Exception (2022) s01e05 Episode Script


[Lewis] I've determined where to best land
the atmospheric transformer.
It's a nice flat area
on one of the continents.
Did everyone approve?
Not yet, but to start work on our descent,
we'll need everyone's bio-authentication
and the atmospheric transformer
engineer's passcode.
I'll continue looking for the RA bomb.
[Lewis] Copy that.
Mmm. So good, and fresh too.
We've got food and there's a bathroom,
so we can survive in here
with a little dignity.
- [banging]
- [Mack groaning]
I wonder what the Lewises are up to now.
He said he didn't steal the RA bomb.
So, misprint Lewis lied
and normal Lewis believes him.
That's one possibility.
Mack, you want some?
- No, thank you.
- You should try it.
I think they're watching us.
There's some new wiring on the ceiling.
[exhales sharply]
[Patty] I know a way out.
[Mack] Lewis isn't thinking straight.
He really believes
one of us stole the bomb.
I don't think he's been the same
since Kate died.
[breathing heavily]
[Lewis gasps]
[Lewis grunts, pants]
[Lewis] Kate?
- Kate! No!
- [thuds]
[electronic tones ringing]
[electronic tones stop]
Huh? [gasps]
[Lewis] Hey, can you hear me?
I think I found something.
I'll be right there.
I was reviewing some security footage
to see if I could find our traitor.
[Misprint] They probably erased.
Exactly. I didn't find anything.
The oldest footage is 15 minutes
before the solar flare happened.
Anything before that was erased.
Every camera.
[Misprint] The flare caused it.
[Lewis] No, I don't think so.
If that were the case, it wouldn't explain
the 15 minutes of footage
prior to the flare.
The traitor deleted the footage
and the flare was just a coincidence.
So, that means
The traitor had the bomb before the flare.
Well, I guess this'll be my blanket.
- You mind if I get some sleep?
- [Nina] Of course.
Let's check out the weather simulator.
Now they can't see or hear us.
The camera?
In the ceiling.
Glad you caught that.
[Patty] Lewis is observing us
to determine who the traitor is.
Yeah. Well, he should look in the mirror.
Do you know how to get out of here?
There are ducts under the floor
that lead into my lab.
It keeps the air consistent
between the two rooms.
We know one of them stole the bomb,
but they don't suspect each other.
They're too focused on their common enemy,
or they don't believe there is a traitor.
[Misprint] Who do you suspect?
I don't know yet.
It's better to keep them in there for now.
We can't risk
letting a terrorist run around.
If the RA bomb was hidden
in one of these drones
[Misprint] It could detonate anywhere.
We can't inspect them all ourselves.
[Lewis] I could have the drones
inspect each other.
I'll pair them up and have
the manipulators remove the outside panel.
[Misprint] They'll check the interior
with their sensors
and report back
if there's anything suspicious.
There are a few drones that aren't moving.
They're rejecting the commands.
Either they're malfunctioning or
Carrying the bomb.
Let's get back to the control room.
I can only do so much at this terminal.
[Oscar] Hurry!
Let's go before they get suspicious.
Shouldn't we all go?
No. You three stay here.
Pretend I'm still in the room
and buy me some time.
All right.
[Misprint breathing heavily, grunting]
What's wrong?
Nothing. How are the drones?
I figured out why
they were malfunctioning.
Some of them were forced to shut down.
[Lewis] Someone sent out special commands
to make them stop.
Oscar has access
to the drone master account.
No, that account can't force a shutdown.
The Planetary Development Authority
account was used.
[Misprint] Who was it?
[Lewis] I don't know.
But someone forced
those drones to shut down.
Did the command reference the RA bomb?
[Lewis] It's hard to say.
[Misprint] How many drones stopped?
[Lewis] Sixty-four.
Which types of drones were they?
Doesn't look like the terrain drones.
[Misprint] That leaves the atmospheric
and soil analysis drones.
The location and flight patterns
when they shut down are different.
But there's no pattern,
and they all shut down at the same time.
The communication logs.
If we look up the codes
[Lewis] The shutdown drones
were sent a specific code,
Footage from the Central Control Room
from 38 hours and 16 minutes ago.
[Lewis] Right.
Someone had to have sent
the command at that time.
[both gasp]
[Lewis] It was Mack.
[Patty] It looks like Oscar's asleep.
[Nina] We should let him rest.
[Oscar] I'm still awake.
Hey, Mack, did you give up
on breaking down that door?
Keep going. Don't mind me.
Patty, how much can we trust
what Lewis told us about the RA bomb?
I'm not sure,
but I don't wanna believe
one of us has been lying.
If it were true, what is the objective
of the person who stole the bomb?
To make sure the mission fails?
To prevent the human species
from migrating into space.
What kind of a person would do that?
[metallic clanking]
[Mack] Central Control Room?
Or free the others first?
- [growls]
- [yells]
[grunts, roars]
Fucking monster!
[both grunting]
[Misprint growls]
- [Mack gasps]
- [Misprint groans]
[metallic clanging]
[Misprint growls]
- [Mack grunts, pants]
- [Misprint growls]
- [Mack grunts]
- [Misprint roars]
[Mack yelps]
[Misprint growls, groans]
[yells, gasps]
We need to talk.
You're coming with me.
[Mack groans]
[Lewis] Sixty-four drones
were shut down by commands
from the Planetary Development Agency.
The soil data that they had collected
was rewritten.
Did you do it?
[Mack scoffs]
- Did you steal the RA bomb too?
- No.
- [crushing]
- [Mack straining]
[Lewis] Then why?
Why do you have administrative authority
over the drones?
[breathes shakily]
So you had your own
top secret orders, huh?
[breathes heavily, grunting]
Can you swear
on your family's coat of arms
that you did not steal the RA bomb?
I didn't.
So then why did you stop those drones?
[Lewis] I just wanna know the truth.
[Mack] I deleted data
that was inconvenient to the mission.
That is all.
[Lewis] Inconvenient data?
[Mack] Harmful level 4 organisms
were detected on Planet X-10.
It was enough of a concern
to rethink a human settlement
according to planetary development codes.
[Lewis] You're saying Planet X-10
isn't viable for humans to live on?
[Mack] Only in certain areas.
But the Planetary Development Agency
wouldn't be convinced.
We're talking about building a new home
for humankind.
It's ridiculous to let
a couple of bad data sets stop us.
[beeping, machine shutting down]
Oh, shit!
[Lewis] Sorry about that,
but we have to conserve water.
And we already know
that's you back there, Oscar.
Can you hear us?
[Lewis] Yes.
Where's Mack?
[Lewis] He's been detained.
So much for our plan.
[Lewis] We sealed the crawl space.
You guys want anything?
We'll try to accommodate
as much as we can.
At least give us something to do.
Crossword puzzles, playing cards,
fucking tic-tac-toe.
Where's the evidence that
this monster didn't steal the RA bomb?
[Lewis] I checked security footage
all the way back to the solar flare.
No one entered Area D.
The RA bomb had to have been stolen
before the solar flare,
when Lewis was still being printed.
Besides, we both have the same reason
to make sure
that this mission is a success.
[Lewis] Once we develop this planet,
we'll have special permission
for the Womb to print her.
Mack, someone stole the RA bomb.
We don't know why they did it,
but we can't assume
nothing's going to happen.
If you don't believe us, that's fine,
but don't interfere with the mission.
Hey! Get your hands off of me.
Stay here.
You're still a suspect.
[Mack yells, grunts]
[metallic clanging]
[Patty] Why is Mack so hard on himself?
[Oscar] Mack is adopted.
His father's pretty high up
in the ranks, a genuine war hero.
I think Mack has a hard time
living up to that.
[Patty] Really?
[Oscar] Yeah, and he doesn't even
know his birth mother.
[Nina] Oscar, is that really appropriate?
[Oscar] Anyways, he wants to make sure
the mission is a success,
to prove he deserves a place
within his noble family.
- [banging]
- Lewis! Let me out! We need to talk!
[Mack] I can prove my innocence.
I didn't take the RA bomb,
and there's a way to prove it.
[Lewis] Are you serious?
It's the only way to convince you.
[Lewis] I don't know.
[Mack] Think about it.
You don't have anything to go on,
so you have to suspect us all.
But you can't keep up the stalemate.
This needs to end.
[Misprint] I agree.
[Mack] I'm making a concession
because I understand how important
it is for you to print Kate.
I could consider the possibility
that you're not the traitor.
I didn't steal the RA bomb.
[Mack] Neither did I.
And I need to prove my innocence to you.
What we need is solid proof.
And I am ready to die for that.
[Lewis] I guess everything around here
is replaceable.
Wha Hey!
Nina, come with me.
[Nina groans]
Mack, what is going on?
I need your help to prove my innocence.
Okay. What's your plan?
I'm going to return to the Womb.
Break me down and then reprint me.
But why?
[Mack] According to both Lewises,
the RA bomb was stolen
before the solar flare.
That means it happened
around the time we finished printing.
[Mack] So, the traitor stole the RA bomb
shortly after they were printed.
[grunts, gasps]
[Mack] We take advantage of that
and reset this ship
to right after it came out of subspace.
That means my memories
will only be from before the mission.
You monitor my movements.
If I'm the traitor, then I'll try
to get into Area D for the RA bomb.
But I won't.
And that's what I want the Lewises to see.
This is insane!
It's important.
We don't have time to make biomaterial.
I may disappear,
but the new me will continue the work.
I can't morally agree with your plan.
Dismantling you means you die.
Do you understand that?
If you won't help, I will do it by myself.
[Nina] You can't just play with your life
like that. It's blasphemous.
We're only reprints.
God didn't make us.
And what about the soul?
We don't have souls?
Don't worry, Nina.
This is just another step
to succeed in our mission.
[Nina] I
I'm sorry, Mack. I can't.
[Mack] It's all right.
[Mack] This smell.
I remember it somehow.
Maybe because I had a mother too.
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