Familiar Wife (2018) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Mr. Cha.
This might
sound weird.
But by any chance…
do you…
know me?
My son-in-law!
It's my mother-in-law.
Mr. Cha, it's been so long.
How does she…
Mom, what are you doing?
He works at our branch.
Be quiet.
It's because you nag so much
that he never comes home.
You need to stop that.
Come in, Mr. Cha.
My goodness. Mom!
-Come in.
-Why would he?
Mom, Mr. Cha.
Come on.
Come in.
-Mom, what are you doing?
-Come in, Mr. Cha.
-Okay, I'll come in.
-Come in.
Oh my god.
I'm sorry, Mr. Cha.
It's gotten older,
but it's still the same.
I'm Cha Ju-hyuk.
I'm a returning student
at Yeonhui University.
Woo-jin has told me a lot about you.
Nice to meet you.
I'll do my best.
-Isn't he handsome?
-Calm down.
I kept seeing him in my dreams.
I made his favorite mustard green kimchi.
I did well, didn't I?
Wait just a little bit.
I'll bring it out.
It tastes better when it's ripe.
I wonder if it's spicy enough.
I'm really sorry, Mr. Cha.
I briefly told you last time
that my mom is sick.
Then does she have…
She has Alzheimer's.
She's not herself sometimes.
She must be thinking I'm married.
This is a first for me too.
It's crazy, isn't it?
You should go before my mom comes back.
Hurry up.
Just come out.
How did your mother…
I mean…
When did the symptoms start?
It's been over a year.
At first, she was just forgetful.
But it got worse.
She started to mistake
the past for the present.
She thinks her deceased husband
is still alive.
Sometimes, she calls me "ma'am."
I'm worried
because she runs away too often.
But my mom's symptoms aren't terrible,
so it's relatively manageable.
By the way, I have a question for you too.
Is it really a coincidence
that you were in front of my house?
Then how would I know where you live?
I'm not a psychic.
Mr. Cha.
Mom, why did you come out?
Because he forgot to take this.
You must be busy.
But don't forget to eat.
Even if you don't have an appetite,
mix some water into rice
and eat a spoonful with this, okay?
Let me give you a hug, my son-in-law.
You're so skinny.
Mom, what's wrong with you?
You're making him uncomfortable.
My son-in-law!
I kept seeing him in my dreams.
Does she really remember me?
Or is it just the dementia?
Speaking of which,
how did she get such a terrible disease?
It's been over a year.
At first, she was just forgetful.
But it got worse.
Yes, Mr. Cha.
I'm almost home. I'm not inside yet.
Of course, I'll hurry over. We're family.
Please wait a little bit. Okay.
Where are you going now?
The branch manager called. I have to go.
I have something to discuss with you.
It's about my mom.
Is it urgent?
I have to go. Can we talk later?
What is it?
I'm a little worried.
My mom called me this afternoon
and said she couldn't find her way.
You know she's bad with directions.
Maybe she just forgot.
I'm like that, too, sometimes.
I have to go. I'll be back.
So that's when it started.
I get that it was a work dinner,
but why didn't you pick up?
Shouldn't you have risked your life
to answer my calls?
If you keep this up,
I'm going to leave again.
-I'm gonna do it.
-No, don't.
I'm sorry, I didn't hear my phone.
What's that?
It's mustard green kimchi.
It stinks.
Where did you get it from?
The owner of the pork stew restaurant
that our employees often go to
made this for me
because I said it was good.
You didn't have to bring this home.
You could've bought it
at the department store.
This tastes better.
So you have nothing more to say to me?
I'm sorry for getting angry.
I won't do it again.
Seriously, don't do it again.
If you do, we're getting a divorce.
Shall we go to bed now, Mother?
You must be so sleepy.
Your eyes are half-closed.
Why are you holding out today?
I'm not sleepy.
Go home. Mr. Cha is waiting for you.
My goodness.
Mom, he's my coworker from the bank.
He's not your son-in-law.
Yes, he is! He's not your coworker.
This is driving me crazy.
You just happened to
get his last name right.
How talented.
You should become a fortune teller.
That's because it's his name.
Stupid idiot.
Do you like Mr. Cha?
Of course.
I like him the most in the world.
Okay, now that I know your type,
I'll find a man who's as good as him.
You should get some sleep for now.
If you don't,
the boogeyman will come after you.
Hurry up and hide.
I'm so scared.
Look how quickly you fall asleep.
Be good to your husband.
After your dad passed away…
he was the only one who looked after us.
He tutored you for free.
He would change all the lights
when he stopped by.
He even fixed our shower.
You're good at making up stories.
People might think it's real.
This is nice.
Around 3:00 p.m. yesterday,
a voice phishing criminal
ran off with cash from a bank
in Suwon, Gyeonggi Province.
The culprit,
impersonating an FSS employee,
claimed the victim's bank account
was being used as a burner
and insisted he would move the cash
to a safe place.
He was accompanied to the bank,
took the cash, and fled.
Detectives and a task force
have been stationed in the area
following the culprit's route
in order to capture him.
Don't move!
Hands up!
-Get down.
-Hands up!
Don't say a word from now on.
Just do as I say.
-Hey, stand up.
-Hands up.
Don't move. Hands up.
Hey, get up.
-Get out.
-Calm down.
Get out.
Hey, not you.
I'll give you anything you want.
Hands on the ground and kneel!
-Please don't hurt anyone.
-I told you not to say anything.
Don't move.
Keep your head down.
What are you doing?
Put the money in the bag!
There's not much cash here.
It's all in that safe.
The safe?
The safe.
Who's in charge of the safe?
-The safe.
-Who is it?
The safe!
Who's in charge of the safe?
Excuse me.
-Is it you?
It's not that.
I really need to use the bathroom.
Can I go?
Lift your head up.
Are you kidding me?
No. I really have to go.
-Hold it in.
-I've been holding it in for a while.
I'm not lying.
I have a stress-induced bladder infection.
You little…
Can't you see the situation?
We won't be nice because you're a girl!
Cover this side.
-Come on!
Keep your head down.
-Don't move.
-Hands up!
-Don't move.
Or I'll shoot!
Don't come near me.
Drop the gun and put your hands up.
-What do I do?
-Drop the gun and raise your hands!
-Damn it.
Okay, that's it.
Well done, everyone.
It took you exactly
5 minutes and 10 seconds to arrive.
Well done, everyone.
Yes, good work.
Okay, get up now.
-Well done.
-Situation over.
KCU Bank, Gahyeon branch.
The training session is finished.
Well done, everyone.
Good work.
-All right.
-Good work.
A training session in the morning?
-I'm still drunk from yesterday.
-I know.
I get nervous
even though it's just a drill.
I didn't know that it was so real.
You get so into it.
Yeah, you were way too immersed in it.
I thought it was fun.
Good work, everyone.
Today's simulation
wasn't just a regular drill.
It was issued by headquarters
due to the frequency of incidents lately,
so please understand.
Especially the two robbers.
You were great.
Thank you.
I was good, right?
I think I'm good at acting.
No, it was too real to be acting.
The way you grabbed me by the collar.
There were a lot of emotions
behind those hands.
Still, don't you think you were
too harsh on your boss?
It's not that, Mr. Byeon.
I was just immersed in the role.
You know I love you.
-Stop it.
-Anyway, you did your best.
I'll give you a quick training evaluation.
-Seo Woo-jin.
-Yes, sir.
What was your role in today's training?
Reporting and observing.
That's right. Reporting and observing.
But instead of observing,
you fearlessly provoked a gunman.
You could've ended up with bullet holes
if it was a really bad-tempered robber.
I thought I should buy us some time
so we could ring the emergency bell.
I guess I was careless.
I'm sorry.
Okay, next.
Kim Hwan.
As for me,
I think I did a good job
stalling for time and ringing the bell.
You told them to rob the safe
because we didn't have money.
You call that stalling?
The bell too.
There were two culprits, right?
What if one of them saw you
and started shooting?
That'd be the end of it.
I gave you signals with my eyes.
You're unbelievable.
I have a question.
Go ahead.
That means we have to ring the bell
after the robbery.
Of course, safety is important.
But isn't our overly cautious response
what makes us easy targets
for thieves to rob us?
Of course, I don't want
to give money to bastards like them.
But what's most important
in a real situation?
Safety first, safety second,
and safety third.
Look at the Suwon case.
You never know when a scammer
will turn into a robber.
You're right.
I'm so scared.
I'm more scared of Ms. Jang.
-Give me that.
-Yes, sir.
This is the latest voice phishing
prevention manual.
-Take a look.
-Yes, sir.
Their methods are evolving every day.
You need to know how to deal with them.
Not only for the elderly
but also for our young customers.
Let them know
that organizations asking for money
is a voice phishing tactic.
Okay, that's all.
Let's go.
-A new kind of banking
-A new kind of banking
-through trust and generosity.
-through trust and generosity.
Get to work.
-Let's go.
-Let's go.
I must've drank too much last night.
I'm too hungover to remember the training.
I know. I'm so tired.
But if we really got robbed,
would we be able to do as we trained?
Come on, you're scaring me.
It's scary to think about, right?
I might die in that situation.
Don't worry, guys.
I've been working at a bank
for seven years.
I've never even seen a petty thief.
Same here. And I've done five more years.
I've worked for three more months,
and I haven't seen one.
Why three more months?
Didn't we start working together?
You got the job
after getting a hernia surgery.
I remember it was due
to chronic constipation.
You remember everything.
What about you? How are your bowels?
They're oversensitive, aren't they?
I'm still overly sensitive because of you.
But isn't it better than constipation?
I think we should change our names.
Ms. Constipated and Mr. Diarrhea.
Mr. Cha.
What is it?
Take this. It's a hangover cure.
I don't usually give this to others,
but you're special.
You must've been flustered yesterday
because of my mom.
I just wanted to thank you.
Hurry up and take it before someone comes.
Thank you.
Squeeze it all the way up.
Is your mom going to the hospital?
What about medicine?
She's taking it.
It's progressing slower, thanks to that.
If you want to change hospitals,
let me know.
My friend's friend's sister-in-law
is a brilliant doctor.
I'll introduce you.
Your friend's friend's sister-in-law.
-Not your friend's sister-in-law.
My friend's friend's sister-in-law.
I'll let you know.
-What are you two up to?
-Up to what?
Mr. Cha, I'm so sorry.
I'll be more careful next time.
What did she do this time?
You're extremely hard on her
for some reason.
You come to this gym? No way.
Do you come here too?
Yes, this place is right between
my home and school.
What about you?
How long have you been coming here?
About three months.
I didn't think it was you at first.
You look different dressed like this.
I see.
I'll see you later.
You're more ambitious than I thought.
Make sure it's the right weight for you.
Otherwise, you'll strain your muscles.
Thank you.
Don't shake your arms.
Push out your chest.
Straighten your shoulders.
Lower your arms slowly.
Your hands must be so pretty
because you play an instrument.
Go work out. I'm done.
Then do you want to eat?
With you?
Why would I?
I said I'd buy last time.
I don't like owing people.
Let's go in my car.
Your car?
Not completely, but half of it.
It's still under my dad's name.
He'll give it to me when I graduate.
He's a self-made man.
So he's very stingy.
Isn't this seat only for girlfriends?
I don't want any misunderstandings.
It's okay. We broke up.
She wasn't the long-term type.
She was a bit clingy.
That can happen when you're young.
You mistake that for love.
I'm off.
I have a meeting about loans
with Daeo Corporation.
Don't drink too much today.
It's not like I want to drink.
Daeo's CEO doesn't even play golf.
He just always drinks.
Even when times have changed.
Once Daeo Corporation signs,
you'll be in charge.
It's to repay you for the Taejin case.
Goodbye, sir.
-See you tomorrow.
-Go home soon.
He left, right?
-Why'd you put that on?
Okay, let's go.
Let's leave early today.
I'm exhausted
from all the ruckus this morning.
Let's go home.
-Good night.
-Good night.
-Good night.
Let's go.
Ms. Seo.
-It fell.
It's broken.
I'll fix it. Thank you.
If you want to thank me,
eat dinner with me.
I don't have time today.
I'll treat you next time.
I promise.
See you tomorrow.
I'm leaving too. See you tomorrow.
You really miss your wife, don't you?
Get out of here.
If you don't have a friend to eat with,
would you like one?
I have time today.
Do I look like I'm looking
for a friend to eat with?
Then what is it?
-Follow me.
-I don't like alcohol.
-Just come.
She must be tired from the training.
Why doesn't she just take a taxi?
She has weak stamina.
Should I just give her a ride?
Is that weird?
I'm just giving my employee a ride.
We're going the same way.
Is that weird?
Should I just go?
Just go.
Just go.
I really saw stars.
What was that?
I'm bleeding.
Ms. Seo, are you okay?
-Are you okay?
-I think I sprained my ankle.
I'm kidding.
I think it's just a scratch.
I'm fine.
I was just kidding.
I got hurt today,
but I got a ride from you.
Today isn't so bad.
There's a bandage in that box.
Put it on your knee.
Where is it? It's not here.
Why are you going through it?
I'll find it for you.
This is how people flirt in movies.
It's useless that I'm doing this with you.
That's ridiculous.
Thank you.
By the way,
about the training we had today.
Do the police have to come every time?
Sometimes, we team up with the precinct,
like we did today.
Other times, it's just us.
Other than today's training,
we get regular training
for new financial scams.
We also receive voice phishing
prevention training once a month.
We have money
specifically reserved for robbers
at the branch, don't we?
It's not necessarily for robbers,
but we do have emergency money
that's covered by the bank.
People's lives come before money.
Those damn robbers
are using that as a weakness.
Those bastards!
While we're on the subject,
that short temper of yours…
Since the bank has cash,
don't be rash or overreact
in case of an emergency.
Okay, I won't.
But we have gas guns.
They have real guns.
What if someone suspicious shows up?
Do we just ignore them
even if they take a bunch of cash?
Well, that's…
Shouldn't the employees
come up with some sort of signal?
Maybe by blinking their eyes?
You've watched too many movies.
Let's be quiet. Okay, Ms. Seo?
How about like this?
I really was going to treat you.
I don't let students treat me.
Don't treat me like a kid.
I'm less than ten years younger than you.
Ten years is a lot.
Just think of it as me paying
for the gym lesson earlier.
Do you want me to teach you every day?
-I'll be your trainer.
Buy me meals sometimes.
-What are you doing?
-You need your trainer's number.
Okay, I'll save it.
Can I call you Hye-won?
I'll see you at the gym.
I'll text you.
Don't ignore my texts.
Come on.
You hold it like this…
-I know.
Thank you.
-I could've dropped you off at your home.
-I need to buy ice cream.
It's for my mom.
Thanks for the ride.
-I appreciate it.
-It was on my way anyway.
-See you.
-Go ahead. Bye.
Then I'll go first.
Drive safe.
Hey, Ju-eun.
-Did you just get off work?
I saw you getting out of that car.
Who was he? Are you flirting with him?
I wish. But he's just a coworker.
-We were going in the same direction.
-You never know.
He might become your husband.
You truly never know.
It's not impossible.
But I don't think I can win
in a catfight with his wife.
-I see.
You don't know many guys, do you?
I know I don't.
Hey, do you want me
to set you up with a guy?
He's my brother's friend.
He looks like a slacker,
but he's a real catch.
He looks like a slacker?
I love that.
Does he really look like a slacker?
-That's just my type.
My brother
should've married a girl like Woo-jin.
Hey, you never know
how it would've turned out.
Marriage is reality.
Once you have kids and start fighting,
you could develop a bad temper.
"Is this the person I used to know?"
All of a sudden, they're a monster.
Are you talking about me?
I mean…
What did you say?
How could you…
The best thing about you
is that you're always the same.
You're always harsh and always honest.
You even run all the time,
and yet, you still weigh the same.
You're so blunt. Are you done talking?
You're getting angry again.
You're so sexy when you're like this.
What do you say?
Don't you think
Joon needs a little sister?
You never change.
I'm consistent, right? I totally agree.
Are you kidding me right now?
Yes, I am.
I'm absolutely, positively kidding.
Is this all we have?
I'm not craving this today.
I thought you'd eat before.
Should I call Mom and ask
for the housekeeper? Can you wait?
No, I'm fine. I'll just eat.
Why today, when the housekeeper's gone?
Your job is so inconvenient.
Did you eat?
Yes, at school with a professor.
I would've joined you
had I known you'd be off early.
You're right. It didn't occur to me.
How's teaching?
It's fine.
The lessons aren't very long anyway.
I enjoy it.
That's a relief.
By the way, you're acting weird today.
You seem a bit sentimental.
No, I'm not.
How's your shoulder?
You don't have muscle pain, do you?
I need to go wash my hands.
What should I do?
It smells so good.
It's nice to go to work together.
Are you okay?
Don't you need to see a doctor?
It's not that bad.
It's a nice excuse to get a ride from you.
Let me know whenever you're tired.
I'll be your driver.
Who am I?
I'm your driver in shining armor.
Of course.
Don't you know you're my knight?
What is this?
Seo Woo-jin?
Yes, she works at the bank.
I gave her a ride yesterday.
We were going the same way.
Don't you think you're being too generous?
I like having my driver to myself.
No, it's not like that.
It just happened to be
that I gave her a ride.
Is that so?
Good morning. Did you sleep well?
It's already so hot, isn't it?
Yes, it's hot.
-Shall we turn up the volume?
-Shall we?
You have to turn it down.
The music volume.
I was talking about the volume of the AC.
AC volume? What am I saying?
-I'll turn up the volume.
Good morning.
The two of you
could shoot a coffee commercial.
You look like models.
We're expensive.
We're not cheap models.
Sounds like you want some coffee.
Would you like some?
You're so considerate.
But where's Ms. Seo?
She's in the pantry
grabbing some herbal tea.
I'll get the coffee myself.
Carry on with the coffee break.
By the way,
do I look
-handsome today?
You're always handsome, of course.
I know, but I just wanted to check.
Thank you.
What's with this vibe?
Wasn't that a pickup line?
I think Mr. Yoon…
Oh, come on. There's no way.
He wouldn't do that if he really liked me.
-I think
he likes you.
Hey, like I'd believe that.
I think it's you.
No, it's you. I'm sure of it.
Good morning.
-You're here early.
The two of you--
-Could shoot a coffee commercial?
-Mr. Yoon already said that.
I guess you're best friends for a reason.
Hello, Mr. Yoon.
-Ms. Seo, you were here.
-Yes. Do you need anything? Coffee?
No, I'll do it.
Keep doing what you're doing.
I have to work out in my spare time
so I can eat more later.
Why don't you drink coffee?
Are you sensitive to caffeine?
That, too, but I don't get
why anyone drinks coffee.
It's bitter, so it's like poison.
Well, technically,
soju is even more bitter.
But why does it taste so sweet?
Now I want some soju.
I'm just wondering
if you're from outer space.
That's what I wonder too.
Okay, keep up the good work.
-I'll see you later.
Wow, I've already hit 4,000.
I thought I'd lost this.
They even glued the pin back on.
Who was it?
-Ms. Joo.
Do you know who put this here?
No, I don't.
What a coincidence.
I thought I'd have to request another one.
It's so hot out today.
Why is it so hot already?
-Hello, sir.
You could make salt water with your sweat.
Do you know what kind of salt
has the best vision?
-I got it.
-Go ahead.
Sea salt.
Because it's "see-salt."
How did you know?
Most people
wouldn't be able to figure that one out.
You're really something.
My mom loves dad jokes like this.
I've got a long way to go.
No, that's not true.
You've got potential. Keep it up.
You have to keep going.
Then I'll keep going.
You'll need to go
to Daeo Corporation in a bit.
The contract has been accepted.
The president of Daeo Corporation
happened to be from my hometown.
I should thank my ancestors.
Make sure you bring all the documents
and thoroughly explain everything to them.
Yes, sir. I'll get going.
I'll talk to the main branch
and try to get you
the lowest rate possible.
If you could open
your payroll accounts with us
and use our online banking,
savings accounts, and other services,
we'd really appreciate it.
Of course. We're even more thankful.
You've read through these?
-Please stamp right over here.
They've got an image
of the voice phishing guy.
The one who fled in Suwon?
But the image?
I can't even recognize him
because he's wearing a helmet.
-A helmet?
He even has a gun.
Voice phishing criminals
are scary these days.
-Can I take a look?
Not everyone who wears a helmet
is a criminal.
It can't be him.
I thought I should buy us some time.
I guess I was careless.
What if someone suspicious shows up?
Do we just ignore them?
But we have gas guns.
I'm sorry, sir,
but there's something I need to tend to.
-I'd appreciate it if you'd hurry.
Let's hurry.
Customer number 123.
Please come to counter two.
What are you doing?
I'm sorry, sir.
I'm so sorry.
I have bad breath.
-Because I have stomach issues.
-I see.
So I didn't want to be rude,
so I was going to use this breath spray.
Is this a gun?
Bang! Is this a gun?
I'm really sorry.
There was a recent
voice phishing bank robbery,
so we're a bit sensitive.
I'm really sorry.
I'm really sorry.
Please be understanding.
Hello, ma'am.
What can I do for you?
Please cancel my savings installments
as soon as possible.
Please hold.
Ma'am, are you talking about
the happy retirement fund?
This reaches maturity in two months.
If you cancel now,
you'll lose a lot of money.
It's okay. I'll take all of it.
-In cash?
-Not an account transfer?
I see.
Would you like some in the form of checks?
What? Checks?
No, all in cash.
What's your relationship?
Your son?
Sure, I'm her son.
Make it quick, miss.
Please wait one moment.
All right.
Ma'am, just fill in what I marked here.
I'll need your signature on the bottom.
Shouldn't the employees
come up with some sort of signal?
Maybe by blinking their eyes?
How about like this?
-Here you go.
-Yes, just a moment.
By the way,
you two don't look alike at all.
-He must take after your husband.
You talk too much.
Can't you just get this over with?
I'm sorry. I'm just a curious person.
I'm sorry. I'll take care of it.
Let me check again.
If it's wrong,
I have to pay the difference myself.
One million won confirmed.
It's so hot today, isn't it?
How long will this heat last?
All right.
You withdrew 22 million won.
It's a bit…
The envelope is too small.
There we go.
It's a bit too small.
-Let me get a bigger one.
-It's okay. Just give it here.
this is the voice phishing criminal!
Get out right now!
Let go of me!
Yes, sir. I just made a statement
and met the chief.
I just left the station.
Okay. All right.
Respect, sir!
-What are you so happy?
-Mr. Cha said to go home.
He's in a great mood.
There's already an article about it.
An article? Already?
You're right.
That's amazing.
Wow, seriously!
I don't think
it's something to be proud of.
-Why are you so fearless, Ms. Seo?
You were so obviously stalling for time.
What would you have done
if he had shot you?
But that was her life savings.
What was I supposed to do?
She worked hard to save that up,
and that jerk
was going to run away with it all.
Do I just sit and watch?
You're always like that
in these kinds of situations.
Nothing. Let's just go.
By the way, aren't you hungry?
-I'll treat you to a meal.
-A meal?
Well, you saved my life too.
There's a place I go to around the corner.
It's delicious.
Do you like freshly made tteokbokki?
Fresh tteokbokki?
-Thank you.
-Of course.
This place hasn't changed at all.
It's a bit shabby, isn't it?
But the fresh tteokbokki here is amazing.
I've been coming here for 17 years.
It smells good.
-Thank you.
I'm hungry.
Let's hurry up and order.
The fresh tteokbokki here is to die for.
Okay, fine.
Instead of this,
-we'd like two orders of fresh tteokbokki.
-And one pork cutlet, please.
It's on me today.
I'll buy whatever I want.
Then I'll have strawberry shaved ice
for dessert.
That's the real deal here.
Sure. Do whatever you want.
I should leave a mark.
It's a historic day for us.
Seo Woo-jin and Cha Ju-hyuk
were here.
Thank you.
It looks delicious.
With this pork cutlet,
you dip it in one go.
And eat it like this. It's so good.
It tastes like watching the ending
of The Lion King with your mom.
That's how touching it is.
Try it.
It's really good.
-It is really good.
By the way,
can't you talk casually to me too?
You talk casually
to Hye-jeong and Hyang-suk.
Well, I mean, I can…
-Should I talk casually then?
-Yes, just do it.
Treat me casually.
Then I'll feel comfortable.
Okay, let's do that.
See? It's like we're friends already.
It's my treat today.
Order more if you'd like.
One strawberry shaved ice, please.
How did you know you were supposed
to finish with shaved ice?
You must be a psychic.
This is incredible.
How did you know?
It's a sun-shower today.
It is.
I should've just parked the car here.
What do we do?
We'll get soaked.
Mr. Cha.
I think we can take this.
Where did that planter go?
You can't sleep in the library.
We have to study.
I'm awake now.
-When did you get here?
-Just now.
-But I have to go right away.
It's my friend's birthday.
It's at a buffet.
I shouldn't be studying right now.
Aren't you jealous?
I'm going to eat a lot.
-Are you really a high school senior?
Then why are you here?
I came to see you.
Drink this and study hard.
Good luck!
I didn't know it was going to rain today.
It's a sun-shower.
That's cold!
It's cold!
Come here.
Isn't it your friend's birthday?
Why did you come back?
It started to rain on the way.
You didn't bring an umbrella, right?
So I bought one.
If you bought an umbrella,
why didn't you use it?
You're right.
Why didn't I think of that?
I must be dumb as a rock.
I'm such an idiot.
That might have been
when I started falling for you.
What is it?
It's nothing.
It's nothing.
It stopped.
We should've waited a little longer.
I think I'm allergic to air conditioning.
I sneeze when I'm exposed
to air conditioning.
I think I have a fever. See?
Air conditioning, my foot.
-I'm serious.
I feel cold since we got rained on.
I'm actually allergic to air conditioning.
That's a relief.
Excuse me.
Yes, I just got off work.
My mom?
Mister, please hurry.
Please come out.
Where are you going at this hour?
Ma'am, please close the door.
-Don't be so rude.
-My goodness.
-You're here!
-Close the door. Goodness.
Mom, where are you going? Let's get out.
I'm meeting your dad.
I'll take you to him. Get out.
-I have to go.
-She was staring out the window all day.
She left while I was in the bathroom.
I barely managed to stop the taxi.
Mom, I'll take you to him. Okay?
-Get out of the car.
-Mr. Cha!
Mom, stop that.
You haven't had dinner, have you?
Let's go. I'll prepare something. Okay?
-Mr. Cha already had dinner.
-No, I'm hungry.
Yes, please. I'm hungry.
-Let's go.
Mr. Cha. Mom!
Mom, after you eat,
take your medicine.
Why aren't you eating? Come on.
I know you like mackerel.
Let's eat.
My goodness.
Since when did my mom love men so much?
He's not some man. It's Mr. Cha.
You should eat too.
This is stir-fried aster scaber.
Thank you, Mother.
You don't have to. Really.
You must be really full because of my mom.
No, it's been a while
since I had a home-cooked meal.
She's such a good cook.
I don't know why
she's so obsessed with you.
It's embarrassing.
You must've been flustered, but thank you.
Don't say that, or I'll feel even worse.
I mean, I get it.
You can stop.
You must be having a hard time
because of your mom.
I'm not. It's not difficult for me at all.
At a glance,
it looks like I'm taking care of my mom.
But in reality, my mom is my doctor.
I heard it on the radio.
A psychiatrist said
that family or friends are like doctors.
They listen to you
when you're having a hard time,
commiserate with you, and comfort you.
When you don't have them,
that's when you go to a psychiatrist.
If it weren't for Mom,
I would've had to pay
a lot of hospital bills.
This way. You can back up.
Keep going.
Okay, keep going.
Woo-jin is still smiling.
Does she remember hating this road?
You didn't like
that it was called a one-way street.
And why it had to be one-way.
You said streets and relationships
should be two-way.
And that our love
should never be one-sided.
You smiled so brightly, just like now.
Am I the one who forgot that promise
as we fought once we got married,
or is it you?
is it both of us?
Woo-jin! Let's go.
That voice sounds familiar.
We have a lot of customers today.
I'm so tired.
I couldn't even go to the bathroom.
I think this is the aftermath
of yesterday's spectacular
voice phishing incident.
You know that it was
the top trending search, right?
"KCU's Gahyeon branch."
I even got a call
from an old elementary school friend.
He asked if I was the one
who caught the guy.
He's so clueless.
The headline said that it was Ju-hyuk.
Anyway, thanks to you two,
our branch became famous.
That's right.
I'm usually one-half of this perfect duo.
I'm the other half, right?
That's enough. We have work to do today.
Woo-jin, go to the back
and bring the files.
Yes, ma'am.
Jong-hoo, come here for a second.
I need to go to the back too.
Wait for me.
Mr. Yoon.
I need to get something too.
I see.
-Want some?
I guess you like sweets too.
No, I didn't buy these.
A female customer gave it to me.
I'm popular, you know.
Very popular.
I know you care about what you eat.
Do you like sweets?
I like chocolate, but not candy.
You know what you like.
Okay, then how about jjajangmyeon
or jjamppong?
-Chicken or pizza?
-Gimbap or sushi?
Definitely gimbap.
Men in suits or in knitwear?
-What type of men do you prefer?
Classic or casual?
I see.
This is a bit deep.
I think I'm more attracted to casual.
Okay, I'll keep that in mind.
Mr. Yoon.
Didn't you say you were getting something?
Come to think of it, I don't need it.
-Let's go!
-Let's go!
I forgot to text the customers
with overdue card balances.
But I have important plans today.
We'll stay and do it.
You go ahead.
We'll do them, Ms. Jang.
Okay, I'll leave it to you.
I have a college reunion.
It's been a while.
-Yes, ma'am.
-What's going on?
Are you trying to run away
and leave your minions behind?
I'm not running away.
How could you say that?
All right, loan department.
Did you submit all the documents?
Let's all go home together.
Thank you.
Split up the work and finish early.
Good work.
-You can go home first.
-Thank you.
-Good work.
Didn't she go to a reunion last month?
How is that a while ago?
What do I do?
I thought we'd finish early,
so I booked a hair appointment.
I booked a dermatologist.
I need to check in at 7:00 p.m.
at the latest.
Okay, you guys go ahead.
I'll stay and send the texts.
But I get to take my lunch first
for all of next week.
Of course. That's not a problem.
Can I really leave?
Yes, you can really leave.
We'll treat you to a meal next time.
Let's have a girls' night out.
-Without Ms. Jang.
-Sounds good.
Let's drink too.
I'd love that. Of course.
Thank you so much.
There was something on you.
-Good luck.
-See you tomorrow.
Should I start sending them?
All right.
I'm leaving.
She has to send a lot of texts.
When will she finish them?
She's always in other people's business.
Hi, Dad.
-Are you at the bank?
-No, I'm going home.
You're off early today.
Yes. Why did you call?
I got your allowance,
so I wanted to thank you.
Isn't that too much every month?
We're happy to receive it,
but we're a bit…
It's okay. I'd give you more if I could.
What about Mom?
Hold on.
Hey, talk to Ju-hyuk!
Can't you see I'm making gimbap?
Do you think you make gimbap
with your mouth?
Your mom is busy making gimbap.
Gimbap is more important to her
than her children.
Okay. I'm hanging up.
Drive safely.
All right.
Why are you so bitter?
Did you marry him off
without knowing her family background?
You're making him worry.
You take all the allowance they give you.
I want Mom's gimbap.
Woo-jin used to like her gimbap too.
She can't stand being hungry.
I went to buy gimbap,
but I got the wrong order.
I thought you might not have had dinner.
My friend opened a gimbap shop nearby.
He just packed some for me,
so I thought of you.
No, that's not it.
Just give it to her.
Where did she go?
This looks so good.
It's a healthy gimbap.
This is salmon avocado.
-Try this too.
-It looks good.
It's good, right?
Did you really buy this for me?
You don't believe me, do you?
It's been a while
since I got off work on time.
Why would I come
all the way back here with gimbap?
I'm just thankful.
I knew you were polite,
but I didn't see this coming.
I was about to go crazy
because I was so hungry.
I'm not being polite.
I'm interested in you.
Didn't you notice anything
about my outfit?
I even changed my clothes.
I'm interested in you.
Do you…
want to go out with me?
I'm totally against this relationship.
-I approve.
-Me too.
No, I don't approve!
-We approve.
-We approve.
Mr. Byeon told me to have lunch with you,
so I ran here.
Why are you doing this?
What did I do?
Do you want me to bury your hand?
-It's cold.
-Hey, smile.
Are you going to make a move?
That makes no sense, you idiot.
Why do you remember, Mother?
I changed everything.
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