Erky Perky (2006) s01e05 Episode Script

Burst My Bubble

♫ Life was good on Hot Dog Stand ♫
♫ For two bugs with food demands ♫
♫ Had our last meal
one sunny day ♫
♫ They got caught
up and swept away ♫
♫ Into Kitchen's
where they landed ♫
♫ We're so hungry ♫
♫ And we're stranded ♫
♫ Finding food
is quite a mission ♫
♫ Other bugs are competition ♫
♫ Now just one question ♫
♫ How do we find
our way back home? ♫
- You want a scary story,
I'll tell you a scary story!
- Wow.
- It was a dark
and stormy night.
- Ooo, not that scary!
- I'm tired of stories.
Let's go find some food.
- This is the tale of the
treacherous great sinking
- What?
The great sinking what?
- I definitely have a serious
case of the munchies.
Who's with me?
- The Great Sinking Sea!
A magic sea, magically appearing
and magically disappearing.
- Yeah, just like your teeth.
(all shushing)
- I was all alone on my raft.
The waves rising higher
and higher tossing me up
and down and back and forth
and up and back
and down and forth.
Suddenly, a giant
yellow sea monster
leapt from the depths
of the sea and attacked!
- What happened?
Were you killed?
- Did you make it out alive?
- No, he bored himself to death.
Let's go, I'm starving.
(all shushing)
- You'd love all that food
on the other side of the sea.
- Food?
You mean, food?
As in, food?
- I do.
- How much food?
What kind of food?
What color food?
- Lots.
All kinds.
Don't know, I'm color blind.
- Moldy, Mr. Van Oldy!
Wake up!
Where is the Sinking Sea?
Wake up!
- Why hello, Erky, what brings
you here this fine morning?
- You were telling us a story.
The one about the
great Sinking Sea.
- A great Sinking Sea?
You sailed on this sea?
- No you did, remember?
The treacherous waves
and the big sea monster.
The magic sea that
magically floods to the top
of its magic self?
- Oh, you mean
the sea next to
Steelside Canyon.
- Wow!
That's quite a story!
- It's all a load of
old codswallop.
- Are you sure?
- Gee, I thought
it really happened.
- Trust me.
There is no such thing
as the Great Sinking Sea.
(yawns) Time to turn in.
- Good night.
- Sleep tight.
- Don't let the bedbugs bite.
- Perky.
- Yikes!
Jumping Junebugs!
You almost gave
me a heart attack.
- Perky old pal, tomorrow
we find the Great Sinking Sea.
- You said you didn't
believe Moldy's story.
- That was all an
act to fool the others.
- Wow!
Well done Erky!
It fooled me too!
- Look, don't tell
anybody about it
and we'll get all the food.
- I promise I won't
say a word to anybody.
- [Erky] Good.
Now let's get some sleep.
- I'll need my lucky fluff,
and my lucky spider's
foot, stinky socks
Stinky Stinks.
- Hey Perky, what are you doing?
- Can't say.
It's Erky's and my secret.
- [Stinks] Why's it a secret?
- Because if only the two
of us go to the Sinking Sea,
only the two of us eat the food!
- (farts) You're going
to the Sinking Sea?
- Who told you that?
I did.
Erky's going to be so mad
and I'll wander Kitchen alone
and miserable until
I finally succumb
to bugala-pestitis or
- Don't worry, Perky,
I won't tell anybody.
- They leave tonight
for Steelside Canyon
and the Great Sinking Sea.
- And the food.
- And the food.
- Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
- That we could
infiltrate Erky's mission
ergo bypassing
the thinkifying stage
and maximizing the
chewosity of the spoils?
- Uh
Just what I was thinking
(huffing and puffing)
- I have to rest.
Check my pulse, I think I
might have burst a bug vessel.
- Oh, you're fine.
You know, I told you not to
bring so much stuff, Perky.
- One of these bags
is yours remember!
- Well, that's my point exactly,
if your bag was lighter you
wouldn't have so much trouble
carrying both of them!
- You're right.
That wasn't very smart of me.
- [Sajuica] Going somewhere?
- Us?
We're, relocating,
yeah, that's it.
- We're moving house?
- It's time we looked at
a healthier lifestyle,
more protein.
We're gonna try an egg cup.
- Really?
I thought you were going
to the Great Sinking Sea.
- Yeah, so did I, Erky.
I did it again.
- We're coming with you.
- I don't think so.
- Your call, but imagine this,
I reveal your sneaky
plan to my Aunt Margaret,
she makes that food her
own before you can say,
"Sajuica, why
don't you join us!"
(breaths deeply)
- Sajuica, why
don't you join us?
- I thought you'd never ask.
- Whatever they eat
comes out of your share!
- Does this mean we aren't
moving to the egg cup after all?
(water pouring)
What's that noise?
- Look!
- Steelside Canyon!
That must be the
sound of the sea.
Lead the way, Perky.
- Me?
Are you sure that's
a good choice?
- We're only as strong
as our weakest member,
so we might as well
make you the leader.
- Gee, thanks!
Here we go.
(upbeat music)
(all screaming)
(all panting)
We're here.
- The Great Sinking Sea.
- (sniffs) Mmmmm.
I smell something
yummily rotten.
- Me too!
Follow that stench.
- I've got a better
idea, let's go home.
I'm not really that
hungry anymore.
We're not water bugs so
what are we doing in water?
- Hey Stinks, how
are you feeling
in the wind department today?
- A bit more bloated
than usual actually.
Thanks for asking.
- Good.
Sit in the back and give
us a little forward propulsion.
Perky, is that
entirely necessary?
- I can't help it.
Something is
irritating my nostrils.
- Boys, boys!
(horrified scream)
- What is it Sajuica?
- Something moved in the water.
- [All] Ooo.
- Don't worry,
I've got you Perky.
- I can't breathe.
- The monster!
- [Perky] Help!
- The Sea Monster!
- Erky!
- Help!
(waves crash)
- Perky!
Wake up!
- I'd better give
him mouth to mouth.
Better yet, Stinks,
you've got a lot of air,
back that butt up over here.
- I'm good, I'm good.
Hey, where's Erky?
- The last I saw of him
the monster was squeezing
out all of his Erky juice.
- (gasps) Poor Erky!
- [Margaret] Don't
forget, I want them pointy.
- Yes, your great
spotted purpleness.
- I've just made a new rule,
no flying without wings.
- Goodie.
The punishment?
- Feed me for a month
With their own body parts.
(door bangs)
And fix the door to Kitchen!
(solemn music)
- Why wasn't it
me instead of Erky?
He didn't deserve to die.
- [Sajuica] It's not
your fault, Perky.
- Look!
- Chocolate!
Erky's favorite.
- Halt!
You are in direct violation
of a law that I just passed,
no flying without wings.
(huffing and puffing)
Get him!
I'm warning you!
- I'm warning you
- Nicely done.
- I'd like to say a few words
about our dear departed pal.
- Who's that?
- Erky.
I bet he's out there somewhere,
right now, watching us,
with a big smile on his face.
Erky is, (sob) was, always
friendly, always kind.
- And generous.
- And generous.
He was the best
friend a bug could
- Is that the best you can do?
Look, not one tear.
- Erky!
You're not dead!
- Yeah, no thanks
to you, I might add.
(all slurping)
Would you stop that?!
- I can't!
You taste too good.
(all slurping)
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