know how to control ourselves.
My mother doesn't.
My father was barely
in the ground five minutes
and she was slapping
on lipstick like a whore.
we all deal with loss in different ways.
- To all our fallen heroes.
- Oh, quite.
Fallen heroes.
- To all our fallen heroes.
- Fallen heroes.
May I have a word?
Do you often arrive
at lunchtime unannounced?
I can see where Evie gets her spirit.
She's had a little
too much of that lately.
with these.
She said they belonged to your wife.
Well, I must apologize.
and save you both the embarrassment.
- Thank you.
- Of course.
You don't need to worry.
You work so hard, Frederick.
The last thing you need
is sordid rumors flying around.
The press speculating
about seances and black magic
in the home
of a member of parliament.
A scandal like that
would ruin a man's career.
And rumor has it you have your sights set
on the highest seat in the house.
But your secret is safe with me.
What do you want?
Billie, give it a rest.
I'm trying to sleep.
I'm in the flow.
Flow. Look at yourself.
Your feet are wrecked.
You haven't slept.
You're turning into a crazy lady.
Snoozy time for you.
Stop being a jealous bitch.
I don't understand you right now.
I know there's something
you're not telling me.
I'm going to do the audition.
It's real work.
It's my chance to finally
get out of this shithole.
And I'll do whatever it takes.
Good for you.
I hope you find
what you're looking for.
What were you talking
about with Alice's father?
Can we talk about this later?
I need to check on something at the club.
The depraved, flea-ridden pit,
you mean.
- You said it was just dancing.
- It is.
Frederick doesn't know
what he's talking about.
He's never set foot in a nightclub.
Just tell me the truth for once.
We'll talk later.
Right now I really have to go.
Will you be okay on your own?
Is Sergeant Turner here?
There's a murder suspect,
a woman who should be in custody.
Is there a problem?
Why are you here?
They told me you were done.
You should leave.
But this is my beat.
He's screwed me, hasn't he?
Where is he?
- Don't you dare.
I'm not leaving until I see him.
Turner! You coward!
Where are you?
If you're gonna stab me,
do it to my face.
We need help over here!
Turner, you fucking snake!
You bastard.
- Miss Davies.
- I gave you what you wanted.
As I've told you many times now,
your behavior has proved you
unfit to wear this uniform.
You are no longer a police officer.
Just get her out of here.
Why haven't you arrested
Kate Galloway?
She's sick in the head.
You're bent, Turner! Bent!
Yeah, sad really.
You're late.
It's all there.
- Are you all right?
- Shut up.
is his birthday.
Is this how she's paying us then?
- When do I get my turn?
- Show some fucking respect, Luca.
Don't think she deserves it.
I'm really sorry for interrupting.
Come on!
- Billie Cassidy.
- Billie Cassidy.
Follow me.
To Osiris,
King of the Dead.
Osiris, King of the Dead.
34, 26, 35.
Off you go.
Brandy. Warm you up.
- Bitch!
- Fight, bitch!
You're a liar.
You don't do drugs, you don't go near men,
and you sure as hell
aren't used to sleeping rough.
Who are you?
Please. Don't.
If you've got something to say,
spit it out.
Are you a grass?
- Don't lie to me.
- I've never lied to you.
You just don't know
anything about me
because you've never asked,
you nutcase.
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
Who's the nutter now,
you mad bitch?
Do you ever think about leaving?
To where? Why would I do that?
You're being weird today.
Anyway, I've got everything
I need right here.
After our mother went west,
I took Claire to Blackpool.
What's it like?
I stayed in the water so long,
my whole body went blue.
That's fucked up.
It hurts in the beginning.
But you don't feel it after a while.
You don't feel anything at all.
We could go.
You haven't exactly sold it.
You don't have to swim.
You can ride a donkey.
Get your fortune read.
I know my future.
It's here.
If you go so someplace else,
you can become someone else.
- Are you taking the piss?
- There are other ways to make a living.
I don't know what sad story
you've told yourself about me,
but you can forget it.
I chose my life.
I don't need you to save me, Violet.
I'm not your sister.
And that's when you get them
to buy a bottle of champagne.
Trick is, never break eye contact.
The longer you stare into a man's eyes,
the more he believes you're gazing
into the depths of his soul.
And the truth is, all you're doing
is just looking at your own reflection.
Okay, everyone, partner up.
- I should get ready.
- Where are you going?
- I work on the door, not the dance floor.
- You work for me.
Fine. You're easily replaced.
Okay, ladies, let's see
what you're made of.
Play nice, Billie.
He's not a toy.
Lily, you're meant to be enchanting them,
not scaring them.
You're not out of this shithole yet.
Treat people with some respect.
She get the money?
- So we're fine.
- For the moment.
But the Royal Albert Hall
are hosting a ball on Saturday night.
Half the royal families in Europe
will be there.
Movie stars, princesses, and playboys.
At 10:30, they'll all be turfed out,
clucking for a drink.
We just need to get them here.
One big night's not going to change shit.
One very big night
could change everything.
Leave it to me.
You need to keep your mouth shut.
I trusted you.
You need to shut your mouth and disappear.
All that stuff about there
being a war on the streets.
You choosing me.
Did you mean any of it?
Stop talking about things
that you know nothing about.
I believed you.
I thought you stood for something.
Don't pretend like you're a saint.
- You know what you've done.
- We are nothing like each other.
Who are you really working for?
- Because it's not the police.
- Why are you making me do this?
What are you going to do, arrest me?
Do it.
I'll have a talk
with Commissioner Campbell,
tell him what a great job
you've been doing.
you were always nothing to me?
Just stop!
You have no idea
what these people will do.
You're finished.
I know you're angry with me,
but please, just listen.
It's important.
I need to talk to you about Turner.
I'm telling you the truth.
The Saluccis have someone in the police.
And it's him. I know it's him.
Think about it.
Why else hasn't Kate Galloway
been arrested?
Maybe he saw you for the deceitful
little bitch you really are.
You don't like
that he fired you.
Now you're trying to disgrace
him just like you did me.
If you don't believe me,
search his office.
There's got to be something incriminating.
You want me to risk my job
to help you prove he's on the take?
You've seen what he's like.
Look, even if what
you're saying is true,
do you have any idea how dangerous
Because if we crack something like this,
they wouldn't dismiss us anymore.
would be taken seriously.
Imagine how good it would feel.
To put that cunt in his place.
You're late. If you can't turn
up on time, find another job.
I'm sorry.
It won't happen again.
I'm sorry. Difficult day.
When someone buys you a drink tonight,
say you'll have a whiskey.
There's a bottle
filled with tea behind the bar.
- All right?
- I'll get to work.
You've got lovely hair.
Don't you dare.
What are you doing here?
Having fun?
- It's late.
- Don't worry.
I'm going anyway.
I wouldn't want to get in the way.
I'm sorry.
Where's the money?
I spent it.
On what?
The Rolls-Royce outside.
This isn't funny.
Tell me the truth. Where is it?
That's all you care about, isn't it?
- No.
- So, why are you doing this?
For you.
Do you have any idea how much it costs
to send you to that school,
how lucky you are?
You just want me gone.
Locked away in a dormitory
of stuck-up bitches.
You know what?
I do want you gone.
- What?
- Nothing.
- Me.
I didn't mean that.
Yes, you did.
What's going on?
Billie's my daughter.
Stop lying.
I got pregnant when I was young,
and when my parents found out,
they wanted nothing
to do with me.
And so I brought Billie
to London on my own.
And then?
I gave you up.
Off the boat and straight
into the orphanage.
It wasn't like that. I tried.
But she's a half-caste.
It had nothing to do with that.
Why else would you leave her
and keep me?
You okay?
Do you want
to go somewhere with me,
get absolutely fucked?
- Fuck.
- What?
I think it's pretty obvious
that I'd go anywhere with you, Bill.
Stop being such a prick.
No promises.
All you do is lie.
That's not true.
How did Daddy die?
Who told you?
Why did he do it?
I don't know.
Do you ever think about him?
You're a monster.
- I'm sorry.
- What is it, Violet?
Luca Salucci.
I know you killed my nephew.
And the only reason you're still alive
is because you're useful to me.
Welcome to the graveyard shift, Fisher.
Start by filing the arrest reports
from tonight.
And then you can draft these letters.
Any questions?
Very well.
See you tomorrow.
If you wanted a light,
you could have asked.
Davies put you up to this.
But before you answer,
I would think very carefully.
- Are you threatening me?
- I'm just thinking about your husband.
How he would feel
if he knew what you'd really
been up to in the city.
Fiddling with young women.
I don't know why you're protecting her,
after what she did to you.
She tried to convince me
that you're on the take, sir.
She said you're working
for a crime family, the Saluccis.
Do you believe her?
She's unstable, like you said.
Because you're a police officer now.
This force is built on trust.
If we don't have each other's backs.
how can we ever work together,
let alone uphold the law?
You're gonna tell me
where she is.
Aren't you, Officer?
There's a man.
Get out of here!
Lily, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for earlier.
Oh, my darling,
I need you to wake up.
Everything's okay, but I need
you to pack your things, Evie.
- Why?
- We're going away for a little while.
- Now?
- Yes.
- Please, please, please.
I just need you to trust me, okay?
Pack your things.
Where's Billie?
Did she throw us out?
Lily's dead.
You had your fingers inside me.
You cracked my ribs.
- I'm sorry.
- Get out.
- Kate, please.
- I said get out.
I swear, I'm not in the police anymore.
You can trust me.
- Evie, are you ready?
- Kate, I'm begging you.
We have to do something
about Turner.
I'm leaving.
You're on your own.
If the Saluccis wanted you dead,
you'd be dead already.
I know you killed Silvio.
I found the gun. At the club.
I told Turner.
I didn't know that he was
in the Saluccis' pocket.
You could have got me killed.
Luca Salucci is a fucking animal.
And if you run now,
what do you think he'll do?
He'll kill Billie,
cut her tongue out.
And when he's done with her,
he'll come after you.
Neither of us are safe.
We have to end this.
You were right about the cocaine.
The more they snort, the more they drink.
Tomorrow will be our biggest night yet.
- You'll need to bring more.
- That can be arranged.
Good luck to you.
let's make this a night to remember.
If you see Violet Davies,
you call the station and you ask for me.
Someone's dead because of you.
Oh, here she is,
the woman of the hour.
Doesn't matter what he does, does it?
They all like
pretty little Luca in the end.
You like to watch, Damaso.
Luca prefers to take action.
Perhaps you should be the
one to lead this family.
- Who's that?
- My daughter.
I'm done, Kate.
You're on your own.
Go on, Damaso! Go on!
- Are you here for absolution?
- My conscience is clear.
We've all got blood
on our hands, don't we, Kate?
I don't accept excuses.
- All my stock was destroyed.
- Well, that's not my problem, is it?
It is if you want to make money.
You like her, right?
You should go for it.
I think she might be
exactly what you deserve.
Where's my uniform?
I want to get back to my normal duties.
You have to earn it.
Sometimes we have to be bad to be good.
So get yourself in there.
Whatever you find out, just bring it
straight to me, understood?
The movie "Cleopatra"
auditions in Los Angeles and London.
It's a proper dancing role,
and it's money.
Silvio is my first priority.
You have my word.
And yet how quickly you move
when it's your own child at risk.
- Please, she's innocent.
- I'm sure we'll see her again soon.
Upstairs need to know the
whereabouts of the Salucci boy,
and they need to know now.
Give me something good.
That's your ticket back in.
My sessions are limited in capacity.
- I can wait.
- And expensive.
I'll pay.
I don't know you, do I?
You look familiar,
but I can't place you.
I don't think so.
I should be out there looking for my son.
Not stuck here with my rabid brother.
He's sick.
If you kick a sick dog,
do not be surprised when he turns on you.
Violet, stop.
It's a Salucci gun. Put it down.
Where have you been?
I've got something you want.
Go on then. Tell me.
How much do you want it?
- Stop pissing around.
- Tell me.
How much?
I mean it.
Suit yourself.
Said, how much?
- Very much.
- Say it then.
I want it very much.
Where are your manners?
I want it very much.
I found the gun.
Silvio Salucci's gun.
It has a round missing.
And I know who shot it.
It had a powder burn.
Right here.
If I tell you, I'm back in uniform?
Kate Galloway.
Clever girl.
Family pet.
You know, I always wanted a dog.
But my father always said
my mother was too cruel
to ever be trusted with an animal.
Is she here? Or your brother?
When will they be back?
You can talk to me.
- Drink?
- Bit early.
I think I'll wait for them.
You know something about my nephew.
It has to be here.
When did you last have it?
If I knew that,
I'd know where it was.
- What's going on?
- Have you seen my purse?
- No.
- How much was in there?
It has everything I've saved in there.
You kept it all in your purse?
How are we supposed
to pay the Saluccis?
- Who are the Saluccis?
- No one you need to worry about.
I must have dropped it coming
back from the club last night.
When are you meant to pay them?
- This afternoon.
- Jesus, Kate.
What do you have there?
Show me.
They're not mine.
I found them at Alice's house.
They're her mother's.
Now, I'm gonna give you a little bonus.
And in return,
you don't tell anyone about this.
Not my mother
and definitely not my brother.
They're threatening my daughter.
I'll make sure nothing happens
to you or your daughter.
And you leave Kate Galloway to me.
Now sit.
You don't get your treat unless you sit.
Where you are.
Come on.
Well, good boy.
Good boy.
Good boy.
Now get the fuck out of here.
What a surprise to see you, Kate,
and your talented daughter.
Where did Emma learn to play?
- Evie, darling.
- St. Anne's.
Every girl picks an instrument.
As usual, my daughter wanted
to be a little different.
Darling, how's she adjusting?
Alice found returning
to London quite a shock.
She's finding her feet.
We both are.
Well, I wouldn't let little Henry loose
in this filthy town, would I?
- It just doesn't feel safe anymore.
- I know.
Perfect strangers fornicating in public.
It's these damn clubs,
emptying out on the streets
every night like sewage pumps.
Sounds so innocent, doesn't it?
Like Girl Scouts,
toasting chestnuts.
They're depraved, flea-ridden
pits full of drunken plebs.
It's an insult, if you ask me.
Drinking and dancing
on 20 million graves.
Is it really such a terrible thing
to want to celebrate the end of the war?
I think it's perfectly fine to celebrate.
I just think it needs to be done
in the right manner.
My sister is on the committee
for the ball.
She says it's going to be
an entirely tasteful affair.
- The ball?
- The Victory Ball.
At the Royal Albert Hall.
Oh, darling, it's going to be
the party of the century.
Everyone who's anyone
is going to be there.
And it's going to be fancy dress.
Apparently, the entire Greek royal family
are coming dressed as donkeys.
- Isn't that wonderful?
- Wonderful.
So, plebs having a drink and
a dance is an insult to the dead,
but movie stars sinking cocktails
and dressing up like donkeys is tasteful?
It's the Greeks who were dressing up
as donkeys, wasn't it?
I think the point is, Katherine,
that we know how to control ourselves.
My mother doesn't.
My father was barely
in the ground five minutes
and she was slapping
on lipstick like a whore.
we all deal with loss in different ways.
- To all our fallen heroes.
- Oh, quite.
Fallen heroes.
- To all our fallen heroes.
- Fallen heroes.
May I have a word?
Do you often arrive
at lunchtime unannounced?
I can see where Evie gets her spirit.
She's had a little
too much of that lately.
with these.
She said they belonged to your wife.
Well, I must apologize.
and save you both the embarrassment.
- Thank you.
- Of course.
You don't need to worry.
You work so hard, Frederick.
The last thing you need
is sordid rumors flying around.
The press speculating
about seances and black magic
in the home
of a member of parliament.
A scandal like that
would ruin a man's career.
And rumor has it you have your sights set
on the highest seat in the house.
But your secret is safe with me.
What do you want?
Billie, give it a rest.
I'm trying to sleep.
I'm in the flow.
Flow. Look at yourself.
Your feet are wrecked.
You haven't slept.
You're turning into a crazy lady.
Snoozy time for you.
Stop being a jealous bitch.
I don't understand you right now.
I know there's something
you're not telling me.
I'm going to do the audition.
It's real work.
It's my chance to finally
get out of this shithole.
And I'll do whatever it takes.
Good for you.
I hope you find
what you're looking for.
What were you talking
about with Alice's father?
Can we talk about this later?
I need to check on something at the club.
The depraved, flea-ridden pit,
you mean.
- You said it was just dancing.
- It is.
Frederick doesn't know
what he's talking about.
He's never set foot in a nightclub.
Just tell me the truth for once.
We'll talk later.
Right now I really have to go.
Will you be okay on your own?
Is Sergeant Turner here?
There's a murder suspect,
a woman who should be in custody.
Is there a problem?
Why are you here?
They told me you were done.
You should leave.
But this is my beat.
He's screwed me, hasn't he?
Where is he?
- Don't you dare.
I'm not leaving until I see him.
Turner! You coward!
Where are you?
If you're gonna stab me,
do it to my face.
We need help over here!
Turner, you fucking snake!
You bastard.
- Miss Davies.
- I gave you what you wanted.
As I've told you many times now,
your behavior has proved you
unfit to wear this uniform.
You are no longer a police officer.
Just get her out of here.
Why haven't you arrested
Kate Galloway?
She's sick in the head.
You're bent, Turner! Bent!
Yeah, sad really.
You're late.
It's all there.
- Are you all right?
- Shut up.
is his birthday.
Is this how she's paying us then?
- When do I get my turn?
- Show some fucking respect, Luca.
Don't think she deserves it.
I'm really sorry for interrupting.
Come on!
- Billie Cassidy.
- Billie Cassidy.
Follow me.
To Osiris,
King of the Dead.
Osiris, King of the Dead.
34, 26, 35.
Off you go.
Brandy. Warm you up.
- Bitch!
- Fight, bitch!
You're a liar.
You don't do drugs, you don't go near men,
and you sure as hell
aren't used to sleeping rough.
Who are you?
Please. Don't.
If you've got something to say,
spit it out.
Are you a grass?
- Don't lie to me.
- I've never lied to you.
You just don't know
anything about me
because you've never asked,
you nutcase.
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
Who's the nutter now,
you mad bitch?
Do you ever think about leaving?
To where? Why would I do that?
You're being weird today.
Anyway, I've got everything
I need right here.
After our mother went west,
I took Claire to Blackpool.
What's it like?
I stayed in the water so long,
my whole body went blue.
That's fucked up.
It hurts in the beginning.
But you don't feel it after a while.
You don't feel anything at all.
We could go.
You haven't exactly sold it.
You don't have to swim.
You can ride a donkey.
Get your fortune read.
I know my future.
It's here.
If you go so someplace else,
you can become someone else.
- Are you taking the piss?
- There are other ways to make a living.
I don't know what sad story
you've told yourself about me,
but you can forget it.
I chose my life.
I don't need you to save me, Violet.
I'm not your sister.
And that's when you get them
to buy a bottle of champagne.
Trick is, never break eye contact.
The longer you stare into a man's eyes,
the more he believes you're gazing
into the depths of his soul.
And the truth is, all you're doing
is just looking at your own reflection.
Okay, everyone, partner up.
- I should get ready.
- Where are you going?
- I work on the door, not the dance floor.
- You work for me.
Fine. You're easily replaced.
Okay, ladies, let's see
what you're made of.
Play nice, Billie.
He's not a toy.
Lily, you're meant to be enchanting them,
not scaring them.
You're not out of this shithole yet.
Treat people with some respect.
She get the money?
- So we're fine.
- For the moment.
But the Royal Albert Hall
are hosting a ball on Saturday night.
Half the royal families in Europe
will be there.
Movie stars, princesses, and playboys.
At 10:30, they'll all be turfed out,
clucking for a drink.
We just need to get them here.
One big night's not going to change shit.
One very big night
could change everything.
Leave it to me.
You need to keep your mouth shut.
I trusted you.
You need to shut your mouth and disappear.
All that stuff about there
being a war on the streets.
You choosing me.
Did you mean any of it?
Stop talking about things
that you know nothing about.
I believed you.
I thought you stood for something.
Don't pretend like you're a saint.
- You know what you've done.
- We are nothing like each other.
Who are you really working for?
- Because it's not the police.
- Why are you making me do this?
What are you going to do, arrest me?
Do it.
I'll have a talk
with Commissioner Campbell,
tell him what a great job
you've been doing.
you were always nothing to me?
Just stop!
You have no idea
what these people will do.
You're finished.
I know you're angry with me,
but please, just listen.
It's important.
I need to talk to you about Turner.
I'm telling you the truth.
The Saluccis have someone in the police.
And it's him. I know it's him.
Think about it.
Why else hasn't Kate Galloway
been arrested?
Maybe he saw you for the deceitful
little bitch you really are.
You don't like
that he fired you.
Now you're trying to disgrace
him just like you did me.
If you don't believe me,
search his office.
There's got to be something incriminating.
You want me to risk my job
to help you prove he's on the take?
You've seen what he's like.
Look, even if what
you're saying is true,
do you have any idea how dangerous
Because if we crack something like this,
they wouldn't dismiss us anymore.
would be taken seriously.
Imagine how good it would feel.
To put that cunt in his place.
You're late. If you can't turn
up on time, find another job.
I'm sorry.
It won't happen again.
I'm sorry. Difficult day.
When someone buys you a drink tonight,
say you'll have a whiskey.
There's a bottle
filled with tea behind the bar.
- All right?
- I'll get to work.
You've got lovely hair.
Don't you dare.
What are you doing here?
Having fun?
- It's late.
- Don't worry.
I'm going anyway.
I wouldn't want to get in the way.
I'm sorry.
Where's the money?
I spent it.
On what?
The Rolls-Royce outside.
This isn't funny.
Tell me the truth. Where is it?
That's all you care about, isn't it?
- No.
- So, why are you doing this?
For you.
Do you have any idea how much it costs
to send you to that school,
how lucky you are?
You just want me gone.
Locked away in a dormitory
of stuck-up bitches.
You know what?
I do want you gone.
- What?
- Nothing.
- Me.
I didn't mean that.
Yes, you did.
What's going on?
Billie's my daughter.
Stop lying.
I got pregnant when I was young,
and when my parents found out,
they wanted nothing
to do with me.
And so I brought Billie
to London on my own.
And then?
I gave you up.
Off the boat and straight
into the orphanage.
It wasn't like that. I tried.
But she's a half-caste.
It had nothing to do with that.
Why else would you leave her
and keep me?
You okay?
Do you want
to go somewhere with me,
get absolutely fucked?
- Fuck.
- What?
I think it's pretty obvious
that I'd go anywhere with you, Bill.
Stop being such a prick.
No promises.
All you do is lie.
That's not true.
How did Daddy die?
Who told you?
Why did he do it?
I don't know.
Do you ever think about him?
You're a monster.
- I'm sorry.
- What is it, Violet?
Luca Salucci.
I know you killed my nephew.
And the only reason you're still alive
is because you're useful to me.
Welcome to the graveyard shift, Fisher.
Start by filing the arrest reports
from tonight.
And then you can draft these letters.
Any questions?
Very well.
See you tomorrow.
If you wanted a light,
you could have asked.
Davies put you up to this.
But before you answer,
I would think very carefully.
- Are you threatening me?
- I'm just thinking about your husband.
How he would feel
if he knew what you'd really
been up to in the city.
Fiddling with young women.
I don't know why you're protecting her,
after what she did to you.
She tried to convince me
that you're on the take, sir.
She said you're working
for a crime family, the Saluccis.
Do you believe her?
She's unstable, like you said.
Because you're a police officer now.
This force is built on trust.
If we don't have each other's backs.
how can we ever work together,
let alone uphold the law?
You're gonna tell me
where she is.
Aren't you, Officer?
There's a man.
Get out of here!
Lily, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for earlier.
Oh, my darling,
I need you to wake up.
Everything's okay, but I need
you to pack your things, Evie.
- Why?
- We're going away for a little while.
- Now?
- Yes.
- Please, please, please.
I just need you to trust me, okay?
Pack your things.
Where's Billie?
Did she throw us out?
Lily's dead.
You had your fingers inside me.
You cracked my ribs.
- I'm sorry.
- Get out.
- Kate, please.
- I said get out.
I swear, I'm not in the police anymore.
You can trust me.
- Evie, are you ready?
- Kate, I'm begging you.
We have to do something
about Turner.
I'm leaving.
You're on your own.
If the Saluccis wanted you dead,
you'd be dead already.
I know you killed Silvio.
I found the gun. At the club.
I told Turner.
I didn't know that he was
in the Saluccis' pocket.
You could have got me killed.
Luca Salucci is a fucking animal.
And if you run now,
what do you think he'll do?
He'll kill Billie,
cut her tongue out.
And when he's done with her,
he'll come after you.
Neither of us are safe.
We have to end this.
You were right about the cocaine.
The more they snort, the more they drink.
Tomorrow will be our biggest night yet.
- You'll need to bring more.
- That can be arranged.
Good luck to you.
let's make this a night to remember.
If you see Violet Davies,
you call the station and you ask for me.
Someone's dead because of you.
Oh, here she is,
the woman of the hour.
Doesn't matter what he does, does it?
They all like
pretty little Luca in the end.
You like to watch, Damaso.
Luca prefers to take action.
Perhaps you should be the
one to lead this family.
- Who's that?
- My daughter.
I'm done, Kate.
You're on your own.
Go on, Damaso! Go on!
- Are you here for absolution?
- My conscience is clear.
We've all got blood
on our hands, don't we, Kate?