Eye Love You (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

What does that mean?
Good morning!
Good morning.
Nuna… Nuna!
Look, my daughter's favorite scene
is coming up.
Did she contact you?
No, I found this on her social media.
A father checking their daughter's
social media is terrifying.
I'm your big sister!
There's no way you're my big sister!
I'm not lying.
I'm your big sister.
Big sister?
Your daughter enjoys this?
You could say she's a genius.
I'm your big sister.
Are you really my big sister?
Big Sis?
Yes, I'm your big sister!
Hey, doesn't this old guy look like you?
What if I were your nuna--
-I'd hate that.
-Of course.
I never stopped looking for you.
Me neither.
Big Sis?
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Good morning.
The meeting will start in five minutes.
It's thanks to all of you
that we got through the Chocolat Festival.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
On the first day,
we achieved our highest sales ever.
Business was booming.
Here are the results from the survey
we conducted at the Chocolat Festival.
As of right now,
our taste and packaging
have brought us plenty of fans.
Now I'd finally like us
to gain recognition for…
environmental friendliness.
It's 7%?
That's surprisingly low.
But our biggest selling point
is that we use discarded cacao.
It'd be nice if more people knew.
Now that we have gained
new customers at the Chocolat Festival,
this is our chance to highlight our work.
So, in regards to our seminar next week,
I'd like to revise the contents
to fit our ideology more.
And we have Tae-o,
an environmental expert.
We reserved a venue at Tae-o's university
so we can target students.
You'll be in charge, Tae-o. Is that okay?
Yes, but if it's possible,
it'd be nice to have something
they can touch and taste.
I see.
Maybe they can smell the cacao beans
used for chocolate, or taste cacao nibs.
Nice idea.
So, that's cacao beans and cacao nibs.
And cacao husks, too.
Aihara, get those ready.
Yes, leave it to me.
Nishina, please support Tae-o.
I'll be in your care.
-Ask me anything.
Tae-o, just think of
Nishina as your nuna.
Nishina is your nuna, Tae-o.
You just wanted to show off
what you learned earlier.
-What was that?
-It's fine, Tae-o.
Yes, nuna.
Nuna? Big Sis?
So it does mean big sister.
You hear "nuna" all the time,
but what does it even mean?
Yeah. I'll do my best.
Tae-o. Here.
For me?
To me, Yuri is…
No, wait.
I'm special to Yuri, right?
Yeah, Senpai?
I heard about the seminar.
The professor told me to help out
since you're working so hard.
Oh, in that case,
can you double-check
my facts about the animals?
Got it.
I have time after 3:30 p.m. on Monday.
Then I'll see you at the lab.
Thank you.
Oh, right.
Take this as a thank you for today.
It's linaria chocolate I made
just for today, not meant for sale.
Oh, the girl you like gave me chocolate.
Thank her for me.
Huh? What did you say?
The person I like?
Then what is this?
"Nuna" means big sister.
In Korea, the word nuna
refers to your biological sister
or an older woman who you're close with.
"Who you're close with"…
Idols often use this
with older female fans.
-Like, "Nuna, thanks for the letters!
A lot of Japanese women feel their heart
skip a beat when they're called nuna.
But they actually use nuna a lot
even when you're not a romantic interest.
So don't let it
get your hopes up, everyone.
I like that side of you.
Please go on a date with me.
You're as pretty as always today.
But I want to be someone special to you.
He doesn't see me
as a romantic interest?
-We're back.
-Hey there.
Good work today. Have you eaten?
He's asking them too.
Tae-o, you always care so much
about if people ate.
We haven't. Should we finally go today?
My newest recommendations are avant-garde
tonkotsu ramen or neo-Korean food.
Oh, avant-garde tonkotsu
ramen is fine too.
If you want tonkotsu ramen, just say it.
Yuri, did you eat?
Have you eaten?
Let's eat.
Tonkotsu ramen would've been nice.
We already decided on Korean food.
When Korean people say, "Have you eaten?",
it's the same as when a Japanese person
says, "Hello, how are you?"
Yet when a Korean guy asks
a Japanese person that,
they might think,
"What? Could they be inviting me?"
But it doesn't mean
they're inviting you to a meal.
-So, don't get the wrong idea.
My Japanese friends often ask,
"Hey, Kibarun, my Korean friend
asked me if I've eaten--"
How do you even use "joa"properly?
Korean, just like English, has two words
when expressing attraction.
Joa is "like" in English.
Saranghae is "love."
And when the word "joa"--
He hasn't said "saranghae" to me.
Actually, in Korea, when you express
your love to a romantic interest,
they often use "saranghae"
instead of "joa."
So, Koreans will often chant
"saranghae," which means "I love you,"
to their favorite idols instead of "joa."
So, just because you were told "joa hae"--
Oh, sorry.
I knocked.
Right, okay.
It's about Tae-o.
His internship period is ending soon.
I want to decide
within the month if we'll hire him.
I see. Right.
If tomorrow's seminar goes well,
I'm thinking of hiring him.
How about you?
And what does he want?
He wants to join us.
I see.
Then let's move forward with that.
How about you?
Is that okay, Motomiya?
You're not like yourself lately, Motomiya.
You're not influenced by emotion.
That's why I trust you.
-And the company--
-I know.
I know that better than anyone.
Of course,
I want you to decide
whether to hire Tae-o or not
after seeing how capable he is.
Got it.
Fried and yangnyeom chicken. Enjoy.
Thank you.
Listen here, Tae-o.
Apparently, the boss has been longing for
this seminar since founding the company.
"Longing"? What does that mean?
It means she has wanted this
for a long time.
Company ideologies like ours
tend to be seen as overly conscious.
First, we focus on the chocolate's taste
and build up our name.
Then, one day, we'll share our ideology.
That's what she always said.
That's true.
Now that the company has grown a bit,
people might be inclined to hear us out.
Yeah, Hanaoka has been waiting
for this chance.
Why are you suddenly
talking about Hanaoka?
Hanaoka's raison d'être
is to make our boss's dream come true.
What do you mean?
Yeah, he does give off that vibe.
I see it.
Yeah, their bond is unbreakable.
True. I've never seen the boss
rely on anyone besides Hanaoka.
To the boss, Hanaoka is special--
Are you okay?
Oh, no.
-Are you okay?
-What's wrong?
-Take a seat.
head back first.
-We're still…
-You're not done eating.
-I'm taking your japchae.
Motomiya's out.
I see.
Are you special, Hanaoka?
Am I not special?
It's time. I'm heading to the university.
I'm buying a watch. Just you wait.
This is the seminar venue.
When you're done, please tell the office.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Sorry I made you visit with me
when you're dealing with love troubles.
No, not at all.
Looks like we'll have plenty of space
for taste testing.
No need for a kitchen.
Really? That's great.
Um, love guru.
Yes, please share what happened with me.
Let's take a seat and collect ourselves.
Oh, Tae-o.
Wait one second.
Professor, thank you
for the seminar venue.
Oh, it's fine. Anything for you.
It's also my duty to show students
that working at a company like this
is also an option.
Thank you.
More importantly, Tae-o,
how are things going
with the person you like?
I'm not special.
What? Not a romantic interest?
Not special?
Nuna, huh?
In what context did he call you that?
He didn't call me that directly.
He said it indirectly?
Why don't you ask him then?
Ask what?
What does "nuna" mean?
Am I not a romantic interest?
Didn't you want to eat with me?
Don't you love me?
Do you really think I can ask that?
But, wait.
Do you want to date him?
What do you mean you're not special?
No, Tae-o, I think
that's just a misunderstanding.
Then what's that?
What is that?
I got it from the person Tae-o likes.
I see.
Onoda, how could you do that?!
I've misjudged you!
It was a thank-you gift.
Tae-o's was the real deal.
It's the same chocolate.
Mine is not romantic either.
No, you've got it all wrong.
How do I put this?
Notice her love.
I think…
She has noticed my feelings.
She has another special someone.
I'm not really sure about that.
And if we hire him, I'll officially be
his boss and he'll be my employee.
On top of all that, I'm his nuna.
Those are all excuses.
I mean, I'm scared.
Of what?
I'm scared…
of learning that Tae-o…
doesn't like me.
I wonder…
if she won't fall in love with me.
I'm telling you--
Hanaoka is special.
I wonder if she likes Hanaoka.
It's not like that.
You're being loud!
My apologies!
Well, I don't know
if I'm allowed to tell you,
but I'll say it since I shouldn't have to
keep it a secret.
The person you like asked for my advice.
That chocolate was
just her way of thanking me.
She said you made her heart pound.
Don't you get it?
Her heart fluttered.
Notice her love already.
Yuri, do you know
the essential "-ing" for romance?
I've heard of it before.
Wasn't it timing, feeling, and happening?
No, it's not three things. It's just one.
What is it?
You have to fight.
I have to fight?
Romance is impossible
if you're too afraid to know how he feels.
You need to be prepared to fight.
The doctor.
Why is he here?
Tae-o was just here too.
He wanted to see the coral tank first,
so he might still be here.
Where is that tank?
It's near the cafeteria.
Good luck!
Are you sure?
Of course.
This is incredible growth for her.
But why's the CEO going?
Shouldn't you be going?
Anyway, why are you here?
Returning library books.
But aren't you a doctor?
A doctor? Well, I am from
the department of veterinary science.
Oh, you're a veterinarian?
I'm not.
Huh? What's going on?
What are you?
Oh, if you're looking for Tae-o,
he already left.
Oh, is that so?
Excuse me.
He wasn't here.
By doctor, he meant
he's in academics, not medicine?
Are you for real?
Well, I don't care.
You're a man of my past anyway.
By the way, why didn't you become a vet?
I couldn't. I'm not good with blood.
That's rough.
Here we go. Huh? Hm?
Although I do occasionally
run into blood in the lab.
You're hopeless.
I've gotten over it.
Everything happens for a reason.
I think it's because I realized
it's not that scary
if I know why blood comes out.
Maybe you could've become a vet.
But even if I became a vet,
I'd probably have done research
instead of clinical work.
Because I like it.
Then, by chance…
do you also want to know
why I invited you out
on Valentine's Day?
There's no mistaking it.
She wants love advice from you,
as she surely must like Tae-o as well.
I already know why.
You do?
Yes, and I'm giving it a lot of thought.
You can trust me.
Then is it okay if I keep my hopes up?
Yes, please. Keep your hopes up.
It's gotten romantic now, hasn't it?
I want to see him.
Well, tomorrow's the seminar.
Everything's set for tomorrow.
Yuri, is something up?
Are you ready for tomorrow?
Oh, yes, it'll be fine.
I see.
What are you doing?
I'm by the swings.
At the park?
Swinging sounds nice.
Want to come here?
Right now?
Right now…
Or any other time.
Is that so?
Then is it okay if I come over right now?
Right now…
is fine too.
Shall we meet?
I'm sorry.
About what?
It feels like I made you come here.
It sounded like you wanted to see me.
I'm kidding.
I'm the one who wanted to see you.
Shall we take a walk?
Sorry, what is it?
Sorry, what were you saying?
Oh, it's nothing.
Let's climb up.
Wait for me.
You're slow.
Your legs are longer than mine.
It's because you're small.
I'm not small. I'm a normal size.
Oh, you're not small?
See, I'm not small.
How cute.
What kind of advice
did you want from Senpai?
Is your heart fluttering?
Mine has been for a while too.
Why are you saying that?
You don't know why?
I don't.
Do you know now?
I love you.
Me too.
Me too.
I'm sorry.
A medical doctor sounds nice,
but a PhD sounds nice too.
-I've made up my mind.
I'll make him fall for me after all.
He's a bit unique. A bit mysterious.
He's hard to figure out.
He's also cryptic and can't take a hint,
but it's just enough
for me to feel attracted.
I can get any man I want if I get serious.
How about you? Did you two meet up?
Yeah, but…
I love you.
I just had so much on my mind yesterday.
But once this is over,
I want to properly tell him how I feel.
Yes, I'm so proud of you!
Now that that's decided,
let's get this seminar over with.
What are you two doing?
Could it be you're going after a student?
In a sense, I guess he is a student.
By the way, where are
the cacao beans for tasting?
I thought you were bringing them, Boss.
Huh? But I sent you a text yesterday.
A text?
Hello! I left the beans, nibs, and husks
on your desk for tomorrow's seminar.
Please take one last look.
I thought you'd check and bring them.
You should've taken responsibility
and brought them!
I'm sorry, I'll go get them.
But we're starting in ten minutes.
Sorry, I should've checked.
What do we do?
Okay, let's head over now.
What's the matter?
Did something happen?
I'm sorry.
I forgot the cacao husk samples
at the office because of my oversight.
What do we do?
Calm down.
It's nothing to panic over.
We can get cacao beans
at the nearby import goods shop.
I'll go buy them.
The ones on the market have a weak scent.
Should we go without the beans?
Let's roast them.
We'll roast them on the venue
and have them smell the aroma.
But we don't have a roaster.
If it's just the aroma,
we can use a frying pan instead.
There's a frying pan in the lab.
I'll borrow one from the doctor.
What? A doctor?
Aihara, go get beans from the shop.
Got it.
Sorry, can you guys set up?
I'll see if we can use a fire in the room.
Sorry, I should've checked properly.
-You usually wouldn't make this error.
-Okay then.
Let's focus on work for now.
We'll figure it out.
-Okay, then.
-Okay, then.
Here's a question for you all.
Do you know how many species
on this planet as of now
are facing extinction?
Is it about ten species?
The answer is
forty thousand species.
There are many reasons as to why,
but first, we can say
that global warming is one of them.
The smell of chocolate changes
with roasting duration and temperature.
For example, this is
a light roast at a low temperature,
so it causes a fruity, floral aroma.
Is that girl the one who Tae-o likes?
Everyone, come to the front
and give it a smell.
People in the back too.
Come forward.
Looks like things will be okay.
It's all thanks to you, Hanaoka.
As for Tae-o…
Let's hire him.
-Are you leaving?
About today…
Thank you so much.
Sorry, as always.
It's my job.
Good work.
Good work today.
Let me make this clear.
There's no rule against dating co-workers.
No, I--
It's obvious.
I'm fine now.
This is fine.
I'm okay with this.
that's all.
I've always loved you.
See you tomorrow.
I thought I'd never again
be oblivious to someone's feelings.
But maybe it's precisely because
I can read people's thoughts
that I never tried
to notice people's true feelings.
I've always loved you.
Even when it came to
someone precious who was always close by,
I was oblivious this entire time.
want to be someone special to you.
How do you feel about Hanaoka?
What do you mean?
Is Hanaoka someone special to you?
Do you like him?
Why are you always running away?
like you, Yuri.
What about you, Yuri?
Do you not like me?
I don't.
I'm sorry.
Subtitle translation by: Chul Woong Kim
It's like hell.
What is this?
Do you like Yuri?
Tae-o said he's not going home today.
Please stop messing with me.
I haven't gotten to say how I feel.
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