Family Secrets (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

[heavy breathing]
[alarm beeping in distance]
["Feel the Heat" by Thomas Didier playing]
["Jadę na południe" playing]
[Małgosia laughing]
But not until she'd emptied
Our account of all the cash ♪
[Marek roars]
My daughter has just entered
The rebellious age ♪
- My friends turned their backs on me ♪
- [brakes screech]
[Marek] Wait. I forgot to turn it off.
- [Małgosia laughs]
- [Marek groans]
[Małgosia] Wow!
I've got another surprise for you.
- You okay? Can you do it?
- Yeah.
[Marek] We're here, guys!
This one girl
Wounded my heart a few times ♪
[Marek] Yes, yes, yes! [chuckles]
- One, two, three! Da da da da da!
- [both laugh]
[Marek] They played just for you.
I know you always loved this place.
What's gotten into you?
That was a long time ago.
- I'm a high class woman now.
- [Marek groans]
- Of course you are.
- [both chuckle]
All my life I've been trying
to make you happy, Małgosia.
But it's always the same.
You're never satisfied with anything.
- Someone has to be the grown-up, darling.
- Of course.
So stop all your babbling
and just dance with me.
[Marek] You're right, let's just dance.
[band continues playing]
I'm leaving, Małgosia.
I start the day after tomorrow.
I have a company flat too.
A big one.
It has four rooms.
Just right for us.
But of course,
I know you don't want to go.
I hope at least that you won't
stand between me and the girls.
[Małgosia sighs]
I'll send money, of course.
[amplifier buzzes in background]
And though I'm not suggesting it myself
- If you'd rather we just get a divorce
- Stop bullshitting, Marek.
- I'd agree to it.
- Don't you dare take off.
You know where I'll be.
I'm begging you not to leave
and you're talking some bullshit.
Don't "Małgosia" me.
[Małgosia sighs]
["Feel the Heat" playing]
- [rattling]
- [toilet flushing]
[door opens]
- [woman] Oh! Excuse me, sorry.
- [Małgosia] No, I'm sorry.
[door closes]
I'm a little stressed because
my daughter's introducing her fiancé to me
in just a moment.
And in my eyes, she's still a child, so
I'm just a little rattled.
[water running]
Does this lipstick color look
flattering on me? What do you think?
Hm. I would think that if they had
something that important to tell you,
nobody is going to
be looking at your lipstick.
But if you want the truth,
that shade is a bit too provocative.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Mariachi music plays]
Beautiful lady ♪
I want to make you fall in love ♪
Beautiful lady ♪
[Mariachi music continues]
[indistinct chatter]
[Mariachi music continues]
[Alicja] Oh, my god. I want this!
- [ Kaśka] Alicja, hold still.
- [Alicja] Please.
It looks good on her.
We could see through
when you were walking.
We could see your ass.
[Alicja] Do you like it?
- Don't wrinkle it.
- [ Kaśka] It's gorgeous.
[indistinct fuss]
- [Alicja] Szymon, do you like it?
- It's really beautiful!
[Małgosia] As if I care what he thinks.
[ Kaśka] You like Alicja in this?
- [Alicja screaming] Hurry up!
- [nurse] Calm down.
[machine beeping]
[Alicja] No, no, no!
Please [whimpering]
[sobbing, whining]
- [ Kaśka shouting indistinctly]
- [Alicja groaning]
[Małgosia] We need a doctor!
[melancholic music playing]
[Małgosia] It's gonna be okay.
I promise it's gonna be okay.
[doctor] Unfortunately,
we weren't able to save the child.
I'm so sorry.
[poignant music playoing]
[footsteps approach]
[Marek sighs]
[Małgosia] Please leave.
I have to be here.
[dog barking in distance]
[doorbell rings]
[Małgosia] Hi.
[door closes]
[Małgosia moaning]
- [moaning, groaning]
- [clamoring]
[Małgosia laughs heartily]
[laughing continues]
[Małgosia laughing] Oh!
[Marek] Let's massage
a little bit more here, huh?
[Marek] Hm? You like that?
[Małgosia] Hm. [chuckless contentedly]
[sighs deeply]
[Małgosia moans, gasps]
[Małgosia] How's your back feeling?
- [Marek] It's been good.
- Doing your exercise?
- Yeah, I do.
- But not regularly, huh?
Małgosia, I exercise every day.
I've got great exercises. You wanna see?
[both chuckle]
- You're going to work today?
- Yeah, at ten.
You won't come with me to Bieszczady?
You've answered your own question.
- Małgosia
- I can't, Marek.
So that's that.
See you.
Dad! Daddy!
I'm so sorry for being late but I made it.
- [ Kaśka] Ow, ow. Watch out.
- Oh!
You look lovely.
- Thank you.
- [Małgosia] What are you doing here?
- Małgosia, please
- I'm asking: what are you doing here?
Did you think I was going to disappear?
You told him about the wedding?
- [Alicja, Marek] No!
- I invited him.
- And I'm so glad you're here!
- [Małgosia] You never give up!
[Alicja] Oh, Jesus.
[Jan] Mom!
[Alicja] Oh, Jesus Christ, now what?
[Jan] Mom.
[Dorota] I've had enough.
- You're leaving?
- Yes!
Then go. I don't need you here.
I can manage.
You never gave a shit about me anyway.
Hello, it's nice to meet you.
Jan Jaworowicz.
- What happened?
- [Alicja laughing]
- Hm.
- Just your average church mayhem.
- [laughing]
- [Małgosia] Stop, you're embarrassing me.
[Alicja continues laughing]
[Małgosia] Stop that!
Hello, ladies.
What's so funny? Tell me.
[Alicja] I'm happy.
I'm happy the family's all here.
[Alicja continues chuckling]
- [motorcycle engine]
- [horn honking]
[Lucjan] Hey! That's for me!
[Lucjan, in Italian accent]
Ah! Margherita!
Here you go. Enjoy, enjoy!
- [Maciej] Wait, let me get a shot.
- Hey, hey, hey!
[upbeat French music playing]
- Let me help you, Father.
- [priest] They're making them smaller.
- Ouch.
- [priest] God, oh, wait.
Thank you, sister. I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry, Father!
- I'm sorry. I'm the one who's sorry.
Forgive me, Father, for this
No, I'm sorry for it as well, sister.
This whole mess isn't your fault.
[priest sighs]
They don't take the church seriously!
They have no respect! No respect!
Could it be that they have just,
you know, points that are valid
No sister, don't tell me again
that we deserve this treatment!
They did come to receive
the sacrament of holy matrimony
Yeah? They don't seem to me like
people who wanted any kind of sacrament.
Or maybe commitment to marriage vows
isn't as simple a thing as we may think?
Please, sister, just save me the lecture.
Fact is You and me
don't know a lot about this.
Sister, please just tell them
I'm done with them.
- [Beatrycze puffs]
- [knock on door]
How's it going?
Everything all right here?
Because Father seemed to be
a little bit lost in this situation.
Yes, the Father's fine. It's the young
couple who seem a bit lost
and they probably should
return home to rethink their decision
about making their vows,
instead of airing their dirty laundry
here in church.
Well, I can see your point, Father
If young people do decide to get married
then isn't fulfilling that wish your duty?
Fine, we can decide on a new date.
Please, take this gift
from an agnostic to your parish.
I don't uh
You should be happy, Father,
that this is still the place
where people are still
living through their struggles
and making these life-changing decisions.
Be glad there are still people like that.
Where else are they going to do it?
In the street?
Don't you think, Father, that church
is the best place for these things?
Uh If it's for the parish, all right.
[door opens]
[priest sighs] Thy will be done.
[priest] We've got an eternity
in front of us.
[clears throat]
What was that? Can you explain it?
Jan, you don't have to
go through with this
- Mom, stop.
- Dorota, we agreed we wouldn't meddle.
Jan, please, that girl.
We've suffered enough because of her.
Excuse me, what the hell did you say?
You've suffered because of us?
- Oh, just please stay out of this.
- Ugh.
Jan, we're leaving.
[Małgosia] Well done. You're teaching your
son what your husband's such a master at.
Have your fun and then run away.
It's not my fault
you were tempted by my husband.
Were you tempted, Małgosia?
- That's not very nice of you.
- [Małgosia] Put a sock in it.
Especially since you still
haven't dealt with Marek.
Excuse me, but, uh, who's Marek?
- Her spouse.
- Mama!
[Emil] Ah.
- So there is a husband.
- Yes, I'm right here.
Exactly, he isn't dead!
Just shut up!
To your pews!
To your pews, now!
[Jan] Sit down! Sit!
[Jan] Sit!
[Beatrycze] Małgosia?
Were you really tempted by Emil?
[]And Emil, you were tempted by that lady?
Auntie, I think what we need is music now.
- We need to resolve this question
- Aśka, sing!
Please Auntie, forget about all that
and just sing us a song!
- Blessing.
- Blessing! Blessing!
- You were tempted?
- Why are you even asking me that?
I wasn't tempted!
How dare you suggest that?
- [Marek] Teresa?
- Huh?
You're asking her?
It's not enough to hear the truth from me?
- Now you care whether she's married?
- Lower your voice.
[guitar music starts]
Love will give you wings ♪
It will lift your souls to God ♪
When like a grain of sand ♪
when I was lonely ♪
Waiting for us to live ♪
You kept me dreaming
The sky's unforgiving ♪
[Paweł ] No, come on, don't be like that.
Why are you being like that?
[ Kaśka] Sorry, I'm done.
What's so funny
about massage with acupressure?
- Well?
- Your face, Paweł.
- Yeah, what about it?
- Mmm hm.
You look like you're defusing a bomb.
Well, I'm the one who's going to explode.
Now, close your eyes.
My honeymoon heartbreak ♪
Cut me off, my honeymoon heartbreak ♪
My homeless heart is still hoping ♪
My homeless heart ♪
- [ Kaśka] What is it?
- Nothing.
Let me go, my honeymoon heartbreak ♪
I just was thinking what it'd be like
if you were my wife.
Are you serious?
Is that so bad?
Okay, now. Close your eyes.
Do you take me seriously?
Sure. Why?
Because sometimes I'm not sure you do.
Paweł, I'm taking you seriously.
I take medicine seriously too. I want
to finish two years' worth, in one.
Yeah, but what's the big rush?
The rush is I want to have my own
patients and start working already.
But if you continue specializing
in pathology, though,
the patients won't really
be bothering you all that much.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- [ Kaśka] Oh.
- I could have predicted you'd do that.
- Yeah?
- Mmm hm.
What's the big rush?
[ Kaśka] Morning.
[knocking on door]
[door closes]
[chuckles softly]
- [man] Hello.
- [ Kaśka gasps]
[ Kaśka] Jesus Christ!
Excuse me.
[ Kaśka] I thought only Grandma was home.
- Um, and you're Kaśka?
- Yes.
- If I'm not mistaken?
- Bliska.
Piotr. Drzewiecki.
Paweł has told me a lot about you.
- Is that right?
- [Piotr] Mmm hm.
I'm glad.
- I see we shop in the same store.
- [soft chuckle]
For the same things.
No worries.
In that case, maybe I'll do some
- [ Kaśka] No. No.
- [Piotr] Yes. [chuckles]
- So I'll make some tea. Black? No. Green?
- Hmm.
- Yes, please. [chuckles]
- No problem.
[cutlery rattles]
[clock ticking]
[Piotr sighs]
Sometimes she gets
flashes of consciousness,
and there are good days,
but fewer and fewer.
- Must be difficult.
- Nah, I'm a professional.
- Uh. Sir, did you ever
- Piotr.
No problem. Uh
Did you ever think, Piotr,
about pursuing medicine?
I did, I even tried it.
I tried too. Twice.
You can't beat me there. I applied
to veterinary school seven times.
- No!
- [Piotr] Yes.
- Oh, my god. [chuckles]
- You said it.
Then can I call you "maverick"?
[Piotr laughs, coughs]
You've made us a delicious supper.
- We both did it.
- [Piotr] Yes, we did.
[both laugh]
[ Kaśka] Oh
[ ]Paweł ] It smells good.
Thank you. Good morning.
Nice to see you.
[Piotr] You might as well go back to bed.
We're having a very nice conversation.
- Yeah?
- Mmm hm.
Me and my future daughter-in-law.
[nervous chuckle]
Maybe I'll go get some dinner too.
[Piotr] I'll go get some more wine.
What have you been telling your father?
His "future daughter-in-law"?
Why is it such a big deal?
I don't know, maybe ask my opinion
first, do I even want to be your wife?
Does what I think matter?
Well, do you?
Are you serious?
Kaśka, you know perfectly well
I'm interested in other women.
[ Kaśka] Hm.
Excuse me, can I help you with that?
[woman] Oh, that'd be great.
- [woman] Thank you.
- Pleasure.
[Paweł ] What?
- Such an annoying way to be.
- What is?
Always perfect.
Hm You get used to it.
Hm. It must be hard.
Hm Yes.
Sometimes it is.
I know you've been hurt ♪
By someone else ♪
I can tell by the way ♪
You carry yourself ♪
But if you let me ♪
Here's what I'll do ♪
I'll take care of you ♪
I've I've loved and lost ♪
The same as you ♪
So you see, I know ♪
Just what you've been through ♪
But if you let me ♪
Here's what I'll do ♪
Oh, I've just got
To take care of you ♪
You won't ever have to worry ♪
You won't ever ♪
Have to cry ♪
I'll be there beside you ♪
To dry your weeping eyes ♪
- [moaning]
- [soft chuckle]
[both laugh]
I need you to write me a prescription.
For birth control pills.
[sighs, clears throat]
That might be too late now for you.
Your period is late, right?
We'll be sure after the blood test,
of course.
But you can also
take a pregnancy test yourself.
I'll write you that prescription
But I won't date it so
you can use it maybe in a year?
So rejoice about it!
[door closes]
[Piotr] She's asleep.
- [Paweł ] Dessert?
- [Piotr] Wine.
[ Kaśka] I can't eat anything else.
A little wine, for digestion!
[ Kaśka] No, thank you.
Well, in that case
- Yeah.
- Wait, in what case?
You don't have any other choice now.
[Piotr chuckles]
[Paweł ] Kaśka Bliska
Would you marry a man who's
uh, in love with a pediatrician?
I mean, a man
who's in love with pediatrics?
[Paweł ] And who is forsaking
any other medical specialty
that may possibly be
regarding adults or children?
Phew Yes?
[gate opens]
[Paweł ] Hey! Wait!
[ Kaśka] Why are you like this?
Why are you so childish?
What are you talking about? Huh?
Why are you making everything harder?
I asked you to give me some time
- and you went and just did this anyway.
- Hey!
Hey. I love you.
Okay? Relax.
You live in a fantasy world, Paweł.
My world doesn't look like that.
In my world, the adults pretend
that they can find love anywhere else,
while denying that
they should spend their lives together.
I thought we could
plan our lives together
[ Kaśka] Jesus, Paweł,
you're not listening to me at all!
There's nothing we can plan together.
Everything happens on its own
without our control.
- Okay.
- No. Leave me alone.
Leave me alone.
[melancholic music plays]
Show me what it feels like ♪
When we get there ♪
Let me hear what it sounds like ♪
[Dorota] Make sure you send that
[indistinct conversation]
[Paweł ] I'm good.
Let me hear what it sounds like ♪
[phone ringing]
[sighs] Well, pick it up, you idiot.
[ Kaśka] No.
[phone continues ringing]
[Alicja] But it's Paweł.
Oh, come on,
he's a cool boyfriend isn't he?
We're not together anymore.
Ah, okay.
Have you told him?
[sighs] Stop it.
[phone starts ringing again]
- How about me? Can I pick up?
- No.
- Hello? Paweł? How are you?
- Give it to me. Give me that stupid phone!
- Hello.
- Give me that phone right now.
All right, why are you getting upset?
Take it. Take it, take it.
[ Kaśka] Well, stop.
[Alicja] Here you go. Here, here.
- [ Kaśka] Give it.
- [Alicja laughs]
I just wanted to ask him whether
you two argued like normal people
or whether you did something dramatic and
asked him to leave you alone for good.
- I didn't ask him anything.
- Okay.
He asked me.
Mm, I see.
So, it's not actually over yet then?
Bumpkins, did your father
call either of you?
- Definitely not me.
- [Małgosia] Kaśka?
Can't you see I'm trying to study?
Can't you both just leave me alone?
And would you and Dad deal
with your issues like adults?
That's what we're doing.
I'm so glad I moved out.
Too bad you didn't
take your little sister with you.
Then I'd have the whole flat to myself.
Just joking! My sweet little daughters.
Too bad you didn't move in with Dad
so I'd have the flat to myself.
- [Małgosia] Excuse me?
- Joking!
Ah, you sure have gotten bitchy.
[ Kaśka sighs] Well, I'm pregnant.
Paweł, guess what? I'm pregnant. [groans]
[door opens]
[door closes]
I I am
I don't want us to pretend
like we don't know each other.
I really care about you.
- It'll be fine.
- Wishful thinking.
Was that your stomach?
- It's a mystery.
- A mystery? [chuckles]
- [indistinct chatter, laughter]
- [man] Hey!
[Dorota] Good morning.
[man] Yeah!
Good morning.
[man laughing]
- [woman] Oh, my God, I'm so happy.
- [woman 2] Did he pass?
[paper rustling]
That's for you.
[Lucjan] Huh.
- [Dorota] Good luck, everyone.
- [man] Bye, Professor.
[Dorota] See you.
[Paweł ] Kaśka?
[man 1] I cheated a ton.
- [man 2] You? How?
- [man1 chuckles]
[man 2] I couldn't,
I was right in front of the professor.
[man 1] Yeah, that sucks.
I'm telling you,
you gotta get there early next time.
[ominous music playing]
[Lucjan] Kaśka, what's wrong?
Was it that bad?
- [ Kaśka] I have to go!
- [Lucjan] Kaśka!
[toilet flushing]
[door opens]
- [woman] Hey.
- [ Kaśka] Hey.
[water running]
[woman] Don't worry about it.
- She really doesn't look well.
- [Klara] Do you think she's sick?
- [thud]
- [ Kaśka] Sorry, don't worry, I'll get it.
See? That's what I'm talking about.
- What is it?
- [Lucjan] Nothing.
- What do you mean?
- What's wrong?
I don't know, you're looking
at me like you're seeing a ghost.
Well, you look so, uh
- Sort of
- Nostalgic.
Hm. Nostalgic.
And you can read on my face
who I'm nostalgic for, huh?
Nobody said anything
about Paweł being gone.
[Lucjan] Kaśka.
You know we miss him too.
But you know how it is.
[Klara] It's not that big a deal.
Get over it.
Guys suck. Face it.
Thank you both for your concern.
But it's over.
[ Kaśka] Nobody knows where he is anyway.
Uh huh. Okay, then! Lighten up.
[ Kaśka] What do you mean you won't
tell me anything about Drzewiecki?
It means I don't give information
to students about other students.
[ Kaśka] What an idiot!
A student information desk
that can't give a student any information?
- Hey, Kaśka?
- Yeah?
Maybe you'd like to talk?
About the trauma you are experiencing
due to someone close to you disappearing
Thank you for your concern.
But reconsider doing psychology, hm?
If you say that to a patient
they're gonna go jump off a bridge.
- [ Kaśka] Thanks.
- No problem.
[Emil] Hello, there.
I'm Emil Jaworowicz.
Can I help you?
- Are you waiting for someone?
- How is that your affair?
What do you want from me?
I know who
you were waiting for at the exit.
No, you don't.
All right, let's be clear.
If you aren't serious about my mom
then just stay away from her. Okay?
That's fine by me.
I want to get out. Stop the car.
[seatbelt alarm beeping]
[Emil] Hey, hold on. Wait a minute.
[sighs] I need to tell you something.
- We have nothing to talk about.
- About Paweł.
My wife is having an affair.
With a student named Paweł Drzewiecki.
You know, I thought
it didn't mean anything, that, uh
You know, it sometimes happens
that someone enchants you, you know?
I wouldn't know. But clearly you do, yeah?
- [Emil] Calm down, okay?
- Mmm hm.
You and I are in the same fix.
[Emil] Kaśka, listen, I think that
Paweł loves her as well.
I'm sorry.
And it looks like He's just disappeared.
He's off hiding somewhere
and Dorota's helping him out.
And I really didn't know.
Until now I had no idea.
I had no idea
she was cheating on me this way.
And with your lover.
[deep sigh]
[Jan] I saw you at the clinic.
What's with you and my dad?
Hey, you hear me? I asked you a question!
Are you fucking him?
- [thump]
- [Jan groans]
[Jan coughs]
Talking is really not my strong suit.
[ Kaśka] Then what are you here for?
[ Kaśka] I'm not dating your father.
[sighs] I had
I had this boyfriend, Paweł.
He disappeared.
Before that,
I saw him kissing your mother.
So you wanted revenge?
- [ Kaśka] Are you crazy?
- [Jan] No.
Why don't you just go and ask him, huh?
Go ask them about all this stuff!
They're your parents!
Ever since you appeared in our lives I
can't talk to them like normal people.
Ah, so it's my fault?
And I guess I'm supposed to apologize?
What do you even want?
You keep following me,
appearing out of nowhere!
What am I supposed to say sorry for?
Mommy or Daddy?
Fine, know what?
If you can't deal with your life then
kill yourself, I don't know, do something.
I don't want to be part of it.
- [glass smashing]
- [ Kaśka gasps]
to be lies ♪
And all the joy within you dies ♪
Don't you want somebody to love?
Don't you need somebody to love? ♪
Wouldn't you love somebody to love? ♪
[breathing heavily]
You better find somebody to love ♪
Don't you want somebody to love? ♪
Don't you need somebody to love? ♪
Wouldn't you love somebody to love? ♪
- [Jan panting]
- [ Kaśka groaning]
[ Kaśka exhales]
Wouldn't you love somebody to love? ♪
You better find somebody to love ♪
[gospel music playing]
[nun choir] When like a grain of sand
We become small ♪
Jesus will lift us up ♪
[priest] Now, those who are
about to enter holy matrimony,
please hold your right hands.
- Uh What's going on, Marek?
- Damn
[indistinct chatter]
[Jan] Kaśka, what's wrong?
[Marek] Kaśka?
Darling, what's going on here?
[Marek] Kaśka, what do you want to do?
- [priest sighs]
- [Maciej] What happened?
[doors open]
[indistinct chatter]
[confused muttering]
Talk to me, darling.
- [Marek] Come here, it's okay.
- [ Kaśka] Oh, Dad.
Hold on, hold on here.
Stay here, I'll see what's going on.
[Jolanta] I'll come with you.
[Alicja] No, Mom, let me talk to her.
[Małgosia] Marek and I
should be the ones to talk to her.
You all just wait here.
[Małgosia] My darling, calm down
and tell me what's wrong, okay?
What is it? Mwah.
[Małgosia] Darling, I don't know
what's going on here.
I don't understand and I'm the mother,
so I'm embarrassed, because I should know.
But whatever's going on with her here
isn't normal, Marek.
[Marek] Małgosia, come on.
[Małgosia] Marek, even you have to admit
this isn't normal
And it isn't healthy either.
Not for her or for the baby.
- [ Kaśka sighs]
- [Małgosia] No, um
Listen, Kaśka, maybe we could
if you want to, just kind of
What would you say
if we just left them all here
and went home? What do you think?
[Marek] Why not?
Let's just leave them here.
They can do the wedding themselves.
Let's go home.
We'll sit down together,
relax eat something nice
You can tell us who the baby's father is.
[ Kaśka scoffs] "You can tell us
who the baby's father is"!
Perfect! That's what matters, isn't it?
This isn't your child though.
And it's none of your business.
- It just slipped out!
- No, it didn't slip out at all!
These are my choices.
All my choices! You get it?
So once again,
everything is my fault just like always.
- Why's it always my fault?
- Małgosia, please.
Your father's right.
This is a circus, not a wedding.
His opinion means nothing to me.
And that Kaśka
and her whole embarrassing family.
It's crazy. How did this happen?
How did this happen?
Would you like me
to remind you how it happened?
You sure?
I [groans]
- Mom? Mama!
- [thud]
[panicked chatter]
[Jan shouts] Dad!
- [Teresa] Ah. Oh, jeez!
- [Jan] Mom!
She's fainted. Dorota! Dorota! Dorota?
[Jan] Mom
[end credits music playing]
Subtitle translation by: Maja Konkolewska
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