Fatma (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Window Side

While I was looking for him everywhere,
he took his son's blood money and ran.
But he's not coming back, Fatma.
Just go back to your village.
I keep thinking about it.
I see the village in my dreams.
They'll trace this back to us from Zafer
if they find that gun.
Tell me where the damn gun is!
-Is he in hiding?
-Why would he hide?
-The village? What village?
-Zafer is in your village.
She just wanted to get on a bus.
I told her no.
Obviously he beat her up again
and left her.
She's not scared
that he'll follow her either.
I barely convinced her to get in.
She doesn't have money,
but she's too proud.
I had to force her to take it.
We'll get her somewhere safe.
You did wrong.
Why did you let her go with him?
She's scared. Look at her.
She can't trust anyone.
She's just trying to get by.
I bet he's threatening her.
Look at her body language.
It's screaming, "I'm scared!"
This is 54-164, Dispatch.
This is 54-170. Copy that.
Suspicious vehicle report
in your vicinity, 54-170.
An abandoned car on the forest road.
A blue and white truck. I repeat.
An abandoned car on the forest road.
A blue and white truck.
License plate is 34 BKY 495.
License plate is 34 BKY 495.
Calm down!
We're mourning in here.
Hang on. What's wrong?
Sorry to bother you.
I'm sorry. I thought you were a neighbor.
I'm not.
Are you a lawyer?
I'm not.
I asked for directions,
and they sent me here.
Oh, you're a real estate agent!
This is for sale. Three bedrooms.
I'll show you around.
The yard is mine too.
-Is this your house?
They said it was Fatma's place.
Who told you that?
She's staying over there,
but it belongs to me.
Don't get me wrong.
It's all legal.
We don't ask for rent.
She's there temporarily.
The buyer can tear it down
or use it for storage.
Her husband ran away, and her son died.
The poor thing has no one.
Don't feel so sad. She has a job.
She works as a cleaner
at the big mall downtown.
I'm in a tough spot, and--
You didn't take a look.
How much is it worth?
I guess you appraised it with one glance.
Where have you been this week?
I was busy.
Busy with what, Fatma?
I dozed off on the couch last night.
For God's sake, İsmail…
My blood sugar is so high.
I swear I'm going to pass out.
-It's for you. What does it say?
-I'll pass.
It must be about Oğuz's hearing.
Just read it, honey.
I don't want to, Kadriye.
The lawsuit is over.
Not so loud, please.
I swear my blood sugar is
making me so nervous.
Can you read this?
Put it to level three, please.
My feet and hands are numb.
It's like I have cotton in my mouth.
I can't handle this anymore.
I have to go. Do it yourself.
Where do you have to go?
I can't feel my hands, Fatma.
Come on.
Come on. Bismillah…
Come on.
Jab it in here.
What are you up to, Fatma?
You were gone for days.
What kind of a job is this?
We're all alone now.
We have to take care--
Wow. You're so gentle.
I swear diabetes is going to kill me.
I bet I'll meet İsmail soon.
God forbid.
We're both widows now, Fatma.
Zafer's in the village.
What? How do you know?
Someone from
the neighboring village told me.
-I'm just here to grab some cash.
-I don't have any.
I do.
I'm going to buy a ticket.
How do you have money?
Don't get mad, Fatma.
-Where's he staying in the village?
-I don't know.
I just found him.
I haven't talked to him yet.
-You're going to talk, right?
-Of course.
-What are you going to talk about?
-He has to tell me the truth.
I'm coming.
-To the village.
I don't want him to badmouth İsmail.
Why would he? Kadriye!
Why are you coming?
Where are the originals?
is this supposed to be an ID?
Where is her photo?
Look at it.
Sir, it's because her ID card is old.
We gather all their IDs
and start paying their insurance.
It's all on paper. No false records.
I'm not the insurance police, man.
Who was on duty the night Ekber died?
Where's your list?
It should be somewhere in here.
There. Here you go.
-Are they all here today?
-They have different shifts.
-Are there any no-shows?
-There's one.
Fatma Yılmaz.
Hello? This is Lt. Emrah.
Fatma Yılmaz.
A window seat for me.
-Sure, ma'am. Seats 23 and 24.
-All right.
I'll pay you back later.
What the hell? Did you win the lottery?
You two are up to something.
What are you talking about,
for God's sake?
Here you go.
-Are you paying for both?
Here you go.
-Mine is a window seat, right?
I'll take the window seat.
I'm diabetic, Fatma. I get claustrophobic.
Where did you find that much money?
-Can I have your ID?
-Hang on!
Why did you bring so much money
to a bus ride?
We're two women traveling alone.
Someone could mug us.
You never think, Fatma.
Should I have left it at home?
Yes. You could've hidden it.
I'm not going back there.
You two are up to something.
I can tell. Look at me.
We took you two in.
We let you stay for months.
But you… You're going to leave me there
and run away, right?
-And this is yours.
-Thanks. Let's go.
Where would we run away to?
Who can ever get rid of you?
Are you kidding me?
Stop. The bus is there.
I need to pee, damn it.
Do you want to come?
-I'll check out the bus.
-Go ahead.
Hurry up.
Don't get lost.
I don't want to look for you in here.
Excuse me. Hello.
Hi, ma'am.
I'm looking for Fatma. Fatma Yılmaz.
Why are you looking for her?
I'm her sister.
We talked on the phone,
but I couldn't hear.
And now I can't reach her.
You're a godsend, ma'am.
Why? What happened?
The police were looking for her.
Was it about Zafer?
No. I'm going to tell you something,
but don't freak out.
Someone was murdered in the parking lot.
The police took our statements.
They asked if anyone knew the victim.
They also asked about Fatma.
They asked
if anyone knew anything about her,
but I was too scared to say it.
Say what exactly?
When I last saw her,
she was going to an author's place.
Do you want the address?
What the hell? For God's sake…
Am I supposed to drive over your truck?
My car can't fly, you know.
Roll down the window.
Come on. I need to tell you something.
Just roll it down.
Calm down. We're not staying.
We'll be leaving soon.
Here. It's my card.
Just look at it.
I'm Bayram Karadağ.
Your sister, Fatma, works for me.
Tell her she has to return a certain item.
That's it. You can leave.
What item?
Fatma knows, okay?
Just tell her to return it.
Since you know Fatma,
call and tell her yourself.
You think I'm your maid or something?
Excuse me? I couldn't hear you.
Say it again.
A maid?
I'm not giving you an order.
That was just a warning.
And this is the warning stamp.
Where should I stamp?
Over here? Or here?
-Tell me where you want it.
-Don't be ridiculous.
-I'm not.
-What are you doing?
-Stop it!
-How about here?
What the hell are you doing?
Are you insane?
Help me! Anyone!
-Do you want another one?
-Don't touch my car!
-Stop it! Someone help me!
-Maybe someone will hear you.
Anyone! Someone! Help me, please!
No, stop! Don't!
Tell your sister
she should bring it back.
That's final.
First her husband went missing, now her?
Tea, ma'am?
No, thanks.
Two cups of tea, please.
Are you Fatma Yılmaz's sister?
Yes. She's my older sister.
Do you know where she is?
I don't. I went to the mall she worked at
and looked for her.
They told me you were looking for her.
Fatma Yılmaz… She worked
for Bayram Karadağ, right?
-Yes, sir.
-Yes. That Fatma Yılmaz.
Do you suspect anyone
in regards to her disappearance?
Mrs. Mine, here's the deal.
We think she's involved in an incident,
so we need your statement.
Come in.
Sir, this is…
this is the camera footage.
Do you recognize this woman?
Does she look familiar?
Here's another woman
from the camera at the train station.
What do you say, Mrs. Mine?
Could one of them be your sister?
I can only see their backs.
I don't recognize them.
How can you not tell
if it's your own sister?
77-185, this is Dispatch.
This is 77-185.
35-year-old female. Fatma Yılmaz.
The Istanbul-Eskişehir bus.
License plate is 34 YV 626.
I repeat. 34 YV 626. Fatma Yılmaz.
Copy that, Dispatch.
The window seat was that important, huh?
Look at your face.
I have diabetes, Fatma.
I get claustrophobic.
It's a long journey anyway.
My mouth is already dry.
Hey, kid! Get me some water!
Aren't you going to offer us something?
Come on.
I'm warning you beforehand.
İsmail's name is on the deed of the land.
I'll count the money Zafer gave us
towards your rent.
I'm a widow now.
You've basically squatted
in our yard for years.
It's the truth. I'm keeping it as rent.
-What money?
-I inherited the property from İsmail.
It's my only source of income.
I can't return the money
İsmail got from Zafer.
I just can't.
Zafer gave you guys money?
Apparently. İsmail had told me so.
When? He was in prison, you know.
When, Kadriye?
Zafer took blood money for Oğuz's death.
Tell me the truth.
Did you see Zafer
all the while I was looking for him?
No, Fatma. Come on.
İsmail told me it was a down payment.
I didn't question it.
Why didn't you? How could he--
How would I know, Fatma? Don't ask me.
You know our financial situation.
Didn't you ask him where it came from?
They do all sorts of stuff, Fatma.
I just didn't ask.
You didn't ask, huh?
Maybe you knew it was the blood money
and didn't want to ask.
The guy who hit Oğuz is
the son of your bosses.
The Argah family?
That's what they said.
There are lawyers everywhere.
So you're telling me they hit the jackpot?
Zafer can pay us back easily now.
The Argahs will help Fatma out.
Zafer is missing.
He doesn't know about it.
He'll come back
the second he hears about the money.
İsmail, are you in contact with him?
So while I was
looking for him everywhere,
you took the money he gave you, Kadriye?
-When did you--
-Shut up.
Where did the roll of cash
in your purse come from, then?
It's not blood money.
Look, I have diabetes.
-Just stop--
-How could you hide it all along?
-Why didn't you tell me?
-My sugar is spiking.
-People are watching--
-Tell me the truth.
-My blood sugar…
Where's my insulin?
Did you know Zafer took the blood money?
Kadriye, answer me!
Did you know he took it?
Enough! I'm tired of your husband
and your son.
I'm sick of you guys.
Answer me first.
You knew Zafer took the money, right?
Give it here, Fatma.
-Don't make me yell. Come on.
-Answer me.
You have some nerve.
I'm sweating like hell.
Just give me the insulin.
How dare you hide it from me!
You're just upset you didn't get a cut!
Come on. Just jab it, then.
Come on, Fatma.
Fatma, I feel dizzy. My legs are numb.
Come on--
Can't you be more gentle for once,
for God's sake?
The Istanbul-Eskişehir bus.
License plate is 34 YV 626.
I repeat, 34 YV 626.
IDs, please.
35-year-old female. Fatma Yılmaz.
The Istanbul-Eskişehir bus.
Give me the passenger list.
If you find Zafer, tell him that--
Kadriye, wake up.
Fatma Yılmaz.
Seat 24, the window side.
Are you together?
No, I don't know her.
Fatma Yılmaz.
Fatma Yılmaz!
Turn the engine off.
Ma'am, stand aside. Give them space.
Hi, ma'am. What's up?
-What are you carrying?
What are you carrying?
All sorts of stuff. What do you need?
They would have put you on the next bus
if you had waited, ma'am.
It'd be comfier.
I don't have time.
Where are you going?
To my village.
Your village?
What's it called?
-Do you know Dodurga?
-I do.
I know everywhere. I'm a truck driver.
There's a guy from Dodurga
in our association.
Do you know the Freighters Association?
-I don't.
-How can you not?
The road behind our office
leads to your village.
I'll drop you off there.
You can catch a bus or something
to your village.
Sure. God bless you.
No worries. God bless you too.
What's your name?
I'm Serdar, Mine.
Nice to meet you.
You too.
Have some tea.
Here's the sugar.
No, thanks.
I don't take sugar in my tea.
I'll do that too.
Fatma, where have you been?
I couldn't reach you.
The battery died.
Can you come today?
I couldn't even if I wanted to.
I won't be coming back.
Really? Why?
I'm on a trip.
I tracked down Zafer.
How? Where is he?
Here's a question for you.
How's your cleaning lady story going?
I'm still working on it.
I'm rewriting the ending.
How is it going to end?
I don't know yet.
The reception is poor here.
I'll call you back, okay?
-I can't hear you.
-Take care. I'll call you.
-Hello? Fatma?
Didn't you tell anyone
you were visiting your village?
Are you on the run?
Please don't get me in trouble.
It's not like that. Don't worry.
Zafer's my husband.
He's been gone for months.
He's in the village, apparently.
He left me all alone with my child.
I tracked him down. That's why I'm going.
It's your call, but…
why are you trying to find a guy
who abandoned you?
I'll be right back.
Fatma has taken the trip
from Dodurga, Bozüyük to Istanbul
three times in her life.
The first time, with her husband, Zafer,
when they migrated to the big city
hoping to find treatment
for their son's autism.
The second time, to find her husband
and tell him that their son had died.
The third time was the trip she took
in order to find herself.
This is the story of Fatma's last trip.
Emine, what's that?
Turkish delight.
-Where did you get that from?
-It's a gift.
Do you want to see Moo?
-Do you want to ride her?
She's too young.
She can't marry yet.
What's with the getup and the attitude?
Taking cabs, wearing sunglasses.
You're like a spy.
Did something happen to your car?
I'm not going to lie.
I wasn't expecting you so soon.
Some people have perfect lives,
don't they?
They have views and stuff.
They see playgrounds, gardens,
children running around.
Were your lives like that
when you were growing up?
I'm just wondering
how you can be so fancy
when Fatma's begging for scraps.
We used to play a game
when we were little.
Whenever I'd run,
she'd chase me.
But when I'd stop, she would as well.
We'd run all the way home
while maintaining the distance.
I wouldn't look back once.
But I'd know my big sister was there.
Such a moving story.
But I'm not moved at all.
Let's put the stories aside, Mrs. Mine.
Give me the piece.
What are you doing? Not in public--
My real name is Emine.
But Emine stayed in that village
as the girl who played with her sister.
And now, Mine can protect herself
without the help of her sister.
You're no match for Mine.
You can't meet her at a café.
You can't run into her.
You have a different life.
But Emine is familiar
with that sort of life too.
She knows men like you well.
Just as her sister, Fatma, does.
You've reached 911.
-Hello? Help me!
-Hang up.
-They took my car.
-I know the perpetrator.
-Come on.
-He's from the mafia!
-Hang up.
-Hang up!
It's okay.
I wonder what happened to my car.
And now, I have your fingerprints
on my phone.
I told you you're no match for Mine.
Long time no see, Fatma. Welcome.
Thanks, Havva.
Oh, honey.
Look at you.
This time I'm surprised too.
I'll carry these. It's okay.
We've heard some rumors,
but we didn't know if it was true.
-I'm so sorry for your loss.
-Thank you, Havva.
Did you just arrive?
-Let's have dinner together.
-No, thanks.
Are you going to stay long?
I didn't want to disturb Zafer by asking.
Are you moving back?
Where did you see him?
At the market.
He was a bit strange.
He looked at me like he didn't know me.
I couldn't give him my condolences.
Fatma! Hang on.
Are you coming to dinner?
Your son is dead, Zafer.
You knew that already, didn't you?
Do you know how many of these
they sent us?
Do you know what's written in them, Zafer?
They blame Oğuz for the accident.
They blamed him because he was born,
and now they blame him because he died.
But I know who's to blame.
I know who the real culprit is,
who the real killer is.
The real culprit is his own father
who abandoned us.
He's the real killer, Zafer!
You took the blood money and spent it.
You ran away with the money.
Were you finally able
to get rid of your son?
Were you?
I didn't want this to happen.
You wanted to go to Istanbul.
You thought they'd treat him.
You wanted it.
I didn't want to return here either.
But I can't go back to prison.
Do you know what it's like in there?
Do you know what it's been like out here?
Do you know what I've been through, Zafer?
I looked for you everywhere.
I left no stone unturned.
I wanted you to come and save us.
Look at you, for God's sake.
You can't save anyone.
Didn't I save you though?
Who married you
when the entire village shunned you?
Is that what you thought of me? You too?
Then know this.
It wasn't my fault.
You know whose fault it was?
It was the fault
of the ones who knew yet did nothing.
It was the fault of the ones who saw
yet said nothing.
Was that why you were like this?
Was that why you were cold towards me
for so many years?
I'm done. I can't try anymore.
I did more than I should've, Fatma.
I did everything you asked.
I asked for nothing from anyone.
I just wanted my son to live.
You got the money. You ran to the village.
So you're a man now
because you have some money?
You're showing off
with my son's blood money?
Leave me alone already.
You both ruined my life.
-What else do you want?
-You will answer for it.
What are you talking about?
I swear I'll hit you.
-You're going to answer for what you did!
-Shut up, for fuck's sake!
I don't owe you any answers!
Such attitude!
You should be scared and ashamed.
I'm not scared, Zafer.
I'm not ashamed either.
I won't be silenced anymore.
You should be scared!
You will be ashamed of what you did!
What the hell? Where did you find this?
Are you going to shoot me? Is that it?
I did shoot Şevket.
I shot Şevket, Zafer.
I took the gun from Bayram's safe
and shot Şevket with it.
Then a guy was strong-arming me.
I pushed him onto the tracks
and killed him.
But you know what, Zafer?
You know what the guy who I pushed
told me then?
That is Zafer's gun.
"That is Zafer's gun," he said.
It's your gun, Zafer.
I'd like to report a crime.
I know about a certain murder weapon.
It belongs to Zafer Yılmaz.
I know where it is.
I don't care what you do anymore.
Go tell the cops about Bayram's business.
Tell them about
what you did with that gun.
Excuse me. Clear the way.
Take care.
Come with us.
-I didn't do anything.
-Come on!
-Come on.
A lady is looking for you. She's there.
What's up? Did your husband write to you?
I need to do one last thing, Serdar.
When are you going back to Istanbul?
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