Dream Home Makeover (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Historic Home Renovation

[Syd] Marks
[Ivy] And go!
[fast rock music playing]
I'm gonna beat you!
This way! This way!
-Come on.
-[Shea] You found me, Ives?
-How are you? Having fun with Dad?
[Syd] Holy crap, Shea. What is this?
[Shea] I'm not sure
what it was originally,
but I was thinking we could use it
to style rows for a styling image
for the site.
Could also be
the biggest coat rack ever.
It could be a coat rack.
It would be an awesome image
to hang throws off of.
-[Shea] Did you see the tandem over there?
-I did.
-Remember that?
-I do.
[straining] Oh, my gosh.
I forgot, it's super heavy.
Do you remember
when we first got married,
and we were trying to ride it up the hill
back to our apartment?
You were mad 'cause you thought
I wasn't doing anything.
I was pedaling so hard the chain broke.
Look, it's completely flat.
-Hop on.
-[Shea] Really?
It won't break it? This is really tall.
-[Shea chuckles]
-[kids shouting]
Pedal. Are you pedaling?
-[laughing] I am pedaling!
[both laughing]
-[Syd] Pedal!
-[Shea] I'm going!
[Syd] Turn!
-Watch where you're going! Turn!
-I can't.
[Shea] The tire is officially off.
[Shea laughing]
At least our marriage is intact.
[Syd] Our marriage is going better
than our bike.
[Shea] It's been a good ten years.
[dreamy music playing]
[Shea] So, I'm headed to Farmington today
to meet the Wangsgard family.
They have this loft space
that needs to be redone,
so that they can use it as a hangout
and gathering space for their family.
I am loving seeing
a lot of the old homes around.
There's a lot of history here.
The Wangsgards live in a converted barn
that was built in the mid-1850s.
[Syd] It's cool to go
to an older house that's been renovated
and retrofitted for a family.
It has soul and character.
[Shea] I'm excited to see
what we're working with.
-[woman] Hi! How are you?
-[Shea] Hi! How are you guys?
-I'm Sarah.
-I'm Shea.
-Hey. I'm Dave.
-Good to meet you!
-[Sarah] Thanks for coming!
-This is awesome.
I saw pictures,
but I wasn't sure what to expect,
-and this is really cool!
-[Sarah] Thanks!
We love it.
Yeah, it feels a lot more open and airy.
[Sarah] When we first walked in,
I was like, "Wow, this is so awesome."
And she had always told me
that she liked homes
that were kind of shaped like barns
or that were like a modern farmhouse.
Let me show you
a little bit of the history of it.
How long have you lived here?
-[Sarah] About five months.
-[Sarah] We just moved.
So, this is like the original barn.
This structure that you're standing in
was built in 1851.
-What? That's cool.
-It was one of the original pioneers
-to Utah.
-That's really cool.
We weren't searching for a historic home,
but it's been really cool
to read some of their history
and picture what life was like for them
when they were the only ones here.
In 1995,
this family turned it into a home.
They said, "Cows were on the north side,
-horses on the south side."
-I think this was a loft up here.
[Shea] Oh, my gosh. I love that.
I've never been in a house
quite like this. I love it.
The Wangsgards' home
is over 150 years old,
which is probably the oldest home
I have ever worked in,
and you can tell that they take
a lot of pride in their home
and the history of it.
[Shea] I know we're talking
about the loft space upstairs today.
-[Sarah] There's one thing I have to have.
-[Shea] Okay.
I just need this little section taken out.
I want these beams exposed,
and I want this straight across,
so it's not jutting out.
-[Shea] So you see one pretty banister?
-[Sarah] It looks weird.
-Can I go upstairs?
-Yes, let's go upstairs.
-Okay, we got the green carpet in here.
-[Sarah laughing]
[Shea] I always like to ask what you
envision this space to be function-wise.
[Sarah] Well, we have three kids.
We have a five-year-old boy,
a three-year-old boy,
and then a one-year-old girl.
So this is gonna be our space
that my whole family, our three kids,
can come up and enjoy,
where we can kind of relax
and end the day together.
We just want to enjoy our family
and we want to be able
to make memories with the kids,
with this house that we're gonna
spend the rest of our lives in.
[Shea] So this is hang out, TV.
[Sarah] Hang out, TV.
[Shea] What works for you
and what doesn't?
[Sarah] I want to make it
not so cabiny and bulky.
We do need a little bit
of storage for toys,
just a few things they can work on
while Dave and I are just relaxing,
watching some TV.
[Shea] We don't wanna keep
the green carpet,
but, personally, I see this as, like,
-you would never wanna touch this.
-[Dave] Yeah.
-It's beautiful.
Stuff from the 1850s
definitely needs to stay.
-Which is only this wood.
[Shea] And this tone is something
-that you cannot truly recreate.
-[Dave] Right.
[Shea] Do you have a preference
on whether it's wood or carpet?
-[Dave] Carpet.
-We wanna keep carpet.
-[Dave] We wanna have more kids.
It's fun for a kid to learn
how to crawl on carpet.
Well, I think we can do a low pile carpet,
so then that way, you can also layer
an area rug on top still
to make it feel like
it's a put-together room.
Sometimes, if you have carpet wall-to-wall
and you put furniture on top
and don't lay a rug on top,
everything's floating.
-[Shea] The ceiling.
-[Sarah] The ceiling.
[Shea] It's creating
that dark, cabin-like feeling.
-We have so many woods.
-[Sarah] I know.
I'm trying to narrow it down
to some features.
We should lighten it.
-He's gonna have a hard time.
-[laughing] What?
We'll probably have to do
some experimenting.
Like, keeping some element
of the historical value
and a tribute to the pioneers
who built this house.
Yeah, we'll just give it some new life.
-[Dave] Awesome.
[Shea] These fans,
-I would love to swap those out.
-[Dave] Absolutely.
-[Shea] Do you need the fans?
-Get a killer light fixture.
-We'd love that.
I know that they're nervous
because, one,
they obviously care about their home.
It is going to be a real challenge
to make sure that
he feels that we are honoring the history,
but that we're giving them a new design.
I'm excited to get you
started down this path
of creating your forever home.
[Dave] It's gonna be energizing
for the family
to have a fresh, clean new space
and it should, kind of, kick-start
the rest of the renovation
that we do at this house.
'Cause we hope to stay here
till we're old and gray
and pass it down through our family.
We love this place.
-I gotta get back and work.
-You have a lot of work.
-[Dave] Thanks for coming, Shea.
-[Sarah] Thank you.
[upbeat music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
-How are you doing?
-Good, how are you doing?
-Are we talking about Wangsgard?
[Shea] Awesome.
There's that little bit of an overhang.
It drives her nuts.
No question, we need to straighten it off.
[Shea] I'll cut away the lip
of the loft that makes this space
feel clunky and disjointed.
I wanna change
the actual handrail to metal.
When you have wood-on-wood-on-wood,
no matter how beautiful that wood is,
you're still going to feel claustrophobic.
I'm going to swap out the boxy banister
for a sleek, metal design,
replace the green carpet
with a more neutral color,
whitewash the ceiling so it maintains
the character of the original wood,
but doesn't feel like
we're in a dark, dingy cabin.
As far as the kids' space,
what did she need?
[Shea] A crafts table.
And I know they have toys and some Legos.
So, I would love to do
a console storage solution
across this back.
With historic remodels, less is more.
Keep the history and minimize the rest.
-[Mckenna] Awesome, I'm excited.
-[Shea] Awesome.
[upbeat music playing]
[birds chirping]
Hey, guys.
You ready for another fun day of demo?
We're arm-wrestling
who gets to keep the carpet.
[Tyler] Let's get to it.
[Shea] Today is demolition day
at the Wangsgards'. Contractors are there
ripping up carpet.
Subfloor's in good shape.
[Shea] Tyler is ripping out the overhang
because Sarah hates it,
and I really want to make
that design element happen for her.
[upbeat music playing]
[Tyler] This looks good. We got a beam,
so we're good to go to town on this
and cut it open and take it down.
[Dan] We need muscles.
Just believe in yourself.
[ringing tone]
[phone chimes]
-[Shea] Hi!
-Hey, Shea.
We got all the demo done,
but we did run into a bit of a challenge.
-The section we removed
-The overhang part?
There's a beam at the end of it that we
-It's structural, we just can't remove it.
-So, it sticks out from the wall?
-It doesn't go all the way to the ceiling?
In older homes, you never know what
you'll find when you take things apart.
We could wrap that with dry wall
and just paint it.
-That's not my favorite option.
Okay, what if, instead of dry wall,
we covered it with reclaimed wood
to make it look
like one of the original beams?
With the Wangsgards' home
being over 150 years old,
they have these beams that look
like they've been around forever,
and we need a beam that is grimy and old
and a little bit dirty
to have it match seamlessly.
It's definitely not the easiest thing
to miter those edges
with these hand-hewn, reclaimed beams
'cause they're all over the place.
They have nails in 'em and all that.
But we can make it look really good.
[Shea] Okay, good plan.
[Tyler] Good plan. We got it.
[playful music playing]
[leaves gently rustling]
[birds chirping]
[Shea] Hey, Ives, do you have your bow?
[playful music continues]
Oh, hi! Should we do your hair?
-All right. One, two, three.
[grunts] Up we go.
You look so cute.
You ready for dance? Yeah?
what happened to your hair?
[mysterious music playing]
I didn't cut it more.
-Did you cut it?
-[chuckles] No? You don't think so?
It's looking pretty short through here.
-I didn't really cut it.
-Maybe we lost a bang.
What's up?
-I think she cut her hair.
-[Ivy] I didn't!
I didn't really cut it.
[Syd] I heard she was
quiet upstairs for a while.
[Shea] Well, we'll just, um
Let's put some water
and see if we can hairspray it.
[mysterious music continues]
-[Shea] Where did you get those scissors?
-I don't know! I found them!
-You don't know?
-I just found them on the counter.
-[Syd] Dude!
You cannot trim your hair, okay?
-[Shea] Who's
-Look at this!
Ivy is our sneaky child.
[Syd] If Ivy's gone somewhere
and it's quiet,
-shizz is going down.
It goes right there. [laughing]
-[Shea] It's my favorite little curl!
[Syd] Why'd you cut it?
It was getting in your eyes?
Yesterday, I was telling her
to just hang out and watch a show,
but then I still set up the alarm
to, like, notify me
when any door got opened.
What were you doing, to leave her alone?
I went to the garage.
You were in your room.
-So, you were actually closer than I was.
-[Shea laughing]
-If anything happened, your fault.
-You set the alarm with us in the house?
-[Syd] Don't cut your own hair. Okay?
-[Shea] No.
-[Syd] Promise?
-[Shea] Both of us.
-[Shea] Okay?
-[Syd] Okay.
[Ivy] Mm-hmm.
[mellow music playing]
[Tyler] Hi, Shea.
[Shea] Hi. It's looking good.
-It's looking cool.
-Better already.
A nice, clean line here.
No more No railing, it's really unsafe.
[Shea] So is this the beam for
-[Tyler] Yeah.
-[Shea] The beam?
-[Tyler] Let me show you.
-I'll put my stuff down.
-[Tyler] Trying to hide it.
So, we can definitely, with these two,
get those covered.
Wherever we see any imperfections,
-I usually get a handful of dirt
-rub it on.
-[Shea] Okay.
-We'll just dirty it up.
-[Shea] Yeah.
Every post has
a different texture and color,
so that works to our advantage.
We don't have to get a perfect match.
It looks really close to me.
I have a few other things.
I brought carpet samples and
wanted to look at the whitewash stains.
Let's look at that.
Careful, we don't have a rail.
So, to get the whitewash,
you take the paint
and then you dilute it with water.
I've got a few mixed up already.
[Shea] I'm nervous about the ceiling
because we have all these knots.
If I had it my way,
-I'd paint this a solid white.
-[Tyler] Sure.
They were hesitant to lose the character.
I'm really nervous about this decision
because this isn't just paint in one room,
it's their entire house.
So, I wanna get it right and then
pray that he likes it.
[Shea] I know the ceiling
is going to change their space
more than any other change that we make.
I like number two and number four
for the whitewash options.
You can still see the knots,
but it has a very bright look to it
that's very subtle.
But I can't fully make up my mind
until I see them with the carpet samples.
I brought those
and would like to lay that out.
Fairy Wings.
Island Fog.
Chic Taupe.
Fairy Wings sounds fun.
I like this Fairy Wings color
because it's very neutral.
We have this foundational carpet
that has gray tones throughout,
which I think opens up
a world of opportunity for us,
Mixing those warm and cool tones
allows us to speak
to the beams in the home
but then also bring in
some new cool tones to the space.
-[both laughing]
So, the winner is Fairy Wings.
-[Tyler] Fairy Wings!
-Woo! Okay.
-Team Fairy Wings.
-All right.
The color of the carpet looks nice
with the more white whitewash.
Now that's one way to mark it.
[playful music playing]
[Shea] Girls?
-[Syd] Wren? Ivy?
-[Shea] Will you come downstairs?
Can you just sit your bum right here?
-You too, Ives.
-[Syd] Sit.
[Shea] Okay, we're having
a Team McGee meeting.
[playful music playing]
Do you know what a lie is?
Raise your hand if you know.
-I know!
-[Shea] Okay, what is it?
When someone says,
"I didn't have a treat,"
but they We didn't.
When you say you didn't have a treat,
but you had a treat?
Yeah, like that.
Wren, can you tell us what a lie means?
A lie means, like,
if you say, "I didn't do that,"
that's a lie.
[Shea] Lies are when
we don't tell the truth.
And is telling a lie a good thing
or a bad thing?
-Bad thing!
-[Shea] Bad thing, huh?
So, if you didn't have a treat,
-and then and then
-[Shea chuckles]
She thinks treats are the only thing
you lie about.
I know. I'm Yeah.
There's lies
about all sorts of different things.
-What if you cut your hair
-If you hit your sister,
and you said, "I didn't do it."
But Mom's like, "I saw you do it."
Know what I mean?
But I hit her, I said, "No. It was Piper."
-[Syd laughing]
-That's a lie.
-[Syd] Yeah.
-See? You do know what a lie is.
-Are we supposed to tell lies?
-[Shea] No.
But we're just going to pretend on camera.
We're just gonna pretend on camera.
So, we gotta tell the truth, okay?
You guys ready to not lie?
Bring it in. What are we gonna say?
To not lie and
No. We're gonna say, "Go unicorns!"
One, two, three!
-Go unicorns!
-Go unicorns!
There you go. And not lying! Good job!
[Shea laughing]
[mellow windlike music playing]
[McKenna] Start with the console,
the TV one. We'll base the rug off that.
[woman] Maybe we could make a train?
[woman] Pretty.
Hey, guys! This looks so good.
[Shea] A family room needs to feel cozy.
The materials in there need to tell you
that it's okay to lounge on them.
This will be great.
It's good to have light,
then you can bleach it.
[Shea] We went with an ottoman
instead of a coffee table
because kids will climb all over.
You wanna put your feet up.
[Shea] That's cute. That's our winner.
[Shea] In the end, I think it turned out
just as I imagined it.
[mellow music playing]
-[Dave] Hey!
-Hey, guys!
-[Dave] How are you?
-How are you?
-[Sarah] Good!
-Ready for this?
-[Sarah] I think so.
We are so ready to see this loft.
I'm gonna open the door.
[Sarah] Okay.
[music crescendoes]
-Oh, my goodness.
[dramatic music playing]
-Oh, it's beautiful.
-It looks so good.
[Dave] That's fantastic.
[Shea] The overhang is gone.
-[Sarah] It's like the rest of the wood.
-[Shea] I'm glad you like it.
-[Sarah] Ready to go?
-Head on up.
Okay, I won't look down.
-I can't help it. Are you looking? Okay.
-[Dave] Not looking.
Oh, boy. Look at the carpet!
-Oh, my gosh.
-Okay, can we look?
-Oh, my gosh!
[playful music playing]
[Sarah] Oh, my gosh.
-This is so beautiful.
-It is spectacular.
[Sarah] It looks so big, too.
[Shea] Taking the overhang away
actually made it so every space
feels more connected.
Now you have all these areas
to hang out, do different things,
-but then still be together.
I am just blown away.
[Shea] We were able to lighten everything,
but keep it cozy.
We didn't make everything
white and sterile.
We were able to lighten
some of these finishes,
but then add warm leather tones
and some grays,
and even rope textures.
[Dave] I love the contrast.
Lightening up the ceiling,
it just makes you notice
that historic part of the home.
[Sarah] We were worried
about the ceiling paint, but
[Dave] It draws your eyes to the beams,
our favorite part of the house.
-[Sarah] You mixed our styles well.
-I tried.
The loft space before looked like
they were half moved in.
I switched the placement of the TV
and then incorporated a leather sectional
so that we could create
a distinct entertainment zone.
Oh, yeah. You're gonna like this.
[Shea] Like a whole bed. Put your feet up.
-We love it!
-It's comfortable.
We reoriented this space
to face this direction.
I would never imagine putting a couch
in the middle of the room.
Your kids can be playing behind you.
[Sarah] Seems like
it would make it look smaller,
but the flow of the space
actually looks bigger now.
[Sarah] We're never gonna leave.
-We might move our beds up.
-You're gonna live up here?
-[Sarah] Our kids are gonna freak out.
-[Dave] Awesome.
-[both gasping excitedly]
-[Dave laughing]
-[Dave] You excited, Cora?
-[Sarah laughing]
-[Dave] What do you think, baby girl?
-[Sarah] She loves it.
[Sarah laughing]
[Shea] I hope that this new space
allows them to fully utilize their home
and spend time together as a family.
I know for us, with young kids, I forget
how fleeting the time is that my kids
actually want to hang out with us.
I just wanna spend
so much time with them while I can,
and I hope the Wangsgards
can do the same thing.
That they go up there, they play games.
They just hang out and enjoy every moment.
[Syd] That's why we resonate
-with the demographic.
-Are you watching a game over here?
-What? No. It's just
-Under the pillow!
[Shea gasps]
-[Shea laughing]
-It's on.
-Oh, my
-[Shea laughing]
Oh, my gosh! Caught!
[Syd] No, I'm not watching.
I'm focused on Carley the whole time.
Ask her! Look, check the film.
I have not broken eye contact one time.
Check the film.
-[laughing] Okay. Well, keep rolling.
[upbeat electronic dance music playing]
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