Eli Roth Presents: The Legion of Exorcists (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Demonic Familiars

[creepy indistinct growling]
[creepy indistinct growling]
[Eli] Evil is on the rise.
Demons battle to possess
our souls.
[Eli] And drag us
one step closer
- [Eli]to hell.
But now, there is a gathering
of spiritual warriors
who defend us against
the devil's minions.
Go back to hell!
The might of the archangel
defend us in battle.
[growls] - [Eli] And unite to
banish the demons in our midst.
[demons growling]
[Eli] These are the true stories
of The Legion Of Exorcists.
Demons lurk in the shadows
waiting to create
a connection to our world
by infesting people,
objects, even animals.
It's the power to create
what exorcists call,
"The Demonic Familiar."
I've told you this many times
since we've all met.
I'm big about keeping it simple.
There's gonna be some battles
that we lose and a lot
of collateral damage
for a lot of people.
And that's why the world
is so ugly right now.
In my decade
of doing exorcisms
in the Las Vegas area,
I've been fortunate enough
to save many souls.
And I've lost a few, too.
Many years ago,
I learned about the link
between the demonic
and the animal world.
This story begins
with a veterinarian
named Cynthia
that reached out to me.
When I first spoke to Cynthia,
she described
having a whole list
of terrors that
she was suffering.
Starting with heavy objects
moving on their own,
a painting on her wall
that every time
she tried to hang it,
would either turn upside down
or be thrown down.
And the list goes on and on.
But what really made her
finally say, "Enough is enough.
I need to find some help,"
and reach out to me,
was the severe night terrors
that she was having.
Cynthia described to me
these night terrors
that were so frightening,
she didn't even wanna go
to sleep at night.
[footsteps approaching]
[wood creaking]
[wood creaks]
[heavy thud]
[beathing heavily]
[sighs wearily]
[dramatic music playing]
[creepy indistinct growling]
[Shawn] Doctor Cynthia told me
the most horrific story
of being terrorized
over and over again
by this black mist
that appears in her home.
Bites her, scratches her,
throws her about in her bed.
Absolutely horrific.
It felt so real to her,
not like a vision,
as though
it was really happening.
And I can feel
through her description
it was real.
And her attitude
towards life itself
and everything
about her life changed.
She became very violent
to her co-workers,
other colleagues, other doctors.
So, my wife decides
to come with me
and we go over
to this doctor's house.
We can sit here.
Thank you.
How long have you been
having these nightmares?
It's more like attacks.
A month.
I'm so sorry.
Are the scratches on your legs
from the animals at the clinic?
My wife and I
are talking to this doctor.
And I'm trying to get
more information out of her
about her background,
things she might have done
to bring this on.
And Doctor Cynthia
begins to act very strangely.
And as I look at these
scratches on her,
I then start to believe
that they're truly demonic.
[creepy music plays]
Anything else going on here
you wanna tell me about?
[heavy thud]
What was that?
Was that there before?
[Cynthia] I don't think
he likes me talking to you.
Don't come near me.
- Just trying to help.
[in demonic voice] Get away!
[coughs violently]
She's manifesting.
[Shawn] She starts
violently convulsing.
And at first, I couldn't tell if
she was having an actual seizure
or if this was indeed
a demonic attack.
But it became
brutally apparent to me
that this was a demonic entity
that did not want us there.
And this was only the beginning.
[both] Hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done
on Earth as it is in heaven.
[creepy indistinct growling]
[dramatic music swells]
[demon growls, vomits]
[dramatic music swells]
When a demon vomits on you
[demon growls, vomits]
I refer to that
as Demonic Venom.
It felt like I had sewage
thrown up on me.
Demonic venom can be deadly.
It can kill you
if you ingest it.
Thank God,
I didn't have my mouth open.
Doctor Cynthia finally came to.
And God bless her,
she seemed to be okay.
I knew this woman was in danger.
Unfortunately, I did not have the proper
tools with me to perform an exorcism.
So, we called a friend of
hers to
come stay with Doctor Cynthia,
while I regrouped
and got prepared
to do the exorcism.
In a spiritual war like this,
I felt I needed to make
a strategic retreat.
And get the proper help.
- Absolutely.
[Shawn] We set the date
for an exorcism.
It was all ready to go.
Two days before,
my friend calls me up
and says, "She's gone.
Doctor Cynthia is gone.
Didn't show up to work.
We couldn't open the clinic.
Everybody's been
looking for her.
We've contacted the police.
But she is gone."
And it just breaks my heart
that she's out there
somewhere alone
with no one to help her.
I had to contact everybody
and tell them
that the exorcism is off.
So, it never happened.
To this day, I still wonder
what happened to Cynthia.
I worry about her.
I pray for her everyday.
But that wasn't the last time
I was going to encounter
this demon.
There's a part two to this.
[creepy music swells]
About a month later,
I got another phone call
from another co-worker
of Cynthia's
who also needed my help.
Shortly after
Doctor Cynthia disappeared,
a co-worker of hers,
named Sharon
reached out to me.
Her daughter was starting to
have night terrors very similar
to the ones that
Doctor Cynthia was having.
And I suspected
they were connected.
My heart was bleeding for this
mother and her daughter.
I could really feel
in our conversation
how much torment
she was going through.
[Sharon] I love you.
[Carly] I love you, Mommy.
I know. Lie down.
Let's get cozy.
[clears throat]
Look out.
Now, no getting
out of bed tonight.
You need to sleep.
Good night, sweetie.
[creepy indistinct growling]
[sighs in exasperation]
[indistinct screaming]
[Sharon] Carly.
[Carly's voice distantly]
I don't know what to do.
I can't do that.
[Sharon] Carly.
But what do I do?
Okay. Okay.
But where do you want me to go?
I will. I will, I promise.
Honey. Who are you talking to?
I have to hide.
Grandma told me where to go.
Come here.
Well, the grandma died
before the girl was even born,
so she never even knew her
grandmother or met her.
She would walk
into the living room
and just sit down in the
pitch black and watch TV,
but the TV wasn't on.
And when the mother would say,
"Honey, what's wrong?
What are you doing out here?"
She would explain that she was
hiding from the man
with no face.
And that grandma was there
to help her.
And then, Sharon tells me,
"Rev, I can't sleep anymore.
I'm so terrified
for my daughter."
"A mother knows," she says,
"when something's
after your daughter.
So, help."
And I have to go over there
and see if perhaps
the demonic is involved.
That's where he waits
for me to fall asleep.
[Shawn] He waits for you
under the bed?
Does he say anything to you?
He just whispers.
I think he wants
to take me away.
[Shawn] It was eerie,
it was creepy.
I was getting that same feeling
that I got from the demonic
entity at Cynthia's house
now at Sharon's.
In spite of all this,
I had no concrete evidence,
I hadn't seen anything
or personally
experienced anything.
All I could go on
was my feeling
and my discernment.
Knowing the demonic could rear
its ugly head at any moment,
I was in fear for the life
of the young girl.
And I had Sharon take her
to a relative's house.
I do my complete walkthrough
inside the home
and I get nothing.
No signs of the demonic
being present at all.
So, I changed things up and
decide to go walk the property.
Do a little
outside investigation.
See what I might see,
what I might feel.
If there's anything out there
that might alert me
to what's actually
taking place inside the home.
In the name of the Father.
[creepy music playing]
I clearly see two red eyes
peering at me
through a window
on the second floor.
So, I rush back inside
to where I saw the red eyes
and I come face-to-face
with the same demon
that I saw at Cynthia's.
[creepy indistinct growling]
When I saw that
black mist again,
I knew I was in for a fight.
But this time I came prepared.
I had my Bible,
crucifix, holy water
and most importantly,
my faith.
But this demon was powerful.
And it quickly overtook me.
[creepy indistinct growling]
[demon growls]
I am now face-to-face
with the same black mist
that I saw at Cynthia's.
The first time, it tried
to get me with demonic venom.
Now, I am paralyzed
by this black mist
that is dishing out
a whoop ass on me like
I've never been
whooped on before.
It felt as though
I was being repeatedly
jabbed over and over
and over again
by cattle prods.
There was a moment
during this attack
where I honestly felt
I was going to die.
I was being dragged to hell.
[indistinct screaming]
[Shawn] I heard
what sounded like
thousands and thousands
of souls just in agony,
crying out.
I know that this is it
for me, this is it.
I wasn't done with God.
I wasn't done with God.
I wasn't done with Jesus.
And I wasn't done
with my guardian angel.
[sobbing] But I told him, I said,
"God, I'm made out for this."
[voice breaks] "I'm not
cut out for this.
I can't do this. I cannot
do this anymore. I'm done.
I know, maybe,
you created me for this.
This is your grand scheme
for me,
but I'm not up to it."
Well, you don't tell God
what you're up to
[man] Right.
- He tells you.
And I don't know
how much time passed by,
but I remember hearing a voice.
I hear this woman say to me
these exact words,
"Pray, dummy. Pray."
Hail Mary, full of grace.
Jesus, send me your strength.
To all those above
who watch over me,
send me your strength.
Michael the Archangel, Peter,
Paul and all of the saints,
send me your strength.
I am only a vessel.
It is He who commands you.
Find the power
of our higher authority.
All wicked legions,
assemblies and sects,
I exorcise thee unclean spirit
in the name of God
and Jesus Christ, our Lord.
I have had enough of you!
[sighs in relief]
[Shawn] All of a sudden
it was over.
The attack was over.
I was able to get a deep breath,
sit up.
And I could feel that
the demon was gone.
And I knew that
I had defeated it.
Praise God.
- Amen.
[Sharon] Reverend!
[breathes heavily]
Are you okay?
Don't move.
Your wife's on her way.
It's gone. I promise.
Thank you.
Sharon and her daughter
are doing very well.
I think her and her sister
bought another home together.
They're very religious people.
Both families combined to make
a really strong family unit.
And they're very active
in their church.
Cynthia was never found.
There was no crime,
no sign of foul play, no murder.
- Wow.
So, they just basically,
they're not searching for her
anymore, but she's gone.
So, Reverend, do you think
these two cases are related?
I believe the demonic
run in packs.
So, I do believe
it's all connected.
And since it all originated
at an animal hospital,
I started questioning everybody
to see if I can figure out
if they came in contact
with something there
that followed them home
of a demonic nature.
And it seems as though
it was connected.
Both Sharon and Cynthia
came in contact
with a very odd cat
that was brought
into the hospital.
Can I help you?
- [man] Yeah, you should have got a call
from the Police Department
about a cat.
Cat found at crime scene, right?
Yeah, he was pretty
freaked out when I got there.
I don't him. You should have
seen the place.
There was skulls and pentagrams
scratched in the walls.
It was pretty crazy even for me.
- [Sharon] Coming.
Oh, my.
What happened?
I did my best.
Looks like they were trying
to sacrifice the little guy.
[cat growling]
Come here, it's okay.
Come here, it's okay.
[both scream]
It was unclear at that time
that this cat was part
of some type of cult activity,
witchcraft, what have you.
That cat had become
a Demonic Familiar,
an embodiment of evil.
So, this cat was the link.
Because it came
into the hospital.
Both Sharon and Cynthia
had contact with it.
And it seemed like the demonic
had taken up shop.
That demon was trying
to take you out twice.
And twice you defied it.
Even with all that
demon's trickery and violence,
you were able to save that girl.
I've had this discussion
with many colleagues
in our field
and the overall consensus is,
is that I probably did die
during that demonic attack.
What pulled me back out
of the bowels of hell
was prayer,
was the power of prayer.
When that spirit left Cynthia
and went through you,
it caught a glimpse
of the light,
your destiny, your calling
and it knew
what it was dealing with.
This connection between
demonic and animal,
I've seen it before.
It brought me face-to-face
with this demonic evil.
A woman came to my office
because she was being tortured
by nightmares, attacks, terror.
These night terrors
that she told me about
could only be brought on
by the demonic.
I command you to
release this woman
and everyone you had
tainted with your curse.
[in demonic voice] You do not
have enough power.
You cannot command us.
By the power
of the angels in heaven,
release this woman.
How does a demon attach itself
to an object or an animal?
Exorcists blame the rise
in witchcraft
black magic
and the power of curses.
Before I've gone to the
ministry that I'm in now,
I fought evil
in a different way.
I was in law enforcement.
Throughout my 21-year career,
I've seen so much evil
on the streets
that I didn't understand.
Back in the days
of law enforcement,
you know, I looked at things
that are natural.
I didn't realize
that what was out on the streets
is simply just a rise
of the demonic
and witchcraft.
But I thank God that it prepared
me for what I'm doing today.
I had no idea
that I was going to get involved
in a ministry like this.
But Lord will call you
to do some things
and pull you
into a different direction.
That's what happened to me,
I got pulled into hell.
[knock on door]
I'm sorry. I didn't know
who else to call.
Is that your son?
[mother] That's him.
You probably think I'm crazy
calling the police.
I don't know what to do.
Hey, look at me, son.
Your ma's worried about you.
I know you probably
think you're a big boy
and don't need
to listen to your ma.
She's really concerned
about you.
[in demonic voice] Leave.
What's wrong with my son?
That was my first time experiencing
demonic to that capacity.
But I knew then that
that would not be my last.
That launched the calling
that the Lord have for my life.
I've been training
and I've been actively doing
ministry for deliverance
for almost 17 years now.
People come into
my office from
thank the Lord,
from all over the country.
A variety of different things,
some dealing with
emotional wounds.
Some dealing with what they believe
is witchcraft coming against them.
Some dealing with
demonic oppression.
On this particular day,
it was about
Six o'clock was my last
appointment for the day.
I went into the lobby area
of my office
and I met a woman at the door.
It was an African-American lady
who identified herself
as Miss Jill.
And I noticed that
she was very fidgety.
She was looking down,
she seemed to be
really fearful and worried.
She had bandages on her arms
and I noticed
they were covering tattoos.
And she would tell me
that at night she would just
continually itch and scratch
her arms excessively.
Then she proceeded to tell me
about these horrible
demonic dreams
that she's been having.
No, leave me alone.
Leave me alone.
No. No!
[breathing heavily]
[snake hissing]
[breathing heavily]
[scratching vigorously]
[Donnie] She said,
"Pastor Donnie,
I don't know what's going on
with my body.
I feel like there's something
crawling underneath my skin."
I asked her,
"Well, what does it feel like?
What is it
What do you think it is?"
And she said, she felt that
it was some type of insect
or maybe, a serpent
or some type of snake
that was crawling 'cause
it was like a wiggly motion.
So, clearly, I wanna help her
because I don't know
what's going on with her.
She's a bit concerned.
But everything is not a demon.
It could be some
psychological issues,
a medical issue,
so I need to do
more investigation.
The doctor, the medical team could
not find anything wrong with her.
So, she knew then that
that was a spiritual attack.
She said it lasted over a
period of about a month or so.
By the time she came to see me,
she said it was far worse.
This thing was really
trying to wear her out.
She's been
tormented at night
and even during the day.
[heavy thud]
[office worker] Ooh, sorry.
Dropped my stapler again.
Never mind. Sorry.
[Jill cries]
[uneasy crawling noises]
I begin to wonder,
the tattoos, the bandages,
the night terror,
I begin to think
that they were all related.
The tattoos, I notice there
was a sleeve on both arms.
And she assured me
that they were
all done professionally.
And my immediate impression
was witchcraft.
Because witches
and people involved in voodoo
will send snakes,
will send insects.
Through their connection
of witchcraft and dark arts,
animals can become connected
to a demonic entity.
That's what we call
a Demonic Familiar.
She assured me that she was not
involved with any type of witchcraft
or anything of this sort.
At this point, I didn't know
if it was a possession case
or not.
But my goal is to pray with her
and see what the Holy Spirit
would reveal.
And when I started
praying for her,
I knew then that
this is something deeper
than just a fear
that she was experiencing.
There was something more
demonic and darker.
I just want it to stop.
I never felt anything
like this before.
Let's pray.
Let's get you the help needed
to fend off these attacks.
We come to you, Lord
for the help and guidance.
I need to relieve this woman
for the evil
that has gotten a hold of her.
[creepy indistinct growling]
- [Donnie] Our Father
who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will--
- [Jill gasps]
[angelic voice echoes]
Her arms.
[Jill continues whimpering]
[angelic voice echoes]
The tattoos.
[uneasy music grows more tense]
Release her!
I command you in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[creepy indistinct growling]
[Donnie] I command you
to release her.
[creepy indistinct growling]
- [Donnie] Release this child.
The Holy Spirit told me twice.
"Focus on the tattoos."
There were some flowers
or some trees
and tropical things
on both sleeves.
Nothing that would stand out
that was demonic.
When a Holy Spirit speaks,
I stop and I listen.
So, I took some annotated oil
and I annotated her arms.
But I was not prepared
for what happened next.
[creepy indistinct growling]
- [woman screams]
Who are you?
I command you to answer.
[in demonic voice]
My name is Maria.
[Donnie] When I heard
that Hispanic voice
coming out of that
American woman,
I knew there was some
sort of strong witchcraft.
She says,
"I'm a Santeria witch."
So, this woman was in Mexico.
And the woman that I mentioned
to you was in United States.
And so, at that point,
we're about to go into battle.
[Donnie] How did you
get inside this woman?
[in demonic voice] We are in.
You cannot get us out.
[creepy indistinct growling]
Do you like our pretty drawings?
The ink is cursed, Priest.
You cannot reach her.
We are in her blood.
As I was ministering to her,
I took the Bible and I
placed it against her head
and I asked the Lord
to open up my eyes to see.
And the Lord gave me a vision
of a person cutting a snake.
And draining the blood
of the snake
in what appears to be ink.
That's when I realized,
that when Jill got those tattoos
that the ink contained
rattlesnake blood.
And the ink was cursed.
When Maria told me that the
ink of the tattoo was cursed,
I knew there was a demon
attached to that.
Witches will use demons
to inflict curses.
So, now I know
because of the blood
from the rattlesnake
that's in the ink,
there are serpent spirits there.
Now, this is beyond
just simple prayer for Jill.
Now that I know that
I'm dealing with witchcraft,
it is time to do an exorcism.
In the Jesus' name,
I command you
to release this woman
and break this curse!
[creepy indistinct growling]
It was very terrifying
and horrific to watch
this demon contort her body.
[creepy indistinct growling]
She fell out of the chair
and began to squirm
like a serpent
with her tongue
slithering back and forth.
For any person to see
a human body conform
to the image of a snake
is hard to look at.
It's a very traumatic sight.
[creepy indistinct growling]
[Donnie] Clearly, this was
a very strong demonic spirit.
[Donnie] By the power of the Holy
Spirit, I command you
break this curse!
[Jill whimpers]
No matter what I did,
as far as praying
and commanding the enemy
to release her,
the enemy wouldn't.
So, I knew then the devil was
holding onto something. - Right.
'Cause when the devil
fights that hard,
then he's gotta be holding on to something.
- Has the hold.
And the Holy Spirit spoke to
me, saying, "There's another."
So, I knew then I had
another witch to contend with.
This woman was possessed
by multiple demons.
I command you, demon,
send forth your master.
[in demonic voice] I am Jesus.
A Hispanic man
spoke out of this woman
and he said his name was Jesus.
Jesus says,
he's the head witch
or the head warlock
over the Santeria witches.
I ask Jesus, "How many batches
of ink was sent to the US?"
He said, "Thousands.
We put snake blood
in all of them."
I command you to release
all of whom you have afflicted.
[in Jesus' voice] Never.
I command you to release
all whom you have afflicted.
[in Jesus' voice] No!
I command you to release
this woman
and everyone you have tainted
with your curse.
[in Jesus' voice] You do not
have no power,
you cannot command us.
By the power
of the angels in heaven,
release this woman.
- [screams]
The demon was resistant
'cause demons don't wanna go.
They will fight to the end.
I asked the angels of the Lord
to take their swords and point
it at the neck of this demon.
And then the demon
started screeching.
And it started growling.
By the power of the Father.
The Son and the Holy Spirit.
Be at peace.
[Donnie] We knew then
that she was free.
And I spoke with her weeks later
and she was doing fine.
No issues at all.
Sleeping well at night,
doing great in her job.
She was so happy.
Her faith went
to a whole different level
'cause she knows
that the power of God is real.
I believe this case
is a good example
in how the enemy can get in
without you even knowing it.
It's different when you
open a door knowingly
to the demonic, to darkness.
But Jill,
she had no knowledge
that the ink was cursed.
And that the demon came in
through the cursed ink.
And there was a serpent demon
attached to the ink.
[Donnie] The ink
itself was cursed.
It was considered
a cursed object at that point.
So, it made me angry that the enemy
will slither in any way he can.
The Santeria witch
who did this,
did this with an intent
and that's what made it
even more dangerous
because it was conjured.
And that's how
the demonic gets involved
and even stronger.
[Donnie] It seems like lately,
we're dealing with more witchcraft
then we are demons. - Yes.
Witchcraft is on the rise here
in this country. - Absolutely.
And it's getting even more evil
and I see that increasing
in these end times.
I believe that the devil
is trying to take out
as many people as he can.
Amen. - And he would
use whatever device
or whatever he can do to
get in to try to destroy you.
'Cause he comes to
kill, steal and destroy.
We're in the end times.
For all of the demon's
power and fury,
all their tricks and deception,
sometimes a simple word
is enough
to threaten humanity forever.
All it takes is one mistake
to give the devil the edge.
Then, no one is safe.
At the next gathering
of The Legion of Exorcists,
demonic provocation,
unleashing the power of evil.
We ended up having our
very first demonic experience.
I command you
to part from this place.
Back to hell!
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