Emperor of Ocean Park (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Chapter Five

[TAL] Previously on
"Emperor of Ocean Park"
Mariah, why don't you use this time
to deal with the fact
that our father died?
[MARIAH] Dad didn't
die of natural causes.
He was murdered, Tal.
And Uncle Jack did it.
Silver Audi down there,
it's been following me.
Someone's been driving
around, dogging me for days.
I think it's the other
fake FBI agent, Foreman.
[KIMMER] Whatever you're
getting sucked into
with Mariah seems like trouble.
- She just needs some closure.
- She needs therapy.
Look, I know the behavior of
a cheater when I see it.
If I send you an address,
can you drive by it
and tell me if she's with anyone?
Are you really sure you want to know?
[TAL] Jerry Nathanson?
[OLIVER] You have little time.
You are unlikely to be the only one
who is searching for the arrangements.
Excelsior, my son. Excelsior.
[TAL] I don't even know what
the hell the arrangements are
or who's involved with
them or why they exist.
Has anyone been following you?
I haven't seen anybody. Why?
There's a BMW that's been tailing us.
- Floor it.
Ah, thanks a billion, man.
I left you a little
something at the front desk.
Thank you, sir.
[MARIAH] Trying to hightail
it out of town, big brother?
Gotta get back to my place in New York.
What, do I need permission
to go to my other home?
Why did you tell Sally to
destroy Dad's scrapbook?
[ADDISON] You saw the book, Tal.
- But I didn't.
- You didn't want to.
It was full of hit-and-run clippings
from when Dad was
drinking whiskey like water
and barely sleeping.
Losing Abby, it tore him up.
It tore us all up.
We were all grieving.
But none of us went off
the deep end like Dad.
Abby was his baby.
And I didn't want you or anyone else
to remember him that way,
like some crazy old loon.
So yeah, I told Sally
to get rid of the book.
Now, do I need permission to leave?
No. But maybe next time
you're gonna destroy Dad's shit, don't.
So you're just gonna leave us here
to figure this all out by ourselves?
Whatever Dad was doing died with him.
Leave it that way.

Addison knows something
he's not telling us.
Dad wasn't crazy.
Ah, he kind of was.
What? He was.
[SCOFFS] I'm gonna meet with my friend
who did the huge Ziegler piece
for the "Tribune" tomorrow.
There's gotta be some
information directly tying
Ziegler's murdering ass to Dad's death.
Or it will exonerate him
'cause Dad had a heart attack.
Whatever. What are you gonna do?
I'm gonna link with
Dad's old chess buddy.
I think he can share some insight
on this "Excelsior" chess problem.
Good luck with that, nerd.
Chess was never my thing.
Luckily, it was mine.
[ADDISON] You forgot
your suspenders, Steve.
Yeah, Steve Urkel?
That's you.
I have a tournament today.
[ADDISON] Guess you gotta look all fly
to impress; them chess geeks, huh?
I'd rather be hoopin'
at open gym with you.
Coach needs to see I'm good
enough to make the team.
Oh, shit.
Okay, we better watch out then.
I'm gonna lose today
on purpose.
For real.
You ain't got the nuts.
The judge bro, look, listen.
I said listen. The judge will kill you.
Stop the roughhousing.
- You ready?
- Yes, sir.
I'll meet you at the car.

Let's talk opening
principles before we go in.
Don't forget to develop your pieces.
Control the center with your pawns.
And make sure
To watch for bishop
pins on the kingside.
I know, Dad.
Just want to give you the
best opportunity to win, son.
We've been playing together
since, like, forever.
I got this.
Hey, but it's still fun, right?
But basketball is fun, too.
Basketball is great, Son.
But chess is chess is special.
Not everyone can play the game.
Takes patience, discipline.
[OLIVER] Addison, Mariah, Abby,
not one chess bone in their bodies.
But you,
you have a natural
instinct for the game.
Did Martin and Martina get
their STEM projects in on time?
[HOWARD] Course they did, honey.
Okay, just making sure.
[HOWARD] Oh, we're doing just fine
since, uh, you moved out.
I did not move out.
Oh, really?
When's the last time you
slept here two nights in a row?
Howard, not now. I'm
trying to get ready.
[HOWARD] Wait a second.
Are you nervous?
How cute is that?
Cute? Babe, I am a grown-ass woman.
Oh, trust me, I know.
I haven't seen Hannah in 15 years.
And her career has
exploded in that time.
I'm just worried she
won't respect me anymore.
Why, 'cause you've been
out of the business?
Well, that and I chose
to be a stay-at-home mom.
Well, fuck her if she
judges you for that.
You're just as amazing, if
not more amazing than she is.
And you're raising
five wonderful children.
And she's a mom now, too,
and a senior reporter.
And she just won a Peabody,
so she wins on all fronts.
Who cares about the accolades?
No human being should
ever intimidate you.
You can run circles around all of them.
You're getting points for
this pep talk, by the way.
- Oh, yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
Enough points that you'll finally let me
- get that motorcycle?
- Ugh.
Not a chance.
Thank you. You're sweet.
All right, gotta go.
- Break a leg.
- [MARIAH] Mm-hmm.
What are you doing here?
Un-uh, Chess Club meets
on Wednesday at the shop.
Hey, Karl, the shop was closed.
So you come to my house?
I really need to talk to you.
I don't believe you need to talk to me.
It'll wait till Wednesday.
I'm sorry I haven't been
to the club in a while.
With my classes and my
son, you know how it goes.
- Man.
- I've
I've been working on a chess problem.
[SCOFFS] Man, what you
know about chess problems?
Not as much as you.
You want some tea?
Heard about your pops.
So what finally brought
the big guy down?
A heart attack, uh, we think.
Well, death comes to us all, don't it?
Yeah. May his soul rest in peace.
So what's this chess problem?
Dad left me a note.
And in it he wrote,
"Excelsior, my son. Excelsior."
I mean, I'm thinking he's pointing me
towards the Excelsior
set of chess problems.
I googled them, but
the internet didn't have
- a lot of information.
- Mm.
The Excelsior chess problems.
They were developed by
Sam Loyd in 1861 as a joke.
But people take them
very seriously these days.
You said your father specifically said
the word "Excelsior" two times?
He did. It seemed pretty deliberate.
Well, he must have meant
the Double Excelsior chess problem.
Yeah, your father had an
affinity for that challenge.
See, in Excelsior,
the white pawn begins
on its home square,
makes exactly five moves
so it ends on the eighth square,
allowing it to promote to
a queen or any other piece.
But in Double Excelsior, a helpmate,
black moves first.
And each side must make all five moves
with just one pawn,
at the end of which
both pawns underpromote
to the same piece,
and black is checkmated
every time.
That's it?
What you mean, "that's it?"
It's a highly
sophisticated chess problem.
Okay. But what does it mean?
Why would my dad want me to know that?
There's gotta be something more.
It's it's gotta mean something,
represent something, be about something.
Well, there was a book
that Oliver read
[SCOFFS] many times.
Yeah, I think I might
have it back at the shop.
Uh, great. Can we go get it?
It'll take me a while to find it.
Just leave your number.
I'll be in touch.
Sometimes I wish I started
having kids when you did.
- Really?
- I can't put my body
through IVF again.
If I'd started sooner, maybe
I'd have the energy for two.
But you, five? You're a superhero.
Thank you.
Sometimes I wish I'd waited.
I mean, I love my kids, but,
I don't know, I wonder what
life would have looked like
if I had chosen to focus on my career
instead of motherhood.
The grass is always greener
on the other side, isn't it?
Oh, you know what, I hate to
cut our catch-up short, but
Yeah. We're women about our business.
Here's the research you asked for.
This is all the information
I've ever collected on Jack Ziegler
shady connections, financial ties.
I wrote what I could,
but there's a lot more
sketchy stuff I couldn't include.
That I don't doubt.
Thank you so much for this.
No sweat.
Can I ask, why look into this?
Ziegler and my dad had a
very fraught relationship.
You think Ziegler had something to do
with your father's death?
I have to follow this hunch.
[BANKS] Ziegler's done
some terrible things.
You'll have to let me know
if I can be any more help.
I will.
Hey. Where the fuck have you been?
You straight-up ghosted me
after I did your dirty work.
I'm sorry. I had a lot going on.
Yeah, well, you can respond to a text.
Literally takes, like, two seconds.
See, this is what's wrong
with the modern human.
We don't care about each other enough.
I'm sorry.
I'm gonna be late for class.
Fuck class. What is
going on with Kimmer?
The FBI said they're coming
tomorrow to vet Kimmer?
What are you gonna tell them
about your no-good, cheating wife?
I don't know.
Come on.
I saw her walking out of that condo.
She looked very relaxed.
You don't need to describe
what she looked like.
Well, then maybe I should
refresh your memory.
Look, your wife is out
here fucking other men.
I swear, it's like you
relish my marriage misery.
- Why are you making that face?
- No no reason.
It's just that I really hate infidelity.
Well, yeah, because
Franny cheated on you.
[DANA] No, she didn't.
Look, I know a cheater when I see one
because I was one.
What? I thought
I lied.
I cheated on Franny
with our acupuncturist.
I hurt the person I
loved in the worst way.
I don't want that to happen to you.
You're a really good husband, Tal.
I'm sorry, but, Kimmer pssh.
She doesn't deserve you.

That's Foreman's Audi.
You want to get a head start
on engraving the trophy,
his name is Emerson Manning. [CHUCKLES]
All right.
If his rating keeps climbing,
we're gonna have to start
heading out of state to
find real competition.
Oliver, good to see you.
You too, Karl. You up
for a game this weekend?
Only if you ready for me
to whoop that ass again.
Everybody, everybody, take your seats.
The tournament has officially begun.

Good game.
Well, I told my girl
I'd be here all day,
but guess I could surprise her
with a midday make
out session. [CHUCKLES]
Terrific comeback, son. Terrific.
He almost got you there,
but you fought back.
Well, his queen put a lot
of pressure on the open file.
I was very glad to see
that your defensive
game was up to the task.
You found all the right replies.
Oh. Looks like you may have
a formidable opponent on your hands.
Good luck, son.
[KIMMER] You excited to
try out your new skates?
[TAL GRUNTS] Hey, buddy.
What are you and Mommy up to out here?
I thought we should do
something as a family.
We haven't been out here in so long.
Isn't that a nice idea?
[LAUGHS] You remember the last time
we brought Bentley here?
He had just turned three, right?
Yeah. It was a good day.
It was.
Should we go over the script
for my FBI interview, or
I trust you.
Let's just relax and
enjoy the great weather.
I got you something.
I hope you like it.
I found these while we were
cleaning up the Vineyard house.
I haven't seen these in years.
They were the judge's.
I remember him wearing
them to our wedding.
I had a jeweler restore them.
You know I just want
you to be happy, right?
Daddy, help me tie my skate.
Of course.
Point your toe.
You got it? [LAUGHS]
Are you mad that a girl's
about to beat your ass?
Don't get frustrated.
Want me to call your
mom to come help you?
You sure you want to make that move?
I wouldn't make that move.
- [TAL] Check.
Cock-sucking motherfucker.
A worthy adversary.
Good game.
[OLIVER] You're doing great, son.
Thanks, Dad.
- I'm kind of having fun.
- [OLIVER] I knew you would.
Chess is a wonderful game of strategy.
It, uh, certainly helped me become
a clearer thinker at your age.
Wait, you've played that long?
Oh, yes. I loved it.
Just, it wasn't something
my father was interested in,
so I honed my game on my own.
You never really talk about Grandpa.
[OLIVER] Well, there's not much to say.
Did you compete in
chess tournaments, too?
I would have loved to.
But I grew up in a different time.
I wasn't allowed in a
room like this as a child.
Wasn't until I got to college
that things slowly started to change.
But I'm glad you have
the chance to do something
I never got to do.
Make your notes, son.
[KIMMER] Bentley asleep?
Out like a light.
Barely made it into the bed.
He was so happy at the park.
- He was.
- [KIMMER] So was I.
I know the last few
weeks have been tough.
We haven't exactly
been on the same page.
But I want more days like today.
We're stronger as a family.
And we can get over these
little bumps in the road.
It's been more than little
bumps in the road, Kimmer.
Tal, you can lighten
up for just one night.
Should I pull this down?
maybe I should just
take the whole thing off.
Would you like that?
I know you're fucking Jerry Nathanson.
We can either talk about it now,
or I'm gonna tell the FBI that
you're a liar and a cheater.
Well, it's all very messy.
- Go on.
- But it's not what you think.
Jerry? Jerry's my boss.
We're work friends at best.
Nothing more than that.
Look, I know what it looks like,
but he has nothing to do with this.
I did do something selfish
and stupid.
And I have regrets
Why can't you just tell
me the fucking truth?
Do you know how emasculating this is?
Tal, I'm sorry. I'm
trying to tell you
And tell me what's been
going on with Foreman, too,
- while you're at it.
- Foreman?
What makes you think I have
anything to do with Foreman?
I had you followed.
Excuse me? You had me followed?
Yeah, to a condo in Hyde Park.
I saw Foreman's Audi there.
I almost believed you
that he wasn't tailing us.
But nah, then there
you were, meeting him.
You're a damn good liar, Kimmer.
Listen to yourself.
You're not making any sense.
Why would I be working
with a fake FBI agent?
Are you working with Jack Ziegler, too?
Tal, please calm down.
I am calm!
What do you know about the arrangements?
Is that what you were
meeting Foreman about?
You're letting Mariah's conspiracies
get into your head.
You're seeing things that aren't there.
You've been playing me.
I put too much pressure on you.
Your father's death
you just need some sleep.
M-maybe in the morning,
you'll feel better,
more normal
[HOWARD] You've reached Howard Denton.
Please leave a message.
Hey. I guess you're already asleep.
I didn't realize it was so late.
Um, Hannah invited me to
the office tomorrow early.
And I got a lot of work to do here,
so I'm just gonna crash.
But I'll try to be home
a little more this week, hopefully.
All right? I love you.
Hey, so get this.
Ziegler went on this
hunting trip to South Africa
with this uber-rich
guy, Sullivan Janssen,
and then another guy they did
business with, Harold Walker.
Apparently, Walker was
accidentally shot and killed
on one of their outings.
Nobody was ever arrested.
A a hunting accident?
[MARIAH] Yeah. They
fucking ended that guy,
and they got away with it.
But why?
Walker was a hedge fund guy,
and he went on some
commercial real estate venture
with Ziegler and Janssen,
$200 million.
Whole thing went bust.
Lost them all the money.
Must have been revenge.
I'm about to look into
this Janssen guy some more.
How is your Excelsior chess thing going?
I'm still waiting on
Karl to get back to me.
I could go into details,
but I don't want to bore you
with chess terminology.
Yeah, please don't.
You okay?
This investigation getting to you?
No, it's just some shit with Kimmer.
Things have been rocky
lately, and I'm just
trying to figure out what's what.
Well, I would love to hear
more about that, but
No, you wouldn't.
Yeah, you're right, I wouldn't.
Um, I gotta go.
I'll talk to you later.
- Wow.
- Yeah, right?
Nothing has really changed.
Well, except
Okay, corner office.
Have a seat.
[MARIAH] Look at this glow up.
[BANKS] I know, right? Great view.
Oh, sorry.
Charlotte has a tendency to spread.
Do you bring her in to visit sometimes?
Oh, she's actually
downstairs at daycare.
- She's here?
- Oh, yeah.
Me and a few of the ladies
and gents, actually
pressed for a daycare.
So it opened up last year,
and I bring her in once or twice a week.
- Wow, that's amazing.
Sorry to interrupt. Big story breaking.
You are not going to believe it.
It's the dep now, look at this!
Mariah, what are you doing here?
Seeing you.
Aw, great to see you.
Good to see you, too, Chief.
I told you she was coming in today.
Yeah, I wanted to wait and
see it with my own eyes.
Oh hey, listen,
I'm so sorry to hear about your father.
- Oh, thank you.
- Ah, he was an impressive man
who championed an even
more impressive daughter.
I do have to steal
Banks for just a minute.
- Don't go anywhere.
- [MARIAH] Okay.
- Of course, of course.
- Make yourself comfortable.
- Check.
- Check.
No, I saw what you and
your dad were doing.
Don't be a sore loser.
Dad, he was cheating.
You lost.
Shake that boy's hand.
But but, Dad, he
[FIRMLY] Shake his hand, Talcott.
Frank, Lionel, and Cammie,
I'm missing your papers
on the basics of traditional labor law.
I expected them last week.
Get them in ASAP.
- Prof?
- [TAL] Yes?
Um, I'm sorry I don't have that paper.
I've been dealing with a lot.
We have that retreat coming up
for the Black Law Students' Association.
I'm the faculty advisor, Lionel.
I'm aware of the BLSA's calendar.
Right. Um, truth is,
uh, it's been tough realizing that
basketball is officially in my rearview.
And I'm having some problems
in the romance department.
You, uh you don't
need to go into detail.
Do you need an extension?
I could really use one.
You have till next Tuesday.
[SIGHS] Thanks.
Thank you. Thank you.
Nah, I'ma, uh I'ma get
I'ma get it to you.
And, uh, Prof
Thanks for listening.
Mr. Garland, Agent Waylon.
Are you ready for your interview?
Thanks for meeting me here.
It's hard for me to get away
in the middle of the day.
Nation's next generation
of lawyers and all.
Can I see some identification
before we get started?
Learned from experience
you can't be too careful these days.
No need to be nervous,
Professor Garland.
You know your wife best, and it's, uh,
our job to get to know
her nearly as well.
[CHUCKLES] You sure you want to do that?
Just kidding.
So I have a whole list of
department-issued questions,
and we'll get to
those, but I always like
to start these things
by informally asking,
is there anything you think
we should know about your wife?
You embarrassed me in there.
Say something, son.
I'm sorry.
For what?
I don't know.
He was the one that cheated, not me.
Then why'd you make me shake his hand?
Because that's what honorable men do.
You played a bad game. You lost.
What gives you the right to be upset?
Of course I knew what that
boy and his father were up to.
You should have beaten him anyway.
You think these white motherfuckers
don't cheat every damn day?
How do you think they keep their power
in this country, son?
Not by playing fair.
What? What, you
what, you think because
you grew up with them,
because you go to school with them,
they're gonna let you
skip on by unscathed?
You are a Black boy,
soon to be a Black man.
The decks will always
be stacked against you.
That's why you gotta outsmart them,
beat them at their own games.
Do you understand me, Talcott?
You know, it seems like
you don't know a damn thing
about how the world works, son.
Maybe I raised you too soft.
Wait here.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Looks like we won the day, big man.
You and your boy cheated.
[OLIVER] The hand
signals. Yeah, I saw that.
[BILL] Hey, a win's a win.
Let's leave it at that, okay?
Nah. I will not just leave it at that.
Okay, so what are you
gonna do about it then?
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are,
man? Get back in your fucking car.
Dad! Dad, stop!
[TAL] Dad!
Get in the car.
Did you get some rest?
You were up early this morning.
Yeah, I did.
I ordered Italian.
Are you hungry?
Is that really what you
want to ask me right now?
I met with the FBI today.
Don't worry. It went well.
I, uh, stuck to the script.
Didn't tell them about what
we discussed last night.
Of course I care about the nomination
and the FBI vetting, Tal,
but not more than I care about you.
Right now, I am worried about you.
And I'm worried about you
and who you really are.
Where were we? Oh, we were at
the World Trade Organization
conference in Seattle.
And Ed had us up all night.
And you had to interview
the Swiss finance minister
first thing the next morning.
I was so hungover
and fortunately, the
Swiss finance minister
- was hungover, too.
Ah, to Ed,
may he rest in peace, huh?
He was a real jerk, but he was our jerk.
Mm, I cannot believe you
are retiring next year.
I just don't see it.
[LEWISSON] You better believe it.
[CHUCKLING] Here we go. Thanks.
- Oh
- No, no, no, no, no.
Thank you.
All right, look, this old
man's gotta head home, huh?
You, I will see in the morning.
- You
do not let 15 years pass
before I see you again.
Deal. It was good to see you.
Thank you for dinner. Bye.
[BANKS] Night, Chief.
- So
- [BANKS] Mm?
I have a Ziegler-adjacent question.
What do you know about Sullivan Janssen?
He's Ziegler's number one guy,
a casino and time-share
titan worth billions.
I keep wondering if Janssen's
relationship with Ziegler
may have intersected with my dad.
I know Janssen's been in
and out of court constantly.
You could look up his prior cases
and see if there's anything there.
Tried that. Uh
I looked up all of
Janssen Enterprises' cases.
There was never one in my dad's court.
Did you look up his old company?
His old company?
He used to operate Golden Creek Resorts
with his uncle or brother or something
before he bought them out and rebranded.
Huh. I will take a look.
You still have it.
[CHUCKLES] Have what?
The insatiable drive to figure shit out,
solve mysteries.
We need women like you in journalism.
You should come back.
I have a new baby. You know how that is.
[SCOFFS] Well, things are different now.
And you have a supportive, rich husband.
[LAUGHING] I'm sorry. I had to say it.
And you have a live-in nanny.
Half the battle is childcare.
Well you're right.
It's just, it's been so long
since I've been out of the game, and
I don't remember you making excuses
for why things can't work.
I'm sorry. Maybe I'm overstepping.
you were a great journalist.
You still could be.
[TAL] Karl, I got your voicemail.
[KARL] Back here.
- [MAN 1] That's right.
- [MAN 2] Mm-hmm.
Come on now, make a move.
- [MAN 1] Hey, Tal.
- [MAN 2] Long time no see.
[TAL] Hey, fellas. How's it going?
- [MAN 1] Good to see you.
- The man himself.
[TAL] Where's the book?
Couldn't find it.
So why did you tell me to come here?
I did find a digital copy of it.
Nobody uses these anymore.
How am I supposed to access this?
Son, that's your business.
I just deliver the goods.
And you'll find different examples
of the Double Excelsior theme on here.
Your father, he wore the book out.
He'd read that section on
black winning over and over.
Wait, black wins?
I thought you said black only loses.
Yeah, in the original Double Excelsior,
yes, black is always checkmated.
But in this book,
they explore the theory
of white being checkmated
and black winning,
even though it's just a theory,
and that ain't how these problems work.
Yeah, your father,
he was obsessed with the
idea that it could be done.
Like, my dad wanted Black people to win
- or something?
- Hm.
Not a particularly
subtle metaphor, is it?
Me and your dad, we used
to chop it up on politics
almost every weekend.
Yeah, back in the day, I'd
shove the fact that, uh,
Bill Clinton was our Blackest
president in his face.
It was a different time.
And he played the hell out of a sax.
Your father would go
on about the long arm
of Newt Gingrich or
some bullshit like that.
He was a big-headed, no-good Republican
who wouldn't ever let
me get in the last word.
But he was a Republican
because he believed
that Black folks could do for themselves
without what he called handouts
or the "skip-past-go social
programs of the left."
Sounds like Dad.
Hopefully, you get the
info you needing now.
Now, you got cash?
'Cause we gonna double
our money tonight!
- Ah
- [MAN 2] Man, you ain't
- doubling nothing
- Uh, I can't stay.
Where you got to be?
Shit, home with the wife?
Oh, you got lady problems, too?
- That obvious?
- Shit.
I know what a fella with
lady problems looks like,
'cause I see one in the
mirror every morning.
But you know what?
Ain't nothing a good game of chess
and a stiff drink won't
take your mind off.
Your dad.
This stuff with my dad is
it's something that I
just gotta do for me.
It's not for the kids. It's not for us,
but for me, and I need that.
You don't think maybe you
could operate from home
a little more sometimes?
Eh, it's complicated. My dad
Your dad just died.
And you feel drawn to his house.
I get it.
Take your time.
I just miss you.
I love you.
[HOWARD] Love you, too.
See you tomorrow?
The judge ruled against Janssen.
Yo, Tal, come shoot some hoops.
Talcott. Get in here.
Now set the board to where it was
at the end of the game with that boy.
Go on, do it.
Make your move.
Use your brain.
That's not good enough.
You have to be sharper than this.
You can go.
- [TAL] Yo.
- Hey.
I got news so hot my eyes are burning.
- That's a bar.
- What?
Uh, nothing, nothing. What's up?
[MARIAH] So in 2006, there
was a casino workers case
in front of Dad.
Dad ruled in favor of the workers.
And Golden Creek
Resorts lost $75 million.
Guess who the CEO of Golden Creek was.
Uh, why don't you just tell me?
Sullivan motherfucking Janssen.
That is motive for murder.
I think that Janssen and Ziegler
may have killed Dad together.
$75 million, that's
that's not nothing.
Exactly. And there's more to
be discovered with this guy.
But you called me. What did you find?
Uh, Dad was fixated on a chess problem
where black wins.
Maybe that's why I got the pawn.
I represent black.
[MARIAH] And so you're
supposed to win what?
That's the question.
Let me call you back.
Hey, uh, that's my car.
Is it?
Uh, I'm gonna head out,
so if you'll excuse me
We need the arrangements,
Professor Garland.
Who are you?
That should be the
least of your worries.
The arrangements?
I don't have them.
I don't even know
what the hell they are.
So what's in the package then?
[SINGER] You better keep
your fucking voice down ♪
When you speak to me ♪
I'm equally harsh ♪
I'll have the common
decency to piece you apart ♪
I know you taste defeat, man ♪
Getting beat from the start ♪
You know the shit isn't
a fight if you ain't ♪
Leaving with marks ♪
Nothing I do's in vain ♪
Bitch, I ain't new to game ♪
I'm who's to blame ♪
For taking all this punishment ♪
'Cause I learned to
fight through the pain ♪
I'm wiping off my blood of my wounds ♪
Bitch I can keep scrapping ♪
Deep passion making you snap ♪
But keep your feet tapping ♪
You don't know the half of it ♪
I've been going for a
minute but I ain't finished ♪
I'm right back on my savage shit ♪
You thought the shit would be smooth ♪
But I ain't having it ♪
I lay 'em out like the
money under the mattresses ♪
I'm too ill, aim to kill ♪
All of my oppositions ♪
Minds made, ain't no deals ♪
Or fucking propositions ♪
Cutthroat ♪
They want some more ♪
Tell 'em to come with it ♪
I'ma show 'em exactly ♪
Just who they fucking with ♪
I'm back, motherfuckers ♪
Guess who's back ♪
I said I'm back, motherfuckers ♪
Guess who's back, thought I was gone ♪
But I'm back, motherfuckers ♪
I'm right here, welcome home ♪
'Cause I'm back, motherfuckers ♪
Nigga back, thought it was smooth ♪
But I'm back, motherfuckers ♪
I ain't leaving, I'm in my groove ♪
'Cause I'm back, motherfuckers ♪
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