El embarcadero (2019) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Did you know I broke a tooth
when I was a kid?
I remember my mom took me
to the dentist.
"Don't worry, ma'am.
Another one will come in."
I started school and when all
the other kids lost a tooth,
the tooth fairy came for them.
The tooth fairy never came for me.
It's really hard growing up
without a tooth, you know.
-It was this one.
-It grew in eventually though, right?
I was tiny, I couldn't even walk.
It's strange how adults can only agree
on one thing
and it's to deceive children.
Promise me our daughter will get
her fair share of the tooth fairy.
And Santa Claus.
And of the big, bad wolf.
-Her share of childhood lies?
-Is that it?
-No. The feeling of being
a normal kid.
Alejandra just sent me
a photo of when we met, look.
-I'm sorry, I'm an asshole.
-It doesn't matter.
I don't know why I showed it to you.
-I'm an idiot. Sorry.
-It really doesn't matter.
-I'm a moron, I'm sorry.
-It doesn't matter. Quite the contrary.
You loving her says a lot about you.
About the way you love.
About your generosity
and what scares you.
But I prefer not to see that photo.
That isn't my life.
It's a life
that is 27 kilometers away.
It's nothing to do with me.
I think it could be
something like this:
two circles.
This bit in the middle are the things
you share with someone.
But this whole part
here is free space.
This is for living, for traveling,
to share with other people.
This space is yours.
And only yours.
Hey, Vicent. How's it going?
Do you feel like a ride?
Let's go.
I'm getting fat already.
Are you coming?
I'm good here. Really good.
-Hi, how are you?
-Good. Are you in La Albufera?
-Yes, I'm actually taking photos.
-Okay. Look, Sol's school called.
She's sick and I wondered if you could
go pick her up and take her home.
The thing is I'm a little
Is there nobody else who go?
I called Vicent a few times
but he's not picking up.
-And I'm in Valencia.
-In Valencia?
What are you doing there?
I'm here to hear the reading of the will
and I want to see his wife first.
In fact,
I'm outside her apartment now.
Her apartment?
-In the foyer, you mean?
-No, I'm outside her door.
I've come early to get it over with
because if I leave it until later,
I'm worried I'll chicken out.
Verónica, you're under no obligation
to talk to her.
But if I don't tell her,
she'll find out at the reading.
And I can't do that to her, dammit.
I can't do that to her,
it wouldn't be right.
Who can't you do that to?
To her?
Or to Oscar?
Look, I think it was him
who should have said something.
He should have had the balls to say,
"Honey, I've fallen in love with a woman
and she's so special
and so different in every way
that I'm incapable of giving her up."
You know?
I think that woman should hear
her husband's explanation.
Not yours.
We're here.
-Does your tummy really hurt?
-No, but I feel sick.
We'll take care of it.
-What's happened here?
-We've been robbed!
Get the rifle.
Take it easy, Mrs. Leyva.
I'm on my way.
"I, Oscar León Faus, Spanish national
with ID number 52413166-F,
residing at apartment 6,
15, Primado Reig, Valencia, Spain,
write this holographic will
with the intent to leave
all the financial assets contained
within all of my bank accounts
to my daughter, Sol León Alfaro,
including all shares
related to the same."
-Sorry? The money from all his accounts?
-That's correct.
Seeing as your daughter is a minor,
you yourself will be in charge
of those assets.
-As a trustee.
-No, I don't want Oscar's money.
-He left it to your daughter, not you.
-Well, I don't want it for her.
Look, Oscar had another life.
He had another wife
According to article 166
of the civil code,
you can't deny your child's rights
as the beneficiary.
Nor can you levy
or transfer her property.
-I can't refuse it?
-Not without just cause
and prior authorization
from the Department of Justice.
But that would mean renouncing all
your daughter's rights to those assets.
Would you like a coffee?
What's up with you?
Come on, tell me. What is it?
Look, I think it's great that
you and Vicent have always
slept together, it's just that
-Really, it's fine.
But with what we have now
Well, I think it's surplus
to requirements.
What I think is surplus
is this possessive feeling you have.
It's not good. Not good at all.
-Let's imagine it continues.
What's the problem?
What are you afraid of?
Are you worried I suddenly realize
that I'm in love with Vicent?
Or that I start seeing something
I haven't seen in the last 15 years?
Or that I want to raise
our daughter on his boat?
I don't know!
I guess I'd like to think
you want to do everything with me.
And I know it's stupid, but
I feel left out and a fool.
Do it with me then.
Are you suggesting a threesome?
-I have an idea.
-Let's do an experiment.
-Stop being stupid. Close your eyes.
-Close your eyes.
This is a scientific experiment.
You can't open them.
Do you feel that?
Yes, I do feel it.
Eyes closed.
Do you feel this?
And what if someone else was doing it?
You're such an idiot.
I do want to do everything with you.
Well, we don't know
who broke the window,
but I'm almost certain
it wasn't a burglar.
It must have been
a raccoon looking for a sandwich.
There aren't any raccoons here.
Well, it could have been
a dormouse or a flamingo.
Look at what it did, Sol!
I think that flamenco wanted
to fill its belly with chips.
You're sleepy.
Shall we go to bed, darling?
-Just for a while?
Come on.
Go back to the station
and get this to the lab, stat.
-You're good with kids.
My wife didn't want any.
I know I could have convinced her,
but in the end I got a dog.
And a custom.
You don't know it?
It's an awesome motorcycle.
-Ever ridden one?
We can go for a ride through
the paddy fields some time,
the landscape is beautiful there.
I'm a little scared of motorbikes.
In that case, I have other vehicles.
The patrol car, my quad bike,
even a combine harvester.
-It's my cousin's.
-I've never been in one of those.
Did you tell Verónica?
She's not answering,
she's at the reading of the will.
I didn't want to go.
Do you think
they took anything of Oscar's?
-Why do you ask?
-I don't know
He was involved in illegal dealings.
Do you think this could be to do
with some sort of mafia?
Mafia? No, I don't think so.
Oscar was an expert
in financial engineering
and he helped neighbors
with their businesses
-but I think that's all he did.
-It must be normal for a peach farmer
to send his money
to the Cayman Islands.
-Or the guy with the boat.
What about him?
Excuse me.
Oscar, it's Vicent. Did you call?
I need you to come for your stuff.
I can't keep it anymore.
He doesn't actually say
what he was keeping for him.
-It could have been a couch or a bike.
-Right, a bike.
Or anything else Vicent was tired of
storing, they were really good friends.
Anyway, tell Verónica to call me
so we can file the report.
And don't worry, we're combing the area
and won't stop until we find the thief.
Thank you.
-Can you put the glasses out?
-This too?
Shall we head over?
You're such an asshole.
Shit, I didn't know you were here.
I'm here to fix the tiles.
-What happened here?
-We've been burglarized.
-This meeting is adjourned.
-Come by my office to discuss something.
Actually, I'm eating with my daughter.
I'll be late back.
Verónica told me
you've known each other for years.
Intimately I mean.
Did you know her boyfriend
intimately too?
Oscar was a great guy,
we all loved him.
What was his story?
He just showed up one day
and stayed forever?
But he had another life, right?
He had a wife.
I guess people like different things.
Everyone dresses the same,
eats in the same places
and listens to the same shit music.
Do you want to sleep with me?
-I don't know why I said that.
-No, forget about it. Please.
You must think
it's some sordid fantasy of mine.
-But I swear I never
-I'm glad you said it.
-You just don't turn me on, that's all.
-I get it.
-I'm going to check on Sol.
I'm not sure it's normal
to look for someone responsible
for your husband's suicide.
I guess it is,
that I'm seeking relief.
To confirm that if someone pushed him
to that point, it wasn't me.
That there was something
underhanded going on or
So, I started investigating
his friends, and one in particular
who's a boat owner and
and I don't know how
but I ended up asking him
to have sex with me.
I'm not even attracted to him.
I don't know what kind of widow
would do something like that.
-Good morning.
- Please.
-Good morning, Vicent.
-Were you up all night with Big Boss?
-No, I wasn't with Big Boss.
He's left his wife.
So now Fridays will
be the new Thursdays
-and Saturdays and Sundays
-Definitely not!
-I need to do damage control.
-What's damage control?
Establish boundaries.
When a man leaves his wife,
he loses direction.
Some want to screw
anything that moves,
but what they usually want
is another woman to look after them.
-And you don't want to be that woman?
-I have my amazing daughter.
So, after lunch we're getting
a massage and then shopping.
I can't, I have practice.
Stop making excuses,
I'm talking maxing out my credit card.
I know, but I can't. I have plans.
-Well, unmake them then.
-I'm not going to do that.
Not because you're scared
to be BB's new woman
nor because you're substituting
Alejandra with me.
-What are you talking about?
-You're scared to see her.
It would seem you feel guilty
after everything she's been through.
Guilty about what?
Always being the other woman.
Sleeping with married men,
being party to deceiving their wives
and when it happens to your
best friend, you can't watch.
You don't even know how to tell her
that you're always on the other side.
Two salads.
This was at the bottom of the pool.
I think it's yours from last night.
Thank you.
Katia What's up?
I'm at the bank running some errands.
I wondered if you wanted to get dinner.
Talk about Oscar, you
I haven't been there for you.
Don't worry about it,
all this paperwork is exhausting.
I'm not sure I'll have the energy.
-Maybe tomorrow?
-Martina, I'm thirsty.
I'll call you back, okay.
-Weren't you taking the afternoon?
-Not anymore.
Coming out for happy hour again?
You were really funny
in the pool last night.
Do I look like I want to go
to happy hour with you?
Do I look like I've got
nothing fucking better to do?
-How is Sol?
-Her tummy hurts but she's okay.
-That's good.
-I called you because
-I went to see Oscar's wife, Martina.
I went to see her at her architecture
practice and she recognized me.
She came straight over.
-What did his wife say?
-It was pretty tough.
I just wanted to tell her
that Oscar really loved her.
That he never stopped loving her.
That he loved both of us.
That you can love two people.
that I saw the lawyer and Oscar
left all of his money to Sol.
But we don't want
anything, Alejandra.
We never asked for anything before
and we won't be starting now.
What the fuck did you want
for the last eight years?
I loved Oscar.
More than I've ever loved anyone.
And he loved both of us.
Can you love two people at once?
Can you love one and deceive the other?
Did you know he was married to me?
That he was lying to me?
Eight years!
Knowing he was married to me.
You're the bitch who let that happen.
Get out of here, please.
Get out!
I never felt guilty
about anything, Martina.
And all of this
has made me feel something that
I don't even understand.
And now I'm wondering if
I don't know maybe Oscar
killed himself
because he couldn't face it.
Why don't you come home, Verónica.
Don't be alone.
-Thank you. That's good!
Have you ever fished for eels?
-Would you like to?
-I'd love to.
If you don't put them in fresh water
for two weeks they taste of earth.
-I should go, I have a job. Bye.
-Where's Vicent?
-He just left.
I'll see if I can get a lift. Thank you.
Love you!
Vicent, wait! I'm coming with you.
-Leaving already?
Right, well Thanks for the help.
And for looking after Verónica,
she's having a bad time.
Verónica doesn't need looking after.
I just help out.
Sure. She's different, right?
Like you said earlier,
she's different to other people.
-That's why Oscar stayed.
-Something like that.
It's like the rest of us are
from the basic range,
a no-frills blue sweater,
and she's limited edition
or something.
No! Vero isn't a sweater.
It's like coming off the highway
in a blizzard
and realizing nobody has come through
before you.
-You know that feeling?
I said I didn't want to sleep with you
because I don't know you.
I'm at a point in my life
when I need to know the person.
I totally get that.
Let's see what happens then
With time.
-If anything happens.
-Sure, we'll see.
The thieves threw everything around.
I got it out. I just felt like it.
Big Boss? Sit down, we need to talk.
Can it wait?
I have a dinner with Satch and Trust.
Great! You can tell them
we can't do their building.
-Excuse me?
-We can't, it's tasteless.
The same as every
other building in Valencia.
We can't endorse that tower
and you know it.
Look, I know you're going
through a hard time right now,
You're seek refuge in your work,
overthink everything.
-That's not it.
-It's not a bad thing, it distracts you.
That's not it!
The building is a piece of shit.
I've gone halfway around the world
to find an investment group.
-They're going to pay us 336 million.
-I don't care!
We can find another group.
-You're really not well, Alex.
-Katia, come here, please.
Listen, would you sleep with me?
No, look at me.
Look at me! Would you sleep with me?
You wouldn't. Do you know why?
Because I'm a blue sweater.
I'm from the basic range.
There's nothing special about me.
Just like that 336 million
piece of shit.
The deal is being closed tomorrow.
-I won't sign.
I won't sign, and without my signature
there is no deal.
Katia get her out of my sight.
I'll see her when she's had
a box of tranquilizers.
Go home to bed and rest
and we'll talk tomorrow. I'm leaving.
-I won't sign.
-I'm leaving.
-I won't.
-I'm leaving!
What's up? Are you okay?
-Nothing is up.
I'm fine, leave me alone.
"I, Oscar León Faus, Spanish national
with ID number 52413166-F,
residing at apartment 6,
15, Primado Reig, Valencia, Spain,
write this holographic will
with the intent to leave
all the financial assets contained
within all of my bank accounts
to my daughter, Sol León Alfaro,
including all shares
related to the same."
There's something else.
"To my wife, Alejandra Leyva,
I bequeath a horse called Valiente."
A horse?
"Who currently lives at the Los
Espinos ranch in Castellón."
It seems it is a racing horse.
A thorough-bred.
This letter may clear
things up a little.
It's addressed to you.
Hi, Alejandra.
I'm writing this in case
anything happens to me
and as there's something
it pains me not to have told you.
I have a daughter with Verónica.
News of her pregnancy was one of the
most painful things I've experienced.
It was like being hit by a truck that
had "you're a bastard" written on it.
I didn't feel capable
of loving that girl
because she would embody my deceit.
But Verónica is like
an untethered kite,
you can follow it
but not change its direction.
So, Sol was born and I was there.
Verónica had a difficult labor,
so the baby and I were alone
in the room after.
The nurse told me to take off
my shirt and put her on my chest.
You do it so that the baby can
feel heat and a heartbeat,
to comfort them when they're born.
This tiny creature,
weighing two and a half kilos,
held onto me
and there we were, the two of us,
Just breathing.
And I fell in love
for the third time.
The same thing that has made me feel
at peace these last few years
also torments me.
I doubt I'll ever be brave enough
to tell you all of this,
so, like a coward,
I'm writing to you.
So that you know that I never
stopped loving you for one minute
I just
didn't know how to stop loving
any one of the three of you.
Are you alright?
It's okay, it's just me.
-What is it?
-Sorry, I had a nightmare.
There, there. It's over.
I dreamed the burglars came back.
Nobody would steal
from the same house twice.
And it would be super bad luck
to happen twice in one day,
Do you want to come
and sleep with us downstairs?
-Are you sure?
-Of course.
-Yes, please.
-Come on then.
-Is that better?
If you're scared just squeeze my hand
really hard and I'll wake up.
I've been a light sleeper
since Sol was born.
Thank you.
-Goodnight, Martina.
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