Everything Will Be Fine (2021) s01e05 Episode Script


[indistinct chatter]
[woman] Julia's professional success
is a direct result of all the sacrifices
you've made being a stay-at-home dad.
That's really important.
It's almost more important
than what Julia has contributed.
You deserve more credit.
Yeah, I guess that's true.
Anyway, it's going to be really hard
to convince the judge
to grant you any alimony
if you have shared custody of Andrea.
Which is why we'll ask for full custody.
Is that really necessary?
If we want a real shot at potentially
getting you full spousal support,
then it is.
Look, you're unemployed now.
And that money is going to be
a safety net for Andrea,
so that she wants for nothing.
You know that they're probably thinking
about doing exactly the same thing as us.
So we'll already have the advantage.
Perfect. I'm ready.
I'm not gonna mince words.
These cases can get ugly fast.
It's crucial that you don't move
out of the house though.
It's much easier to grant custody
to the parent
who stays in the minor's house.
So now you need to gather up
all your pay stubs
and your bank statements.
We're gonna have to prove
that Julia is the sole bread winner.
We'll also have to prove that you've
turned down multiple other job offers
in order to take care of your child.
And you know you'll have to tell me
everything about you and Julia, right?
From beginning to end,
and you leave nothing out.
- Is all that clear to you?
- Yeah, of course.
Eat up.
They're gonna wanna prove that Andrea
is better off with her mom.
Unfortunately, they've got us there.
In most cases, it's the mom
that usually gets awarded full custody.
But don't worry too much.
Thank you.
There's no need to thank me,
you're paying for it.
[theme music playing]
He's not willing to share
custody of Andrea.
He's also requesting alimony payments.
Julia, if you want to keep your house,
you can't move out of there.
We have to play
a waiting game with him now.
[mellow acoustic guitar playing]
[shower running]
Hey! Come here, you!
I love you, but it's time to shower.
- Here we go, both of us.
- [both chuckling]
Now, there you go.
- Uh-huh.
- This one is my favorite.
[TV show playing]
- [Andrea grunts]
- There you go!
- I'm falling!
- [giggling]
Oh, was that your spot?
Cut it like a cake,
then we can all have some.
[Julia and Ruy chuckle]
Can we talk to you?
There will be, um
some changes in our family.
But it's only because we wanna feel better
and be happier.
I'm pretty happy now.
[Julia] The most, most,
most important thing of all
is that you understand that we love you
with everything that we have.
[Ruy] We love you
more than anything in the world.
But you already know that.
[Julia] And even with all these changes,
everything will
- [Ruy] Um
- Well
will be all right.
We'll still We'll still be together.
But it'll be a little different.
- [Ruy] We don't know yet.
- [Julia] Yes, we do.
- [Ruy] No, we don't.
- Yes, we do. We have a plan.
We do, honey.
Your father and I
will still always be here for you, always.
And with you.
But we're just not
going to be married anymore.
You see? Instead of a couple,
we'll be more like
a sort of team of parents.
[Andrea] Are you getting unmarried?
Is that even allowed?
All we really know is that
we still love you very much,
and you're the most
important person in our lives,
and we're going to be all right.
I don't want these hot cakes.
[faucet running]
[phone buzzes]
[Claudia] Hi Ruy, they set a date
for the hearing. It's next Friday.
Make sure you clear your schedule,
it's gonna be a long day.
Call me if you have any questions.
[water running]
[exhales] Fuck me.
Where's the? Ah, damn it.
Drink your milk.
[Andrea grunts]
[reporter] During a press conference,
it was explained
that the virus has now spread widely
throughout 18 countries.
It is being recommended
that all non-essential travel
We ran out of tortillas,
but there are eggs in the fridge.
[reporters continue chattering]
If you get home before we do,
would you mind taking in the laundry?
[Ruy] Eat up, honey.
[sighs] I'll just eat some chips later.
What is it called?
Is it far away?
A little bit.
In an airplane?
No, it isn't that far away.
Would you like to see my hometown?
- Can we swim?
- No.
But you'll have a good time anyway.
[Andrea moans]
My village has cows, and goats,
and chickens.
Okay, fine!
[chuckling] Hey! Wait for me!
- You'll have a good time.
- [Andrea] Mm-hmm.
- Wait. Wait a sec.
- [Idalia] What?
[Andrea] I forgot this.
- Okay, ready.
- [Idalia] Come on.
Oh, hey. Come here. Say goodbye.
Give me a kiss.
[Andrea whispering]
Can I stay here with you?
No, honey, you'll have the best time.
You'll see.
- You'll have fun.
- Let's go.
But don't go in the lake
or anything, okay?
- [Idalia] Bye, Ruy.
- See ya.
Found you.
[car engine starts]
Want me to get you something to eat?
Why do they call those buses peseros?
Oh, because
they used to be full of Pez candy.
I'm just kidding.
It's because they used to charge one peso,
but now they charge us much more.
See the line up there?
That's where we've got to wait.
Watch your step now.
And then we're off.
Here, Andrea.
Tell the driver:
"Two to Salazar, please."
Two to Salazar, please, mister.
That's it.
[melancholic music playing]
Drive us to the entrance, please.
Here we go.
I gotcha.
[Idalia] Wait! Wait for me!
- Give me your hand.
- [Andrea] Ick.
[Idalia] "Ugh"? Did you get wet?
All right, go on.
Nice one!
[both chuckling]
Here we go.
What did I tell you?
Everyone's out today.
- Hi there, Andrea.
- Hello.
- Do you remember me?
- Yes.
- Mom, you didn't say you were coming.
- Andrea wanted to visit us.
Really? Nothing to do with
your soccer match?
Don't you have anything better to do
than sitting and drinking beer?
Who's got the keys? Come on!
- He's got them, yell at Rigo.
- [Idalia] Give me those.
- Thank you.
- [dogs barking]
Come on, Cachito.
Are the kids over at the house?
- [woman] Yeah, they are.
- [Idalia] Good.
[Andrea] What do they do with the grass?
They bring it to the city
so people can put it on their lawns.
[Andrea] Give it to them for free?
Look at the church.
Haven't seen you in a while, Idalia.
How are you, Maru?
[Maru] Good, thanks.
- [man] Hey, Idalia! Good to see you!
- Hey.
Are you famous?
[chuckling] Oh no, sweetie,
I'm definitely not famous.
It's just how people
in small towns do things.
Everyone says hello.
Try it with the next person we meet.
Say hello.
You'll see. It feels really nice.
- Morning, Idalia.
- Good morning.
- [Andrea] Morning!
- Like what you see?
[Andrea] Mm-hmm.
[Idalia] This way.
Let me open it.
Come on in.
[Andrea chuckling] Chickens!
[making clucking noises]
Bawk, bawk, bawk!
Bawk, bawk!
Bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk!
Hurry up, we don't wanna be late for this.
Shit! It's just a few floors up.
Come on.
- What's up?
- Hey, man. Is it done?
Didn't I say you can count on me?
Nice, thanks.
Do you have 400 pesos?
Otherwise, we won't make it.
- Let's go.
- This way.
[whistles] 'Sup?
- Come on.
- Follow me.
[Ruy] Wait up!
[Claudia] Come on,
we still have four floors to go.
- You a smoker?
- [Ruy] Yes.
[Claudia] Better not mention it.
[door opens]
[man] Julia Pérez Laborde?
Good luck.
[man 1] At the back end to the left.
- [man 1] Your next client, sir.
- Oh, yes. Thank you.
- Have a seat, please.
- Thank you.
I just have to send a text.
And sent.
Okay, all done.
Just a little thank you.
I see that.
- Your attorney is the Kangaroo.
- Yes.
[Julia chuckles]
Very well.
I'm gonna ask you a series
of personal questions
to create a psychobiographical
profile of you
that will help the judge
to make a decision
regarding custody of
- Andrea?
- Yes.
Good. Very well.
At what age
did you become sexually active?
- Eighteen?
- Yes.
- Are your parents alive?
- Yes.
- How's your relationship with them?
- Good.
[woman] How would you describe
your relationship with your father?
He left when, uh I was very young.
[social worker 2]
Did you resent his absence?
No, not really. No.
And your mother, was she strict?
No. No, no, no, she's a hippie,
free love and all.
She's a liberal, animal lover.
She was vegetarian before it was a thing.
Now everyone's doing it.
She's AMLO to the bitter end.
And that was even before
he raised seniors' benefits.
She's pretty cool.
Are you an only child?
Is it obvious?
[social worker 1] Have you ever used
psychotropic substances?
[gasps] No,
but that was actually
a really long time ago. Really.
[social worker 2] Have you ever used
psychotropic substances?
Honestly, yeah.
- Which ones?
- Only the legal drugs.
Have you ever had
any kind of sexually transmitted disease?
- Syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV?
- No. No, no, no.
[social worker 2]
How many sexual partners have you had?
That's a loaded question. I dunno.
- I can't answer that.
- [social worker 2] Approximately?
[social worker 1] How many sexual partners
have you had?
You sure about that?
What do you mean?
[social worker 2] How old were you
when you met your daughter's mother?
I was 32.
I was 20 years old.
How old was your daughter
when she lost her first tooth?
[chuckling] I don't know.
I don't remember.
You don't?
Well, um
What is the name
of your daughter's teacher?
Ms. Moni.
[social worker 1] Does your daughter
have any allergies?
Uh, yes, yes. Um, penicillin. Penicillin.
- [social worker 2] She have any allergies?
- No.
What is the name
of your daughter's best friend?
- Um
- [social worker 2] You don't know.
[social worker 1] Have you engaged
in any codependent?
- Caro. Caro!
- What?
The, uh My daughter's best friend.
- Write it down, please. Caro.
- Yes, I see.
Would you say
you lose your temper very easily?
[social worker 2]
Ever been violent towards your partner?
[social worker 1]
Are you a victim of domestic violence?
[social worker 2] Has your daughter ever
been diagnosed with these problems?
Just "yes" and "no" answers, please.
I don't need a story.
Does she feel sad or hopeless?
Does she cry a lot?
- No.
- [social worker 2] Is she Irritable?
- Does she dwell on death or loss?
- [Ruy scoffing]
[social worker 2] Is she anxious,
nervous, or worried?
- [social worker 2] Any panic attacks?
- No.
- Trouble seeing or hearing?
- No.
Okay. That's all, thank you.
Please go to the next desk.
And a lactose-free
caramel macchiato, right?
- No brown sugar?
- No, they only had stevia.
How did it go?
I don't know.
Have a burrito. The audience with
the judge is the hardest part.
No, no, no. No, thank you.
I really need a smoke.
- Coffee? No?
- I'll be right back.
Are you okay?
This is all so uncomfortable.
That's how it goes.
To tell you the truth, no one enjoys this.
- What grade are you in?
- Second.
Do you have a dog?
Can you speak another language?
Hey, guys! Why so many questions?
[children laughing]
Careful you don't fall!
[Andrea] How many people live here?
Five people.
When I come over, then it's six.
[Andrea] Six?
[Andrea] What about the house downstairs?
The house downstairs isn't finished yet.
We've been doing
construction on it for 20 years.
Little by little, brick by brick,
but now it's almost ready.
I think we'll finally
be able to move in soon.
Look, Fido is the only one
allowed in here.
This will be the dining room.
We'll get a pretty flower vase,
and look at the fridge!
It has an ice maker,
like the one at your house.
And this will be the bedroom.
I'm gonna hang some nice curtains here.
And look at the tiles in the bathroom.
Everything is brand new. Here.
Feel it.
- [boy] Grandma, it's almost four!
- What?
[gasps] It starts in half an hour!
We better hurry! Come on, let's go!
Hurry and get your jacket!
Come on, Cachito.
I run faster than you!
- [Andrea] No, you don't!
- Let's get our things quickly!
Given that marriage forms
the basis of society,
and provides a foundation
of values and virtues
in order to raise upstanding citizens,
I must ask you both:
Do you insist on dissolving
your bonds of marriage?
Wait here a minute.
I'll be back.
Kids, you're gonna stay right there, huh?
How long is it?
- Ninety minutes.
- Ninety?
- Yes, 90. You guys watch Cachito for me.
- Okay.
All right, let's get warmed up!
Come on, García.
We'll play three-four-three.
Luciana, stay in the midfield.
You Betty, you're on defense,
and you stick to Ottawa like glue.
She plays dirty, so don't let her
out of your sight. Let's go!
- Let's do this.
- Get in position!
[girls laughing]
[Idalia] Come on, move!
[girls shouting] Let's go! Let's go, yeah!
[Idalia] Here!
[girl giggling]
Do you want to play with my toys?
[whistle blowing]
[sheep bleating]
Move it, dog!
Come on, get upfield, 22!
- Go on! Keep playing. Get it in!
- Come on, you're in the clear!
Do you regularly consume
psychotropic substances?
- What constitutes psycho?
- Answer "yes" or "no."
If the question isn't clear,
I can't answer.
If we gave you a drug test,
would you pass? Yes or no?
I noticed that you were recently processed
in a holding facility
for driving
under the influence of alcohol.
Do you have a drinking problem?
- No, that night was
- [Ruy] Hey, Claudia.
Do you use alcohol
to cope with your depression?
No, I'm not depressed.
Is it true that you took antidepressants
after giving birth?
- My client's not obligated to respond
- Answer the question please.
- Yes, but that doesn't mean
- [Claudia] Very well.
Did you willingly participate
in acts of vandalism
during the March 8th protests?
I participated in the March 8th protest,
but what does that matter?
Let's be clear.
I'm the one asking questions, okay?
Tell me something.
Does your daughter, Andrea Villegas,
know you're currently having
an extramarital affair?
What are you insinuating?
- [judge] Mrs. Pérez, answer the question.
- I'm not gonna answer stupid questions!
The two of you are misogynists!
It's thanks to people like you
that we have no justice in this country.
All right. How about
I repeat the question?
[judge] Ruy Villegas,
you have made a request for full custody
of your minor child, Andrea.
You are also requesting alimony
for the entire span of your marriage,
as well as half of the gifts and property
acquired during the marriage.
- Is that correct?
- Yes, that's right.
The clicking, please.
Is it true that you are
presently unemployed?
- Yes.
- [clicking pen]
Why did you lose your job?
- A misunderstanding with a colleague.
- Your Honor.
Permit me to call your attention
to page 35 of the case file.
This is the evidence proving
that Mr. Villegas was fired
after having sexually harassed
a colleague at his workplace.
[judge] Were there any criminal charges
brought against him?
[Emiliano] No.
[judge] All right, counselor.
Let's take a 10-minute recess.
[Ruy clears throat]
We never agreed to you bringing up the DUI
or the anti-depressants.
Hey! All right, all right.
You need to trust me.
- I do.
- I told you how it would be.
But you went too far.
You gotta trust me.
Too far? Do you wanna win this or not?
Julia, come here.
Be right back. I'll see what's up.
- Julia, I talked to the judge.
- Mm-hmm?
He wants money.
For 50 grand, he'll rule in your favor.
What are you saying?
You really pissed him off,
and now he wants $50,000.
I think we should counter with 20.
I'm not giving a single peso
to that sexist asshole.
Listen, Julia,
this is the way things work.
He's not gonna change his mind.
Think of your daughter.
- [man] Excuse me.
- Yes, sir.
It's because of my daughter
that I'm not gonna feed
into this corrupt system anymore.
No fucking way!
[Emiliano] Julia.
[judge] Let the record show
that I've now reached a definitive ruling.
First of all,
I declare before the court
that the marriage is hereby dissolved.
Secondly, alimony payments
in the amount of 18 percent
will be paid to Ruy Villegas,
and will be deducted from
the paychecks of Julia Pérez.
Thirdly, the property acquired
during the marriage,
in this case, the house located
at 103 Dr. Liceaga,
will be sold and the resulting profits
will be divided equally
between Ruy Villegas and Julia Pérez.
Fourth, the minor, Andrea Villegas,
will undergo a psychiatric evaluation,
which will allow the court to determine
which parent will be granted
principle custody.
Once that has happened,
both parties will receive a date
for the second court hearing.
This is an outrage.
Very good. I'll be in touch.
[somber music playing]
When can I visit your village again?
Oh, whenever you want, Cachito.
I'm not sure.
Now I think
I'm gonna sleep for a month.
- Oh! A whole month?
- Mm-hmm.
[Idalia chuckling softly]
I never wanna see you
again in my fucking life!
- There's no "us."
- Come on.
You want the house?
Fucking keep it, asshole!
I don't care about the house.
How did we even get here?
How? Holy fuck!
You should've asked yourself that
when you were fucking
all those stupid groupies!
I swear, they got dumber every time!
It's pathetic!
You're fucking pathetic!
I can't believe it.
- What about her?
- Andrea's here!
Hi, my love.
Hey, go grab your stuffed chicken,
we're sleeping at the flat.
- I wanna stay here.
- [Ruy] Julia.
It'll be fun. We're going to my studio.
Do you remember it?
- [Ruy] Everything's fine, honey.
- [Julia] Come on, my love.
It's gonna be fun, I promise.
We'll bring your new dress.
The room is so pretty,
you're gonna love it.
- [Andrea] Are we sleeping there?
- Yes.
- What about my blanket?
- I've got it.
[Ruy] Where are you going, Julia?
Please don't go!
[Julia] It's okay.
Just wait right there.
- Don't screw this up.
- Don't you screw this up with her.
[mellow folk music playing]
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