Dr. Romantic (2016) s01e05 Episode Script

Principle of Relative

Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Vod2smi /Fontby Blue-Bird™
A 97 percent success rate of
all operations.
The one and only surgeon
with triple board.
His touches bring even
the near dead back to life.
Excuse me, Doctor.
Even the wealthiest people
line up with bags of money
to receive his treatments.
He's the legendary surgeon.
After he made a name for himself,
he disappeared all of a sudden
and nobody knew of his whereabouts.
That's him, right?
I don't know.
I know I'm right.
-I don't know what you're--
-Teacher Kim's true identity.
He's Dr. Bu Yong-ju.
Isn't he?
Tell me I'm right.
I'm sorry.
But I simply can't give you
an answer on that matter.
You still have
my letter of resignation, right?
-Are you looking for this?
-If Teacher Kim turns out to be
Dr. Bu Yong-ju,
you can shred it.
Does that mean
you'll stay at Doldam Hospital?
Can I assume
that you want to stay, Dr. Kang?
Only if Teacher Kim really is
Dr. Bu Yong-ju.
I wasn't expecting you so early,
President Do.
Did everything go well with Chairman Shin?
Is there something wrong?
Did something happen in Jeongseon?
What is it? Did Chairman Shin
give you some bad news?
-It's him.
Bu Yong-ju.
He's back.
He's at Doldam Hospital.
He's been working there.
Times when climbing up
the ladder is all that matters.
The bleeding won't stop.
-Did you not hear me?
People turn their backs on
conscience and even human lives.
Such things aren't taken into calculation.
Bring the defibrillator. Hurry!
Charge 360J.
-Charge 360J.
She's gone.
Darn it.
They justify the sacrifice of others
by saying it couldn't be helped.
How could you?
The powerless people
don't want to act against
the will of powerful people.
They neglect the truth
with their eyes closed.
All of those people
formed a group of vested interests
and are ruling over the world.
Shouldn't we do something about this?
How can Chairman Shin
make a decision like that
when the board decision is coming up?
That operation should not happen
no matter what.
Dr. Kang is down there, right?
Just tell me now.
That's him, right?
Dr. Bu Yong-ju.
I can't say anything.
Seriously, I didn't say anything.
No, you didn't.
You should use Kang Dong-ju.
If he wants to come back here,
he will need to do something.
Don't you think?
Yes, sir.
I understand.
Yes, orderly.
Are you really going to do that?
I have no choice.
I can't go to another hospital.
I made a mistake,
so I should make up for it.
With patience, endurance,
backbone, and indomitability.
Did you talk to Teacher Kim?
Of course I did.
-Will you do that?
Whatever it is that I have to do,
I'm willing to do it.
-Are you?
-Of course.
I will make sure to control
my condition no matter what.
What did he say?
He said
You may go now.
I know. That's too harsh.
Teacher Kim is being too harsh to her,
don't you think?
I know, right? He is very kind to us.
Maybe I'm on his blacklist.
Are you sure you will be okay?
I should be okay.
Will I be okay?
I've made the right decision, right?
Please say yes.
There you are.
I have good news.
The thing is, Dr. Kang Dong-ju,
who passed the board exam
with the highest score in the country,
has decided to stay at Doldam Hospital
after many complications.
It wasn't easy,
but he made a bold decision.
Please welcome him with a big hand.
Why is everyone so quiet?
Could anyone explain?
I have to get back to work.
What's wrong with Dr. Yun?
Is something wrong?
Can't you tell just by looking at her?
Did Teacher Kim really kick her out?
Is that it?
He made an even worse decision.
What is worse than kicking her out?
What would that be?
An orderly?
Are you really going to do that?
There's no reason I can't do it.
I work for the hospital anyway.
I see.
Does that mean I can give you
orders from now on?
Don't even try to boss me around.
What's the matter?
I'm doing it for the hospital.
Why did you suddenly
change your mind, by the way?
You said you would quit.
You wanted to go to a better hospital.
Why do you want to stay here
rubbing salt into my wound?
Why is that?
Teacher Kim.
I need to learn more about him.
Excuse me. Don't you remember?
Just a few hours ago,
you lashed out at Teacher Kim
in a fit of rage questioning his manner.
You were going to throw up
your job at this lousy hospital.
And now,
you want to learn more about him?
Did you just say that?
I was going to quit because
I didn't know who Teacher Kim was.
I heard he is Dr. Bu Yong-ju.
He's the only person in the country
with the triple board and a success rate
of 97 percent in operation.
He is a living legend
in the surgeon world.
How did you know that?
I knew it.
Everyone knows that Teacher Kim
is Dr. Bu Yong-ju.
You knew it but pretended
not to know the whole time.
So what are you going to do?
It's obvious.
I will stay here
and learn from him for a while.
Teacher Kim is not easy to deal with.
He has the most ferocious temper ever.
He's not someone you can just push around.
You said you missed me.
If I leave the hospital like this,
I will never be able
to find out why you missed me.
That's another reason.
We are in a hospital.
No romance allowed, okay?
Can't we do romance?
You are being ridiculous.
If you have time for romance,
just go take a nap.
Or go eat something.
We can do that together.
We can take a nap
or eat something together.
That's romance. What else is?
It's your fault.
What's wrong? Are you okay?
I died because of you.
It's your fault.
I died because of you.
It's your fault.
You killed me.
It's okay. I will get that.
The emergency room at Doldam Hospital.
How many?
A truck smashed into people
riding bicycles.
It seems to be drowsy driving.
Three people are killed already.
It was a scene of devastation.
It's on the internet already.
There are reporters outside the hospital.
They are trying to film everything here.
Prepare warm saline, C-line, E-tube,
and Foley catheters in the hybrid room.
Pad splint and fluid, too.
There are seven patients here and
four more are on the way.
One of the patients has died
on route to the hospital.
Two have slight wounds.
The other one has hemopneumothorax
in left side with spleen injury.
Lung sounds are diminishing
on the left side.
What about thoracic hemorrhage?
It's about 1,000cc on the left side.
I will put in a chest tube
and move him to the operating room.
Okay. I will begin
the operation immediately.
Can I assist you in the operation?
I'd like to watch your operation.
Didn't you say you would quit?
That's what I heard.
I guess you haven't heard of it.
I decided to stay at Doldam Hospital.
Can I assist you in the operation then?
I need someone to call Dr. Nam.
Someone called me already
and I have just arrived.
It's hemoperitoneum.
Go prepare for an operation.
Of course I will.
Orderly. Just in case,
call Dr. Yang at Jeongil Hospital.
Yes, Doctor.
He's in cardiac arrest.
What are you doing, Dr. Kang?
Aren't you putting in a chest tube?
Yes, I'll do that.
We have a patient.
What's the problem?
He hurt his right knee and pelvis.
His blood pressure is 90 over 50.
-Does your stomach hurt?
-My pelvis hurts.
Mr. Park.
Excuse me, make way, please.
Did I
do this?
How could this be?
No way.
Did I really
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
We're ready.
Step aside.
Let's see.
One more time. Charge 200J.
We're ready.
Ready, clear!
We have four more patients, Teacher Kim.
Two have minor injuries,
and one fractured his collarbone,
but his vitals are stable.
The other one has pelvis pain.
It looks like
he fractured his pelvic bone.
Teacher Kim.
Teacher Kim.
Time of death
is 3:26 p.m.
What's his case?
He has pelvis pain.
I think his pelvic bone is fractured.
Give me some sheets.
Hey, you.
It's you, right?
You're the driver.
You are.
Why are you here?
How dare you be here?
You jerk!
Sir, please.
-Calm down.
-You jerk!
You're not even a human.
You're just a murderer.
-Let go of me!
Just let go of me!
-Calm down!
-Catch that murderer!
-Let go of me!
-Who is he?
He's the driver.
He hit his chest on the steering wheel,
but it's nothing serious.
I told them over and over
not to bring the driver and
the victim to the same hospital.
Check his vital signs
-and take an X-ray.
-Yes, Teacher Kim.
To the X-ray room.
This is the murderer.
He's the guy who killed all of my friends.
Sir, how do you feel?
You don't need to treat someone like him.
Just let him die!
I think I hit my chest.
But I can't remember clearly.
Don't you remember?
You killed so many people.
Why don't you remember?
How dare you call yourself a human being?
Lie him down.
Be careful.
What were his vitals?
They were 100 over 70 at first,
and pulse rate 95.
What about now?
They are 80 over 40, and pulse rate 120.
This is a murderer.
Do not revive him!
Please get him out of here.
Let go of me. I'm hurt!
That jerk killed my friends!
I'm going to sue you all!
The patient with fractured pelvic bone
is at the X-ray room now.
-What does this look like?
His cardiac sound is dropping.
His jugular veins are swelling
and his blood pressure is dropping.
That's Beck's triad.
Could it be cardiac tamponade?
But cardiac tamponade is
rarely caused by a blunt injury.
Yes, it is rare.
There is only one thousandth
of a percent of this case.
But does a doctor rule out such a case
just because it's rarely seen?
I'm sorry.
I didn't think far enough.
I expected you to not think that far.
You're just an orderly.
Get him ready for a surgery.
And find out if someone got
a hold of Dr. Yang or not.
An orderly
will perform only the tasks
right for an orderly.
Yes, Teacher Kim.
Kang Dong-ju, you idiot!
You are doomed.
Hello? This is Kang Dong-ju.
-Where are you?
-At Doldam Hospital. Where else?
It's a Saturday afternoon.
Are you still at work?
This hospital is so lousy
that it keeps around
someone who was
on a night shift last night
until late afternoon today.
We need to meet. When are you free?
I'm sorry. I got a surgery now.
Sir, did you know this, too?
There is a very famous surgeon
here at Doldam Hospital.
Did you
meet him?
Of course. That's why I want to thank you.
Thank me? What do you mean?
You led me to a great teacher.
I'll return
after learning everything from him. Bye.
-What about the surgery?
-We're ready.
A teacher?
Darn it!
Pardon? Me?
Why not?
What about you?
Sir, Dr. Yang just got here.
The patient will be
anesthetized in five minutes.
This is a cardiac tamponade case.
I'll take his heart.
You take care of the hemoperitoneum.
Yes, Teacher Kim.
Don't fall asleep.
Don't fall asleep, okay?
Let's begin.
Let's begin.
What does this mean?
They were members of
Cancer Survivors Club, C.S.C.
Does that mean all of the members here
have a history of cancer?
That's correct.
What about the one in the surgery room?
Do you know if he has a history of cancer?
I'm not sure.
It was his liver.
Liver cancer.
He even went through chemotherapy
and he finally got better.
Liver cancer?
Long forceps.
Everything is good so far.
Pass me more.
Sternal saw.
That's the point of bleeding.
Thankfully, none of
his major vessels are damaged.
Let's stitch him up.
Yes, Teacher Kim.
Pick up the phone.
-Teacher Kim.
There's Mr. Jang at the door.
It's an emergency. Hurry.
You're going to make me
come in there, aren't you?
Why don't you pick up the phone?
You know I don't do that
during operations.
It's an emergency.
The patient in the other room
has a history of liver cancer.
-So what? Cut.
Dr. Kang was kicked out of
Geosan Medical Center
after operating on a liver cancer patient.
What's this?
It's bleeding.
-Where is the bleeding coming from?
-Is it
ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma?
Wake up, Dr. Kang.
You have to stop the bleeding.
There's bleeding in thoracic cavity, too.
It could result in DIC.
Suction. Bovie.
The patient died from excessive bleeding
during an operation.
What's going on, Dr. Kang?
You're in the middle of operation.
I can't.
-I can't stop the bleeding.
-The bleeding won't stop.
Get it together, Dr. Kang.
You're the only one who can
save this patient.
Dr. Kang!
Get yourself together, Kang Dong-ju.
Listen to me carefully.
That patient lying down there
made a full recovery
from liver cancer five years ago.
I think there's been a recurrence.
It's ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma.
He's bleeding too much.
And there's even bleeding
from the thoracic cavity.
I think DIC is taking place.
Dr. Nam. How is the bleeding?
It can be under observation
for a little longer.
Dr. Kang. Are you listening?
You're calling the shots
on that operation.
If your decision is to give up
and call it done,
nobody's going to blame you.
But if you do so,
you'll look back on that moment
for the rest of your life.
I'm sorry.
I don't feel confident enough
to save this patient.
Dr. Kang.
Do you know what's worse
than death on the operating table?
It's the regret you get
thinking you might have been able to
save the patient by not giving up.
That thought will haunt you
for the rest of your life.
If there's something worse
than failure, it's regret.
What do you say?
I'm sorry. I really can't.
You really can't do it?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Close it up, then.
Teacher Kim.
If you don't think you can do it,
close him up before
making him suffer even more.
Like I said, you're the one
calling the shots.
Do as you wish.
Hang up now.
Hello? Hello? Teacher Kim.
How can you hang up like that?
Come on. Don't be like that.
Mr. Park. Switch with me.
Dr. Kang.
I've been through
harder operations than this
with Teacher Kim.
There were patients who died on us,
but they tend to hang in there longer
if we don't give up until the end.
The patient's not
in the worst condition yet.
He's still hanging in there.
What should we do, Dr. Kang?
Do we give up now?
This is your operation.
We will follow your order.
Are you going to close him up?
Let's start the left hemihepatectomy.
We have plenty of blood left. Don't worry.
Dr. Kang. Let's try everything we can do.
Vascular clamps.
Dr. Kang is back on the operation.
Do you think Dr. Kang can--
The heart operation is done.
You should finish up.
I know you're just an orderly,
but you can do it, right?
What? Yes, of course.
Don't leave a needle in there.
Of course.
Where are you going?
Teacher Kim.
Put pressure on there.
Nice timing.
Are you still struggling
with the bleeding?
I was on it.
It's not too late
for me to step in if you want.
I'm on it.
Tying the left hepatic artery
and the portal vein.
Commencing lobectomy.
The bleeding is starting again.
There's nothing wrong with
the tied blood vessels.
What about the hepatic vein?
I'm going to commence
resection and ligation.
Stopping the inflow is enough to
stop the bleeding. Isn't it?
There could be a case of back flow
from the veins.
What do you do then?
You have to block the hepatic vein first.
Hold on to that.
I think I can control the bleeding.
How does it look, Dr. Nam?
Vitals are 90 over 50.
Heart rate is becoming more stable.
What are you waiting for?
You need to do recession.
-I'll be there soon.
How did it go?
It was such a touching moment.
I guess Dr. Kang did well.
It was incredible.
Him and Teacher Kim stopping
the patient from bleeding was
like a scene from a movie.
I knew he had to be good
when I heard he was
the top of his class.
Tonight, sir?
Aren't you friends with Dong-ju?
We'll go and have a drink with him.
-Make him come out.
-But sir.
It's finally my day off today.
I promised my family
that we'd go to an aquarium together.
So what?
I guess I'll have to push it back.
I'll come along. Let me call my wife.
May I join you?
Do you want to come?
Are you friends with Dong-ju as well?
-We went to school together.
That's great. The more, the merrier.
-I'll see you in 30 minutes.
-Yes, Doctor.
Hey, this is between
doctors in your department.
Stop dragging me into this.
Don't you think
he's overstepping his authority?
I thought that Crazy Whale is
also at that hospital.
You wanted to meet her.
Seo-jeong. You're right.
Hello, I am Lee Jun-hui,
a reporter of SBN.
Could you tell us about the accident
and the patients in detail?
The staff at Doldam Hospital are--
Could you first tell us the number
of the deceased and injured?
I am getting to it.
The staff at Doldam Hospital are
made up of very excellent doctors.
Our new surgeon is
a very talented young man
who passed his board exam
with the highest score.
He is a great addition
What were you going to do
if I had given up?
What if I really gave up
-and stitched him back up?
I wasn't going to do anything.
It's not my responsibility
that you gave up and killed him.
You're the one who will live your life
filled with guilt and regrets.
Excuse me.
I really don't get it.
May I ask you why you wanted to keep me
in this hospital?
-Why would I want to keep you?
-Then why did you say that?
Unless you change,
nothing will change. Understand?
You knew I'd figure it out
once I heard that.
You knew I wouldn't leave
once I figured it out, too.
Didn't you expect that?
Is that why
you've been acting like a fool?
A fool?
Why didn't you run a CT scan on him?
If you had done that,
you would've been able to notice
the ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma.
I thought he may die if I didn't hurry--
Even so, how could you not check
his medical history
before the surgery?
His stomach was swelling up.
I thought he would go into
a cardiac arrest if I didn't hurry.
I did make a mistake
by not checking his history.
But it was an emergency.
I thought stopping his bleeding
was the most important thing to do.
That's what I do.
That's not your style.
Hey, I thought you were
a man of principle.
never change under any circumstances.
Changing your words
according to people and circumstances
can't be a principle.
It's merely an excuse.
I was just being flexible.
Are you sure you didn't go out of your way
and almost ended up killing a patient?
You're making too many assumptions
for a single mistake.
Stop making excuses.
Your single mistake almost killed someone.
It's up to you
to stay or leave. Do what you'd like.
However, if you are
expecting something from me,
you should stop dreaming.
To a guy
who bends his principles
according to the situation,
I have nothing else to give
other than ignoring, mocking,
despising, and swearing at you.
I told you about his temper.
I told you he wasn't going to be easy.
But you know what?
I kind of envy you.
You did something I've been wanting to do
for the last five years.
You did a combined operation
with Teacher Kim.
It wasn't a combined operation.
He took over.
Also, he made sure
you knew about your mistakes.
He didn't make sure. He just degraded me.
I wish I could be degraded like that.
It's better to be degraded
than to be ignored.
I am sure
that he has a personality disorder.
Either that, or he's a sadist
who enjoys torturing others.
Or it might be because of
his hurtful history.
There must be a reason
when such a great doctor
casts away his name
and stays here in hiding.
Don't you think so?
You idiot.
Who told you to perform that operation?
You jerk, answer me.
Who is it?
-Who told you to do that?
-Doctor, please.
-Let go of me!
-Get him.
-Let go!
Okay, I'll calm down. Let go.
You idiot!
-Doctor, please.
-I'll get you.
Let go!
Let go of me!
Let go. Was it you?
Did you let him
perform that operation?
What are you talking about?
You killed the patient.
-You are the one
who was in that operation room
and operated on her.
That's what the record will say.
Our staff members
will testify the same way, too.
Dr. Bu.
Among the people
who know about that surgery,
no one will take your side.
This is why
you should have been tamed
while we still liked you.
How dare you lift your head
and bark at us?
Who do you think made you who you are?
You should
kneel down and apologize.
-If so, I can--
-Jang Hyeon-ju.
All she wanted to do was
hold a scalpel in an operation room
while listening to Madonna's music.
Jang Hyeon-ju,
a third-year at her medical school.
If you treated her with medicine
in Internal Medicine Department,
she would have lived her dream.
She wasn't supposed to die
because of someone like you.
You are the one
who has to kneel down
and apologize to her mom.
You can no longer
work at Geosan Medical Center.
Not just this hospital,
no other hospital in Korea.
No hospital will hire you.
I'll make sure
that you're thrown out of the industry!
I will!
I will!
I think we're here.
Is this Doldam Hospital?
It really looks lousy.
-Call him.
-I said, call Dong-ju.
Should I wake him up?
He was on call last night
and carried out a surgery today.
He must be exhausted.
He needs to get some sleep. Let him be.
Yes, Ms. Oh.
-He's not answering.
-Is it turned off?
-No. He's just not answering it.
The person you have dialed
It's Saturday afternoon.
Could he be in the hospital?
He must be. He said he was
going to do a surgery.
Then, I guess he's still in a surgery.
Think before you speak.
Do you think it's possible to do
a major surgery in that hospital?
I think it's impossible.
I'll go in and find him.
Would you?
I'll go help him.
Are you hurt?
I could've been.
How could you be so careless?
-Are you a pianist?
-I'm a doctor.
Are you a surgeon?
Aren't you going to apologize?
You said you're not hurt.
I could have been.
Then you should be more careful.
What's wrong? Did something happen?
It was nothing.
-What a jerk.
In-beom, wait up.
President Do, it's me.
I'm at Jeongseon right now.
Bu Yong-ju is here.
I just saw him.
That little rat.
That little rat.
He even changed his name
to hide in such a place like this.
Mr. Jang.
You're tired, aren't you?
Why wouldn't you be?
Please drink this for your fatigue.
I'm good.
-I don't like it.
-I see.
You have a visitor.
Maybe because it's surrounded
by mountains, it's very dry here.
That's true.
What are you doing here?
Obviously, I'm here to see you.
It hasn't even been a week since you left.
It feels like a year passed.
Are you really here to see me?
Of course, I am.
In-beom is here, too.
Do In-beom is here?
What brings you here?
I didn't know you were here.
I asked you why you're here.
I'm here to see
I adore him.
Then why did you send him
to a hospital in the countryside?
You should have helped him
stay at your hospital.
You know how President Do
shifts responsibility to other doctors.
Are you still living like that?
What's wrong with you?
I'm the chief surgeon now.
I have a high social status.
Don't look down on me.
If you have a high social status,
why were you crouching
in the back seat to hide yourself?
It was because of my back pain.
I crouched because my back hurt.
Weren't you just afraid to see me
because of what you did?
Please be careful of what you say.
I'm not the person you used to know.
I'm the chief of General Surgery
of Geosan Medical Center.
What is such a person like you doing here?
Why did you really come here?
I have no idea why he came
all the way here with us.
He just said we could have
a drink with you.
No. I can't leave right now.
I have to monitor the patient
I operated on until he wakes up.
Still, you should at least show your face.
Dr. Song is here, too.
Yes, Kang Dong-ju speaking.
Yes. Okay. I'll be there shortly.
I should go now.
We have patients in the emergency room.
You're a surgeon.
Why would you go to the emergency room?
We're short-staffed here.
A surgeon is no exception.
-Please say hello to Dr. Song.
This is driving me crazy.
What should I do?
-The number you are calling
-Why isn't In-beom picking up?
Where on earth is he?
Dr. Yun?
She must have gone for bed sheets.
Bed sheets?
Does a doctor do that in this hospital?
She's in a situation.
This isn't right.
I'm an ER doctor and a cardiac surgeon.
Why am I folding bed sheets?
I have no choice. I'm an orderly.
What's wrong? What is it?
You startled me.
Who are you? Why are you standing there?
I just I'm lost.
Excuse me?
Someone found her unconscious
and called the paramedics.
Her pupil reflex and breathing are weak.
Let's intubate her for now.
Set up IV lines and give her
normal saline.
Prepare for a brain CT scan.
Hold on a second.
Give her some food.
Excuse me?
I said, she needs to eat.
What are you talking about?
Trust me, Dr. Kang.
What she needs is food.
Go through the fire exit over there.
It leads to the lobby.
Go right from there, not to the left.
-I see.
-Okay, then.
Gosh. I can't use this one.
I should take this to the laundry room.
Excuse me.
Do you know someone called Crazy Whale?
Here's food.
Wake up and eat, please.
I think we should set up IV lines.
Slow down.
You'll get sick if you eat too fast.
Eat slowly and chew well.
Some homeless people
around the casino who starved for days
get transferred here.
I see.
Drink it.
Take your time.
If you need anything,
please tell Mr. Park.
Hello, I'm Park Eun-tak.
-Ms. Woo.
Do you know where Ms. Yun is?
-She's in the linen room.
-Thank you.
How do you know Crazy Whale?
I've heard so much about her
that she was a legendary doctor
at Geosan Medical Center.
I think I heard that
she's working at Doldam Hospital.
I'd like to meet her.
Do you know her?
I know her.
That's me.
I see. You are her.
You are
the Crazy Whale.
Who are you, by the way?
I don't suppose you have come
a long way just to see Crazy Whale.
What brought you here?
Hey, In-beom.
What are you doing here?
I just got lost
looking around the hospital.
Do you know him?
-Who is he?
-He was my colleague.
We went to college and worked
as surgeons together.
Unlike me, he is a son of
the privileged at Geosan Medical Center.
A son of the privileged?
How is President Do doing?
Is he doing well
after kicking me out to Doldam hospital?
What are you talking about?
Explain it in language I can understand.
President Do of Geosan Medical Center
is his father.
Why aren't you answering me?
What's the reason you are here?
I heard you'll perform
the operation on the chairman.
What? Who?
Chairman Shin Myeong-ho.
The big shot of casino.
He is the foundation chairman
of Geosan Medical Center.
We have not much time left
until the renewal of the presidency.
The chairman has the final say.
And you will be operating on him.
Do you think
President Do will let it slide?
You'd better back off now.
Otherwise, it will backfire on you.
President Do will do anything
to stop you from operating on him.
You know he will do that.
I can't believe this.
Damn it!
Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Modify /Fontby Blue-Bird™
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