El Mantequilla (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

José Alfredo

All characters, plots, situations
and stories in the show
are purely fictional.
Any resemblance to reality
is purely coincidental.
[ranchera music playing through speaker]
[retiree] But don't threaten me ♪
Don't threaten me ♪
Because you say you're leaving
And you're leaving and you're leaving ♪
[crowd cheering in distance]
What's going on? [grunts]
[clamoring continues in the distance]
[music stops]
[murmurs indistinctly]
[crowd screaming]
[crowd] Mockingbird! Mockingbird!
What's going on?
[crowd] Mockingbird! Mockingbird!
[retiree] What the hell is this, damn it?
-[fan] Let's go, let's go.
-[crowd shouting]
-Miss, who is it?
-[shouting continues]
It's The Mockingbird. He kissed me here.
-The Mockingbird.
-He signed my cassette.
[crowd] Mockingbird! Mockingbird!
Pass it to me.
[fan 1] Yes, yes, yes. Thanks.
There you go. Who wants this one? There.
Thank you very much.
Hey, are you the new neighbor?
-That's right.
Uh, Captain Pedro Rodríguez.
José Alfredo Cruz, "Mockingbird,"
at your service.
Come this way, neighbor. This way.
Thank you for coming and the love.
God bless you.
You're not even going to give me a hug?
-Hi, Dad.
I know you don't like surprise visits.
You're my daughter. You can come anytime.
But, yes, next time,
I'd prefer that you call ahead.
It's just I need your help.
It's about the new case I'm working on
Well, it's it's a clue
I mean, it's a possible clue
in the case that
No, no, no, honey. Not like that.
You need to learn to speak clearly.
You were the chief of police
when Butter Man was arrested.
They gave you the case
from that gossip rag, or what?
-So, what then?
Do you believe that delinquent
who says that he's not Butter Man?
Nobody has ever seen Butter Man's face.
I can't compare.
Dad, don't you think it's suspicious
that all these things start happening
at the same time as the con jobs
that are linked to the original case?
What are the facts?
Not what you imagine, or suppose.
The facts, honey. The facts.
-I have a fact I want to ask you about.
-Good, good.
Botello, the lawyer.
You know him, he's your friend, right?
-And he's been your lawyer as well, right?
-No, no, no. I know him, yes.
Is he my friend? No, he's my lawyer,
and only for certain things.
I suspect that he's involved in
the cases related to the new Butter Man.
[scoffs] Botello? That dumbass?
Of course not.
Look. This is confidential.
He's behind the sale
of the stolen Dodé in Acapulco.
What would he get from it?
I'm sure that he's linked
to the new Butter Man.
Everything indicates that he's covering
for someone linked to Butter Man.
Why? Do you have any guesses or what?
No. That's why I need your help.
You know him, Dad.
Do you think he's covering
for the new Butter Man?
-And if so, why?
-I haven't the slightest clue.
What I can tell you
is that the man behind bars is Butter Man.
-Ah, but
-But what?
I understand that you want to
prove something to the others,
but be very careful, okay?
You're going to look ridiculous
listening to a thug,
and all you'll achieve are more headlines.
Focus, okay?
Don't get distracted by crazy theories.
Although I know that sometimes
you don't like being a Robles,
you are one.
Sorry, but you have to be up to the task.
Ah, I'm sorry I haven't heard of you,
it's just that
Well, I'm from another generation,
from the classics.
Uh, Lola Beltrán, Jorge Negrete,
Pedro Infante, you know
Now you're not just talking
about classics.
You're talking about
the Olympus of Mexican music!
The Olympus. Of course, yes.
-Look at this.
These albums are all gold,
platinum, and all, but this one
I'm very proud of this one.
They gave it to me for my last album.
Ah, well. I'd love to listen to it.
All right, I'll put on the record player.
[ranchera music playing through speaker]
"José Alfredo 'The Mockingbird.'
Greatest Hits."
-Ah, it's lovely, isn't it?
But that melody is made
for drinking tequila, isn't it?
That would be good, yeah.
I'd offer you one,
but I don't have anything.
Oh, no, no, no. Don't you worry.
-[music continues]
It's been a while since I've heard
something so beautiful. Truly, eh?
Well, congratulations.
No, you honor me. You honor me, Don Pedro.
Your face tells me
you've lived a good life.
You must have some good stories, eh?
Well, of course. Several.
I served my whole life with the police,
so you can only imagine.
No, I'd prefer not to imagine.
It's better if you tell me.
-[music continues]
I can't believe I'd never heard you, man.
You're one of those "true" artists,
God's own truth.
Uh, you know what?
I'd love to hear you sing live.
[music ends]
Did you read this already?
[Elena] You're never early
and you're always late.
Well, it's because there's been
a bit of a hullabaloo.
There's a rumor that the woman
who makes chilaquiles sandwiches
is going to retire.
Now that's news. Not like this.
What the fuck?
Our con artist seems like
a hero from a novel.
That's impossible.
Son of a bitch, that's impossible.
It's weird, right?
-Since no one's reported the robbery.
-[Elena] Because it doesn't exist.
Butter Man robs toy factory
pretending to be employee
-[Beto] What am I looking at?
-[Elena] Read it.
It's the same robbery.
Ah, fuck.
The copycat.
No. Because this robbery hasn't happened.
This is an old story
that's been paraphrased and updated
based on a robbery case from 1960.
They just changed the name and place.
[Beto] Why don't you ask your dad?
[Elena] I asked him,
but he says I'm wasting time.
Yes, sir. I'll handle it. Of course.
Detective Robles.
Yes, Captain.
What's this about? Are we a joke, or what?
"Since the appointment
of the new police administration,
robberies and other crimes
are a daily occurrence.
Each day, the new Butter Man
seems to show us
how easy it is to flout the law
when it's as weak as our Republic."
It's a fake story.
Who cares if it's fake or true?
If everyone reads it, they'll believe it.
-These stories lower our credibility.
-[slaps newspaper]
Your little friend makes us look bad.
He's not my little friend.
I don't know why they let him publish
without verifying the source.
The president isn't happy.
He wants heads to roll and results.
This needs to be solved.
Does that mean I can continue
my case of the new Butter Man?
No, Robles!
You call your friend's newspaper
right this minute
-He's not my friend.
-I don't care!
You call your friend's newspaper
and you tell them that this guy
is publishing fake stories.
Do it, or I'll cut off your head myself.
Is that clear, Detective Robles?
Yes, Captain.
[Pablo] for them to take away my job.
It took me this long to get this far.
Did you make up your last story?
Your detective friend
called me to let me know
that the events in your last story
never happened.
That it's based on old news.
Please, tell me you didn't do that.
Perhaps I added
a little cream to the tacos,
but readers want that.
-They love Butter Man.
-[editor] No, no, no.
What you did
wasn't adding cream to the tacos,
you invented a new recipe.
You mixed al pastor and carnitas tacos,
burned them, added triple tortilla,
and then drowned them in cream.
I don't know if my stomach's growling
from the scolding, or from hunger.
[editor] Enough. You're a journalist.
Or, a so-called journalist.
Who knows what you learned
at hick school in Puebla.
But a journalist is not a liar.
Yeah, but it sells, right?
Our paper sales are high
since the Butter Man chronicles.
Look, Garduño, this is serious.
You deserve to be fired.
If you fire me, I'm sure other papers
will want to buy my stories.
Don't go looking for trouble.
You've got good sources, Pablito.
I'll check my grade-school books
to see if I can find
a good news story, too.
[reporters laugh]
[ranchera music playing]
[singer whoops, hollers]
[singer] Make the mariachi sound lovely.
Mariachi is the happiness
Of the cantinas and arenas ♪
What sadness and bitterness
Find their cure in mariachi ♪
That's my mariachi
Mexican to the hilt ♪
The trumpets and violins
Delight our very soul ♪
The vihuelas and guitars
Sing as they are plucked ♪
And my friend, the guitarrón
Sets the rhythm of the heart ♪
That's my mariachi
Mexican to the hilt ♪
Mexican ♪
To the hilt ♪
-[music ends]
-How are you, Pedro?
-How are you doing?
Enough, boys.
And congrats on the new house, José.
-No, man.
-Congratulations, eh.
At your service, compadre. Thanks.
-[musician] Excuse me.
-Take care. Congrats.
-[musician 2] Excuse me.
-See you later.
-[musician 3] See you around.
-[Pedro] Congrats.
[musician 3] Thank you very much.
Thank you for inviting me to this, man.
It's like a dream, man, watching musicians
work their magic live.
-Isn't it?
You don't have to thank me.
To tell you the truth,
it's an honor just to have any guest
who enjoys my music.
No, the honor is mine. Truly. [laughs]
-You told me you were a cop, right?
That's a very dangerous profession, right?
Yes, of course. Sure.
Come sit, and you can keep telling me.
-Sure, why not? Let's go. Yeah.
-Here, this way.
Reporting me to my boss?
What the fuck's wrong with you?
Tone it down, Garduño.
You're publishing fake stories.
What the fuck did you think would happen?
Just because you have a paycheck.
My stories about Butter Man
pay my rent, Elena.
-I thought we were friends.
-You're wrong. We're not friends.
Your lies messed up my investigation.
You're screwing up my work.
You're painting the police
like we're bumbling idiots
who allow robberies, con jobs, assault.
If you were doing your job properly,
there wouldn't be a story
because the con artist would be arrested.
You just don't get it.
You're going to make
both of us lose our jobs.
Go on. Javi [snaps fingers]
toss him out.
-[Javi] Let's go.
-Go on, get lost. Now.
-[agent] Move it, kid. Bye-bye.
-[agent 2] Get lost. Get out.
-Don't touch me, asshole.
-No, no.
[agent 2] Get lost. Get out.
[Pedro] Look.
My family's resting place.
-May they rest in peace, Don Pedro.
These are a special edition.
You can choose, neighbor.
No, man. You pick one.
Well, let's try this one.
Let's try it. Ah.
Hey, I'm serious, Pedro.
You have a lovely home.
But sometimes, it feels very large
for just one man.
-[glasses clink]
-[both] Cheers.
-Ah, God, this is good.
-Very good.
Why wouldn't it be?
Only pure quality for me.
They gave me these bottles a while ago,
when I caught a guy close to Zapopan.
Who was the biggest bastard you faced?
Like, a serious badass.
Whether he escaped
or you caught him, either way.
Well, there were a lot.
But someone in particular
that This is confidential.
Oh, don't start with that.
What I can say and tell you,
is that I'm so happy I'm retired.
Cheers, then.
For the ones who got away.
As I drink I am comforted ♪
I bid farewell to your love ♪
I leave singing ♪
Your fair eyes won't see me fall ♪
-Ay, ay, ay. Cheers.
-Yes, cheers.
Ah, shit. [coughs]
-Hey, compadre, where's the bathroom?
-[stutters] Up the stairs, to the right.
-There, to the right.
[Pedro sighs]
Ah, my Chavelita, man.
I miss her so much.
She was the most beautiful woman
I'd ever met. Mmm.
And she had great taste,
with that What's that called?
-That necklace.
-Did you give it to her?
-No, no.
That necklace was
a retirement gift from the police.
-And what did you do with it, huh?
-With the necklace?
It's resting [sniffles]
beside her ashes.
My wife's ashes are over there.
And you know what? It fit her so well.
Oh, my God.
[laughs] Where else would it be?
-Of course. Next to the ashes, right?
[Emiliano laughs]
[stammers] Weren't you
going to the bathroom?
No, compadre.
I'm going to get a bit of fresh air.
Ah, okay.
Chavelita, why did you leave,
you naughty girl?
[knife opens]
What the fuck
are you doing here, compadre?
[knife closes]
Ah, compadre, I was
I have so many feelings inside, compadre.
I came to unload a little.
You think you're the only one
who has lost someone?
[sighs] Truly, compadre?
Yes, when I was little, in our family,
we had a loss
that broke all of our hearts and
That stays with you, compadre.
That never leaves.
You're right, compadre.
You're a good soul, José Alfredo.
Let us pray.
Dear God, I commend to You
my compadre, José Alfredo,
for You to heal his heart.
[sighs] Help me, please.
[Pedro groans]
I only want to tell you, sir,
that you are not alone.
You You have a friend here.
Same to you, compadre, same to you.
So, will you tell me
where you got that necklace?
Because that whole story about
a gift from the police force, and whatnot,
I don't believe that.
-When have the cops ever given gifts?
-No, man, honestly, it's true.
Well, it was a gift from my successor,
Cuauhtémoc Robles.
-Ah, shit.
-What's wrong, compadre?
No. Nothing, nothing.
Wasn't Robles the one who caught
[smacks lips]
that con artist? That Butter Man?
I searched for that thug for a long time,
but never caught him.
Cuauhtémoc managed to catch him,
thanks to my years of work.
Robles did a good job. Yes.
[flight attendant] Welcome to Flight 044
with service to
the Mexico City International Airport.
Please remain seated
with your seat belts fastened.
[editor] Garduño!
-You're fired.
-What? Why?
I can overlook the fake story.
I can even justify it
to the Board of Directors
as a subjective opinion piece,
but I won't tolerate this
Sir, "subjective opinion piece"
is redundant.
Enough! Pack your things and get out!
Now what?
The competition published a story
saying that Butter Man is lying.
That he really is Butter Man
and he wants attention.
They even have an interview
with his former lawyer, Botello.
And we published your story
declaring the opposite.
I'm sure of my story, sir.
And the owner of the paper is sure
that this paper's credibility is at stake.
And yes, we rushed your story to print
without checking first
if what the thug said was true.
I'm not losing my job over you.
So find a box,
get your things, and get out.
-What is that?
-You asked for it.
I did?
Mmm. So, Mrs. Axi Mundia Lugo. Mm-hmm.
How many years
did Mr. Botello work for you?
Mm-hmm. Thanks.
Uh, sorry, Elenita. Are you feeling okay?
All of Botello's clients
who I've contacted
don't have anything to do with Butter Man.
-[Beto] Mmm.
The press is going to eat us alive.
Ah, Elena, but your dad already told you
It's my case.
Well, our case.
But we have to find
a guilty party or a reason
for everything that's happening,
or they'll keep discrediting us.
-Get it? Or do you want us both fired?
Well, Elena, look.
I'm set to retire soon, so I don't
No, I don't want them to fire you.
Uh, that's why I came to tell you
that I didn't find convincing evidence
against Botello.
-What did you find about Lacrosse?
Well, there was no record of him
until three years ago,
but this eyewitness sketch
looks a lot like Abel.
[Elena] Mmm.
[doorbell rings]
-Come in, make yourself at home.
-Captain Robles.
-I found Captain Rodríguez.
-Ah, you don't say.
-He must be getting old and senile.
I hope he's living out
his remaining days in peace.
-He seemed pretty lucid to me.
-Ah, that's good.
So? Did you find
what you were looking for?
Let's stop with the bullshit, Robles. Hmm?
You and I both know
that you let Butter Man escape.
Then you jailed another poor sap
to pass him off as him
and also put an innocent woman in jail
as a scapegoat.
Ah, no. [laughs]
That woman is no saint, eh?
And in the off chance that she is,
you don't have any evidence against me.
Or do you, Mr. Manríquez?
This situation is getting out of hand.
And there's no evidence
against the Captain.
Only one of us here
is going to get screwed.
The police are on their way.
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