Farang (2017) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

I betrayed someone
and he put a bounty on my head.
How much are you worth?
- 5 millions.
It's so nice.
- Her name is Flower, right?
I'm very close to get him,
I know who he is.
If I have to rip her belly open
and tear her uterus out of the body,
to make my point I won't hesitate.
Do you know someone named Birdie?
Who is he working for?
I told you someone set me up.
- Help me and I will help you.
Aren't we better go after the big fish?
Not if you're looking for personal revenge.
Mark! You gotta help me.
I need to find him.
If he's here, I'll find him.
I'll turn you in to the police,
you son of a
I've been thinking
I'm ready to talk now.
If I help you, you help me out of here.
- I'll be there first thing in the morning.
Where's the bag?
- Whatever Birdie told you
What you mean he burnt it?
- It's not safe to let him go.
You do it, I trust you.
He's worth a lot of money 5 millions.
This is Mark.
Leave a message and I'll get back to you.
Don't stop!
Let's go!
Come on!
- That one!
Thalang, please.
Can you drive faster, please?
- They'll take my driver's license!
Just faster!
What is it?
What you mean?
He's alive.
- Are you sure?
Can you stop here?
- We gotta get Rickard!
I'll get Rickard, you wait here.
- No I won't!
Alright, then none of us is going to get him.
Me and my wife live here, ok?
Come on.
I can walk by myself!
Like that.
Do you speak Swedish?
- No.
That's my jacket.
He stole her from me, from my bag.
Do you know where he is?
- With some crazy mechanic.
Yes but if you have the pictures.
Who needs to see them?
Yes, yes I have it.
Ruben Brandt.
But if you can see the photo yourself.
Yes, he's safe and sound.
Is this a joke?
You told me to hold him here.
Not like some fucking animal!
If you wanna take him, be my guest.
- No, thanks. I don't.
Then he's staying there.
Can't you just keep an eye on him?
I'm waiting for a call from Sweden,
keep him here for a while yet.
For how long?
- I don't know.
How long?
- A little while!
It's gonna cost you a bit more.
I will pay you, don't worry about that.
Where is my client?
Where are you going?
- Toilet.
Can I be alone in here?
- If you go, I go.
We're rich.
- What?
We're so fucking rich!
- What?
I fucking made it,
you can have the house you want!
Baby, we're gonna be so happy!
What happened?
Your old man is a gold mine.
Eurojackpot straight in my pocket!
So what happens now?
- They're coming from Sweden to pick him up.
Finally we can leave this dump.
There you are!
Who are you?
- Chart Moolsan, I came to pick him up.
Fabian, what's going on?
Mr. Rask's bail has been paid in full
by my client so he's a free man.
Who's your client?
- You don't need to know that.
We had a deal, remember?
Let's go.
Fabian you don't know anything
about this man or his client.
Leave him alone.
My client wants you to keep a low profile.
Who is he?
- He wishes to remain anonymous.
It's my father, right?
Tell him that I'm grateful, ok?
Go home and stay there, low profile.
You'll be contacted.
Have you tried with titanium?
It can stop anything.
Also laminated glass
but perhaps it's too heavy.
I think I know who you are.
Stay awake!
Come on, Armin! We'll make it!
Ok hang on
My daughter I need to talk to her.
Mark! I gotta talk to my daughter!
You know where she is, right?
One minute can you give me just one minute?
- I wanna talk to the girl.
For you.
- Where are you?
Never mind. How are you?
- I'm ok. I'm at Birdie's.
What are they gonna do?
I'm sorry about all this.
I'm sorry I always knew.
- What is it you knew?
That I can't be a good father.
I can barely take care of myself,
let alone of another person.
That's why I had decided not to have children.
Even if everything will go to shit,
I've had my chance.
I know you regret ever coming here.
- No, not one bit!
Anyway, I'm so happy you did.
I want you to know that whatever happens
Flower please
You said one minute.
Hi, you've reached Thyra.
Please, leave a message
Hi, it's me, Fabian.
Are you still on the island?
I've been released, I'd like to talk to you.
It's not important call me though, ok?
- Hello.
Nice houses.
- Yes, very nice.
I'm looking for something for my girlfriend and me,
do you have some pamphlets?
You're not much of a photographer.
- Don't worry about it, do you know any of these men?
Just one his name is Chart Moolsan and I don't like him.
Fabian was released yesterday,
it was this Chart Moolsan who got him out.
I believe the other man is his client.
Can you check if he's got a record?
Pranée will you stop playing cops?
It wouldn't be the first time
that Moolsan has a drug dealer for client.
Do you remember that woman from Norway?
First you lose one of my bags then you go shopping.
I'm searching for the bag, you will get your money back.
- Tomorrow.
If you can pay tomorrow, you can pay today.
No, it has to be tomorrow.
This is just some stupid celebration with my girl.
Big money comes tomorrow.
Listen you will get your money back, I promise.
Your boy, Fabian, is out on the street again.
- I didn't know that.
I'll be patient for one more day, but
only if that boy is gone tomorrow,
not to be found.
Have a nice celebration.
- Hi, it's me. I'm going to be late, Fabian needs me.
Ok, is he out of jail?
Ok, say hello from me.
Kisses, bye.
Flower! Let me out!
Please, it's bad food!
Excuse me!
Can I help you?
- Do you know who this man is?
I don't know, never seen him.
If I could talk to your staff
- I'm sorry, we can't help you.
Perhaps you know who this man is.
I'm sure you won't keep your boss' secrets
for the few money he's paying you.
What's his name?
- Ben Ariyawongwiwat.
Who is he?
- He's the owner of a lot of stuff.
Does he own this place too?
It's all I know.
Now, leave.
Hey! How are you?
I'm free! My father took care of everything!
I was having a few beers,
I figured I deserve it after what happened.
It wasn't me who took the bag,
someone fucked me, do you understand?
You think I would betray you for a bag?
I couldn't say.
- You think I'd come looking for you if I had the bag?
Think about it
You're the only friend I have here,
I'd never betray you.
Are we good?
Are we good?
Yes, we're good.
- Come here.
Ok, Fabian, it's alright, ok?
Look what I got.
What are you, stupid?
- It's the peace pipe!
Not here!
Let's go to your house.
I don't understand
why the hell she came to the prison?
You think she knew?
- Knew what?
That it was her old man who fucked me.
You know if she's still here?
- I want something to drink.
Rum or whiskey?
- Whiskey.
Where is the whiskey
Is Vodka ok?
So you're here to kill me.
Otherwise we are both gonna die.
You can't we are friends.
If you let me go
- Don't move.
They want me to do it.
- Who?
Who do you think? Ben!
This is why he got you out of jail.
My father got me out
- Your father don't give a shit if you die in a Thai prison!
You can tell Ben you did it, ok?
And that you disposed of the body.
I'll disappear, ok?
- Home.
You would go back home?
- Right now.
Start packing then.
- Hey!
When did you get out?
- Today.
Are you leaving?
You gotta help me find Rickard.
Birdie is keeping him at some mechanic's,
do you know him?
Mark? Good luck.
You know it was your dad who fucked me, right?
- Enough!
Who knows maybe you're in it too.
What about your girls then?
Did they know they were carrying drugs?
Help me, please I gotta find him.
Follow Thalang all the way, you'll find a dirt road.
There you find Mark's shop
You have no chance with him, do you understand me?
Don't do it, stay with me.
We'll go away and the hell with everyone.
It's people like you who should go to hell.
You're a fucking coward.
Water hey
Can I have some water?
Seems like someone's paying good money for you.
- Who? He's from around here?
So? What did Birdie tell you?
You're not getting a cent
I know those people, they won't give you anything.
It's just business for you, right?
No matter who pays.
I can pay you more I got the money.
I will pay you more just tell me the price.
You're Hansi?
I'm Erik but they call me Birdie.
Who gave him away?
- His daughter.
Ha had children?
- Long ago, she's like 15 or 16.
Do you have her too?
- She's with my wife in Patong.
Let's go.
- Where to?
Where Ruben is.
- Ok but what about the money
You talked about 5 millions, right?
300,000 now, the rest when
Ruben is on the plane back home with me.
Ok but this wasn't the deal.
I'd like to see the whole cash.
We've been waiting 10 years for this,
you can wait one more fucking day.
Yes, of course we're good like this.
- Hi.
Something's wrong with the car.
- Let's see.
What have they done to you?
How do I get you down?
You can't stay here
- How do I get you down?
You gotta get out of here
- No!
You gotta get out now, Thyra!
Who the fuck are you?
- Don't touch her, son of a bitch!
Run, Thyra!
No, she's staying.
- Don't touch her! Run!
Don't you touch her!
Don't you touch her!
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