Exterior Night (2022) s01e05 Episode Script


Father, I don't feel loved.
Aldo doesn't see me, or hear me,
his mind's always elsewhere.
You need to win him back with
your love, don't give up.
Don't forget
the enormous responsibility
weighing on your husband's shoulders:
-Yes, of course.
I have to take care of everything.
Not just material necessities,
the organization of the house and
kids, with whom it's hard to talk.
So does he, he listens to them out
of responsibility. He's their father.
but I can see that if he could,
he'd lock himself up in his office
writing nice speeches for Italians.
He stays out of fatherly duty.
The other day, Maria Fida and Agnese
were quarreling, a trivial matter.
And he couldn't find the words
to placate them.
An "enough", said raising his voice.
I don't know, sometimes I feel a sort
of discord, hatred, towards me too.
Forgive me, ma'am, but it's you
who doesn't love him. You don't
even make dinner for him.
-How do you know?
-You told me.
It is as if you want
to humiliate him.
It's in the spirit of the Gospel.
Love is not a trade, an exchange,
I love you if you love me no.
I love you even though you don't
love me, you understand?
All these honors, these privileges,
drivers rushing
to open car doors for me,
I don't care about all that!
Actually, they irritate me.
I know that I should be pleased
and grateful,
but instead I'm really angry.
Sometimes I just want to slap him!
Am I crazy?
Excuse me, there's something
that I don't understand.
Let's go.
VIA FANI 9:30 A.M.
-Let her through.
-No, you can't come through.
-She's President Moro's wife.
-I'm sorry, but I have my orders.
Let her through.
Make way, please.
Come, I'll escort you.
My husband? Is he dead?
They took him away,
but we presume he's still alive.
-Where are his other bags?
-What other bags?
He has five bags. In one is
the medication that he needs.
We didn't find any bag with
medication, they must have taken it.
Thank goodness.
This colleague doesn't have any ID,
so we can't identify him.
It's Raffaele Iozzino.
-Raffaele Iozzino.
Raffaele Iozzino.
-There's a car, Mrs. Moro.
-Let them through.
-Should I come with you?
-No, I'll call you if needs be.
Father, you haven't given me
Mrs. Moro!
-Who's at home?
-Maria Fida.
-And Luca?
-He's playing in his room.
Please, send Luca away.
My husband is coming,
Luca doesn't know.
Ma'am, what should I do?
Should I go grocery shopping?
Yes, groceries, of course.
Check what we need.
Don't speak to the reporters, tell
them you work for another family.
Mute, not rude, mute.
And unplug the phone.
No, don't unplug it!
-It's unheard of! Unacceptable!
Come in.
Please don't cry.
My grandson's here, he's only three.
Yes, I'm sorry. I can't control it.
How could anyone have
Go home, please.
How could anyone have conceived
such a thing and actually do it?
Did you come here
to be comforted by us?
Please go home.
Tell our friends that for now
we wish to stay at home
and not see anyone. We prefer to keep
to ourselves and stay here.
Please leave, thank you.
The party whips met.
There was a long series
of consultations with Ingrao.
Now Zaccagnini is coming in.
He is greeted by Segni,
who opposed the government
championed by Moro.
Segni offers Zaccagnini
his sympathy
Kids, we must prepare
for a long wait.
They'll tell us not to do anything,
to stay at home.
I know already.
Your dad said it during
the Sossi kidnapping too:
"Let the judiciary take care of it,
it's their job."
-Has anyone called Anna?
-I'll let her know.
Please try not to upset her
in her condition.
We sadly announce
the death of the fifth member
of the escort on security duty
for the president of the DC.
His name is Francesco Zizzi.
There are no eyewitnesses
from Moro's escort.
All five officers assigned to Moro
were brutally slain.
All five were police officers
or carabinieri.
I'm sorry.
I had a feeling
it could end up like this.
Today is a day of mourning.
It is a dramatic moment
in the life of this country
- Sir.
- Good morning.
I'll go.
No, that's enough.
Mom, Zaccagnini is here.
We'll do everything
in our power to free Aldo.
We'll bring Aldo home,
I promise you.
-If he's alive.
-He's alive.
The whole of Italy is mobilized,
we'll free him.
Excuse me, I need to make a call.
We are facing
a small group of assassins!
-Ma'am, my deepest condolences.
-My husband isn't dead yet.
Mrs. Leonardi, it's Eleonora Moro.
Listen, I
I want to tell you that
My pain isn't comparable to yours,
death is irreparable, of course.
But I want to tell you that I, my
children, Luca, my whole family,
not just Aldo,
we all loved your husband.
as much as it is in our power
we will help you,
protect you,
we will never abandon you.
And then
I'm deeply religious, as are you.
I believe your husband is in
Heaven and he is listening to us.
I'm not saying this
because I want to comfort you.
I know you are too intelligent to
Ma'am, can you hear me?
Are you there? Ma'am?
Yes, I can hear you.
It's just that I don't know
what to say.
Everyone wants to encourage me,
comfort me.
But I don't want to be comforted,
I don't want to cry.
Ma'am, I
I can't
I'm sending you a big hug.
Mr. President.
Mr. President.
After you, Mr. President.
Mr. President.
Good morning.
This way, please.
Good morning, Mr. President.
Where's Eleonora?
She's coming.
Mom, the President's here.
I have no words.
Every word that comes to mind pales
in the face of this catastrophe
that is taking place.
But I am certain of this,
convinced, sure:
all Italy is with you.
We shall attempt the impossible,
those criminals will have no respite.
My children.
So many hugs.
The Holy Father Paul VI
has expressly appointed me
in this moment of solemn,
anguished and trusting prayer,
to share his spiritual presence,
his word of comfort
to the victims' families,
his solidarity
with the one who,
unjustly held prisoner,
is present here in spirit,
in prayer for those who much more
than colleagues and assistants
were his friends and sons.
And extends to the authorities
his wish
that their harmony
in the united efforts
may restore order and justice,
and increase and grow the trust
which the Italian people
need so much at this time.
Don't leave me, my love!
Don't leave!
This is your war, not ours!
Is that shirt his?
It's looser.
He's thinner.
Are they giving him his medication?
Why wouldn't they? They can get it
with fake prescriptions.
He looks resigned to me.
-What do you suppose he's thinking?
-Who has ever understood that!
No, it's his usual expression.
-Maybe they've drugged him.
-Why would they?
I don't know, sleeping pills
to keep him calm.
He doesn't seem injured.
Maybe there was no need, right?
And the lavatory?
They will have thought of that.
There'll be a chemical toilet.
Dad is obsessed with hygiene, he
washes his hands every ten minutes!
-You think those bastards care?
-Why do you use that language?
-What are they, then?
-They are what they are,
but we are Christians. "Love
your enemy", have you forgotten?
They must pay, they have no excuse,
but we are Christians and we must
understand and forgive them.
A life sentence isn't enough.
Now we must focus
all our energy on one thing:
free Dad and that's it.
See if there is a BR member
lurking among your friends.
-Why must you always provoke people?
Why not? Your movement
has always been against him
and you also called him a reactionary
old man who doesn't get young people.
All this bickering is pointless!
Did the escort really
keep their weapons in the trunk?
If he had an armored car?
It's not true he didn't want one!
Christ is risen.
Our Lord Jesus Christ
is risen from the dead
and has begun a new life,
for himself and for mankind.
The body of Christ.
-The body of Christ.
-The body of Christ.
Please start.
I am three.
Now go to Mommy
so you can open the egg.
Kids, I have something to tell you.
I bought a bit of land
in the Torrita Tiberina cemetery
to build a small chapel
that will become our family chapel.
I know it's not a fun topic.
Will we all be there together?
It will be able to accommodate us all
even if, God willing,
the family should grow.
As they say where I come from,
may we all still be together
in a hundred years.
There's time, Dad.
Let's drop it,
especially today on Easter.
Better to think of these things
in advance.
We better break the egg.
If you want, we can go to Torrita
in the coming weeks to take a look.
Everybody off to the cemetery.
Do you want the egg?
Luca, it's time for the egg.
-One, two, three, go.
Go, Luca. Yay, it broke!
The last one at the end.
This is our chapel.
One, two, three.
There are four places on either side.
Underneath there are
four more places.
I thought they were further ahead
with the work. I want to see.
No, don't worry.
It's Dad's handwriting.
This is for you.
This is for Cossiga.
This is for me.
-He wants to negotiate in secrecy.
-And me to mediate with Cossiga.
Do you have to deliver it?
Do it now.
Make some photocopies first.
I wouldn't like them to disappear.
My dearest Noretta,
on the occasion of Easter
I'm sending you
all my warmest
and most affectionate wishes,
with much tenderness for our family
and especially for the little one.
It is the first time in 33 years
that we spend Easter apart.
And in a few days,
our 33rd wedding anniversary
will pass without us meeting.
I'd like you to ask Agnese
to keep you company at night,
to occupy my place in the bed and
check the gas is turned off.
What do you think of the letter?
I don't remember a letter
since we were engaged
that began with "Dearest Noretta".
It's as if the Aldo I knew as a girl
has reawakened,
the fiancé, the husband,
the father
that only we know.
A sort of miracle.
And we know him well.
We are his family.
Forgive me, Agnese,
I'd like to be alone.
-I'm sorry.
-No, it's fine.
Good night.
-Check the gas.
Hi, Nora.
We can't do otherwise.
He himself says he may be forced
to say things
that could damage the state.
So you pass him off as crazy.
It's written, psychologists,
No one has said anything like that,
the papers exaggerate,
chasing headlines.
They say what he wrote
is due to the condition he's in.
Imprisoned, threatened
The BR have forced this strategy
on us by making the letter public.
It would be different
if they hadn't done that.
We must say those aren't
Aldo's free thoughts.
Of course,
because it's clear they're not.
They're not?
The letters show
that Aldo is in his right mind,
because they express his state of
mind perfectly. What insanity?
In the depths of his soul,
he has always been a mediator,
a man of good sense,
the soul of a Christian Democrat.
That's what Christian Democrats
are like, or should be. Christians!
-He only asks for negotiation.
-The state must hold firm.
In other circumstances,
Aldo would support the same thing.
Our first duty is to defend
the institutions from BR blackmail.
So he has to die,
even though no one dares to say it.
No, no one has said it,
or even thought it!
You forced him to be the president,
he didn't want to.
He's paying for the whole DC.
It could have been you in his place
and Aldo would have done
the impossible to save you!
You instead say that he's crazy
and don't want to do anything.
Andreotti can't say Aldo is not
to be held morally responsible!
How dare he?
The tortuosity of a snake!
We are doing the impossible!
Believe me.
But if we agree to negotiate today,
it would be a sign of weakness.
So you don't want to negotiate.
This is the proof of it.
Aldo has to die!
Negotiating would not make
freeing Aldo any simpler.
It's for his own good, trust me.
Immediate capitulation
has always been a losing strategy.
They want him dead.
They've already decided,
all of them.
They want a martyr,
crucified like Christ.
To get him killed, wash their
hands of him and then sanctify him.
That's how it will be, Mom.
Enough with prudence,
we have to talk, shout, scream!
-I want to scream!
Maria Fida, I beg you,
I implore you.
The situation is too delicate,
it takes a second to ruin everything.
You're upset, as we all are,
but stop it.
Dad is still alive.
One word and
everything can fall apart.
If you really love your father,
leave this house.
And don't say a word to anyone.
Go back to your house, be with
Luca, if you really love him.
I beg you.
-Don Giuseppe!
-Please, get back!
No photos!
No photos!
Sister, wait for me here.
-Good morning. Is your mother home?
Mom, it's Don Giuseppe.
Forgive me for showing up
unannounced, but for a few days
the mother superior
from the convent of San Clemente
would like to speak to you.
She has sensational news.
Why didn't she go to the police?
She tried.
But they won't listen to her.
She's not a fanatic, is she?
No, I'd never allow that,
I guarantee it.
She's downstairs,
if you'd care to meet her.
We can go up.
No, I didn't imagine it.
I saw your husband
with my own two eyes.
A few days after the kidnapping,
I saw a car pull up
in the courtyard of the building
opposite the convent.
A blindfolded man
was pulled out of the trunk.
I saw it from the bathroom window,
standing on the lavatory.
I don't know why I climbed up there,
it was an intuition, no other reason.
Then in the next few days,
from the same position
I saw police cars
with their sirens turned off
and civilian cars coming and going.
In short, a lot of activity.
And a priest brought in by car,
also blindfolded, who was let in
through the front door.
I'm sorry, but were you
at the window all day?
Of course not.
Only when I heard movement, I'd go.
In short, comings and goings.
And incomprehensible screams.
In a foreign language, I think,
but I don't know languages, only
Italian, Latin and a little Greek.
-Did you tell the police?
-Yes, of course.
But they don't believe me.
They think I'm crazy.
It's convenient,
they think everyone's crazy.
If you disagree, you're crazy.
It's the easiest way out.
But when the crazy party has the
majority, we'll see what happens.
They'll change their minds,
but it'll be too late.
Very well. Write down
the address of the convent.
Don't you want to come now?
No, she has to act prudently.
First she has to inform
the Ministry of the Interior.
Mother, thank you.
Thank you so much,
if you'll excuse me.
I'll be expecting you.
-Francesco, it's Eleonora,
a nun came to me
Hi. I know everything,
she's a visionary.
But you said you're open
to everyone, mediums, clairvoyants!
Not anymore, we can't risk them
accusing us again.
We don't want to be insulted again,
the generals have had enough.
-One month What do you have?
-I can't talk on the phone,
- but we have good cards, have faith.
- Everyone tells me to have faith,
but remember
that you were like a son to Aldo.
He created you. You should have
protected him and you didn't!
And this is why I can't find peace.
Then find him!
- We'll find him.
- No, find him!
Alive because he is alive!
Otherwise, worse for you!
And I ask you this
small generous act.
One lunatic more, one lunatic less,
what changes?
All right, I promise.
No, now!
Since this morning
dozens of divers
have been searching
the bottom of Lake Duchessa
to verify the validity
of the macabre announcement
contained in a flyer
signed by the Red Brigades,
but whose authenticity
is still dubious,
that communicated
the death of the DC statesman.
The divers' attempts
have been in vain,
the ice is layered in a way that it
doesn't allow a body to be submerged.
Can you stop smoking?
Now the fireman will enter to study
the frozen surface of the lake.
Their efforts continue,
a hole has been made in the ice
before placing the explosives.
Communiqué number seven was a fake.
The police immediately informed
the Ministry of the Interior,
and yet everyone believed it
and posters were printed:
"Aldo Moro has been murdered,
he lives in our hearts."
Luckily, they were stopped in time.
They can't wait,
they want to be free of him.
It's a 48 hour ultimatum
and 24 have already passed.
Yes, but things are moving.
A notice has reached the Caritas,
apparently from a BR militant.
It says that the president will call
at 8:00 p.m. to speak with you.
-With me?
To prove he is alive and
the channel is reliable.
We must have faith.
Please, let us through.
-Thank you.
-Mrs. Moro!
Come forward.
It's Mrs. Moro! Good morning.
We're all praying for you.
Yes, it's Moro's wife.
God bless you, ma'am.
Welcome, Mrs. Moro. This way.
-Take a seat.
-No, I prefer to stand.
Please, move away.
Thank you.
- Mrs. Eleonora Moro?
- Yes, speaking.
I know her voice.
- No, it's not her.
- This is Eleonora Moro.
No, let's go, it's a trap.
No, it's me! I am Eleonora Moro!
Mom, the Pope's appeal is on, come.
I am writing to you,
men of the Red Brigades.
Restore to freedom,
to his family,
to civilian life,
the Honorable Aldo Moro.
I have no mandate towards him,
nor am I tied to him
by any personal interests,
but I love him as a member of
the great human family,
as a brother in faith
and as a son of the Church of Christ.
And it is in the supreme name
of Christ
that I beg you on my knees:
free the Honorable Aldo Moro,
simply, without conditions
He has given up too.
The day began at 11:00 a.m.
when Secretary Zaccagnini
arrived at party headquarters.
He will publicly express
the great emotion and
the deep gratitude
of all Christian Democrats
for the Pope's noble words
asking for the release of Aldo Moro.
According to Zaccagnini there is hope
that this appeal may be heard.
I am one of those
who is involved with your father.
I have to pass on a final message.
We make this call to be thorough,
because your father insists
that you've been tricked and
perhaps you're assessing things
based on a misunderstanding.
Until now you've done things
that are useless.
We believe the die has been cast
and we have made up our minds.
All we can do is carry out what was
stated in communiqué number 8.
-Number 8, which one is that?
-Read it again.
Don't waste my time!
We ask for an immediate and clear
statement from Zaccagnini.
If not, be advised that this is all
we can do.
-Do you understand?
-Yes, I understand perfectly.
There, so only this is possible.
We make this call to be thorough.
A death sentence can't be taken
lightly, not even on our side.
We are aware of the responsibilities
that we have and we would like to
He believes you haven't stepped in
because you're ill advised.
We have done everything we could,
we're prisoners.
No! The problem is political!
The Christian Democracy must step in,
we insisted on that!
It's the only way to enter into
negotiations in the next 48 hours
Sorry, I don't understand.
I'm not authorized to discuss this.
-I can only communicate this.
Only a direct and clear statement
from Zaccagnini can change this.
We've made up our minds.
Soon the inevitable will happen.
-I have nothing else to say!
-Thank you.
-Office of the President.
-Mrs. Moro for the President.
-Good evening, I'll see if
-It's urgent, my husband
-Hold the line. I'll connect you.
-Thank you.
Mr. President,
the Red Brigades called here.
- I was expecting that.
- Do something. You can .
-You must do something.
-I'll come to you right away.
No, don't come here, do something.
Zaccagnini doesn't listen to me.
-A word from you could
-I will do that.
They want a statement
from Zaccagnini, or
Calm down,
these are terrorist phone calls.
You must put pressure on Zaccagnini,
or else
I see.
I see.
I kiss your hand.
He didn't even realize it was me.
He thought I was one of you.
He kept saying "your father".
And then I apologized to him.
I apologized.
I apologized to a murderer,
to your father's jailer.
-And then I even thanked him.
-Mom, Giovanni's here.
I went to Zaccagnini like you said.
I explained that to save Dad
a direct and clear action is needed.
From him and from the DC,
otherwise they'll kill him.
And what did he say?
He acknowledged it.
Then he said it's a tricky situation:
"Aldo and Italy."
He was very ill at ease.
Nothing else?
Yes, he said that he will summon
the party leadership.
And he started to cry?
I'm calling Guerzoni.
Good evening.
I have a message from the family.
"Aldo Moro's family believes
that the DC's attitude
is wholly inadequate
to save Aldo Moro's life.
In all conscience
we can no longer remain silent
in the face of the DC's attitude.
With this appeal, we are expressing
the will of our family member.
He is not able to express it directly
without basically
being declared insane
by almost all of Italian politics
and first and foremost by the DC
and by groups of self-proclaimed
friends and acquaintances of Moro."
Who are these
self-proclaimed friends?
"To avoid a long season of
death and pain,
it is pointless to deny
the harsh reality,
it must instead be faced
with clear-sighted courage.
The Moro family."
What does the family
intend to do now?
Where is President Moro?
President Moro?
-He's upstairs in makeup.
-Where is that?
I'll take you.
Excuse me, they want to talk to you.
Are you Mrs. Moro?
-Yes, excuse me.
-No, wait.
I'm Professor Cappuccio, I teach
history of theater at the university.
They're just some students of mine.
I wanted to indulge them in an
experiment of a gaze on reality.
They're young, enthusiastic,
they need to experiment,
but it is a respectful work,
not at all ideological.
It's not for economic gain,
it's simply a university exercise.
In fact, I hope that when your
husband is freed he can see it.
I know he is very fond
of young people.
Yes, forgive me if I disturbed you.
Carry on.
All reference to people
and real events
has been artistically elaborated
by the authors.
The roles have been reinterpreted
for dramatic purposes.
Any connection with real people
is therefore purely coincidental.
Translation: Katia Brunetto
LinQ Media Group
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