Elkhorn (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Desperate Measures

ANNOUNCER: Previously
on Elkhorn
SEWALL: Met a boy once.
Gifted with great ambition,
cursed with a weak heart.
your maiden name be
Von Hoffman as in the daughte
of Louis Von Hoffman?
My father has been
most supportive
of our Western venture.
ROSIE: I never did
catch your name.
Wilmot Dow.
Rosie Maddox.
COWBOY: New to town, boys?
- No! Don’t!
I told you, if
you were afraid of
privations and
discouragements, don’t come.
And I came with Mary’s blessing.
I ain’t decided
whether I’m stayin’.
MADDOX: Ain’t a
huckster yet been able
to make it to the porch,
but you’re welcome
to give it a go!
(stammering) I beg
your pardon, Ma’am,
but I’m no huckster. [GUNSHO
MADDOX: Don’t care
for liars, neither!
I can spot you boys a mile out.
Ain’t no self-respectin’
cowboy wearin’
no glittery knife out
here on the frontier.
Just beggin’ for a
bandit to lift it off ya.
You salesmen might
be good at talkin’
others outta their money,
but you’re sure darn
fool with your own.
Now state your business
or be gone.
I came to commission
the services
of the best seamstress
in all of the Badlands.
Although perhaps
I should reconsider?
After all,
I’m a darn fool with my money.
A customer?
why didn’t you say
so to begin with?
Come on!
Well, you’re in luck.
I’ve got two pelts left
over from last winter.
Buckskin ain’t a popular
getup around these parts.
Well, I’ve wanted a
suit since I was a boy.
Better move that darn foot
and everything else
attached to it!
Sincerest apologies, Ma’am.
I ain’t no Ma’am neither,
just Maddox.
A huckster I can
spot a mile out,
but a Roosevelt,
at arm’s length, I suppose.
Heard you were tryin’ your hand
out this way ranchin’ anyhow.
I’m from New York
m’self, y’know.
You’ve never heard of it.
Look, buckskin ain’t
practical out here.
It don’t breathe,
and it shrinks when it storms.
And it storms aplenty.
It’s not for every day.
It’s for a profile, for
the papers, back east.
It’s high time they knew the
ranchman and not the politician.
I’ve got a photographer coming.
MADDOX: Can’t measure you if
you don’t stand up straight.
Sorry, the ride must’ve
tuckered me.
Hold on.
I’m just fine.
As I was saying,
a photographer is en route
from New York.
He should be here
in around five days.
So the suit must be
ready. MADDOX: Hmm.
It’ll be ready,
by the skin of my teeth,
but it will be ready.
Thank you, Ma-
Thank you-Maddox.
MADDOX: Mister Roosevelt?
Mister Roosevelt?
DOW: Well,
that’s mighty
sweet of Aunt Mary.
Does she miss me?
I certainly miss her.
Especially her cookin’.
Heckuva lot tastier
than what I got goin’
in the kitchen that’s for sure.
Was all that yapping just
to say that dinner’s ready?
Well, Uncle,
folks out here,
they might call that
po-lite conversation.
What on earth can that be?
big, deep breath for me.
Give me one more.
Infection of the
digestive system.
You needn’t have
summoned the doctor.
I easily could’ve
told you as much.
SEWALL: Just relax
now, Mister Roosevelt.
Bosh, Bill!
I’ve beaten this many
times before, and
I will beat it once more.
With respect, Sir,
that was in New York, with
sanitary conditions
and plentiful medicine.
You’re in no condition to
be doing much of anything,
and it’s gonna take us
the better part of a week
to get the proper
remedies out from Chicago.
I cannot
wait a week!
I have important preparations
to attend to. Enough
of this foolishness!
MADDOX: Now, you just lie
yourself down, Mister Roosevelt!
You got yourself a condition,
and throwin’ a temper tantrum
ain’t gonna make it no better!
him well rested,
plenty of water.
Fever should break
in a day or two,
with any luck.
SEWALL: And without luck?
keep him rested. Alright?
The photographer is
expecting an excerpt
from my book
about my exploits on
the frontier thus far.
If it is not finished
when he arrives, then
MADDOX: Then he won’t get it,
will he?
I’ve seen this
one time too many.
Just as good a chance that his
fever don’t break than it does.
So what do we do?
Well, I can tend
to him here, but
what your boss needs is tawote.
Not familiar.
- It’s a local medicine
from the Sioux village
just a ways north here.
Sioux? MADDOX: That’s right.
Tawote’s made from
the sweet flower
and bitter roots
that grow near ’em.
Remedy for just about
anything that ails you.
If only Merrifield were here.
He’d ride there and
back somethin’ quick.
Well, I’m not Merrifield, but
I’ll give it a go.
DOW: Uncle, I can go.
You’re still a little
shaky in the saddle.
MADDOX: Well, whoever’s
goin’, they need to go now.
Mister Roosevelt ain’t
got so much time.
You ride straight on,
there ain’t no reason
why you can’t be
back by sundown tomorrow.
Best get on then.
I’m afraid he’s done for, Ma’am.
If the fish are spoiled
by time they reach Dakota,
imagine their
arrival in New York.
Freight from
Columbia’s too slow.
It ain’t lastin’
between the ice houses.
Well, until they can
build faster trains,
we’ll just have to
build more ice houses,
won’t we?
Makes perfect sense.
this arrived for you.
Everything alright, Ma’am?
I am wonderful,
simply wonderful.
JOE: What do you want
me to do about the-
the fish?
SEWALL: Easy, easy, easy.
Good girl. Yeah.
Yeah. I know we’re both tired.
I’ll keep at it if you will.
MADDOX: Now you just relax.
This ain’t for you,
not yet anyway.
I ain’t missed a deadline yet
and I ain’t about to.
My seamstress and my warden.
MADDOX: By any name, I intend
to see that you get better.
If only to see how silly
you look in this getup
when it’s done.
It’s the
dress of the American Frontier.
And what’s next, then? Hmm?
A top hat like Abraham Lincoln?
You just worry about
getting better.
Oh, I will get better.
This will not beat me.
Oh, I believe you.
Now rest.
BULLY: What’s the matter? Does
The-o-dore have a tummy ache?
Leave me be-!
BULLY: Or what?
You’ll cough on us?
I’m not afraid of you!
What’s going on there!?
BULLY: Daddy won’t always
be around to protect you,
you were supposed to stay inside
until your pain subsided.
It’s never really gone.
It always comes back.
Alright. Come on, sit up now.
Do you remember
our trip to Africa?
Of course.
The jackals on the safari,
remember how they always
went after the weaker prey?
There are plenty of jackals
in this world, Theodore.
And they’ll always come
after you if you let them,
but it is not their choice.
It’s yours.
Just as you’ve chosen to
strengthen your character,
so too must you also your body.
And we can make
your body, Theodore.
But until you have
that strength,
you must project it,
or the jackals will have you.
Come on.
Let’s go inside and
get that cleaned up.
And you’ll need yet
another pair of glasses.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
SEWALL: Stubborn beast.
What’s gotten into you?
Easy, easy, easy.
I went and pushed you
too far, didn’t I?
We best get goin’.
It’s a long walk ahead of us.
Come on.
MARQUIS: With a second
mine in the Black Hills,
we’ll have the clay
extracted by the spring
and we will finally-
MARQUIS: My love, we were
just- MEDORA: Get out!
What’s the meaning of this?
I’ve been looking
for you everywhere.
He can’t be serious!
Father feels he’s
given us enough.
MARQUIS: But for certain,
he must understand what,
what we are trying
to build here.
What he understands is profit
and our lack, thus far.
We are spread too thin,
across too many ventures,
too many industries.
Gutless old fool.
We will find the
money elsewhere.
Let us sell the hotel.
I beg your pardon?
It will take far too long
to turn a profit in itself.
First, you insult my father,
and then, you offer my
business to be sacrificed?
It is you who has spread
us so thin, dearest.
And now you have put
our entire enterprise
at the mercy of
the coming round up
and our fate
in the hands of those who
do not wish us to succeed.
We must consider those whose
fate is in our hands,
who have benefitted
from our mercy.
We will call in our debts.
You know, you oughta
be thanking me?
Most cowboys would put you
outta your misery.
Okay. Well,
you’re welcome.
You smell that girl?
That’s a fire.
Come on.
Let’s go. Come on.
A few more steps.
Alright, Son.
Happy birthday.
What is all of this?
Tools, Theodore.
These are the tools you’ll
need to make your body.
Three days of the week
will be dedicated to lifting.
We’ll have someone
here to help you.
And on Wednesdays,
Mister Colson,
who’s the champion of the gym,
is going to train you on boxing.
A life worth living is active
and inquisitive, Theodore.
Wasted only when you
stop discovering,
and you stop
challenging yourself.
You can’t let your body
dictate its limits.
Your mind is strong
enough to reach beyond.
But, Dad the doctors
said I should-
No. It’s not
about the doctors.
It’s up to you.
Here. Come here.
Come on now.
Ball up a fist, like this
with your thumbs on the
outside, both hands.
I want you to bend your knees.
Okay. Now using only
these first two knuckles,
I want you to hit
straight into the bag.
those knees bent,
shoulders strong.
DOW: Excuse me, Ma’am.
Oh, a man of his word.
You don’t look so
pleased to see me.
DOW: No, (stammering)
I’m pleased.
I’m more than
pleased, it’s just uh-
ROSIE: Well, these are
for Mister Roosevelt.
They’re leftovers
from the old hotel.
How did you know?
MADDOX: Well, that’s
simple, ain’t it?
I told Doc Stickney
to fetch my niece.
Girl, what took you so long?
- Hold on. So?
- ROSIE: Auntie Maddox took over
lookin’ after me
after my folks passed.
MADDOX: And she turned out
pretty well, despite it.
ROSIE: Auntie, Wilmot here’s
the one I was tellin’ ya about.
The handsome fella?
ROSIE: Auntie!
Don’t pay no mind to her.
Well, I should be
getting back to work now.
MADDOX: You be careful,
you hear? ROSIE: Of course.
that was awful kind of you.
Of course. Don’t worry.
Mister Roosevelt’s
in good hands.
DOW: I’m sure.
Hey, ah,
do you-
It’s dark out, and do you need
someone to ride back home with you?
No. That’s alright. The
hotel buck driver brought me.
Oh. Okay.
good night Wilmot.
Good night, Rosie.
Ma’am, uh, [MADDOX SCOFFS]
do-uh- MADDOX: Hmm.
Yes, Ma’am.
SEWALL: Alright.
Wish me luck, girl.
LOUISE: Now, it ain’t
polite to lurk like that.
MADDOX: Made you some
tea, Mister Roosevelt,
if you can keep it down.
Mister Roosevelt?
MADDOX: Theodore Roosevelt!
Only my enemies
and my mother
have taken such a tone.
MADDOX: Well, you’ll be
feelin’ the wrath of both
if you don’t get yourself back
into that bed this instant!
I just need to
finish this excerpt,
and then I’ll be
right back to resting.
It’s as you said,
I’ve never missed a deadline,
and I’m not about to. MADDOX:
Well, I wouldn’t had said that
if I was knockin’ on
the gates of heaven.
Then I’d be doing
more important things
than making some
darn fool his shirt.
Don’t go thinkin’ you’re
the first stubborn man
I’ve ever come across.
There used to be a
Mister Maddox, you know.
Tried to raise his hands to me
while under the whims of whisky.
I tell you what, I showed him
the underside of
an iron stove lid,
and I ain’t never
seen him since.
Are you resorting
to threats now?
I’ll resort to
whatever I see fit
in order to get you on the mend.
do you care?
I am but a stranger to you.
You ain’t a stranger.
You’re a neighbor.
And if neighbors don’t
look out for each other,
ain’t no one gonna
make it out here.
I’ve made my decision.
I will return to
bed. MADDOX: Hm hmm.
Come on.
This way.
SEWALL: Is this
entirely necessary?
LOUISE: A stranger rides onto
your property under dark?
I’d say so.
And if he said he needed help,
I’d believe him.
Look, all I’m only
asking to swap horses.
I’ll make you a fair offer.
Money’s fair, sure.
’Cept it leaves us
stranded with a broken pony
while you take off
with our good one.
The money’s just a
gesture of good faith.
Now, I’ll get you a fresh
horse, a good horse,
once I get back to the ranch.
And uh,
whose ranch did you
say this was, again?
Mister Theodore Roosevelt.
WALTER: And who else you
got on that ranch, huh?
Wyatt Earp?
SEWALL: Please?
My friend is suffering.
If you delay me further, well,
he may,
he may meet his end.
LOUISE: He takes us for
a couple of simpletons,
just ripe for the hoodwinkin’
with that bum pony.
I ain’t hoodwinking no one.
LOUISE: Check his pockets.
WALTER: Get up!
Maybe it’s an autograph
from Theodore himself!
What else you got?
LOUISE: Calm down, Walt.
I think he’s telling the truth.
This woman,
she mentions that Roosevelt.
Be an awful big act, to have
wrote all this up just in case.
Seems to me the only thing
you might be guilty of is
making your wife quite lonely.
Had to leave Mary back East.
LOUISE: You didn’t
have to do nuthin’.
Ain’t safe out here.
LOUISE: That one there
told me the same thing,
when he said he wanted to come
out and go full homesteadin’.
I didn’t let him tell me no.
The way I see it,
if we struggle, we
struggle together.
We build our future
out here together.
You understand?
Give him the horse, Walt.
Man’s got places to be.
Thank you, Ma’am.
Now, don’t forget about us.
And good luck with
Mister Roosevelt.
To what do WE owe the pleasure?
That’s a lovely piano, isn’t it?
And recently-tuned.
ROBERTS: Just last week.
After a few cowhands got
a little rowdy near it.
Had to replace a few
of the ivories, too.
MEDORA: Curious.
That you can afford
such luxuries
and yet remain months
behind on rent.
Now then,
that there’s necessary,
to bring in customers.
MEDORA: There isn’t
another saloon
for twenty miles, Bob.
I think your customers
can make do.
You know I’m good for the money.
MEDORA: Then be
good for it now,
Now look here.
Don’t matter who you are,
I don’t care for nobody
questioning my honor
or trying to shake me down.
You refuse to honor your debt?
If you’re gonna shoot me,
you best go and do it.
I’ll settle the
debt in due course.
And word of advice?
Next time you wanna
go threatin’ a fella,
maybe bring someone a bit
sturdier to do the threatin’.
MARQUIS: Fine advice.
My wife was very clear, Bob.
Your bill has come due.
ROBERTS: (sputtering) I’ll-pay-
every cent,
by tomorrow! I swear! I swear!
MEDORA: We are exercising
our legal right
to collect all
outstanding debts.
MARQUIS: Put the word out.
If any soul who owes our
enterprise a single cent,
it is time to settle up.
SEWALL: Hello?
Need medicine-
(bad pronunciation) Wote?
Wate? Wote?
MAHKAH: Owákahnige sni.
SEWALL: My friend,
Need medicine.
Medicine please.
Lady Maddox, I was sent
here by Lady Maddox.
MAHKAH: Maddox? Maddox!
SEWALL: Yes, yes, Lady Maddox.
MAHKAH: Ah, tawote.
Sinkpe Tawote.
SEWALL: Tawote! Yes!
Tawote! I need tawote.
No tawote. Trade.
My wife gave me
this. No trade.
You have saved my friend’s life.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
DOW: Misses Maddox,
is Mister Roosevelt
going to pull through?
MADDOX: If this fever
don’t break soon,
he ain’t gonna last the night.
DR. LANDRY: What do you think
I’m gonna tell you, Theodore?
Nothing I haven’t
heard a hundred times.
That I have asthma,
a bad heart, and
I’m blind as a bat.
You forgot about
your weak stomach.
You shouldn’t be
running up stairs,
much less going on
extravagant hunting trips.
Are you suggesting that I’m
not taking my health seriously?
Because it’s precisely the
reason why I called you here.
I’m to be married
next month, and
I want to be strong for her.
Well, if you also intend to
live a long life with her,
then it needs to
be a sedentary one.
I’ve been told that by
everyone my entire life,
everyone except
my father.
I was sorry to hear
of his passing.
With all due respect,
if he were here now,
he would tell you
just the same as I.
That the life you describe
is not one worth living.
(muttering) Father.
MADDOX: Not a moment too soon!
Take a detour, did we?
SEWALL: It’s a long story.
can you hear me?
I made it, boy.
Come on.
You gotta fight.
You hear me, Theodore?
You gotta fight.
Now, you hear me?
MADDOX: Mister Roosevelt,
I need you to drink this now.
SEWALL: Is he gonna be alright?
Just maybe.
I know.
I know. [COUGHING]
CYRIL: I’m here to
see Mister Roosevelt.
Is he in?
SEWALL: Mister
Roosevelt is uh
he’s uh- ROOSEVELT:
He most certainly is!
Shall we get started?
Could we try it
without the glasses?
ROOSEVELT: Of course.
CYRIL: That’s great,
Mr. Roosevelt!
MADDOX: I ain’t much
use with any of this.
You gentlemen, take care.
And you as well, Ma’am.
MADDOX: Boy, you best
stop calling me Ma’am
if you wanna keep
things straight between
you and my Rosie.
DOW: Ahh,
Missus Maddox.
MADDOX: Just Maddox.
Just Maddox.
And stay still.
this all seems silly
as heck, don’t it?
CYRIL: Absolutely
perfect, Mr. Roosevelt!
I don’t know what
to tell you, Wil.
He said it was perfect.
We’ve been receiving
payments all day
for debts I do not
even recall holding.
But I doubt they are
enough to build mines
or ice houses.
Those can wait.
You are enough.
You were right
about the hotel.
It may never turn a profit,
but it was never about that.
We must civilize this place,
if you intend us to stay
and not for some greater good.
For us.
For the family we’ll build here.
Are you saying that you?
- Not yet.
But someday soon.
After all
what good is an empire
without an heir?
Best keep drinking this.
I’m on the mend. Just
all that posing
took it out of me,
and it turns out that buckskin
doesn’t breathe so well.
TR: You saved my life, Bill.
How do they do it?
These men, in Dakota,
they look death
right in the eye, and
they do not blink.
Yeah, you just ain’t
seen ’em blink.
They’re no braver than us.
I’ve been
thinking about Mary a lot.
Thinking that maybe, ah,
you know, us being apart
it ain’t so good.
What are you saying, Bill?
Do you wish to go back?
I want Mary here.
Start my own adventure with her,
the good, the bad
and all it brings.
I’d be delighted.
What say you bring her
here after the round up
once all the work is completed?
Alright then.
I was planning on heading
home to winter anyhow.
Looks like the train
will just be a bit more
crowded coming
back in the spring.
it sure will be nice
to have a woman’s touch
around the place, won’t it?
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