Edens Zero (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Clash!! The Sibir Family

-Don't try to stop me!
I don't care if this is the past.
My friend is crying!
I don't intend to stop you.
I won't stand for this either.
What's more, this case has
a record of its most recent maintenance.
X492. That's the time we're from!
In other words,
though I don't know how it happened,
Pino is an android from the future.
Pino traveled back in time like us.
If Sibir is using Pino to commit crimes,
then this is no time
to avoid getting involved!
Sibir is already messing up the past.
We have to stop him!
I have returned.
I see you made your way back, huh?
How the heck should I know?
You know what your job is, right?
The time has come to make this city ours!
"Make this city ours"?
What is he plotting?
Now then…
Put the plan into motion!
Those are the Foote Brothers,
the Southern Annihilators!
Damn that Sibir!
I didn't know he had these goons
working for him.
Floor it!
Sibir's hideout?
Sure, I know where it is.
But didn't I just tell you
not to get mixed up with them?
You know what, just let me drive!
Did you forget that you
crashed the spaceship?
Rebecca, do you have a plan?
We're facing a huge gang, you know.
Shiki will kick all their butts!
Wait, that's your plan?
Of course I'll do what I can to help,
but I believe in Shiki's powers.
Leave this to me!
I will never betray my friend's trust!
Let's get Pino back!
Before we get to work, you pile of junk,
you need to be punished
for running away from me.
I did not run away from you.
To say that my case was stolen
is a more accurate--
It's my fault?
Stop arguing with me!
Shall I tear off your other leg
to make sure you don't run off again?
No! Please don't!
Do you know what happens
when you disobey me?
Don't do it!
It's time you get the message
loud and clear.
Your other leg's got to go!
Weisz! Why you little…
The stinking traitor is back?
You got a death wish?
You are that guy from before.
Sorry, but since I stole
this android once, it's mine now!
It's very clear now
that this is a money-making machine.
It's wasted on you losers!
You little brat…
Those guys…
Give us back Pino!
I'm on it!
Get him!
Magimech Attack! Gravity Wave!
What's going on?
I'm getting dragged towards him!
Gravity Fist Frenzy!
-Who the heck is this guy?
Way to go, Shiki!
You kids are on your own!
Excuse me…
You're sitting on me.
Later! Pino's mine!
You're sitting on…
Darn that thieving Professor!
Watch out!
No way…
I'm going after Weisz!
You Foote Brothers, capture that girl!
You're alive, aren't you?
Answer me!
Use gravity to make this lighter.
That was a heck of a show you put on.
Yes, yes, yes. Such a tragic tale.
Who the heck are these creeps?
We are Sibir's close associates.
Yes, yes, yes.
Our kicks are so powerful,
they silence screaming babies.
Yes, yes, yes.
We are the…
-Iron-Legged Foote Brothers!
-Iron-Legged Foote Brothers!
Please, Shiki! Answer me!
There's a couple of weirdos out here!
What? Not the reaction I was expecting.
What now, my brother?
Give her the savate punishment.
Wait! Yes, yes, yes.
Let's give her the ax kick punishment.
That's the latest Knight Gear!
My analysis says
that's an outdated model of Knight Gear.
Who cares, cat from the future!
Excuse me, I…
Unless I do my job for Sibir…
Why are you listening to that jerk?
Escape! We'll help you!
Don't be ridiculous! This thing is mine!
Unless I do my job, everyone will…
That hurt…
Darn it all.
Looks like I fell pretty far.
An insect!
What are you doing here?
Oh, that's right.
This is Michael from 50 years ago!
You'll go to Granbell after this!
I've missed you so much, Michael!
I am model number TB-400-02.
My identification code is Johnny.
Most likely,
I… I am a different robot
than the one you know.
So you're not Michael?
It's understandable…
that you would mistake me for him.
We are a mass-produced model.
They're all broken down and busted.
Isn't there anyone to repair you?
This is a junkyard.
We are bots that were discarded.
Wait! I'll fix you up!
Hey! Wait!
What? How did this go again?
I'm pretty sure if I do this…
Shiki, connect that cord. The blue one.
Got it!
Come back if you ever break down again.
Darn it! Why isn't this working?
Your role was that of a mechanic.
You're not the real thing.
In reality, we were repaired
by Granbell Castle's auto-repair system.
That can't be true.
That's enough.
I said I'll fix you! Don't give up!
You are a kind human.
We were toys for Sibir
and were discarded when we broke down.
I thought… that all humans were like him.
I am glad that… the last human I met…
was one… like you.
"Unless you do your job"?
Who's "everyone"?
The other androids
will be harmed by Sibir.
That's awful.
Where does he get that power from?
I've got to find a weapon!
There's one!
An Ether blaster!
Say your prayers!
-Hold on!
-Hold on!
Yes, yes, yes! What fine legs you have!
What beautiful legs.
My legs?
That's right.
Won't you please let us admire
every inch to the tips of your toes?
Yes, yes, yes!
I'd love to see your heels too!
Such beauty!
-Such beauty!
-Such beauty!
You're creeping me out, Duckies!
-Let us see your legs!
-Let us see your legs!
It's that twerp!
Don't get between us and those hot legs!
Magimech Attack…
Get him!
Gravity Windmill Kick!
This can't be real!
He took out the Foote Brothers
with a single attack!
-Where's Pino?
-That way!
Happy's with her!
Excuse me…
Your legs…
Let us see them…
-Such beauty!
-Such beauty!
Don't you creeps ever give up?
Did you think you could
get away with pulling this crap?
Oh, no! What do we do?
Use your EMP to take down that robot!
I cannot.
I could never disobey Sibir.
Time to die, Weisz!
It's a missile!
Why you little brat!
He's in trouble now! That arm…
Nobody's made me this mad in ages!
my line!
He flew using his arm!
That's an Augmenter arm.
I made it.
You twerp!
Know what happens
when anyone defies me in this town?
I'll teach you!
Treat them right.
Machines are living things too!
They have hearts!
Magimech Attack!
Gravity Cannon!
What the hell is this?
It's heavy!
It's so heavy!
He did it!
What's going on?
It has such a powerful grip!
This is bad!
It's going to self-destruct.
Get back!
But what about Shiki?
Activate EMP.
You piece of junk…
I am alive.
I am not your toy!
-You heard her.
This gun's useless thanks to that EMP.
Lucky for you!
Are you all right, Happy?
I stopped working again!
Happy! Thank goodness!
I'm sorry, Mr. Cat.
Are you all right, Pino?
It looks like you're okay.
Thank goodness!
Shiki, you are injured.
I'll just have Happy lick it later.
-The heck I will!
-What about you? Did he hurt you?
Why do you worry
more about machines than yourself?
You're not just a machine.
You're my friend, right?
The planet Norma will soon be in view.
Subtitle translation by: Brian Athey
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