Everything Calls for Salvation (2022) s01e05 Episode Script


[Pino] Hey,
what have you been up to in here?
- Huh?
- [groans]
It's just that Giorgio
was having nightmares last night.
Do me a favor, put everything back
as it was before, okay?
- Mm-hmm.
- Look at all this dirt down there.
[Daniele yawns] Pino, what time is it?
- [Pino] It's "don't break my balls" time.
- [Daniele] Thank you, Pino.
- Good morning, Mario.
- [grunts] Morning, Daniele.
I'm cleaning a little,
where I can. [sighs]
I can't afford disorder.
I have too much inside.
Is everything all right?
I wouldn't say that.
Everything as usual, if you will.
Sometimes you should just be grateful
you made it through the night.
No wonder and in this heat.
- Sure, your pajamas don't help.
- [chuckles]
It sounds absurd. I know, but I haven't
I haven't been able
to wear lighter clothes for so many years.
It's as if I felt naked with no skin.
I thought about your poem last night.
I think that poets, artists and lunatics
have one thing in common.
Nobody can tell them what to look at
and how to look at it.
Some people have a grainy memory inside,
buried in their subconscious mind.
And these people tend to see things
as they really were.
I mean, how how they were
before the event
that changed everything happened.
Why, what happened?
I'm not the first one to say this,
but this used to be paradise.
Then we sinned.
And death came along.
Time too.
But these people didn't know
that the longing they feel
when they're in front of such beauty
is a longing for paradise.
For God.
These are only the ravings of a retired
elementary school teacher. [chuckles]
But please, you have to remember this.
Get treated.
Ask for help every time you need it.
But don't let anyone ever tell you
how the world is and works.
Keep your gaze wide open. Keep it free.
Look at me, for instance.
I only have one certainty.
That no matter what,
he'll always be here to keep me company.
Don't worry, he's not here now.
- [chuckles] Okay.
- He must be flying around.
I heard there's a fireworks show tonight.
I hope he won't get scared then
and will return.
[insects buzzing]
[sighs] "Find a way." Easy for you to say.
[door opens]
Daniele, what are you doing here?
Go back to your room, hurry.
The head physician,
Professor Melella, is on his way.
[buzzer sounds]
[Daniele] The head physician is coming.
[Madonnina groaning]
[Pino] Please, professor.
I've already sorted out
all the patients' files.
Of course, when you're here,
you brighten up the ward.
[chuckles] With all due respect
to the other doctors.
Charisma isn't something you could
just buy off the market, right?
[Melella] Good morning.
- [Madonnina groans]
- [Melella] Good morning.
Good morning, professor.
[Melella sighs, clears throat]
[Madonnina groans]
- Ah, here's our famous arsonist.
- [groans]
[Melella] Did you find out
where he got that lighter?
- No, uh, it's a mystery.
- [Madonnina groans]
How are you doing, Mario?
As usual, professor.
Neither better nor worse.
Well, compared to the last time I saw you,
you are looking better.
It seems to me, you're calmer.
You've even put on a little weight.
- [Mario chuckles]
- [Melella] Decided to improve your diet?
Living on baked apples is sad, isn't it?
- I like them though.
- [Melella] As you wish.
How are you sleeping these days?
[sighs] Not well, unfortunately.
I'll have Dr. Cimaroli
prescribe you something to help you sleep.
- But take it easy.
- [Mario] Of course.
Remember that on Tuesdays and Thursdays,
I'm here for visits.
If you wanna talk
to me or ask me something,
let me know and I'll be here.
Yes, will do. Thanks.
[Melella] With him,
we are doing all we can.
We would need a fully dedicated staff,
but the money's getting tighter
and tighter.
Do you regularly change his position
to avoid bedsores, hmm?
- It's scheduled for tomorrow, professor.
- Good.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
[Daniele] Goodbye.
[Pino groans]
- [laughing]
- [Madonnina groans]
Jesus, Mario, did you go
to school together or what?
He didn't even say a word to us.
We've known each other for a long time.
He was the doctor who first took me in.
You were just a child then.
[insects buzzing]
[Daniele] Dad, it's Daniele.
Daniele. Daddy's boy. How are you?
I'm fine. Dad,
could you pass me to Mom, please?
Mom went out
for a moment to get groceries.
Oh, by the way,
she explained everything to me.
She told me it was the first time
you did it, and so I calmed down.
Also, because she told me
that you promised her
that it would be the last time.
Is it true?
Yes, Dad, I promise. It's the last time.
Listen, uh, I wanted to ask ya.
Hmm. I'd need you
to bring me my body wash,
uh, because my roommates used it all up.
- And also some underwear and socks.
- Okay.
Oh, and, um, my cologne too, if you can.
- Your cologne?
- Yeah.
What do you need it for?
I wanna use it. What do you think?
[chuckles] You're going to a ball?
No, I'm not going to a ball,
but just because I'm hospitalized
doesn't mean I have to stink.
And, um, oh, listen,
could you also bring me
Please, I also need winter pajamas.
With this heat?
Winter pajamas?
I've got no clue where they are.
You know how your mother is
with the change of wardrobe.
I don't know,
but give it a try, okay, Dad?
Here at night the temperature
drops suddenly, so I need them.
All right, I'll think of something.
I'll have it brought to you later
by your brother.
Thanks, Dad, you're a star. Thanks.
You too, son.
I love you, Danie.
[sighs] Tonight, there's gonna be
a fireworks display
in front of the clinic.
Really? Fireworks?
Are you planning to attend?
[inhales] They won't let us,
so we we'll have to figure out how.
Oh, that's what you need your cologne for.
No, come on, Daniele, behave.
Yeah, uh, Dad, look, I have to go now.
Hmm. I'm getting nasty stares.
Okay, I'll send you everything later
with your brother.
Thanks. Thanks. Bye, Dad.
Say hi to Mom for me, okay?
- Bye, Daniele.
- See ya.
- [Madonnina whimpers]
- [Mario] Thank you, Madonnina.
[Madonnina whimpering]
Minestrone, in this heat?
Sweating is good for you.
It cleanses your body and mind.
Trust me. You need it, my friend.
Ah, I'll cleanse both with water, okay?
What a spoiled brat.
- [Daniele] Here.
- [Mario] Thank you.
You wanted to tell me something?
I heard what the head physician told you.
He gave you something to help you sleep?
The usual sleeping pills. [sighs]
Why, do you need some? Ask the doctor.
Mm, she'll refuse.
No, they say I'll get addicted
to those as well.
[whispers] But actually,
they're not for me.
[whispers] Who do you need them for?
[elevator whirring]
[gasps] I'm sorry. The bus was late, Pino.
That's fine. Don't worry about it.
[inhales, grunts]
Did something happen? You all right?
- Yes, yes, I'm fine.
- [Ale] Hmm.
No, it's just that yesterday,
I thought the worst
about that lighter thing.
Then this morning,
I bumped into Dr. Cimaroli,
and I realized
that you kept quiet about it,
so I wanted to thank you.
You're welcome.
Um, Pino, could you do me a favor?
Tell me.
Any chance you could replace me tomorrow?
- I need an ultrasound.
- Of course. No problem at all.
I'll do a double shift. Don't worry.
Are you okay though?
Yes, yes, um, I'm pregnant.
- [chuckles]
- Ah.
That's why I've been so drained lately.
- Well, no wonder. Yeah.
- [chuckles]
If you need it again,
don't hesitate to ask, okay?
We can exchange shifts.
And I won't tell anyone.
Don't worry about it.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
[Ale] I haven't
even told human resources yet.
So maybe I can stay until October, right?
- [Pino] Yeah.
- It's not even showing anyway.
- That's right.
- [Ale] Yeah.
Is it a boy or a girl?
- A boy.
- [Pino] Yeah?
[Ale] I mean, I'm not sure, but I feel it.
Have you chosen a name yet?
No, wait. Let me guess.
I would say one of those names,
like, uh, Abdul,
- [chuckles]
- Salam, Ali Baba, one of these?
Matteo? Wow, a normal name then.
[laughs, sniffles] Yes, Pino.
Listen up, Madonni. Here's the deal.
Tonight, I'll try to do a pro-gamer move,
but all of you have to
give me a hand, okay? Are you listening?
Yeah, so it's pretty important
that at nine p.m., all of you are in bed.
At ten p.m.,
you must all be sleeping like babies.
I don't wanna hear you breathe.
- Look at me, Madonni.
- [shouts]
- Yeah. Yeah, it's finished.
- [whimpers, groans]
Ah, wait.
Look at me. Look at me. Look at me.
Okay, so where was I?
It's important that you go to bed early
and be as quiet as the grave.
Don't scream
and don't set anything on fire.
Virgin Mary, help me, Virgin Mary, please.
Go fuck yourself, Madonnina.
[exhales, sighs]
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
[buzzer sounds]
[lock clicks]
[Daniele] Giovanni.
As usual, this is not the right time,
but I've given up already.
I'm sorry. I'll be quick, like last time.
Make it quick, please, guys.
Two minutes, okay?
Thanks a lot, miss.
- No, "Mrs."
- [chuckling]
Dad packed that bag.
- Thank you.
- Hmm.
I can't believe he convinced me once again
to do a favor for his highness here,
the crown prince.
Come on, Giovanni,
I learned my lesson, okay?
Hmm. If you really did learn your lesson,
give us a break, okay, Danie?
And cut the bullshit.
I promise you. Hmm?
[Giovanni] Hmm.
All right, then. Stay strong.
- See ya.
- Bye.
Don't mess around.
- [Ale] Here.
- Thanks. [sighs]
- By the way, I'm not married, you know.
- Ah.
- Hey, come on now! [grunts]
- [Daniele laughs]
[laughing] He's giving him head, you know.
- [Giorgio moaning]
- [laughing, mouthing]
[door opens]
[Giorgio moaning]
Oh, I'd like a cigarette now.
But now I don't feel like
getting up again. [laughs]
[Gianluca] Hmm.
[Giorgio moans]
[Gianluca humming]
Let's play hangman, dude.
- Yes. Yeah.
- [Daniele] Hmm? Come on.
- I've got the paper.
- [Giorgio] Yeah!
- Hmm.
- [chuckling]
- Thanks a lot.
- Giorgio.
- Yeah.
- But I only have one pencil.
It's okay. I'll get one of mine.
Here, Gio.
- There.
- Who's going first?
- I will. All right.
- Let's get started.
- [Mario] What are you doing?
- Uh, we're playing hangman.
Uh, wanna join us, professor?
[chuckles] No.
[sighs] And this?
Who brought this?
I don't know.
Well, it's a nice color.
I think it looks good on you.
- [Daniele] Go, Gianlu.
- Yes.
Wait, give me one second.
Okay. Eight letters.
The first one is an S.
The last one is a G.
- [Daniele] Hmm.
- Savona.
- [laughs] It's supposed to end with a G.
- Well, no.
- [laughing]
- [Daniele] Yeah.
It's not screwing. But there's a C.
[Giorgio] Soap.
[Gianluca] There's a C!
It's the second letter. S-C.
[Daniele] S-C.
Wow, Daniele,
you really groomed yourself tonight.
[chuckles] I just changed my T-shirt.
[chuckles] Looks like you and Mario
are going to a party.
- [Daniele] It looks good on you.
- [chuckles] True.
We're just missing a reason to celebrate.
Is it someone's birthday,
and nobody told me anything?
You don't need a reason to celebrate.
You just have to feel like it.
Wow, you are so wise.
I didn't think you'd be.
- [laughing]
- I'm wise.
[shouts, groans]
[Gianluca] Is he going to hurt himself?
[shouts, groans]
[Daniele] Good job, Madonni!
- [Madonnina shouts, grunts]
- [Daniele] Whoo!
Bravo, Madonni!
[insects buzzing]
Thank you, Alessia.
[Daniele exhales]
Ale, is there any chance
we could order some pizza?
I I don't think so.
- I'd like to get a pizza too.
- Of course.
Could you do that for us?
I don't think it's possible, guys.
Well, as a veteran here, I can assure you,
it's not against the rules, okay?
Okay, do you at least have the money?
- Yes.
- I have a five-euro bill.
- I have ten.
- Yeah, me too.
[Mario] And I'll put in the rest.
For you too, Alessia.
I'm fine, no worries.
Okay, but I'll only order margherita.
- Or you'll drive me crazy.
- [Gianluca] Just like us.
But please, I want vegetables on mine.
- Yeah, okay.
- [Gianluca] Yes!
For she's a jolly good fellow ♪
- For she's a jolly good fellow ♪
- [laughing]
For she's a jolly good fellow ♪
Which nobody can deny ♪
- [laughing]
- She's a very nice lady.
- [sighs]
- I'm eating my dinner too.
Mmm. My God, I feel like crying.
Mario, are you sure you don't want some?
Oh, yes, yes, sure.
It doesn't matter. Thanks.
On the other hand,
can I have one of your cookies?
Our friend is having trouble
with his procurements.
Sure. All the cookies you'd like.
- Thank you.
- [Giorgio] What are procurements?
These right here.
[grunts] He's not feeding him
pizza though.
[Gianluca] Giorgino,
in this instance, you bonehead,
the procurements are the food, in general.
You're the bonehead. Watch your mouth.
- You guys talk funny, not me.
- [Ale exhales]
Listen, could you please
close the window later?
Right away.
Uh, when you're done, tear up the cartons,
then I'll throw them away.
And then everybody in bed, okay?
Or Rossana will get mad.
- Aye-aye, Captain.
- Okay.
[Mario] Only if you sing us one
of your lullabies.
- You should hear what a voice she has.
- [Ale chuckles]
- [Daniele] Mm! Come on.
- [Gianluca] Please!
- [Ale] I'm embarrassed.
- [Gianluca] Do it!
- The lullaby!
- [Mario] Yeah!
[Daniele] Come on, come on.
- Go for it. [chuckles]
- [Ale] All right.
[singing in Mooré]
[chuckles] Okay, that's enough, guys.
I'm embarrassed.
- [Mario chuckles]
- Whoo!
- [Giorgio] Bravo!
- It's beautiful.
But what does it mean?
It means salvation is a gift from Jesus,
and only Jesus can give it to us.
- [Gianluca] Nice.
- [Daniele] Hmm.
Only Jesus.
[Gianluca humming]
[humming continues]
- [Daniele] Good evening, Rossana.
- [Mario] Good evening, dear.
Wow, you're all so polite tonight.
Now turn off the lights and go to sleep.
- [Daniele] All right.
- Good night.
[Daniele] Night.
- [exhales]
- [Rossana] Hmm.
[Mario grunts]
I wouldn't exclude the possibility at all.
The truth is the green-yellow coalition
is so worn-out by now, that let's say
- [Daniele] May I?
- [sighs] I knew it.
Hey, don't start again
with the sleeping pills, okay?
No, no. I found out that decaf tea
has a relaxing effect on me.
[Rossana] Huh.
- [coin drops]
- It's actually good.
You want some too?
Why not, thanks, but get it normal for me.
I have to stay awake.
- [Daniele] Hmm.
- [machine clanks, whirring]
What's it about?
[Rossana] The usual bullshit.
- And we're also paying them.
- Hmm.
[exhales] Who are you voting for?
Well, I tried them all.
They're all the same.
I'm not voting anymore.
Yeah. You're right.
In fact, I won't either.
I never voted.
Just that I don't trust them.
[both] Hmm.
Thank you. You're stirring it too. [gasps]
[machine beeps]
- [exhales]
- [Mario whispering] Hey.
You can also take mine.
How are you gonna sleep?
Who's sleeping anyway? [laughs]
[Daniele] I love you.
[laughs] Thank you.
Since you're here, open a little.
I wanna watch them too.
[Daniele] Sure.
- So you can enjoy it.
- Yeah. [chuckles]
[drawer opens]
[whispers] Bingo.
[lock clicks]
I beg you, please make
everything go well tonight. [kisses]
- [sighs]
- ["Wedding March (Trap Remix)" playing]
[Mario] So many words
crowd my heart at this moment.
So many things I would like to tell you
Yeah, okay, Mario. Get to the point. Hmm?
Sure, yeah.
Daniele, you who are crazy
in the best sense of the term,
do you take Nina,
who is also totally crazy,
here in front of me
as your legitimate wife?
- Yes, I do.
- Yeah, and so do I, Mario.
[singer scatting]
Yeah! ♪
Yeah, yeah, yeah, y-yeah! ♪
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
You may kiss the bride.
Yeah! ♪
Yeah, yeah, yeah, y-yeah! ♪
[woman, deep voice]
What are you doing here?
[gasps] You should have seen your face!
Lower your voice.
You're not normal, you know.
You're the one who is not normal.
I waited for you forever.
- What is this place? A church?
- Yeah, what do you think?
Cool, I hadn't thought about blankets.
[Nina] Of course, if it weren't for me.
A rug seller in a bazaar.
- Mm, thanks.
- [chuckles] You're welcome.
Let's go, come on, it's getting late.
- [whispers] Shh! Stay quiet.
- [sighs] You stay quiet.
[Nina] Quiet, I said.
What do you want me to do, fly?
It's the damn flip-flops.
How wonderful.
[exhales] So beautiful.
- It was my idea, obviously.
- [chuckles]
[Nina] Yoo-hoo!
- Nina, cut the bullshit, please, okay?
- [laughing]
Look how I walk the catwalk.
I could be a model.
- Don't do that, okay?
- Let's see. Let's see how I do a twirl.
- Forget the twirl! Stop it! Come here!
- Let go of me!
You're such an idiot.
You almost made me fall.
- There's a terrace down here, you moron.
- Oh, I hadn't seen it.
- [mocking] Ooh!
- Sorry.
But now, just sit down here
and be good. Please.
- [Nina grunts]
- Oh, wait.
What's that?
What's that? It's pizza.
Thanks, Danie. Yes, I can tell it's pizza,
but you expect me to eat this crap?
Yeah, but it's better than
the crap we get in here, you know.
- [Nina groans]
- [sighs]
Good, huh?
Yeah, sure. It tastes like wood.
Mmm. But it's good wood.
There's one thing
about you that pisses me off.
- What?
- That you make me laugh.
But this pizza sucks just the same.
Have it.
[Daniele] Mm.
I also have
Ta-da! Hmm?
How much stuff do you have
in your tiny pockets?
Mm. You have no idea the trouble I had
to go through to get this joint.
- Mm.
- You remember Giorgio?
- My roommate. Big guy. You met him, right?
- Yes. Mm-hmm.
Well, anyway, he had this whole joint
stashed inside his bedside table.
Hmm. What did you do?
What I did was steal some sleeping pills
from the nurse, put them in his water.
When he passed out, I stole his joint.
It's amazing.
You worked really hard, didn't you?
- I did, yeah.
- Mm.
Here. Ladies first.
[lighter clicks]
- [coughing]
- What's wrong?
- What is it, a piece of tire?
- Why?
- [coughs]
- [inhales]
- Goddamn it! It really sucks. [groans]
- [laughs]
- I'm sorry. [clears throat]
- [laughing]
- [clears throat]
- It's okay.
The doctor says I'm at high risk
with drugs.
They can harm me twice as much.
- Yeah, three times, in my case.
- Well, of course.
Yeah, they told me I have
some kind of toxicophilia.
Don't use big words
like the ridiculous poet that you are.
Oh, so you remember the poem, huh?
- Mm-maybe.
- Mm!
But don't brag about it,
because it was pretty bad.
In fact,
I hope you won't write anymore, will you?
No, or maybe I like writing poems.
- I don't know.
- God, please, let's hope he got better.
- Otherwise, heaven help us.
- [laughs] You're a bitch.
It's your nature to be like that.
And in high school, you were
as ugly as the things you wrote to me.
However, now, given the circumstances,
I have to say that, um, you are passable.
[Daniele] Ah.
However, you were beautiful then,
and you still are.
I've always been crazy about you.
You like me that much?
Because I hadn't realized at all
since I got here.
- [Daniele chuckles, sighs]
- [chuckles]
Hey, again?
No, sorry.
No need to ask. Too many questions, right?
If we're here, it's because
we've all done something stupid.
It's just that lately everyone wants
to know
how could I do
something like this to myself.
But when your life boils down
to nothing but stupid, meaningless things,
such as, you know,
the contracts, the agents,
the followers, the red carpet.
As if these things mattered to me.
While in fact,
they're only important for the others.
While for me, I mean,
they are some kind of curse or something.
I mean, uh, Jesus Christ,
I can't talk anymore. What the hell!
[chuckles] I became such an idiot.
Maybe I should have continued studying.
Maybe I'd have been happier.
[clicks tongue] I think
there isn't much to figure out.
I think the the illnesses
of all those who are in here
they seem to me like one single illness.
But it's not our illness.
It's the world's.
Which, I think,
it it wants us to be different.
But in the end,
what can we do if we are as as we are?
[Nina exhales]
Look, how about instead
of all these serious, uh,
and slightly depressing thoughts,
we did it now?
Do what?
Do what, Danie?
Do what? What do you think?
Ah! And what what can I say?
I mean, of course!
- Of course? [laughs]
- Sure!
- You're so beautiful.
- [chuckles]
I expected something better from a poet.
If you want,
I can tell you that you're ugly.
[gasps] That's more original.
You are disgusting,
but there was no one better in here.
["Another Love" by Tom Odell playing]
I wanna take you somewhere
So you know I care ♪
But it's so cold
And I don't know where ♪
[Daniele gasps]
[fireworks popping]
But they won't flower
Like they did last spring ♪
And I wanna kiss you
Make you feel all right ♪
I'm just so tired to share my nights ♪
I wanna cry, and I wanna love ♪
But all my tears have been used up ♪
Shh! Madonnina.
- Shh! Quiet. Be good.
- Virgin Mary, help me!
Be good. It's nothing. It's nothing.
Hush. Quiet. Shh!
- Madonnina, what are you doing?
- [Mario] Quiet.
Quiet. Shh! Quiet.
- Quiet. Quiet.
- There are fireworks.
[chuckles] What are you doing?
Are you sleeping? Come on, wake up,
Giorgio. Danie oh, my God!
Did he run away? What happened?
No, no, he didn't run away.
He he went to see that girl.
What girl?
The baby doll.
That's why he was smelling so nice today.
And what, are you covering for him?
He's crazy
if he thinks Rossana won't wake up.
Rossana has always been a heavy sleeper.
Trust me.
Oh, I trust you. [scoffs]
I don't even care if he gets caught.
But it's a shame
to watch the fireworks from here.
I'm going to the other room.
You can see them perfectly well from here.
[imitates explosion]
I'll go watch them over there.
Where you going?
They look better from there, right?
always win, but I know I'll lose ♪
And I'd sing a song
That'd be just ours ♪
But I sang 'em all to another heart ♪
And I wanna cry, I wanna learn to love ♪
But all my tears have been used up ♪
On another love, another love ♪
All my tears have been used up ♪
On another love, another love ♪
All my tears have been used up ♪
On another love, another love ♪
All my tears have been used up ♪
Rossana, my medication.
Oh, shut up.
It's not a good time at all. [exhales]
That damn son of a bitch. [sighs]
[Mario] What happened?
I don't know. She woke up.
[Rossana] Luigi, come quick.
Something's happened. I need your help.
No, no, no, you have to come here, quick.
I'll explain later.
I'll explain. Come, Luigi.
- [phone beeps]
- [door closes]
[Nina] We missed the fireworks.
Did we now?
- Are you cold?
- [sniffles] No, I'm fine. You?
The longing I had is gone.
What longing?
Mario, an older man in my room,
says that we're all suffering
because of our longing for paradise.
- [chuckles]
- I'm over my longing.
I no longer long for anything.
[sighs] Neither do I.
Not even for Paris?
No, well, wait a sec.
As a matter of fact, Paris, yeah.
- [laughing]
- I mean
- [Rossana] You moron!
- [both gasp]
It's your fucking problem now.
You'll get a minimum
of another week of CT, asshole!
- And you too!
- Hey, what do you want?
We haven't done anything bad, okay?
And turn off that fucking light,
or I'm gonna throw a fit, okay?
- I told you to turn your flashlight off!
- And you better calm down.
you're gonna be in for a rough time.
- You understand?
- [panting]
Okay, I'm calm.
- [light clicks]
- [Daniele shudders]
[Rossana] I can't believe it.
Something like that has never happened
to me in 20 years of service.
And I even told you!
- We didn't do anything serious.
- [Rossana groans]
We went up to the roof.
We didn't even get out.
- Yes, tell that to Cimaroli.
- [Daniele] No.
[Rossana] This is another guaranteed week
for you and your friend.
Don't say anything to Dr. Cimaroli.
There's no need to. It was a stupid thing!
- Why do you need to keep holding me?
- Quiet!
I told you I'd calm down.
Why are you still holding me, huh?
[Rossana] Now we'll call Dr. Cimaroli.
Let's see what she has to say.
Stop! Hey! Stop your car!
- Can I borrow your phone? It's urgent!
- Yeah, okay, but what happened?
Let's go! Let's go!
Let's get out of here, please!
- [panting]
- [line ringing]
By the way, I was heading to the sea.
Is that okay?
Be quiet for a second!
[cell phone ringing]
- [gasps]
- [taps phone]
He hung up on me. [gasps]
Was it her?
She must have borrowed
someone's cell phone.
I don't know what to do anymore.
Don't ask me.
Now he turned it off.
You're such a piece of shit!
For once that I needed your help!
Hey, are you gonna tell me
what's going on?
Let me get out.
Why don't you calm down for a moment?
We can go to my place.
We'll have a drink together
- Let me get out, I said!
- [gasps]
[tires screech]
[driver] Look at you.
- You are totally crazy!
- Yes.
- You have to go and get treated!
- Go fuck yourself, pig.
- Fuck off, asshole!
- Ah, go to hell!
["Chandelier" by Damien Rice playing]
Party girls don't get hurt
Can't feel anything ♪
When will I learn? ♪
I push it down, I push it down ♪
I'm the one for a good time call ♪
Phone's blowing up
Ringing my doorbell ♪
I feel the love, I feel the love ♪
One, two, three
One, two, three, drink ♪
One, two, three
One, two, three, drink ♪
One, two, three
One, two, three, drink ♪
Throw 'em back till I lose count ♪
I'm gonna swing ♪
From the chandelier ♪
From the chandelier ♪
I'm gonna live like tomorrow ♪
Doesn't exist ♪
Like it doesn't exist ♪
I'm gonna fly ♪
Like a bird from the night ♪
Feel my tears as they dry ♪
I ♪
Wanna swing ♪
From the chandeliers ♪
The chandelier ♪
But I'm holding on for dear life ♪
Won't look down, won't open my eyes ♪
I keep my glass full
Until morning light ♪
'Cause I'm just holding on for tonight ♪
Help me, I'm holding on for dear life ♪
Won't look down, won't open my eyes ♪
I keep my glass full
Until morning light ♪
'Cause I'm just holding on for tonight ♪
On for tonight ♪
Yes, I'm just holding on for tonight ♪
Oh, I'm just holding on for tonight ♪
Oh, I'm just holding on for tonight ♪
On for tonight ♪
On for tonight ♪
Yes, I'm just holding on for tonight ♪
Oh, I'm just holding on for tonight ♪
On for tonight ♪
On for tonight ♪
- [song ends]
- [theme music playing]
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