Expedition Bigfoot (2019) s01e05 Episode Script

Human Bait

Narrator: Previously on
"expedition bigfoot"
- Hear that?
- Reaching the sensors.
This is something
I haven't heard before.
Here we go.
Bryce: One of the hairs that
we found matches
What dr. Meldrum considers
To be the gold standard
for bigfoot hair.
Look at this thing.
If we find a bigfoot nest,
That could be the key
to proving bigfoot is real.
Well, that's right.
- What's that?
- Oh, holy
Looks like a print to me.
Mireya: Here's the heel.
The fact that we just found
a footprint right by the nest,
It seems like we've hit
some sort of a hot zone.
In the middle of nowhere,
There's this massive marshy
It's the perfect
bigfoot-hunting zone.
[ growls ]
Russell: Look at this.
There's no natural way
this bone would've ended up
In the middle of this stump.
Bigfoot, sasquatch --
In the past 50 years,
There have been more than
10,000 reported sightings
Of this elusive creature
In the continental
united states.
From the ozarks
to the mojave desert,
From the new jersey pine barrens
To the pacific northwest,
every year,
Hundreds of eyewitnesses
log their encounters.
But where or when this legendary
cryptid will be seen next
Has been a mystery until now.
For the first time in history,
A team of investigators is using
an advanced data algorithm
To analyze five decades
of bigfoot sightings
To pinpoint when and where
to encounter this elusive beast.
With the results, they now know
the time and place to search,
And the greatest bigfoot hunt
ever is on.
[ roaring ]
Primatologist dr. Mireya mayor
And bigfoot researcher
ronny leblanc
Are on a late-night hunt
at the eastern edge
Of a massive clearing
they've been staking out
For bigfoot activity.
Oh, my god.
I clearly saw a set of eyes
shining back at me,
And then, whatever it was,
It just vanished
without a trace.
That's not unusual in the wild,
Even for really big animals
like a gorilla.
I've been in the jungle
with 450-pound silverbacks
Just 2 feet away from me,
And I don't know
that they're there.
These animals know
their environment.
They know how to remain unseen
because they have to be.
That's how they survive.
For as big as they are, they can
actually be incredibly elusive.
You know, we're looking for
any type of twisted branches
Or prints.
Just some sign that something
big's been through here.
It was just here,
Whatever it was
must have left traces.
Should we go head back
towards the tree line?
Yeah, let's do that.
I just don't want to leave
the area
Before checking for prints
Or anything
That can let us know
what we were seeing.
Russell: Mireya. For russ.
Russ, this is mireya.
Mireya, are you anywhere
near ronny?
I have something that's right
in his wheelhouse.
Go for ronny, russell.
Just seems really odd to me,
but there's a large stump.
On the top of the stump,
There's a scapula
right in the center
As if it was placed there.
And just a little bit above
the scapula
Is a pinecone
that is placed strategically,
And it just seems
real odd to me.
I've heard about the gifting
that's been done in the past.
that's very interesting.
The concept of gifting
goes back hundreds of years.
It's attributed to many
native american tribes,
Who see it as bigfoot trying
to communicate with humans.
A lot of people think it's
but at the same time,
A lot of researchers
believe in it, including me.
If russell truly found a gift,
This means that bigfoot is
trying to communicate with us.
This could be huge.
This is exciting.
We'll definitely check it out
in the morning.
Sounds good.
You guys have a great night.
I'll be in touch.
I believe the eyeshine we saw
was sasquatch.
Straight ahead.
It was just too high
above the ground
For it to be anything else.
It's gonna be very difficult
for us to find
Any type
of physical evidence tonight.
We set up trail cameras
throughout this entire clearing,
So at first light, we're gonna
come and check those out.
Narrator: It's day 16
of a 21-day investigation
Into the existence of bigfoot.
Survivalist russell acord
has left the site
Where he found a possible
bigfoot gift
To search
for more clues in the area.
Russell: I'll tell you, weird
things have been happening
Ever since I found that nest.
I felt sick the other night.
I do not feel well.
That really bothered me.
There's been enough sightings
and activity.
We might have found exactly
what we're looking for.
The gifting site
I found last night
Looked like it
was deliberately set up.
I checked all around it.
I couldn't find any footprints.
Regardless of that,
I'm confident I'm getting close.
I'm gonna keep
looking for signs.
Narrator: Mireya and ronny
are returning to the area
Where the sighting occurred,
Approximately 8 miles
from base camp,
To search for evidence.
But instead of traveling
by foot,
The team will be using a new
means of transportation.
All right.
[ engine starts ]
A 100-horsepower
utility vehicle.
The team will utilize a series
of decades-old logging roads
And fire-access roads
To maneuver
through the target zone.
The entire time
we've been out here,
We've been trying to be
very stealthy in our movement.
Now we have this atv
because, logistically speaking,
It is impossible
without them.
There is just too much ground
To cover and a very
little amount of time.
In the field, once an animal
is habituated
And used to our presence,
You can do what you normally do,
sounds and all.
If bigfoot is a highly
intelligent primate,
He knows we're here.
The atvs
aren't gonna scare him away.
[ sighs ]
Where we saw it
was by those trees.
Deer print?
Deer print there.
You don't notice anything,
do you?
I don't.
We can go and pull the card
out of the trail cam.
Narrator: Although the team
can't find any physical evidence
On the ground
of last night's encounter,
They're hoping
the motion-activated trail cam
They left behind has captured
a glimpse of the creature.
We've got a deer.
This trail cam
was set off a lot.
Something was
setting it off.
And, look. There's
nothing in that photo.
Despite being designed to only
capture frames with movement,
The trail cam photographed
a large number
Of seemingly empty shots.
This camera was the closest
to where we saw the eyeshine,
But unfortunately,
we didn't get a shot
Of whatever was giving that off.
It just doesn't add up.
I think we need to come back
here tonight
And figure out what exactly it
is that triggered this camera.
Narrator: 46 miles away,
Bryce is headed to meet
with a local eyewitness.
So, I'm on my way to talk
to a guy named jim.
Jim is a retired police officer,
and he saw bigfoot in a swamp,
Not unlike the clearing where we
got bigfoot activity last night.
If jim could tell us
just one detail
That maybe
we weren't aware of,
I think it could make
the difference
In this investigation.
He was somewhat hesitant
to tell his story at all
Just because of the type of line
of work that he was in.
Hey, jim!
How you doing, man?
- Good.
Good to finally meet you
in person.
Yeah, it's great
to finally meet you, too.
Really appreciate
you having me out here.
Love to get into your sighting,
so what happened?
Can you kind of walk me
through it a little bit?
Well, it's a story
that started 31 years ago.
I got off work,
and I headed out to go fishing.
Swamp is
not a friendly place.
It smells.
Bugs are so thick that sometimes
you have trouble breathing.
You don't dangle your toes
in the water.
I'd taken some of my gear
down, and I was coming back,
And it was
a little narrow trail.
I was just about out of the
brush, and I heard a noise,
A sound of something
being knocked over.
So I proceeded a little
more cautiously from there,
And I heard, like,
a grunting sound.
Probably got
within 5, 10 yards,
And I hear something
hit the water.
I turn and look up the river
from me, and
Hey, take your time, man.
And it was
a god-awful smell.
I'd never smelled it before.
I look, and it's just
I see this thing.
It's -- the way the
I never believed
in anything like that before.
Did you see the face?
It was headed away from me.
And it turned, and I heard
it come out of the water.
I saw it go into the brush,
And I hear this noise.
The only way I guess I could
describe it was like --
You know,
you see horror movies.
You have banshees
make a loud
Shrill scream.
Well, I heard that sound.
That's something you don't
ever forget.
And it's not something
You hang around
to see what it was.
You --
you get out of there.
8 miles from base camp,
Dr. Mireya mayor and
bigfoot researcher ronny leblanc
Are on their way to what could
be a bigfoot gifting site.
It doesn't look normal.
Mireya: We decided
that the best plan for today
Was to follow russell's
coordinates to the gift site
And try and offer
gifts to bigfoot
But more importantly for me,
deploy the animal tracker.
Narrator: The team has a set
of wireless radio transmitters.
Wildlife biologists have used
radio transmitters in the field
Since the early '60s.
These large tags are typically
put on animals
While they're asleep.
For many years, I've used
radio collars
And different sorts of animal
trackers out in the field,
But we had to really think
out of the box here
Because clearly
we don't have the animal
And need to get this tiny
little transmitter on it,
So we came up with an idea
Of taking something
that's natural in nature,
Like a burr, putting this
tiny transmitter inside,
And hope
that it snags on its hair.
First, I want to scan the area
and look for prints.
I think I see it.
Straight down.
This is it.
Would another animal
have put it there?
Placed it? No.
It's weird.
Ronny: So, when russell first
told us about this site,
I wasn't sure what to expect,
but then looking at this,
I got really excited
'cause this falls in line
With sasquatch gifting.
A bigfoot might be trying
to reach out to us.
This is the perfect spot for us
to set up the radio transmitter.
I'll get
the radio transmitter out.
The team is positioning an apple
As bait approximately
9 feet in the air,
High enough that no other animal
is likely to tamper with it.
They then place the burr
where it has the best chance
Of attaching itself
to the creature's fur.
In response to the gift,
The team will also be
leaving a second apple
And a marble to further entice
Any potential bigfoot
in the area.
You know, the idea with leaving
the apples and the marbles,
It's a kind of a form
of communication, like,
"we're friendly,"
So this hopefully
will get some attention.
Has this theory
on gifting --
Has that been around
for a very long time?
You know, there's
native american stories
Where, you know,
bigfoot was watching.
The guy had some fish
And left a stringer of fish
out for him.
And a couple days later,
went to that same spot,
And there was a deerskin,
berries, and other food.
This is almost like,
"we're friends.
It's safe. It's okay."
You know, when we come out
and gift bigfoot,
I feel like I'm putting
cookies out for santa.
The thing for me is not whether
or not I believe
If bigfoot exists or not.
It's, "do we have the evidence?"
So what I'm most interested
in here is collecting hard,
Tangible evidence
that would at long last prove
Bigfoot's existence.
I'm really hoping that with this
radio transmitter or the burr
Or perhaps collecting
a hair sample,
Something that would finally
That what we're looking for
is actually out here.
All right.
Narrator: Investigator
bryce johnson has returned
Back to the command center
to review all the evidence
They've collected
over the last 16 days.
We really have less than 7 days
to complete our investigation,
And then I'm really just trying
To go over everything
that we've got
Because time is running out,
you know?
First of all, we had that
sound localization
That was actually pinpointed
by the ctsi guys.
That's an incredible
piece of evidence,
And we're able to plot
a exact location on a map.
Now, we looked at this with
a professional audio engineer,
And he was able to tell us
that this wasn't made
By any known animal
or by a human.
This isn't something
that I've heard before.
We have the bigfoot nest,
which, in my opinion,
Is one of the strongest pieces
of evidence
That we've gathered thus far.
We have what looks like
a footprint.
Dr. Meldrum thought our track
that we found
Had all the traits
of a possible bigfoot track.
Unfortunately, without having
other examples
In the same trackway
to compare it to,
He can't really say for sure.
Could tip either-or with just
a little more information.
We have
these trail-camera photos
Where there's this anomalous
sort of black blob.
Now, that triggered the
motion-detecting trail camera.
So what is that, right?
That could be a bear.
That could be a bigfoot.
Russ found those hairs that
were close to that ridgeline.
One of the hairs matches
what dr. Meldrum considers
To be the gold standard
for bigfoot hair.
So, last night, ronny and mireya
saw in the woods this eyeshine.
All these things
when compiled together,
They create a composite picture
that bigfoot is in this area,
And he's still
somehow eluding us.
Literally it's back to
the drawing board, you know?
So I want to put this stuff
on the map.
Bryce has been meticulously
cataloging the team's movements
Throughout the expedition.
He's now able to plot
a precise map
Of the evidence
obtained thus far.
All this, as you can see,
is high-ridge area.
I'll outline it.
I mean, it looks like
it's all taking place
In this sort of corridor
below this ridgeline.
Narrator: From the 90,000-acre
swath of forest,
Bryce has been able
to narrow the team's focus
To a much-smaller section
of a hot zone,
Where significant evidence
of bigfoot activity
Has formed a pattern.
Bigfoots have been called
Witnesses report them walking
high up on these ridges,
Where no one else would go,
and I think the idea
Is that bigfoot
always has an exit strategy,
And I think you can
clearly see that
In the marble mountain video.
Bigfoot ducks out on the other
side of the mountain,
And he's gone.
And if you look at our map,
There's two ridges
right across from each other,
And I think they act
as a through road for bigfoot.
But we didn't find
a nest on the ridge,
And we didn't see the eyeshine
on the ridge either.
Because ridges don't have food,
shelter, or water,
They have to come down
to the corridor
In order
to find those things,
And right in the middle
of those two ridges
Is a big marshy clearing,
And that's where we saw
that eyeshine.
And inside that clearing
is plenty of food and water,
So that's where we'll be,
And that's where
we'll find bigfoot.
Investigator bryce johnson
has just discovered a pattern
To the evidence
they've uncovered so far.
From the 90,000-acre
swath of forest,
Bryce has been able
to narrow the team's focus
To a much-smaller section
of a hot zone.
So, we've essentially shrunk
down our target zone
From 90,000 acres
to just a mere few square miles.
We need to blanket
the entire area
And deploy every surveillance
tool we have at our disposal.
That way, we can catch
anything moving
In and out of this corridor
When the team
investigates tonight.
Narrator: Dr. Mireya mayor
and ronny leblanc
Are strategically placing all of
their remaining trail cameras
And radio trackers
throughout the target corridor,
Including the massive
clearing at its center.
Mireya: This is a good position
for us to be in.
When I'm tracking gorillas,
what you need to do
Is narrow your search area
All right. This one's good.
This one?
And then maximize the tools
you have at your disposal.
Narrator: One new tool the team
will be using
Here we go.
Is a solar-powered
24-hour surveillance camera.
This autonomous device
will stream a live picture
Directly to any computer
with internet connectivity,
Allowing bryce to monitor
the area at any time.
Bryce: This camera will be
incredibly effective.
It's solar-powered and records
all movement.
Not only that -- I can monitor
it 24 hours a day.
And we want to get to
the best vantage point possible,
So I'm gonna ask russell
to set it up as high
As he can get it on that ridge.
So, up in this tree, it's maybe
15, 20 feet off the ground.
All right.
Narrator: In order to carry
the heavy camera gear
As he climbs the tree,
Russell will have
to get creative.
It's not all that high up,
But it's high enough
I could break a leg,
And I'm really
not interested in that.
If I'm gonna be up there
using both hands,
It's about safety.
It's about taking care of myself
So that I don't put myself
in harm's way.
If I get hurt up here, medical
attention is a long ways off.
[ drill whirring ]
I'll put a solar panel out.
This thing can function
independently without any help.
It'll just simply send signal
through solar power alone.
We could actually watch
this place for years.
Well, let's give bryce a call,
See if he likes
the world-class view.
Bryce: Hey, russ.
What's up?
Hey, bryce.
You know what?
I think you're gonna
like the view.
Can you log on
and have a look?
Let me go there right now.
Oh, yeah.
That's amazing.
You can see
the whole corridor.
This is great.
Oh, this might
just be the thing
To get visuals
on a sasquatch.
If there's something out
here, you'll be able to see it.
Well, look,
you'll be the first to know.
Nice job.
The team has positioned
the surveillance camera
Toward the valley
northwest of the clearing.
The camera's positioned so that
if anything heads
Into the clearing
from the northwest quadrant,
We'll see it.
We've got cameras and radio
On every game trail
leading up to this clearing.
If anything moves
in this corridor,
We're gonna capture it.
[ breathes deeply ]
I really lucked out finding
this spot up here.
The field of view
is just amazing.
There's game trails
all over the place,
So while bryce
has his eyes on this,
I'm gonna follow
one of these trails,
Head down,
get closer to that clearing,
And see if I can find
any evidence
Of a bigfoot
moving through here.
Narrator: The team will be
focusing tonight's hunt
In the clearing where mireya
and ronny saw eyeshine
Less than 24 hours ago,
But instead of heading
directly to the clearing,
The teams will approach from the
ridges to the north and south.
We think bigfoot is coming down
from the ridges at night
And into this swampy
clearing to hunt.
Our team is gonna be scouring
for any evidence that tells us
How these creatures
are getting in and out of there.
Narrator: Approximately 7 miles
from base camp,
Mireya and ronny will leave
the utility vehicle behind
And make their way
to the clearing by foot.
The utility vehicle is great
for getting to places quickly,
But it's not good for searching
for little details
That could be really critical
to our investigation.
Narrator: Now 2 miles away,
Russell is
making his way to the clearing.
So, take a look at this tree
right here beside us.
It's got low branches.
Right here.
It hangs low.
But if you
look down through here,
These trees with the small
branches, they're all broken up.
Something tall has passed
through here
And knocked these branches off.
Over 6 foot tall.
These are broken off.
Look on the other side.
It's like a corridor.
Something passes through here
on a regular basis.
Russell: I'm almost there.
Narrator: Russell has been
searching the forest
West of the large clearing,
Looking for evidence
that will explain
How bigfoot is making his way
down from the ridge above.
There's a really serious
smell through here.
Smells like
For lack of a better term,
it smells like excrement.
Do you see that?
It's a big, flat surface here
And here
And here.
That's a pretty good size.
This one's really obvious.
It starts here
and presses forward.
This one.
See how that could
actually be toes?
It could be a double-step
footprint of a bear that steps,
And then the front paw steps,
and there's your paw prints.
I don't have enough here to see
If there's claw marks
on the front of it,
'cause if it was a bigfoot,
it would not have claw prints.
There's been a lot of
long steps through here.
I'm gonna go back this way,
see what else I can find.
And the rain
has joined us again.
If you can see this trail,
Kind of a game trail
comes down through here.
I'm gonna follow them and see
If there's anything else
down below me.
These tracks are really big.
There's not enough detail to
tell whether it's a bear track
Or if it's a bigfoot track,
But all these branches are
knocked down from 12 feet high
As if something big and broad
passed through here.
A bear can stand up to about
9 feet tall,
But wouldn't take
a whole path away.
Something big tore all those
branches down
At the 12-foot level,
But I can tell you
not by a bear.
Looks like the trail ends here.
Holy cow.
It's the clearing.
This is a perfect spot.
Narrator: After following
a hidden game trail
Littered with massive footprints
and 12-foot-tall branch breaks,
Russell has discovered
the path leads directly
To the westernmost edge
of the 2-mile clearing.
He will position himself here
For tonight's
surveillance mission.
Russell: This is it.
If bigfoot goes hunting tonight,
I'm gonna see him.
I'm already getting that feeling
that we're being watched.
Narrator: 21/2 miles away,
Dr. Mireya mayor
and ronny leblanc
Are approaching the eastern
edge of the clearing.
They've brought with them
the high-powered speaker system
Loaded with suspected
bigfoot howls --
A tool mireya has
already used with success.
Ronny: We're at the stage now
where we're running out of time,
So I think we need
to try something new.
Early on in this expedition,
Mireya was able
to get a response
Using the speaker system.
Well, I got a plan
to add to that,
And maybe we can
ambush a bigfoot.
I have an idea
if you're cool with it.
I feel like you've been here
the longest.
They've probably been
watching you since you got here,
And they're familiar
with you.
Plus, there's a lot of stories
of the native americans
That women
have been kidnapped
Or been, you know,
sought after.
So I think it's a good idea
if we separate.
Then you set up
the speaker system
Down in the middle
of the clearing.
I'll hang back, get myself
in an elevated position
So I can kind of be
your eyes and ears.
You'll let me know
if you see something
From the vantage point.
I can let you know
if I hear something,
And maybe you can
check that out.
Yep, and I'll have
the thermal going
And just kind of scanning it
and see if we can get anything
To come out of the wood line,
If you're cool with that.
It feels a little bit like
I'm bait, but I'm cool with it.
Okay, cool.
So let's go find
that vantage point.
The idea is for me to head out
alone into the clearing tonight.
There could be some credence
to the fact
That I've been here longer
And so a bigfoot would be
more accustomed to me.
I've certainly seen this
in the wild with apes.
The longer that you're around,
The more accepting
they are of your presence.
But I can't escape
the feeling that, actually,
I'm being used as bait
because I'm a woman.
Ronny mentioned stories
of bigfoot
Being more interested
in women,
Sometimes even kidnapping them,
so maybe it's possible
That me going out there
will draw one out.
I can't really say that
I'm looking forward to it.
I've been out here alone
at night for nearly 2 weeks.
I know what it feels like,
and here, it's unsettling,
Which is a very weird
feeling for me
Because I've been perfectly
comfortable in the woods
At night
all over the world.
There's a presence here,
and you can't shake it,
And it's like you're being
watched at all times.
It honestly makes my skin crawl
just thinking about it.
If I come face-to-face
with sasquatch
In this clearing alone,
It won't matter if ronny
is watching or not.
It's just gonna be me and it.
The clearing should
just be up ahead.
Narrator: 2 miles
from where russell has set up
For tonight's stakeout,
Ronny leblanc
and dr. Mireya mayor
Are making their way to the
eastern edge of the clearing,
An area where they saw eyeshine
from a possible bigfoot
Nearly 24 hours ago.
Mireya has agreed to venture
into the clearing alone.
She'll be using the speaker
system and blasting calls,
While ronny will remain hidden
and watch the tree line
With his thermal imager
For any signs of
a curious bigfoot approaching.
Mireya: It's been my experience
in the past
When I'm out on expeditions
That the fact that I'm a woman
has actually really helped.
In the animal kingdom,
size matters.
Let's use gorillas
as an example.
The male silverback is larger
than the females.
If a female from another group
enters a new group,
The male isn't threatened
and as ready to kick them out,
Whereas if another male enters
the group,
You've pretty much
got a fight on your hands.
All right. Well
I'll be just scanning
the perimeter here.
So, make sure
you keep your walkie on.
I will. Okay.
I'll let you know
if I hear or see anything.
Let me know if you hear
or see anything.
I think we're all set.
All right.
She's familiar to them,
And so to have her out
in the field like this,
I think, is a great idea
hopefully to draw them out.
Narrator: At the command center,
bryce is monitoring the area
Just northwest of the clearing
With a new surveillance
camera system.
This thing is amazing.
I think the team
must be getting ready
For their night investigation,
so there's not much to report,
But definitely gonna
keep monitoring this.
Narrator: Mireya and ronny are
now in position
At the eastern edge
of the clearing.
At the opposite end,
russell has also chosen his spot
For tonight's stakeout.
There we go.
He's trained his thermal camera
on the massive open space,
Ready to capture
any living thing
That moves
through the clearing.
Russell: As I go from left to
right, it's gonna tell me
If there's something out there
putting out a heat trace.
You see how clear that is?
There's a lot of fog
in this clearing,
But this is not affected.
It'll see anything that's
throwing a heat trace.
And it'll see maybe
1,000 yards away,
And I can zoom up on it
and tell you what it is.
So we'll sit here
for a couple hours,
See if anything comes through
this clearing and gets bold.
Mireya, it's ronny.
I have visual.
How you doing?
Mireya: I've just settled
into position,
And I'm in a good spot,
Where I am going to play
the vocalization,
So I'm about to turn
my red light off.
Nothing's coming on
the perimeter so far.
Copy that.
Mireya to russell.
Do you copy?
Russell: Copy.
I am about to play
a bigfoot vocalization.
Just wanted to let you know.
And, also, to keep
your ears open to see
If you hear any sort
of response on your end.
10-4, mireya.
Standing by
for bigfoot sounds.
And I've killed the light.
I'm about to make the call.
[ animal howling ]
[ howling stops ]
I'm not hearing any responses,
But it's definitely
eerily quiet right now.
The sounds have died down.
I don't hear the call anymore.
Ronny to mireya.
Yeah, ronny.
Any luck?
You getting any responses
down near you?
Not a peep.
The forest actually
just went silent.
Bigfoot-ing is a game
of patience.
If you don't put in the time
and you get impatient,
You can miss what you've been
waiting for all this time.
I thought I heard movement.
Ronny to mireya.
Hey, ronny.
I hear you.
I have a heat signature
to your right
If you're facing me.
Copy that.
I think
you attracted something.
I don't see it.
Do you still have it?
I do.
I have it right now.
Ronny, I'm not
picking anything up.
To your right.
Mireya, to your right.
The forest actually
just went silent.
Narrator: On the eastern edge
of the clearing, 2 miles
From where russell
staked out his position,
Ronny and mireya are attempting
to lure bigfoot out of hiding.
I thought I heard movement.
I have a heat signature
to your right.
Copy that.
I think
you attracted something.
Mireya, to your right.
Ronny, I'm not
picking anything up.
It's gone.
[ sighs ]
I just had it,
and now it's gone.
Initially it was, if you're
facing me, to your right,
But since,
I have not seen it again.
It disappeared.
I played
the sound vocalization.
Did you hear anything
in response?
I didn't hear any response,
but I did hear the sound.
All right.
Keep scanning, and let me know
if you see anything.
I'm looking right now.
Not picking up anything
at all.
Russell: Mireya's bigfoot calls
didn't generate a response,
But I'm not giving up here.
All of our work and all
of our research
Has led us to this spot.
Some heat coming off those trees
right there.
Not bad.
If I'm walking
through this area
Looking at things
that put off heat,
There's little things.
There we go.
Fairly small.
Let me zoom in.
That was just interesting,
But that's not what
we're looking for on
this trip, though.
Ronny: We did catch something
on the thermal,
And it was the strangest thing.
The thermal hit was gone.
It, like, moved on away.
And I couldn't pick it up
It's, like, disappeared.
I don't know what to make of it.
Coming up cold here.
This is kind of
sasquatch behavior.
I think it might be time
to regroup and rethink.
Roger that.
I'm not getting any responses.
I'll start heading back.
Roger that.
Even though we didn't get
a response,
We got something's attention,
So on our way out, we're gonna
take our time and scan.
We're gonna see what happens
on the way out of here.
I'm gonna run
to the side here
And see if anything else
has any heat.
Hey, look at that.
Right here,
right in the center.
It's right there.
What the heck?
What in the heck is that?
Narrator: Next time on
"expedition bigfoot"
Russell: You are not gonna
believe what we found.
All right.
I see it.
What the is that?
What the hell?
I sent some of this information
to an artist.
Keep in mind that this
is a simulation.
This is incredible.
There's something
mysterious out there.
I mean, we're looking
at a thermal image
Taken in central oregon.
What does that mean to you?
It means that a giant ape
is far from its normal home
In africa.
Mireya: If there is something
out here, I can't see it,
But it most likely can see me.
[ imitates animal call ]
Mireya: It takes a lot
to creep me out.
This is incredibly creepy.
Ronny to russell.
My god.
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