FC Bayern: Behind the Legend (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

You'll have to keep on filming
for a happy ending.
Now if we screw up the championship too,
we'll have the worst year
in a long time.
From Tuesday on, daily quick tests
and PCR only twice a week.
Great, thank you.
Test number 50. Thank you.
At least we still have the championship.
That's not so bad.
"That's not so bad," he says!
Ever won one?
How can you tell me,
"That's not so bad"?
He says that to me! Come on.
He says, "Not so bad.
The championship's not so bad."
He's never played in one, not once!
Of course it's not bad, dude.
Like I never played one.
- Ever won one in France?
I see.
- Idiot!
Not bad, he says!
Make sure you get a hat trick tomorrow.
One goal's enough if we don't concede.
You have to score it.
Just say,
"Yes, I'll score a hat trick tomorrow."
Okay guys, we'll start
with a warm up. Tomorrow's players
know the drill, go inside.
Everybody else does basic training here.
It will be relatively short today.
The next three games
are extremely important.
But I'll say more about that tomorrow,
when we're all here.
Okay, so enjoy your workout.
Let's run one lap.
Choupo is on my agenda today.
We want to renew his contract,
and now of course
the question is for how long.
Normally we have a rule that
if a player is over 31
we only do one-year contracts,
but in his case it's not that easy.
Once that rule is broken it stays
broken. So we gotta make up our minds.
That's why we have to talk about this
and decide together
where to go from here.
We need to find a solution together,
so that we all stand behind it.
Our financial situation means
we can't buy a new striker.
This is a huge point
where for once, perhaps,
due to the coronavirus situation,
we're financially not in a position
to play hardball.
25 appearances, eight times in the
starting eleven, and 17 substitutions.
Five goals. No assists.
I really want to hang on to him,
we want to hang on to him.
Give it a try. - Okay, let's start
negotiations and see what happens.
I still remember when it was
Uli Hoeneß, Karl Hopfner and I,
the entire Executive Board
was just the three of us.
Back then we had maybe
five transfers in the summer.
If three of them performed well,
we were happy.
Most importantly, the club has to have
a fundamental idea.
With a new head coach, we have to avoid
turning the whole system on its head
and then having the next one
turn it upside down again.
You have to have a strong
philosophy as a club.
If Yo loses this game,
he's not getting lunch today.
Goal! Alright.
He's saved his lunch.
We believe we have
a broad leadership at this club.
With other top clubs, responsibility for
team success may lie with two people.
We distribute that load on
5, 6 or 7 shoulders …
And behind them hungry young talents
with great potential,
who have the chance to grow here,
given the number of games we play.
We started in 2017.
We've been at the FC Bayern Campus in
northern Munich for almost four years.
It's four times the size
of Säbener Straße.
We have seven training fields here, and
a small stadium for the U19s and U17s.
It's an impressive site
with everything the youngsters need
to reach the next step
in their footballing careers.
FC Bayern must never forget
what it is that made it great.
Young players like Franz Beckenbauer,
Gerd Müller, Sepp Maier,
Owen Hargreaves, Schweinsteiger,
Lahm, Didi Hamann, just to name a few.
These are all
players who grew up with us.
In the evening, if you look from the
campus to the Allianz Arena all lit up,
I'm sure every young player sees that,
and they dream of playing there.
At FC Bayern
we're still primarily focused
on attracting every player from Bavaria
and signing them to the club.
Above U17 and U19,
the air gets thinner quality-wise,
so we have to keep our eye on
new talent in the wider German market,
and internationally as well.
Our most important partnership
is with FC Dallas,
a very good, established club
in the MLS.
We have 200 youth players on our campus.
In Dallas they're training a total
of 3,000 youth players.
We're regarded as the top developer
of youth and talent here in the US.
The partnership with FC Bayern
allows us to sign some of these players,
as they understand there's
a pathway between the two teams
and opportunities that exist.
The most prominent example
is Chris Richards,
plus two or three other players.
We saw we can benefit greatly
from the partnership.
Chris was one of the key players
last year for us,
also in the third division.
It's important for us to bring
young players to the professional field.
For economic reasons,
but above all for reasons of identity.
The Bavarian slogan "We are what
we are", Bayern Munich's self-image
of having to win titles, is something
our players have to learn too.
But on the other hand the boys need time
to mature, time to learn and to grow.
In the youth department,
you have to be careful
not to rush things.
But nevertheless I believe that overall,
the top teams in Europe will continue
to grow their focus on young players.
A nice note from Hansi.
You have to edit that in!
We had all the opportunities
but we just didn't take them.
Another day, another game. Next is the
Bundesliga, which is just as important.
Hello, everyone. Bayern play Wolfsburg
tomorrow in a clash of the top two.
Welcome to the sports media talk.
Hello, Hansi.
Mr. Flick, will you coach the national
team next season or stay at Bayern?
Your talks with Oliver Kahn,
has there been any progress?
Has there been a change in his attitude?
Did you talk about your future plans?
After exiting the Champions League
and the German Cup,
this will go down in history as
a disappointing season.
How do you go into these last games
with this the only title Bayern can win?
Right now the focus of all coaches,
players, the whole environment, the club
is completely on these three games
because they're very important.
Thank you everyone, have a nice weekend.
Until next time in Wolfsburg. Goodbye.
Let's go, 12 seconds, stay even,
stay in your lane.
The most important part
of every season is the Bundesliga.
This is what the clubs
are always focused on day to day.
This is my 10th championship.
So let's make this happen.
And then we can have a party for me.
The league title is the most
demanding one there is.
There are 34 games in the league, and
every single game is a brutal challenge.
So it's definitely no consolation prize.
It's not like I've won it 100 times.
All of our great successes
in recent years have obviously lessened
the prestige of becoming German
champions, because now everyone thinks
it's only a good season
if you win the Champions League.
And that's terrible.
We mustn't forget
when the Bundesliga was founded,
FC Bayern wasn't even in it.
The Munich team starts to
command the field …
Great movement, very precise …
Nice footwork …
Here comes Ohlhauser again. He scores.
As a boy, I think I was ten or twelve
years old, my uncle who lived in Munich
took me to a soccer game
on Grünwalder Straße to see TSV 1860.
That was the top team in Munich
at the time.
The South German champions
are TSV 1860 Munich.
Yugoslav goalkeeper
Radenkovic cannot hide his joy.
And the TSV 1860 fans
are cheering their heroes.
In 1963 the Bundesliga
was introduced throughout Germany.
And TSV 1860, back then the
more successful club here in Munich,
became a founding member
of the Bundesliga, not FC Bayern.
Back then we had a well-functioning,
solid team with good players
who wanted to get the chance
to play in the Bundesliga,
so they left the club. And FC Bayern
soon found itself without a team.
FC Bayern has always had,
I would say, visionary leaders.
Angelo Knorr was a homosexual
and stigmatized for it.
At the time his ideas were
modern and unconventional.
He organized friendlies against
English clubs to further their horizons.
Or Kurt Landauer, who suffered terrible
discrimination as a Jew in Germany.
He was a free spirit
who hired Hungarian coaches
and explored new ideas and tactics.
Fans in the south bank still honor him,
which I think is absolutely wonderful.
In the '60s and '70s, Wilhelm Neudecker
was another visionary president
who gave FC Bayern
a new direction for the future.
For instance, even though we weren't
in the Bundesliga at the time,
his goal was to become
Germany's number one sports club.
He brought in Tschik Čajkovski,
a Bundesliga coach.
And he put his faith in youth players.
They signed the best regional talent,
including players like Sepp Maier.
FC Bayern's number 1, Maier.
Sepp Maier. And again, Maier.
We were all around the age of 20, so we
were a very young team at the time.
Critics and insiders are
of the same opinion,
that Franz Beckenbauer is the greatest
talent in German soccer in years.
At just 20, he is an idol for the masses
and a genuine star for soccer fans.
The team was ready for new blood,
new energy, young players.
Munich defender Schwarzenbeck, No. 6, is
a perfect match with Franz Beckenbauer.
Hans-Georg Schwarzenbeck was the
best defensive companion for Franz.
He mopped everything up,
then Franz could pass where he wanted.
And Gator always teased him, saying,
"If you get to the center line,
pass and go back so we stay safe."
One of my greatest discoveries
was stubby little Müller.
It's an almost telepathic understanding.
Müller scores.
I will never forget that moment.
Coming from an amateur club
to FC Bayern,
that's incredible.
People felt that this club
really had something going on,
that they had a plan. They had
the courage to dream big dreams.
And I think that's the reason
so many dynamic young players
from our region
found their way to FC Bayern.
JUNE 26, 1965
And I don't have to tell you
what happened then.
Oh, nice polo, hope it fits.
Let me have a look! Thank you.
Another one, please.
Well, you know, it's kinda blurry.
Okay! Guess I'm ready.
I only wore this suit for the occasion.
It's not every day
a talent like you signs.
Now you don't need anyone else to sign
for you. You can do this yourself.
Yeah, he practiced his signature.
- You did?
That's good.
Are you happy, Jamal?
Be careful what you answer.
When you're done signing please look up.
Perfect. Yes.
Thank you.
Today there's a lot you can coach,
but one thing makes all the difference,
and that's attitude, the ability
to really develop the confidence,
even as a young man, to say,
"Hey, I can do all of this."
There's a great feeling around here,
even the weather's nice. Great memories.
How are you?
I lived here on campus
for about four months.
Then I moved in with my family,
but my time here was really nice.
My father and I used to practice drills
in the street or the garden.
He also taught me ball control,
running, and stuff like that.
All that helped me a lot.
I played for 7 or 8 years at Chelsea
and at 16 I got the offer
to go to FC Bayern.
My father is from Nigeria
and my mother from Stuttgart.
You had a really nice impact
on this place.
Good to see you!
- Man, you really have grown up.
Yeah, a bit, also got a bit stronger.
He always stood out to me.
He has a good first touch.
Wonderful dribbling. He passes and goes,
he wants the return pass.
See you later.
- Keep on doing that. Or better.
Take care.
I told Hansi I would invite
a young player I liked.
Hansi said sure, and then afterwards,
"He can come anytime."
After that Jamal always trained with us.
Bambi! If you compare a picture of Bambi
with a picture of Jamal,
there's a resemblance.
I mean, not the face, but the body.
Jamal is like everyone's little brother.
He came in
when a lot of injuries were going on,
and he showed he can play at this level.
It was obvious when he started
the match against Lazio. Utterly calm.
And he was just 17.
Yeah, he was relatively relaxed
and relatively cheeky.
And it was clear that he could handle
real pressure. He could make it someday.
Taking the leap is one thing, but to
establish yourself is something else.
That doesn't even happen
one in a hundred times.
Pass from the left to Musiala
and there is the goal.
Pretty courageous of the boy.
He is the youngest Champions League
goalscorer in FC Bayern's history.
He hasn't achieved anything yet.
He has a good contract, congratulations!
He plays for Bayern Munich, he's been
asked to play on the national team.
Everything looks great.
But now come the critical steps
that he has to prove he can take.
APRIL 16, 2021
The financial news is always about
problems. You're always too late to buy.
If Leipzig fail to win
against Hoffenheim tonight,
then in Wolfsburg we can take a big step
towards winning the Bundesliga.
He got it, right?
No, no …
Alright, calm down everybody.
We need to relax.
We're totally calm.
I am calm.
Whoa, it's alright!
There's the one point.
One more corner.
- Who'll be German champions?
It's gonna be a happy ending.
- No, wait …
No, no, no …
I don't believe it.
That's unbelievable.
- I don't believe it.
No! How could he award another corner?
- There was a foul before.
I can't believe this.
Ah! Hand ball! Hand ball!
It'll be disallowed.
No, it'll be disallowed.
Any hand ball when a goal is scored …
That's gotta suck for them.
But look at the slowmo!
There's clearly no hand ball. Come on!
Unfortunately not, what a bummer.
No goal.
Ah! Hey! He finally comes out of
his dungeon. You missed a big thing.
Hand ball, hand ball.
You're on this bus right here,
Leroy, over there.
Hansi, you're on this bus. Danny here.
And Scotty, take that bus.
All set!
Six games to go
in the Bundesliga season,
and the future of Bayern head coach
Hansi Flick is still unclear.
Will he go to the DFB
or will he stay at FC Bayern?
Some stories you do get tired of, but it
is a strange situation for FC Bayern.
Maybe it's a consequence
of having won everything.
You can see in his face that something's
eating at him, churning inside,
that he has
a very difficult decision to make.
Finally, I think you've decided
what you'll do after the summer …
That's what you think,
I don't have to answer that.
Okay. Thanks.
- Good. Thanks.
One of the most difficult tasks
in the Bundesliga.
FC Bayern face VfL Wolfsburg away
just four days
after their match in Paris.
A very important step towards their
9th German league title in a row.
In the line-up today Jamal Musiala.
First chance for FC Bayern.
Choupo, keep at it. That's good.
Musiala against Mbabu,
a tough matchup.
Through, through!
FC Bayern dominating,
here's Alphonso Davies.
Great movement with Jamal Musiala
and he finishes.
Score is 1-0!
Jamal Musiala.
The boy's got it, eh?
And again with Musiala,
this time to Alaba.
Goalkeeper Casteels makes a mistake
and Choupo-Moting takes the shot.
2-0. FC Bayern dominating
the game in every aspect,
but here's a counter from Schlager,
and here is Weghorst.
Here come Bayern again.
Attack led by Pavard,
Thomas Müller takes over,
cross to Musiala
and he scores.
Hey. With a header!
What a crazy game so far. Next chance!
Now Wolfsburg,
with Weghorst, but here comes Neuer.
Ottavio has time to cross …
Maximilian Philipp!
Musiala advances, what a great game!
Here comes Müller …
over to Musiala but it goes nowhere.
Three big points closer to the title.
Go, guys!
Eight minutes left to play.
Good ball, good ball!
Are you ready to defend?
Five minutes? How?
- Five minutes' injury time added.
Hey, final whistle …
That's enough!
Okay guys!
Johnny …
Guys, guys! Listen.
I have something to tell you.
I believe we have a powerful connection,
a very special relationship.
It's important to me that I tell you
this, and you don't hear it elsewhere.
I told the club …
After the game against Paris this week
I said that
I will be quitting after this season
and don't want to continue.
I made this decision
for several reasons.
For me it was and still is …
the ultimate joy to work with you.
You have grit and determination
unlike anything I've ever seen.
So, thank you for this wonderful
and very successful time we've had.
It obviously wasn't easy for me to make
this decision, but how can I put it?
I just can't do it anymore, I'm done
being the tough guy to the public.
I hope you and the club understand.
Thanks again for everything, guys.
Let's continue. We have five more games,
so let's get the job done
and do it right.
Thank you, guys. Yeah, that's it.
I'm not doing it. I'm only doing SKY!
Do I really have to say it three times?
Sorry, Hansi, if you don't,
they'll think something's wrong.
So I'm afraid you have to do it.
Guess your mailbox is exploding?
Yes, possibly
there were moments
when we should have asked ourselves
if we should have tried harder.
Or communicated more
instead of just plowing ahead?
Blaming everything on Hasan
is a very short-sighted,
extremely short-sighted point of view.
He wanted success. I wanted success.
I have great respect
for his work as a coach.
And that will endure.
To win these six titles …
What an incredible success.
I think that Hansi
would definitely have stayed with us
had he not been offered the chance to be
head coach of the German national team.
It seems that's the pinnacle
of what a coach can achieve.
But the media will still give you a slap
in the face when you lose a game.
So that won't change,
Hansi will realize.
If you just watched the news a little,
you kind of had an idea it was coming.
Of course I hope,
from a selfish point of view, that he
takes over the national team in summer.
Otherwise it would be a real shame
if we completely lost him as a coach,
from the players' perspective.
He's won everything with Bayern, and I
hope we can do that with him at the DFB.
that does nothing for David.
We didn't know there were problems.
As a player you don't always realize.
But you don't leave a team like this
for no reason. - Yes,
that's right.
I'm not happy about it. But of course
you have to accept it and respect that.
Like I said …
Everyone has to make their own decision.
And that's exactly what happened here.
He and the team were very close,
they had a very powerful bond.
And you could feel that
right up to the end.
When Hansi said he was leaving,
you saw how emotional it was,
how hard it was for him
and for the players to accept.
I think there was also
a little bit of relief.
And in my opinion,
maybe it was even a little too late.
I think everyone has to deal with that
as they will.
Personally, I would have loved
to see him continue at Bayern,
because he really could have
created an era.
A year and a half is no era.
That was just a very successful period.
But the late '60s
and the '70s, that was an era.
That was FC Bayern's era,
when the myth was born.
When FC Bayern came into the Bundesliga,
they were considered
a young, charming team, like SC Freiburg
today. You can't imagine that now.
They were voted the most likeable
Bundesliga team.
We were all young guys at the time,
and out of the 15 of us,
10 had been in the youth team together.
So we knew each other. On promotion
to the Bundesliga, we were 18, 19, 20.
And we all stayed together.
We were one unit, fully committed.
Good friends will never be separated
You knew each other so well. At times
you'd have an argument, or even a fight.
But it would blow over
and we'd pull together for the match.
That's the way it was.
We came third in our first year
in the Bundesliga, and we won the cup.
In that first year we showed right away
that we really belonged there.
The following year they won
the UEFA Cup Winners' Cup.
This showed how good
this well-practiced team was.
And four years later
they won the double.
We all want to warmly congratulate
the new German champions.
In terms of how Bundesliga clubs
including FC Bayern financed themselves,
ticket sales at games were huge,
with large takings
from international friendlies.
When we won the European Cup
or the World Cup,
we had to take advantage of these titles
to earn money again.
So we had to travel and play
in Peru, and Brazil, and Mexico.
We played on Monday and Wednesday,
flew back on Thursday,
and on Saturday we played Bundesliga.
That wasn't unusual,
it was often the case.
Welcome to Brussels Heysel Stadium.
It is a great evening for football,
a wonderful evening for the European
Cup final between German champions
Bayern Munich and Atletico Madrid.
I remember this was a rough game,
a dull back and forth.
Only nine minutes left on the clock
in extra time.
Till that free kick!
And Luis with a wonderful free kick
over the wall.
What a shot by Luis.
Now Bayern will really
start feeling the pressure.
Only five minutes left on the clock.
In the 120th minute, just before
full time, we'd basically lost.
We were already done,
then came Schwarzenbeck.
In the last second, not even minute,
he crossed the halfway line, he didn't
know what else to do and shot at goal.
Schwarzenbeck, yes!
Schwarzenbeck scores the equalizer!
And there it is again.
That glorious moment of ecstasy
when all the myths and legends are born.
And now there's going to have to
be a rematch.
Back then we still had the replay rule.
It was unbelievable,
we didn't even have toothbrushes.
Nobody expected to play again on Friday.
And now Hoeneß almost has a free path.
He's gotta go alone, nobody's with him.
Hoeness executes and scores.
On the Friday we just
crushed Atletico Madrid. We won 4-0.
An almost hopelessly beaten team
became the superior team
thanks to goals from Uli Hoeneß,
and that led to three more goals.
The greatest trophy that can be won
is now claimed by German champions
FC Bayern from Munich.
That was the launch for us winning the
Cup Winners' Cup three times in a row.
Hi! Choupo-Moting!
I have a meeting. Thanks.
Enjoy your breakfast.
- Shall I clear the tables for you?
No, thanks.
We wanted to talk with you briefly
about the situation
and let you know that we absolutely want
to keep you here at the club.
We'll have to talk
about the duration of your new contract.
We've seen the part you play
in the team.
Especially towards the end,
when you played,
you took your chances …
So it makes sense
not only for that reason
but also because you're
an asset to our team.
I may not be a big scorer
or finisher like Lewandowski,
but every game I go in.
And I tell myself
that I want to perform well,
I want to help the team,
and if possible score a goal
or provide an assist.
But I see myself as a team player.
- We talked after the Leipzig game.
- It was really about your performance.
For us the first half was flawless!
Getting thrown into the game
and the way you handled it.
That was good, really good.
For all the new players
like Choupo, Leroy,
Marc Roca, Sarr, Tanguy,
and of course everyone else too,
we want to win the league.
You don't win titles by cutting costs,
you win titles by making more money.
That's the bottom line, and that doesn't
only apply to professional sports.
I would say
the same thing is true of any industry.
Of course we do acquisitions.
Cold calls too.
We always watch the market closely.
Sounds great!
We used the treble
and then the recent "sextuple"
to establish FC Bayern as a strong brand
looking for new partners.
And here it is. Let's take a look.
A lot of people think that we have
potential partners lined up and waiting.
No, our partners have to be
a good fit for us.
We too have to save,
and that's what we are doing in fact.
We're not really flush with cash,
and our savings account is melting away.
Take field number one, for example.
The privacy screen Pep Guardiola wanted.
Do we get an electrical solution?
Or a manual solution? Sounds trivial,
but it's 150,000 euro difference.
Just half a yard more.
Let me try it from this side.
Now every time we have a
training session without spectators,
our staff have to close the curtains.
It's cheaper, because our staff
are there anyway.
So drawing the curtains
has saved 150,000 euros.
Thanks for saving all that money.
We have to be attractive.
We have to be attractive to our fans,
to our partners, to sponsors,
and thus increase our income, rather
than me rationing cookies and water.
These are the things that
we've been doing very well lately.
Seeing the spaces, then getting in them
or switching positions.
even before the third-last matchday,
we can close it down.
I want professionals out there,
ready to win the next three points.
We're here to win,
we're here to get the job done. Okay?
First take out the crates of beer.
The champagne is in the laundry crate.
We only take one crate of beer for us.
Good afternoon and welcome to Mainz,
welcome to a potentially historic
Bundesliga afternoon.
Bayern Munich, they have
a clear mission here today
to win the 9th title in succession.
Goal! What was that?
Jonathan Burkhardt takes a shot
after not even three minutes
and Manuel Neuer doesn't look
too good in that situation.
Gets the cross into the center …
Oh dear, and here is a header,
nearly an own goal there.
I don't believe this! What is he doing?
With a ten-point lead and four more
games, you think, "What can go wrong"?
Good free kick position,
and maybe another risky situation
for Manuel Neuer.
Far too many mistakes.
Much, much, much too many mistakes here.
2-1 the victory for Mainz.
The Bayern players have to be
disappointed as Bayern Munich fail.
We just weren't good today.
We didn't have any opportunities.
Guys, that was
the worst performance I've seen so far.
Now it's time to get to work.
Up until now it's only been idle banter.
We will meet up with the new coach.
And we'll have a conversation with him.
There are so many things
we need to discuss,
and views to exchange in advance.
When is the game tonight? It's at
eight, right? We could watch together.
He wants to watch completely focused,
as that's our next opponent.
That's great! He can give us
his impressions right away.
I guess it must be somewhere over there.
He's waiting at the door?
- That's what he said.
He looks like a schoolboy.
Creative Supervisor: D. Mark Skibo
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