Fartblinda (2019) s01e05 Episode Script


What's that?
The ST Bank's trading records
since 2010. 12,000 pages.
I have information proving that a high-profile
Swedish bank is covering up trading losses.
You mean we should realize our losses?
No, we're not doing that.
-So we just keep rolling the positions?
-They know.
-Know what?
That I took the trading records!
I know someone who can help us.
Drop it, or I'll make sure the whole country
finds out that you and Rooth had an affair.
He bought you?
-What the hell are you up to?
-What are you on about?
You broke into my home.
Just admit that you're behind it.
To be completely honest,
I don't really like your type,
Please don't do it!
I'll give you the money!
You do understand that the bank
will go under if you write about this?
-Who the hell do you think you are?
-What are you doing here?
You're blackmailing my colleagues now?
What the fuck do you think you're doing?
-What are you talking about?
-You wanna out our relationship? Let's do it!
What are you talking about?
And what the fuck are you doing here?
-How much did he cost you?
Markus Thulin. What was his price?
-Who's he?
-Just stop.
I really am sorry.
Who the hell are you talking about?
What story were you going to spin?
The one about the crazy mistress?
You dumped her,
and now she wants revenge?
You want me to walk right in
and tell Sophie my version?
What I want is for you to calm down,
and I want you to listen to me.
I would never use our wonderful
moments together against you. Okay?
I will always deny
that you and I had a thing.
I have a kid, a family
I just can't.
Go fuck your wife already.
So, two billion kronor
are missing from the balance sheet?
Yeah. Give or take.
Fuck me! Peder Rooth told me
convertibles were a solid investment.
You need to redeem them, a.s.a.f.p.
-Give me a couple of days.
The thing is The bank is aware
that I'm going public with this story.
They'll clean house,
they'll defend themselves.
I don't want to give them the chance
to get away with it.
You were supposed to give me a heads-up.
That was the deal, right?
Yeah, and I'm giving it to you now.
You have until tonight. Okay?
Bea, I need time to redeem
my fucking convertibles. Do you get that?
-You promised me!
-Yeah, I know.
-I can't put it off longer than that.
I stand to lose six fucking million!
-I know.
-No, you don't know!
I risk losing everything. Literally everything!
Do you get that?
Who's handling the convertibles?
-Bjarne Rasmussen.
You talk to him right away and tell him
that Leo's company is bleeding money.
It will go bust
if you don't inject money into it today.
-But Leo's a nurse!
-Well, he doesn't know that!
Yeah, I'd say that picture of me
is pretty accurate. What about you?
Look, I'm sorry. I have to go.
Something's come up.
We'll talk more when we meet.
Yeah, me too. Thanks.
Well, if it isn't Farkas!
This is what I was busy working on
when you fired me.
I'm sure it's a very nice article, but like
you said, we no longer work together.
Rapp, this is the scoop of the year.
Good for you!
Then I suggest you take it to DI.
-This needs to get out now.
-Not while I'm in charge.
You're making the biggest
fucking mistake of your life!
He's explored every avenue, but they're
all dead ends. This is the only solution.
Hold on Employee convertible bonds
have a three-year duration.
Yeah, but in special cases,
you can redeem them earlier.
If there are special grounds for it.
-What does this company do?
His suppliers have filed a petition
for bankruptcy to the court.
And his biggest clients
have gone underground.
-I'll see what I can do.
-I really need a straight answer.
-Okay. But I've got a meeting to get to.
-Oh, I see.
But can it be arranged today?
I would be extremely grateful
if that's doable.
Fine. I'll take care of it.
Hey, Adam!
I've been looking for you.
I guess you've been busy.
Bad cell phone reception, perhaps?
So, you come in, asking
to have a look at the trading records.
You say it has something to do
with some business in Norway.
I get a phone call and need to step out.
And so I leave you alone in there.
Isn't that right?
This is absurd! Do you realize
what you're accusing me of?
What kind of business?
You know Bea Farkas.
She has those trading records.
If you don't cooperate,
we'll have to report you to the police.
I I need to make a phone call.
You're kidding, right?
I left some personal stuff on my desk,
names of contacts, that I'd like to collect.
-I'll only be five minutes. I promise.
-You were never here.
Definitely not.
I just need to print out my résumé.
So, how are you?
Do you have anything lined up?
-Everything's fine. I'm still looking.
-I see.
The password or user name is incorrect.
Please try again.
Hey. They've deleted my user name.
Would you mind logging on?
-Yeah, sure.
-Anders always exaggerates.
-I totally agree.
-He always has Markus's back.
-I was starting to think I was going crazy.
-You're definitely not.
All the newspapers I've ever worked at
have been the same.
And don't even get me started
on the tabloids!
-It's empty, right?
-I'll get some more.
-Oh, wait! I can't get out.
-Oh, right.
I'll do it.
ST Bank's trading portfolio
overvalued by SEK 2 billion
Your article has been published.
ST Bank's trading portfolio
overvalued by SEK 2 billion
And there it is.
Is it really okay to talk about work
on a date? We should all work less.
-There's so much more to life.
-You have the most beautiful hands.
Would you excuse me?
I'd better take this.
Eleonor, hi.
I'm just calling to inform you that we will
issue a statement denying your article.
And we'll sue the paper for slander.
I'd recommend that you get in touch
with your publisher.
Why, hello there!
-Did you get my email?
-Um, what email?
I just emailed you an article.
ST Bank has overvalued
its trading portfolio by two billion.
You've been played like a fiddle, Torbjörn.
-Anders, hi!
Who the hell gave the go-ahead
to run an article by Bea Farkas?!
You need to evacuate the building. Now!
Bea, open the door.
What the hell are you doing?
-Open the door!
-This is huge! I had to publish it!
What the hell are you doing here?
I saw the news alert about ST Bank.
I thought we might need a follow-up.
We need to take down that crap.
This is fucking madness!
What the hell are you up to?
You can threaten me all you want.
We'll deny anything you say.
Just call him and see for yourself.
Why'd you do it?
I thought we were friends.
Don't take it personally.
Fuck you.
-I'd like to sit in
-Get out!
There! I've taken down your fucking article
and written a retraction.
And I've had to kiss up to ST Bank
– for the second time.
Everything I wrote is true. We can go
over the story. I can back up every word.
-Oh, can you now?
And I've written a follow-up, in response
to the bank's disclaimer. Care to read it?
Get out of my sight. Now!
Did you cut a deal with Bea Farkas?
That's not your problem.
We agreed that I would stop the article.
But we did not agree on you
using my family. Do you hear me?
What? Your cheating never
would've gotten out. Don't you get that?
You're not getting a dime from me.
Do you hear me?
You do know that I'm sitting
on a fucking goldmine of information, right?
-Thanks for making it at such short notice.
How are you doing?
You feel like talking?
Huh? About what?
-See you!
-Take care of yourself.
And don't let anyone step on you.
I won't.
We fight a lot, me and Jenny
She's the mother of my kid,
but she doesn't understand
anything about banking.
I mean, the Stock Exchange
is open day and night, 24/7!
And you have to find a way
to stay awake, right?
But don't worry,
'cause I'm gonna get out of this mess
-I think your son just woke up.
Hi, buddy! Are you awake?
You're supposed to be sleeping.
It's the middle of the night.
There you go.
Henke, listen
You'll make it happen.
-Let's go back to bed.
Wow, that's amazing!
Oh, Bea, what strings did you pull?
I've been going on and on about
this bathroom forever, with no results.
I just wanted him
to motivate the rent increase.
-Your necklace
-Is it gold?
-Torbjörn, hi!
Let's go!
Björn, grab the cardboard boxes.
Ladies, chop-chop!
Great. Stop! Let's go!
My name is Torbjörn Ask.
The Financial Supervisory Authority
is making an inspection.
Step away from your desks
and computers!
Please follow the instructions
given by our agents.
This is an FSA inspection.
Don't forget that one.
Well done!
Please, walk away from your desks.
-What do you want?!
-Well, hello to you, too!
The Financial Supervisory Authority
just raided ST Bank.
Their interpretation of the news
is obviously different than yours.
I gave Kajsa Neijmar a call.
She wants to meet.
How do I know this will stick?
I can't reveal my sources,
but I can show you the trading history.
How did you get hold of the records?
Well, I'm the publisher, and I need
all the cards laid out on the table,
or we can't run this.
I have a contact within the bank,
and they accessed it.
-And you had no part in it?
Well, in that case,
no data breach on our end.
Kajsa, do you think it's wise?
If Anders called the shots,
we wouldn't be here now.
And I usually listen to my editors.
So, this is my responsibility now.
Don't disappoint me.
This is outrageous! I've never experienced
I've never even heard of it!
Well, that makes two of us.
I hope this doesn't have anything to do
with The Daily Post's belly-flop.
I beg your pardon?
The thing is, they withdrew the article
and issued an apology.
Um, it's back up.
And Bea Farkas has added a new story.
And what does this one say?
"Right now: The FSA raids ST Bank."
This is a very troubling situation,
we're all aware of that.
Everything they're saying is hurting us.
Our owners and clients
are asking questions.
Our staff are worried.
The market demands answers.
It is of the utmost importance that we,
the management,
show that we know how to take action.
Peder, how do you want to play this?
It's too late to deny anything.
What the paper is saying is true.
It really is based on our trading history.
It's just second-hand information, isn't it?
Um, no.
They have the actual documents.
One of our employees
gave them to them.
-What the hell?
Who's this fucking Judas?!
His name's Adam Berg. Lawyer.
We will report him to the police.
The FSA will draw the same conclusions
as the newspaper.
-We did overvalue the trading portfolio.
-Don't look at me! Just following orders.
Makes you wonder how you handled it.
Oh, you knew!
And so did everybody else in this room.
We tried to turn this situation around
and avoid losses. But we failed.
We need solutions, not scapegoats.
Seriously, Peder,
are you implying that we should fold?!
If we are to regain people's trust,
we need to be transparent.
We need to cooperate. We need to be
a part of the solution, not the problem.
Please, inform me.
How do you propose we do that?
We need to phase out
the Trading department.
-You're kidding me!
-Realizing our losses won't cut it.
We have to accept responsibility.
These business dealings were a mistake,
and we won't engage in that anymore.
It's mea culpa time, with a capital M.
This is absurd!
I have to agree with Peder.
Legally speaking, we'll have a hard time
-Legally? Legally?!
-There's the aspect of accountability
-What laws did we break?
-None, if you ask me.
But I don't get to decide. And neither do you.
We have no idea how this will end.
What we do know is
that we need to act - now.
How much are we talking?
Currently, our expected losses amount
to somewhere between SEK 1.5
2 billion.
And how do you expect
to come up with that money?
A new share issue.
Oh, for the love of God! This is
Bjarne? Say something, for fuck's sake!
It is a lot of money, but we don't
really have many other options.
We're already losing clients to online
trading brokers, to the major banks
Oh, are the clients running the bank?
What happened to integrity?
I have clients calling me every damn
second, asking me why they should trust us,
when the Trading department
is doing such a fucking lousy job!
Tell your clients that until we close out our
positions, we haven't made any bad deals.
-Oh, please!
-Fine! Do whatever you want.
I am done with this bank!
I want you to stay on
and handle the phase-out.
-And commit to phasing myself out?
-Well, you should be committed.
Ulf, you know this portfolio
better than anyone.
The way you handle this
is crucial to the future of this bank.
I expect you to have some sense
of responsibility.
Otto? This is contingent
on you getting the board on board
and guaranteeing a new share issue.
And we're talking a massive investment
on your part. You're a major shareholder.
However, all our other options
are way worse.
One billion. But that's it.
Henrik will handle the phase-out as best
he can. We have to minimize our losses.
We just need some time. And we need
to keep this decision on the down-low.
Didn't you hear what I just said? We're
going to phase out our trading business.
And we need to communicate that.
And announce that we're stuck
with a bag of shit?
Exactly! We simply cannot do that.
The rules of the stock exchange
are crystal clear.
I think it's wise to follow them
at this point.
And what about the employee convertibles?
Everyone wants to redeem them.
-Out of the question.
-Even for us?
That goes for everyone.
If you attended the party, you need to
stick around and clean up the mess.
How serious are these issues
to ST Bank?
I think financially,
they might be able to manage,
but the owners will have to inject a lot
of money to fill the holes in the portfolio.
But when it comes to trust,
they're in for a bumpy ride.
ST Bank has been acting high and mighty,
bragging about being top of the class.
Turns out, they've been cheating –
systematically and in a big way.
Banking is a business built on trust,
so it'll be interesting to see how
their clients and investors will react.
Thank you, Bea Farkas.
We'll be right back.
Interesting listening to you,
of all people, talking about trust.
What The Daily Post is writing
is just dreadful!
Your concern is touching.
I'm sure we'll survive this, too.
Glad to hear it, Otto!
By the way,
you'll join us for the hunt, won't you?
Peder and you.
Or maybe you have other things
on your mind?
Nina, I'm sorry.
It was my only chance
of getting the article out.
Why didn't you just ask me?
And what would you have said?
I guess we'll never know, will we?
You'd better do another round.
ST Bank just issued a statement.
They're closing the Trading department.
The board proposes
a one-billion new share issuance.
We're getting rid of some bank assets
No, no, no! There's nothing wrong with it!
These positions are great.
I've invested in them myself.
-I don't want to make this deal!
-You don't trust me?!
If I could decide, I would keep it!
-Hey, hey, hey!
My 14-year-old cousin is putting up 1.1.
Get real!
The Financial Supervisory Authority
is sharpening its knives.
The market value
will soon be wiped out.
did what he could.
He did a good job.
Naturally, I'm willing to accept
my share of responsibility.
If you want me to resign
This is on Henrik.
He's the one who deceived us.
He's been wheeling and dealing,
without our knowledge.
Otto I don't quite follow.
He acted on his own.
We trusted him.
That was our only mistake.
End of story.
I'm sorry. Otto, I
We have
this old, majestic oak tree
at Strömsnäs manor.
On the slope to the lake.
Then, one day
I heard this big bang.
A branch had fallen to the ground.
The tree was healthy-looking, but
But the interior of the branch
was like sawdust.
You know, trees have
this really sophisticated system.
It allows them to shut off branches
that are defective.
And this prevents the rot
from spreading to the tree trunk.
Henrik Beijer acted on his own.
And so, we've decided to dismiss him
with immediate effect.
Henrik has shown
a poor lack of judgement,
and an utter lack of responsibility.
And that's serious.
But still, you let him stay on
and redeem the portfolio.
We didn't want to anticipate
our internal investigation.
When you're taking serious measures,
you need to have your facts straight
before you make a decision. It might have
serious consequences for the individual.
So, Henrik Beijer's the one
who overvalued the trading portfolio?
No. Neither Henrik nor anyone else
has overvalued anything.
Henrik made some bad deals
and neglected to inform us. That's it.
The house of cards is tumbling down.
They're all blaming each other.
Can you prove that he's lying?
Peder Rooth knew about it
the whole time.
-Otto Rehnskiöld, too?
-Of course!
But they'll do everything in their power
to walk away scot-free.
Congratulations on your scoop.
Nice work!
They wouldn't let me redeem
my convertibles.
-Yeah, that's a bummer.
Don't you think?
I lost my job, too.
And they're going to report it
to the police. I might go to jail.
Did you tell them?
Only that I took the records.
Not your involvement.
I care about my friends,
even though I guess I shouldn't.
I own six million worth of convertibles.
And now, the share price is plummeting.
That was my future, you know.
Mine and Leo's.
But hey! Fuck that!
Because you got your stories.
And that's all that matters, right?
Adam, let's
No, everything's cool.
No! I just need to recharge my batteries.
No need to worry.
No! Stop it.
But remember, if anyone asks you,
you have no idea where I am.
I can't deal with people right now.
Yeah, but
Big kiss. Give Dad my best.
Yeah. I'm really sorry, Anders, but
I honestly don't know, but I've got
this stabbing feeling in my chest.
Sure. I'll give you the medical certificate.
Yeah, we'll stay in touch. Bye.
This is our house in Falsterbo
And if anyone asks us about this?
-These are official documents.
-We're married!
We're well within our legal rights
to sign over property to one another.
But we have to stick together.
And blame everything on Beijer.
You have to join me on this hunting event.
Otto's left me in the lurch.
The other wives will be there.
If they can sense that we're weak,
we're done.
You hear me? We're done!
-On one condition.
Look me in the eye
and tell me the truth.
Have you been involved with Bea Farkas?
Right! That's settled.
-Will you join me?
-The Minister for Financial Markets is here.
-Thank you.
-Kristina, Welcome!
-Thank you. Hello.
-Nice seeing you again. Coffee? Water?
-No, thanks. I'm good.
This is Torbjörn Ask,
who's headed the investigation.
And let me just say
that in my years as Director General,
this is the worst disaster I've ever seen.
In an hour, I will meet with
the Financial Supervisory Authority board,
and we will discuss sanctions.
A caution is out of the question,
given the severity of the breach.
So, it's either fines,
or a revoked license.
Seeing that a revoked banking license might
have an effect on the national economy,
we've asked the Central Bank
and the National Debt Office to weigh in
But how come you're only discovering
this now? And from what I gather,
ST Bank has been covering up
these problems for the past four years.
And it's exposed by a reporter?
-Let's go!
ST Bank will most likely have to file for
bankruptcy if it loses its banking license.
-How would that scenario play out?
-The Debt Office has earmarked means
that will cover the State's
deposit insurance scheme.
How much are we talking?
Um, ten billion.
In other words,
the same amount of money
that the government is allocating
to healthcare in our fall budget?
Add to that
the State wage insurance scheme.
-Well done!
How the hell do you expect me
to explain this to the tax-payers?
So, it might actually be cheaper
for the Government
to bail out fraudulent bank managers,
than to save clients and staff?
Let's not underestimate the value of the
signal that severe sanctions would send.
I mean, kindergarten is really stressful.
When we put on our jackets,
it's stressful.
When we go outside, it's stressful
You need to tell your teacher
to relax, to chill.
-Tell her that her hair looks nice.
-Olle, baby! Time to go.
But this is my weekend!
You know what? This is sick!
-I'm going to file for sole custody.
-This isn't mine!
I don't believe a word you're saying!
I'm filing for sole custody.
-I've told you to stay clean
-I am clean!
You have a serious problem!
Come on in!
Help yourselves to some vodka,
special import.
How long have you two been together?
Um, fifteen years.
-Wow! That's long!
-Yeah, it is.
That's quite a long time.
Well, I can see why you're here.
Even I don't know why I'm here.
Because Otto folded, and he sent you.
And you agreed!
That's a sign of loyalty.
Or maybe just servility?
-Or maybe I'm just really into hunting.
-Yeah, right.
He likes luxury getaways, and so do I!
-No way.
-We are so similar.
-I'm sorry. This is a really bad time.
I'll be really quick. Please.
You want to have this conversation.
Management knew what you were up to
in the Trading department, didn't they?
According to my reports, they did.
Now they're trying to put the blame on you.
Are you my friend now? Is that it?
-I'd just like to hear your version.
-Are you my nice little buddy now?
I thought you'd want to refute
the bank's claims.
Cut it out.
I was just kidding. I'm sorry.
I was just kidding!
I was just kidding. Don't worry.
You're too cute. You know that?
You know that?
Okay. Cut it out. Stop it.
-And you smell nice, too.
-Just let me go!
-Come on.
-Let me go.
Come on! Let's talk. I was just kidding.
Oh, that's great.
Everyone, take a seat!
Dear friends, I'd like to take this opportunity
to introduce you to a new acquaintance.
Peder Rooth!
And let's not forget
his charming wife, Sophie.
And you're Karl Leijonhufvud's
youngest daughter.
I would like to express my gratitude
for inviting us. We appreciate it.
Oh, there'll be more occasions.
Come on! Let's enjoy this dinner.
I would just like to add a few words.
I think I speak for all the wives here
This is no fun.
I mean, this hunting business.
It really isn't. It sucks!
Polina, you're as cute as they come.
And when you're sick and tired
of sucking geriatric dick, call me!
I'll give you some reading tips.
And I think you'll need them,
because you won't enjoy
your luxury getaways quite as much
once your tits start to sag
and Svoppe starts to ogle other girls.
Trust me on this one. I know!
That's all I had to say.
Thank you!
I just need to
I just need to Thank you.
Peder speaking!
You need to get back right away.
We have a meeting
at the FSA offices.
Thulin called. He asked for help.
Like I said, that's not my problem.
Those guys have him now.
This is not looking great.
He should've called by now.
That's him.
I've conveyed your question.
What did he say?
I'm terribly sorry about
calling a meeting on a Friday night,
but as I'm sure you're aware, it's
because of extraordinary circumstances.
The FSA's Board of Directors
has decided to revoke ST Bank's license.
This means that you no longer
have the right to operate a bank.
I beg your pardon?
Turn around.
-No, wait!
-Turn around.
Wait! You're right!
-About what?
-You're right. I agree.
What the hell, Meyer?! We will appeal.
You do know that, don't you?
Oh, I do.
But that won't change our ruling.
The administrative court will have to rule
on whether we did the right thing,
but I'm confident in our assessment.
We've given cops a lot of bad press.
You're an ex-cop, right?
I wanna show you something.
An article. I think you'll like it.
Fine. And what if we
find a new owner?
This bank was founded
by my grandfather!
-The license
-It is not for sale.
is linked to the current management
and owner, so you're right:
The company can continue its
banking activities under a new direction.
But the ruling
becomes effective immediately
I thought the FSA was in need
of some goodwill - not badwill.
I can't change a ruling
by the Board of Directors, but!
But in practice, it comes into effect
the next working day.
So, if you can come up
with a serious bid by Monday morning,
I assure you
I'll take it into consideration.
Monday morning?!
We can't sell a bank in 48 hours.
Give us something to work with!
I'm sorry. That's my best offer.
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