Expats (2023) s01e05 Episode Script


I used to bite my
tongue and hold my breath ♪
Scared to rock the
boat and make a mess ♪
I sat quietly, agreed politely ♪
Guess that I forgot I had a choice ♪
Let you push me past
the breaking point ♪
I stood for nothing,
but I fell for everything ♪
You held me down, but I got up, hey ♪
Already brushing off the dust ♪
You hear my voice,
you hear that sound ♪
Like thunder, gonna shake the ground ♪
You held me down, but I got up ♪
Get ready 'cause I've had enough ♪
I see it all, I see it now ♪
I got the eye of
the tiger, a fighter ♪
Dancing through the fire ♪
'Cause I am a champion ♪
And you're gonna hear me roar ♪
Louder, louder than a lion ♪
'Cause I am a champion ♪
And you're gonna hear me roar ♪
Oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
Roar-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
You're gonna hear me roar ♪
Louder, louder than a lion ♪
'Cause I am a champion ♪
You're gonna hear me roar ♪
Oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
When the evening is over ♪
Put your head upon my shoulder ♪
Look at those little sausage legs!
They're so cute, I
just want to pinch them!
He takes after your side of the family!
What are you feeding him? He's so big!
How's your day off? Are
you getting some rest?
A bit. I have a catering job later.
Why are you working on a Sunday, Ma?
We're fine with money.
We really wish you'd just come home.
I miss you.
I miss all of you too.
Ma, we have to go.
We need to feed the baby.
OK. Take care of the baby.
I gotta get to work.
Say goodbye to Grandma!
Bye Ma! We miss you!
Why are you sending us to Grandma's?
I don't know what else to do with you
All I did was tell Minda
not to touch my stuff.
It's not my fault she quit.
You spit in her face!
Girls! That's enough!
You're giving me a
headache, I can't drive!
Tell Chloe to apologize to Minda.
Why bother? She can
just hire someone new.
Hey, why are you
wearing my clothes again?
Tensions remain high
outside Central Government
Complex this Sunday morning
where student-led protests have
brought traffic to a standstill
as they occupy Harcourt Road
and Connaught Road Central.
Angered by the Mainland's plan to
limit Hong Kong electoral candidates
to those approved by a
government-controlled nominating committee,
the protesters are demanding
that the upcoming election
for Hong Kong's leader
be truly independent,
free from Beijing's interference.
Encouraged by recent
support from leaders
of the broader Occupy Central
civil disobedience movement,
- the number of protesters is currently swelling
- Excuse me. Sorry. Sorry.
from hundreds to thousands
Excuse me.
all under a sea
of colorful umbrellas,
with demands for genuine
We want Universal Suffrage!
Why are you so late?
My grandma's friends
took me to brunch
then we played four rounds of mahjong.
I'm joking! There was a traffic jam.
There's so many people out.
I never thought
And it came time to draft young
men to fight on the front lines,
and of course the farmer's
son couldn't fight in the war
because of his broken leg.
I tell you this old story
because we attach value
to life's ups and downs,
when we don't know God's greater plan.
So no matter how good
or bad things may seem,
we must have faith and trust that
God has a purpose for everything.
- I wanted to tell you
- A plan.
Clarke hasn't been coming in
to work, which is really unlike him,
so I was worried and I reached
out, but I haven't heard back.
I see. Thanks for letting me know.
There you are.
Don't be afraid.
Almost home.
Be good.
No need to be afraid.
It's fantastic living in a hotel.
That must get so expensive.
How long have you lived in
Hong Kong and how many hotels?
It's been we've been in
three hotels the last four years.
I keep asking Jonathan what we're
gonna do when the baby comes out.
Like, when we need to
warm the milk or something.
You just press zero.
Hey Essie!
Chicken salad's ready.
Letter N! Nailing in the bedroom 44!
Hey Puri!
Puri, where have you been?
Sorry, sorry. Rehearsals went long.
Open audition means anyone can go.
What are you gonna do?
Bake your brownies?
It's a talent show, not a cooking show!
I can't go anyway. I have to work.
I asked Ms. Hilary for the
morning off so I can go.
Just ask for the day off, Cici!
And hear about it for
the next two months?
No need.
Puri's the only one
who has a shot at this.
A shot? I'm gonna win the whole thing!
Here she goes again!
You can laugh all you want
but one day I'll be a famous
singer and I'll show you!
Letter O! Oh handsome 74!
Did Ms. Hilary put all
those ideas in your head?
Dreams aren't the same for you and her!
She's rich!
I like Ms. Hilary.
Why? Because she gave
you a folding chair?
Ms. Hilary says it's
important to have self-respect.
What's that supposed to mean?
We don't have self-respect
because we sit on cardboard?
Or because we're helpers
and that's all we'll ever be?
So with all that self-respect
why can't Ms. Hilary
hold onto her husband?
Poor Ms. Hilary, she's
having a hard time.
The other day she opened the windows
and let it rain all
over the living room.
Who wouldn't go crazy
if they found out
their husband was sleeping
with a much younger woman?
Don't act surprised.
You know he's seeing someone else.
How do you know?
Who? Who??
That Korean woman
the one who lost the kid.
What's her name?
Mercy. She comes into the
restaurant all the time.
Sometimes they come in together
always takeout, never to dine in!
Oh, my God
I wonder if Ms. Hilary knows?
Puri, don't get involved.
She's your boss and you
need to keep boundaries.
- Boundary.
- Ah-ah, ay-ay, bingo, bingo!
It's not like that with Ms. Hilary.
She's my friend.
Don't be stupid, she's not your friend!
You can't get too close.
We know everything about these people
things their closest
friends don't even know.
Imagine if we all
told them what we know!
I'd tell my ma'am that I know
that she's fucking Diana's mister!
And I'd tell my mister that his wife
is sleeping with our
neighbor's 20-year-old son!
And I'd tell my ma'am that her mister
is fucking Cici!
What can I do? I have this!
- Hi, Hilary.
- Olivia, hi.
It's pouring out there. I'm
sorry, have you been waiting long?
Oh, long enough to
have had two of these.
- Traffic was a nightmare.
- Mm.
I had to come all the
way from New Territories
after dropping the girls off at my mom's
because Minda quit yesterday.
So now, on top of everything
else, I got to find a new helper.
What happened with Minda?
Long story. I don't
want to talk about it.
- Hello, Ms. Chu.
- Hello, Kevin.
- Chrysanthemum tea.
- Of course.
Uh, she'll have champagne.
No, I'm not drinking.
- I'm doing a cleanse.
- She'll have champagne.
Great choice.
- What?
- I filed for divorce this morning.
- Wait, what?
- That's why we're drinking.
To toast to my freedom.
But everything was
fine. You guys were fine.
Olivia, we weren't.
And you know we haven't
been for a long time.
All right.
- Has David said he wants a divorce?
- No, but he doesn't need to.
- He's sleeping with someone else.
- Come on.
All men have affairs. It-it
doesn't mean the marriage is over.
Did I tell you about the
Australian woman from my book club
who caught her husband cheating
with a girl from the
karaoke bar he frequents?
She could live with the cheating,
but then she found out
he was buying the mistress
Van Cleef jewelry while he
was buying her Chow Tai Fook.
- I buy my own jewelry.
- I get it.
But do you really want to
be in your 40s and divorced?
To be part of the long procession
of expat marital destruction?
I can count them on my fingers
Hazel I., Cherie Chung,
- Padma Singh
- Please don't.
- Here you are.
- Ah, perfect timing.
Men are so predictable.
Whoever David's fucking
is probably half his age.
Look, whatever he chooses
to do outside your home,
you're still his wife, and
he shouldn't be so careless.
I honestly didn't
think he had it in him.
I'm worried about you.
Don't be. I'm fine.
I'm relieved.
It's like, the moment you
decide to take the leap,
you just leave everything else behind.
Clarke, hi.
Hey, Alan.
Thanks for letting me come by.
What can I do for you?
Well, like I said on the phone,
we've been missing you at service,
so I wanted to check on you.
May I come in?
Everybody's gone and they'll
be back soon, so I don't
I won't be long.
Can I get you something to drink? Um
Tea? Coffee?
Grape juice?
Tea would be great. Thank you.
Beautiful up here on the peak.
Oh, it's you!
I was just passing through.
And here I thought you
were coming to see me!
Oh no, I didn't.
That's OK.
Still you're looking lovely today.
I'm glad you came by.
That headband looks very nice on you.
Oh! Thank you.
Actually, I
wanted to buy some flowers.
This one.
For you
it's free.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Go ahead.
It's moving fast today.
I heard last week
they only had one person at the
counter, so it was very slow.
How are you?
Oh you know, been busy with the kids.
They started school last month.
That's right, school started.
That's why the building's been so quiet.
Is everyone OK back in the Philippines?
My son just had a baby!
A boy.
- Thank you.
- Do you have other grandchildren?
First one.
My daughter is older, but she's
only focused on her career.
She's stubborn like me, I guess.
You have children in Manila?
One day
I hope.
When I meet my Prince Charming!
You're smart.
Better to meet someone
here in Hong Kong
than to leave your family at home.
That's true.
It's nice to see you.
You too.
Can I ask
How is the family?
Has there been any
update on the little boy?
They're lucky to have you.
I'm lucky too.
They're a good family.
They don't deserve this.
And how about you?
Are you OK?
You must have been close with him.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have asked.
It's not my business.
No, it's OK.
Thank you for asking.
Thanks for your concern.
I'm okay.
It's your turn.
You go first, you go ahead!
It's okay. You go ahead.
But wait for me.
Let's have some snacks. I'll treat you.
We have a lot of expats
in our congregation,
so I know how lonely it can be out here,
away from family and close friends.
I'm fine.
I just need some time. That's all.
I'm fine.
Of course.
You know, um
I tried to pray like you told me to.
But then I stopped.
Prayer is a very personal thing.
It was wrong.
It's wrong.
We went to the Mainland.
And there was a body.
They said it could be our boy.
And before we went inside
picked up your stone
and I said a prayer.
A prayer is a, a wish
your heart makes, right?
I wished it was Gus.
I prayed that Gus was dead.
And that it was him
lying inside that morgue.
What kind of father prays
for their son to be dead?
People often think that
death is the worst resolution.
But at least it's a resolution.
The tents can only fit four people.
You should bring your own.
OK, I'll buy one tomorrow.
I have to study tonight.
I'll find you guys after the exam.
You're still studying?
Easy for you to say.
You ace every test without studying.
I'm skipping the exam.
Skipping it?
It's our final year.
You want to throw everything away?
I don't see it that way.
This is more important.
What's up with you?
You know I'm as committed as you are!
If you're really committed
then you must be willing to sacrifice.
Why do you think I'm studying so hard?
A college degree means
more opportunities
better networks and more influence.
I don't want to be distracted.
It's a critical time now!
Every second we spend elsewhere
is a betrayal to the movement.
You're being short-sighted.
I'm looking at the long term.
I don't want to argue.
- You've changed.
- You're the one who's changed!
I'm back.
What do I need this for?
I've already finished cooking.
Sorry. There was traffic
and the bus took forever.
Where've you been all day?
I told you. At the library.
Why didn't you answer my calls?
My phone died.
You know I wasn't born yesterday, right?
Don't lie to me.
It's better if we don't talk about it.
I don't want to have another fight.
This is too big, too complicated for us!
You won't make any difference, anyway.
So what?
We just sit back and do nothing?
We don't even try?
You know, the cost of trying
could be your life.
If that's what it takes.
Your life means so little to you?
I'm not throwing it
away if I have purpose.
I grew up in Hong Kong.
I'll have my own children one day.
How do I look my children in the eye
and tell them I didn't fight for them?
You think you're being noble
But out there you're just another ant.
You're a speck of dust.
Even if you die
nobody would care.
But for me
you're my only son.
I have to go to work.
Eat and do your homework.
I will.
Please don't worry about me.
How can I not?
If something happened
to you how could I live?
What would happen to me?
I can take care of myself.
Your son is pretty smart.
Stupid child.
Have some pity on your poor mother.
Don't let him past
you! Go for the slide!
You can't just take your sweet time!
- What's that?
- Cupcakes
Red velvet. It's your favorite, right?
They always remind me
of our New York trip.
We had a lot of fun, right?
I had a late lunch.
You can leave it there.
Have you called the contractor yet?
Not yet.
They can't fix it until
the rain lets up anyway.
I swear it's getting
bigger by the minute.
I hate it.
Have you ever heard that story?
About the Buddhist monk
and the giant boulder?
He asked his disciples,
"Is this boulder heavy?"
The disciples said,
"Of course it's heavy!"
The monk smiled and said
"If you don't try to move
it, then it's not heavy."
It's wide open! What's wrong with you?!
Shoot it, damn it!
Come on. How could he miss that?
Today at lunch
Hilary told me
she and David are getting divorced.
That's good.
Better to be done with it.
Grandma, what are you doing?
I told you to wash your
clothes. Why didn't you do it?
- Stinky!
- Don't smell my underwear, that's gross!
You're my granddaughter.
Nothing about you is gross to me!
Despite the recently issued
Red Rainstorm Signal
protesters are continuing to
gather in increasing numbers
escalating what was
already a tense situation.
So, yeah.
My kids want me to go home.
They say I'm old and should retire.
And you're not ready to retire?
It's not that
I guess
I worry about my employer's family.
The children.
It's been a hard year for them.
And what about you?
You have your own family and children.
But I raised these kids like my own.
I feel a closeness to them.
It's hard for me to
understand your situation
I've never worked for
a family with children.
I know that I'm not Gus's mother
and I don't have the right
to feel as sad as I do.
I was supposed to go to
the market that night
but Ms. Margaret was upset with me
so she asked me not to go.
And I keep asking myself
What did I do wrong?
If I could have done
something different.
Maybe if I was there
If you were there you
wouldn't have lost him.
How could she hand her
child to a stranger?
What kind of mother
would hand her child over
to someone she just met?
The Korean woman.
She's practically a child herself!
I wouldn't exactly say she's a child.
I was just debating what
to get. What do you think?
Nobody comes here for the food.
I didn't think you'd answer my text.
I almost didn't.
You left the bar so quickly. I
was looking for you everywhere.
I just got tired, I guess.
I'm sorry.
It's really complicated
but I should have
called, or at least texted.
Well, you did tonight.
This place is so cool.
I love the neon signs.
So old school.
Tell that to the government.
Hong Kong is dying.
Anything else?
- Beef curry.
- Mm-hmm.
And a ham sandwich.
So, how are you?
I'm okay.
How are you?
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
Is that how Americans sound?
- Yeah.
- Got it.
Clarke, we're home.
Oh, careful with this
stupid scooter, Philip.
No, Philly!
You're scratching up the floors, honey.
Okay, Mom.
It's crazy out there.
I mean, it's gonna be a huge storm.
What do you want to get for dinner?
- There's someone, uh
- Is Essie back yet?
- Do you want to I mean, we could
- Dad! Dad, look!
- Uh, yeah. What do you think?
- Hey.
Mom got it for me.
But I didn't say you could
ride it in the apartment.
- Margaret, Margaret, Margaret.
- Come on, Philip.
- That's Are you ?
- This is Alan.
- Hi.
- Alan.
I don't mean to intrude.
I just came to check on
Clarke and your family.
Um, and you are?
I'm the pastor at
International Baptist Assembly.
You're Oh.
- Yes.
- Right.
On today's program, we'll detail this
Um, Daisy, Philip, can you
go to your rooms, please?
But I was gonna watch the
special report on the plane.
- Uh-huh. Sure.
- You promised I can
You can. You can. Borrow my iPad.
Come on. Come on, Chauncey. Come on.
- Um, anyway, I was just on my way out.
- Yeah.
I'm sure my husband told
you, we're not religious.
He-he just stopped by
to check in. That's all.
I grew up around a lot of religion.
I have to say, it's not the answer.
It's often the problem.
I only came by because I know
what you've all have been through,
and sometimes, when you're
grieving, it's hard to see
We're not grieving.
Gus is still out there.
We're doing everything
we can to find him.
Alan, thanks for stopping by, huh?
Why don't I just I'll
just call you a taxi.
Um, that would be great.
Thank you. Thank you.
Um, I
Should we get an older helper this time?
Since our last two were Filipino
maybe we should try an
Indonesian or Malaysian this time?
Up to you!
This is impossible.
I can't believe I have to
find another one so quickly.
She'll come crawling
back, like she always does.
She means it this time!
She turned in her notice
and took all her things.
Well, your daughter spit in her face.
Even the best helper would break.
Are you blaming me now?
You're her mother.
You're leaving now?
There's a typhoon
I'll just crash at the office.
Don't go.
Can you please stay tonight?
Just tonight.
I have a lot to do at the office.
Why do you keep saying office?
We both know you're
not going to the office!
I gotta go.
It's just, everyone's
gone tonight and I
I really don't want to be alone.
Can't you find someone
to keep you company?
If you come back
and find that I'm gone,
would you even care?
That's not fair!
You can't always have it your way!
Don't forget
you're the one who wanted this.
You made this arrangement!
You do whatever suits you.
It's good that we talked about it.
I know, thank you as well.
Good luck with your singing
competition tomorrow.
I hope you win.
Oh, I don't know
I hope so!
You'll win for sure.
Let's see.
This is me.
Thank you.
Mom, where's the pizza?
- I'm starving.
- You're not starving, Philip.
I'm hungry!
Okay, well, there's
a storm coming, honey,
and-and, you know, patience is a virtue.
- Hi, Essie.
- Hi, Daisy.
- Essie.
- Hello, sir.
Hi. I'd like to request a cab.
Sorry to interrupt you. I just
wanted to let you know that I'm home.
Essie, can you heat up pandesal?
How was your day off, Essie?
It was good. Very relaxing.
I've tried five companies.
I can't get a taxi.
You're drenched. Go get changed.
Thank you, ma'am.
They've issued a black rain warning.
That's why the cabs are all booked.
Essie, I think we might
need to heat up some pizza.
Okay, ma'am.
Excuse me for a minute. I
just need to call my wife.
Oh. Ah.
And you finally show the fuck up.
You know, I wasn't
born yesterday, David.
- Can I just talk?
- Oh, now you want to talk?
- Yes, yes.
- Ah, Puri.
- Yes, ma'am?
- Can you come in here, please?
Ah. Don't do that. Puri,
can you excuse us, please?
No, no, no, anything
you have to say to me,
- you can say in front of Puri.
- Stop it.
I need to speak to you alone.
Why? So you can make more excuses?
I'm not It's not about
that, all right? I
Then what is it, David? Haven't
returned any of my calls.
You haven't been home for weeks.
Guess this is the Hong Kong
curse I keep hearing about.
What the fuck is the Hong Kong curse?
It's exactly what happens to
men like you when you leave
an egalitarian American society
where the responsibilities are shared,
where both people take turns to
do the dishes, take out the trash,
and all of a sudden
you come to Hong Kong
and you don't have to
do any of it anymore
because you've got women everywhere
to cater to his every desire.
I mean, he's got a secretary who knows
what he wants before you even want it,
and a servant who-who bring you
your espressos in the morning
- just the way you like it.
- Just me, obviously.
- Nothing to do with you. Yeah.
- She irons your boxers
and matches your socks.
No, no, no, Puri. You stay.
Soon, the wife starts to
feel like a nag in comparison,
because, you know, she's just
sitting there complaining, right?
Complaining about your
schedule, your travel,
your not having enough
time for the fucking kids.
- And then the fucked-up attitude
- We don't even have kids.
When do I get to have my midlife crisis?
- When do I get to go off the rails?
- Jesus Christ, Hilary.
I mean, what is the point
of even doing it now anyway?
There's no one left to suffer
while I ride around
town in my red Porsche
- and my hot secretary
- Hilary!
She's pregnant.
That's what I came to tell you.
- It was an accident, of course.
- Could you excuse us, Puri?
- Ah.
- I didn't even think I could.
Who is she?
That's not the point.
Well, it's not not the point, David.
You get to have what you want
and punish me at the same time.
Why would I want to punish you?
- You think I wanted any of this?
- I don't know, David.
Maybe not consciously, but yeah,
on some level, I think you knew
- exactly what you were doing.
- Well, h-hang on. You
You didn't even want a
baby, or me, for that matter.
You-you filed for divorce
in the blink of an eye.
That's not what people are gonna say.
They're gonna say I
couldn't give you a baby
so no wonder you ran off to
have one with somebody else.
They'll say that I spent
too much time at work,
that I wasn't a good enough wife,
that I couldn't hold onto you,
so I deserve to have you
run off with some tramp.
You know that's not
true, so fuck those people
- and what they think.
- No, David, fuck you.
Fuck you for putting
me in this position.
Fuck you for humiliating
me and not protecting me.
Fuck you for fucking up
harder than I ever could.
- It was a
- Get out.
Get the fuck out!
I see it all, I see it now ♪
I got the eye of the
tiger, a fighter ♪
Don't make me drink alone tonight.
Good evening, Mr. Starr.
- Okay.
- What are we doing?
Um, you'll see.
Don't say anything. Just follow my lead.
It's crazy out there. We
got caught in the storm.
Welcome back.
Have you been here before?
Um, uh, one second.
- Hi.
- Yes.
Actually, um, I left
something at the pool earlier.
Uh, the pool is closed for the day,
but I can tell the staff to look
for it in the morning when we reopen.
Uh, but it's urgent.
It's medication I need right away.
Uh, remind me of your room number again?
908. David Starr. S-T-A-R-R.
Sure. Okay. Uh, I'll call
security up. Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Can you call security?
David, who's David?
I'll I'll tell you later.
Got it. Yeah. Thank you so much.
Sorry for bothering you.
Okay, wait, wait, wait.
Ever snuck into a pool?
- I can't believe
- Shh.
I can't believe you got us in here.
Uh-huh. Years of bad behavior
gave me all kinds of tricks.
Oh, my God.
Look at the view.
Not bad, right?
It's so beautiful.
Can you swim?
Of course. You?
I know it looks crazy right now,
but when we put a little
concealer and foundation on top,
it's gonna look great. I promise.
It's okay, ma'am. You
can do whatever you want.
It's not for me, Puri.
I'm doing this to show you how
to do your makeup in the future.
Okay, it's all about
highlighting your assets.
You've got those gorgeous brown eyes
and those great cheek bones.
We'll bring those out with a
little highlighter, you'll see.
Thank you, ma'am.
You know, as a kid,
I always felt like
such the ugly duckling.
All the other kids in
school were white and fit,
and I was brown and fat.
They all made fun of me for that,
and for my big Indian nose.
Really gave me a complex.
In college, I stopped eating.
Of course, later I learned
that's called an eating disorder.
Anyway, I'm only telling you all of this
because, yes, beauty comes from within,
but how we present
ourselves to the world
really affects how people treat us,
which, in turn, affects how we feel.
I've learned that, even on
my not-so-confident days,
if I just put myself together,
put on a killer outfit,
flawless makeup,
it really helps.
Oh, you always look so beautiful, ma'am.
I appreciate that.
That's not true, but I appreciate that.
Oh, this color on you is spectacular.
I know no one has shown you how ♪
Oh, wow.
You made magic, ma'am.
Oh, not magic.
Just a little bit of makeup.
You are smart, gorgeous, capable
Don't you ever let anyone tell you
what you can or cannot do.
Not a man, not society, not
Oh, shit.
Of course now, right?
- Ow!
- Ow!
I'm so sorry, ma'am. I'm so sorry.
It's okay, it's okay.
Wait, let me get the light.
We have candles in the closet.
Okay, okay.
- Oh!
- Ow!
Ma, you guys ok?
The electricity is knocked out here.
Oh, really?
No, we're all fine here.
How are the girls?
Are they having fun?
Yeah, they're just watching a movie.
We had crab for dinner.
That sounds nice.
Are you OK?
Yeah, I'm
Ma actually
I just feel so alone.
We're all alone.
It'll pass.
But what if I don't want it to pass?
Why not?
Once it's passed, it's in the past.
What if I want better? What if I want
Stop thinking so much. Just go to sleep.
You'll feel better in the morning.
Goodnight, then.
When Gus first went missing, I prayed.
I did.
I wasn't sure why I prayed.
I mean, maybe I just needed hope.
But it's not like I didn't pray.
I prayed out of desperation,
I-I bargained with the universe,
I-I-I prayed to every god that there is.
And let me tell you, there
was nothing. Like, nothing.
Please, just stop.
I feel like I'm all alone here.
I'm the only one who's still fighting.
We're still all fighting.
Leaving Hong Kong is not fighting.
It's not.
It's giving up.
Look, I-I just want to protect
the kids we still have with us,
not to abandon the search
for Gus, but-but to
What? What?
I mean, he could be anywhere, any time.
He could be on any street, any corner.
Every-every minute
we're not looking for him,
every second, that is a betrayal
Hey, is the pizza almost ready?
It's taking forever.
It's ready.
Can we eat already? I'm starving.
Hey. Hey, guys, we have a
guest. Please don't be rude.
- Careful, it's hot.
- Thank you.
Alan, um
I'll go get some water.
Thank you, Essie.
perhaps you'd like
to pray over the meal?
Dear Heavenly Father,
we thank you for this meal
and for giving us the opportunity
to spend this time together.
We are humbled by your ways,
and ask for your grace to guide us,
so that we may continue
to follow in your path,
to find light when it is dark,
to find love where there is hate.
We pray in the name of
your son, Jesus Christ.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Can we eat now?
Yeah, now you can eat.
Hey, Wen.
The storm is getting
bad, you should go home!
Oh Momo!
Hey, this is Tony. I can't
answer the phone right now.
Leave a message.
Hey, this is Tony. I can't
answer the phone right now.
The choice wasn't exactly obvious.
I mean, I didn't hear a
calling like some say they do.
I had got into law school, actually,
but, um
I guess you could say I
followed a girl instead.
We got married and joined
the seminary the same year.
Is your wife also a pastor?
She is, but, um, we're
not together anymore.
We're divorced.
I didn't know you were
allowed to do that.
I'm not a priest.
We're a lot more lenient
than, say, the Catholics.
Alice and I both remarried since, but
it was tough at the time.
Not everyone was
supportive of the divorce.
We lost a lot of members
of the congregation
who felt I was setting a poor example.
And I felt I had failed them.
So why didn't you quit?
I almost did.
When we split,
I I left the church and
moved in with my friend Ian.
He had just returned from Afghanistan
where he flew a medevac helicopter.
He was getting treatment for PTSD
while I was trying to
get back on my feet.
And then, after a year of therapy,
he decided to return to Afghanistan
to continue flying the medevac.
So I asked him why he'd return
after all the horrendous things he saw,
after-after after all the trauma.
He told me that they've
seen, repeatedly,
that even when soldiers are
severely wounded and unconscious
the sound of an
approaching medevac helicopter
lifts their vital signs.
Just the sound of help coming
brings them back to life.
And that's why he needed to go back,
to be that sound.
And I realized I
I didn't join the ministry to be
an example of moral perfection.
No, I
I joined because I hoped to be
the sound of that helicopter.
Do you know where Gus is?
I don't, Philip.
I wish I did, but I don't.
- I'm sorry.
- But if you know Jesus,
then why can't you ask him where Gus is?
Hey, buddy.
Who told you Gus is with Jesus?
Jesus is not
He's not in a real place.
Gus is not with Jesus.
So then where is he?
We've talked about
this. Someone took him.
Why? Why would somebody take Gus?
What do they want him for?
Why wouldn't God know where Gus
is? Doesn't God know everything?
- Daisy
- What's the point of talking to God
if he can't tell us where Gus is?
Could somebody take me, too?
I would never let
anything happen to you.
Then why'd you let it happen to Gus?
Daisy, that's enough. Go to your room.
- I didn't do anything!
- I said go to your room!
It's not fucking fair!
It's time to go.
This is too much for the kids.
We can't keep doing this.
It's time to go home.
I'm tired.
We all are.
- Margaret
- Alan, you're never gonna
get a cab tonight.
Just let Essie make
up the couch for you.
Uh, that'd be good.
It's very comfortable.
How's it look?
I don't think it fits, ma'am.
Oh, it looks amazing on you!
Looks better on you than it does on me.
Oh, here let me help you
with that really quick.
Let me You know what, let me
just I'm gonna put this here.
Yeah, okay. Oh
I can't remember the
last time I wore this.
Hold this.
Just got to
This will be perfect for
your competition tomorrow.
Okay, you know what?
I think it's the fabric.
I think it's stuck in the zipper.
There we go.
See? Not so bad.
When the rain is
pouring in your face ♪
And the whole world is on your case ♪
I could offer you a warm embrace ♪
To make you feel my love ♪
When the evening shadows
and the stars appear ♪
And there is no one
there to dry your tears ♪
I could hold you for a million years ♪
To make you feel my love ♪
I know you haven't
made your mind up yet ♪
But I can never do you wrong ♪
I've known it from
the moment that we met ♪
There's no doubt in my
mind where you belong ♪
I still can't believe
you got us in here.
You wouldn't be the first to doubt me.
Come on.
I feel so good.
Not bad, right?
So magical.
Can you please tell me
if you have news of my son, Tony Ng?
Your son broke the law.
Which law did he break?
He broke the law.
That's all I can tell you.
Can I see him?
He hasn't been granted bail.
Then when can I bail him out?
I have no further information.
Thank you.
Good night, sir.
Jessica. Jessica.
What's up, Ma? Gabriel's with the baby.
You're calling so late!
Ma, is it bad news?
What's wrong?
What's wrong, Ma? Is it the kid?
No, everything's OK.
I have good news, actually.
I'm coming home for good, son.
I'm coming home.
- What?
- Yes, because Miss Margaret says
they're moving back to America.
Really, Ma?!
It's true.
Did you hear that?
You're going to meet your Lola soon!
Well? Does it say anything
about a dress code?
There's nothing here about it, ma'am.
Oh, then you have to
wear that dress, Puri.
It's too fancy, ma'am.
Don't be ridiculous.
You look as amazing as you sound.
Don't underestimate yourself.
You don't think it's silly
that I want to be a singer?
No, it's wonderful to have dreams, Puri.
By the way, I've been
meaning to ask you
Is "Puri" short for something?
My full name is Purificacion
Cabahug Juntilao.
Wow, that's beautiful.
Thank you, Ms. Hilary.
You know, my real name isn't Hilary.
My real name is Harpreet Singh.
Singh was my maiden name.
Harpreet is my given name.
Well, until eighth grade
when I got tired of
being made fun of for it,
so I changed it to Hilary.
She seems like a different person now.
Harpreet Singh.
I think of her often, though.
Where I'd be if I was still her
instead of
Hilary Starr.
You know what I mean?
I think so, Ms. Hilary.
Margaret and I used to
do this all the time.
We were never afraid of a second bottle.
Are you not friends anymore?
I don't know.
Everything changed
after Gus went missing.
Which is understandable, I just
I just wish I knew how to be her friend.
I feel like I'm losing everything.
My marriage, my best friend
What the fuck am I still doing here?
Ah, I feel so alone, Puri.
You're not alone, ma'am.
You have me.
Thank you, Puri.
You're a good friend.
Oh, no, please, call me Hilary.
I know who Mr. David
is having the baby with.
It's Mercy,
the Korean woman who lost
Miss Margaret's child.
Some of the helpers
have seen them together.
And I knew ♪
Our joy ♪
I never skinnied before.
And, you know, you have
to be naked to skinny-dip.
We could.
We Yeah, we could.
Are you serious?
We don't have to
if you don't want to.
I want to.
I thought you were one of those
girls who only likes white guys.
I don't really have a policy.
What just happened?
There's something I want to tell you.
There's-there's a lot you don't know.
When I came here last
year, I I was so lonely,
and I met this family on a boat.
I really liked them,
especially the kids.
The mother invited me out one night
to help her watch them,
and I couldn't tell
if it was like I was officially hired
or, you know, if she was
just being friendly, but
We went to the night market.
Margaret was with the girl, Daisy,
and I was with the boys.
Philip and Gus.
I was holding Gus's hand.
I thought I was, anyway, but
I sent a text to my friend,
so maybe I dropped it. I can't remember.
It all happened so fast.
One second, we were looking
at these toys at a stall,
these red balls,
and the next second, he was gone.
And I looked everywhere.
I looked everywhere,
but Margaret, she came
and-and she made this sound
You can't blame yourself.
How can I not?
It was an accident.
It could've happened to anyone.
I told you.
I told you, I'm cursed.
I tried I tried to warn you.
You don't want anything to do with me.
I can't shake the feeling
that I'm never gonna be happy.
And I don't deserve it,
not-not after what I've done.
Not when Margaret's
still missing her kid.
Not when
Are you okay, ma'am?
There's something I need
to talk to you about, Essie.
Yes, ma'am.
You know how much we
love you, don't you?
And you know Clarke and I and the kids,
we could never have
gotten through these years
here in Hong Kong without you.
It's okay, ma'am.
No, it's important that you know this
because the kids
they love you. Of
course they love you.
But I love you, too.
You're our family.
And this has not been an easy decision
for Clarke and I, but
we have decided it's
best if we leave Hong Kong.
I know, Miss Margaret.
I know.
It's okay.
I'm so ashamed to say this,
but I have to say it because you must
You must hate me.
Hate? N-No.
I don't hate you, Miss Margaret.
I could never hate you.
You should've been there that night.
You should've been there instead of her
because then he would still be here.
Please you don't have to say that.
I don't know what came over me.
I really don't. And
it's-it's very complicated.
It was your
your relationship with the
children, your closeness with them.
They have a-a bond with you,
and it made me feel like I wasn't
a good enough mother.
Please, Miss Margaret. It's okay.
I don't know what we would
do without you, Essie.
I know, ma'am.
I know, and I understand.
So you'll come?
- Come?
- You'll come to The States with us?
It's going to be such a hard transition
for the kids and for-for all of us,
and we need you to come, Essie.
Clarke and I have discussed it,
and we will get you a U.S. work visa
and we will pay you U.S. wages.
I know it's a big decision.
And that you need time.
But we don't have a lot of time
because we would have
to get the paperwork in,
and we really need to
leave before Christmas.
Thank you, Miss Margaret.
Just promise me you'll think about it.
Okay, ma'am.
Thank you, ma'am.
No, I wasn't with him last night.
Have you asked any of the others?
Was he hurt?
Anyway, I'm coming over.
Hold hold on.
What's going on?
I have to go. Something's happened.
Um, is-is there anything I can do?
No. I'll call you later.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, okay?
Hello! We're here!
Sorry we're late!
The protesters blocked the main road.
We had to take the Western Tunnel.
I know, the same thing
happened to me yesterday.
I'm sure they'll be gone by next week.
- Hello.
- Hello.
What's that?
Oh, nothing.
The ceiling caved in
yesterday. No biggie.
Hey! Go get changed for school.
- Go, go, go.
- Don't be late!
I'll see you later.
I'm meeting some friends for brunch.
- Okay.
- Say bye to Grandma!
- Thanks, Mom.
- Bye Grandma!
Where's Daddy?
He's at work already.
He'll be home when you
get back from school.
I got the eye of the
tiger, a fighter ♪
Good morning.
I'm sick. I'm staying in bed.
Ugh, not so much. It's too bright.
That was way too much wine.
I need coffee.
And will you make some eggs?
Soft-boiled the way I like them.
Would you like your toast?
Yeah. Extra butter.
Yes, ma'am.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Philip, we got to go.
- Thanks, Essie.
- Thank you.
- Bye.
Sir, your baon.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye.
So, tell me about
yourself, do you like kids?
I love children, ma'am.
I have three of my
own at home in Manila.
I have two girls and one boy.
I'm also a very good cook.
That's good. What do you cook?
Oh, everything, ma'am.
I can do Chinese, Italian,
Filipino, of course,
and Thai. I make a very nice Thai curry.
Aside from curry, can you
do any other Thai dishes?
Yes, ma'am. I can do tom yum,
phat kaphrao and pad thai.
- Okay, but not too spicy.
- Yes, ma'am.
How about Chinese food? Because my kids
really like sweet and sour pork.
Can you do that?
Mmm, I know a few, ma'am,
but if there's anything
that I don't know,
I'm a very fast learner.
Okay, that's good.
Now, we like to use organic products.
Would you know how to find that
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