Dragon's Dogma (2020) s01e05 Episode Script


Arisen! There are too many of them.
We should retreat.
The Dragon is our goal.
You must not forget that.
There's no need for this fight.
You're right.
Are you all right?
I'm fine.
Hello! Who's there?
Identify yourselves!
-Easy, now. Leave your sword be.
-What are you doing out here this late?
-Here they come!
-Stay behind us!
The dawn is about to break!
They're They're running away.
It was brave of you to stand your ground.
How did you know they would retreat?
It's more experience than bravery.
This isn't our first encounter with them.
Come, let's get you two--
It's you!
You went into the church
to seek safety from the rain?
I mean, technically, you were safe.
From the rain, at least!
Don't laugh, Simon.
It's not their fault.
They couldn't have known.
I know. They just have the worst luck.
First the Griffin, then the Lich.
What's a Lich?
Did you encounter the floating corpse
dressed like a clergyman in the church?
We did.
Killing that monster
is our new assignment from the Capital.
The Capital knows about this creature?
That city was once a thriving metropolis,
but it was abandoned
several centuries ago.
Because of that,
no one had need for the road.
Until the Dragon came.
What does the Dragon have to do with it?
It burned everyone's homes to the ground.
As a result, once good people have turned
to thievery and murder to survive.
Merchants needed new routes.
Routes that were safe.
So they began using the road again
and coming into the city.
They didn't know.
Just like you.
After we parted ways with you before,
we returned to the Capital.
We were given easy duty,
but that didn't sit too well with us.
We failed our mission.
I couldn't live with that shame.
Balthazar is the third son
of an impoverished nobleman.
There was no land or wealth
for him to inherit.
His entire life has been about building
his name up through the military.
Did a great job of it, too.
Became a decorated officer that succeeded
in every assignment he's ever been given.
Until this one.
I see.
Are you nobility as well?
Me? No.
Just a childhood friend
dumb enough to follow him anywhere.
I never asked you to.
No one else is going to save your ass
every time you blindly run into trouble.
I do fine on my own, thank you.
Food should be ready.
-Eat up.
-I'm fine, thank you.
How about you?
You're an odd pair, all right.
Since you're here, anyway,
do you think you'd mind giving us a hand?
With the Dragon wreaking havoc
across the land,
the Royal Guard has been stretched thin.
This sorry lot is all
the Capital could spare.
Simon never was one for tact.
But, to be honest, I was going to ask.
Your assistance
would be greatly appreciated.
I helped you last time
because I felt like I had to,
not because I wanted to.
We get that.
But this time, we'll be able to offer you
a handsome reward.
Right, Balthazar?
Of course!
Although, to be honest,
we don't have much to give.
Why would you tell him that now?
I thought you were supposed to be
the one with tact.
Please, Ethan.
Innocent people are being attacked.
I know you're not the kind of man
that would let that happen.
That has nothing to do with me.
My goal is the Dragon.
I've almost lost sight of that
with these meaningless distractions.
You want the Dragon?
I could give it to you.
I know where the Dragon's lair is.
Simon, stop it.
I don't care about tact.
This is serious, Balthazar.
Tact is for politicians and liars.
If we return to the Capital
without succeeding in this mission,
your reputation will be in shambles.
Everything you've built, gone.
They won't let you guard the latrine!
How about it, Ethan? Do we have a deal?
You might not trust me,
but you do trust Balthazar.
He can tell you I'm not lying.
Then let's get this done with.
But first, some rest.
I know you didn't get much sleep
in that church.
I don't need rest.
Arisen, he's right.
I don't need rest!
You might not, but our troops do,
and we're going to need their help.
We can depart in the afternoon.
Well, he's certainly changed.
What do you mean?
Simon's right.
Something seems different about him.
Humans are emotional creatures.
They're prone to changes, aren't they?
I get it, but
And despite what he says,
I know he is tired.
She's changed a bit, too, quite frankly.
The Lich used to be
the priest of this church.
They say he was a man of great integrity.
I mean, that's what you'd expect
from a man of the cloth.
But that's not who he really was.
His heart was filled with greed.
And while he may have been able
to keep that a secret in life
in death, this city was not so fortunate.
He terrorized it, killing people
and taking every valuable
he could find from them.
That's why they abandoned this place
all those years ago.
So, the legend is true.
What legend?
I never believed it.
This treasure is everything the Lich
has been able to get its greedy hands on.
The Lich thinks we have come here
for its treasure.
Well, now what?
Perhaps we could,
you know, reason with it?
It is beyond reason, you dolt!
So, this is what human greed looks like
in the flesh.
Quite pathetic.
We thought we planned this out so well.
Attacking during daylight hours.
Sure would be nice
if we weren't fighting in a damn cellar!
Clever remarks won't help!
Won't hurt, neither!
They'll wear us down.
We need to take the Lich out!
Leave that to me.
That's not a plan!
Not like our plans work out well, anyway.
Arisen, are you all right?
The creature is already dead!
Piercing its heart will not defeat it!
That's not great.
Look here!
I've got some of your precious treasure!
She's leaving us?
Clever girl.
Take it!
Strike the Lich down! Now, Ethan!
Balls of brass.
Any survivors?
Damn it!
We'll need to give them a proper burial.
Their poor families, they'll be destitute.
Being a soldier may seem grand,
but the reward is not.
And the duke doesn't hand out
a death gratuity.
Luckily, you've got money to spare.
Luckily, you've got money to spare
That's not how it works.
He doesn't have to know.
Are you mad?
Your efforts and the efforts of your men
deserve rightful compensation.
If the duke is so greedy
that he won't do that,
take matters into your own hands.
Where is your honor?
We are soldiers.
We live by a code.
Without it, we're no better
than common rogues,
lacking discipline
and led astray by mindless impulses!
I'm sorry, old friend.
Balthazar you
Ethan's right.
We've worked so hard
and have nothing to show for it
because of the duke's greed.
You're a nobleman.
Where's your honor?
What's honor for a nobleman
with no money, nor lands?
I'm just another grunt
in the eyes of the duke.
With all this, I can start a new life
in a new world.
A life worthy of a nobleman.
You're a damned coward.
And a bastard!
You're a good man.
Too good a man.
You could never betray your code.
Goddamn right.
The world is a complicated place, Simon.
It's not black and white,
like you think it is.
Those in power want to stay in power,
and in order to do that,
they have to keep us down.
I'm tired of being treated like a dog.
I deserve this.
You sound like the Lich.
Blinded by riches.
I'll return your sight!
Where is the Dragon?
Tell me!
Where is the Dragon?
You're not afraid to fight dirty, eh?
You must adapt.
It's the only way to survive
in a world overrun by sin.
I'd rather die!
Thank you
my friend.
Where is the Dragon?
Not one for tact, either, are you?
Tainted Mountain.
The Tainted Mountain?
You've heard of it?
It's one of the northernmost mountains.
They say it used to breathe fire.
That's the one.
That's where the Dragon has made its lair.
Ethan, please do me one last favor.
Put me at ease.
What will become of Balthazar?
He died with greed in his heart
in this unholy place.
Is he destined to the same fate
as the Lich?
I don't know.
if he becomes the Lich
Not my problem.
You're a cold bastard, Ethan.
Don't worry, Simon.
You woke him from the spell
cast by the treasure.
His soul is at rest.
Such an odd pair.
You two really have changed.
Oh, yeah!
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