Feels Like Ishq (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

The Interview

Battery is easily replaceable…
Where are the interviews happening?
That way, ma'am. On the fourth floor.
Thank you.
Token number 25. Please go in.
-Shireen what?
Your token number is 40.
Rajeev what?
-Rajeev Mohan.
-Rajeev Mohan.
Your token number is 41.
Shall I go in?
No, we'll call you by token number.
You have to wait.
Shahana Sheikh.
Shahana Sheikh. Your token number is 42.
Please be seated.
We'll call out your number.
Hey, what did they ask?
Just a few technical questions
about the fridge. It's easy.
And how much is the commission?
Five percent.
But the ad says 7.5 percent.
Reading that won't get you a job.
Braxton has launched three more fridges
since then. They are on sale, too.
This catalogue…
It seems to be from 2018.
Token number 34?
It's your turn now.
They asked him about the fridge,
so we'll be asked something else.
Like what?
Maybe about the oven,
or about the washing machine.
Actually, it could also be about the AC.
Take a look at latestgadgets.com.
You'll find everything.
Get a job in interior design firm.
Save at least 15,000 rupees
in five months.
Buy a TV for Dad.
Keep a daily journal.
Join English speaking classes.
Redecorate my bedroom.
Design my own house.
Thank you, sir.
Learn four new languages.
I just got a call.
My fourth job offer.
Fifteen thousand salary is confirmed.
No commission-related hassles.
Well… I need your help.
What kind of help?
This OTG oven,
LED, LCD… Everything is like
Jayasurya-Kunchacko Boban to me.
Malayali actors? They both look alike.
If you could give me
some interview tips, I'd get the job.
Why should I help you?
You're leaving anyway,
without going on the interview. So…
I'm just going for a cup of tea.
It will take a couple of hours
before it's our turn.
By the way, I can give you tips
over tea as well.
How much?
It's okay.
Yeah, I don't have change.
-I left home early this morning…
-Feeling very hungry.
-No. I'll take it.
It's okay. I'll take it.
Even I am hungry.
Is it your first interview?
And no job.
I am a superstar in Kerala.
I mean, in my village.
I am a superstar in Kodanad.
But here…
My Hindi is…
Nervous. Fully flop.
No need to worry.
Who doesn't have an accent in Bombay?
Some don't know English,
others don't know Hindi.
The main thing is to work hard
and be prepared.
Everything else gets sorted out here.
If there's…
only one position left, 41 or 42,
you or me,
then you'll get the job.
I am sure of it.
You already have four job offers.
You are in a good situation.
Yes, but…
I haven't gotten the job
that I really want.
I just want one job.
Any job! Then I can call
my father and say, "See…
I am not useless."
How can I get through this interview?
First of all,
don't wear checkered shirts like that.
It's not in fashion in Bombay.
I have another one.
It's nice, no?
Come on.
-Let's go.
-But it's not checkered.
-You are leaving?
You really took me seriously
about the checkered shirt.
-Hey, where are we going? Interview?
You are a superstar, right?
So, come on, show me.
Excuse me?
Can you show us a fridge, please?
Sure, ma'am. How many liters?
At least 600 liters.
We have a very big kitchen.
This is a Braxton.
Affordable, performs great, comes with
a one-year warranty and is made in India.
Don't you have any questions?
How much does it cost?
Don't we have an AC from them, Ahmed?
-Do we? Yes.
-We do.
-You don't like it, do you?
You complain all day long
that it doesn't cool the room.
-Please show us something else.
It's okay if it is expensive.
Sure, ma'am. I know what you need.
Ma'am, take a look at this one.
This is the superstar of fridges.
It will be perfect for your big house.
The most premium brand.
I bought it for my own family.
And the best people deserve the best.
Does it follow the standards of
the Toronto Agreement?
Sorry. I don't have information on that,
but I'll just check and come.
Give me a minute.
New name… I like it.
Look at how calm he was under pressure.
This is the way to crack the interview.
When you don't know what to say,
cook up a sweet little story
and make them emotional.
Even after discount
and cashback, it's 95,499.
It's very costly. How can he afford it?
What do you think?
That he really bought that fridge
on a salesman's salary?
And this Toronto Agreement?
I just made it up to show you.
If you don't know the answer, be like,
"Sorry, I'll check and get back to you."
Don't try to bluff
and say something stupid.
-Hi! Show me this TV, please.
-Sure, sir.
-I'm not interested in a TV.
Why? I'm interested.
Good morning, sir. Good morning, ma'am.
This is a Bixer, 85 inches.
With Wi-Fi, HDR…
with 120 watt speakers.
-And 3D.
Thank you.
You are a coward.
You can ask me to marry you
without having a job,
but you can't ask your brother
for your share of money.
Why are you so scared of your family?
Not everyone is like you.
And stop reminding me
that I don't have a job.
I'm looking for a job, I'll get one.
Then a loan,
a house and marriage. That's it.
Keep being taken for a ride all your life.
Taller than Burj Khalifa!
Eiffel Tower.
Taller than Burj Khalifa, no?
No. Burj Khalifa is taller.
Once I get a job,
I can stay anywhere with you.
And why are you
so obsessed over a fridge and TV?
A person should have ambitions, Ahmed.
You don't get a job sitting at home.
It's not about a TV, I can buy one myself.
The problem is that you are too laidback.
Get some fire in your belly!
It's been seven days.
His phone is also switched off.
Ahmed must be stressed about something.
Why else would he leave
after lunch one afternoon,
wearing just his slippers?
They didn't find his body anywhere,
not near the train tracks or the sea.
Did he tell you something?
Did he say anything before leaving?
Sir, ma'am?
So how did you like the new television?
-After the discount, it'll come to…
Correct, sir.
Such a small discount? Better you give us
a free Bluetooth speaker of the same cost.
Sir, one request, sir.
Can I go to the washroom?
Just five minutes break, sir.
Why weren't you interested in the TV?
Well, I have a friend,
Well, I have a friend, Shahnaz.
She had a boyfriend, Sahil.
One day,
they had a stupid fight over a TV.
He left in anger and never came back.
Since then, whenever I see a TV,
I am reminded of him.
Sahil or…
God! We are late! Shit!
Last time, token number 41!
-Hey, remember! Confidence.
How many positions are left?
There's only one position left.
It's between the two of you.
If he gets selected,
they might not call you.
You don't have experience,
or qualifications.
How will you do the job?
I am very sincere, sir.
-Everyone says that.
-But I really am.
-Hello, sir.
-I'm calling from Shah & Shah Architects.
-Yes, sir.
Are you busy?
No, I was just waiting for your call.
A customer comes to buy an oven.
She sees the price and is about to leave.
How will you stop her?
Sir, I'll show her a good oven,
and say, "I bought it last year
for my own family."
"Best people deserve the best oven."
They wouldn't know
that I haven't actually bought it.
That's the trick, sir.
You can't speak Hindi?
Hindi? I can, sir.
Little accent.
Everyone in Mumbai has one.
Right? Sir, accent?
-Is that so?
How many candidates are left?
There's one more candidate left.
But, sir, they promised me that--
The market is down these days
and we have put the position on hold.
-All the best.
Thank you, sir.
Token number 42!
Token number 42!
Sir, it seems she has left.
So, sir… I think
giving same value free gift
is much better
than useless small discounts.
I mean, I think we can increase the sale
by at least 17 percent with this idea.
Yes, sir, I think so. I really think so.
And, sir, between us,
I have a suggestion to make.
Here, in this building,
I think we need a staff toilet
close to the gallery.
No matter how fast you are,
I mean, the customers are going to leave.
They don't have to wait.
Give the rest of your suggestions…
after you start working.
-And starting tomorrow…
Clean shave?
Sure, sir.
This is a Bixer, 85 inches.
Wi-Fi, HDR,
with 120 watt Bluetooth speakers.
-What is the price?
-295,000 after discount.
Ma'am, it comes with three years warranty.
How many speakers does it have?
There are four speakers with it.
It's a home theater.
It'll be amazing for your home.
It will brighten it up.
Hello, Dad?
I got the job, Dad.
I will start tomorrow.
Dad, I'll call you back.
I'll call later
to let you know the details.
How was your interview?
Very good.
We'll be colleagues starting tomorrow?
The thing you said about the accent,
it saved me.
They are offering 12,000…
and commission on top of that.
If all goes well,
by the end of two years and two months,
I can send money to my dad.
To build a house.
I will buy a fridge for my mother.
So you really wanted to buy a fridge?
Why? Don't you
really want to buy that big TV?
How long has it been…
since Ahmed disappeared?
How do you say "Goodbye" in Malayalam?
I learn five words
in a new language everyday.
I know Malayalam konjam-konjam.
I want to tell you something.
Konjam-konjam is not Malayalam,
it's Tamil.
Try and relax a little.
With so much pressure, the brain…
will explode!
I can't help it. Since I was a kid,
I'm used to scoring top marks.
I guess I'll learn gradually…
how to fail.
Kaanam… Actually,
"Kaanam" doesn't mean bye, it means…
I'll see you.
Give me your number.
I'll give you a missed call.
If you get a call for the job,
let me know.
If you get it, will you accept?
Let's see.
At least the interview went well.
Ten months.
It has been ten months since Ahmed left.
I didn't ask you what your name is.
Do you like watching movies?
Only with good company and Thums Up.
You'll get both.
Saturday, at 6:00 p.m.?
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