El marginal (2016) s01e05 Episode Script

Capítulo 5

A Netflix Original Series
How are you today,
I'm fine.
Do you know
today's date?
September 29th.
It's a special day
for you, according
to your file.
Whose birthday
is September 29th?
My son's.
That's good.
Very good.
What is your
son's name?
Do you remember
when he was born?
DOCTOR: Do you
remember anything
about the birth?
That's him.
My eldest son.
Was he cute?
Like his father.
DOCTOR: Was he handsome?
I liked him.
You have a lot
of pictures there.
It's his birthday today.
Can I see?
What a cute boy!
He's handsome.
I don't believe
that he was ugly.
DOCTOR: Do you think
about him a lot?
I would like to
know where he is.
Fucking cunt!
They betrayed me!
The first person who
sees Antin and opens
his mouth about this
is going to get
his asshole blown up
with bullets, got it?
Do you understand?
I can't hear you.
I'm the only one
who speaks to Antin.
They're here. Open.
DIOS: Take him.
Fuck! Those sons of
bitches fucked us!
They came from
I told them.
I told them it
was a trap, right?
They didn't
listen to me.
Fuck! Get out!
Let me do it.
Come, my brother.
Calm down.
Relax, brother.
That's it.
What are you
saying, Pastor?
It's me, Diosito.
I'm Miguel.
For this to work out,
we need to play
the lottery.
What's today?
September 29th.
Gnocchi day.
And San Miguel.
How do you know?
Did you swallow
a church calendar?
My dad was named Miguel,
that's how I know.
What time does this
need to be finished by?
We're leaving when
the match starts.
I don't know where,
do you?
No, it's a mystery.
Borges is like
those technicians,
he doesn't
confirm the equipment
until the last moment.
It's not looking right
because of this
piece of shit vinyl.
It is what it is.
I'm not getting
shit because of this.
What a fight with
Capece last night.
It was good.
Be careful with
that son of a bitch,
he's spiteful.
Would you lend us
the truck?
Look at this,
we won't even pass
the first checkpoint.
Are you crazy?
How can I lend you
the truck for this?
Then we won't
be able to leave.
ANTIN: We'll figure
something else out.
You've got a fresh brain,
from the outside.
Do you have any ideas?
The best way to
hide something
is to put it
in plain view.
Like Maradona.
What the fuck are
you trying to say?
It's a nice metaphor,
but I don't understand.
Can we use
the mobile unit?
The one from here?
Another nut job.
Could you turn
down the volume?
You're quiet today.
Eat while you can,
because there won't
be anything tonight.
We're not going to
see each other again.
Where are they
taking me?
Somewhere more
A house. It'll seem like
a five-star hotel after this.
You're being strange.
What's wrong?
Nothing, I'm fine.
Here's a present.
How nice.
See, we can get
presents here, too.
Did you buy it?
They teach it here
in the workshops.
Thank you.
Am I going far?
Kind of.
I trust you.
I know you're going
to take care of me.
You promised me.
EMMA: I'm calling
because I have some
bad news to give you.
Carlos wasn't well.
He was very depressed
and very afraid.
Last night,
he committed suicide.
I have some of
his belongings.
No, there isn't
anything valuable.
It's all sentimental.
Some pictures,
some souvenirs.
You know my number
and how to find me.
Thank you.
She didn't
give a shit.
She asked if there
was anything valuable.
When I told her
there wasn't,
she said that
she wasn't
as if I was
making her
an offer.
There was a reason
he was worried about going
back to his sister's house.
Emma, don't be upset.
You did everything
you could.
Hmm? You know that, right?
Hello. I forgot
a few things.
I'm going.
Hi, how are you?
Did you hear
what happened?
Verruga killed himself.
Ah. Yes.
It's shitty.
Aren't you
Don't you
feel guilty?
Guilty for what?
Because I asked you
to speak to him.
Lower your voice.
Eh? We could have
prevented it.
You're a fucking
son of a bitch.
(SCREAMS) Let me go,
son of a bitch!
Do you want me to hit you?
I don't give a shit
that you're a woman.
You're going
to hit me?
Stop it!
Go fuck yourself
before you hit me.
Come here,
fucking son
of a bitch!
You're a piece of shit.
Let me go.
That's what you are.
Everything's fine. Come on.
Calm down.
We're relaxed.
Everything is fine.
Son of a bitch.
Calm down,
it's not worth it.
What a gorgeous boy,
who is it?
Lucas, my grandson.
Miguel's son.
He lives with Fernando.
With Fernando or Miguel?
He lives with Fernando.
With the uncle.
I'm not that sick.
Fernando is your
youngest son, right?
Do you have
a picture of him
when he was little?
Lovely. How was he?
Was he a good boy?
He was a disaster,
as a boy and a man.
Very jealous
of his brother,
very insecure.
He became a lawyer.
How dumb.
Laws are made to be broken.
He went to school, Elida.
You should be proud of him.
Miguel is a policeman,
like his father.
He's street smart.
Lucas is a lawyer.
No, Lucas is
your grandson, Elida.
Your son that's
a lawyer is Fernando.
That's it. Mmm?
Where were you here?
Do you remember
this picture?
That's enough
for today, Elida.
We'll see each other soon.
This whole thing
of moving the girl
has me stressed.
I have a bad feeling.
Like when they
killed my cousin.
Remember, I told you?
Yes, of course,
I remember.
Your cousin Cesar.
Yes, Cesar.
It'll be good
to get out
of here for a bit.
If it wasn't
for Molinari,
the bitch.
She fucked it up.
Don't dwell on that.
It's important that
you have patience.
Antin, too, the cock.
Let's rewind.
It's understandable
that you're nervous
about the transfer.
Your brother has
given you a position
with a lot
of responsibility.
It's something
that you've wanted
for a while.
But maybe you're afraid.
You're a little afraid.
"Blah, blah, blah."
A lot of "blah,
blah, blah" today.
KALINA: Your brother is
starting to listen to you.
You wanted Pastor in the group
and you got it.
You recommended
him for this job
and your brother agreed.
(SIGHS) I don't
know about Pastor.
What's wrong
with him?
The guy is weird.
He never talks.
What kind of friend
is guarded like that?
He says things
that aren't true.
He says he doesn't
have siblings,
then his sister
comes to visit.
He says he's not
part of anything,
but he seems
like a Mafia guy.
You should
see him fight.
So why did you
give him a chance?
Because he's smart.
We understand
each other.
Do you think he's using you
to get close to your brother?
I hope not.
I'd like to apologize
for what happened
earlier with Kalina.
I'm sorry.
No, it's fine.
At least now you're
talking to me
like a normal person.
We should have our
third interview today,
a bit more formal.
You're in no shape
to do an interview.
Why don't you
take the day off?
No, don't worry.
It would distract me.
And, if not, my work
will pile up.
Just because Verruga
ended up like he did
doesn't take him
away from God.
I know that you cared
for him and that this
has affected you.
He was a good guy.
He's with God now.
I don't know.
I don't believe
in God. (CHUCKLES)
I'm listening to you
and you seem like
a different person.
Not all of us
are what we seem.
And what are you?
Human. Even though
it doesn't look
like it, I have feelings.
To see someone like Verruga
suffering in here upsets me.
The other day,
you said that nobody
here can be rescued.
I still think that.
So what am I doing here?
Or everyone else
here who is trying
to make things better?
Maybe you're naive.
You know what's
good about you?
That you can be
around rotten apples
without being infected.
And that you fight
for a world
that's a little better
inside here.
Not everyone does that.
Thank you.
It helps to hear
what you're saying.
I heard that you
defended Verruga
in front of the guard.
I wanted to thank you.
It's fine.
EMMA: No, really. Thank you.
He left feeling
that there was
someone on his side.
Does he have family?
EMMA: Yes, a sister.
She isn't even
going to come
to claim his body.
They're going to bury him
in a public grave.
As if he never existed,
except for me.
MIGUEL: Calm down.
Are you a Pisces?
Yes, I'm a Pisces.
You guessed it.
I knew it.
Pisces do this to me.
On the one hand,
they throw me
off balance,
but on the other,
they contain me.
Is that funny?
I respect people's beliefs.
I'm happy that I don't
throw you off balance
all of the time.
Thanks for containing me
and listening to me.
We'll have to
come back to this.
Have you thought
about the cells?
It's not good
for you to stay in
the courtyard so long.
I haven't thought
about it yet.
Think about it.
Next week, I have to
give my recommendation
for where you will go.
First your sister,
now this.
You're a Scorpio,
not a Pisces.
You were born
on November 13th.
You're right.
I lied. Forgive me.
It seemed like
you wanted me
to be a Pisces.
I didn't want to
contradict you today.
I'm sorry.
Do we have any news
about the judge?
It seems like
he's softening up.
He came to see you.
How do you know?
I know everything.
Get used to it.
What did he say?
He wants to scare me.
He wants to show me
that he knows
I'm the kidnapper.
He came to measure his cock.
And whose is bigger?
Do you need to ask?
Daddy's got the biggest.
No, Daddy's
got the biggest.
I've got two heads on you.
I don't think so.
I'm going to make
the mobile unit available
for the transfer.
And I'll make sure
you get uniforms.
So that there
aren't any problems.
Don't worry.
We've never
fucked up a scheme.
Stop nagging.
Focus on getting
the money for the girl.
I don't want you to
drop any bombs on me.
We're going
to move the girl.
And we're going to give
the judge 24 hours.
If he doesn't pay,
it's done.
You know
a lot about this.
I did a few jobs
with long guns.
I'm listening.
The routes are clear.
All of them.
The car is ready.
The guns are loaded
with extra ammunition.
The tank is full.
My dear brother?
DIOS: Yes.
Everyone gets a cell phone,
no Internet or anything.
I sent you
the numbers
in a text.
We'll start
the transfer
in an hour.
If no one tries
to be a hero,
everything should
work out perfectly.
If anything goes wrong,
we throw out the trash
and come back home.
I need to clarify something
for those of you
that don't know.
This move consists of
transferring a person
from here, San Onofre,
to a cottage in the country.
You don't want to know more.
When the match starts,
the hallways clear.
Then we take
the girl to the truck
and leave. Got it?
Is the girl ready?
She's nervous,
but she'll behave.
The clothes look good.
That's it, Colombia!
You're in charge
of the transfer.
Got it.
Thanks, Mario.
Everything is going
to be all right.
Today, you'll become a hero.
Here are the maps.
The information is
loaded on the GPS.
Right when you get out
at the intersection,
a car is going to join you
and go with you until the end.
It's Lagartija's.
Calambre, you're
going to switch
to Lagartija's car.
Big Upite is going to
take a different route
and will arrive at
the destination at
the same time as you guys.
You get there,
make the delivery
and come back.
I'm going to be
monitoring from here.
I want you to report
to me. Please.
Report yourselves.
You got it?
Be alert, we're close
to getting the cash.
Let's go!
Let's go!
What's going on?
What are you doing?
Relax, baby.
We need you
to put this on.
What are you doing?
Put this on and
don't make noise.
Calm down.
No! No!
Calm down!
Let go of me!
Calm down, babe!
Let go of me!
Didn't you
talk to her?
Luna! Calm down.
Calm down!
Look at me.
We're going somewhere
more comfortable,
like we talked about.
Trust me!
Shh. You can trust me.
Listen to me.
You need to
put this on. Okay?
MIGUEL: It's me.
We're about to
leave to Chascomus.
Chascomus. Okay.
Do you have
the exact address?
It's a country
house called
"La fuga."
Wait, let me
write it down.
MIGUEL: Route 2, mile 76.
We'll be there
in three hours.
Perfect. I'm going
to see Mom right now,
like you asked.
Call Lunati, so he
stops fucking around.
FERNANDO: He's paying me
at 2:00 p.m., and then
I'll give him the info.
That's what we agreed to.
Don't worry,
everything is fine.
I didn't forget.
Happy birthday, brother.
We're going to have
a stack of cash
to celebrate.
Listen to me.
I'm not doing
this for the money.
I'm doing it to be free.
Get that in your head.
Don't worry.
Excuse you.
WOMAN: Organize
your things, my love.
Organize them.
Go find your jacket.
Bring a warm jacket.
DIOS: I hope this shit
doesn't go off and
fuck everything up now.
Do you want some?
A little taste?
Come on.
Stop for a bit, moron.
Don't bust my balls.
I'm offering you some,
I'm not asking
for permission.
Can't you see we're working
and not on vacation?
We have to be alert.
DIOS: Go fuck yourself.
I don't know why
you don't like it.
It's white as holy bread.
It's like going to church.
Turn it up.
This is messed up.
He needs to powder
his nose now.
He's going
to fuck it all up.
Are you pissed off
because of your outfit?
Or is it because
I'm in charge? Eh?
I'm ordering everyone
to stop busting my balls.
You could have
been in charge,
but since you're in
love with the girl,
you won't see straight.
Stop your shit.
I see her like
a little sister.
She's the same age
as Mirella.
No way she's
the same age as Mirella.
Mirella, with those
tits and huge ass.
You should see what
a whore his sister is,
and how she sucks cock.
JAMES: Don't talk
about my sister.
DIOS: What are
you going to do?
I'll break your face.
You and what army?
How much longer?
I need the restroom.
Don't yell.
Take off her headphones
so that she doesn't yell.
Luna, do you have to go
number one or number two?
See? Look how the pervert
talks to her.
What do you want me to say?
Do you want
to piss or shit?
LUNA: Number one.
Why don't we stop there?
So that she can get out.
DIOS: No, we're not stopping.
We're in the middle
of an operation.
Do it here or hold it,
I don't know.
I'm not going
to pee here.
Why? Nobody is going to look.
Except James,
he's a pervert.
LUNA: I'm not going
to pee here.
So stop busting balls.
How is everything going?
DIOS: Fine.
We're close to mile 60.
Yes, I'm following you
with the tracker.
And where are Big
Upite and his people?
I don't know.
I'll call him.
Where the fuck are you?
MAN: We're late.
There were some picketers
and we had to change course.
And why didn't
you tell me?
You have to keep me
up to date
with everything.
Hurry up.
Did you hear?
DIOS: Yes, I told you.
He's a fat idiot.
I said he should take
Route 6 and now I don't
know which one he took.
The asshole messed up.
What's up? You're hitting
the white stuff hard again?
Did you send my
brother a message?
What the fuck is
wrong with you today?
I didn't tell
anyone anything,
I'm not a rat.
Go to hell.
What now?
You hang up on me again,
I'll hang you.
Do you understand?
Fucking idiot.
DIOS: Jerk.
Wipe your nose.
DIOS: I'm going to
take Mirella and
put it up her ass.
Should we start?
ANTIN: Let's start.
The criticisms
Your name?
Criticisms of
the prison system
are the main issue
when we talk of security.
Like corruption.
Hold on. Don't start
with corruption.
We agreed that we were
going to talk about
what has improved.
About the services
and what needs to
be improved, okay?
JULIETA: Okay. We can
return to the question
Let's go.
Welcome. Did you
have a good trip?
Who are you?
My name is Anabela.
Don Gervacio, the landlord,
I'm his daughter.
My dad went to town
to get some provisions.
He said that if you want,
he'll get some meat and
we can put it on the grill.
MIGUEL: No, don't worry,
we're not staying long.
Is it your first time here?
Go find a room
for the girl.
You don't look like
the owner's daughter.
I'll go with him.
He needs a key.
Excuse me.
Come in.
I'm going to
check the house.
Yes, no problem.
Do you live
with your father?
No, I live in town.
In Villa Canas,
do you know it?
No, I don't.
It's nice. Very calm.
It's good.
Did your dad tell you
anything about today?
That you're coming
from the prison?
And he left you
alone to greet us?
That's how
we run things.
Who are you guys?
The house staff.
Is your colleague
feeling fine?
Yes, why?
WOMAN: He seemed
a bit nervous.
No, he's like that.
He has high blood pressure.
Don't worry.
I don't like this.
No one said anything
about a daughter
or a guy in a tractor.
Why don't we take her
to one of our places?
MARIO: Everyone
has been cleared.
But if not,
then we don't go
through with it.
Send me a picture of the girl
and I'll show Antin.
Go on.
What luck that
you're here, Mario.
Mario is an inmate
Stop for a bit.
Mario Borges is
a San Onofre
Don't film me.
Don't touch me.
Calm down.
What are you doing?
What the fuck
is going on?
That's what
I'm asking you,
what's going on?
We have a huge mess,
and you're fucking around.
Lower your voice.
Or I'll lock you up
for 20 days.
Don't be an idiot.
Listen to me.
The landlord wasn't there.
This girl is saying
she's his daughter.
That's my
country house.
Do you know the girl?
I don't know, I remember
the landlord had a daughter
around that age, but
Luna, it's Miguel.
I'm a policeman.
Don't worry.
Where are we?
In a country house.
Your father knows
where you are.
They're going to kill me.
They're gonna kill me.
James was weird.
Yes, I know it.
They're going
to come get you.
They're going to kill me.
Relax. Everything is fine.
(SHUSHING) Calm down.
Be quiet.
Listen to me, Luna.
Calm down. No one is
going to kill you.
They are coming
to get you.
But you need
to calm down.
You're armed?
Go and shoot them all
and we'll leave together.
I can't.
Be quiet.
Be quiet.
Your dad is coming
to get you. Hold on.
Listen to me, Luna.
Stay calm. I'll be back.
Stay calm.
Don't scream.
DIOS: Tell me
who you work for
or I'll shoot.
JAMES: Calm down.
Everything is fine.
MAN: We just came here
to open the door.
Who do you work for?
Talk or I'll
blow off your ass.
Relax, everything is fine.
MAN: We came here
to open the door.
Why isn't there any reception?
There was a storm last night.
I had reception before.
I even sent your picture.
Are you cops?
We can leave if you want.
He's crazy.
What's wrong with you?
Lunati sent them.
I have good intuition.
Look, he doesn't
look like a gardener.
He's not a gardener.
He never lifted
a shovel in his life.
WOMAN: He came to help me.
You said
he works here, bitch.
Calm down.
Calm down.
Why are you looking
at me like that?
Are you stupid?
Don't you see
it's a trap?
Calm down.
Everything is fine.
Barny, go check
the back.
You, too, Calambre.
Come on. Move it!
Take these two.
Make them talk.
Let's go.
Let's go, bitch, move it.
Come on, move it.
This can't be happening.
Everything is going wrong.
Everything is fine, Dios.
Everything is fine.
If we have to shoot, we will.
But calm yourself down.
Bring it down a bit.
Bring it down.
Everything is fine.
Your friend
is really high.
Let us go.
We just came
to help my dad.
What time is
he coming back?
I don't know. Soon.
When is soon?
WOMAN: When he's done
doing groceries.
And where does he come in?
There or the main entrance?
There's only one.
MIGUEL: Stop playing
dumb with me.
I don't believe you.
What are you talking about?
It's the first time
you're in this house.
You're paranoid
like your friend.
You both know who I am.
I'm playing on
the same side as you.
Where is Lunati?
I want to talk to him.
How do you talk to him?
The public has
a lot of prejudices
when it comes to
prisoners and prisons.
You've spent your whole life
dedicated to this.
What is jail for you?
I'm very drawn to
the penitentiary system.
I believe that
a man who has fallen
and gets up
is much greater than a man
who has never fallen.
Where is the remote?
Turn up the volume.
What happened?
That's Big Upite's car.
We're fucked.
LUCRECIA: That's enough
for today. Thank you.
JULIETA: No, let's keep going.
LUCRECIA: No, that's
enough for today.
LUCRECIA: Let's go, this way.
This way.
Get me Lunati. Now.
Where is Lunati?
You know who I am.
Where is he?
Stop it, Palacios.
Lunati sent us.
The property
is surrounded.
Why didn't you
wait until we left?
There are more guys coming.
WOMAN: No one else is coming.
Why didn't you say something
if you knew it was me?
Calm down,
you're going
to be free soon.
Go kill Diosito
and the whole gang.
You're going to
leave us tied up here?
Son of a bitch.
Turn around.
Fucking bitch.
Stop talking so much.
Everything is
going to be fine.
You're making
everyone nervous.
Did they tell you
They don't know anything.
They work here.
You were wrong.
Calm down.
You're going crazy.
I'm crazy?
You're a little nervous.
Me, too. We're all nervous.
They're the housekeepers.
You're right.
And I beat up
the gardener.
Go find the girl
so we can go.
Luna, these are
your father's people.
Let's crawl to
the bathroom. Get low.
I'm going to see
what's happening.
Don't leave me
alone, please.
I promise nothing is
going to happen to you.
WOMAN: Palacios.
Relax. Don't shoot.
There is a car out front.
You're a free man.
Here is the key.
WOMAN: Where is Luna?
In the room in the back.
Fucking cunt!
They betrayed me!
They're here. Open.
DIOS: Take him.
Fuck! Those sons of
bitches fucked us!
They came
from everywhere.
I told them.
I told them it
was a trap, right?
They didn't listen to me.
Fuck! Get out!
Let me do it.
Come, my brother.
Calm down.
Relax, brother.
That's it.
What are you
saying, Pastor?
It's me, Diosito.
I'm Miguel.
Give him to me.
What happened?
Nothing happened.
As you wish.
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