Envidiosa (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

The Game of Life

She'll be better off single.
All men are a burden.
They're needy, bossy
and leave poopie stains in their boxers.
Poopie stains?
- Did you say "poopie stains"?
- They're poopie stains.
- Come on, Ma.
- That's what they're called.
So gross.
How can you say things like that?
Don't generalize.
Not all men are like that.
The only thing I'm sorry about
is that she ruins weddings.
I know she doesn't do it on purpose,
but she's suffering. It's a lot.
Anyway, she didn't ruin
mine with Fermín, thank God.
Because she thinks you and Fermín
are hippies that buy second-hand clothes,
wash your hair with laundry detergent,
and live with your mother-in-law.
- What does she have to envy?
- Are you serious?
You keep your garbage inside of a crate.
Compost. It's called compost.
It's garbage.
I'm ready now. Shall we go?
[upbeat music playing]
[music fades]
I feel like I'm at a funeral.
Let's put on some music.
[cheery music playing on radio]
- [turns music off]
- We enjoy the silence.
[Victoria huffs]
What's wrong?
Were you two arguing before I arrived?
No, Mom has the virtue
of knowing when to shut up,
something you clearly didn't inherit.
- Who pissed in your cereal?
- [Caro] Well
- [Victoria] What are you up to?
- [upbeat music playing]
[phone chimes]
[Nicolás] Out here.
Running and sweating champagne.
[Victoria] Impressive.
How's your weekend look?
[Nicolás] I still don't know.
Luckily, I'm not working,
so I wanna find something to do.
What are you doing?
[Victoria] Nothing. Family. Boring.
[Nicolás] We could do
something together then.
[Victoria] I'd love t
- No!
- What? What's wrong?
- No signal!
- You'll give me a heart attack.
- It died. It was fine, then
- Victoria! Come on!
There are those
who not only don't have a signal,
they don't even have running water, gas,
can't afford groceries, do you know that?
Yes, awful, I don't have any signal.
Nothing, not even one bar.
- Check yours to see if you have one.
- I don't carry my cell phone around.
- But I don't get it.
- Give it a rest.
[rock music playing]
[man] Our cabins are built
with natural materials,
and we are an eco-friendly establishment.
Electricity is provided by solar panels,
and we have a water collection system.
However, this does mean
that the water usage is limited.
- Amazing.
- Yeah.
- What is the Wi-Fi?
- There is no Wi-Fi, Vicky, get real.
No cell phone signal either.
It's because of the trees.
They're tall, and the crosswind makes it
impossible for the signal to get through.
- Of course.
- That's kind of the idea.
To relax, disconnect.
If not, it's like you're always
attached to that thing.
Try and unwind.
- Yeah.
- [Teresa] Tell me, Ignacio.
- Is there somewhere we can buy wine?
- There's Chela's store you can check out.
You can buy drinks there,
and you can buy take-out food.
Does this lady Chela have Wi-Fi?
- No.
- [Teresa] Not there either, okay?
Ignacio, would you have
a radio, a little TV,
something to lend to us
to entertain ourselves with?
Let me do some magic,
and I'll see what I can find.
Thank you.
Welcome, and enjoy your stay.
- Thanks.
- We'll have lots of fun.
This is hell.
[pop music playing]
- Will you take those?
- Yeah.
[music ends]
"Let's reuse towels
to help save the planet Earth," huh?
Bunch of cheapskates.
Oh, please.
Don't you know that no hotel in the world
ever changes towels every single day?
- Fine.
- That's why it's eco-friendly.
To save a natural resource
that is scarce, and that's water.
I didn't know that when you said
"eco-friendly." I imagined horses,
I imagined thermal springs,
homemade jam. No, no.
I didn't imagine a ranch
that smelled like mothballs.
Anyway, let's not do this.
No, because I already know
what you think about my choices.
- What choices?
- What? What choices?
That you think Fermín and I are hippies.
Do we embarrass you because of that?
That we recycle? That we compost?
That we think about the environment?
Or that we use shampoo bars?
- Does that bother you?
- Your hair looks bad, Caro.
Doesn't look very good.
I only said once
that Fermín walks with dried fruits
in his pocket like a squirrel.
I prefer a squirrel!
I'd rather be a squirrel
than live in the kind of place
that uproots the natural flora and fauna
just to build 400 square meter homes
inside a gated community.
If it were up to her,
she'd like to have a husband who drives
a massive four-by-four trucks
the size of a studio apartment with
a tailpipe that pumps exhaust all day.
And she'd have three kids.
If she could choose, blonde and curly,
and wear clothes
made by slave labor in Bangladesh!
I said it, okay?
I just want to have a family someday,
but you're saying
that makes me a shithead?
You did not ruin my wedding ceremony
to Fermín because you felt sorry for us.
You're envious
of Melina's wedding, Victoria.
But not ours? That's a bunch of shit!
I'm not jealous of any wedding.
I want to make that clear.
Oh, Vicky.
[traditional Asian music playing]
Don't reject any of my mom's dishes.
- It's bad "menners."
- Mm.
It's manners.
- With "A."
- Yeah, manners.
- Do you know how to use those?
- Chopsticks. No, but There we go.
- Okay.
- [chuckles]
[Mei's parents speaking in Chinese]
[Mei's parents comment in Chinese]
[parents asking in Chinese]
Do you do you like?
It's incredible.
[speaking in Chinese]
They say that you go
and have dinner here tonight.
Is that come or go?
- That y That you come.
- Come or go?
- Come. [chuckles]
- Come.
I'm a good teacher, huh?
You spoke terribly when you started.
- Remember? It was nonsense.
- Hey you.
- Idiot.
- Dumbass.
- Bastard.
- Chinchulancha.
- "Lascist!"
- What do you mean "lascist"?
When some fool called you
"chinchulancha", you laughed.
- Dumbass.
- No.
Fine then. Student beats the professor.
[speaking in Chinese]
[gong strike]
Yes, if you wanna bring people into
a world burning due to global warming,
that seems anti-ecological to me.
It's nothing more
than to fulfill a personal desire.
Why don't you and Fermín both come
and live in the forest with the squirrels?
I'd love to. I have everything I need.
Look, look. There is even food. Look.
- Here.
- Don't eat that.
I eat natural things.
Don't act like you're the only one.
- Oh my God! Ew!
- They're little fruits.
They look like rabbit droppings.
- Oh, they're droppings!
- Mm, delicious.
No, don't eat that! No!
Who is going to pee here?
The rain washes it away.
Look, the danger
isn't in the forest, okay?
- It's in the supermarkets you use.
- [phone dings]
- Oh! I just knew it.
- Why are you shouting like that?
Oh, it's all the messages!
It was because I didn't have a signal,
not that he hadn't written to me.
- [phone buzzing]
- Quiet, 'cause I'm gonna talk to Nicolás.
[whispers] Be quiet.
What are you up to, little ghost?
You appear.
You disappear. What's going on?
No, it's not that I didn't want to answer.
I didn't have a signal.
None, no signal at all.
Listen, I know that you'll think
this is crazy, but I have a proposition
- that you won't be able to say no to.
- Any idea?
A friend is loaning me
a sailboat for the whole weekend.
You wanna come with me?
I don't know, we can fill
a cooler with champagne,
and sail all weekend long.
What do you think?
That's absolutely marvelous.
So then, you coming? Should I wait?
Do you want to go together?
Can it be for the following weekend?
I have plans with my sister
and I don't think
she wants to change them.
No, if you change anything,
I won't talk to you ever again.
It's this weekend. They're loaning me
the sailboat this weekend.
All right, it'll have to be next time.
Sending you kisses. Take care.
- [busy signal]
- I'm sending you kisses. In any case Oh.
- Hello?
- [busy signal]
Oh, man.
I cannot believe
you are still seeing that loser.
- Who was on the phone?
- I wanna be happy with someone.
Who is this guy?
Happy with someone?
Pick someone that isn't a schmuck.
- Pick someone better.
- Like Danny? Like that or better?
You have a nice life. You are happy.
I want the same for me.
I don't want to end up alone
in an apartment, bitter,
listening to the radio,
drinking wine, like, like
Like me?
Finish the sentence. Like me?
[sighs] That's great.
[Carolina groans]
[Victoria] Well, like lots of people
who are sitting at home, relaxing.
The music starts, you enter,
twenty-four beautiful white doves fly out
and then, rose petals fall to the ground.
What do you think?
No, although, I see it.
I mean, I get the scene
But I envisioned something
a little more unassuming.
I don't identify with any of that.
It's not me, I'm not excited.
It's It's gigantic. It's not
I don't understand couples who get married
but want something low-key.
They want to be in the spotlight,
but not too much in the spotlight.
If you get married, do it right, honey.
Go all out. Go for it.
Make the most of it.
Is getting married acceptable,
only if it's done the way you think?
If it's not how you like it,
then it's shit?
I mean, you already did that
at Meli's wedding, didn't you?
No, if everything had all been
how I wanted it at Melina's wedding,
it wouldn't have all gone to shit.
It went to shit
because of the jackass groom.
But, it wasn't the groom's fault, no.
[playful music]
[knocking on door]
- Hi.
- Hello.
What's up?
- Well, I didn't find a TV.
- Okay.
There's a storm coming, I thought this
could keep you entertained for a while.
- Thank you, thank you.
- My pleasure. At your service.
Surprise. No TV, just games for us.
- Wow, I can't believe it. Look.
- No!
- The Game of Life!
- It's Game of Life!
Remember how we used
to play this game? I loved it.
Remember that you got married, had kids,
went to the bank, you went bankrupt?
- Remember?
- [Victoria] I had the little green car.
You were so annoying
with that stupid green car.
- You were always the same.
- I wish I were the same.
If only I could throw a dice
and get married.
Why bother?
I won the prize and gave it back.
That wasn't your fault.
You and Dad met, you fell in love,
got married, wanted to have children.
If things went wrong, it's another story.
What could I have known
about love at 20 years old?
I didn't even know
how to make a cheese sandwich.
- You got married.
- We did get married.
At that time,
if you ended up pregnant, you got married.
They didn't ask, "What do you want?"
[Victoria] Sounds like you didn't want us.
- I didn't say that.
- It seems that way.
That's how it was, and it was perfect.
You fit the mold. Married, with child.
You didn't have to think anything else.
Weren't you ever happy with Dad?
Oh, I don't know, Vicky.
No, that was a long time ago.
Let's play one of these. Choose one.
- If not, take me to a real hotel.
- [both] The Game of Life.
At the baby shower for Delfina,
she left all of the food outside,
in the sun, on the hood of the car,
and she gave us food poisoning,
including me, when I was
only nine months pregnant.
It was an accident.
She didn't do it on purpose.
No, she didn't do it on purpose, no.
No, nor did she do it on purpose,
poor thing,
when it slipped out by accident,
on Felipe's birthday,
that Santa Claus doesn't exist.
- That day, of all days.
- Santa Claus doesn't exist.
Sure, I will admit that the subject
of marriage does make her get upset,
and she might be sensitive,
but you know what? Danny was a fool.
Look, uh, Debbie. If you believe that
Victoria is a kind and generous friend,
that she is innocent,
that she is a friend with a good heart,
well, then maybe I'm not up to the task,
or share your taste to figure out
what it is that you want,
then sweetie, ask her
to organize the wedding for you.
- It's not a problem.
- You know? Yeah.
You know, I'm gonna ask her.
Beautiful. That's great.
But when she screws up the wedding 'cause
you're getting married before she does,
don't bother calling me.
[awkward music playing]
I'm gonna have another one.
I can't believe it.
I graduated again, but I can't get married
and have kids in this shitty game.
Come on. I'll give you
my two daughters. I don't want them.
Fine, thanks. I'm grateful.
You already gave me one when I was seven.
- Another dig at me.
- It isn't a dig at you.
I'll say this. Don't you think that
what's happening to Caro,
with family, and kids, is because
of what we went through as kids?
She's been going to therapy for 2 minutes,
and she's psychoanalyzing everyone.
I'm not entirely wrong, am I?
It isn't like that.
Life is not as straightforward as that.
Don't use your past trauma
to make all your decisions. I don't know.
Women were not put on this Earth
only to reproduce. It's your turn.
I took my turn. Let it go, Caro.
I mean, what are you saying?
- Everything's my fault today.
- I was just saying it isn't a coincidence.
It isn't? You should start
taking responsibility for your life, okay?
Stop blaming everyone else.
You've been doing that for two hours.
I did. When Danny left me, I could have
lay there lost and crying, and I didn't.
- All right.
- Well, I did that a little.
But then I picked myself up.
I didn't want to become a bitter spinster.
- I got out there and lived.
- A bitter spinster?
What? Like me? Why don't you just say it?
I'm tired of your insinuations.
[sighs] It's not that.
- I didn't mean it like that.
- But you said it.
Yes, I do think that
it would have been nice that
I don't know, that when Dad left us,
I guess, that you would get out of bed.
That you overcame the sadness,
Made an effort.
That you looked pretty and went out, that
you fell in love again, got married.
I would have liked that.
And who ever told you
I wanted to get remarried?
Oh, I think I'm gonna throw up.
- What's the matter?
- I feel like barfing.
- If you go, I win, you know?
- Vicky.
- Whoever quits You can't win the game.
- Stop, Vicky.
I'm in first, I have to win.
If she quits, it's over.
It's as if she quit.
- [Carolina throwing up loudly]
- Oh, Caro.
- [doorbell ringing]
- [line calling]
Here, Mauro.
Last one.
- Take it with
- Be careful, okay?
- We have to make a logo or something.
- Logo?
- Like a dragon?
- Yeah, it's pretty sad.
- Or something else.
- Write that down.
- Matías. Debbie.
- Hey.
- How are you?
- Debbie, yeah.
- Vicky's friend. Hi. How's it going?
- Yeah, from the
- The wedding reception.
- Yeah.
- At Meli's.
- Weren't you with the guy with blond hair?
- Yeah. [laughs] How's it going?
- Very good.
- All good.
- Is your restaurant around here?
Yeah I'm in this area because
I have suppliers I'm meeting with.
- Do you have a restaurant?
- Yeah, well
I have suppliers in this Yeah.
I came to Vicky's because I need a favor,
and I'm calling, and she isn't answering.
Have you spoken to her today?
No I haven't spoken to her. No idea.
- No.
- Strange.
- Yeah.
- Well, uh I'll track her down.
- We should go on a double date.
- Okay, yeah.
- As couples.
- Sounds great.
I'll organize something.
I don't know. My friends' boyfriends
are my friends. [laughs]
- [Matías] Seriously. See you later.
- All right, see you later.
- So nice to see you.
- See you soon.
- Have a good day.
- Take care.
- Bye now.
- Thanks, you too.
[awkward music playing]
She said, "My friend's boyfriend."
Wait, I pretended to be Vicky's boyfriend
to go to a wedding 'cause she didn't
She didn't have anyone to go with.
I pretended to be her boyfriend.
- Do you really like playing the boyfriend?
- Huh?
Mei. Listen to me, look
- How are you?
- I feel nauseous.
Take this. Mom asked the guy for medicine
for your stomach and he brought tea.
- Hmm.
- I think he has the hots for one of us.
- He's over here all the time.
- [chuckles]
- He's outta luck with us.
- He's got no chance in hell.
[Caro] You wouldn't be
caught dead with a hippie.
And I'm married. [chuckles weakly]
- You have to tell me about Matías.
- No. Now?
You promised me you'd tell me everything.
- Tell me.
- Matías is wonderful.
- I don't know. I know you love him, right?
- Yes.
Uh, I don't know what to tell you.
He's very funny, he's very
He says things that nobody else thinks of.
I don't know, um
What can I say? Sensitive.
He's nice.
But he makes me laugh most of all.
I mean He's unique, that's it.
The word that describes him exactly
is unique.
- Well, and?
- And what? Nothing, silly.
No, I know you don't like Nicolás,
but Nicolás is giving it his all.
Yes, he made a mistake like anyone
who messes it up when you meet someone.
Well, sometimes, I don't know.
You have to understand as well.
But now he is trying, okay?
He just invited me to go sailing.
No, I don't know.
Yeah, I don't approve of Nicolás.
Maybe because I feel like he's a liar,
and I have a phobia of liars.
Not sure, maybe because of Dad.
I'll tell you this.
I don't know if we know what happened
after what Mom said.
Mm. What is there to know?
That he left us and didn't come back.
At least there were two of us.
Imagine if there was only one.
- Yeah, that's true.
- Mm.
- Three of us, actually. Mom was young.
- She was young.
Huh. Sweetie, I get mad,
and I say the things I say,
because you make me angry.
Sometimes you act weird with me.
Regardless, don't think I'm not grateful
for everything you did for me
when we were kids.
No, that's honestly how I feel.
I don't know.
No, I mean that, seriously.
[chuckles] You know?
You'll be such a great mother.
- Mm.
- I feel it. I don't know.
You mothered everyone in our lives.
You mothered me. [chuckles]
Our Mom.
Do you remember the day that [chuckles]
that you were going to the movies,
and you explained to me all,
everything, how to behave,
that I didn't have to be
afraid of the sound, remember that?
A waste of time because Dad never came,
and we never went to the theater.
[sniffles] Ah
And that Mom
Remember that she put on a, I don't know,
something we loved on the television,
and had a party,
like nothing bad had happened?
- Poor thing.
- [both laugh warmly]
Oh, poor mom.
It was really hard for her as well.
Sometimes I don't realize that.
I'm gonna apologize.
I'm gonna apologize. Drink your tea.
- Sip it slowly.
- It's gross.
- I'll be back.
- Ugh.
[insects chirping]
[birds singing]
[faint groaning]
[rock music playing]
[moaning loudly]
[both moaning loudly]
[groans and moans continue]
[music stops]
- Erase what you saw from your mind.
- You blinded me.
You totally blinded me forever.
- Blinded.
- Erase what you saw.
- You didn't see anything.
- It's burned into my retina.
- I think I'm gonna have a seizure.
- Oh, Vicky.
Didn't you want me
to pick myself up and live?
I wanted you to live, not to see you live.
Oh, Vicky, I did so much living
without you seeing me.
Never having a man home and never
remarrying doesn't mean I never lived.
- Yeah, what are you saying?
- [sighs]
We already talked about this.
I got married without knowing
what marriage was, much less having kids.
And your dad and I
didn't have a good time.
We couldn't talk about anything.
We had nothing in common.
He was sexually inept
to put it delicately.
And then?
I got depressed.
I thought that's as good
as my life would get. I wished I was dead.
Then one day, a young man
appeared at the office and
we had a fling.
Did you fall in love?
It made me less sad.
And did Dad find out about it?
- He found out.
- Mm.
And chose to go.
When he wanted to come back,
it was too late.
He wanted to come back?
[dramatic music playing]
Did Dad want to come back? When?
- Did Dad come back? What are you saying?
- Your dad came back.
Your dad came back two years later.
He came back saying
that he'd forgiven me, that
That he missed being a family,
that maybe we could start over.
And how did you respond?
I told him to leave.
That we didn't need him.
Yeah? Well, you didn't need him.
- Caro and I, we did need him.
- For what?
Because we were alone, Mom.
You were at work all day long!
We didn't have anyone to call
if we had tummy ache, if I don't know!
If we burned with food, if we were afraid!
Your Grandma was always upstairs.
I had to care of Grandma!
What are you saying? What Grandma?
Vicky, your father knew where you lived.
He knew where you went to school,
your phone number.
Why do you want a father who never
bothered to find out how you were doing?
[breathes heavily]
- Oh, I'm gonna be sick.
- Wait, you too?
Oh, yes, I have to barf.
- Oh God
- It's those droppings you ate.
- They smelled like shit.
- But it wasn't the fruit, Mom.
It was something from that grocery store.
Then why do I feel fine?
Because of the amount of alcohol.
You're sanitized on the inside.
- [both laughing]
- Good news. I have your test results.
And it was indeed food poisoning.
- I don't know if it was something
- It was those fruits.
[doctor] Well, be that as it may,
both you and the baby are fine,
and so you may go home now.
- [Teresa] What baby?
- What baby?
- Am I pregnant?
- Didn't you know you were pregnant?
I had no idea!
Oh, no, because it's almost impossible,
but, are you sure?
[doctor] Yes, I reviewed the results.
Oh, no, I can't believe it.
No, it seems crazy
because just today, I said in the
In the game,
with the little car and the kids.
- Didn't I say that?
- [Teresa] Yes!
This isn't a sign? It seems like a sign.
Can I ask whose it is?
- Mine, like you said.
- [laughter]
Does it say how many weeks?
I want to do the math
in order to calculate the actual date.
No, I would need to do an ultrasound
for that to see what it is, Carolina.
Are you married, do you have a partner?
No, she is Carolina.
She is Carolina. Carolina is my sister.
It's her. What does it say there?
Who is pregnant? What does it say there?
Excuse me, the thing is that
you jumped in, and I thought that
Victoria, no.
Carolina, yes.
[awkward music playing]
[music stops]
[Victoria exhales]
[Victoria exhales]
I need to talk to Fermín
about this right away.
Oh, I just wanna die.
[cries] No, I wanna die,
I wanna die right now.
I can't believe it,
I can't believe this is happening.
I have my thesis,
Fermín has his. The scholarship
No, no, I can't believe it.
No, don't be upset, Caro. We're here,
and we're gonna help you with all of it.
But I'm not interested in having children,
I never I don't want to.
I know we can work it out, but it isn't
a not a great situation for anyone.
I can't believe it.
Wouldn't you like to have
a child of your own with Fermín?
- Imagine if it's a girl, like us.
- Stop, Vicky, stop.
Vicky, don't project desires on me
that are all yours.
["Fin de Fiesta"
by Emmanuel Horvilleur playing]
[crying] I wanna see Fermín.
You sure that this address
only asked for white rice?
- Yeah.
- You sure?
[Mei] Yes, it's your girlfriend's.
- You know by heart what she asks for.
- She's not my girlfriend.
If she asked for white rice,
she might be sick.
If she feels bad, do something.
Make the most of it.
Alright, like what?
Matías, I'm gonna tell you
a very wise Chinese proverb.
- All right.
- Listen.
Yeah, all ears.
"A screw that is tightened,
doesn't come loose."
- Food for thought.
- That proverb sounds dirty.
Quite dirty, I would say.
Who was the author of this dirty phrase?
- Uh Sofovich.
- [chuckles]
- That makes sense.
- [laughs]
[doorbell rings]
- Hi.
- Hi. Sorry, a neighbor let me in.
Ah, yeah. I was gonna
come get it in 15 minutes.
I know, but since you only ordered rice,
and you always get mostly junk food
- Thought you might be sick. You all right?
- I was. I had a bit of a tummy ache.
- Right. Feel better.
- Mm.
No, come in.
Come in.
- Okay, if you want.
- Yes.
Close the door.
- Are you sure you are all right?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I feel better.
Can I get you anything?
No, I'm fine.
We were at the hospital with my sister.
We got food poisoning.
Well, I got poisoned, and she is pregnant.
- Seriously?
- She got poisoned and is pregnant.
That's amazing. Wonderful.
- You'll be an auntie.
- She's not keeping it.
I'm sorry.
Well, at least she has options, right?
She can choose.
Yes, everyone has options.
Are you upset about your sister?
I mean, you wanna get married
and have a baby,
and she gets pregnant
and decides not to have it.
I don't know. I thought that
maybe that was upsetting you?
When they told us there was a pregnancy,
I thought it was me.
I celebrated and everything, you know?
Incredibly so pathetic.
Nah, pathetic is taking photos
and posting them online,
with a dog, with a baby.
Those guys are pathetic.
No, no. You are more
Uh [exhales]
I don't know. More like a phenomenon.
A force of nature.
- [chuckles]
- That's like a a tsunami, maybe?
- I don't know.
- And that's good?
Because you're real.
Do you really think that?
I really think that.
["El Milagro"
by Francisca y Los Exploradores playing]
["El Milagro" continues playing]
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