Farzi (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Second Oldest Profession

We see it, count it, spend it.
But has anyone
ever looked at it carefully?
Currency bills are an art unto themselves.
And this new 2,000 rupee note
is a masterpiece.
Mansoor's press has the perfect paper.
Same as the one
the Indian government uses.
Now, the paper isn't the problem.
It's the design.
This note's design is more complicated
than all the other notes.
Its detailing is next level.
it has 17 different typefaces,
in more than 14 sizes.
It's almost impossible
to make a counterfeit.
-It's a really advanced machine.
-What is it?
-We need two days to
-You like it?
You'll find the best machines here.
This offsetting printer is from Germany.
All under one roof.
Scanner, security paper, you name it.
I don't know if you're the best or not.
You're the best, right?
Sometimes, it's not about perfection,
but perception.
It doesn't have to be perfect.
But it must look perfect to the machine.
At school, no one cared what you learned.
What really mattered were your grades.
You're quite the artist.
Uncle, call Bilal.
Party's on me tonight.
-What do you think?
It's a Vincent Van Gogh.
His selfie.
You can say
that I dug it out of his grave.
And why? Profits.
This was hanging
in a European businessman's bedroom.
White men were going,
"Wow, wow!" like dogs.
I said, "Wow, I want it, too."
I drove a good bargain.
I'll sell it later for double,
triple the price.
Till then, he'll hang out here,
Vincent Van Gogh.
Boss, this is not Vincent Van Gogh.
It's not a self-portrait.
This is his brother, Theo Van Gogh.
Like you've met his brother.
Are you serious?
Isn't this Vincent?
I spent so much on his brother's portrait?
It's okay. I mean, a lot of people
People often make this mistake.
But the artist is Vincent Van Gogh--
-But I never make mistakes.
Forget it.
Do you know the secret to success?
I still have sleepless nights.
I'm scared.
Scared of failing.
Never mind me,
I've seen fear in Sachin's eyes.
When he goes up to bat,
I've seen the fear on his face.
Such a legend.
Fear always prevails.
Only idiots say, "Bro, don't be scared!
Fear is not good for you." Come on, man!
Unless one's ass is on fire,
they don't become a rocket.
I mean, look at yourself.
Didn't you create a masterpiece
to save your Grandpa's press?
How's his health, by the way?
-He's feeling better.
-Not really.
Boss, he needs a surgery.
But the doctor's not available.
It'll work out. Be patient.
Bilal, look who's here.
Artist. My star.
This is Bilal. He's my life.
And of the business.
He handles the distribution.
And you already know him.
Uncle Jitu. He's dynamite.
He runs the whole business.
He's my number one.
Look at what my star created.
Wow! It's a masterpiece.
You can't tell the difference!
We made it, and even we can't tell.
So what do you say?
Should we go for it?
Artist, the market is ready.
Shall I put your bill out?
-Are you sure?
They say prostitution
is the world's first profession.
And the second is counterfeiting.
We're in the world's oldest profession,
so why be ashamed of it, Rosy darling?
-Do you handle divorces?
-No. But I can get you one.
Hello. Can you get me a divorce?
Yes, I've even handled celebrity divorces.
-Can you get me a divorce?
-Wrong number.
Firstly, Mr. Michael,
The one thing that can break
even the strongest of men is divorce.
But can you promise me
something, Mr. Michael?
I mean, you will only tell me the truth.
Even if you lie in court.
Yes, sure. After two drinks
Let me know when you're free,
and we'll meet.
Chellam sir. How are you?
How did you find this number?
You are smart.
Leave that. Listen
to what I am going to say.
I'll take leave, sir.
Just got intel. Bilal is in Bangladesh.
Sir, who is Bilal?
An overseas operation
after Kathmandu is impossible.
Mobilize all the departments. Track Bilal.
This way Yes. That's it.
Forget this and open your mouth.
Here's my love for you.
Got you some NRI chocolates, Grandpa.
Grandpa, five types of caramel chocolates
from five different places.
How was your trip?
It was great, Grandpa.
My new partner who paid the advance
Remember? I told you about him.
It's working well with him.
Soon, we'll buy another press.
-Remember what you told me?
Do you actually listen to what I say?
I even quote you, Grandpa.
If all goes well this time,
we'll never have to worry
about money again.
Son, don't bow down to money so much
that you end up its slave.
Thanks to money, we saved our press.
All I'm saying is that money is not God.
It's no less than God either.
Hey, uncle, at least give me a smile.
Have some. It's delicious.
What's the matter? Try it.
Tell me about your new partnership.
Remember my partner who paid the advance?
He's a fan of Kranti.
He's impressed by Grandpa's ideology.
He wants to be a partner.
-Are you getting into trouble again?
-Why would you say that?
How would I know?
I only know what you tell me.
Never mind. The doctor called.
What did she say?
She said it's urgent.
She wants to meet.
Let's meet her.
Hello. I have good news for you.
Your grandfather's surgery
can be scheduled for next friday.
But how did this happen, ma'am?
Dr. Parekh is a renowned surgeon.
He called me personally to say
that he will handle this surgery himself.
Normally, he's booked months in advance.
No need to thank me.
I'm as surprised as you.
What do we do next?
Just take care of the patient.
Two days before the operation,
admit him to the VIP room.
You'll meet Dr. Parekh there,
and he'll explain the procedure.
We'll go and make the payments.
That won't be necessary.
So, Sunny, how did you like my surprise?
Thank you, Boss.
You helped me when I really needed it.
My men shouldn't have to worry.
That's all.
I'll do what I can to ensure that.
Take care of yourself and your Grandpa.
See you later.
Who was it?
No one. What's that?
Come on, tell me.
I said it's no one.
Sir. We received information from RAW
that Bangladesh's special forces
We must talk to Gahlot.
I will. I'll be back.
-You, please. Come with me.
-Let's go.
What do you want?
Sir, we've located Bilal.
We need your clearance.
Okay, Mansoor's henchman?
But why are you panting?
Sir, I'm on the treadmill.
Natural treadmill. 10,000 steps.
It's my daily goal starting today.
Look, you wanted information from RAW,
and I got that for you.
Yes, sir. but
But you won't get clearance
for an operation.
Don't think or ask for it.
I'm only pushing
because we'll both gain from it.
No, listen to me. Michael sir, I
Look, I can't do anything officially.
Do as you please. Just don't tell me.
You can use the Intelligence Team.
-Tiwari, how are you?
What's this about?
Hope your family is doing well.
All good. Get to the point.
Are you busy?
No. I'm in Bangkok,
getting a massage.
Stop fooling around, man.
Tell me what's up. I'm busy.
Okay, so I need help with an operation.
You're such a pain in the ass.
-Help me out, man. Please.
-Yeah, okay. Tell me.
-It's a minor surgery. It'll be quick.
-It's a simple surgery.
It's just a waste of time
and money, that's all.
Grandpa, don't worry.
He's a great doctor.
You'll be perfect.
This isn't needed. That's all.
It is. That's why
the doctor recommended it.
-You'll be fit again.
-Give me a fist bump first.
Please wait here.
Closed fist.
Commander Murtaza.
-Hi. Shekhar.
What's the update?
Look, we must keep it simple.
It wasn't easy
to keep this operation off the books.
I don't want any mess here.
I'm doing it only for Tiwari.
Keep in mind that you're not in India.
Done. Just in-and-out.
After getting intel from you,
we started tracking Bilal.
He was often spotted
with a smuggler, Titu Khislu.
And he's coming here to meet Titu today.
If our intel is correct,
they will be headed to the Indian border.
This particular area
is Titu's operating area.
He uses this route
to West Bengal for his smuggling.
We expect him
to take his usual route today.
Our exfil unit is waiting
in the zero zone ahead.
In this zone
No one knows about this area.
This area is a dead zone
for India and Bangladesh.
Our exfil unit will intercept them here.
We will handle Titu.
-Hello, boss.
-Come on, let's go.
-Is the route safe?
Absolutely. No one knows about this place.
It's critical. We can't take any risks.
-Let's see your setup.
-No, we'll wait here.
My unit will handle it.
The first shipment will arrive next week.
It's big.
Bigger than what you've ever handled.
I'll deliver the shipment
at Chapai Nawabganj.
It's your responsibility
to move it to India's Malda.
Make sure the shipment
is delivered without a hitch.
Bilal, consider it done.
It's a huge shipment.
We'll do our best, boss.
We should join them.
No, until the exfil unit wraps up
the operation, we wait here.
This is exfil unit's operation.
I'm waiting too.
Until we get a signal from them,
we'll stay right here.
-Yes, boss?
-Have you ever used this route before?
Yes, this is my usual route.
It's very safe.
What? Didn't I ask you
to take a new route, asshole?
Not the usual one!
-This is a huge risk!
-There's no risk at all.
-I take it regularly.
-That's why I told you not to!
We need to stop. Stop!
Hey, stop the car!
Stop the car!
Bilal, no one knows about this area.
There's not even a dog here.
Who would know?
You're worrying unnecessarily.
There's no reason to worry.
A military jeep's tire marks.
They're up ahead.
-Turn the car around!
Hey, hurry up!
Bloody asshole! I told you so.
Let's go!
Go, go, go! Move!
Sorry, I can't take that risk.
He's too close. Let's go and nab him.
They're outside the zone.
It's too risky.
Fuck! He's really crazy!
Turn back! Turn back!
Where'd they come from?
Get the car away!
Motherfucker! This Michael--
Don't shoot! Please don't shoot!
We surrender!
What the fuck are you doing, asshole?
Where is Bilal?
Get up!
Want to run? You want to run, asshole?
So this is a simple in-and-out?
Bring him in.
Let's pick him up.
On your feet. Come on.
Come on.
Will you flee if there's a problem?
Sir, pain kills pain.
Send someone to Chaudhary's place!
Pain kills pain. Send someone.
Ignoring my calls won't solve the problem.
Can you all go outside, please?
Whatever information Bilal has must be
with the Indian authorities by now.
His foolishness got him caught.
It has nothing to do with me.
Maybe operating
out of Bangladesh was foolish.
What will you tell the High Command?
What happens to the bills?
First, the Dhanrakshak fiasco. Now this.
I'll get it sorted.
I'll It'll get done.
The new bill will balance it all out.
The bosses know it. Why are you worried?
We need Bilal's replacement.
I've made the arrangements.
-I have someone.
Should I repeat myself?
Bilal's replacement.
It's your neck on the line.
So, you decide.
Come in, assholes.
How was your day today? Good?
Did I ask you to leave?
Do you work for me or for her?
Next time, you leave when I tell you to!
You can leave now.
-Get out!
-Yes, sir.
Sir. Here. Sorry.
He's inside, sir.
What did you do to him?
Did the poor guy eat something?
Go on. Get something to eat.
You must be starving.
Have some.
Don't worry, brother.
Eat without worrying.
It's good. Have it.
There's nothing in it.
So, what brings you here to Bangladesh?
How are you, brother?
How is Mansoor?
Where is he these days? Is he all right?
Our new scanner has been a pain for you.
Incurred some losses, too.
No one knows you are here.
If I want,
I can make you disappear.
What did you think I meant?
I meant new identity, new place, new life.
Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia,
massage, massage.
But before you leave,
there'll be a visa interview.
I'll ask a question, you'll answer.
Where's Mansoor?
No? Then the foreign trip is canceled.
Which leg did I shoot in Kathmandu?
Hey, what do you see yourself as?
A gangster?
You can do as you please?
If this news leaks out,
the human rights activists will
Bloody motherfucker!
Enough, man.
Quiet now. Stop groaning.
Okay. Out with the story
of the fake bills.
Out with the story of the fake bills.
Should I shoot in the middle?
-Where is it?
Are these fake?
Are these fake?
-Are these fake?
-Do you have more?
Check his bag.
And take him to the hospital.
-Yes, sir. On it.
-No need to hurry.
Is there a glitch in this machine?
Are these fake?
Try again.
Sir, even I can't tell
if these are real or fake.
Before this bill reaches India,
we must stop Mansoor.
Here, have this with tea.
They think I'm a glutton.
That's why they bring in
food trays every two hours.
This has garlic in it.
Don't give it to Brajwal.
Or he'll fast for the next 10 days.
Yeah, laugh away.
Like it's a sin to have values.
No, Brajwal, I didn't taste it.
That's why I didn't know.
Boss, what brings you here?
Is everything all right?
I just wanted to meet you
and your Grandpa.
I was really worried about his health.
-Come on, introduce me.
-Of course.
Grandpa, this is my business partner,
Mansoor Dalal.
I've heard a lot about you.
I wanted to meet you.
When I heard about your surgery,
I rushed over.
What's your name again?
Grandpa, this grandson of yours,
I haven't seen a better artist than him.
His art is amazing!
I mean, it's incredible.
-Yeah. I'll tell you more someday.
You'll agree with me then.
But maybe later.
By the way, your magazine, Kranti,
I have complete faith in it.
I'm a fan of your work.
I bought one of your paintings, too.
Which one?
Take a guess. Come on.
And you too, okay?
Grandpa, "Watercolor On A Rainy Day."
I'm lucky to have met you.
Please take care of your health.
And keep blessing us.
If you don't mind,
may I steal Sunny for a little while?
Thank you.
What's up, Yasir?
Trips to India are a luxury for me.
They take a lot of planning.
But I love it here.
It's a rare pleasure though.
You know how many
I have to bribe to get here?
I book a theatre for meetings.
But they do a good job.
I have no criminal record.
That's a world record in itself.
There are a few asshole officers.
They keep an eye on me.
Sit. Hey, Munna!
Double cheese pav bhaji!
Extra onions. Double butter, crisp buns.
Sir. How are you? It's been a while.
I'm fine. You? How's work?
Very good. Our little stall
at the station is a shop now.
Atta boy!
Get us two cups of tea first.
So, what I meant, Sunny,
is that I traveled to India,
despite all this, to meet with you.
You couldn't get an appointment
so I said, "Enough. I must get involved."
For what you've done,
I'm very grateful.
I can never thank you enough.
But you're not here just to meet me.
Is everything all right?
See, you're like a brother to me,
that's why you understood.
I'm in trouble, Sunny.
-Do you remember Bilal?
He got caught.
-Bloody carelessness.
He got caught.
All our routes are at risk now.
What about our bills?
In a warehouse.
It will get raided one day.
We'll be screwed.
Can I help, Boss?
Anything at all.
There's an anti-counterfeiting team.
Those bastards are behind this.
Sunny, we're playing this game,
but without a plan.
We don't know their plans.
But they know.
They're watching us like hawks.
Ready to swoop in.
There's only one way
to stay ahead of them.
Infiltrate that team.
We need immediate updates
on what they're planning.
Then we can bring in those bills.
Or else, we're screwed.
You know, Sunny, fuck Bilal.
Just you and me. Your talent, my ideas.
Your brains, my experience.
Together we'll
If we stumble, we'll have
each other's back. No problem.
Pav bhaji!
Listen, send me your Grandpa's painting.
I told him I bought it.
-It doesn't feel good to lie.
I'll pay for it. Don't worry.
What are you saying? No way.
What do you mean? He's an artist.
We can't disrespect him.
-I'll pay for it, and you'll accept it.
Boss made me an offer.
Remember his right hand man, Bilal?
Police got him.
He was in Bangladesh.
-What are you saying?
-There's a new team.
They're kicking everyone's ass.
We need to find out more about them.
Sunny, this new partner of yours
is a snake.
He's a crook. Don't trust him.
What are you talking about?
We owe Grandpa's surgery to him.
He helped us in tough times.
Even if he's a snake, what does it matter?
He's on our team.
You teamed up with him
to make fake bills, right?
I knew it. And he's not on your team.
He's just using you.
Once he's done,
he'll bite you like a snake.
Uncle, it's not like that.
-He doesn't get it.
-You shouldn't worry.
Tell me something.
When you got into this business,
you said, "We're doing it for Grandpa."
Then you said, "It's for the press."
Why are we doing it now?
What's your excuse now?
Uncle, I don't need an excuse to do this.
I want to do it, so I'll do it.
No one helped us in our bad times.
Not the Kranti press
or any of our friends.
Not the police, the doctor,
not even my father!
Sunny, easy. It's Uncle.
What are you doing?
-Let it go.
-Listen, Sunny.
Greed turns wants into needs.
You're a full-time criminal now.
You used to be our honest boy.
Uncle, I'm in no way a good person.
Stop imagining things about me.
Sunny, have you lost it?
Uncle, it's okay. Don't worry--
I've known you since you were little.
But today I feel like
I don't know you at all.
I know who I am.
Grandpa knows who he is.
But you don't know who you are.
-Shut up!
You were fine with the small-time jobs.
Now that we're planning something big,
you're suddenly honest.
You're just scared.
-Are you nuts?
-Shut up!
I'm cool with it.
I'm leading, either follow me,
or get out of my way.
Let him be.
I'm out
of your way.
You can't talk to me like this.
Making these fake bills
has turned you into a fake person.
Uncle, listen to me!
Wait a minute!
What? Have you gone crazy?
-Is this how you talk to loved ones?
-Loved ones my foot!
Those who stand by us are ours!
Those who left us are out.
Didn't my father
leave me at the station that day?
Let him go.
Sunny, look, we don't have a family.
And if we push away
the people around us,
we won't have anyone.
Tell me something.
Will Uncle rat us out to police?
Are you fucking high?
He's our Uncle! How can he rat us out?
And what will you do if he did?
Will you kill him?
Are you even listening to yourself?
Fucking crazy!
You're gonna spy on that team?
So, Jamal,
the new team the government formed
to fight counterfeiting,
can you find out who's on it?
Shekhar, wait outside.
Okay, sir.
Hello, Bilal, brother.
How are you?
Enough of the drama now.
Go on.
By the way, you, I mean,
Mansoor's cronies,
you live a rich life, right?
How many cars do you have?
How big is your house?
Do you sleep in different rooms every day?
Do you sleep alone or
I want to know.
I too want a life like you.
But I never got a chance.
-What more do you want, brother?
-You called me brother. Okay.
You're a goner.
You know that, right?
CEO of Mansoor's operations.
Whatever you do, you're out.
Even if I let you go,
Mansoor will kill you.
Correct? You are in a bad situation.
I'll do anything to save you.
But tell me everything you know.
Contacts, distributors,
supply routes, everything.
One Cappuccino for Ashok.
I repeat! One Cappuccino for Ashok!
Yes, Mom?
Listen, Megha, I've arranged
a date for you. He's a gem of a boy.
Qualified, rich family.
If the two of you clicked
Mom, I'm really busy.
I don't have the time.
You're not so boring
that the boys won't like you.
Why don't you have a boyfriend?
-Listen to me.
-What can you say?
-You'll break my heart.
-Mocha Grande for Megha.
I'll talk to you later.
I'm getting calls. Bye.
Is this mine?
Do we drink it or eat it with a spoon?
Enjoy your meal.
Have you noticed that in cafes like these,
just coffee has no value.
People call him 'Artist'.
I don't know anything about him.
He made
a new 2,000 rupee note for Mansoor.
Mansoor visited Mumbai recently.
And Mansoor comes to Mumbai
only when there's something big.
That Artist is very close to Mansoor now.
He might be here to meet him.
If the Artist is caught,
Mansoor is finished.
-Yes, sir?
Search our database.
Let's see if there's an 'Artist'.
You spoke about your business,
but I still don't know what you do.
It's really simple actually.
I deal in commodities.
So, when the outflow
slows down in the market,
-I increase the inflow.
It's a specialized business.
It'll take time to explain it.
I'll tell you sometime.
Hello. Tell me.
Why are these societies so backward?
And can't you show me one decent flat?
No, you don't get it. It's urgent.
Yes, thank you.
We need real-time info on Mansoor.
Do you have an insider?
There must be someone.
Everyone has an accomplice.
Someone special.
Who trusts you more than Mansoor.
I can't find a decent flat.
In this city, house hunting is like a job.
Well, I do know a broker.
He's a friend of mine.
He has some good flats. I can hook you up.
Sure. Give me your number.
I'll connect you guys.
You don't have to give it.
I was just trying to help.
No, take it.
-Take it.
Take it, please.
Should we start over?
-How's your leg now?
-Wait, he'll tell us.
Look, he's ready to talk.
There's someone.
I'll contact him.
Get me a burner phone.
But you must give him protection too.
And relocate him, like me,
or he'll end up dead.
And stop threatening me.
Whatever it is, we can sit and discuss.
-Is it done?
-It will be.
Find an apartment for her.
Get on it.
I'll handle the rest.
-Hello, Jamal, all good?
-Yes, indeed.
I'm going to see a flat. I'm so sorry.
Wow! A random person
turned out to be a blessing.
-By the way, how is he?
-Yeah, he is nice.
I think I should
hang out at coffee shops, too.
I'll move out, and you'll get your peace.
Take the right turn from here.
Stop here, please.
He's not an agent, he's a magician.
Hey, shut up, Sunny.
Come fast. The owner
won't let us in if we're late.
-Yeah. After you.
-He whines a lot.
Kersi, uncle!
We are here on time.
-Correct time?
You're 15 minutes late.
Come in. Show them around.
-Hello, dear.
-Owner. Mr. Kersi Dubash.
Sorry, but I'm having lunch.
You can continue the tour.
One more balcony.
The location is perfect.
The rent is perfect.
Kersi is very kind. We have a deal.
I get him a good tenant,
and he'll slash the rent.
Because the house will be maintained.
So I just have to be
a good tenant. That's it?
You're Sunny's friend. No need to worry.
We need to do that.
Uncle, any house rules for Megha?
There are no rules, dear.
Just maintain my house well
and no complaints from management.
Nothing more, okay?
Megha, can I borrow your phone?
My battery's dead.
Yeah, sure. Here you go.
-Here's the bedroom.
You'll love the bedroom. It faces the sea.
And where are the light switches?
You can check. They work fine.
The fan works well. Get an AC if you like.
-When do you want to move in?
Great. She wants to move in immediately.
I have to submit it to management.
-Shall we?
-Hope you liked it.
-I loved it.
I'll send the rental agreement.
-All right.
-Go through it. Okay?
-Of course.
-You'll be fine?
-I have to be somewhere.
-Are you free on Saturday?
-Sorry, what?
-Saturday. For lunch?
MOM: How's the house?
Can you afford it?
MOM: You didn't send photos?
MEGHA: I forgot to take photos.
The house is great!
Creative Supervisor - Subbaoiah KG
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