Extinct (2017) s01e05 Episode Script


1 MAN: Stop her! [INTENSE MUSIC.]
Lynn! If you're difficult, you might get hurt.
Let's not be difficult.
You have to lower the forcefield.
We can't get out to save Lynn.
We exist together.
But with Lynn missing, our community is broken.
We insist the Skin Riders return her.
Answer! If you knew what it feels like to lose someone you'd help us.
MAN 1: Tasha, can you hear me? Tasha? MAN 2: She's still not respondin.
Pulse is in the 80s.
MAN 2: Just a second.
Anything at all? MAN 1: Tasha, can you hear me? Tasha? Tasha, can you hear me? Tasha, I need you to respond for me, okay? [MONITOR BEEPING.]
MAN 4: Tasha WOMAN 1: Okay [INDISTINC.]
Any luck? I only know a few symbols.
I'm not even sure if my message is making any sense.
Ezra knows you're trying.
Said you found a notebook.
It looks like chicken scratch.
I made it up so I could take faster nots during sessions with patient.
No one in the world could have written that but me, Feena.
I was one of the settlers.
FEENA: What do you think that mean? That we were all here befor? Why didn't the Obelisk tell us? 'Cause it wants to control us, use us.
What else is it not telling us? That's what I want to know.
Well, what do you think we should do? Burn it down.
Break it apart.
YELLOW: I can't let you do that, Ezra.
It's keeping me from my wife.
It allowed your wife to be reborn in the first place.
I'd rather she stay dead than become one of them.
I hope you remember that.
If she does become a Skin Rider, the only mercy you can show her is to take her life.
You're awake.
I wish we didn't have to do that.
The exits are guarded, so [CHEWING.]
We're not unlike you, really.
We care for our own, respect the divine, and work hard.
What happened to you, Silas? Everyone keeps asking me that.
The world has changed, Lynn.
I've changed.
I can help you change too.
Where's Ezra? Ezra.
He'll take a little more convincing.
Whatever you're doing here, if it harms him, I won't let you.
I've always admired your strength, Lynn, even when it's misplace.
Now's a good time to cooperate.
And if I don't? The Sparks worked hard to rebuild you, Lynn.
It'd be a shame to have all that hard work go to waste.
FEENA: The forcefield's still up, so I won't ask how it's going.
Here, you haven't eaten all day.
You made this? What? You don't think I can cook? Mmm.
Water and weeds.
I was going to make you a burger and fries, but then I thought, no, Abram would want water and weeds.
I can't cook, actually.
Duncan used to do all that.
Pastas, quiches, desserts.
Never even followed a recipe.
That's a man you hold onto.
Yeah Do you think the Sparks would remake him? Now, I mean, that he's a Skin Rider.
You're asking if there can be two of the same person at once? The simple answer is no.
Duncan is alive.
The Sparks do not create what already exists.
What if he were to die? Would the Sparks remake him? The Sparks rebirth an individual because he is of benefit to the community, not because you ask him to be reborn.
Of course it would benefit the community.
Everything Duncan does is for other people.
He's completely unselfish.
The human Duncan, yes.
It's not his fault that he's a Skin Rider.
You are quick to defend him, and yet he attacked you.
That wasn't him.
The real Duncan wouldn't do that.
I do not choose who is reborn, Feena.
You need not convince me.
Then my only option is to cure Duncan of the parasite.
The parasite is stronger than you know.
Its dominion over its host is absolute.
It will never release him.
RED: Y-Y-You have been reconstituted.
I am programmed not to answer.
Duncan What happened to you? You're a hologram, Feena.
A brain state.
The drone could give you this information, but I blocked its access to you.
I don't understand.
Where are we? He loves you so completely.
The mere thought of you causes him to ache with longin.
I see it all here, in his mind.
Who are you? I am Duncan now.
And his greatest weakness, his greatest distraction, is you.
He is Screaming at me.
Begging me, because he knows that when I find you And I will find you.
That I will kill you.
And I wanted him to know that.
We're thinking about this the wrong way.
The Obelisk sent you to find this weapon.
Yellow says it's designed to destroy something called.
"The Ancestor.
" The record of the Skin Riders? More than a record A central nervous system of sorts.
We knock that out, we weaken their entire community.
Or we kill them! We don't know how strong this weapon is.
She's right.
And we're not killing Duncan.
No one intends to.
My point is, we can't find the Ancestor if we're locked in here.
What are you suggesting? We bargain.
They let us rescue Lynn, we find the Ancestor.
So we do risk killing Duncan? And Silas, and all the others? ABRAM: We're buyig ourselves tim.
Once Lynn is safe, we can focus on saving the others before we destroy the Ancestor.
Or we bluff.
We tell the Obelisk that we'll find the Ancestor, - then we don't.
- Won't work.
They'll know, and we need their help.
And their protection.
I don't like it, but I agree.
And what if we fail rescuing Lynn? We won't.
We all just need to keep in mind that Lynn's the mission.
Why are you looking at me? EZRA: Just making sure we agree that Duncan is not an objective right now.
Time is short for Lynn.
We go for her.
I know what the mission is.
As long as we're clear.
So, we make a deal? I'm in.
They're going to make us find the Ancestor anyway.
Can you relay all of this to the Obelisk? We're about to find out.
Do you know what this is? It's 150 people.
A whole community.
Their memories, their DNA, all inside this drone.
You're in here.
Ezra too.
And others you'd recognize.
Kylie?! Mommy! [BUZZING.]
Wha? [SOBS.]
Is this what you've become? Cruel? Death is cruel, Lynn.
It rips us from those we care about, and buries them away forever.
But what if I told you there was a way to connect with the dead? To see and feel ther memories and knowledge, whenever you needed them? Not with a machine, but with your mind? [SNIFFS.]
The crystal in your neck Always so smart.
The crystal is the mind of an organism we call "a Companion.
" It's a friend, a counselor.
But the human brain keeps getting in the way.
Reactions are slower, decisions are muddled.
There's resistance.
What do you want from me? The drone and the Sparks wove the neural pathways in our brains.
I want to block some of them, give greater control to the Companion.
I'm not a brain surgeon.
I can't help you.
I don't need a surgeon, Lynn.
I need a test subject.
You prick yourself.
The Companion does the rest.
Once it's taken rot and you're one of u, we can begin with the drone.
You should just stick her and get on with it.
You underestimate Lynn, Jax.
She always makes the right choice.
I don't know how to reprogram the drone to do what you're asking.
Nor do I know which neural pathways to close.
If we turn off the wrong ones, we could paralyze her or leave her in a vegetative state, if not kill her outright.
You don't know how, Duncan, because you haven't asked! Is there anything the Ancestr doesn't know, Ja? The Ancestor knows all, remembers all, preserves all.
Does the Ancestor understand the human brain? Every neuron.
Does the Ancestor understan the intricacies of this machine? Do you think, Duncan? Without question.
Then take this drone to the Ancestor and don't come back until you know everything.
How do we know he won't run, like before? Because you'll go with him.
There is no hate in this community.
It has no place.
And Lynn? The man will come for her.
I certainly hope so.
You're still here.
So that's their response? One word? It means "peace.
" FULL TRANSLATION: "I allow you.
We'll be back with Lynn, or we won't be back at all.
Do you think Yellow was right? That the only mercy we can show a Skin Rider is to kill it? I'm not killing Silas.
I'm not killing Duncan either, but what if there's no other way? There's always a way.
Be the optimist.
I can't kill the parasite outright.
Silas said that would kill him too.
But maybe he was lying.
I know my brother.
- He wasn't lying.
- Then we use Sparks.
They cured Abram.
Good luck trying to convince Duncan to take a swim with some Sparks.
I thought you were the optimist.
MAN: Tasha.
Tasha, it's Abram.
Blink if you can hear me.
Oh, baby.
Looking for something? My notebook proves that I was here before.
Maybe there's proof Tasha was too.
What makes you think your wife may have been reborn? Ezra and Lynn.
Feena and Duncan.
There's a pattern of restoring couples.
I'd hardly call four people a reliable statistical sample.
Not statistics.
If you want to start a community and generate offspring, you need strong, monogamous relationships.
You don't need monogamy to create offspring.
No, but you need it to create stable families.
- Is that why you're searching for Tasha? - Is that why you're searching for Tasha? To prove a pattern? I loved my wife.
My life didn't have much purpose after I lost her.
Still doesn't.
Your purpose now is to help restore the human race.
That's my job.
Tasha was my joy.
Do you know if she can be reborn? There is something I'd like to show you, Abram.
YELLOW: My scans confirm that they died from a virus, but these graves tell much more than that.
ABRAM: There's no gravestone or marking.
No way of knowing who's buried here.
I can help.
Her name was Rosario Hernandez.
You can identify these people? If their DNA matches what's in my database.
Show me the others.
DUNCAN: Here we are.
On the trail, together again.
You must be thrilled.
I'd rather cut out your tongue.
Oh, Jax.
Always so charming.
I know what you are, Duncan.
Silas may think you're useful, but you are more human than true.
I was sick, Jax.
The human no longer has hold on me.
And this morning? I followed you into the woods.
I saw you use the drone to conjure that human woman.
You think that's funny? I laugh at your Gestapo way of thinking.
You saw, but you did not hear.
I was threatening my host.
Don't ever question my loyalty.
Then try this for loyalty.
The knowledge you have of that drone, its workings.
You could easily share that with any one of us.
I could send you that knowledge, yeah.
Companion to Companion.
But what would you do with it? If you put down your staff, spend your days tinkering with machines.
Who would bully us, Jax? Who would growl at us, if not you? Oh, no, don't deny us that.
Hm Life would lose all meaning.
You kill me, and the council will kill you.
It's almost worth it.
And if you speak, I will cut out your tongue.
SILAS: I won't keep bringing you food if you keep ignoring it.
I know you're starving.
I also know you like venison.
Good, right? Admit it.
You could get used to this.
You still haven't chosen to join us.
Still weighing the pros and cons.
You haven't changed, Lynn.
Wish I could say the same for you.
You don't know what you're rejecting.
You could be one with the Community.
I'm one with my husband.
That's enough for me.
Technically, he's no longer your husband.
You were married "until death do you part," remember? I remember.
I remember you were his best man.
And I remember the toast you gave.
But you had everybody laughing one moment, and most of us crying the next.
Because everyone knew you loved your brother.
That's what I remember.
Do you? I remember my knees shaking, my voice almost cracking, my heart pounding.
Because I was weak and fragile.
Now I'm not.
I'm beginning to think you're not going to make the right choice here, Lynn.
I'm never going to join you, Silas.
I'll never give up who I am.
I didn't want to have to do that.
You're angry right now, but when you have your Companion, we'll have a god laugh about thi.
About how much fuss you made.
Sleep well.
Identity unknown.
You don't know who's buried here? Their DNA is not in my database.
Adult or child? YELLOW: Child.
So they bore children.
Can you guess the age of the child based on the skeletal structure? Perhaps seven years old.
That would mean the settlement lasted eight years at least.
YELLOW: Unless the Sparks reconstituted a child that is not in my database.
Keep going.
We'll mark the ones that are unknown.
ABRAM: It's strange.
I was one of these people.
Why don't I remember my life here? Perhaps your brain state wasn't recorded here.
April Sprague.
Identity unknown.
Who buried them? Other settlers? The people who became Skin Riders? Whoever it was, they showed respect for the dead.
The stones are neatly set, the bodies neatly laid.
YELLOW: Althea Keller.
Identity unknown? No This one we know.
FEENA: We're never going to find them like this.
EZRA: People leave tracks.
There are no tracks, it snowed.
And even if we do find them, they're better armed than us, more aware of the terrain, likely holding a defensible position, and have a hostage.
They have the advantage, no question.
Every advantage, they're a small army.
We're Robin Hood and Little John.
I'm not that good of a shot.
You're small for Little John.
I'm serious, Ezra.
We need to think about how we do this.
And be prepared to pull back if If? If Lynn's already one of them.
Refusing to accept that possibility puts us all in danger.
If you and I die or become infected, we've done Abram no favors.
Or Silas, or Duncan.
You're right.
If there's nothing we can do, we'll pull back.
FEENA: How many? EZRA: One, I think.
He'll warn the others.
He probably already has.
Wait! Don't! EZRA: What's the matter with you? You were going to kill him! That's the enemy, Feena! That's someone controlled by a parasite.
Who just tried to kill us! What did you think we were going to do out here, ask them nicely? If we kill him, we gain nothing.
If we follow him, he might lead us to Lynn.
We keep a safe distance.
We stay out of range.
We see where he leads.
We can track him in the snow.
Get up! My feet are sore.
- And I need a rest.
- You just had one.
DUNCAN: An hour ago.
I mean, if you want to carry me, by all means.
You know, you weren't this grumpy at the Settlement.
Do you remember that? You even had a sense of humor.
A weak-minded human.
DUNCAN: Oh, come on.
He wasn't that bad.
I mean, no Companion, true, but he had his moments.
Let's take a look, shall we? For old time's sake.
What are you doing? Calling up an old friend.
Identify yourself! You were always jumpy.
That much hasn't changed.
JAX: Turn it of.
What is this? I said turn it off.
Jax versus Jax.
Two powerhouses.
Who will win? The one with the gun? Or the one with the B.
? All right, all right.
It was all in good fun.
This was a bad idea.
Your wife is far more interesting.
What's wrong with me? DUNCAN: Now, how did you convince her to fall for a guy like you? I mean, it It couldn't have been your charm.
What's happening? DUNCAN: So tender, so radiant.
I guess opposites do attract.
Now, where's that sense of humor? [SMACK.]
Oh, man.
You cannot take a joke.
I waited for you to wake up so that you could see me leave you behind.
You can't go to the Ancestor without me.
How long did Ezra live here? YELLOW: I can't tel from the scan.
You identified his corpse.
That means he's in your database? His DNA and brain state, yes.
And mine? And Feena's? Also.
That's how I knew to let you in the settlement.
And Tasha? My wife? Let's see te other grave.
Answer the question.
Is she in your database? Yes or no? Why must you know? Because I need to know if I have something to live for.
They're askin' me.
If they can stop feeding you.
Unplug the machines and let you pass away peacefully.
How could they ask me that? They might as well just ask me to shut off myself.
What am I without you? God in Heaven, I've never asked you for a miracle.
But please Please.
Yes or no? I will answer you, Abram, by showing you two more graves.
No trail over here.
Now what? They must have stuck to the river to throw us off.
How do you know he went that way? He could've gone downstream.
If he was heading to camp originally, he would have kept going in that direction.
Unless he was trying to lose us.
Hello?! Feena, is that you? Duncan?! Wait! Ah, it is you.
It's not as bad as it looks.
Although I can't feel my arms.
Don't touch him.
There's more of you.
We'll need all the help we can get.
Help? For what? For rescuing Lynn.
If your finger slips, I'm dead.
Would you mind putting the bow down, please? Stay back, Feena.
What, you think this is a trick? You need to listen to me.
Not every Skin Rider parasite is strong.
All right? There are some of us who can resist it.
We pretend to be under their control to keep up appearances.
Why should we believe you? Look at me.
Beaten to a pulp and tied to a tree.
If you didn't do this, then who did? Why would they do this? DUNCAN: His name's Jax.
He's psychotic, but he's easily riled.
I made sure that he saw me speaking to a holo-Feena - this morning.
- A hologram of me? DUNCAN: It's a long stor, but these things need to be orchestrated.
All right? He doesn't let me go anywhere by myself anymore.
I had to make se that Jax left me because he thought it was a good idea, not mine.
You wanted him to smack you around? No, I wanted him to ditch me.
I didn't think he would tie me up.
And if he hadn't? I was coming to you.
You don't know where the Skin Rider camp is, and I can't rescue Lynn alone.
Seriously, enough with the bow! I'm tied up! You attacked Feena.
I had to! The other Skin Riders would have killed her! It's better she's hurt by me than dead.
You have a rationale for everything? I have a truth for everything.
If you want to leave me here, that's fine.
But you're never going to find Lynn without my help.
Maybe he's telling the truth.
Show me your neck.
The parasite's active, but I can contain it.
I can even prevent it from speaking to the others.
Where's the camp? Finding camp is the easy part.
The hard part is getting Lynn out of that ship.
If any one of them sees, the others will know.
What ship? It's an old Karik warship.
HERE'S THE DEAL: You tell us how to get Lynn out.
And if what you say checks out, if you're not lying to us, we'll come back for you.
If you fail, I'm stuck here.
- Not my problem.
- We should discuss this.
It's decided.
It's not your decision to make! Yes, it is.
Camp! Where is it? Feena.
Feena, look at me.
You know me.
- [THUD.]
I am losing my patience.
Where is my wife? [LABORED BREATHING.]
Part of your search for Tasha is here.
Is it her grave? No.
The grave of this woman.
ABRAM: Who is she? YELLOW: You wouldn't remember her.
Your last exchange with her was brief, and she was much older.
We spoke? In my first life? YELLOW: At the time of Tasha's death.
Shall I show you? What do you mean? YELLOW: We call it "deep recall.
" I have your brain state.
Every moment of your life.
Including the seemingly insignificant ones.
You can show me a memory? Hold very still.
It was a stroke.
They told me there was nothing more I could have done.
But I'm pretty sure they tell that to everyone.
Just to help them sleep at night.
YELLOW: Your memory continues elsewhere, Abram.
WOMAN: You'll have to sleep sooner or later.
YELLOW: That's her.
That's your fourth cup of hot cocoa.
It's 2 am.
You either have a very bad sweet tooth, or you're fighting to stay awake.
Maybe both.
When my sister turned for the worse, I stayed up for 40 hours by her bed.
I got so sick, they almost admitted me.
It's okay to sleep.
I don't think I can.
Because you're afraid.
Afraid that she might pass while you're sleeping and she'll think that you abandoned her.
Afraid she'll be alone when it happens.
Afraid you'll be alone when you wake up.
ABRAM: I'd say you read people pretty well.
I just finished.
I can't take your blanket.
I'm a volunteer.
This is what I do.
In some cultures, the gift of a blanket initiates blessings.
Rest for the weary.
Dreams for the sorrowful.
Warmth for the lost.
This is very kind.
Thank you.
Places like this, times like this, we could all use a little kindness.
Do you remember this moment? Of course.
I didn't give it much thought afterward.
A lot of people were kind to me when Tasha passed.
Look closely and see what you failed to see before.
Who is this woman? [MONITOR BEEPING.]
I'm asleep? How can I have a memory of this? This is not your memory, Abram.
It's hers.
What is she doing? YELLOW: Watch.
There is nothing to be done.
Even if the Sparks repair the tissue around the hemorrhage, there is too much damage to record a brain state.
I'm sorry.
Sleep a few more hours.
And when you wake, don't be afraid.
Is that true? Were the Sparks here when Tasha died? Tasha could not be healed, Abram.
You can make a human being when you want one, but you can't heal one when she needs it? The damage to Tasha's mind was too significant.
Her brain state could not be captured.
- I am sorry.
- Don't tell me you're sorry! You don't feel anything.
You're a machine.
YELLOW: I carry your memories, Abram.
They're not mere images; They include all your emotions.
I grieve with you.
I don't want your grief.
I want my wife back.
Tasha cannot be restored, Abram.
I know where she's buried.
We can recover her DNA.
YELLOW: But not her mind.
Even if we could remake her, without her brain state, she would not know you.
She wouldn't know anything.
She'd be an organism, not your wife.
It wouldn't be fair to her.
If you know me so well, you should know better than to lecture me about what's fair.
You think you're the only one who's losing someone here.
You want to speak louder, please? I don't think all the Skin Riders can hear you.
Duncan can help us.
We can't just leave him there! - Lynn needs - No.
Don't pretend this has anything to do with Lynn.
This is about you.
Yeah, it's about me and what I know.
I know Duncan, you don't.
This isn't about what you know, Feena.
It's about what you want, what you hope for.
I just need more time with him.
- I can tell.
- We don't have time! And I'm not letting you risk my life and Lynn's on some little lovesick hunch.
You're such a hypocrite.
Love is worth fighting for, but only if it's yours.
- [CLANG.]
- [GASPS.]
- [GASPS.]
This is starting to feel like a family reunion.
I told you there were two graves I wanted to show you, Abram.
You've only seen one.
You're broken, Abram.
New to the world but broken already.
Life has nothing to offer you because a life without her has no meaning.
The thrill of being young, the novelty of being alive, has been replaced with the reality of being alone.
I don't care who's buried here.
You will.
The person here proves how wrong you are.
You lived in the Settlement, Abram.
You worked.
You laughed.
Perhaps you even loved again, bore children again.
I do not know for certain, but I do know that you lived, that you found purpose, that you allowed yourself to be unbroken.
I hope history repeats itself.
I knew you'd come back.
How do I know you are who you say you are? Ezra is right.
You shouldn't trust me or any of the others.
Let my instructions to Ezra prove to you that I'm not lying.
You'd rather I leave? I'd rather you not doubt.
I hate the idea of you thinking that I'm that I'm something else.
Are you? Yes.
This Companion, it's in me.
I fight it constantly.
It tries to tell me that I don't love you, that that I don't need you.
And the more it says it, the more I know it's wrong.
But I can't break this alone.
You don't have to.
I've waited a long time to do that.
If we hurry, we can catch up to Ezra.
No, you go back to the Settlement.
I want you safe.
I think you know me better than that.
Well, at least be careful then.
You don't know how dangerous these people are.

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