Enheraf (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Your honor,
the defendant standing before you
in the dock
committed a most gruesome murder.
She committed a crime
that tore people's hearts,
and turned the sky gray
in mourning.
Who did she kill?
Her brother's own flesh and blood.
It goes without saying
that a paternal aunt is like a mother,
but what I can say
except that she's a woman
devoid of humanity.
She killed her nephew in cold blood.
She had a premeditated plan
that she prepared for.
As if that wasn't bad enough,
she even maimed his body.
She burned his body
to cover up the crime she committed.
Your honor,
Satan has gained mastery over her and
caused her to forget remembrance of God.
She had no regard for the life
of a pure, innocent young man.
She was indifferent to her brother's
pain and agony over losing his son.
So why would we feel sorry
for this evil and malicious person
while applying God's law
for her punishment?
How long have you
been hearing this music?
Very late at night.
Did you happen to see
someone coming in or out
or anything of the sort?
No, sir. The building's residents
mind their own business.
Does Mr. Aser entertain a lot of guests?
Yes, a lot!
Men or women?
All kinds of women.
Stop it, Effat.
You shouldn't air his dirty laundry.
Very well.
Thanks for your time. You may leave.
These are the last four contact numbers
the victim called.
They all belong to women.
The first three picked up,
but the last one is turned off.
Call them in to my office.
I want the surveillance footage
of the building
showing everyone who came in
a day before the incident.
You got it.
Will you just go
for I troubled you a lot?
It's nothing, I'm leaving
later in the evening.
Darling, you had us worried sick,
you have no idea!
That's true.
I don't know
what I would've done without you.
Easy on the chocolate,
you finished the box yourself.
See? You brought this upon yourself.
This'll be the last one.
Hazelnut flavor?
I'll have that.
Stop binging.
I understand your grief for the victim.
God rest his soul.
But unfortunately, I need
to have a chat with you
especially that you're the last two
he contacted.
Did any of you visit him yesterday?
We had plans to go out yesterday,
but he cancelled them last minute.
-Where were you supposed to go?
-To the movies.
Do you usually meet outside
or do you meet at home sometimes?
It depends on his time and availability;
like any engaged couple.
Come again?
-Engaged, didn't you hear that?
-How can you be engaged?
What was I to him then?
What about you?
I don't get it.
-Sir, I was his fiancée.
-Don't believe her, sir.
I was his fiancée and we had
our names engraved on our rings!
What rings? Are you here
to cause trouble after he died?
Mr. Sherif,
here's the surveillance
images of the guests.
Is there no clearer image of this woman?
No. She was clearly avoiding the camera.
Very well.
Try any nearby surveillance
camera to find her.
Yes, sir.
By the way, a woman wants to talk
to you about the radio show host.
Let her in.
Come on in.
Good day, sir.
Did you summon me?
Who are you?
I'm Aser's fiancée.
How are you, Ms. Wedad?
Don't be surprised,
the prison warden authorized my visit.
I know that you love me.
I'm here for you.
If you're willing to heed my word,
I'll tell you to stop what you're doing.
Dying of hunger
won't do you any good.
No one will feel sorry for you.
No one will say: "The poor woman
doesn't eat, get her out of here."
You're hurting no one but yourself.
Pardon me.
Pardon me
if I'm being a little harsh with you.
But sometimes tough love is needed,
just like kindness.
I don't care why you're here,
or whether you're guilty or innocent,
at fault or not,
all I care about is that you do
not let yourself suffer any further!
There you go.
Thank God.
I don't know
I don't know if you understand
what I'm trying to tell you.
But we all make mistakes.
We were born to make mistakes.
This isn't the end of the world,
and even if it was!
So what? To hell with it!
Just don't
Don't die too soon!
Even if you have one hour
left to live, live it!
Live it without tormenting yourself.
Don't let your guilty
conscience kill you.
Because then
you'll die twice.
I didn't kill him.
I, along with everyone
at the radio station
are mourning the loss of our friend,
colleague and loved one
the great radio show host
Aser El Mufti.
Aser passed away yesterday.
I would like to tell you how good
and great of a human being Aser was,
and how he solved thousands
of relationship issues among the youth.
Aser El Mufti saved
many households from ruin.
Pray for his soul.
It says:
"The body was found
15 hours after death."
So, anything promising?
It's exactly as I expected.
As per the medical examiner's report,
Aser was killed
when that woman was at his place.
She's definitely the culprit.
Do you have any leads?
I have no intel.
Before the woman left,
she erased all the chat and call records
she had with Aser.
She also removed all her fingerprints
in the apartment.
But we managed to find the phone
number she was using to call him.
We found it in a dumpster.
We're dealing with a professional,
and not just some mistress.
To top it all off, I asked about her
in every place Aser used to go,
and no one was able to identify her,
except for the waiter.
He was the only one
who saw her once with him.
He heard him calling her
by the name Solafa.
That can't be her real name.
Most definitely.
So this case will be against parties
unknown until we get to her.
Say, Sherif, what's wrong?
You look bothered.
It's nothing.
Just a few problems
between me and Habiba.
Which reminds me
I have somewhere to be.
See you later.
Call me if anything comes up.
Mr. Salem.
Mr. Salem.
Who is it?
I'm Ehsan.
-Peace be upon you, Mr. Salem.
-Peace be upon you.
I baked this bread
so you can hand it out to people.
Tomorrow marks Sayyid's
40th day of mourning.
Don't you get it?
Where's your good judgement?
I will receive no mourners
or hold the 40th day of mourning
unless I see the noose wrapped
around the neck of that criminal
who burned my son's body!
Come on now, Mr. Salem.
She's still your sister,
forgive and forget.
I won't forgive her!
Out now!
I won't forgive her.
I don't need your bread! There!
Oh, God!
Why did you do this?
Forgive us, God!
There you go, doctor.
These are all the papers
I collected on the case.
I find it hard to believe.
Can a woman really kill her nephew?
And the guy was asking for help, saying:
"Help me, Aunt!
Have mercy on me! Stop it, Aunt."
She didn't stop.
After killing him, she poured gasoline
on him and set him on fire.
She did the unthinkable!
Did you hear him when he said:
"Help, Aunt! Have mercy on me!"?
No, I imagined it.
That's what I would say if I were him.
"Help, Aunt! Stop, Aunt!"
Moreover, this is mentioned
in all websites.
Were the websites
on the scene with them?
Don't buy into public opinion
because it's always emotional.
What I find surprising is
why would she kill him
and then set him on fire?
Just setting him on fire
will do the trick.
I find that odd too.
The medical examiner's report says
that she killed him
and then set him on fire.
What I'm thinking is
she's an old woman,
and the guy is well-built.
Surely she couldn't control him
if she set him on fire first.
That's why she killed him
and then set him on fire.
It's all the same, Abeer.
-Yes, of course.
-You have a patient waiting outside.
-And you were talking nonstop
leaving him waiting outside!
-Let him in.
-All right.
Good evening, doctor.
Hello. Good evening.
Have a seat, Mr. Sherif.
To be honest,
I'm here in another capacity.
I am a father and I need help.
Can you help me?
Firstly, it's nice to see you
again, Mr. Sherif.
I'm glad that you came to me
because I know
how difficult this can be.
Sometimes we think we can fix the world,
but when we wake up,
we find the world turned upside down.
What you're saying is so accurate,
it's like you're living with us!
This is exactly what's going on
between me and Habiba.
I mean
I tried to fix things
between the two of us,
but I obviously made a mistake.
My relationship with her turned sour.
All right, Mr. Sherif,
let's be practical.
I must assess the case,
and not someone who is close to her.
Which means, I must see Habiba.
Sure, I don't mind that. When
would you like me to bring her over?
No, don't do that.
If she finds out she's going to see
a shrink, things will get worse.
How about we all meet outside?
Make it seem like a coincidence.
Of course, I'd love that.
That's a great idea.
What happened between you
and Sayyid on that day, Wedad?
As per the investigations,
you took advantage of being
home alone with him
and killed him.
The last thing I would ever do
is to hurt Sayyid,
let alone kill him or set him on fire!
Satan himself wouldn't do this.
Did you love him that much?
I was barren,
and when my husband found out,
he left me
and divorced me.
But I surrendered to my fate.
And Sayyid was everything to me.
He was the son I never had.
Who would kill their own son, doctor?
Why was he living with you?
After his mother passed away,
we all lived in the same house.
Me, Salem, Ensherah, and Sayyid.
But I couldn't tolerate
Ensherah's behavior.
There you go, Ensherah.
While passing by the boutique today,
I saw a very beautiful night gown.
I wanted it so badly.
For crying out loud, Ensherah,
we're too old for these things!
No, darling.
Speak for yourself,
I'm still young.
Get it for her, Brother,
since it's going to make her
happy and relaxed.
Get it for her.
I'm getting it anyway.
But where will I wear it?
I cannot dress freely
with strangers in the house.
Who do you mean by strangers, Ensherah?
This is inappropriate.
What's inappropriate is that I don't get
to be comfortable in my own home
and dress whichever way I like.
The saying goes:
The evil eye is so powerful.
-What are you doing, Ensherah?
I was looking for pins for the veil,
I thought you'd have some.
You were looking for pins
for the veil or my money?
Like the 500 EGP
that you took last week.
What a terrible morning!
What is it, Wedad?
Are you calling me a thief?
Did it come to this?
Salem! Come here!
Your sister is accusing me of theft!
What is it, Wedad?
My wife is not a thief.
You're calling me a liar even though
I saw her with my own eyes?
Should I believe you
and call her a thief?
This isn't right, Wedad.
Don't keep doing this;
making unfounded accusations!
God help us!
When I realized that Salem
was unable to keep her in check,
I did what she wanted.
I left the house,
and I went back to the old house;
my parents' house.
And when they got divorced,
I brought Sayyid to live with me.
Who killed Sayyid?
Only God knows.
See you later.
Spend some more time with me.
Let's have some tea.
I have a lot of things to do.
I have to do laundry
and hang the clothes out to dry,
and I haven't cooked yet.
Very well, dear.
-Take care of yourself.
-You too, dear.
You too.
Oh, God!
What's going on?
Oh my goodness!
What happened?
Describe your relationship
with your brother Salem.
We were on bad terms in the past,
but now we're on good terms.
Why were you on bad terms?
Peace be upon you.
God Almighty has spoken the truth.
Peace be upon you too.
I made stuffed vegetables,
would you like some?
Thank you, Sister. I already ate.
I'm here to ask you for something.
Just name it.
Today's youth spend most of their time
online, using computers.
How about you and I become partners
and open a small shop
with guaranteed profits.
You told me that when you opened up
the juice and mastic ice cream shop
and lost money.
I didn't plan that one well.
But the profits of the shop I'm telling
you about are guaranteed,
and you'll get your money back
in a month.
Forget it.
I wouldn't invest my money
in something I know nothing of.
Don't take it personally.
Did you two stop talking?
No, we didn't stop talking.
He was bothered at first,
but then he felt better.
Salem is good-hearted.
He doesn't hold grudges.
Does he visit you, Ms. Wedad?
That's what's bothering me
he thinks I did it.
Can I ask you something?
Why did you refuse to talk to the press?
Why did you refuse to go on a show
to stand up for yourself?
People are convinced I'm the murderer
when I didn't even make a statement!
Then what's the point?
It's better to maintain my dignity
and keep my mouth shut.
But you must stand up for yourself
if you're innocent.
It'll make no difference
as long as people think I did it.
You know?
People are so convinced I did it,
I even started doubting myself!
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