Fast Layne (2019) s01e05 Episode Script

Mile 5: Road Trip

Previously on Fast Layne
This is Dr. Kwon,
head of our machine learning division.
Your car does donuts and woo-hoos.
Like it's alive?
We're trapped here.
Mel and I need your help!
Zora and Mel are in trouble.
We gotta save 'em!
Rob and I are the only ones
currently programmed
to drive Project VIN.
I can do this.
But Mel can't know.
You saved us!
I'll never forget what you did for me.
I thought you said it was secure.
Do you have any idea
who these criminals are?
This is embarrassing.
I'm a rescue vehicle,
not a kitchen appliance!
Who says you can't be both?
C'mon, Layne, we should be out there
saving more lives.
You and me, brother and sister!
The dynamic duo!
We're saving my campaign.
Do you know how long this would take me
using my mom's blender?
No, and I don't care.
Voting's in two days, and I have a lot
of catching up to do
if I'm gonna beat Jasper.
And your answer is to make fruit sludge?
They're called smoothies, VIN.
Hey, Zora, taste this.
It's zesty!
I like it!
What's the recipe?
I didn't use one.
I just threw in a bunch of stuff,
cantaloupe, pears, pickle juice
didn't overthink it.
You, not overthinking it?
- That's new.
- I had a moment yesterday,
as I rappelled down into that ravine.
I didn't think about it, I just did it.
And it felt great.
You're glowing, girl.
I know! I feel glow-y.
Is that even a word? Who cares!
Time to review
next week's sched
Thanks, Alonzo, but zip it.
Wow, that's new, too.
Let's crank it up, Vin!
are we going on another
brother-slash-sister adventure?
We're just gonna make these smoothies.
I gotta go big.
There's no telling what Jasper'll do
to win this election.
No, he couldn't have.
He stole
my locker!
All my campaign stuff
This is sabotage.
Tough break.
smoothie's legit.
Let's go! ♪
Jump in
It's time to go fast ♪
Turn up the radio blast ♪
I got my foot on the gas ♪
We just want to go ♪
My life's feeling unreal ♪
Both hands are taking the wheel ♪
Rev up the engine and feel ♪
Like we're ready to roll ♪
Oh, yeah, I'm ready for it ♪
You know I'm ready for it
I just wanna go ♪
You know I'm ready for it
I just wanna go ♪
My laptop, posters, buttons
beverage koozies!
Everything for my campaign
was in that locker.
And we're gonna get to the bottom of it.
You wanted to see me?
Yes. Sit down.
Layne, I'll handle this.
What she said.
what do you know about
Layne's missing locker?
I think it's a travesty, sir.
A cruel prank
played on my dear friend
All right, all right.
So, you know nothing about it?
The Jaz is capable
of a lot of things, but!
one of them.
Then that'll be all.
My heart
goes out to you,
and your locker
during this difficult time.
Stay strong.
You're letting him go?
He totally did it!
You have to do something!
Not until there's evidence.
there's a right way to do things,
and a wrong way.
When we act impulsively, people can get
Mugbee wants evidence?
I'll give him evidence.
VIN, scan every IP address
- in a 100-mile radius for my laptop.
- On it.
Searching searching searching
Don't worry, sis, we'll find your locker!
Oh, I got a hit!
My locker's at a lumberyard?
All the way in Morgantown?
Jasper Marr, you just took this
to a whole new level.
What are you doing?
Taking the gloves off.
Cedarville Middle School
you deserve a president who has integrity.
Someone who is honest.
Someone who doesn't steal lockers.
Jasper Marr's a thief
and I'm gonna prove it.
Woo, gloves are definitely off.
VIN, we're taking a road trip.
The dynamic duo back in action!
- A road trip?
- Yeah!
We can find my locker, and bust Jasper
for stealing it.
You free? We gotta go.
Layne, I've had half
a turkey leg for breakfast
I'm up for anything!
But are you sure about this?
Morgantown's pretty far.
My parents won't be home for days.
And my Aunt Betty thinks
I'm at choir practice.
We're totally covered.
I've never seen this side of you before.
So, you in?
Um Layne, your shoes?
Look at that.
Guess I got a little over-excited.
Oh! I thought this
was gonna be just us.
You know, a chance for
me to bond with my sis on the open road!
We're not going without Zora!
But she isn't part of the dynamic duo!
Well, then we can be the tri-tastic trio.
That's not a thing.
All right, let's roll!
If she slops turkey on my seats,
I'm gonna
Uh, this is aerospace-quality leather!
Yeah! Let's do this!
Cue tire squeal!
Wait! My bag!
Hey, Mel. What're you doing here, bud?
What are you doing?
I'm just, uh, lugging some tires.
Or as my abuelo calls it
"building character."
Whatever, I came to thank you for
saving my life.
yeah, no biggie.
No, that's a big biggie!
You pulled me off that cliff ledge.
That means I owe you a life debt.
A what now?
From this day forward,
I must do whatever you tell me to do,
whenever you tell me to do it.
That's really not necessary, bud.
Humble. Heroic.
You're way too cool to be hanging out
with my cousin.
That's not very nice.
You know what, Mel?
I actually could use a little bit of help.
Help me lug these tires.
Woo-hoo! On my first road trip!
Layne, I made us an epic
road trip playlist.
It's the one labeled "Vin and Layne's Epic
Road Trip Playlist."
Oh, that's OK, Vin.
- I brought my uke.
- Oh-ho, great.
Sometimes the days
go by so fast ♪
I love this song!
Trying our best
to make every moment last ♪
This is our time to have a blast ♪
All right! Next song, just
somethin' I know.
We can seize the day ♪
And travel far away, yeah ♪
Let's chase the sun ♪
Light straight into the night ♪
So we can reach out for the stars ♪
On our way ♪
Sleep tight, Cash.
I'm gonna get you some water, yes, I am.
Yes. All right.
Go back in there, so you're safe.
Get back in yes, good boy, yeah.
All right, quick pit stop,
then back on the road.
We're on a mission to get a locker.
- Remember?
- Oh, Layne, are
Are you sure you wanna have your
bathroom break
Yeah this looks pretty sketchy.
Guys I've jumped down ravines.
I'm pretty sure I can tinkle at
Gus' Roadside Roundup.
O kay.
You guys just run along
and leave me out here.
I don't need to pee,
but thanks for asking.
Why is VIN being so weird?
He's having a bad car day.
Aww, there's a dog in that bag!
Did you get left outside, too?
Your owner's probably
hanging with someone else.
I know exactly how you're feeling.
Come on, hop in!
Where is my turkey leg?
Uhh no idea?
Where's my Cash?
Oh, man, he was stolen!
I got him.
We're comin' to get ya, Cash!
Mommy is coming to get ya.
Let's go, ladies!
All right, now it's your turn.
Truth, or dare?
Wait! I get a turn!
Uh, this isn't really
a game for cars, Vin.
Oh, come on! Dare!
Wait, no, truth!
"Who was your first kiss?"
Uhh that's a stupid question.
Like I said,
not really a game for cars, sorry.
- Dumb game
- Truth.
"Who's your best friend?"
You know
I've never really
had time for a best friend.
I know this sounds crazy
since we just started hanging out, but
I think it's you.
Man, I was hoping you were gonna say that.
And I was hoping you'd say me.
Check it! World's Largest Pancake House!
We gotta stop.
Sorry, Zora.
Layne is on a mission to take down Jasper
and win her election.
We got a schedule to keep.
I know I don't usually say this, but
forget the schedule.
Well here we are!
At the world's largest pancake house.
- Hello, pancakes!
- You guys go chow down!
Have a big, fat stack!
Don't worry about me! I got plenty
of people to talk to out here.
Right, little guy?
What about you, Big Red?
What'd you want to talk about?
Wake up!
Wasn't me!
They're playin' dance songs ♪
What's that?
Oh, it's an old school turntable.
It plays records.
Yeah, I'm just, uh,
settin' up for a performance
"Stack those tires." Done.
All right, Mel stop helping.
I already told you!
A life debt only ends if you croak,
or if I save your life.
That stupid secret,
that stupid talking car.
"Ese auto parlante." What's that mean?
Uh nothing, nothing.
We're comin', Cash.
Step on it, girls!
That's the most fun I've ever had eating.
Good, 'cause we're never eating again.
I'm so full.
VIN, where are we?
This is not the route to my locker.
That little pancake detour cost us an hour
so I found us a shortcut.
This'll save us 30 minutes. Thanks, VIN.
Just helpin' my sister, savin' the trip,
being cooler than Zora.
Excuse me?
I didn't say anything.
You heard me.
Hey, pal! Put a cork it,
or I'm gonna mute you.
Try it and I'll burn your buns
with my seat warmer.
Guys! Chill!
Look out!
- Uh-oh.
- Vin! Stop!
It's too late!
Hang on!
Ohh, my pancakes.
That's quite a sophisticated
airbag system.
Hey, look! The road!
We're making way better time
than I thought!
VIN, how do you do it?
Oh, now we can go find that locker.
So you can win your school election.
What do ya know? There's my baby.
Let's get 'em, ladies!
What's happening?
I don't know, but it's not good.
It's the bikers from the rest stop!
I knew we shouldn't have gone there!
Hey! Give us Cash!
Oh! They want cash!
We're being robbed!
Highway robbery!
I've heard about this!
All I've got is seven bucks,
and some licorice.
What do you got?
We're not giving them anything.
They picked the wrong girl to mess with.
Whoa. This is so not like you!
- Zora
- On it!
Uh, sonic sound waves. Looks juicy.
Ahh! My ears!
Take that, suckers!
Layne, that was amazing!
Yeah I know.
I know I'm not your best friend,
but I helped, too.
Well, here we are
a deserted lumberyard.
Definitely a place our parents
wouldn't want us to be.
My GPS says your computer's in there.
VIN, upload your
IP tracker to Alonzo.
Would it kill ya to say please?
This place is creepy.
Jasper Marr
don't know why you decided to
hide my locker at this place, but
justice will be served!
- VIN?
- Let me guess.
I'll stay here,
and you BFFs just run along.
OK, what are you doing back there?
Computer signal
detected within 100 feet.
Come on.
My laptop's this way.
Look! That's your locker!
Gotcha, Jasper.
Your campaign is over.
Blueprints for weapons?
What the Somehow,
I don't think that this is Jasper's stuff.
Hey, hey, why you
squattin' like that?
You better not be doing
what I think you're doing.
These are the two
that keep chasing us.
This vest will go great with
my cowboy boots.
Sorry I should stay on task.
Hey, what's that?
This is why they want VIN.
To turn him into a weapon.
OK, well, we have to get VIN outta here.
I told you I'd get it done,
and I got it done.
- It's right in here.
- Zora, hide! Quick!
You took the whole locker?
All we needed was her hairbrush.
Why would they
need your hairbrush?
I don't know.
I won't tell you how to science,
you don't tell me how to steal.
We're trapped! What now?
Ugh, let's just get to work.
This is all my fault.
I haven't been acting like myself,
and I got so
carried away with the "doing,"
I forgot about the "thinking" part.
I'm sorry.
It's OK.
If I'm gonna die with someone,
I'm glad it's with you.
We're not gonna die.
The bikers? How did they find us?
I have a plan.
Still want the car?
Ese auto parlante.
Translation, "That talking car."
Mel! Help!
"That talking car"?
Mel! Help! I'm stuck!
Mel! Help!
The car fell off the jack!
You have to save my life!
No, with the jack!
It has wheels.
- Ahh.
- What're you doing?
Oh, forget it.
This was all a trick.
You're trying to get out of the life debt.
Nice try.
But you're stuck with me.
I didn't save you.
Your cousin did.
Ha! No way.
She's not that cool.
And besides, she hates me.
Hates you? She didn't think twice
about going down that ravine
and saving your butt.
Your cousin's not who you think she is.
What about the talking car?
You know about her car?
So it's hers?
I didn't say that.
Ya did.
And this changes everything.
Guys, look out!
The bad dudes are right behind you!
You're right, VIN uh
Here he is. He's all yours.
Quick, get in, get in!
You know it's getting too dangerous.
I should've done this a long time ago.
Sis, you're giving me up?
Is this about driving off the cliff?
I thought we were past that!
I should've said sorry! I'm sorry!
Hope you know what you're doing.
Hey! Is this your car? Hmm?
Got that right.
You took something that doesn't belong
to you.
Don't make me go there.
- Oh.
- 'Cause I will go there.
This isn't over, Layne Reed.
How does she know my name?
All right,
no more games
where's my Cash?
By any chance, would this be Cash?
There's my little Cash!
Mama come to get you.
Oh, yes, she did.
Now it all makes sense.
Cash is her dog's name.
More importantly, you guys saved me!
VIN, why do you have
a dog in your backseat?
since you were havin'
so much fun with Zora,
guess I was kinda feelin' left out.
For a minute there, I thought you were
actually giving me away.
I had no idea you could feel that way.
I'm so sorry.
Guess I didn't think about
a lot of things today.
But VIN, don't worry.
You'll always have a place in my life.
- VIN?
- I heard ya.
Just means a ton.
I know you don't like
when I call you this, but
you're the best sister a car's ever had.
You're not the only one
who deserves an apology.
Cedarville Middle School
Earlier today, I said
you deserve a president who has integrity.
Someone who's honest.
And I have to be honest.
Today, I accused Jasper Marr
of stealing my locker,
and he didn't.
A good president should think
before they act.
And today, I didn't do that.
I'm sorry, Jasper.
That was really brave.
Hey, VIN?
I think I'm in the mood
for an epic road trip playlist.
- Really?
- Got any ideas?
You know, the dynamic duo's
cool and all,
but this tri-tastic trio thing,
it's really growing on me.
Oh, yeah!
Oh, yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh-huh! Uh-huh!
Mom Dad
you're home early.
Next time on Fast Layne
- Project VIN is
- Classified!
It's great.
That's sarcasm.
I learned it from Layne.
I wanna see the talking car.
What talking car? Wha
"Code Orange"? What's that?
We'll have him ready by tomorrow.
They're taking him away.
Whoa! You're in danger.
But I'm gonna help you.
I am gonna give you what you want.
Free t-shirts!
Life is unpredictable.
They're trying to take VIN!
Um I have to leave!
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