Dr. Brain (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Chapter 5

[Myung, in Korean] You must be Sewon.
My name is Taesuk Myung.
I'm a scientist who studies the brain.
Check the emergency staircase.
Nurse! Nurse!
[Sewon breathes heavily]
[Hyun] Hurry! Grab him!
[breathes heavily]
Are you sure he's here?
The bus driver said he got off here.
[sighs] Man,
we're in the middle of nowhere.
-[monk chanting]
-[drum beating]
[chanting continues]
He joined our temple stay program
late last night.
The morning service will start soon,
so he's probably at the main temple.
Thank you.
-Boy, you're as slippery as an eel.
Did you really think I wouldn't find you?
[sobs] Please.
[Namil panting]
Why would you do something so stupid?
-Don't put this on me, all right?
-[cries] No, wait!
Don't move!
[gun clatters]
[both grunting]
[objects clattering]
Go on. Scream.
You see, I'm a fair man.
I treat kids and adults the same.
[person] Jaemin?
-Jaemin, what are you doing?
-Jaemin, you can't go in there.
[parent] Come here.
We've been looking all over for you.
Namil Hong?
-Namil Hong!
-I'm a police officer.
Sergeant Park.
[person] Sewon, watch your step.
Isn't this a lovely house?
-[Myung] Hi.
Say hello to Dr. Myung, huh?
So glad to see you, Sewon.
Since your mom's gone,
you're going to live
at this house with me, okay?
Let's go pick out your room. [mutters]
Hmm? There are many to choose from.
Pick your favorite.
You like this one?
Okay, then. This is your room now.
Wow, you're already studying
quantum mechanics?
I find these concepts interesting,
so I've been applying it here and there.
[chuckles] Oh, really?
What are your theories?
If we can induce entanglement
between two brains…
my theory is that
the brains could communicate.
Communication between brains
through quantum mechanics?
[laughs] Wow, what a hypothesis!
how about you look into
something more practical and realistic?
This theory is realistic
and practical enough.
And I'm going to prove it.
A company in San Jose has agreed
to invest a lot of money in our research.
[laughs] No one would believe it.
Every company in Korea turned us down,
but those folks in San Jose recognized
the value of our work.
I looked into this so-called sponsor.
I don't think he'd be interested
in scientific research
that wouldn't make him any money.
Isn't it strange, though?
He might make unethical
or unreasonable demands.
we'll never get an opportunity
like this again.
You're wrong.
I think he's using you.
You know it,
and you're still going with it.
I'm not going to the US.
And I think it's time I left this house.
Thank you for dinner.
Oh, my. Look at you.
You don't look so well. [chuckles]
How long has it been?
Why did it take you so long
to come see me?
This is Yoon, my personal secretary.
He's been helping in so many ways
because of my physical condition.
I just came from Saera Clinic.
So you met Dr. Hyun.
I saw a picture
of the research team in the US.
Such brilliant minds.
You'll get to meet them very soon.
I know most of them already.
I know that you had something to do
with Doyoon's disappearance.
Where's my son?
[breathes shakily]
Are you expressing anger?
You can express emotions now?
How did that happen, I wonder? [laughs]
I'm not here to talk.
I want to see my son now!
All right.
I understand how you feel about your son.
I feel that way about you.
But first…
[whispers indistinctly]
But first listen carefully
to what I'm saying.
Hopefully you'll make the right choice.
You're gonna tell me everything
about the person behind this.
An innocent officer died,
a man like a brother to me,
my colleague of ten years,
because of you.
And your mother…
her life was threatened,
and she's lost a finger.
The bastard tortured her.
She kept silent to protect you.
There are more.
There are more innocent people
who died because of me.
I had three great opportunities
in my life,
and I took all of them.
The first was meeting you,
my inspiration for this research project.
The second was receiving funding
to go to the US.
All right, this talented young man
is Dr. Namil Hong.
He's a rising star in neural nets,
machine learning,
and digital neuron modeling.
-Nice to meet you. I'm Soojung Hyun.
-I'm Namil Hong.
My name is Yoojin.
Nice to meet you.
[in English] This is Dr. Hong.
[Namil, in Korean] At the time,
I thought I'd never get
an opportunity like it again.
Um, excuse me.
Why don't any of these people have
emergency contacts?
Most of them are also malnourished.
I guess they need extra care then.
[Namil] That's when I knew…
that something wasn't right.
They were all homeless people
from shelters.
No one would fight for them
if anything went wrong.
They were powerless.
[Myung] Increase the stimulation
to 14 hertz.
Increasing to 14 hertz.
His vitals are unstable.
I think we need to stop.
[Hyun] What?
No, we must continue.
If we stop now, the data will be useless.
-Increase to 170 hertz at 3.5 volts.
-A hundred…
Wait. No, no. That's dangerous.
Keep going.
Continuing at 170 hertz at 3.5 volts.
[rapid beeping]
[Namil] The test subject lost
all of his memories.
But even after that,
the experiments continued.
[Myung] When did the symptoms begin?
It's been 11 hours.
[Myung] It seems like sensory loss, right?
[Yoojin] Yes.
Would you like me to make note of this?
[Myung] Hmm.
[Myung] Of course,
we had our share of trial and error.
[rapid beeping]
[steady beep]
[Namil] We lost another one.
Even after the second and third deaths…
It's already our third failure.
[Namil] They were obsessed
with the research.
Because it almost worked once.
-[Myung] It was unfortunate…
-Isn't it a living being?
…but the tests yielded
extremely valuable data.
None of this would have been possible
without the team's passion.
It was madness.
Eventually, it caught up to them.
[Myung] Insignificant problems led
to severe restrictions.
The government opened an investigation
into the experiment process.
Aren't you overreacting?
They knew there would be risks
and signed the agreements.
We have their signed consent.
Forget what's legal or not.
The problem is
that we used homeless people.
I understand
why the sponsor may be nervous.
Exposure to something like this will be
a huge blow to him and his company.
This means that Dr. Myung,
as the lead researcher,
will be held responsible.
Same for you, Yoojin,
since you conducted the tests.
[Yoon] For now,
you will all return to Korea.
We must keep
what transpired here between us.
Of course,
we must never betray one another.
What does my son have to do with this?
[Myung] Listen to the rest of my story!
Officially, we terminated the experiments.
Our sponsor and I were determined
not to give up on the progress we'd made.
So… [laughs]
…we came back home
and continued the research.
Once in a while,
you'd provide tremendous inspiration.
What are you talking about?
we've been research partners
the whole time.
Was Dr. Hong keeping an eye on me?
I had no choice.
Had I refused, there was no telling
what they would have done to me.
Dr. Yoojin was placed
as the head of BC Medical Center.
I acted like Sewon's assistant
and shared the lab reports with them.
I was a spy.
[Namil] But as time passed,
I grew fond of him.
I'd like to apply your research proposal
on axion voltage.
Yeah. It's a little better
than the existing academic data.
[Namil] I really liked the guy.
-You may not believe me…
-I didn't put that much effort into it.
-…but it's the truth.
-But let's do it!
We're waiting on the results,
but I'll check again once we get them.
[Yoojin] Hello.
[Namil] Then, one day,
the accident happened.
Everyone called Sewon crazy
for showing up to work
the day after his son's funeral.
Sewon, you good?
I'm having trouble with the fiber optics.
No, not that. [sighs]
I'm talking about you.
[sighs] I can't imagine how you feel,
how broken your heart must be.
I can't even imagine.
A broken heart changes nothing.
How's your wife?
She's acting irrationally.
She's going through a lot.
She believes Doyoon is alive.
She's suffering from hallucinations
due to extreme stress.
Turn the centrifuge on.
[centrifuge whirs]
Dr. Koh's wife attempted suicide
soon after?
Did Dr. Koh seem suspicious
about what happened to his wife?
No, he didn't.
He was the same as always,
to the point I felt really sorry for him.
But I didn't find
anything different about him.
Until then.
Until then?
Someone came to see me.
There was something suspicious about him.
Oh, Dr. Namil Hong?
Yes, hello. How can I help you?
You work with Dr. Sewon Koh, yes?
I do. Who are you?
I'm an investigator
from Hanshin Life Insurance.
Dr. Koh recently took out
a policy in his wife's name.
I'm reaching out
to a few of his acquaintances.
Just protocol.
[Namil] I knew Sewon had
no interest in money.
So, I reported it to Dr. Myung.
To Secretary Yoon, actually.
Yoon said he would take care of it.
[reporter on TV]
Kangmu Lee, a former detective,
has died in a car crash after his vehicle
slipped off the road in the rain.
There were no other passengers in the car.
The police are looking for witnesses.
They believe that he was
either driving under the influence
or was falling asleep at the wheel.
[Namil] That's when I realized…
what happened to Sewon
wasn't a coincidence.
His son died in a fire.
His wife attempted suicide.
And the investigator
looking into him died.
All this right after I,
like a fool, told Yoon.
Yet you didn't share any of this
with the police.
You didn't tell Dr. Koh.
I thought they would kill me if I did.
But then there was
an unexpected opportunity…
and I acted impulsively.
Kangmu Lee's body turned up at our morgue.
You have access to the morgue.
Wait, Sewon!
If you want it so badly…
I do have an idea.
You mean you led Dr. Koh
to Kangmu Lee's body on purpose?
I was hoping he'd find some evidence
by syncing with Kangmu.
[Myung] Sewon, I'm dying.
Cancer has spread
to almost every organ in my body.
I'd say I'm essentially
a dead man already.
Isn't that a shame?
Everything inside me is rotting.
Don't expect any sympathy from me.
I'm only here for my son.
You spend your life studying and learning,
and just when you think
you're starting to get it, you die.
Then the newborns have to start it
all over again.
If you want the world to truly advance,
valuable brains must be preserved!
And that's why I'm going to take something
only possible in sci-fi or religion,
and turn it into reality.
I've made the resolution…
and have finally succeeded.
Why are we talking about
such a delusional concept right now?
You've experienced it.
If you brain sync with the dead,
their memories,
habits, hobbies
and preferences are passed on to you.
Then, if you take a few more steps,
wouldn't you be able to transfer
an entire human consciousness into AI?
Don't tell me…
That's right, Sewon.
I'm going to transfer
my consciousness to your son,
who has the same brain structure as you.
This is my gift to humanity.
Our entry into the realm of gods.
[wheezes, coughing]
An exceptionally large hippocampus,
young, lively neurons
and extreme neuroplasticity…
Doyoon's brain is perfect.
The third great opportunity in my life
was meeting your son, Doyoon.
You're out of your mind.
You are a scientist.
Don't be illogical and misunderstand me.
[in distance] This isn't simply
a base ambition to extend one's life.
Its value is transcendent.
Just imagine…
my consciousness in Doyoon's brain.
I will become both your father and son.
If what you're saying is true…
my son will be lost forever.
He'll be nothing but a hollow shell,
you fucking psycho!
-Speak! Where is my son?
-[chokes, grunts]
Tell me!
Tell me!
I said tell me!
[Sewon groans]
[Myung] You've changed so much.
Your willingness to sacrifice yourself
for your son is admirable.
You don't want to lose him.
I feel the same.
I can't lose you either.
I'd like to take more time
to think it over,
but I'm running out of time.
My body will soon expire.
It will all be over by this time tomorrow.
I knew they were coming for me.
That's why I ran.
So, you know nothing
about the man who tried to kill you?
Wait, I met him once.
Secretary Yoon instructed me
to hand him the lab reports.
It was an alley in some obscure place.
After I handed in the reports,
I think I saw him talking to someone
who runs a temp agency
or a debt collection company.
They looked like they knew each other.
I'm looking for someone.
Do you know this man?
I'm not sure.
I don't think I've seen him before.
A lot of people take temp jobs here,
so it's hard for me
to remember every face.
Is that right?
How can I help you remember?
[sniffs, spits]
[breathing heavily]
[cell phone vibrates]
Hey, it's the fixer! The fixer!
[tires squeal]
[tires squeal]
[Namil groans]
[Choi] Alpha-Romeo B9,
pursuing the suspect!
Block all the routes off Yongin Road!
Damn it.
Officer Kim, block the road over there.
Excuse me, this is a checkpoint.
Where are you coming from?
Oh, man.
I think this is it.
We found the vehicle.
-The suspect isn't here.
Yeah. No, I won't be able
to travel on the road.
I'm trapped. [laughs]
I don't think I can take
the normal routes right now.
[groans] Shit.
I'm climbing a hill.
I can see…
the Yongin Rest Stop from here.
Stay there. I'll send someone over.
Will this be a problem for us?
I'll make sure it isn't.
You figured out the truth…
…but it vanished like smoke.
What are you going to do now?
I don't know.
We can't just sit around.
We have to find a way.
We're out of time.
If I don't find Doyoon now…
he will cease to exist.
Jaeyi kept telling me he was alive.
But I was lost in my own little world.
I ruined my family. This is on me.
[breathes shakily]
So ultimately, your wife was right.
I wonder how she knew.
She must have seen…
or heard something.
[clicking fades out]
Yes, Jaeyi.
She must've seen an important clue.
So, now you know what to do.
But to sync with Jaeyi,
I need Dr. Hong.
Can you forgive him?
I don't have time to worry about that.
I need Dr. Hong now.
Where's my phone?
Answer the phone.
[Sewon] Namil.
-I'm sorry.
-Not now.
Dr. Hong, I need your help.
Tell me. I'll do anything.
I need to sync with Jaeyi one more time.
A living subject's brain waves are
too volatile to sync with!
That's why I need you.
Jaeyi or I could have seizures
at any moment.
I need someone to monitor the sync.
this is the last chance
for me to find Doyoon.
Why the fuck are you sitting
in the corner? I couldn't find you.
Hey, man.
What's up? Let's go.
-Where's the car?
-Over there.
-You alone?
You gonna be okay at the checkpoint?
No worries.
-Did Yoon send you?
Fucking unbelievable. [laughs]
[siren wailing]
[siren stops]
There's the entrance.
-Did you call?
-Yeah, I think I saw this man.
-Block off the entire area.
-Yes, ma'am.
[shuttering clicking]
Help me find Doyoon.
Let's begin.
I thought you couldn't make it.
It's been a while.
Huh? This place?
[chuckles] I guess so.
We haven't been here since we got married.
It's good to see you,
even though most of this isn't real.
Thank goodness.
What's gotten into you?
There's something
I have to tell you right now.
Right now? Um…
Now's not a good time.
I've invited someone else
because you told me you couldn't make it.
This is really important.
I know this will be hard
for you to understand,
but hear me out.
Remember the research
I've been working on?
The technology that enables
one brain to communicate with another.
I finally made it work. So, I'm…
I'm inside your brain.
What are you talking about?
-You're in a coma right now.
After you fell into a coma,
I threw myself into my research.
-I wanted to save you and talk to you.
This is why we're able to talk right now.
You're being ridiculous.
Everything you said was true.
Our son is alive.
I came all the way here to find Doyoon.
There are clues in your memories.
So, please help me out.
Why are you talking nonsense?
What's wrong with you, seriously?
[Junki] Jaeyi.
What are you doing here, Dr. Koh?
I need to speak to my wife.
You're making things awkward
by showing up.
Give us a minute.
Are you okay with that, Jaeyi?
Let's talk at home later.
Jaeyi, wait. Just listen to me.
What happens now is important.
[Junki] She doesn't want to.
This doesn't concern you.
Were you ever concerned about her?
Who do you think you are, huh?
This is none of your business!
-Jaeyi, let's go. Let's talk outside.
-What is wrong with you?
You can't talk to her like that!
-Who do you think you are, huh?
-[Jaeyi screams]
Please stop!
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