El Presidente (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Padre Nuestro

What if I decide not to cooperate?
You'll see faster and worse consequences.
You know the RICO Act?
We can lock you up anywhere we want.
The soccer empire is a lot bigger
than the fucking FBI.
And the Roman Empire fell,
as all empires did,
through bribery and corruption.
You're fucked.
Either you go down with them,
or you cooperate.
So, now, you work for me.
Motherfucking goalpost.
Miss, excuse me.
It seems your card has been canceled.
Canceled? No. No, that's impossible,
because I bought all this with that card.
Then maybe
you've reached the limit, right?
-You know, you exceeded the limit.
No, no, no,
I think it's a problem with
your machine, understand?
All right, no problem.
I'll try again, okay?
Again, that's right.
Sorry, it's not working.
-I have another card.
-Let's try this one.
Sorry, it's canceled, too.
Hello, darling.
Sergio, is everything okay?
The cards don't work.
I can't talk now, Nené.
I'm meeting with the team.
Okay, but I think it's weird.
Have the payments been made?
I don't know, I don't know
if you're aware of not,
but we've just been eliminated
from the World Cup.
So, right now, the last thing I care about
is your fucking credit cards, okay?
Or your fucking shopping sprees, you know?
Look, Sergio,
we're remodeling at the ANFP,
so if the corporate card doesn't clear,
you're going to have to step up.
Guys, a moment of your attention,
I would like to share
with you a thought, a few words.
I am sure
that there is not a single Chilean
in the world in this moment
that doesn't feel
fully connected to this team,
and to this Chilean team,
not only in its victories,
but also, and even more so,
in its defeats.
This for me, is not the end, comrades.
On the contrary, this is the beginning,
this is the starting point.
Tomorrow we'll be stronger.
Tomorrow we'll have even more ambition.
We'll be hungrier for glory,
because that, gentlemen,
is being Chilean.
That, gentlemen, is what identifies
the courageous men who wear the red!
Good, good.
Just a thought I wanted to share.
Very touching, Checho, so touching.
You surpassed yourself.
Awesome! You surpassed yourself, man.
Who is it?
No, that was the Cecilia.
She was moving up the week's schedule.
I should limit her hours, huh?
Listen, I'm really sorry
about what happened today, Nené.
You know, I was upset and angry,
I took it out on you.
It shouldn't have happened.
I'm sorry, Nené.
A gift.
I'm very lucky to have you in my life.
I'm a very lucky man, really.
Just a little something.
How did you manage to pay for it
if the cards are blocked?
Don't tell me you bought it with cash.
No, the I already had it, right?
I'd seen it with Jashir in a shop,
and I saw it and I thought of you.
-How does it look?
-Beautiful, isn't it? Beautiful.
Thank you so much.
I'm proud of you, you know?
If the players were to put in 50%
of the effort you put in,
Chile would be world champion,
galaxy champion.
-You'll always be my champion.
Not today.
I want to go out and get some fresh air.
-Do whatever you need to do.
I'll sleep like a queen tonight.
Now we're all here.
Well, yeah, yeah, folks,
thanks for coming.
Sorry about the time,
but there's been a situation.
Hawilla, who Julio here
has defended so much,
has filed a lawsuit.
In a Florida court.
But what the fuck is wrong with that guy?
What's going to happen now
if the situation can't be rectified?
It's going to be rectified.
I don't know how.
Or have you forgotten there's a guy
who's holding a grudge against us?
I came to tell you to stay away from me,
or else you'll find out who I am.
As you wish.
And what about Nené's problem
with her little cards?
Whatever you say, Jadue.
You find it all very funny, don't you?
You crazy bitch.
What were you going to say?
Not so macho now, huh, asshole?
What good are you to me?
I mean, that's the real question.
Jadue, you tell me,
why do I need you as a mole, asshole?
Because I'm nice?
Because I'm smart? An ambitious guy?
Because I know how to relate to people?
Because I have vision? Intuition?
Because I'm smart? Because I'm always
in the right place at the right time?
You know how to lie?
Not as much as you.
Well, I had it easy.
You have it harder.
You'll have to look your wife
in the eye while you're fucking her,
but you won't be able to tell her
that the most powerful agency
in the United States
is monitoring your every fucking step.
That's going to be a bitch.
Or coming to work every fucking day
and having to manipulate
everyone all the time, from your assistant
to the fucking car wash attendant,
to your FIFA daddy.
Now, that's gonna be a bitch, asshole.
That's it.
Relax your mug, asshole.
What do you want? Botox?
Yeah, people have
a hard time trusting baldies.
Okay, there you go, breathe.
Your first task.
This keychain is your favorite keychain.
Your dad gave it to you
when you were a kid.
It's your lucky charm.
You wear it everywhere, every meeting.
All the meetings.
And it's always three feet away
from all the leaders, you hear me?
So, I can hear every conversation.
And then we'll see what you're made of.
And that's how Sergito
became the FBI's worst-ever snitch.
And he was so good at being the worst,
that he wanted to learn.
But even to be the worst at something,
you have to be very good.
And this kid has already shown
that he's a fast learner.
If I sell the finals and semifinal packs,
I need to have the tickets secured.
Do you think Sergio can get
more complimentary tickets, or not?
What are you implying?
That we're reselling tickets, huh?
No, no, no. I'm not saying that.
I'm just asking.
Jashir is taking care of that.
You just sell the travel tickets
and relax.
Yeah, sure, we've been trying
to talk to them, too, okay?
Yeah, that's what I say, too.
Yeah. Yeah, I understand.
Yeah. Okay, bye.
What's the matter with you?
You look like you went to a funeral.
Nothing. I'm not taking the defeat well,
that's all.
Checho, don't lie to me.
I know you as if you were my son.
We're from La Calera.
You've been dealing with defeat
in soccer since you were born.
This is something else.
I'm just tired.
Don Julio.
Don Julio.
We were just leaving now.
Did you go to the supermarket?
Yeah, I filled up the fridge.
Can't we stay?
Give me a break.
It's not an orphanage, asshole.
Look, when I'm not here, it's your house.
But when I'm here, I want to be alone.
Get out.
And next time, if you want to fuck,
do it with a condom.
They're in the bottom drawer
in the bathroom.
You have to pick one.
-Does it have to be right now?
You said we'd go over
the whole candidacy thing
after the Cup, not before.
Sergio, I'll explain.
Well, as you know, no one dives
in a pool without checking for water.
So, we need to do some focus groups
to determine your chances
as a candidate for mayor.
Hey, why not test my chances
as a possible FIFA president?
I mean, it's a little bit more money
and a little bit less responsibility.
No, that's impossible, Sergio.
No, I mean, no Chilean
is going to be president of FIFA.
I mean, we'd have to win the World Cup,
or, I don't know, have a Chilean Maradona,
or be an oil country or a tax haven
No, it's impossible.
No, I mean, I don't see that happening
in the near future.
Yeah, well, maybe
I just wasn't born for politics either.
We need to put a team together for you.
Nené, but Santiago?
It's the capital, you know?
It's huge, I don't know.
I could start as a candidate
for mayor of La Calera.
If we win the Copa América,
we'll go all the way.
We'll be at a higher level.
The police arrested Chuck Blazer,
former Secretary General of CONCACAF
This doesn't help the campaign, man.
for alleged corruption and bribery
within FIFA.
We will expand on this news
as soon as the police issues a statement.
I think it's best to update your look.
No, now I'm balder than ever. Still
You look good in this one.
-It's not so obvious either
-You won't believe this!
-It's a miracle.
What are you talking about?
Pope Francis himself
is going to receive CONMEBOL.
And with you at the head, Checho!
It's a miracle, Sergio.
Hey, Checho.
Do you think I can come in with you guys?
Do you think I can come in with you?
Talk to Jashir about it.
-Thank you.
Please come in, we don't have much time.
Yes, of course. Come, come, Nené.
Sorry to interrupt
your direct communication with God,
but have you seen that bastard Blazer
with the bulletproof vest
and the bodyguards?
It'll be impossible to kill
that son of a bitch.
Don't be naive,
there's always a way. Always!
What happened to the partners, Jinkis?
My Datisa partners worship one God, money.
And you, too, you're Jewish.
That's why I'm here.
From what I understand,
Jesus sells more than Coca-Cola.
Sergio, let's go.
She said she was a missionary
in Morocco for many years.
She was very devoted.
But what does she do for a living?
Let us say that God visits her
with a certain frequency,
and the Virgin Mary blessed her
with a special grace of intuition.
-There's a reason she lives here.
-She's a psychic.
I'll ask her if I'm going
to win the Copa América.
Many times we think
we are in a certain place for a reason,
but in fact the real reason
is quite different.
What is your real mission here?
In the world?
I think that God sent me
to give the Chilean people
immense joy, hope
They sent you this rosary from Luque.
Don Julio, may I ask you a question
with all due respect?
Why do you no longer wear your ring?
Every cycle has a final whistle.
As do people and some friendships, too.
Where are we going, Don Julio?
Don't be so impatient.
-Don Julio.
Did anyone from the United States
contact you?
Like the FBI?
CONMEBOL lawyers are talking to everyone.
No, no.
Never make a deal with a gringo.
There are those who read history books
and those who write them.
João Havelange is our supreme pontiff
and my teacher.
Sergio Jadue, president of Chilean soccer.
Big fan of your work.
And impeccable administration, impressive.
I never thought
I could be friends with a Chilean.
What a country you have, huh?
Is that criticism or a compliment?
There is a saying in soccer
"The cup is to be looked at, not touched."
And Sergio went ahead and touched it.
This old gringo, son of Belgians,
is 98 years old,
hard as nails.
He reinvented FIFA over 24 years.
Havelange is a born fighter.
Four years before he was born,
his father bought a boat ticket.
The ship was leaving
on April 12th, 1912, for New York.
But João's father had a setback
and couldn't get on.
Perhaps because of that experience,
he forced him to swim from a young age,
and João took it seriously.
He competed in the 1936 Berlin Olympics,
and although he didn't win anything,
he was delighted with Hitler's country,
his organization and attention to detail.
You can say a lot of things about João,
but he knew how to live big.
In his house, he made the rules.
He knew exactly what he wanted
and how he wanted it,
and what he needed to get it.
And in business, too.
Havelange put a bow on soccer
and sold it to the whole world.
Long before that 7-1 match, a German
and a Brazilian had become friends.
That's Horst Dassler.
Havelange said, "Make me president of FIFA
and we'll both get rich."
And you might ask, "Who was this Dassler
"and what the hell
does he have to do with soccer?"
His family had created a brand
that might ring a bell, Adidas.
And that's when soccer and marketing
shook hands and never let go.
João saw full stadiums
where there used to be empty fields.
He saw the ball rolling in color,
when we only saw it in black and white.
And his briefcases.
João has a classic taste,
and every year,
he brings five of these from Zürich.
And you?
What do you think, Jadue?
What do I think about what?
About loyalty to the king.
I think loyalty to the king depends,
let's say, because
sometimes the kings
No, not all of them,
of course, but if
If a puppy of mine can't swim,
I'll put it down and that's it.
Because it's no good.
If you don't know how to survive,
you don't deserve to live.
Fucking hell.
He made a mistake.
He was driven by his impulses.
But I think he deserves a second chance.
But it's a betrayal.
After another betrayal.
Betrayal is something you do to someone
when they take your place.
-Sergito, look at this!
World Cup, World Cup, World Cup, soccer.
Only soccer,
the only thing people
are interested in is soccer.
Listen, about Hawilla, I think that
Yeah. You know what's wrong
with the bitter old man?
He sees me, he sees you, he sees youth.
And he, after amassing
huge amounts of money all these years,
can't stand it.
He wants it all for himself,
you understand?
We steamrolled his contract.
Whose side are you on, Jadue?
Yours, precisely.
And since when
are you interested in justice?
Well, we can't be acting
like a bunch of hooligans either.
You have to be very smart and sensible
to figure out how we're going
to respond to Hawilla.
You know what my problem is?
I've had it up to here with him.
It was very unwise and vindictive.
talking to people like that
goes against my principles.
Since when do you care that much
about principles?
Yeah, well, we have to find
a middle ground.
Okay? That's all.
-Middle ground?
And what would that be?
Something that would suit us both.
a peace agreement.
See? That's it,
a peace agreement, exactly.
A friendly match
between Hawilla and Jinkis.
Perfect. Peace match, peace match.
Peace match, peace match. Ciro!
"Peace match."
Do you think that's
a good name for a friendly match?
And who are you going to offer that to?
The Pope?
Why not?
Let's go with that.
What an idea you've given me, Serge, eh?
Peace match.
We're selling it, Serge!
Okay, gentlemen,
you all have rosaries, right?
Yes, yes, yes.
It's very important that you have them
in your hands at all times.
-Of course.
-And, gentlemen, one more thing.
If you approach him,
you call him "Your Holiness."
-Your Holiness.
-Your Holiness.
-All right, thank you very much.
-Well, here we go.
Sergio, Sister Lucila managed to do
what you asked of her,
so you and your colleagues will be able
to atone for your sins right here.
Did you ever think, Nené,
that we would be able
to confess in the Vatican itself?
Whatever it takes to get your picture
taken with the Holy Father.
Hey, Father, can I make a confession?
Don't be greedy, Jashir,
you're lucky they let you in.
I don't like this whole confessing thing
because of protocol, I think it's stupid.
Look, Sergio,
you've impressed me with your piety.
-All good?
-Yeah, all good, all good.
Listen, Rafael, you have no idea
how much I had to insist
Sister Lucila to allow us all to confess.
Yes, yes, yes, of course, don't worry.
God bless you, God bless you.
Look, after all this screwing around,
it would be a huge embarrassment
if Eugenio didn't want
to confess now, right?
No, no, no way, you have to convince him.
Don't worry, Sergio,
I'll take care of everything.
-Don't worry.
-Okay. Thank you, thank you.
No, no. No kiss, only the hand.
Help me convince him to organize
the San Lorenzo-Roma game.
We can't miss out on the Pope's
image rights at a soccer game.
The life of the disciples
is the same as that of the players.
You have to train and be fit.
Kick it forward. Play forward.
All right, here comes the photo, folks.
is huge, thank you.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
And yes.
Sergio got the coveted photo
with the Pope,
but being in good standing with the Pope
and having God on your side
are two different things.
There he is.
-What's wrong with him?
-God bless him.
All of us, right?
Son, the Lord lives inside your heart,
tell me why you are here.
I guess I have a lot of anger in me,
-and a lot of resentment, too.
-Towards whom?
Against people I had a special esteem for.
I had a special affection for them,
but they failed me,
they betrayed me.
I feel used, Father. Mocked.
Tell me about it.
She's a woman.
We met, we built a beautiful friendship,
and she
always helped me and accompanied me
through very difficult times.
But it all turned out to be a lie.
She's a phony, let's say.
She had hidden, ulterior motives.
And she not only wanted to hurt me,
she wanted to hurt my children, my wife,
my friends, all my
close circle, let's say.
A very dishonest woman.
You really like wasting my time, baldie.
She's not a good woman.
She's a very bad woman. She is.
Sorry about that, guys,
but I don't even confess to my pillow,
let alone a priest.
Hey, it's a unique opportunity.
And you were excited
about this, too, anyway.
Yes, Luis, I didn't want
to confess either,
but we can't be disrespectful to Sergio.
He organized all of this for us.
-Yes, but
-"But, but, but" what?
-Yes, but no.
-"But no."
It was great.
Hey, hey. Look at that.
That's impressive, yeah.
Now this is a stadium.
My name is Luis Bedoya.
If I'm not on the list,
you can't tell me I'm not coming in, huh?
I'm on the list, very good.
Thank you very much, that's very good.
-Hello, yes.
-Carlos Chávez.
They don't throw me out anymore.
I'm here now. See?
Thank you, thank you.
-Thank you very much.
-Have a good time.
Sit down, sit down.
-Hello, yes.
-This is impressive, huh?
Look at those Germans
with faces like decomposing hot dogs.
Man, Julio, you have to avenge the honor
of your neighbors and beat them.
Tell me what it feels like
José María, now you have to go
for Argentina, you have no choice.
-Hey, stop it.
-You're crazy, what are you saying?
If we win here in Brazil,
José María will kill himself.
I'd be satisfied
with just Hawilla killing himself.
At any rate, that dirty-ass traitor
didn't dare come.
No, our lawyers are already in touch.
The lawyers' negotiations only bring
more news for the newspapers
and put more eyes on CONMEBOL.
We have to make peace.
And how do you make peace
if you just got shot,
if charges have already been laid?
That son of a bitch is going
to pay sooner or later.
It's in everyone's interest
that he drops the lawsuit.
And why would he drop the lawsuit?
That's what Mariano, he and I are
going to talk about after the game.
On this day my heart stopped beating.
Others die when they miss a penalty,
or if they score an own goal,
or when a positive doping test
crushes their career.
This was the World Cup.
Yes, this was it.
We're going to have to throw him
a bachelor party.
Yes. The defeat is sad,
but I'm happy Venezuela's getting married.
-Poor Mariano.
with all the issues we've had
-Yes, no, no.
-I'm stealing him for a second.
Yeah. I'll be right back, guys.
How are you?
Let's just say I'm okay.
I can't even imagine
how Don Julio must be feeling.
Yeah, I think a settlement with Traffic
would be very good news
for the old man, huh?
What are you?
Grondona's spokesman or Hawilla's friend?
Because I can't figure you out.
-I'm just looking out for you.
-Don't make me laugh.
Everyone covers their own ass here,
that's how it is.
To solve a conflict, you can't back down,
you have to go straight ahead, huh?
I busted my ass, it took me a long time
to get where I am.
Years, years of paying dues,
of kissing ass,
you know what I mean?
Well, now it's my turn.
I agreed to go to that meeting
to be polite,
but I'm not giving up anything
that belongs to me.
We're all going to lose, huh?
You sound pretty sure.
It's common sense.
Sooner or later, all the profits,
the pie, we're going to split it among us.
But in the meantime,
I think it's very important to negotiate,
if we don't want to go under.
Sometimes to win,
you have to lose a little.
You're a clever guy, Jinkis.
Full of vision.
Just think about it.
What happened, José?
You missed the game.
Were you on the plane?
I've missed worse things in life.
Millions of things, in fact.
Why do you think I gathered you here?
Alejandro, come here.
Alejandro's interested
in the contracts for the four Cups.
Yes, we were talking and, well,
the pie is not only about the 2015 Cup.
Let's say we based it
on what Mariano sold to CONMEBOL.
We acknowledge there is a contract
for 2015, 2016, 2019 and 2023.
Four Cups are enough to settle things,
aren't they?
And that includes
the Centenario, let's not forget.
There're ongoing negotiations
with CONCACAF, and they're going well.
If you decide to work together
and fix this mess,
you're going to have to think long-term.
And you, José,
drop the lawsuit, it's damaging us all.
Look at what they dragged me into
for not listening.
On one side, this kid, Mariano,
who drilled into the heads
of half of South America
until they gave in from exhaustion.
And on the other side, José,
an old friend whose pride was hurt
and reported us
to the Yankee justice system.
He reported CONMEBOL,
which was so generous to him.
They still haven't learned
that this is a team game.
Sometimes it's all about the numbers,
but if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Four days later,
Datisa signed an agreement with CONMEBOL
for the TV rights until 2023
in exchange for an official payment
of $317 million,
and more than 100 million
for us under the table.
You might think,
"Why did I fight to get money
that I probably wouldn't get to see?"
Being old becomes a sport, a challenge,
but I am tired,
and I'd rather leave having won the game.
Money becomes a simple number,
like age.
Do you know who are more important
than players and managers?
The kitmen.
They're the ones who prepare the balls,
roll up the bandages for the players,
the shirts,
the shoes.
They sharpen the cleats
to cut the opponents.
They're the ones nobody knows about.
But they don't get punished either.
No one escapes unscathed here.
I learn something new from you every day.
If I had won this World Cup,
I could have retired in peace.
But you've already won a World Cup,
Don Julio.
Winning here in Brazil, my "Maracanazo,"
would have rewritten the history
of South American soccer.
Don Julio
you are South American soccer.
It's very important
that the paint job is perfect.
We have to apply one more coat here,
and the elevator will be ready next week.
I think it's better
if we give it two coats.
What's this nonsense?
I used what was left of the World Cup
and your trip to Luque
to do what we had agreed on.
Is that an elevator?
And it's going to be perfect.
Hey, Nené.
You know that this building
is only two floors, huh?
Two fucking floors.
Yes, but the other day,
Minister Parot stopped by,
and in order to bring her up
to the meeting room
they had to sit her on a chair,
and two men carried her up.
It was embarrassing, Sergio.
That can't happen.
It's disrespectful to disabled people.
And by the way,
we already have the model
for La Calera stadium.
-Do you want to see it?
-Yeah, sure.
-Can you show him the model?
-Yes, of course.
-How are you?
-Very good.
We even put the ANFP sign on it.
Do you like it?
I think we can make better use
of the space.
I think it can lift the stadium up.
You're crazy, Nené.
Everything okay?
What's wrong, Cecilita?
A game may have injury time,
but, eventually, it ends.
The ball stops rolling,
the last person leaves,
and there is no one left in the stadium,
just the muffled scream of a goal
or some small piece of paper
floating in the air.
a heart condition.
The death of Julio Humberto Grondona
shocks the soccer world.
For 35 years, Julio Grondona
was one of the leading figures
in South American soccer.
Death comes in handy
because it cuts through the bullshit.
The problem remains with the living,
because they go through to the next round.
Are you okay?
I'm going to Buenos Aires.
It's just that he was like
a father to you
these past few years, right?
A lot is going to happen at the funeral.
No, you can't ask me to do that.
It'll keep you occupied.
It'll be a distraction for you.
This was going to take us years
with this guy alive.
Without him, everything will fall apart,
and I need you to be ready.
We're right back where we started.
My funeral, my burial,
with all the money
they wanted to share out there.
And how Sergio shat himself!
Well, we already saw all that.
We'd better go back to the present.
The FIFA plenary, where everyone meets
to elect the new president.
Or the usual president,
in the case of FIFA.
And where each country's vote
is worth millions.
Besides, Don Julio always said,
"The winning team is untouchable."
Well, then what? Should we bring
a Ouija board to the next meeting
-to ask for a dead man's opinion?
-No, I don't know.
And while we're at it, we can ask him why
he gave us such a hard time
with the commissions, the old pansy.
I don't like this atmosphere.
You're so bitter.
You know what your problem is?
You don't know how to enjoy yourself.
You should have stayed in Brazil,
with Hawilla.
Tomorrow Mariano and I
have a meeting with Napout.
What time did you arrange for tomorrow?
We need a little time to prepare, okay?
Otherwise the Paraguayan
will think we made it up,
that we spent all our time here
eating canapés.
I'm up for one more.
Uruguay is a fairly secular country.
Who can say what is right
and what is wrong?
I, for example,
receive some payments from Panama,
and do you know what they call it?
"Tax haven."
If it's a haven,
it can't be a bad thing, can it, Father?
And yes, the boys confessed their sins,
and God ended up punishing them all.
Look at the mess you caused, Sergio.
To get us,
they had to attack us like this,
straight to the jugular.
This is how a species becomes extinct,
and an era ends.
My era.
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