Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s01e05 Episode Script

The Silver Surfer and the Coming of Galactus: Part 1

Come, lightning!
Bring life to my creation.
Live, I say!
No, Helmut, you've gone mad!
Silence, woman! Nothing must
stand in the way of science!
Not even our love!
That yutz sounds just like Stretcho.
It lives!
- Cool!
- This sucks!
No, that sucks, Beavis.
No, that sucks!
Helmut, help!
Back, back, I say!
Rosebud! Good!
- Give me that!
- Get lost, you walking barbecue pit!
Yeow! Hey, whoa, whoa!
No fair, flaming up.
Hey, what are you doing, matcho?
I wanna watch my flick!
- And I wanna see my program!
- Get lost!
- No, no!
- Gimme that!
Let go!
Ah, why did I eat
those last four pizzas?
Man, that's smooth.
- Now what's with the tube?
- Nothing.
One of the Big Brain's experiments
must've fried the circuits again.
I'm tired of him
messing up our viewing pleasure.
Yeah, well, I'm with you, little buddy.
Hey, Volto, you killed the TV again.
Right in the middle
of our favorite program.
I'm using
a high-frequency bio-sweep
to locate alien life in the galaxy.
I'm afraid that's what caused
your power outage.
Er, would you run that
by me again, in English?
I was sure I'd detected life
on planet clusters
here, here and here.
But then, one after the other,
they seemed to die
as if their life-force had been
drained, and, of course, by then
Ben, look!
Hey, don't count on me
chasing after it again.
Last time we tried that,
them cosmic rays
turned God's gift to woman here
into an ever lovin', blue-eyed thing.
Yeah, right. I'm out too.
No need to worry. Pursuing it now
would serve no purpose.
It's circling the far periphery
of our universe and
Reed, Ben, Johnny, we've got a problem.
No problem, sweetheart. We'll have
TV reception restored in a moment.
It's not the TV, darling. It's the
management and tenants of this building.
They want to kick us out.
I believe you to be a cultured,
rational person.
Your husband, on the other hand, seems
determined to use his experiments
to turn this building
into a smoking, radioactive ruin.
And your brother
Stop playing with fire
when I'm speaking to you.
- Johnny!
- Which brings me to your star boarder.
Benjamin J. Grimm. No, no, don't you sit
in my Queen Anne chair.
Why not? She ain't using it.
Well, I have nothing more to say.
A process server will present you with
formal eviction papers within the hour.
Naturally, you may appeal,
but I am confident no judge will
Reed, everybody, look!
The sky's on fire!
Ha, ha, ha! Warned ya! Did I warn ya?
Call a cop, somebody, call anybody!
Incredible! We've got to do something
before the city is incinerated.
Don't think I'll delay
the eviction process.
Judging from the color of the flame,
I'd estimate a temperature
of more than 600 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Hot, right?
- Extremely.
Then why didn't you say that?
This ain't the sky no more.
It's a flying barbecue.
- Hang on to your socks!
- Secure for individual reconnaissance.
- Roger.
- All secured.
Then prepare to disengage.
Sampling fire for analysis.
Fire's no big deal for me!
I'm gonna take it on face to face!
Your auto-pilot is now employed.
Ha, ha! Thanks, babe.
Flame on! Yeehah!
Knock it off, will ya,
you half-baked hotshot.
- This ain't no game.
- Ben, look out!
No, you look out!
Whoa, mama!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Ben!
- Oh, no!
What the Hey, hoo hoo! What was that?
That meteor had no effect on Ben.
Reed, I'm going to try it.
Sue, no! If the flames
are a multi-form phenomenon
Ben could've passed through
a cold phase.
But you could be flying into
temperatures hotter than molten lava.
I hope not. Well done, Suzy!
Reed, there's no heat in the flames.
Thank heaven. That's because
they're not flames at all.
They're an unknown form
of highly evolved holograms.
But who's got
energy powerful enough
to generate a sky full of holograms?
Uh-oh. Rain cloud!
Aghh! Reed, flame out!
Johnny! Here!
Yah! Ooof!
Just don't get fresh
or I'll make you walk home. What?
The fire's gone bye-bye.
More puzzling still
our intruder alert indicates
that an immaterial presence
has entered our laboratory
at the Baxter Building.
How did it get in without
setting off our security protocols?
Merge positions.
Whatever it is, our sensors
show it to be enormous
but weightless.
Our unknown caller has no mass
or molecular composition.
Yeah, whoever busted in
is gonna get a busted schnoz.
You are no longer alone.
I have come on a missiĆ³n
of gravest consequence.
Should I punch him out, Stretcho?
- No, wait.
- Hear me.
You are about to die.
That sinks it! You're high, I'm low.
Go for it!
- Deck the sucker!
- It's clobberin' time!
No, let him speak.
You are wise, Reed Richards,
for I am The Watcher
member of an ancient race
far older than man.
From our far planet, my people watched
countless worids evolve
over eons of what you call time.
Some for good, others for evil.
Some so debased by war,
greed and hatred
that they descended into savagery.
But though our power is great
we are pledged only to watch.
Never to interfere.
Hey, you talk about weird. Sheesh!
But now mankind faces
the greatest danger it has ever known.
The danger of total extinction.
Look out! Hey, he's got a gizmo!
Wax him, Reed!
And though I may not act directly
in your behalf
I have come to warn you.
For I cannot let
this worid be obliterated.
I caused the flame and meteors
to appear in your sky
with my Matter Mobilizer.
Incredible! It utilizes magnetic energy
to generate molecular bonding.
I'm all choked up.
Hey, would you stop lecturing
and get us down? Huh?
The flaming sky you created with
your Matter Mobilizer terrified people.
That was not my intention.
My sole purpose was simply
to conceal the Earth
from him.
Him? Him who?
Galactus, Devourer of Worids!
With his awesome power,
Galactus roams the cosmos
seeking planets which contain
an abundance of life.
For without such nourishment
he would perish.
Once he has absorbed the planet's
life's energy into his own body
the planet is left barren and lifeless.
Then, when the hunger is again upon him
his endless voyage begins anew.
Your only hope is that his herald
the one who searches the cosmos
for planets such as this
does not see your Earth.
He is known as the Silver Surfer.
A tortured soul forced to serve his
merciless master throughout eternity.
A high-flying surfer dude.
Truly far out.
I must blind him
to the profusiĆ³n of life on your planet
before it's too late.
The screen is in place.
Let us pray it will discourage
the Surfer from looking too closely.
First fire, now boulders?
Ah, such life, such energy.
- Galactus shall feast as never before.
- The galaxy scanner!
The Silver Surfer is directly overhead.
He must be intercepted
before he signals his master
or all will be lost.
Hurry, you still have time.
Look out, Silverfish!
Whoa! Whoa! Yeeow!
Suzy, catch me!
We are too late.
The Hyper Space Signal. It
will inform Galactus of his discovery.
Nobody likes a squealer!
- Yaaah!
- Ugghh!
No more Mr. Nice Guy.
He will return.
No fall can injure the Silver Surfer.
Your true concern is Galactus.
Look up in the sky!
I heard of flying saucers,
but that's ridiculous.
Shouldn't someone
call the cops or something?
That aura. What did you just do?
I have screened Galactus and his sphere
from the view of the terrified populace.
Wait a second! I could've sworn
there was a giant silver ball.
My journey has ended.
At last, I have found what I seek.
For the great hunger is upon me!
Such an abundance
of elemental life energy.
I shall feast as never before.
Wow, what's he doing?
Assembling his Elemental Converter.
The device with which he will
drain your planet of its very life.
Not today, he ain't.
I want to know more about our adversary
before we commit to action.
Galactus must've seen us.
Why didn't he say anything?
Do you greet the cockroaches
on your kitchen floor?
We do not have roaches.
To Galactus, you are lesser beings.
As low on the evolutionary scale
and as meaningless as insects.
Galacticus, Shmalacticus!
He ain't gettin' rid
of Mama Grimm's baby boy so easy.
Piece of cake.
We can't wait any longer. Ben was right.
If we're to have any chance of saving
the Earth, we must take action now.
Wait! There may be another way.
I shall communicate with him.
But you said you were forbidden to act.
Contrary to the fond belief of many
talk is not action.
Hear me, Galactus!
Who are you
who callously speaks my name?
I am Uatu, The Watcher.
I know what you are about to do,
and I speak for Planet Earth.
This lush worid needs no spokesman.
It must appease my gnawing hunger.
Wait, open your mind
that you may share my thoughts.
They're exchanging the contents
of their minds.
Stop right where you are,
Benjamin J. Grimm.
There, Mr. Sully.
Ah, yes, Benjamin J. Grimm
you are hereby served
with official notice of eviction
and, er Huh?
Delicious! Hey, didn't need
no mayo nor nothing.
So you see, there are billions
of people here on Earth.
Plus teeming animal life.
Hmmm, true, Watcher.
That is why it shall be
such a satisfying feast.
But these lives
have intelligence, souls
I have no wish to harm any species.
Oh, darling, Earth will be safe.
Yet if my hunger is not appeased, I die.
And I do not wish to die.
It is my destiny to be Galactus.
I must do what I was born to do.
And the same thing goes for me,
oversized cornball.
One for the money, two for the show
you're gonna get it,
you big, dumb schmo.
Get away from him, Ben.
Look out!
Who do you think you're messing with,
you king-sized clown?
Hold your breath!
As near as I can figure, he's using
some sort of cosmic insecticide.
Do you mean to tell me, as far as that
fender-head is concerned
I ain't nothing but a cockroach?
Oh, gee
My herald, where is he?
I wish to reward him
for finding this succulent worid.
Ah, your herald,
like, the Silver Surfer, right?
What have you done with him?
We don't know where he is.
Last thing we know,
he fell off the roof in a fight
A fight?
You dared resist
my sentinel of the spaceways!
Well, what does it matter?
My moment is at hand.
It is time for me to dine.
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